I Need You Pt. 2

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I said, “I don’t care, just…you’re helping him right?” The nurse said, “Of course, sweetie. We are going to do everything we can.” My heart stopped. I cried, “No…no you have to save him. That implies he could die. Is he that bad? I…I tried to get him here as fast as I could.” The nurse said, “I don’t have his chart, sweetie.” I was dragged outside. The angry desk clerk nurse followed them as they took me outside. I glanced at the nameplate on the officer as he slammed me face first into the hood of their car. Officer McGee. I let a few tears slip out. The nurse yelled, “What is the matter with you?! What do you think you are doing?” Officer McGee said, “License and registration, perp.” I said, “I don’t have a license. I’d guess the registration is in the glove compartment.” Officer McGee snorted, “You stole that car, didn’t you?” I whispered, “No, it was a gift.” They snorted. A different cop said, “The car is registered to Katie Karlton.” I whispered, “That’s me.” The cop sneered, “Prove it.” I said, “My credit card is in the car in my purse.” The one cop said, “It does say Katie Karlton.” The cop was searching my pockets. He grabbed my breast. I asked, “What are you doing?” He said, “Searching you.” The nurse yelled, “Officer McGee! She is a minor.” He still thoroughly searched me, groping as he went. Several tears spilled out of my eyes. Finally, he opened the back of the car. He slammed my head on the top of the door frame. I would’ve fallen if he wasn’t holding me. He sneered, “Oops.” I cried out, but I couldn’t do anything since my hands were cuffed. He slammed the door shut. The cop that had been going through my car pushed the guy and told him to go in a different car. He got into the one I was in with an older guy. I asked, “Is Keaton ok?” The older guy said, “We didn’t get his status.” I really let my tears fall now. I sobbed the whole way to the station. For some reason, they didn’t process me; they just threw me in a cell. They didn’t even take the cuffs off. One cop came to talk to me. He said, “We need to call your parents.” I said, “I don’t know my dad, and I don’t know where my mom is.” The guys sighed, “Look, do you really want us to call CPS?” I said, “No, I want to know how Keaton is.” He started to leave. I yelled, “HEY! I get a phone call!” He turned, “Give me your mom’s number and you can make your call.” I frowned, “That’s not how this works! I get a phone call.” The cop said, “Little girl, this works how we say this works. Give me your mom’s phone number.” I yelled, “I don’t have it! She left with her boyfriend. I don’t have her number! If you’d give me my phone, I’ll call my brother.” Caspian said they all had an alert set up for when I called. He would answer. The guy said, “How dumb do you think I am?” I said, “Currently? Fairly dumb. I’m not supposed to be in cuffs when I’m in the cell. You were supposed to fingerprint me and take my mugshot or something. You weren’t supposed to hurt me, and I get a freaking phone call!” The cop snorted, “This isn’t a T.V. show, little girl. There is only a mother listed for you at the school. There is no record of you having a brother.” I said, “Well, I do. I could have several for all you know. They are GOING to be pissed!” He started to leave, and I cursed my anger. I yelled, “Wait! Is Keaton ok?” He said, “Maybe after some more time to think in here will have you answering my questions. I yelled, “I did answer your questions! You just didn’t like the answers! Just tell me how he is!” He didn’t say anything. I sank to my knees and cried. I wanted Keaton. I wanted my Lux more than ever. I whispered, “Caspian where are you? I need you.” It was so dark down here I saw this gold whisp leave my lips and go out the window. I blinked. What the hell? I was seeing things. I whispered, “Sassy? Are you there?” I heard a weak side of her song. Now Sassy was hurt. I cried even harder. I was going crazy with worry for Keaton. I could feel the bruise forming on my face and jaw. My back was killing me. The door opened and someone asked, “Are you going to answer us now?” I immediately asked, “How’s Keaton?” The guy crossed his arms, “What’s your mom’s number?” I retorted, “I told you; I don’t know. Whatever you think a mother daughter relationship is supposed to be like, that’s not ours. She leaves me like this all the time. I don’t even think I got her email address. Track down my ex-boyfriend. He probably has her number.” The guy raised an eyebrow. He started to leave. I yelled, “WAIT! I have a lawyer. You have to contact my lawyer. That’s a thing!” The cop snorted, “What’s your lawyer’s name?” Ok, this was progress. I will tell them about Lux Vennox as soon as they told me about Keaton. I countered, “Tell me how Keaton is, and I’ll give you his name.” The cop snorted, “Pass.” He left. My arms were sore. Every part of my body hurt. It felt like my soul was being crushed. Did I get to Keaton in time? Was he ok? Those thoughts just swirled. I laid on the ground until the door opened again. I yelled, “I still don't know my mom’s number, and I’m not telling you my lawyer's name until you tell me how Key is. That’s all I want to know.” I started sobbing. A man yelled, “WHAT THE f**k?! GET THE CUFFS OFF HER!” I looked up to see an older man. I whispered, “You look like Key.” He said, “Well, he’s my grandson so technically speaking he looks like me.” I cried, “Is he ok?” The man studied me, “He’s fine. I saw him briefly before he yelled the emergency room down about getting you out of jail.” A cop came running and opened the cell. He uncuffed me. I rubbed my arms. I didn’t realize I’d lost feeling them in. Keaton’s grandpa growled, “What the f**k, Brett?” Brett answered, “I had no idea she was down here. I didn’t know anyone was. I just got on shift. No one knows what’s going on upstairs. Several of the guys are being cagey.” Key’s grandpa said, “Do some digging. I want to know what’s going on.” Sassy started quietly singing in my head. I cried in relief. Keaton was ok, and Sassy was back. Keaton’s grandpa came into the cell. He rubbed my arms. He said, “You’re alright. What happened to your face?” I said, “I lost the battle with the floor and the hood of the car. Then there was the side of the police car. I guess when you ignore their flashing lights, they get testy. I was just trying to get Key to the hospital. I know I’m a bad driver, but I had to get him help.” I sobbed, “He wouldn’t wake up.” Keaton’s grandpa held me as I cried. I whispered, “He’s really ok?” Keaton's grandpa said, “He is. I’m Frank by the way.” I pulled back, “Oh gosh! I got snot and tears all over your shirt.” Frank shrugged, “Trust me it’s not the first time that’s happened, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. I have a daughter, and a wife. I’ve even held my sons as they cried.” I said, “But they are related to you.” Frank shrugged, “And you’re dating my grandson. You’re here because you got him help. What happened? Isaac was trying to track down your statement.” I asked, “Isaac? Wait! You’re Frank? You own the building I live in. Do I get evicted with a record? My mom will kill me.” Frank snorted, “I can promise you you’re not getting evicted and you won’t have a record. Now, about your statement…” I said, “They didn’t take mine. They didn’t process me or give me my phone call. They wouldn’t tell me how Key is or let me have my phone to call my brother.” Frank growled, “Well, let’s just go see what they have to say about that.” I told him, “I don’t think I’m allowed to leave the cell.” Frank snorted, “Stick with me. They won’t dare say anything.” I got up to follow him and fell back down. My legs were asleep. He helped me up the stairs. One of the officers who was there when they arrested me said, “HEY! She can’t be up here.” Someone grabbed his shoulder. Frank said, “I find that odd because technically she’s not here. She wasn’t processed. She was only read her rights. She was manhandled. I talked to the nurse at the hospital. She didn’t resist arrest, but her face tells a different story. You used unnecessary force, then you didn’t even take the cuffs off her to put her in the cell. What is the matter with you?! This is a sixteen year old girl!” Officer McGee said, “She didn’t pull over. She broke several speed limits, hit several traffic signs, and she has no license!” Another man who must be Isaac said, “For your negligence with my client we will pay for the repairs to anything she hit. We will plead this down to a non-moving violation.” Officer McGee snorted, “No way.” Isaac said, “Then the pretty young girl will be in front of every news camera, and my son owns quite a few along with a young man I am a second father to. She’ll tell her story about how she was just trying to get her boyfriend help. That she was scared, and then we’ll talk about the police brutality she was on the receiving end of. It sounds like a PR nightmare you want to avoid. Does it not?” The chief of police came out. He inclined his head, “Isaac, Frank. What seems to be the problem?” Isaac smiled, “Why don’t we discuss that in your office?” The chief took him to his office. I asked, “How long has he been a lawyer?” Frank laughed, “Oh, about a decade. His wife didn’t enjoy him being retired. Nor did he. So, she came up with him being a lawyer. He went to school and passed the bar. Now he does training class and manages a few things for Emmett. He doesn’t give Isabella a list of her days, and she doesn’t want to throttle him. It’s a win win.” I whispered, “You guys are funny.” Officer McGee came back over to us. I involuntarily flinched. Nathan put me behind him. The guy said, “She shouldn’t get off this easily.” Frank asked, “Oh? What should happen to a man who likes to knock around little girls to assert his masculinity? I suppose I could let a certain resident a county over know about your actions. She loves warlocks.” Warlocks? He paled. He said, “This girl is a liar. She was talking about calling her brother and saying she doesn’t have her mom’s contact information.” I muttered, “I do have a brother, and he’ll get you.” Probably. I was totally certain my mob boss brother would kill this guy. Sassy happily hummed in my head. WHOA THERE MURDEROUS ODETTE. Calm that thought all the way down. Sassy huffed. I said, “You know, you really should take the sightings of those rabies wolves more seriously. They were everywhere. It’s your job to protect people, and by not taking the threat seriously Key could’ve been seriously hurt. It’s your fault they haven't been contained.” The cop asked, “Who the f**k is Key?” Frank answered, “My grandson. You have no idea the hell that is about to reign down on this department. No one hurts the Daniels family and gets away with it.” The cop said, “She’s not in the Daniels family.” Frank said, “Yet. Besides, the way I heard it, you didn’t help her get my grandson inside.” The cop flushed, “We followed procedure.” Pointing guns at me didn’t really seem like procedure. I wasn’t armed. Frank laughed, “By what standard? Not how I found her, you didn’t.” The cop flushed. Isaac came out with the chief. He said, “We are all good to go, Frank.” The cop huffed, “Some people just get to break the law.” I rolled my eyes, “My brother will be so pissed at you specifically. Officer grabby hands McGee.” Isaac asked, “Grabby hands?” Officer McGee said, “I searched her.” I muttered, “Excessively. I bet my brother won’t like that at all. Nor will he like that you were trying to arrest me before I got my boyfriend inside for medical care. You didn’t even help me get him inside. You just followed me. Then you tackled me. Then you wouldn’t tell me if Key was ok. My brother will be PISSED you didn’t tell me how Key was.” Hands down Caspian was going to be furious when I talked to him next. All of them would be. Would it really be so bad if they just took Office McGee’s hands or something? That could be fair. Isaac and Frank growled. Frank said, “I will be looking more into this. I better not find anything else inappropriate happened.” It did. The guy flushed which made both men growl. They ushered me outside. I asked, “Can we go back to the hospital to see Key?” Frank said, “He’s at home.” I gasped, “What? They released him? How could they do that?!” Isaac said, “He’s perfectly fine.” I snorted, “Unconscious people are NOT fine. That’s…they…should at least observe him. That’s what they should do.” Frank said, “I’m sure he’ll come by to see you.” I wanted him to then I said, “No, he shouldn’t drive.” Isaac laughed, “He could run.” I gasped, “Run? No…that’s….maybe Ken could bring him. Well, I probably shouldn’t volunteer Ken.” Isaac laughed, “Oh, I think you’re in for quite the lecture from Ken.” I winced, “Probably.” I gasped, “I didn’t get my stuff!” Isaac laughed, “We have it. Your phone is dead, but it should be fine when you charge it.” I nodded as he handed me a baggie. I said, “Thank you guys. You didn’t have to come get me out. Or get the charges dropped. That was very nice of you.” Isaac said, “Keaton was insistent. I was pretty sure he was going to rip out his IV to get to you.” I gasped, “No, he really should still be there. Maybe you should drive me there so I can yell at the doctors. I dropped him off there to get care. They should’ve actually cared for him. Not just oh you woke up, be on your way now.” Frank laughed then told me, “I promise you he’s fine. Us Daniels men are durable.” I looked out the window and muttered, “Incorrigible, maybe. Unconscious people should not get released. I do want to see him though. He shouldn’t be driving. He doesn’t even have a car. Well, that’s probably not true. I saw a million SUV’s there when we picked up his siblings.” I told Frank, “I’ll pay to replace his window and seat belt. I had such an adrenaline rush to get him out and…he probably needs a new driver for his golf set. I can’t replace it all right now, but I’ll pick up extra shifts.” Isaac laughed, “Emmett already ordered him a new truck.” I gaped, “A new truck…well…oh gosh, did your insurance already total it? It was in bad shape, but Key loves that truck.” Frank said, “Cars, trucks, automobiles of any kind are metal and plastic. They are replaceable. What is not is in the people in them.” I winced, “I’ll never get the car my mom’s boyfriend bought me back.” Frank said, “Malachi got it out of the impound lot. We’ll get it fixed up and back to its original spot. Let’s just not have any more driving without someone with you until you have a license. I’ll give you lessons if you want, since Keaton is apparently slacking.” I flushed, “I’ll keep that in mind.” Isaac was looking at me in the rearview mirror. I asked, “Did you have another question?” Isaac snorted, “I have so many questions.” I sat back, “Ask away.” Isaac asked, “Do I know you?” I snorted, “No, but that’s a popular question.” He sighed, “Something about you….” Frank said, “That’s true. I just can’t put my finger on it.” Isaac yelled, “You see it? Christ in heaven then there is something there then.” I snickered as they bantered back and forth. We arrived at my apartment. I said, “I hope I get to see you around Isaac. You only asked one question, and you said you had a lot.” Isaac laughed, “I do have a very important one before you go inside.” I turned, “What’s that?” Isaac asked, “Are you ok, Katie?” I blinked several times. I answered, “I don’t know. I feel very unsettled. I miss Key.” Frank’s eyes softened. He said, “He’ll be here shortly, I’m sure. You take care of her, Ken.” I turned to see Ken standing outside. I said, “Thank you for everything you guys did.” Frank said, “Anytime. If you’re ever in trouble, you tell them to call Frank Daniels. Ya hear?” I nodded. They drove off. Ken put his hand on my back and led me inside. I felt dead on my feet. He studied my face. He said, “They were right. The bruising looks better. It must have been a hell of hit.” I snorted, “My back probably has a doozy too.” Ken said, “They didn’t mention your back. I’m guessing you didn’t tell them. That’s not going to go over well. Next time, take me with you. I can help you.” I frowned, “You were working.” Ken replied, “I care about you and Keaton. Keaton is family to me. His grandpa owns the building. I won’t get in trouble for making sure he is safe, and I can drive.” I sighed, “Ok, so I’m sort of an awful driver, BUT GPS’s are the DEVIL INCARNATE! She just kept saying recalculating and telling me to turn too late. That’s on whoever made the software.” Ken snorted, “That’s a fair point. I’ve cursed my share of GPS instructions.” I tried to unlock my door when we got to my apartment, but my hands were shaking. Ken said, “I’ve got it, Katie.” He unlocked it and stepped inside with me. I told him, “I guess my adrenaline is fading. I just…need a shower.” Ken said, “I’ll wait for Keaton in the living area. If you need me, just yell.” I frowned, “Keaton shouldn’t be driving. He was unconscious, I don't understand…” Ken said, “I promise Keaton is just fine.” I sighed. Tatum whined and picked her up. I said, “I’m ok girl.” I put her down and walked into my bedroom. I took off my clothes and turned on the shower. All that emotion just came out and I sobbed in the shower. I slowly sank down until I was sitting as the water hit me. Tatum sat beside me so I pulled her into my lap. I went over the events in my head. I saw Keaton’s truck get hit, and it felt like something inside me died. Then I fought with my rabies wolf. The disaster that was the car ride to the hospital. Not knowing if he was ok in that cell. Not knowing if Sassy was ok. She was still pretty quiet for her. Did I hurt her somehow? What did I do? I’d never had a gun pointed in my face. Even when I was kidnapped. They just tossed me in a van after overpowering me. I’d used a gun before but having at least five guns pointed at your face was just too much. Sassy came back to full power to happily sing. I quickly shut off the shower. I grabbed Keaton’s shirt off the floor along with some sweats I ran out into my living area. Keaton was talking to Ken. His shoulder was in a sling, but he looked fine. I burst into tears and ran to him. He growled, “What the f**k happened to your face?!” I buried my face in his chest and inhaled. I cried, “I was so worried, but I got you there in time. You’re ok?” Keaton pulled back and took off the sling around him. I said, “Don’t do that! You need it…” I trailed off when he pulled me into his arms. He said, “I’m fine. I just remember getting hit then it goes blank.” I wiped away tears, “Your truck rolled several times. I was so scared you weren’t going to be ok. Then those rabies wolves showed up. I…the stupid GPS is stupid and you wouldn’t wake up. Those cops pointed guns at me…” He snarled, “THEY WHAT?!” Ken whispered, “Why am I always standing right here for the oh s**t moments?” I said, “They wouldn’t help me get you inside. The poor nurse at the desk tried to stop them but it hurt really bad when they tackled me the second you were on a gurney.” Ken groaned. Keaton asked, “Tackled?” I just kept talking for some reason, “That hurt my face too. Officer grabby hands McGee kneeled on my back. Then he slammed me on the hood of his car. They tried to say I hit your car, or I stole mine. He…he groped me.” Ken growled now. Keaton asked, “HE f*****g WHAT?!” I cried, “He said it was a search, but he just kept groping me. The nurse was telling him to stop and…then he cracked my head on the car. They wouldn’t tell me if you were ok, they didn’t process me or anything. They just threw me in there with the cuffs on. If your grandpa didn’t come I….” I said, “This isn’t about me. Are you sure you’re ok?” Ken said, “Keaton, she’s in shock.” Keaton growled, “Do not leave her.” He stalked off. I could hear him yelling at someone in the hallway. I said, “I made him mad.” Ken said, “No, you didn’t. Other people did.” I heard that pop sound again. I told Ken, “You need to look into that sound. It keeps happening.” Frank, Isaac, Immy, Keith, May, and another woman I hadn’t met entered the room. I said, “Gang’s all here.” The woman stepped forward. She smiled, “Hi, my name is Rya Daniels.” I asked, “Huh? I thought Keaton’s sister’s names were Emma and Allison.” She smiled, “I’m Keaton’s older cousin. I’m a doctor. My older brother, Tyler, heard Keaton was upset and offered the solution of me doing a quick exam. Let’s step into your room. Ok?” Keaton growled. She just gave him a look. I followed her. Immy jumped in and gave me a hug. I squeezed her tightly. She whispered, “You’re such a badass.” I smiled, “Thanks, Immy.” I walked into my room. Rya studied my face. I asked, “So, Chase has a brother?” Rya smiled, “He has two. My dad’s name is Cameron. I’m the second oldest in my family. Tyler is the oldest. My brother Colton works directly with Emmett. Tyler was more into security than he was running things. Less paperwork.” I laughed, “I guess that makes sense.” She took out a light and had me follow it. She said, “Ok, no concussion. Let me see your back.” I lifted my shirt. She sucked in a breath. She gently tucked my back and I sucked in a breath. She said, “Ok, it’s just a bad bruise, but I bet that really hurts.” It did. I crawled into my bed crying. God, I was so emotional right now. I felt Keaton’s arms around me. I heard voices around me, but I faded into blissful sleep. I woke up in the water. I swam for all I was worth. I wanted my brothers. I swam through the entrance and started running when I was on dry land. I ran into the main room. Trit was pacing. I cried, “Trit.” He whirled around right before I launched myself into his arms. I was sobbing again. He began to hum. I liked the tune he was singing. Sassy began to hum it as well. Soon I felt other hands on me humming the same song. I felt more balanced and stable. When I pulled back, all my brothers and Noxus were there. Caspian’s eyes danced with anger. He asked, “What the f**k happened to your face?” I jumped back out of Trit’s arms. I asked, “You can see me?” He said, “Yes.” Trit said, “I saw you the second I turned around.” I started crying again, “You can really see me?” Caspian walked over and picked me up and spun me around. He said, “Yes, we really can. We’ve been calling you. Repeatedly. You called to me, and I couldn’t f*****g find you. I have never felt more useless in my life.” I frowned, “Did they really call you? They wouldn’t let me have my phone. I said I would call you, but they said I was lying. That I didn’t have a brother. They just left me in the dark in that cell.” Trit yelled, “THEY DID f*****g WHAT?! WHO?” Noxus yelled, “BOYS!” They all stopped talking. Noxus smiled at me, “You are beautiful.” I smiled asking, “You can see me too?” He nodded and opened his arms for a hug. I ran to him and he held me. Caspian asked, “Who DARED to call my little sister a liar and stop her from calling me? They didn’t call me. You did.” I snorted, “I told them you’d be pissed, but I didn’t call you.” Caspian said, “Well, I really am pissed. You didn’t call me on the phone, no.” Ok. I had no idea what he meant by that. So, I explained what happened, “Sassy kept trying to get to my song boy. I knew he was in trouble. I somehow knew where he was too. That was weird. He got hit by a car that just took off. It rolled so many times.” I started to cry again.
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