What's the Truth Pt. 3

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I told Keith, “I have to make a phone call. I’ll be back.” Keith told me, “Everyone wants to talk.” I told him, “I know. I’ll talk, I just….I need to talk to someone.” Keith nodded, “I’ll cover. Go on.” I flashed out of the house and back to my treehouse. I pulled out my phone. I scrolled to the contact I wanted and debated. This would be embarrassing. It’s not like everyone didn’t know he was good at s*x. Haley and Eric had caused several pack booms because he pleased her in bed so much. They were outside but still. I closed my eyes. I had to know. He would tell me. I called him. He answered, “Keaton. Are you alright?” I said, “Yes, well..no..I’m physically fine…I just….you said we could talk and…” Eric told me, “Of course we can. What’s going on?” I ran my hands through my hair, “I need you to honestly answer something for me.” Eric replied, “I’ve never lied to you. I’ll always answer you honestly.” I told him, “It’s embarrassing. I’m supposed to be good at this, but….” Eric asked, “Good at what?” I groaned, “s*x. Lisa says I’m bad at it. She gives me reports about how bad I am. Not like a page either, several pages long. The first one was ten pages front and back. They are detailed. It started the first time we had s*x. Melanie probably heard it….” Eric growled, “She didn’t or she would’ve shot her. What a b***h!” I replied, “That doesn’t mean she’s wrong. I just…things got….heated and s****l with my new girlfriend…well, I haven’t asked her but I’m going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I mentioned something that was standard with Lisa and me. She acted like I was crazy. She was muttering about me trying to kill her by orgasm. I just don’t know if she’s…inexperienced.” Eric asked, “Wasn’t Lisa? I am certain I was told you were each other’s first.” I told him, “We were…it’s just….” I trailed off. Eventually Eric asked me, “What did you say that Katie acted like you were crazy?” I snorted, “Clara thought it was crazy too. I…I ordered us pizza. Well, Ken did. I linked Ken to do it. I….we were messing around and I got her off once. Ken knocked and interrupted things. She said after we ate it was my turn. It couldn’t be my turn though because she only got off once.” Eric asked, “What? Ok, when is it supposed to be your turn?” I sighed, “After ten times.” Eric was silent. Eventually he said, “Ok…no. Just no. I’ve done that to Haley during her concupiscence with toys when I need breaks. That’s not a common occurrence. I’m not talking out of my ass here either, Keaton. I’ve been around a time or two. I’m very big on my partner getting pleasure and enjoying what we do. Ten to one as an every time and not a specific circumstance is insane. Giving some reports is…wrong. Did she do it a lot?” I snorted, “After every time. I just….I want to be good enough for my new girlfriend. She’s…..important.” Eric growled, “Keaton, it’s biologically impossible for you to be bad. You’re right. Alpha’s are good at s*x. Supernatural’s are in general. Also, if you were bad you wouldn’t be able to get her off once let alone ten times. Getting someone off ten times is impressive. I would very much like to see my Angel kill this girl. I wish Melanie had shot her. Jesus. Every time? Keaton, I don’t know why she’s trying to undermine you this way. I’m sure Haley could tell me. I did help her study for some of her exams though. It sounds like she’s a classic narcissist and abuser. She’s trying to put you down so you only want her. If she’s telling you she’s honest and no one else is….it’s her. She’s the liar, Keaton.” I was silent. Eric continued, “What she was doing was very unhealthy. To treat you that way is appalling. I’m all about having a healthy s*x life which to me includes open and honest communication. I want to know what Haley likes and doesn’t like. I don’t want to do things she doesn't like. I haven’t really found anything she doesn’t, but there are things I’m not comfortable with because of her past. We don’t do those things. We’ve talked about them. We are honest with each other. Treating someone and wanting to cut them down the way she did with you is very unhealthy.” I cringed and asked, “Am I…small? She never wanted me to be naked after shifting because she said it was embarrassing for an Alpha to be so…inadequate.” God. I needed to stop talking. Immediately. I heard Eric’s growl from our territory. He yelled, “WHAT?! SHE SAID THAT?! You’ve got to f*****g be kidding me! Keaton, I know we don’t stare at people after they shift, but I’m sure you’ve noticed your siblings. Jesus Christ, no. The answer is no.” I stopped him, “This stays…with us right?” Eric told me, “Of course it will. Nothing she said….god… All of that is untrue, Keaton. Literally every word. I’ve seen you shift. It’s not true. You should talk to your dad about this.” I snorted, “It’s embarrassing.” Eric replied, “Not for you. She lied to control you. Or to keep you from wanting to date other people. She…god no wonder she always hides from my Angel. How f*****g dare she.” Keith linked me, “Is that call wrapping up?” I answered, “I’m coming back.” I told Eric, “I have to go. The family wants to talk to me.” Eric replied, “About that. Drunk Melanie is even more of a rambler than sober Melanie. She mentioned some getaway you and Lisa had. How Lisa complained and hurt your feelings. I’d warn you that they knew you were dating someone, but they did know. Emmett was just fishing for any details Melanie had. I’m filling in the blanks of what you were stressed out about. For the record, my new daughter in law is a horrible liar.” I snorted, “So, I’ve heard.” Emmett said it was really bad. Eric continued, “Yes, well the horrible liar said with a straight face that what you pulled off at that getaway was impressive and romantic. She even mentioned twinkling lights.” I winced. Lisa had yelled at me for days for that. She said it was not romantic or special enough. I told Eric, “She wanted a presidential suite or something more romantic.” Eric told me, “The presidential suite isn’t what makes it romantic, Keaton. My Angel likes it when I take her out on a fancy date, but she also loves those intimate moments where it’s just us. That’s romantic too. Making someone think they have to spend their money on you to make something romantic is shallow. Also, it means they want your money, not you. You deserve far better than the likes of her.” I whispered, “Thanks, Eric.” He replied, “Anytime. Trust the new girlfriend. She seems much more grounded than the ex.” I snorted, “You have no idea. Thanks again.” Eric told me, “Have a good night Keaton.” I hung up. I stared around me. Was everything wrong? Why would Lisa lie to me and tear me down about all that stuff? Did she just not know? I was her first. I knew I was a little bigger than Justin. I looked. I know he did too. Was she pitting us against each other? I shook myself and ran back to the house. I climbed up into my window and came down the stairs. My parents, Keith, Emmett and Alexandria were there. Everyone looked over at me. I decided to break the silence, “I need to speak to Emmett before…we talk about whatever this is.” Emmett stood and flashed into his office. I followed him. I shut the door and instantly apologized, “I’m sorry about yesterday. I was fighting with Katie, but that wasn’t your fault. I felt off balance. I didn’t know if I’d f****d up so bad with her if she’d ever want to talk to me again. She’s worried you guys won’t like her, and….I am too. You questioned if she was controlling me and I flashed back to all those conversations about Lisa. I don’t want to do that with Katie.” Emmett was clearly surprised. He said, “Apology accepted. I can smell she does in fact want to see you, so that’s good. I don’t think Katie is like Lisa. Immy has said her aura is pure. She does not have nice things to think about Lisa’s aura. I was just asking the questions I needed to. I don’t feel like I protected you adequately from Lisa. I won’t make that mistake again. Having said that, I like you with Katie. I can’t wait to meet her officially. I did see her, but that’s not the same. I’m sorry you felt that question was an attack on her, it wasn’t. It’s clear she doesn't know about our world. I wasn’t suggesting she was doing anything nefarious or underhanded. What else is bothering you?” I snorted, “A lot. I feel like everything I thought I knew was wrong.” Emmett came over and gave me a hug. I nearly broke down. I felt overwhelmed. I held him tightly. Emmett whispered, “It’s going to be ok, Keaton.” Maybe it was now that I was with Odette and not Lisa. Why couldn’t I ever leave her? I wasn’t raised to think treating people like she did was acceptable. We pulled apart and walked out into the living room. My mom stood. She asked, “What did that b***h do when you were sixteen?” I’d have frozen if I hadn’t spoken to Eric. I shrugged, “I tried to do a big romantic gesture. She didn’t like it.” Keith frowned, “You were really excited about it.” I answered, “She was not.” Emmett spoke from behind me, “Melanie seemed to think she hurt your feelings. That you were stressed out about something.” I was. She’d given me my first report. I was glad we were inside when Lisa had given it to me, or Melanie would’ve heard her. My mom said, “Don’t think I don’t know exactly when this was. We barely saw you for months when you were sixteen. What. did. She. do?” My dad grabbed her arm. She shook him off, “No. There will be no more calm down sweetheart. She hurt my son. Melanie said that she complained the entire time. She stressed him out, there is something between you boys that I don’t know, and there’s something with Frank. SHE HIT HIM! Was that the first time she hit you, Keaton?” Oh s**t. I didn’t want to say anything. Lisa would slap me, but it’s not like it hurt. She threw things when she was mad too. I often dodged those. She’d only get me if I wasn’t paying attention. Keith linked me, “She hit you before?!” I answered, “Not really.” My mom’s eyes narrowed, “Humor me. What does ‘not really’ mean?” I shrugged, “She’s slapped me. It doesn’t hurt. She throws things when she’s mad, but I’m faster than she is. It didn’t often hit me. That was the first time she punched me. It also didn’t hurt.” They all stared at me. My mom hissed, “I want her GONE! I want her out of here. NOW CHASE!” Emmett said, “Grandpa and I have been looking for a pack to take her. Her reputation precedes her. Our allies around here would take her, but grandpa and I don’t think it’s far enough.” Now we all stared at him. Emmett shrugged, “We don’t like her either. She can’t assault people. She’s getting bolder. She hit you in private. Now she’s doing it in public. What were you talking about outside, Keaton?” I flushed. I shouldn’t have said anything. My grandpa swooped in, “That’s where I come into the conversation, and everyone else takes a walk. Preferably to the gym. Off you all go.” He shooed them out of the house. We stared at each other for several moments. He walked over and poured two glasses of whiskey. He handed one to me. He said, “I take it your new girl told you that you weren’t bad…at things. Or that ten times wasn’t normal. Ken found that funny. I knew what was really going on, but Ken linked Tyler who told Emmett. I happened to hear them both. They think you’re trying to impress the new girl. They don’t know the real reason, but I do. I told you those reports were lies.” I sighed, “I talked to Eric. He said a lot of what she said about me was wrong. I know you wouldn’t lie to me, but you’re my grandpa; you could be biased.” My grandpa snorted, “I love you, Keaton. I’m sorry I didn’t do more about Lisa. I never liked her.” I asked, “Who did?” He responded, “You.” I asked, “Did I? Did you see Katie when you did your patrol?” My grandpa said, “No, she wasn’t at the window. Immy was worried something fierce about her.” I told him, “She’s ok now.” My grandpa laughed, “I’d hope so.” He clapped me on the shoulder and walked out. I waited in Emmett’s office. He flashed in after an hour. He looked at me in surprise. Alexandria came in and shut the door. He asked, “Keaton?” I told him, “Melanie pointed out I can ask you for help as the lead Alpha.” Emmett eyebrows raised, “Of course you can. I’m not just your brother.” I sighed, “Lisa is making things hard for Katie. I didn’t get the full story yet, but I heard Katie say Lisa locked her in a closet.” Emmett growled, “That wasn’t in the police report. I’ll look into it. Ted and Matt heard her talking. I’ll ask them.” I frowned, “That doesn’t make sense. A pack member was the police officer talking to her.” Emmett rubbed his face. He said, “I’ll look into it. Katie doesn’t understand how we handle things. She could press charges against Lisa. She’d deserve it, but Lisa seems to love saying Katie isn’t supernatural then treats her like she is one. That girl is going to give me a coronary. I’ll look into what happened, Keaton. If Katie tells you the full story let me know. I’ll figure out why it wasn’t reported.” I nodded. I started to leave. Emmett said, “You know I’ll talk to you about anything you want.” I turned, “You want to know what Grandpa knows.” Emmett nodded, “Yes. I also wonder why you looked relieved when I said Melanie heard you guys. It’s like there’s something she didn’t hear that you’re relieved about.” I whispered, “It’s embarrassing.” Emmett frowned, “I don’t understand what that means, Keaton. So, you had an elaborate surprise Lisa didn’t like? She’s a very materialistic person. That’s not embarrassing.” I told him, “I’m not embarrassed she didn’t like it. I feel dumb thinking she would ever like it, honestly. I’d been dating her for two years. I knew she didn’t like cabins. I should’ve known better.” Emmett told me, “You are many things. Dumb is not one of them. Our warriors told me you were talking to Eric at the border. I’ll talk to you too.” I snorted, “You’d be pissed.” Emmett said, “From what I heard, he wasn’t happy. He fought his brothers when he got home and didn’t talk about what pissed him off.” I was touched that Eric cared that much about me. I told him, “We talked about Katie and Lisa. If you know, then dad does too. Is he mad?” Emmett shook his head, “No, dad isn’t mad.” I asked, “Then what is he?” Emmett snorted, “Have you been hanging out with the betas? Dad’s a little sad you don’t think you can talk to him, but he’s happy you’re talking to someone.” I told him, “It’s not that I don’t want to talk to you guys. It’s just…” I trailed off. Channing took over, “He thinks it’s embarrassing because you guys are strong Alpha wolves.” I linked him, “Normally, I’d be pissed at you for that, but I wasn’t going to tell him.” Emmett responded, “You’re also a strong Alpha so I’m not seeing what is embarrassing about it.” I told him, “I’m not like you, Emmett. You've always been fast and strong. I’ve had to work really hard to be strong.” Emmett titled his head, “What are you talking about? I’m the fastest wolf around besides Melanie. The little goddess wolf just swooped in and stole my thing.” He winked at me. I laughed. Alexandria spoke, “She told you that, didn’t she?” Emmett asked, “What?” I turned. Alexandria said, “That’s what happened yesterday. You came home ready to fight. Then Lisa was linking you and you deflated. Just like you did when Emmett would put missions together and asked if you would go. You always started out excited. Then you and Lisa would link, and you’d hunch your shoulders and back down. She told you that you weren’t good enough.” Emmett said, “That’s ridiculous. I wouldn’t even ask if I didn’t think he could do it, Alexandria. He knows that.” Alexandria didn’t break eye contact with me. Emmett growled, “SHE’S RIGHT?! Keaton, I would never place you in danger. You have to know that.” I whispered, “I thought you didn’t want to hurt my feelings. I’m weaker than you.” I looked at the floor. Emmett said, “Look at me, little brother.” He told me, “You are not weak. You never have been. Son of b***h. I hate that girl. She has to go, Alexandria. She has to. Every time I turn around she’s done something else to him. She made him think I was being f*****g nice?! Keaton, when have I not pushed you guys in training? If anything, I’m too hard on you guys. I would never ask you to do something out of any sort of kindness if I thought you could get hurt.” I shrugged, “You could cover me with Keith and then one of you would hurt. Or dad.” Alexandria snarled. Then took a deep breath. Emmett pointed out, “You handled yourself just fine yesterday. You know that, right? We didn’t cover you. You helped cover us. We are stronger together, Keaton. There have been times, we’ve needed your strength and didn’t have it. I can think of a few instances where there were patrols that got hurt that wouldn’t have happened with you there. I had no idea you were not going because you thought you weren’t strong enough, Keaton. That’s insane. Is that why you work out and do so much cardio?” I honestly answered, “No.” Emmett sighed, “Ok. Then why?” I told him, “I don’t really want to talk about that yet.” Emmett growled, “So it’s about her. Of course it is. I’m going to join grandpa’s quest to find her a new pack. He’s offering money and no one wants her.” I asked, “He is?” Alexandria said, “He’s trying to get her dad a job offer out of state. Packs don’t mind him. It’s Lisa.” I snorted, “She sucks so I can’t say I blame them. I’ll see you guys later.” Emmett told me, “My door’s always open. You and me, little brother, have a date in the gym tomorrow morning.” I turned around, “What? Why?” Emmett smiled, “Just be there.” I nodded. A weight I didn’t realize I had around me lifted. Emmett didn’t think I was a liability. I ran outside and shifted into Channing. I heard screaming. I linked Emmett, “Screaming on the north border.” I hung my head realizing who it was. I sighed, “Lisa is being attacked.” I ran faster. I linked the pack, “Ten rogues on the north border. I need warriors.” I jumped in and attacked. Saving Lisa again. Was she a rogue magnet? They all attacked me at once. Lisa screamed, “RUN KEATON! YOU CAN’T BEAT THEM ALL!” Channing snarled. We jumped out of the way. We were faster than all of them. I’d taken a couple bites from a couple of them, but nothing serious. I’d killed five of them when my dad’s wolf snarled and jumped in to kill the last one. Emmett was right behind him with Keith. Several warriors nodded to me. I shifted back. Lisa ran into my arms. She cried, “I was so scared.” I pushed her gently away. I said, “I’m glad you’re alright.” My dad threw me some shorts. Lisa grabbed my arm. Her tears were smeared all over me. She said, “You’re hurt. Let’s get you to the hospital.” Alexandria spoke, “I’ll fix him up at the house if necessary. I imagine Channing will heal him before we make it back.” Lisa said, “He needs care!” Alexandria tilted her head. Emmett snarled. Alexandria put her hand on his chest. She said to Lisa, “I do believe as a nurse I have the moral and professional high ground here. Keaton is fine. He does not require treatment. There’s only one bite left. It’s already mostly healed. He’s fine.” Lisa looked downward, “I wasn’t being disrespectful, Luna Alexandria. I was just worried about Keaton.” Emmett snorted, “More like you want to talk to him alone where we can’t hear you. Go home, Lisa. I think you might need a curfew. You have no business being out on the border this late. You don’t patrol or train.” May ran up. She said, “Umm we have a problem.” I sighed, “Of course we do. What now? Other than my ex seems to be a rogue magnet.” May looked at Keith then said, “Umm Immy was on the phone with Katie. She got a picture….of Keaton and Lisa.” I frowned, “What picture?” May sighed, “One after you saved her when she hugged you and you’re naked.” I snarled, “WHO THE f**k SENT IT TO HER?! f**k! She’s not even going to listen to me this time. How the hell do I explain why I’m naked?!” May yelled, “Keaton, wait!” I ignored her and got into my truck to go explain this somehow to Odette. Whoever took that picture and sent it was going to regret it. Someone must have snapped me clean because I didn’t have blood on me. I floored it to Odette’s apartment. I pushed past Ken and knocked on Odette’s door. How was I going to get out of this? Would she believe I was a nudist of some kind? f**k! I heard her feet running to the door. She opened it. Her surprise colored her expression when she saw me. I was going to convince her this was nothing. It was nothing. Lisa was becoming my curse. I couldn’t let her ruin this. Keaton is learning some things. Lisa is still the worst. What will Odette say? Who sent the picture?
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