We all Have Our Secrets Pt. 2

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Ken was not surprised to see me. He winked, “The ex killed the mood in the janitor’s closet. Sorry kid. On the plus side, the whole ice skating rink is shut down. I’d never let Lisa past me in this place either.” I snorted, “And what about your second base blocking self?” Ken laughed boisterously. He told me, “I had orders from the Alpha. What did you want me to do?” I rolled my eyes, “Wait.” Ken laughed, “I waited ten minutes, kid. Move your hand to second base faster. Should you want to get there.” I snorted and got on the elevator. I quickly got to Odette’s apartment. I was nervous. I told myself as I walked to her door, “Take things slow. Just let the part of her brain trying to be human catch up to the intensity of her feelings. We got this.” Channing linked, “We do.” Immy opened the door. She linked me, “You’re welcome. Try not to rip the dress off though.” Dress? We were ice skating…Holy s**t. Odette’s dress clung to her like a second skin. Her boobs were bigger. Channing snorted, “If people would give us five damn minutes we could’ve felt for comparison later.” I was feeling them later. That was happening. Bryce linked, “What can you do? It’s Immy.” I could care less. I might get Immy a present. Just because. Channing linked me, “Good call on not getting flowers, but not because she’s prissy like Lisa; because she doesn’t like flowers in general.” I didn’t care for the reason she didn’t like flowers though. I’ll just bet her mom demanded she keep the flowers alive. I’d gotten her favorite chocolate too. It made me happy we had that in common. I actually hadn’t had a crunch bar in years. Lisa said I got too fat when I ate candy. Or dessert. Which made my s*x report brutal after I had any type of dessert or candy. Immy linked me, “We are taking you to your truck so you don’t ravish her right here. Because that’s the look on your face. Don’t worry, you don’t have to thank me. I’m just that good all the time.” I linked her, “I fully plan to thank you. Do you know her shoe size?” Immy giggled, “Umm duh. I helped pick out her clothes. She’s a size eight.” I was in a daze getting her into the truck. I decided to use her new nickname. Her eyes sparkled when I said it so I knew I’d chosen the right one. I couldn’t help the excitement that bubbled up when Odette worried about Emmett liking her. Lisa never cared, and definitely never tried to get my family to like her. She seemed to enjoy that they didn’t, honestly. Emmett linked me, “You know there are cameras in the ice skating rink, right?” I linked, “Of course I know that.” Emmett said, “Just making sure. Mom’s curious what this girl looks like. I’m sure she’ll peek at the cameras.” I replied, “So you’re not curious?” Emmett snorted, “You’re making me feel like a Beta because I am in fact so DAMN curious.” I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. I replied, “Imagine how Malachi feels then.” Emmett snorted, “I don’t have to imagine. He’s annoyed that none of his siblings will take this girl's picture and show him. I think he’s about ready to show up at school.” I replied, “More likely he’s sitting at a computer with the feed up so he can see her.” Emmett linked, “You’re right. I’m going to find him.” I rolled my eyes. My whole damn family was going to be everywhere in different parts of the house looking at feeds from the rink. Keith linked me, “Helping her lace up the skates. You are so smooth.” I replied, “Oh come on! You too! Why are you watching our date? You know what she looks like.” Keith answered, “So, Finn is here because Emma wanted to see Katie. He told Malachi he was doing things on too small a scale. Your date is now on the big screen in the theater room. He has popcorn. He’s muttering about something being familiar about her, and bemoaning about how he has more questions now. Also, his brain hurts because he can’t figure out why she’s familiar. Don’t worry. Not everyone is here. Grandpa and grandma are out on their date night. So it’s just our parents, siblings, their mates minus TJ, and Malachi. Allison is sad TJ isn’t here, but I guess he has soccer practice.” I rolled my eyes. Of course. I should’ve factored in Finn. Odette actually caught on quite quickly to ice skating. My mom would probably teach her some tricks if she wanted. My Uncle Heath and my mom had us on the ice since we could walk. Everyone in the hood could ice skate. Uncle Heath felt it was important to be quick and light on your feet. To him ice skating was the ultimate test of your agility, balance, and several other things. Odette wanted to see me skate. Keith linked, “OH MY GOD! SAY YES!” I replied, “You have sound? Come the f**k on!” It was like being on a chaperoned date. Keith said, “Mom is almost in tears over the thought of you skating. Come on….do it. Impress your mate.” Channing chimed in, “Look at how hopeful mate looks. We should show her.” She actually already looked proud. She did ask. Channing repeated, “She’s not like Lisa.” He was right. Lisa had actually never seen me skate. I had just asked her to come once and she sneered at me. She dressed me down really good about how unmasculine it was. For two hours. I changed the song and let myself get lost in the music and the ice. I could hear Katie humming. It inspired me. I felt like I was ten feet tall. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face when I was done. It felt so good to be back out here. Odette was clapping and smiling. She was practically bouncing on the ice. I skated over quickly to make sure she didn’t fall. She thought I was good at everything. Lisa’s words came crashing back into my mind. Odette brought me out of those thoughts when she kissed my cheek. I explained why I hadn’t been out here. Odette’s eyes flashed with anger and she went on a tangent about what being manly really went. Keith linked me, “Ok, mom loves her. It’s official. Also everyone did cheers with our drinks when she said Lisa was wrong. Finn is doing a toast. It’s a whole thing. It was good to see you back out on the ice, Keaton. Mom’s trying to subtly wipe away tears. They all love Katie.” Except that wasn’t her name. I took Odette’s hand and we skated around for a bit before we left. I was stunned when Odette wanted to stop at the small diner my dad owned. Then I got pissed she’d only ever had two milkshakes. I was going to bring her to this diner once a week. She could have a milkshake as often as she wanted. We caused quite a stir among the staff when we walked in. I guess it had been awhile since I’d been here. Lisa thought diners were beneath her. She deserved better than a dingy booth. Not that they were dingy. My dad kept this place very nice. I looked nervously at Odette, but her eyes were bright as she took everything in. I sighed in relief. I took her to a booth and sat down. The waitress said she was here when my parents first came in. I hadn’t heard this story. I would have to ask them about it sometime. The waitress linked me, “Is she your mate, Keaton?” I replied, “Why do you ask?” The waitress laughed, “I asked your dad the same question when he brought your mom in here the first time. You are so your father’s son.” I replied, “Why do people keep saying that? Grandpa and dad are being weird about it.” She laughed in reply, but didn’t answer me. I shoved all that aside. Odette and I talked while we ate. Once we were done I was dreading leaving her. Stupid human hang ups. Damn her mother to hell for not telling her about the supernatural world. I wouldn’t have to do this s**t. When we reached her apartment, I kissed her for all I was worth. I forced myself to pull back. She needed to go inside and lock the door or I was going to lose it. I was resigning myself to leaving when she invited me in. She wanted to make out. I was more than happy to oblique. Channing linked me, “If we are about to get to second base and someone calls or knocks on the door I’ll shift. I’ll do it. I’ll snarl at someone.” I linked, “You’d scare Odette.” Channing said, “Well, then we could tell her about supernatural things, and she could come home with us.” Wolves. Everything was so simple in their minds. Channing answered, “Um because it is. You humans have to complicate everything that does not need to be complicated.” He might have a point. Not completely but somewhat. Odette turned on the t.v. Something was wrong. I titled her face back towards me. I saw the unshed tears in her eyes. I asked, “What’s wrong?” She tried to smile, “Oh, nothing.” I whispered, “Hey, talk to me.” She closed her eyes and a few tears slipped out. She told me, “It’s silly. We had such a great date and…” I cut her off, “We will have plenty more. What's going on inside that pretty little head?” She whispered, “I’m worried about tomorrow.” I asked, “Tomorrow? Why?” She frowned, “Your ex will be in school. Her friends have made it clear I’m enemy number one. I feel like this bubble we’ve been in is going to burst and…” I frowned, “And what?” Lisa’s friends were going to get it. They should not be making Odette feel that way. Odette leaned her forehead on mine, “What if you go away?” I didn’t understand. I told her, “I’m not going anywhere, my beautiful song.” She wiped her tears and whispered, “Everyone leaves me. My mom, my brother, or I leave them I guess. I didn’t want to leave my friends behind but we are always leaving in the middle of the night. I never get to say goodbye…” I growled, “You’re not leaving. I’d come find you if she tried to take you from me. I won’t leave you. I have no excuse for your mom or brother, but Odette I will never leave you. Lisa is not a problem for us. She is the past, and I’ve made that clear.” Odette’s lips were on mine. I put my hand behind her head pulling her closer. She straddled my lap. I was painfully hard. I slid my hand up. I swear I heard angles when I touched her breast through her shirt and bra. I gave it a gentle squeeze earning me a moan. Her hands began to explore my chest. Channing linked, “Don’t play favorites touch the other one.” He had a point I began to run my hand up and down her again. I used my other hand to slide up her chest. By some miracle no one called or knocked on the door. When we both needed air, I pulled back. Her lips were swollen. I wanted to keep going, but she looked so tired. I said, “You need to sleep, Odette.” She yawned, “I haven’t been sleeping well.” She leaned her head down into my shoulder. Her breathing evened out. No way. She can’t have fallen asleep that fast. I leaned my head back and looked. She was asleep. I picked her up and walked into her bedroom. I tried to set her down, but she clung to me. I kicked my shoes off and laid us both down. I’d just close my eyes for a second. I heard a banging noise. That was annoying. An alarm went off. Odette sighed. I pulled her closer. She gasped. I opened my eyes. She whispered, “You must have fallen asleep here. Oh god, your parents are going to be so mad at me!” I kissed her. She jumped up and squealed, “Morning breath! I have morning breath.” I laughed, “I didn’t notice.” I pulled down the block on my link. Keith was linking me, “Answer the door. I smell you in there.” I replied, “Coming.” He snorted, “Finally.” I opened the door and he handed me some clothes, a toothbrush, and a brush. I smiled, “Thanks Keith.” Odette yelled, “Tell him to come in. There should be some frozen stuff for breakfast. Immy texted me she put something in there.” Keith linked, “She can hear me?” I nodded. He shrugged. I linked my dad, “Hey dad.” My dad immediately answered, “Keaton, I don’t mind if you stay at Katie’s place, but a heads up would be nice.” I told him, “I’m sorry dad. I just closed my eyes for a second. I didn’t mean to stay over.” My dad snorted, “You’re eighteen. If you want to stay there you can. I called Ken and he told me that you hadn’t left.” He was being very understanding. It was probably because I was eighteen. Odette stuck her head out of her door, “Do you need to use my shower?” I said, “If you wouldn’t mind. My brother brought me some things.” Odette smiled, “I’m done so the bathroom is free.” I walked back into the room and pulled her in for a kiss. Her towel dropped between us. She was in her underwear. I pulled back breathing hard. I smirked, “That’s a hell of a view.” She flushed and grabbed her towel off the ground. I chuckled and walked into the bathroom. When I came out Keith had been joined by May. They were all talking. Keith linked me, “Lisa knows you didn’t come home. She’s in rare form this morning.” Great. Odette was already worried about her. I replied, “I’m technically an adult.” Keith said, “Oh, I’m aware. I just wanted you to be warned.” I nodded, “Thanks for the heads up.” May smiled, “So, the date went well I see.” Odette flushed. I linked her, “I’m surprised you didn’t see the live play by play.” She managed not to laugh. Odette replied, “It was the best date I’ve ever been on. We even stopped by this diner. The milkshakes were amazing.” Keith replied, “The pack link was on fire about you guys going there. Mom cried that you went back. You haven’t been in a while.” I replied, “We will be going often. Odette likes the milkshakes there.” Keith smiled. May said, “Maybe we have a double date next weekend! We have a surprise birthday party to go to this weekend.” I linked Keith, “Whose birthday?” Keith answered, “Melanie Conners.” Odette looked away. She looked sad. I put my arms around her. She smiled up at me. We walked down to the garage. I helped her in my truck and we went inside the school holding hands. I should’ve checked the pack link. Lisa was shrieking at Former Gamma Marshall’s wife, Riley. Odette sighed. I grabbed her hand tightly and kept on walking. Lisa whirled when she caught my scent. She yelled at me, “Fix this Keaton!” I asked, “Fix what?” She threw a piece of paper at my head. Before I could, Odette caught it. Lisa snarled, “That’s not for you.” Odette replied, “Since you threw it at someone you’ve already assaulted once, I was actually helping you. I’m pretty sure having your first move being hitting him in the head with something would land you in more hot water. Why do you think Keaton can fix your schedule? What’s wrong with it?” Lisa shrieked, “They changed my schedule around! I want it put back.” Odette snorted, “So, they removed you from the classes you shared with Keaton.” She nodded. I was about to respond when Odette crossed her arms. She said, “You do know that’s standard after you assault someone. The school is abiding by policies they have to put in place by the state. Keaton can’t fix it.” Lisa snorted, “Yes, he can.” I told her, “I’m not going to.” I grabbed her schedule and threw it in the trash and led Odette away as she shouted. Odette told me, “I have a class with her. I’m really looking forward to it.” I kissed her. I pulled back, “If she does anything let me know.” Odette told me, “She will.” I linked Lisa, “Leave Katie alone today.” I blocked her out so I couldn’t hear her reply. Odette whispered, “At least she won’t be in your classes.” I told her, “She’ll leave you alone.” Odette stared at me and asked, “Do you believe that?” I responded, “If she doesn’t, she’ll answer to me or my brother.” Odette nodded. I walked her to her homeroom where Immy was waiting. Immy shooed me away, “Girl talk time. I need all the details since a little birdie told me you didn’t come home last night.” Odette flushed red. Several people started whispering. I shot them a look, and they stopped. I told Odette, “I’ll see you in class.” She smiled at me. I left their class. Lisa was waiting outside my home room. I walked past her. She shrieked, “Keaton!” I told her, “You don’t need to shout.” She hissed, ‘This is getting ridiculous! I want the new Prada bag to make up for this bullshit.” I told her, “Then get a job and buy it. I’m not getting it for you.” She told me, “Oh you will buy it for me to make up for all this. My schedule is different, Keaton. I miss you. You’re spending the night with that…” I growled, “Be very careful, Lisa.” She frowned, “Why do you like her so much? She doesn’t even know about us! She’ll be scared of you.” I told her, “Stay away from her, Lisa.” Keith came up beside me. He said, “Unless you're dense you’ve figured out exactly why he likes her so much, Lisa. As annoying as I find you, you are a straight A student. I know that you know so how about you go get to your class.” Lisa opened her mouth to say something as the warning bell rang. Our teacher came and said, “Miss Kipner, this is not your homeroom. I won’t write you pass; you need to get moving.” Lisa asked me, “Keaton, please ask for a pass for me.” The teacher replied, “The principal sent out an email this morning that we were to make sure you two kept your distance. So, I won’t write a pass if he asks. Please move along.” Lisa screamed in annoyance and took off. Keith said, “It was so nice when she was in I.S.S.” I nodded, “It really was.” When I saw Odette next she looked annoyed. I asked, “Are you ok?” She smiled, “Yup.” When lunch rolled around, I walked Odette to our table and got food. When I came back and sat down. Lisa walked over. She told Odette, “You’re in my seat.” I said, “She’s not.” Lisa glared at me. She went over to my other side, but May flashed over and set her tray down and took a seat along with Keith. Lisa shot her a look that if looks could kill. Her eyes flickered to Justin and Isla who were sitting with us. She sneered, “What are you doing at this table, Isla?” Odette said, “I invited them to sit with us. They are my friends.” Lisa snorted, “Justin isn’t your friend.” Odette countered, “Yes, he is.” Lisa shot him a look, “Justin, come sit with us over there.” She tilted her head to her friends. Justin looked down, “I’m good here, Lisa.” I raised an eyebrow and looked at Lisa. She was shaking in anger. She hissed, “JUSTIN! NOW!” Isla spoke, “He said no. Go away, Lisa.” Lisa turned her attention to Isla. She told her, “You’ll regret this when we get home.” Odette asked, “Did you just threaten your sister?” Lisa hissed, “Stay out of our business!” Odette said, “You’re making it the whole lunchroom’s business.” I interjected, “Lisa, go sit down. Stop making a scene.” She hissed, “Isla, this is not over. You’ll get the beating of your life at home.” Odette gasped. I growled, “Now, Lisa!” She took off. I linked Isla, “That won’t happen.” Isla replied, “She couldn't beat me up.” I actually knew that. I was more worried about Lisa having her friends hurt Isla. After lunch, I walked Odette to her class. She was biting her lip. I asked, “Are you ok?” She looked up, “Huh? Oh, yeah just worried.” I kissed the top of her head. I whispered, “I’ll bite your lip if you don’t stop.” Her jaw dropped and I took advantage. Someone cleared their throat. The teacher was looking at us with amusement. Odette flushed. I said, “I’ll see you later, Katie.” She nodded and walked into class. I went to my guidance counselor's office. I sat down. He smiled, “Good afternoon, Keaton. I hear you had a date that went well.” I snorted, “The pack link is the biggest gossip of all time.” Leon greeted me, “It is. It’s how everyone keeps up. I have a question, why isn’t it official that Katie is your mate?” I stiffened, “I didn’t say she was.” Leon snorted, “The students seem to think she is.” I shrugged. Leon said, “Ok, let’s talk about your date.” I asked, “Why?” Leon shrugged, “I don’t mind silence, but it will be a slow way to pass the year. I figured we can talk about something you’d want to talk about, hence the suggestion of your date.” I smiled, “It was great. I took her ice skating. We like the same kind of candy.” Leon said, “I haven’t seen you eat candy for…years.” I frowned, “Well, I bought her candy and she likes the same one I do. She’s a natural skater. She wanted to see me do a routine. It was nice being back on the ice.” Leon nodded, “Yes, you were quite competitive in the sport until you turned thirteen. I remember you were quite good. You placed first in a lot of those competitions. Your mother bragged about you often.” I nodded, “Yes.” Leon asked, “Why did you stop?” I shrugged, “It’s….” I trailed off. Then evaded, “Katie asked the same question.” Leon asked, “Did she?” I nodded, “She told me I was really good.” Leon said, “You are.” I continued, “When we left, she saw the diner my dad owns. She wanted to stop there and eat. I hadn’t been there in a really long time. It was good. I’ll be taking Katie back there a lot. Her mom wouldn’t let her have milkshakes. So, I want her to try them as much as she wants.” Leon nodded, “That’s nice. My mate and I love the food at that diner. Your dad takes your mom there a lot.” I nodded, “The whole family usually goes.” Leon frowned, “I haven’t seen you there with them in…years now.” I shrugged, “I was trying to stay in shape.” Leon asked, “Do you think your dad and brothers are out of shape?” I said, “Of course not.” Leon added, “With our DNA being what it is, it’s actually impossible for us to be out of shape, Keaton. Particularly an Alpha. Even if you didn’t train, you’d be formidable. You train more than you need to really. Over the summers it’s borderline unhealthy.” I countered, “Alexander Conners barely leaves his gym. Well, he does now more because of his mate; however, they both spend a lot of time in the gym.” Leon said, “Sure, and he eats like a bear about to go into hibernation. You don’t.” I frowned, “I was eating more when I was away this last semester.” Leon nodded, “And you look much better. You didn’t look bad before, but you’ve filled out. Don’t you think so?” I nodded, “It’s weird but I do.” Leon frowned, “It’s not weird. Werewolves have a high metabolism. You know that. You’re not an exception.” I shrugged, “I’m not a full wolf.” Leon snorted, “The hood have a metabolism better than wolves. You know that too.” I shrugged, “But a partial could have differences.” Leon stared at me, “Did Lisa tell you that, Keaton?” I nodded, “Sure. All the time. We don’t know all there is to know about partial hoods. Or as Dylan calls us Holves.” Leon frowned, “Name one partial in our pack that has a problem with their metabolism.” I immediately answered, “Me.” Leon asked, “Did the pack doctor say that?” I shook my head, “No.” Leon said, “Then what proof do you have of that? I think the evidence speaks to the contrary. You were in shape before you left Keaton. You had muscles, but you were thin for an Alpha wolf. Now, you come back filled out exactly like an Alpha wolf. The difference in your schedule there and here was how you ate.” I sat back.
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