So Not Normal Pt. 1

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Odette began to tease Keaton. The poor guy really did seem like he was lost. I just didn’t know why. Ten times. I really was going to have to get into the gym around here. He might try it sometime. It was Lisa’s fault. I just knew it. The selfish little s**t. The song in my head hissed. Well, at least we were on the same side about that. The song was happily going in my head. I couldn’t help but hum it. I literally saw Keaton pitching a tent in his pants. Good to know. The song turns him on. Score one for the little song in my head. The song turned to a gloating while having a you’re so cute tone. What was with that song? Jeez. Not only did Keaton smell like a chocolate chip pancake, he tasted like one. Which was crazy, but I was here for it. Lisa was officially the craziest potential murderer I’d ever met. How could she not want to do this all the time? Not ten times in a row all the time because good lord my jaw would fall off. Wouldn’t his jaw get tired too? He must have the jaw muscles of a crocodile. I’d done a report on them in school once. They had the strongest jaws in the animal kingdom. Ten times. I was going to get Lisa back for that. Immy would probably know the best way. The psychopathic stalking my man crazy potential murderer was going down. Things got even more heated after Keaton asked me to hum the song. The song was going crazy in my head. I’d swear the dang thing was happy he kept acknowledging the song. Which was crazy. He wasn’t. He didn’t know it was something in my head. That thought got me an annoyed huff before Keaton and I started dry humping on the couch. That made the song happy again. Good to know. It’s a horny song. I stared in shock at the shirt he’d ripped off me. He ripped it off. Ripped it. With his bare hands. What the hell?! How did he do that? I needed his personal trainer. Whoever that was could obviously teach me how to flip him should he decide that he was going to try and kill me by orgasm. Keaton was apologizing for the fact he gave me yet another earth shattering orgasm. If only Melanie lived around here. I’d have her do something horrible to this girl with technology. Melanie was a whiz with technology. She also didn’t like people like Lisa. I was with her on this one. I couldn’t believe he kept apologizing for giving me an orgasm. She sucked so hard. Is she bad at s*x? Or thinks she is? So, she’s projecting those feelings on him? Did she make him think he was bad so he wouldn’t think she was? How did she not worry he wasn’t attracted to her. Ten times. This girl and I were having a chat about how insane she is. I might need to get a restraining order as it is. She did admit she hoped I died. My eyes drifted to sleep. I was in the ocean again. Except this time, I wasn’t dragged to my brother’s place. This was dark, and everyone seemed mean. They still couldn’t see me though. I walked through the streets until I found a big house like Caspian’s. Except this house seemed like it was without love. I walked in. I frowned when I saw Luke. He was making out with some girl. Thank god. He would leave me alone. My frown deepened when I saw the guys who had been following me. Luke had people spying on me? There was an older man on a seashell throne except they were all black shells. He looked like Luke. He must be his dad. Damn it! I unknowingly dated a guy in the mob. One guy cleared his throat, “The girl is making friends again. Fairies.” What? I didn’t get a gay vibe off any of my friends, but how dare he call them that! They could love who they loved. The man said, “We don’t care about that. Has anyone been able to reach Morgana?” No one answered. The man yelled, “ANYONE?!” Luke broke his make out session, “She’s enjoying this man. Who cares?” The man narrowed his eyes, “You have nearly ruined this plan countless times. You have an uphill battle with Odette as it is. We need her. You need her. We will rise to power with her. If she is lost to us, Caspian will destroy us.” So, I was beginning to root for my brother in his mob war. They all seemed like they were scared of Caspian. Which didn’t make much sense to me. He was so nice. Luke hissed, “She’s disrespectful.” The man countered, “But she doesn’t know that. We kept her ignorant of this life. All you had to do was show up and woo the girl. Then you lost it, and now she calls you a stalker. Morgana yelled at me for an hour for badly you overstepped. We wanted her here willingly at first. Then once she was here, she simply wouldn't have left. The way I hear it, she doesn’t want anything to do with you. You were too busy with that girl…” He spat out and pointed to the girl Luke was making out with. Hurt flashed in her face. Luke hissed. The man continued, “And you lost sight of Odette. Now she’s trained. She’s even surfaced because she feels like she’s endangered by you. Do you even comprehend the magnitude of your screw up? I told you that you could have both girls. You only need Odette for her soul, an heir, and her name. You could kill her the second your child is born and be with Delana officially. You could be with her the whole time Odette is yours. All you had to do was get her here. That’s it! One little thing!” The song in my head was hissing. Yeah, total agreement with the song. These people were a danger to us. The man stood and began to pace. I was so emailing Caspian this guy had to go. They wanted to kill me? He was just casually throwing out that I was to be kidnapped, raped, and murdered. I wanted to groan. I didn’t know enough about the mob to know about the soul part; however, kidnapping and raping someone would kill my soul. The man continued, “Now, Morgana is unreachable. The girl notices when she’s followed. Your stupid uncle approached and scared her. I’m sure her song is hissing. None of you understand, all you had to do was be nice! She’s been isolated. She’s practically starving for attention and love. We did that on purpose, and you all RUINED the easiest part of the plan! Jesus Christ. She was born to breed and die. She would’ve been so easy to take, but noooo my inept family has now scared the little thing. Caspian is watching us like a hawk! He suspects, and we can’t lead him to Odette, or all is lost. I’m going to distract him by raiding Scylla. I’ll kill a few people, and he’ll have to come. Does anyone besides me understand that?!” He was going to say more when I was jerked backwards. I woke up looking into Keaton’s eyes. He was leaving. That was good and bad. I needed to email Caspian, but I would miss Keaton. Man, I needed to get a grip. I also owed Noxus a response. I also needed to find a self defense class around here to brush up on my skills. These people were talking about murdering me. Maybe I could actually get that girl, Delana on my side. She wanted to be with Luke. I also wanted that for them. He seemed like he was actually nice to her. Maybe it was me that brought out his worst. I wondered why. Why did he even sound possessive of me when he wanted her? The jerk. I wanted him far away from me. I just wanted to stay with Keaton. He made plans to come by tomorrow. I waited until I heard the lock turn. Ok, can any part of me be scared that the guy I’m dating can get in and out of my apartment without a key? Nope. Cool. I’m so abnormal. UGH! I ran to the other room and fired up my computer. I couldn’t process my other emotions about what just happened, so I replied to Noxus first. Noxus, Lux V and Beatrice seemed to believe whatever my mom did to you was really bad. If she makes your head sing…. I have to agree with them. I don’t take help easily. I’ve learned to rely on myself. When everything gets tough, the one person who is always there for me, is me. I was in a different place tonight. I wish I had come to you guys again. That place felt devoid of love. I thought my life was devoid of love, but hell if my life isn’t rainbows and sunshine compared to the coolness of that place. If you were dad, I’d have been happy. I always wanted a dad. They had father daughter dances at my schools. I could never afford to go, but sometimes I’d sneak in and watch all the dad’s with their daughter’s. I wanted that, but it wasn’t in the cards for me. My song boy is so dreamy. He keeps showing up. He says he’s not going away. Time will tell, I guess. It might kill me if he does. I grow so despondent when we are fighting or not speaking to each other. It’s weird. I’m oddly depressed when I don’t know what’s going on with him. Something happened. I feel like he went somewhere dangerous. I couldn’t eat or sleep until I saw him again. Then we had a fight…. rather a misunderstanding. I got really pale. I could only rest with his shirt on. God, that’s weird. Moving on. You honestly seem too nice to have anything to do my mom. It’s really for the best if you move on from her. She seems to be a drain on her boyfriends. My mom always says I’m an embarrassment. Definitely not rare or special. More of an inconvenience. That she apparently sold to some family who wants to kill me. That’s not the point though. I think, providing you all aren’t full of s**t, I would’ve liked growing up with you guys. I loved growing up with Lux. I thought he was the best. I still do. I really miss him. You don’t need to worry about Lux. He’s always been into training. He was going to take me when I got older. He promised. His dad was all about training. Lux was fit. I can’t imagine that changed. Just leave him be. This isn’t his fault that I got you guys involved. I just wanted to find him. I still do. I feel so alone without him, sometimes. That’s getting better lately though. Mom never said anything about you guys, so I have no preconceived notions. I just don’t want anything to do with the mob. It’s sounding like I don’t have a choice though. Mom has always been calculating. She always says she’s shrewd, manipulative, and she always gets what she wants. From what I’ve seen, that’s true. Everyone has to lose eventually though. I’m not going to marry Luke, so she’s going to lose that battle. Based on what I heard tonight, I’m like pretty sure you guys are in the mob. I’m beginning to not care. I liked coming to see you guys. I still don’t want to be “brought into the fold.” Or whatever the mob people say. I would miss you guys if you stopped emailing though. Also, from what I heard tonight that war is coming. I am going to do my best not to get involved. Apparently, I just have to keep hiding from people. That should be fun. I’ve never seen mom give anyone a second chance. Except Luke. So, she can do it apparently. My diet, it is a strange question. I try to follow it. My old and new friends said it was bullshit. They didn’t let me follow it. I have a friend here who gets me carbs all the time. Mom has a very strict vegan gluten free diet for me to follow. I’ve broken it a lot, but I do try to stick to it as much as I can. I like meat though, so it sucks. Also, bread is delicious. Do you have any idea how many things have gluten? I can’t buy packaged shredded cheese. Not that a lot of people offer vegan shredded cheese, but some do. Few offer the block vegan cheese. Her diet is really hard to stick to with what little money I had. She’d die if she knew how much I survived on Ramen and pizza rolls. They are cheap though, and we lived in Wisconsin in the winter one year. I needed to keep the heat on. So, I broke the diet. My song boy has me breaking it all the time. I honestly haven’t tried very hard to stick to it since mom left this time. Luke has someone else. Hopefully, he doesn’t listen to his dad and sticks with her. Their plan for me is seriously sick. I’m going to go to the police station and see if I can’t file a restraining order against Luke. I have some messages he left me. Maybe they will let me. I don’t want to die, and apparently that’s the plan. They said I was born to breed and die…. That’s not true…Is it? My mom doesn’t like me, but she can’t…. know they want to kill me. She’s always told me Luke could give me a comfortable life. You can’t be comfortable if you’re dead. It’s probably sad that I still want to defend her. She is my mom though. I don’t know about all that. Luke likes this other girl. He just wants to use me. I don’t plan to let him near my person, let alone my neck. Is his mob specialty slitting throats or something? Don’t answer that. Maybe answer that in code? Yes…no…maybe…I don’t know. Surprise me. Stay safe Noxus and keep my brothers safe. They know you are watching. Odette I hit send then chewed on my lip. I had a lot of emails. Some from people I didn’t recognize. They were probably my other brothers. I wanted to read them, but I needed to email Caspian. I opened a new email chain and titled it: IMPORTANT information for you mob boss maybe brother. Caspian, See how I only emphasized and put in all caps one word? I caught your attention and didn’t need to keep shouting. Learn from me possible, pretty sure you’re not lying big brother. I do know you’re lying about the whole mob thing. You can just admit it. Or don’t. Oh god. Is the FBI reading our emails? They’ll probably scoop me up and lock me in some room. Crap. I didn’t think of that. Whatever. You have to have some IT guy on your staff. If you could make sure our emails aren’t read, that would be great ok thank you mob boss big bro. You didn’t tell me I could be brought to other places besides your home when I slept beside my song boy. I went to a bad place, Caspian. I swear the whole place was mean and devoid of love. There was some guy on a dark seashell throne. I’ve decided you're the good mob boss guy with a good heart or something. You have light seashells. Luke has some girl he likes. I was really excited about that, but apparently, he was dating us both. He seems to actually like her though. I feel bad for her because the old guy with the black seashell throne doesn’t like her. It seems to hurt her feelings. They want to kill me, Caspian. I don’t understand. They wanted me to go to Luke’s home, and then they said I’d never leave. That he could take my soul, get me pregnant and kill me after I delivered the baby to be with that other girl. Those guys…. the ones I told you about. They are their guys. What should I do? You must have some mob thing you can do. They know you guys are watching them. They said that. You need to be careful. I’m sure you know that being a mob boss and all. Protect Scylla. He said they were going to raid and kill people there to distract you. So…. don’t let them do that? I asked Noxus but do you think mom had me to let me die? That’s what they said. That I was born to breed and die. I don’t…. I don’t want to die Caspian. I really don’t. I can’t keep thinking about this. Protect Scylla. Protect those people. If you have any mob related tips on how to protect myself…I wouldn’t say no. Sorry this email was depressing. Odette. I hit send. I was about to power down my laptop when a call came through my chat function on that email. It was Caspian. I wanted to decline it, but I also didn’t. The song took over again and accepted, but I quickly turned off the camera before they saw me. Caspian said, “Odette, are you there?” I whispered, “Yes.” Caspian told me, “I know you are scared, and I know you don’t know if you trust me. I know you want to. I need to bring you home and protect you.” I asked, “Would I really be safe though? I mean wherever that place is…. you’re going to be attacked.” Caspian cut me off, “We don’t live there, it’s just somewhere we protect.” I snorted, “You offer people protection. You’re so a mob boss!” I heard several people snicker. I added, “But really if the FBI could not read our emails that would be great. I don’t want to get locked up for tipping you off about Scylla.” Caspian groaned, “The FBI doesn’t monitor my emails…” I cut him off, “Do you have an inside guy? I bet you do. Did you flip someone who was undercover or something?” Now several people were laughing. Caspian sounded exasperated, “As funny as you are with this whole theory that has gone to a whole other level; I need to know where you are. We need to come get you. I did not think the Merrick’s plan was to kill you. As far as mom knowing that, no. She might have fallen far from grace, but she would not let a female in our line be murdered.” I asked, “Does Noxus say the same thing?” I heard his voice answered, “Yes. I’m reaching out to Morgana every way I can. We won’t let this happen, Odette. Morgana would not agree to that.” I snorted, “She’s fine with selling me and my uterus off.” Someone laughed again. I asked, “I helped though right…. you can save the people on…or at Scylla?” Caspian answered, “Yes. I have already handled that. Now we need to keep you safe.” I told him, “I’m going to file a restraining order.” Someone laughed again. I frowned, saying, “I don’t know why that’s funny. That's all I have. I’m going to start up with my self defense lessons again. I know how to fight. I’ve fought Luke before.” Caspian groaned, “You need us.” I pointed out, “I mean…technically you needed me. I overheard the conversation. Why didn’t you tell me I could end up there? I don’t like it. It’s sad.” Caspian said, “You shouldn’t be able to go there. The ability to….do that hasn’t occurred in centuries. You are one of a kind.” I snorted, “Great. Well, I don’t want to go back there. They want to kill me.” Caspian replied, “Which brings us full circle. Tell me where you are.” My phone started ringing. Immy was calling me. I said, “I’ve got to go.” Caspian said, “Don’t you dare…” I whispered, “Sorry.” I hung up and closed my laptop. I sighed, “You have no self preservation skills, Odette. Stop pissing off mob bosses. That one doesn’t want you dead yet.” I shook myself and answered Immy’s call. I greeted her, “Hey, Immy.” Immy sighed in relief, “You sound better. I bet your aura is all nice and clean after Keaton’s visit.” I snorted, “I feel better. How was the party?” Immy snickered, “A lot of fun. The birthday girl got drunk, her alter ego came out. Emmett pretended not to know things to try and get information he didn’t exactly get. Those parties are always such fun.” I asked, “Whose parties?” Immy answered, “The Conners.” My heart clinched. Melanie. The man she loved, that was his last name. She always said it was complicated, but I thought any man who didn’t see her for how amazing she was, was a fool. Immy said, “You probably don’t know who they are, but they are kind of a big deal around here.” I knew exactly who they were. Melanie talked about them. I’d never seen them though. Well, that’s not true. Melanie had me watch one of her Xander’s training videos. He was intense. I felt a kinship with him though. Which was crazy. I only saw him teaching some self defense moves. I didn’t know him. Immy had moved on. She was talking about work. Man! I should’ve asked about Melanie’s Xander. My phone beeped and I put Immy on speaker. I had a text from an unknown number. I clicked on it. Unknown: He always goes back to her. You’re pathetic for trying to hold onto a boy who doesn’t want you. We all think it’s sad, really. Below it was a picture of a naked Keaton with a fully dressed Lisa. My heart felt like it was dead. The song took over and zoomed in on his face. I frowned. He looked surprised and annoyed. What? Immy said, “Hello? Earth to Katie? Did we lose you again?” I whispered, “Someone sent me a picture.” Immy asked, “Of what?” The words burned coming out of my mouth, “Key and Lisa. He’s…. naked.” After what we just did. Why? But why does he look so annoyed and surprised? Why was he naked? May said, “Keith just called me actually. He’s pretty mad.” I asked, “Why would he be mad?” May answered, “Well, there’s a lake around here we skinny dip in. It’s kind of a tradition. Polar bear type plunge thing. It was Keaton’s turn tonight. It’s supposed to be something you do alone. Keaton’s being avoiding Lisa, so she hid his clothes and ambushed him. I’ll just bet she had one of her minions take a photo.” I asked, “Immy?” Immy said, “Well, May just gave an explanation. Wait! Your phone is an iPhone. Is it a live photo?” I asked, “A what?” Immy said, “Just hold your finger down on the photo.” Ok…why did Immy say May gave an explanation. Why didn’t she say it was the actual explanation? I shook that off.
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