We all Have our Secrets Pt. 4

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The gym doors burst open and Lisa ran in sobbing. She cried, “Keaton!” She slammed into me. Her tears were soaking my shirt. I asked, “What happened?” She cried, “They….were….so…many…and….I flashed back….to that day….you saved me….” My eyes went wide. I asked, “Lisa, are there rogues? What happened?” She cried, “Hold me!” I wrapped my arms around her. Keith asked, “Hello?! Lisa, are their rogues?” She couldn’t talk, she was so hysterical. I heard a strangled cry from the doorway. I looked over and my heart wrenched. Odette was there. She was soaking wet and… I growled, “Is that blood?” She hissed, “What do you care? You’re here with HER? I needed you, and you are with her! Of course. Why did I think this would be different? I’ve seen the guy with an on and off again girlfriend time after time, and I thought….No I’m dumb. What’s new?” I pushed Lisa away. I said, “Don’t say that we…” Lisa sneered, “It’s good for you to realize that.” Odette hissed, “Your sister is fine by the way.” Keith asked, “What are you talking about, Katie?” Odette snorted, “She ran off and left Justin and Isla to fend for themselves against these crazy wolves. They have rabies or something.” Police officers walked into the gym. They said, “Lisa Kipner and Katie Karlton, we need to speak with you both. We have two kids going to the hospital. We need answers.” I linked Emmett, “Serious problem at school.” Emmett linked, “I’m on the way.” I said, “Katie needs to be checked by paramedics.” Lisa cried, “What about me?” Odette yelled, “SHUT UP! Nothing happened to you! You just ran away! You’re lucky I figured out how to get out of that stupid supply closet, or Justin and Isla would’ve been hurt worse than they were.” The office asked, “You’d be Miss Karlton then. The students who called reported you hit the wolves with a….” Odette gritted her teeth, “A lacrosse stick. It was in the supply closet. SHE LOCKED ME IN!” I growled. Lisa clung to me, “I didn’t, Keaton. You have to believe me.” Odette snorted. The officer put out his hand, “If you’d come down and make a statement Ms. Karlton. We’d appreciate it.” I said, “Not before she’s checked out.” Odette said, “Don’t pretend to care now, Keaton.” Pain laced my heart. She called me Keaton. She continued, “Take care of Lisa. She said you would if it came down to the two of us. Looks like she’s right.” May said, “Wait, let’s just take a beat here. I’ll go with Katie, and get her checked out. Let’s all calm down.” Channing snarled, “I want to go with mate!” I said, “I’ll go with Katie.” Odette said, “Don’t bother.” She walked out. I ran after her. I said, “Please just….” She turned with tears in her eyes, “You didn’t even care that I wasn’t waiting here. You were just worried about her. You had your arms wrapped around her and…” A sob came out of her chest. I didn’t know how to explain she was a pack member, and I’m an Alpha. That’s all it was. I told her, “I don’t want Lisa. I only want you.” She shook her head, “This is all going so fast. This isn’t normal.” I growled, “Yes it is.” She snorted, “Even your ex-girlfriend said it was too fast. That I’m just the rebound. She’s right. I’ve seen this a thousand times.” I was desperate. I said, “My song, you haven’t. I promise you. You’re not a rebound. You’re everything.” She shook her head, “No, I can’t be everything. We just met. You’re so confusing! This is…” Someone cleared their throat. I turned. A paramedic was standing there. He was human. I was close to shifting and ripping his head off. He said, “The officers want me to treat her, and then they want a statement.” I told her, “I’ll come by later and see you.” She whispered, “Let’s just take some space.” Fear and panic gripped me. I said, “You don’t mean that.” She cried, “I’ll see you Monday.” She walked off with the paramedic. May touched my shoulder, “I’ll go with her. I’ll make sure she’s ok. She’s just traumatized.” I whispered, “She needed me and I wasn’t there.” May said, “Ok, we know that she has abandonment issues, Keaton. You couldn’t have known. Lisa didn’t explain.” I nodded. I was a bad mate. I failed at everything I did. Always. I was a terrible Alpha. Lisa was right. Keith linked me, “Stop it. She just doesn't understand. That was about her more than you. Something happened between her and Lisa we didn’t hear about. You are an Alpha. A pack member needed something.” I whispered, “My Luna needed me.” Keith said, “Hey, you were trying to get answers. You had no reason to think Katie was with a rogue.” Channing was whining in my head. I felt like there was no breath in my body. Emmett ran into the school. He growled, “Keaton!” I couldn’t answer him. Lisa cried, “Keaton!” Something in me wanted to go to her, but the bigger part wanted to run out the doors after Odette. I turned, “You keep trying to ruin everything for me. You better pray I work things out with her. Or you’ll wish Emmett had sent you far away from our pack. You haven’t even asked about your sister or your boyfriend.” Lisa cried, “You’re my boyfriend. Stop acting like this Keaton! Don’t let her destroy us.” Her hand touched mine. Hers were slick with tears. I pulled away. It was hard. I wanted to comfort her, I did. Keith linked me, “You ok?” I looked at Lisa, “Tell my brother what happened since you didn’t tell Keith or me that pack members were in danger.” Lisa gasped, “I….it was traumatizing!” I snorted, “If I ran from a rogue and my brother was back there if I found someone stronger than me I’d want them out there fighting. You’re so selfish. I’m going leaving.” I got in my truck. I linked May, “How is she?” May linked, “She’s just overwhelmed. She managed to fight the wolves off. Isla is going to have to be out of school. Odette saw her get slashed. We will need to do fake bandages. I’m sure she’s already healed.” I asked, “Can I come see her?” May replied, “She’s asleep. Immy is going to stay with her. I’m coming to check on Isla and Justin. Call her.” I took out my phone and dialed. I left her message, “Odette, please call me back. I’m not going to abandon you. I will fight for you. Lisa is my past. A past I don’t even like, really. I thought she was hurt. She was sobbing, and I did care that you weren’t there. I was trying to find you. Keith and I were the last ones out of the shower. I had just gotten into the gym. Please, my song. I need you, not her. I don’t want her. She was just incoherently upset. I was trying to comfort her and figure out what was going on. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry that you needed me and I wasn’t there. Please Odette, call me back.” I hung up and got to the pack lands. I slammed my car in park. My mom flashed out, “You’re ok. Your shirt is wet.” I ripped it off. I asked, “How are Isla and Justin?” My mom said, “Justin is healed. They took him out first. He didn’t smell them coming. Isla is about to come around. Her wounds are healed. I don’t even need to call Haley to heal them.” I nodded. Keith and Emmett pulled up. I growled, “Were the rogues get caught?” Emmett shook his head, “I’ve got their scent. I’m going to put a team of warriors together.” I growled, “I’m going.” Emmett nodded. Keith said, “Count me in.” Finn called, “It’s so embarrassing of you all to keep asking me. Finn is IN!” I snorted, “What are you doing here?” Finn tapped my nose, “Look at little Keaton all grown up. Damn, you filled out. I’m going to have to hit the weights. You’re making me look bad, kid. Just kidding. Your sister loves my form. Your sister was worried. I can’t have that. So I got us a fairy ride and POP here we are. Now, I have this pent up energy that will go into hunting down these rogues. They upset my mate. I had to be serious. It was awful, little Keaton. Awful.” I rolled my eyes, “Whatever. Let’s go.” Several warriors had joined us. I shifted and waited for them to follow suit. I was going to tear these rogues to pieces. Note: What has Lisa done now? Will Odette call Keaton back? Why was Odette so pale?
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