I Need You Pt. 3

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Noxus said, “Why don’t we go somewhere less formal?” He led us through to a beautiful room with a lot of couches. I smiled, “You guys really lean into this under the sea thing.” Trit said, “You have no idea.” Caspian asked, “What does your song boy being in an accident have to do what happened to your face? You weren’t in the car.” I corrected, “Truck. He drives a truck, and no I wasn’t. I got him out. Those rabies wolves showed up, but so did mine. I made them go to sleep somehow…well, I told them to and they did. It was weird. I drove and broke some laws…ok I don’t have a license and I’m a REALLY bad driver, but it was an EMERGENCY! I waved to the cop that was trying to pull me over. I had to get my song boy to the hospital. He was unconscious. I hit a lot of stuff, and the GPS was the devil. They pointed their guns at me.” I started crying again, “I just wanted to get him inside. I just wanted them to help him. I got him inside and they tackled me. They hurt me and they wouldn’t let me call you. I just wanted to call you.” I broke down for what felt like the tenth time tonight. Caspian picked me up and sat me in his lap. He said, “It’s alright. We are all here now.” He just held me until I calmed down. I hiccupped, “I told Office Grabby hands McGee you’d get him. I’d feel bad about it, but he was kind of the worst.” Caspian stiffened. He asked, “Grabby hands McGee? Did you just say OFFICER grabby hands McGee?!” I nodded, “He said it was a search but….” Trit said, “Oh, I’ll f*****g GUT HIM LIKE A FISH!” I actually managed a giggle. I offered, “I was thinking you could just cut off his hands or something.” Cordelius laughed, “Ohh, our littler trip killer has ideas.” I shrugged, “I’ve embraced our mob side.” Now they all chuckled. Caspian asked, “Why didn’t you have them call your lawyer? Lux Vennox would’ve come.” I frowned, “I wanted them to tell me how my song boy was. I was going to give them Lux’s name if they would just tell me how he was.” Caspian sighed, “Next time, if there is a next time and god help that police station when I find you, have them call Lux Vennox. I’ll find your song boy myself and assure you he’s fine.” He stopped talking. I said, “I feel like you left it unsaid you’d kill the people who arrested me.” Caspian said, “For hurting you? Yes, I would. They had to hit you pretty damn hard for you to still have bruising.” Noxus asked, “How did you get out?” I smiled, “My song boy woke up, they released him from the hospital which I still don’t understand; it was very careless on their party. He sent his grandpa to get me out. They got all the charges dropped.” Caspian considered, “It seems your song boy is somewhat important.” I snorted, “His family owns the whole town so, I’d say so.” Trit asked, “Odette, where are you? We will come get you, and make sure you’re safe.” I opened my mouth to say something, but I was thrown away from them. I screamed and woke up in my bed. Keaton jolted up. He said, “Whoa. Whoa. Odette, are you ok?” I threw my arms around him. I pulled back frustrated with myself. I said, “You got hurt and it got made all about me.” Keaton said, “Hey, I am fine. I’m worried about you.” I said, “It was just overwhelming. I feel better now.” After spending time with my family, I felt much better. More centered. I just held Keaton. I whispered, “I was so scared you weren’t going to be ok.” He assured me, “My song, I am pretty durable. I’m going to be around for the long haul.” I curled into him. He stroked my back. He said, “I don’t think I’ve ever been as angry when I saw your face and back.” I shrugged, “I didn’t pull over, so I understand they were upset. It seemed like a serious overreaction. I was just trying to get you help.” Keaton kissed me then said, “Go get dressed.” I asked, “Why?” Keaton said, “You need more driving lessons.” I frowned. Keaton said, “Go on.” I pouted, “Only if you come with me.” He smirked, “Darn.” I rolled my eyes and we walked into my bathroom. He took my shirt off and gently stroked my back. I looked in the mirror. I had a yellowish bruise. I snorted, “You guys seriously overreacted about that bruise.” Keaton said, “It looks much better.” Tatum came in and sat on the floor. Keaton washed every inch of me, and I washed him. There was literally no evidence he’d been in an accident. There were no scratches or anything. It was the craziest thing. The glass should’ve cut him. I thought he had one on his head, but I couldn’t find it. When we got out I looked at my jaw. I had the same yellowish bruise that matched my back. I would’ve sworn it had to look worse. My brothers acted like it was the worst thing ever. I shrugged and picked up Tatum. She licked my face. I kissed the top of her head. I turned and went to put some makeup on. I l blinked multiple times. The bruise was gone. I shook myself. That wasn’t possible. My eyes just needed to get checked out. That’s all this was. I put some makeup on and quickly put on some yoga pants and Keaton’s hoodie. We went down to the parking garage. To my astonishment a new truck, and my car were there. My car looked brand new. The truck had to be his new truck. I’d never seen it before. I asked, “How did they get all the work done? I know I had scratches on my car.” Keaton said, “It’s all about who you know, my song. Which do you want to drive?” I said, “You should probably drive your new truck first.” It was blue. Keaton laughed, “We can drive either. I don’t care.” I told him, “You pick.” He smiled, “Let’s take your car.” He walked me to the passenger side and opened my door. I smiled at him. He got in and drove us to a different parking lot where cones and pretend traffic signs were set up. I gave him a look. He smirked, “I heard you hit a few signs.” We went through the course. I hit a few more things, but it was much better than when I drove Keaton to the hospital. Keaton said, “You didn’t do that bad.” I sighed, “Well, I was speeding and everything. I was just trying to hurry.” Keaton kissed the top of my head, “I understand. Thank you for saving me.” I smiled and leaned into his kiss. We spent the day together, but he did have to go back home since his brother was still out of town. The day his brother got back; he had something to do that night. I stayed up and wished May a happy birthday at midnight. I wasn’t really expecting a reply, but she thanked me one minute after I sent it. I was restless and couldn’t sleep. I wanted to go check on my rabies wolf. I took Tatum out for a walk with a sandwich. I left it where I always did. I was walking away when Jag came out. I smiled, “Hi Jag!” He smiled, “Hey. That cop won’t be bothering you anymore.” I snorted, “I’d imagine not. I don’t plan to drive without a license again.” Jag laughed, “You are comically bad at driving.” I asked, “How do you know?” Jag said, “Oh, I saw you driving. Those cops are lucky I wasn’t at the hospital. I’d have kicked their ass. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.” I said, “Hey, it’s not a big deal. Did you do something to that cop?” Jag snorted, “Your boyfriend is going for his badge. Since he’s a Daniels, he will get it. I jumped his witchy self and punched him in the face.” I said, “Well, don’t tell anyone else that.” Jag smirked, “I won’t.” I gave him a hug, “Stay safe, Jag.” He laughed, “You too, Odette.” I smiled and walked away with Tatum. I walked through the main door to get my mail. Ken wasn’t there tonight. I nodded to the guy. He smiled. I got my mail and Sassy started hissing. What was her problem? It’s just mail. I went upstairs. There was a postcard from Jarchi with just his and mom’s. I put that on the fridge. I was touched that he’d thought of me. I knew she didn’t. The next envelope was black and just said my name. Sassy was hissing. My hands shook as I went to open it. Odette, I am so disappointed in you. Did I not make it clear? We are going to be together in the end. We WILL get married. Now you’re dating some DOG?! Dressing like a w***e. Kissing him. I swear to GOD that kissing had better be all you’ve done. You’re making this so bad for yourself. You’ll be black and blue when I get my hands on you. Don’t interfere with my plans for that dog. I don’t know why you were there in the first place. You can’t drive. You’re honestly terrible. No wife of mine will be a driver. Stay away from that dog, or he will die. Did you not see how easily I arranged his accident? Did you not see how easily I had you locked away? How they hurt you will pale in comparison to what I do to you when I see you next. That’s right I’m in the police department, Odette. I am everywhere. I also know you don’t know where Lux is. I don’t know why you told the cop you’d call your brother. We both know you haven’t found Lux or you would be with him. He wants nothing to do with you. Why can’t you figure that out yet? He doesn’t want you! You need to start behaving better, Odette. There will be no more running around with that dog. Do you hear me? Also, that dog you’ve adopted? She has to go. Now. Like right now. Re-home or drown the damn thing for all I care. It’s not for you. Go back to being isolated, or life will be hell when your mom returns. You’ve also stopped following your diet. Are you stupid? You better stop this nonsense. You’re in enough trouble as it is. Luke P.S. A restraining order against me? You have no idea who I am, Odette. You will never win. Do what I say or the dog pays. Tears filled my eyes. Luke had a hit out on Keaton? I ran to my computer and called Caspian. He answered, “Hello, little sister.” I whispered, “Luke is trying to kill my song boy. I don’t think he knows he’s my boyfriend yet. He thinks we are just dating. That’s who hit his truck. Luke did it…I don’t…I don’t know what to do Caspian. I can’t have him hurt him, but I can’t stay away from him. What if he leaves me? Everyone does, and who could blame him with this? His psychotic ex and mine are just….is this too much? I just…I think we should just cool off, but then I think I’ll literally die if we do. I feel like two sides of a coin, and both options just suck.” Caspian said, “Show your song boy the note. Actually, show it to me.” I held up the note and he read it. He cursed and threw things. He said, “Odette, he will not lay a hand on you. Do you understand me? If he EVER gets to you, you call out for me and say you need me. If he brings you here I’ll find you. Ok?” I sighed, “That makes no sense, but ok I can do that. He’s so rude. He kept calling him a dog.” Caspian snorted, “Yeah, I saw that. Confirms something I already knew.” I frowned, “My song boy isn’t a dog.” Caspian replied, “I didn’t think he was. Does he growl?” I snorted, “All the time. People around here do that a lot. It’s like a thing in this area. They growl, I hiss. I’m so popular, not.” Caspian asked, “And here is where exactly? You were going to tell us when Trit asked you. I could tell.” I thought about telling him before Sassy started singing. I told him, “I have to go. My song boy is here. I’m really thinking about it, mob boss big bro.” Caspian snorted, “Show him the letter. If he doesn’t react how I think he will, I’ll skin him.” I rolled my eyes, “The tripping killer and the skinner. We are quite the pair.” He laughed as I hung up the phone. I went and opened the door. Keaton smiled at me before he frowned. He asked, “What’s wrong, my song?” I whispered, “It was all my fault.” Keaton asked, “What was?” I cried, “They hurt you because of me. He did this and I don’t know what to do. I can’t…I don’t want you to go away. Please don’t go away.” Keaton said, “Hey, I’m not going anywhere. What do you think was your fault?” I grabbed the letter and held it out to him with shaking hands. I said, “They hit you because of me. I’m so sorry, Key.” He growled and yanked me against him as he read the letter over my shoulder. I inhaled his scent hoping that he wouldn’t go away when he finished reading. He held my heart and soul in his hands. I just hoped he wasn’t going to stomp on them. Luke is making moves. What will Keaton do? Will Odette tell her brothers where she is? Will she keep delivering her rabies wolf food? Will Keaton find out she's doing that? How did Tatum make her bruising vanish? What's Haley going to do when she finds out about a wayward warlock police officer? So many questions. For those wondering - Book 7 ended in May. We are at the end of February.
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