We all Have Our Secrets Pt. 3

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Channing linked, “He’s right. We weren’t just eating proteins and leaves. We ate carbs, proteins, leaves, fats, and desserts.” I said, “Well, I guess….I’ve been eating like I did since I’ve been back.” Leon told me, “I want to see you keep doing that. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. If I see you start to slim down again, I’ll be taking notice. We will talk. If I have to, I’ll go to the Alpha. What you were doing, now that I have a fuller picture from speaking to you was not healthy for an Alpha wolf. I thought so before, but I figured you were eating more at your home than I saw at the pack house. I definitely didn’t know your ex-girlfriend was fueling those thoughts.” I frowned, “You said what we talk about stays here.” Leon countered, “I said as long as you are not in danger. An eating disorder is a danger.” I growled, “I didn’t have an eating disorder.” Leon sat back, “You seem to have had body dysmorphia and an eating disorder Keaton. You were eating, but not enough.” I stared at him. He sighed, “Ok, if Allison was working out day and night only eating enough to keep up her tone. What would you say to her?” I frowned, “I’d tell her to eat more. I’d want to know why she wasn’t.” Leon nodded, “And if she said TJ told her that her body had put on weight you would…” I roared, “He wouldn’t DARE!” Leon said, “No, he wouldn’t. He’s her mate, and he loves her. Allison needs to eat, and honestly until recently it sounds like she ate more than you. You did this very stealthily for your family not to catch on. I won’t tell your family or the Alpha. You might want to talk to them though, but unless the pattern picks back up I have no reason to. I won’t let you starve yourself or your wolf.” I frowned, “Channing…..Channing is ok, right?” Leon said, “Ask him, Keaton. I’m sure he’s fine. You’ve noticed he’s stronger though, right?” I nodded, “He started feeling better when we were away. We’ve both felt more confident.” Leon said, “Your wolf was fine. I’m sure he didn’t even notice. Or he thought it was because you were younger. He would’ve told you if he knew you were weakening you both. Like I said, it’s not like you weren’t eating. You just weren’t eating enough for your body chemistry. Now that you are, you are coming into your own.” The bell rang. Leon said, “I think this was great progress.” I shrugged, “I guess. I didn’t think I had body issues before I sat down.” Leon frowned, “That’s not true. You didn’t like how you looked. You knew that.” I sighed, “I guess that’s true.” I was in a daze the rest of the day. Did I really let it get that bad? I asked Channing, “Are you ok? Did I hurt you?” Channing immediately said, “No, I was never hurt, Keaton. I won’t deny I felt better when we left and started eating more, but if I knew…I would’ve told you. We were still fast, strong, and could do everything Alpha’s do. We protected the pack from attacks. We could spar and fight and best most everyone here. We just weren’t filled out yet. We were still eating a lot. Just not enough. Now we know.” I told him, “I’m so sorry, Channing. I’ve been holding you back.” Channing replied, “Nonsense. We were still one of the strongest and fastest wolves in the pack. You didn’t hold me back because now we have more meat on us in wolf and human form. Please, don’t feel bad Keaton. Mate is worried.” I was walking Odette to my truck. I smiled at her and helped her inside. I drove to her apartment. I asked, “When do you want to take your car out for our next lesson?” Odette shrugged, “We could do Monday’s.” I nodded, “That sounds perfect.” She sighed, “I have to be at work in an hour.” I kissed her and forced myself to pull back. We walked upstairs. She asked me, “Are you ok, Keaton?” I smiled, “I just….have an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays where I talk to my guidance counselor because of that Lisa incident. He gave me a lot to think about.” Odette nodded, “Ok. Well, I’m here if you want to talk.” I smiled, “Oh yeah?” She nodded. We walked inside her apartment. I started tickling her. She giggled and ran away from me. I chased her down. She was fast, but I was obviously faster. We were out of breath on her couch when she giggled, “MERCY!” I kissed her. I was about to pull off her shirt when Emmett linked, “I need you to get home, Keaton.” I sighed, “Coming.” I told Odette, “I need to head home. You have work.” I tapped her nose. She sighed in disappointment. She admitted, “I guess we did spend all night together. That’s the best night's sleep I’ve ever had.” I admitted, “Me too. Maybe I’ll sneak over later.” She laughed, “I want your parents to like me though.” I winked, “So, I’ll tell them where I’m going. My family is pretty laid back, and I’m eighteen.” She nodded. She went into her room and changed. I dropped her off at work then hightailed it home. There was a police car in front of the house. What the f**k? I got out. I linked, “Keith?” Keith sighed, “We are inside.” I walked in. Emmett was fuming mad. I asked, “What happened?” Emmett gritted his teeth, “They are here for a wellness check on Isla.” Oh no. Keith linked, “Yeah.” Emmett said, “So, would you care to walk me through what happened today? They received the call when school ended.” I said, “Then it wasn't Katie.” Emmett growled, “I know it wasn’t. Our guys at the station gave me the students' names. It was another human kid. Tell me Lisa DID NOT shout at her sister that she was going to get the beating of her life when she got home.” I said, “She did say that. I would’ve….linked you but…we all know Lisa can’t hurt Isla. Isla trains.” Emmett gritted his teeth. Keith linked, “By the way, Katie didn’t make the call….but I’m pretty sure she convinced the girl that did to call. Katie herself doesn’t want CPS in her situation, but May told me Katie talked to the girl that did call about Isla. May didn’t tell Emmett, but a few people saw them talking.” I told him, “She’s being a Luna without trying.” Keith agreed, “She is. We just need her to know about supernatural’s. She’d have told Emmett.” She would’ve if she knew who he was. The cops eventually left. One was a pack member; the other was a Conners pack member. I needed to talk to Preston. Lisa’s family came into the house after they left. Emmett growled, “Office, now.” They walked in. The only ones not hanging their heads were Isla and her brother, Stephen. Isla was clearly trying not to laugh. Keith and I walked into Emmett’s office. Alexandria was there already. Emmett growled, “What were you thinking?” Lisa snarled, “That busybody Keaton is dating needs to mind her own business!” Emmett said, “She didn’t make the complaint.” Lisa hissed, “My friends saw her talking to that girl! She convinced her; I know it!” Emmett snorted, “That’s not a thing you know. Katie is new in school. She talks to people. She didn’t call, and Keaton’s personal life is none of your business.” Lisa countered, “It is when it affects the pack. That girl is bad news for us.” I snarled, “This was YOUR fault! Not hers.” Lisa gaped at me. Emmett said, “I agree.” Lisa hissed, “She’s just some human and you’re taking her side!” Emmett said, “From what I hear, she’s not human; however, she’s handling things how humans do. You’ve gone to school with humans Lisa. You know better than this. You do NOT threaten pack members, and you certainly don’t do it in front of humans, other supernatural’s, or other pack members.” Lisa snorted, “It was just a sister tiff. Everyone says things they don’t mean.” Isla snorted. Emmett said, “Isla, if you feel unsafe in your home you are welcome to move into the pack house. Alexandria has a room ready for you if you ever wish to take it.” Lisa yelled, “No way! She’s only sixteen.” Isla said, “I’d love the room. Thank you, Alpha and Luna. I’ll move in later this evening.” Her parents winced. Alexandria said, “I’ll help you pack.” They stood. Isla’s mom whispered, “Honey….” Isla turned, “It’s not the first time, mom. She cries and you guys just let it go. I’m not sleeping well because I’m worried she’ll jump me because that’s the only way she could. I go to training. I earned my warrior status. I didn’t ride the coattails of my boyfriend to get it. I worked for it. I don’t want to be under the same roof as her.” Lisa sneered, “I’m old enough to get into the pack house. I’ll apply today.” Emmett immediately said, “Denied. You clearly need supervision.” Lisa snarled, “This is so unfair!” Emmett shrugged, “Too bad for you that your alpha doesn't have fairy blood. I don’t much care about what you think is fair. You’re creating an unsafe environment for a pack member of mine. I’m giving her a place to feel safe. That is my job as her Alpha. If Isla gets so much as a papercut, you’re my first suspect. Are we clear, Lisa?” Lisa rolled her eyes, “Fine. Baby her. Everyone does.” Isla snorted, “The only one who gets babied is you. Stephen and I have always been left on our own because princess Lisa needs to be catered to twenty-four seven.” Isla’s mom wiped away tears. She whispered, “Isla, that’s not true.” Isla asked, “Really, why weren’t you at Stephen’s soccer games this year then?” Isla’s dad said, “He quit soccer two years ago.” Isla snorted, “And let me guess you told you that. Where did you think he was? You don’t pay attention. It’s his senior year too. He actually got scouted. He’s probably going to be offered a full ride scholarship to play.” Isla’s mom gasped, “Stephen, why didn’t you say anything? That’s amazing!” Stephen said, “I stopped asking you to come to games because Lisa would always have a crisis you needed to help with when we were sophomores. I didn’t know you thought I quit. I just didn’t think you cared. Lisa is the one you care about. Isla and I have always known that. You’re incapable of staying mad at her even when she does awful s**t like threatening our baby sister. You don’t even punish her because she cries. At least now, I can watch Isla in the pack house. Let’s go, Isla.” They left. Isla’s dad asked Lisa, “Why would you tell us he quit?” Lisa shrugged, “His games were boring.” They gaped at her. Isla cried, “They don’t think we love them.” Lisa started crying, “You always loved them more than me.” She stood up and ran out. Emmett said, “Oh no, by all means. Go. We were done talking. Mr. and Mrs. Kipner, please educate your daughter on pack rules. I’m tired of seeing her disrespectful, hateful self.” They both nodded and left. Isla’s mom was wiping away tears. Emmett told me, “Mom is going to talk to them since Alexandria is helping with Isla’s move.” I nodded. He asked me, “Can you talk to your…friend?” I asked, “About?” Emmett sighed, “I don’t know, tell her we have a system.” I told him, “She’s a supernatural, but I don’t know what kind. She doesn’t know either. Her mom has kept her in the dark. I can’t really break the ice about supernatural’s just yet. Especially when I don’t know what she is.” Emmett groaned, “That’s true.” He ran his hands over his face. Emmett sighed, “That girl makes me feel like a terrible Alpha. Isla’s been worried her sister is going to hurt her in her sleep.” I told him, “We have hundreds of pack members, Emmett. You’re leading without us to help oversee everything. Plus, I’m pretty sure everything Lisa is my fault. She was my girlfriend, and nobody wanted to talk about her. Because it always led to a fight.” Emmett frowned, “No, I’m still the Alpha. I should’ve done better. I will do better.” I told him, “You’re a great Alpha, Emmett.” I walked over and gave him a hug. I linked him, “Lisa already had one of us questioning everything about themselves. Don’t let her do it to you too.” Emmett pulled back. He asked, “What do you mean?” I sighed, “One day we can talk about it. I’m honestly…talking to Leon has made me realize some things.” Emmett frowned, “You’ve met twice and already have things to think about?” I nodded, “A lot actually.” Emmett said, “Well, whenever you want to talk; I’m here.” Channing linked me, “Talk to him, dad, and Keith. I don’t think we will backslide, but they can help us.” I replied, “That makes us look weak.” Channing retorted, “Yeah, that’s a lie. Haley always says asking for help is good.” Aunt Haley did always say that. She’d told me Eric had gotten help. He was tough as nails. I sighed and sat down, “Call dad in here, Emmett.” Emmett frowned and sat back down. Keith sat by me. My dad walked in instantly concerned. I looked down at the floor. Emmett asked, “Keaton?” I sighed, “Just let me say it all at once.” My dad asked, “Son, what’s going on?” I put my hands over my face, “I….I didn’t even realize I had a problem. It… god, this is harder than I thought. This is such a chick problem.” My dad responded, “I assume you mean a woman problem to have and not a chicken.” I snorted, “Yes.” Keith asked, “Keaton, what’s going on?” I said, “I was eating….it’s not like I wasn’t. I just….” Keith said, “You ate like me when we left….oh son of a b***h. You were only eating protein all the time? I thought…..” My dad asked, “Keaton, what are you saying?” I sighed, “I was just trying to stay fit and in shape. I thought I had an issue with my metabolism being a partial wolf hood mix. Like Keith said, when we were away…..I ate like he did.” Emmett gritted his teeth, “And came back filled out. Son of a b***h! How did I not see that?” I told him, “I didn’t want you to, and I wasn’t here a lot. I was with…” Keith snarled, “LISA! She f*****g told you that you needed to eat that way?” I said, “Not exactly. It’s on me. None of the other partial hoods have a bad metabolism. I should’ve known better. I….just….I don’t want to get back to that. So, I would just rather have more than Leon watching. You guys see me more than he does. You’d notice faster. I don’t want to hurt Channing.” Channing linked me, “Channing was just fine.” Emmett told me, “Lightening said Channing insists he was and is fine. He’s just bulkier in wolf form.” Keith answered through a clenched jaw, “He is.” My dad told me, “That’s not a woman problem, son. That’s very sexist to think that way.” He might be right. Emmett snorted, “I doubt those are really his words or thoughts dad.” I wanted to argue, but he was probably right. My dad said, “I’m so sorry I didn’t see this. We will keep an eye out. I love you, Keaton.” I hugged him, “Love you too, old man.” I sped out of the room and into mine. Keith opened my door. I said, “By all means come in.” Keith snorted, “I will. You don’t have anything to be embarrassed about with us, Keaton.” I shrugged. He punched me in the shoulder, “I mean it. I should’ve said more.” I told him, “You told me to eat more all the time, Keith.” He yelled, “Yeah, but I didn’t think anything about it!” I told him, “I didn’t either. I thought eating disorders meant not eating or throwing up what you eat. I hated my body. I hated that I didn’t look like other Alpha’s. I just didn’t realize that it was any kind….of…thing.” Keith frowned, “I’m sorry, Keaton.” I told him, “It’s not your fault. I wasn’t….I was always with Lisa.” Keith growled, “Emmett said I couldn’t punch her.” I laughed, “You’d knock her out.” Keith hissed, “If only she went to training.” I told him, “She wouldn’t be in any class you would be in.” Keith sighed, “I hate her.” I admitted, “I think I do too.” Keith snorted. He laid down on my bed with me. We both fell asleep. I snorted when I woke up, “We haven’t shared a room since we were little.” Keith shrugged, “Sometimes you gotta twin it up.” I laughed, “I don’t think that’s a thing.” I got ready and picked Odette up for school. She sighed in relief when she saw me. I asked, “Are you ok?” She nodded, “Yes, I’m fine. I just thought you were coming by and….” I groaned, “s**t!” She told me, “It’s fine. You didn’t have to, I just….was worried…it’s fine.” I told her, “No, I had a family thing and Keith and I fell asleep in my room. I’m sorry.” She smiled, “Oh, that’s ok.” I told her, “It’s not I should’ve texted you. I’m sorry. You know, you can text me.” She shrugged, “Seemed crazy and fast.” I frowned, “It’s not. I promise.” She nodded and we drove to school. When we got out something made me tense. Channing was on alert. Odette asked, “Are you ok?” I nodded, “Something just feels off in the air.” Odette nodded. She felt it too. Most of the school was tense all day. After lunch I told Odette, “I’ll see you after school.” Odette laughed, “Don’t you have practice?” I said, “Ok, I’ll see you after practice. You’re not working today.” Odette teased, “Stalker!” I snorted, “Immy told me. It’s hardly stalking. She might be your stalker.” Odette sighed, “I have so many.” I growled, “What?” She rolled her eyes, “Oh go to class.” I made it to my class as the bell rang. When school ended I got to practice. Our first game was next week. It was a good practice. Keith and I had walked back into the gym. I frowned. Odette wasn’t there with May. May kissed Keith. I asked, “Where’s Katie?” She said, “I thought she went home. I haven’t seen her.”
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