What's the Truth Pt. 2

4663 Words
I was absorbing that. I didn’t know my mom ever wanted time away from my dad. I linked mom, “You know lately, a lot of comments have been made thinking you and dad left things out in the story of you two met. We should revisit that whole story.” My mom laughed in our link, “Your grandpa is having fun teasing your dad about it. One day, we’ll tell you all about it.” I asked, “When? Are you going to say it depends on me.” My mom snorted, “They would say that. Tell you what if things haven’t come out I’ll tell you all this summer.” I asked, “What things?” My mom asked, “Are we talking about such things?” I replied, “Probably not tonight.” My mom replied, “Alright. Once you’ve settled, you’ll need to talk to your brother. He thinks you’re mad at him.” I winced. I did need to talk to Emmett. He didn't do anything wrong. It wasn’t him. It was me. I fell asleep. When I woke Channing linked me, “Stone and lightning are asking where we are. Our brothers are looking for us.” I told him, “I’ll talk to them later.” I linked Immy, “How is she?” Immy replied, “She’s muttering in her….I don’t think you call this sleep.” I growled. I hated that I couldn’t go to her. I knew what time my brothers would have to leave the territory for Melanie Conners surprise party. I jumped down and ran around. I ended up at the border. To my surprise, I saw Melanie’s wolf run up. She shifted back. She had on a sports bra and running shorts. Channing was practically doing back flips from seeing Freya. Melanie grabbed a shirt that I sincerely hoped was Alexander’s or her surprise party was going to…get interesting. We talked a little bit. She pointed out that Emmett could help me. I might need to. I can’t be taking over as an Alpha feeling like going to my lead Alpha made me weak. Melanie Conners was far from weak, and it was one of her first ideas. She was a very black and white person from what I’d learned about her. She was also a genius. I was going to fight for Odette. She was right. After she left, I went back to my treehouse. I paced. I didn’t know how long passed before I broke down. I linked May, “How is Katie?” May sighed, “Not good, Keaton. She’s really pale. She’s not eating. It’s bad.” I immediately called Odette. I could hear water sloshing when she picked up. She was barely conscious and in the bathtub? I was going to have to call Ken. I heard her get out of the tub and sighed in relief. She told me I could come over. Finally. Channing perked up. I jumped out of my treehouse and flashed to the house. I made it to my truck in record time. Of course Lisa was waiting. She cried, “How could you?” I sighed, “I don’t even care what you want me to ask of how I could do what about. No part of me is curious. Because we aren’t together. Because we broke up.” Lisa told me, “I needed you. I gave you good advice and you ignored me.” I snorted, “No one got hurt Lisa. I was fine.” She got closer and shrieked, “You need to listen to me.” She grabbed my shirt. I pushed her away. I told her, “I’m leaving.” Lisa growled, “For her? You aren’t leaving me for her.” I told her, “Honestly? I would but we were broken up when I met her.” Lisa snorted, “I’m better for you. She can’t be what you need. She doesn’t know about us. Goddesses make mistakes.” I stared at her. She knew what Odette was to me, and was still in my way. We ended up yelling at each other. She said I’d have to run her over to leave. I was strongly considering it when Melanie Conners and her friend showed up. Melanie was seriously intoxicated. She was pretty funny though. Before I left, Melanie karate chopped Lisa in the throat. Afterwards when Lisa spoke a rage like I’d never known flowed through me. I’d defended her over her voice for years. Against the pack, my future beta, my family, and pretty much everyone I knew. It wasn’t even her real voice. I linked her, “You f*****g b***h! What didn’t you lie to me about, Lisa?” Her eyes were panicked. Melanie told me to leave. I didn’t need to be told again. I linked Keith, “Lisa’s voice is fake, you were right. You might want to warn Emmett….Melanie hit her. I’m pretty sure she was going to again. I just have to get to Katie. She said I could come, and I’m going. She doesn’t sound good.” Keith replied, “Oh hello little disappearing brother. I’m doing fine, thank you for asking. Drunk Melanie spilled a lot of beans. We have questions. Emmett is actually annoyed he thought she might know more about Katie. Since she appears to know so much. He pretended not to know you were seeing someone, but she didn't know anything about her.” I snorted, “I’ll tell Emmett most things about her.” Keith sighed, “Well, when you get home…people have questions. Including me.” I told him, “I’ll answer once I know Katie is ok.” Keith replied, “Ok, fair enough. The resistance members are running around proving no one can catch them. They are right. Emmett is studying them.” I snorted. Of course he was. I threw my truck in park on the curb. I threw the keys to Ken who nodded to me. He linked, “She was wrecked when she came back. She thought you were with Lisa.” I told him, “I wasn’t.” Ken answered, “I know. Take care of her, Keaton.” I knocked on Odette’s door for several minutes. She didn’t answer. I pulled my lock picking kit out of my wallet. I quickly got into her door. I made a mental note to remind my grandpa to put deadbolts in his apartments. That was far too easy. I yelled, “Odette.” She didn’t answer. I ran to her bedroom. She was laying on top of her covers. My eyes glazed over her exposed leg. She was in my shirt. f**k. Then I saw her face. She was very pale. Her eyes were almost bruised underneath. I wrapped my arms around her. I said, “Odette. You’re ok. I’m here.” I didn’t get a response. I pinched her arm a little, “Odette.” Finally I growled a little. Her eyes began to flutter. Channing was pacing in my mind. She finally opened her eyes. She didn’t understand what was going on. I should’ve known better than to give her space. I should’ve been outside. There’s some weird rogue running around that doesn’t smell and apparently it likes her. Channing growled. She needs some sleep. She instantly passed out in my arms. Her color was returning to her. Did she need me around? Is that what was happening to her? I felt like s**t. I didn’t think she would be affected this way. I couldn’t help but fall asleep too. I woke up floating. What the hell? I started swimming for an island. I got out and shook myself. Obviously, this is a dream. A man chuckled, “Is it obvious?” I said, “Um yes. I’m with my mate. Not you.” He smiled, “Yes, you are perfect for my child. My other children are frustrated trying to find her.” I growled, “She’s mine!” He nodded, “I know that. I’ve sent her other side to her early to protect her. She needs it. You need to protect her. Dark forces are coming for her, Keaton Daniels. She’s not meant for the dark. She is a light pure soul. I have a different dichotomy of children. I have clear denotations of the good and bad ones. In our world both must exist. She is meant to be good. The bad want to corrupt her.” I snorted, “That wouldn’t work.” He tilted his head, “If they took her soul it would.” I snarled, “WHAT?! They can’t do that! Demons don’t do that unless the person agrees. The soul has to be willing!” The man shrugged, “There are ways among my children. It’s old and was supposed to be for….that’s not really the point. My good children wouldn’t let it completely happen. They would come for her, but I worry they will be late. So I sent her other side to her. I used an interest from another supernatural group in my children to bring her back to Tennessee. To you. You both have your past and issues to deal with. Might I suggest getting some bronze weapons.” He winked and waved his hand. I woke up with a start. What the hell? I didn’t even get to ask who he was. I linked Channing, “Do you know him?” Channing huffed, “No.” I needed to get Clara to research bronze and who was affected by that. I didn’t know off the top of my head. I linked Ken, “Can you order us some pizza? Katie needs food.” Ken replied, “Ordered.” He was fast. I gently stroked Odette’s cheek. She was still a little pale, but she didn’t have bruises under her eyes anymore. She looked at me and smiled. That smile made me weak in the knees. She was everything, and I would never let her doubt that again. I was surprised when she kissed me, but I couldn’t resist her. I missed her as if I missed a piece of myself that was missing. Things quickly got heated. A nagging voice of doubt was trying to creep in, but everything felt too good to stop. Her marking spot was tempting me. Channing wanted to mark her, “She recognizes us, but she doesn’t know.” I replied, “She has no idea what marking means. We can't do that without talking to her.” Channing huffed. She was begging me to make her come. What kind of mate would I be if I refused. A bad one. That had to be right. I pushed all my doubts and insecurities away. She was soaking wet. My fingers slid in her easily. My d**k ached to be buried deep inside her. I was going for round two when Ken linked me, “You asked for pizza. This cockblock is really on you.” I snorted. Odette was talking about my turn. Well, not yet but hopefully one day. She started asking if I was trying to kill her. I didn’t understand what she was talking about. Of course I wasn’t trying to kill her. I mean Lisa did often pass out after the tenth time. I didn’t mind handling it myself. She would complain about stray hairs I’d missed. I didn’t shave my balls well enough, or my d**k tasted salty. It was better to handle things myself. Then it wasn’t in the report. She was muttering about how her vibrator would die if she used it that much. What? I linked Clara, “I need a no judgment answer from you.” Clara replied, “Always.” I snorted, “Hold that thought. If I asked how many times it was customary for a girl to come before a guy, what would you say?” Clara responded, “At least once. For humans, the girls at school say they rarely come from s*x. Are you getting it on with your mate? Damn man. You went from fighting to loving. I like it.” I asked dumbfounded, “Once? Once is customary? Not ten times?” Clara snorted, “Keaton, ten times before you come once? That’s crazy. The warrior's son that I go round after round with…means just that. We both come and go again. Sometimes he makes me come three times before he does. It really just depends on if it’s been awhile for him or not. Since we’ve started our thing, not so much on the long wait time. Do I even want to know what Lisa did?” I replied, “I…have no words. I have to go.” Clara told me, “Alright, but try to not kill Katie by giving her orgasms. Crazy man.” My mind was reeling. Ken was amused by Odette’s ranting. He linked me, “Are you trying to kill her? Ten times? That’s….I’m with her. Death by orgasm…what a way to go though. Don’t do that. I’m also going to die laughing if I see her in the apartment gym now. Because I’ll know she’s working on flipping you over with her legs. You’ve already impressed her. Ten times is excessive, Keaton.” I linked, “Uh huh. Go away.” Ken was laughing the whole way to the elevator. I think he thought it was a joke. They were all just casually shooting down everything I knew. Was I not….bad at stuff? Was I ok? Katie winked and told me I was better than her at getting her off. I stared at her astonished. She sashayed over to the counter with the pizza. I think I was going into shock. Every time Lisa timed me. She had this goal of how quickly I had to get her off. I never measured up. If she passed out, that counted against me. She could always get there faster herself. She often told me she’d just do it herself because I was useless in bed. Odette asked, “Are you ok?” I shook myself, “Um, maybe.” She laughed and snarfed down two slices of pizza. She handed me a plate. I took the pizza and ate it while thinking. Odette nipped at my arm. Startled, I glanced at her. She looked seductive and sexy as f**k. She began to hum that song. She bit my neck lightly. I growled. She whispered against my neck, “That growl….I really like it, Key. Keep eating your pizza or I’ll stop.” Channing told me, “I’ll take over. Don’t make me do it.” I kept eating my pizza. Odette just kept giving me little touches and nips. I asked, “Do you know how hot you look in my clothes?” I giggled. I growled. She got to my zipper. I finished the piece of pizza and set the plate on the counter. Odette looked me in the eyes as her tongue flashed out and licked me. She moaned, “Mmm, you taste so good Key. I love chocolate chip pancakes.” f**k. I wanted to touch her, but I didn’t dare. Lisa would stop if I did that. Odette went lower and lower down my length. Holy mother of god. She could take all of me. She looked up at me and winked. She began to play with my balls with her other hand. She was going up and down my d**k. I gripped the counter. I couldn’t stop my hand from going into her hair. She moaned. I looked down at her in shock. She didn’t stop though. She began to play with herself. Holy s**t balls. I began moving my hips with her mouth. I gritted my teeth, “f**k! ODETTE!” I growled as I came. She greedily sucked down everything I gave her. She pulled her mouth back with a pop. I was seeing stars. She wiped some spit off her mouth with the back of her hand. We locked eyes. We were both breathless. I reached for her. I picked her up. Her legs wrapped around me reflexively. I whispered, “Hum that song.” She happily did. I was back to being painfully hard. I turned us around so she was against the refrigerator. I ripped off her shirt. She gasped in surprise. She whimpered, “But…that was your shirt.” I told her, “I’ll leave this one.” I quickly tugged it off over my head and threw it on the ground. She whispered huskily, “Key….” I ground into her through her underwear. She whimpered. I nipped at her neck. I felt my canines elongate. They itched. I was willing them to go away. I carried her to the couch and laid her down. I looked her up and down. She blushed. I traced the edges of her bra and underwear. I told her, “You’re beautiful.” I lowered myself on top of her. We began rocking back and forth. She gripped my butt hard. I growled and squeezed her breast. We came at the same time. I blushed, “Sorry.” Odette was panting. She asked, “Why? Oh god…was this too fast. Did you not want….” I cut her off, “No, I’m sorry because I came on your underwear and stomach. You only got off once again.” She snorted, “I’ll shower and be fine. I’ll wash my underwear. It’s fine. Also, if you try to make me come ten times before you come once….I might get a complex and think you don’t find me pretty and can’t get off.” I stared at her. I said, “You’re serious.” She tapped my arm and giggled nervously, “Of course I’m serious. A girl would get a complex. I’m in my head enough. Let’s not add wondering if you find me attractive in there. It’s already a crazy space.” I snorted and traced my fingers up and down her body. I told her, “I am so attracted to you it hurts.” She smiled and moved beside her. I pulled her into me. She smiled and snuggled in. She whispered, “You smell so good.” She tried to pull back in a panic but I held her tight. She snorted, “You’re also ridiculously strong.” I snorted. She said, “I sounded really creepy didn’t I? I didn't mean to…” I cut her off, “It’s not creepy. You smell good to me too.” She flushed and settled back down. Her breathing evened out and she fell asleep. I just held her feeling myself steady after not knowing if she would let me near her again. I nuzzled her neck. My dad linked me, “We need to talk, Keaton.” I replied, “Urgently…? Or can it wait?” My dad answered, “Lisa is shrieking about going to war with Black Mountain.” Oh for god's sake. I replied, “Of course she is. I’m coming.” I whispered, “My song…time to wake up.” Her eyes fluttered open. I carried her to bed. I told her, “I have to go.” She stretched and looked at the time. She sighed, “Your family really isn’t going to like me.” I told her, “They like you already.” She blushed. I kissed her slowly. I told her, “You mean so much to me, Odette.” She whispered, “You mean a lot to me too. It scares me a little. We barely know each other, but space sucks.” I snorted, “Yes, it does.” I held her again. I got up and told her, “Stay in bed. I’ll lock the door.” She asked, “How?” I winked, “I have skills.” She snorted sleepily, “Don’t I know it Mr. Ten times…sir.” I stiffened. Why was the word sir so hot coming out of her mouth? I pounced on her, caging her in my arms. I kissed her fiercely and possessively. She was MINE. She batted her eyelashes and innocently asked, “Does my Key like it when I call him sir?” I growled, “Yes.” I kissed her again. Keith linked, “So….Lisa is refusing to stop shrieking unless you talk to her. It’s annoying. Emmett is about to Alpha command her.” I replied, “He should.” Keith said, “I’m so telling him you said that.” I responded, “Be my guest.” I told Odette, “Now, I’m going. Can I come see you tomorrow?” She smiled and nodded, “Yeah. I’d like that.” I smiled, “Then I’ll see you tomorrow.” I left and locked her door. I whistled all the way out to the elevator. My keys were in my truck. I drove home. I groaned. Everyone was outside. What had me slamming on my breaks and throwing my truck in park was Lisa. She had a brace taped to her nose. I couldn’t stop my laughter. It took several moments to gather myself. I got out of my truck. I said, “So, Lisa. The chat with drunk Melanie went that well, did it?” She snarled, “You ass! You reek of that b***h again!” I snarled and barely managed not to grab her by the throat. Channing came forward, “Say one more word. I dare you. My human and I are tired of your lies. I’m tired of your demands, shrieking, and in general making my human miserable self. Do NOT speak about Katie. Or you can deal with me. Are we clear?” She gasped and started sobbing. Channing snarled, “ARE WE CLEAR?” She managed to nod. Emmett said, “Channing, it’s ok. Let Keaton come back please.” He growled. Lisa cried, “He wanted to attack me!” Channing said, “You insulted me. If you want to protect yourself, I suggest you attend a class or two. Guess what my human and I learned tonight Lisa? Would you care for everyone here to know? Or would you rather shut up and go home?” She cried, “You’re being so mean to me! You’ll regret this. You’ll be crawling back to me, and we all know it. You always do.” I took over, “I won’t crawl back to you. We are done. I don’t want you. Why would I? Give me one reason, and I swear if you say it’s because you’re honest with me and no one else is I'll growl so loud all our allies in the state will hear me.” Lisa stared at me. She pointed a finger at me, “Well one of our ally’s Luna broke my nose so badly the pack doctor said it won’t be healed by Monday. You need to do something about that.” I told her, “Stop being a b***h. There I did something. Are you happy? Oh, wait. You’re never happy. You’re miserable and want everyone else to be. Newsflash, I’m not in your orbit and I don’t care anymore. I feel much happier without your moody, lying ass around. You can drop the voice now too. Melanie proved it wasn’t your real voice.” Lisa’s parents sputtered, “What?” I snorted, “I can call Luna Melanie back. I’m sure she’d karate chop you in the throat again.” Clara snorted, “No need to call her, I’ll do it.” Lisa said, “You would.” Everyone gasped. She used her real voice. I told her, “I won’t forgive you. For so many things, but that’s at the top of the list. We aren’t going to say a DAMN thing to Melanie Conners and you know it. They are the strongest pack in the country. Our mom and Conners mom are best friends. Melanie suffered more than your Prada loving pampered ass could ever understand. Oh, you know what? I have a solution. I’ll call Alexander right now. You can explain how you are upset with his mate who was kept from him her entire life. She was shot and kidnapped from under all our noses, and was tortured in Black Path. He hasn’t had her by his side very long. He’s absolutely chill about references to her. Do explain how upset you are with her over defending me to him. I’m sure he’ll take it well. He’s known for being the calm Conners kids. Detail out for him what you’d like to happen to his mate and Luna. I’m sure that will end oh so well for you especially considering it’s still her birthday.” I pulled out my phone and asked, “Would you like me to dial?” She glared at me, “f**k you!” I snorted, “So, no. You don’t want me to call him. Too bad. Maybe he would’ve done us all a favor and leaked your brains out of your head. Maybe they should’ve taken you instead of her. She’d still be nice, and you’d still be a b***h. You were the type of person they were really looking for. They wanted to turn her evil. With you, they wouldn’t have even had to try. You’re already pretty evil.” My dad said, “Keaton. Inside.” I flipped Lisa off. She cried, “You don’t mean that.” I snorted, “I do. Stay away from me and stay away from Katie. Preston Conners is one of my best friends, and you know that. I could care less what any Luna of that pack does to you. You’d deserve it. I’d watch out. Melanie sees the world in black and white. She’s also apparently everywhere if she has access to a laptop.” Keith followed me inside. I pulled out my phone and asked, “Would you like me to dial?” She glared at me, “f**k you!” I snorted, “So, no. You don’t want me to call him. Too bad. Maybe he would’ve done us all a favor and leaked your brains out of your head. Maybe they should’ve taken you instead of her. She’d still be nice, and you’d still be a b***h. You were the type of person they were really looking for. They wanted to turn her evil. With you, they wouldn’t have even had to try. You’re already pretty evil.” My dad said, “Keaton. Inside.” I flipped Lisa off. She cried, “You don’t mean that.” I snorted, “I do. Stay away from me and stay away from Katie. Preston Conners is one of my best friends, and you know that. I could care less what any Luna of that pack does to you. You’d deserve it. I’d watch out. Melanie sees the world in black and white. She’s also apparently everywhere if she has access to a laptop.” Keith followed me inside. Clara shut the door. She turned, “DAYUMMMMMM. Can I say that again?” I shrugged. She shrieked, “DAYUMMMMMM Keaton Frank Daniels. You called her evil. I LIVE. I so live. She is the embodiment of evil. That’s what most people call her. Queen mean bee…GOD we can tell you all her nicknames now. This is fantastic.” Keith stared at me. He asked, “So, things are good with Katie?” I nodded. Clara asked, “Keaton, are you ok?” I shrugged. It felt like an entire thought process I’d come up with was wrong. She made me feel inadequate all the time. Was it all a lie? Or was she right and everyone else lied because I was an Alpha. I knew who I needed to ask.
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