I Need You Pt. 1

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Odette woke up in fog. I groaned, “What is this?” I heard that song again. It was an eerie tune, but somehow luring. Sassy hissed in my head. I remained where I was. The scenery changed. I didn’t like this one bit. I didn’t say anything then Valdoma appeared before me again. This time I didn’t scream at her, I studied her. She smiled, “You are so entertaining. What an interesting mix you are.” I told her, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She laughed, “Ahh, I know that my dear.” I snorted, “I’m not your anything.” She came towards me and I backed up. She said, “You are my little project.” I raised an eyebrow, “How nice.” She laughed, “You are so like your father.” I gasped, “You know my dad?” She said, “Well, I’ve never met him. I’ve heard of him.” I asked, “Who is he?” She smirked, “You’re closer than you’ll ever know.” She pushed me and I fell back. I woke up in a sweat on my bed. What the hell? I looked at the time. It was six in the morning. Immy wouldn’t be here for a few hours. I ran into my other room. I opened my computer and called Caspian’s line. I was surprised when Noxus’ appeared on the other end of my video chat. I greeted, “Umm, hi.” He smiled, “Hello, Odette. Caspian is holding court.” I snorted, “The mob has court? How fun.” Noxus threw his head back and laughed. He said, “I was on computer duty in case you called. What’s wrong?” I asked, “Why does anything have to be wrong?” Noxus smiled, “Your face is very expressive. My sons enjoy when you call just to talk, but I can tell something is wrong this time.” I sighed, “I have dreams about this lady. I’ve seen her twice now.” Noxus asked, “Who is she?” I shrugged, “I don’t know exactly. She’s creepy and her name is Valdoma.” Noxus instantly said, “Stay away from her.” I told him, “I don’t want anything to do with her. She finds me interesting. She said she knows my dad, and that I’m like him. She said I’m closer to him than I’ll ever know. Do you think she’s lying? Do you know her?” Noxus said, “I know of her, but I haven’t met her. I would imagine she does know who your father is. She could be lying. She likes messing with people. Her lies are rooted in truth though. Close enough to it that it could be the truth. She finds you interesting and wants you to keep coming to her however you are. I would imagine she’s told you enough truth to keep you interested. She probably knows you want to know who your father is. That’s a perfectly natural thing to want to know. Avoid her if you can though. She won’t tell you who he is.” I looked down, “I don’t know why I’ve seen her in the first place in my dreams. You talk like it’s real, but that’s not possible.” Noxus said, “Plenty of things were believed to be impossible that aren’t. People have been to the moon, and for a great long time that was impossible.” I sighed, “I see people in my dreams and the conversations actually happen, that's weird.” Noxus asked, “Do you really think that? Or are you programmed to think so?” I sighed, “I don’t know. My life lately has seemed more like one of my books I used to read.” Noxus asked, “Oh? Which book?” I laughed, “A combination of them. We’ve got the rabies wolves. In my books they’d be the enemies of the werewolves around here. I guess…gosh. I think they were called lone wolves or rogues.” Noxus offered, “Rogues. Lone wolves are different.” I snorted, “Sure. Then I’m some sort of water monster.” Noxus laughed, “No, you’re not.” I said, “I can breathe underwater. I froze my boyfriend and parts of his veins shimmered blue. Maybe I’m an alien. I didn’t read those books though. I have a song in my head. She has feelings. I’ve heard a voice in my head before…..” Noxus asked, “A voice? When?” I answered, “Huh? Oh, I was sixteen. The voice didn’t like Luke. That was the problem and…” I trailed off when someone knocked on my door. I looked at the time. I sighed, “How is it already a little before eight? That must be my friend. She’s early. She’s got a Montague, Capulet thing going with her boyfriend. She probably excited to see him. I’ll talk to you later.” Noxus said, “Be sure that you do. Just a follow up question, do you still hear that voice?” I shook my head and tears filled my eyes. I whispered, “I miss her. That’s silly, right?” Noxus whispered, “Oh, Odette. It’s not silly. We will get everything figured out, ok? I’ll talk to Caspian. There’s nothing wrong with you. I want you to know that. Whatever Luke did….we’ll reverse it. Ok?” I wiped a tear and said, “Ok. I really shouldn’t want Tatum back, but I really do.” Noxus asked, “Her name is Tatum?” I sighed, “You should be telling me I’m crazy.” Noxus said, “You are very far from crazy. Sometimes things cannot be explained rationally. Sometimes things are just magical.” I smiled, “I wish magic was real.” Noxus said, “Magic is very real. How else do you explain that we all found each other.” He winked. Before I could point out that was because I looked up Lux another knock came. I said, “I’ll talk to you later. Thank you, Noxus.” He smiled, “Anytime.” I closed the laptop and ran to the door. Immy was waiting. She sighed in relief, “Thank god. I thought you were in one of your coma sleeps.” I snorted, “What?” She said, “Uh we’ve knocked on your door a few times, and it took forever for you to answer.” I asked, “Are you early because you want to go see Sean?” She smiled, “Yes, so go relax. Take a bath and I’m going to decorate.” She had a bag with her. She must have decorations in there. I shrugged. A bath sounded nice. I ended up relaxing for about thirty minutes. I stepped out of my bathroom in casual clothes. I saw the outfit Immy had laid out. I couldn’t help but laugh. She’d gotten some pretty cute lingerie and a comfy but super cute outfit. I put it on and stepped out into my living area. I gaped, “You did all this in thirty minutes?” Immy asked, “Do you like it?” She’d turned the entire place into an intimate, romantic, cozy setting for two. I told her, “I love it.” She smiled, “Yay!” I said, “I still can’t believe you did this in thirty minutes.” She snorted, “It took seconds.” She was an exaggerator, but good at decorating. She added, “Daddy Ted is an event planner with Keaton’s mom.” I nodded. Immy said, “Ok, I got the ingredients for everything you need to cook.” I gasped, “What? You did? Are you superwoman? How on earth did you have time to do all that?” She didn’t answer my questions, “Oh and I left a surprise in your bedside drawer. I’ll see you later.” I hugged her, “You’re the best. Be careful when you leave. Ken is downstairs.” She laughed, “He won’t see me.” I liked her confidence. I offered, “I’ve gone down the back stairway to avoid him. She smiled, “Thanks.” I went into my room. I heard a loud pop and ran back out. I looked around, but nothing had made the sound. Immy was gone too. I went into the guest room, and the window was open. I ran over and looked out. I didn’t see her. I muttered, “Crazy girl jumping out of the window. She must not be hurt though, or I’d see her.” I shrugged and started getting everything ready for dinner. I threw my hair into a ponytail. I wanted to make everything from scratch. I had just put it into the oven when I heard my computer signaling a call coming in. I ran in there and smiled when I saw who was calling. I answered, “Hi Caspian.” He smiled, “I wanted to say Happy Valentine’s Day, little sister.” I nearly cried. I whispered, “Happy Valentine’s day….big brother.” Caspian smiled. A woman entered the video frame. I grinned, “Hi Serenity.” She smiled, “Odette, thank you for answering. I’m sure Caspian would’ve been sullen for our plans the rest of the day.” I told her, “Well, we can’t have that. You look beautiful.” She smiled, “As do you. What are you doing today?” I smiled, “I’m making my song boy dinner. I made everything from scratch. Lux used to….” I trailed off and looked down. Caspian asked, “Lux used to make you food?” I smiled, “He did. He got pretty good at cooking. His dad’s wife taught him, but he learned so he could cook for me. He’d make enough so that when he was gone at his dad’s I’d have food. He showed me how to heat it up in the microwave. He’d pull up a chair on the counter for me to stand on so we could cook together. He gave me little tasks to do. At the time, I thought I was such a big helper. I probably made it ten times harder for him.” Caspian said, “I’m sure Lux treasures those memories, Odette. I’m sure he misses you.” I wiped a tear away, “I really miss him. How many Lux’s in our family?” Caspian snorted, “Quite a few.” I deflated. Serenity said, “While that’s true there is only one other you could find where you are. Are you still looking for your Lux?” I shrugged, “Yes and no.” Serenity sighed, “Finding Lux Vennox scared you. You can still look for your brother.” Caspian said, “You can’t find Lux Vennox again. You already found him. The next Lux could be our brother.” I snorted, “Sure I could. You put Lux V somewhere else undercover.” Caspian smiled, “That’s a great idea.” I rolled my eyes, “That you already thought of.” Caspian laughed, “Maybe. I do want to find you.” I sighed and sat back. I wanted him to find me too. Caspian’s eyes narrowed, “You want me to find you. Just tell me where you are.” I replied, “I didn’t say that.” Serenity laughed, “Caspian and I are somewhat experts in listening to what people don’t say. Your face and body language tell us you want Caspian to find you.” I retorted, “So find me, big brother.” I ended the call. I put my head down on my desk. It rang again. I answered, “What?” Caspian said, “Little sister, what is bothering you about that?” I asked, “Do you really want to find me? I just…..Why haven’t you? I can’t be that hard to find. You know my name. I’m in school. I took out a restraining order. Are you even looking?” Caspian promised, “If mom wasn’t so good at keeping things hidden, I’d have found you. I am getting closer to you, Odette. When I do find I’ll show you that I have been looking. All of us have. Serenity and all our brother’s songs are out there looking. We go when we can, but we don’t want to draw too much attention to ourselves. We don’t want the Merrick’s to know we know about you. I know people let you down, and I am truly sorry for that. I won’t though. I am looking. I love you, Odette.” I wiped away tears, “I’m sorry. I’m not being fair, I just…..I don’t understand why you haven’t found me.” Caspian sighed, “There are things I cannot explain over the video calls. I will explain everything to you when we can sit down. If you don’t want to tell me where you are, I’ll keep looking. I will never stop.” I whispered, “Everyone leaves me. I’ve let you in so much if you guys stopped calling or….” Caspian said, “That will never happen. You are our little sister.” I sighed, “Are you sure you want me as a little sister? I’m probably going crazy, and I’m a bit of a brat. I keep hanging up on you, I won't tell you where I am, and I’m apparently upset you haven’t found me yet.” Caspian laughed, “You are nowhere near close to my brattiest sibling.” I asked, “Which one is?” Caspian smirked, “I’ll let you figure that out.” I laughed a little, “Ok.” I added, “You and Serenity should go enjoy your Valentine’s Day. My song boy will be here soon, and I need to put in the garlic bread.” Caspian said, “Right, and your song boy’s name is…..” I laughed, “I call him Key because I hear a song in my head when he’s around.” Caspian sighed, “Naturally.” I laughed and ended the call on a better note. I finished the garlic bread and decided I needed another shower. I quickly jumped in and was finishing my makeup when Sassy started singing. CRAP! Immy! She had to get back. I should’ve called her soon. I texted her that Keaton was here. I heard a knock on the door. I heard that pop sound again. What was that? I looked around my room before giving up. To my surprise, Immy was in the living room. Jeez, how fast could she climb into the window? She could win a prize. I guess she had told me she’d had secret boyfriends before. She really had all this down to an art form. Immy left us alone. We were instantly kissing. Sassy was content in my head. Keaton’s gift he got me had me insanely emotional. He’d carved something for me. The wolf on it nearly moved me to tears. I wanted that wolf to be real so I could pet it. Jesus, Odette. Just get off the crazy train for five seconds. I wish I’d done something more than make him dinner and get a sexy starter kit. He didn’t seem to mind though. In fact, I swear his eyes flickered black a lot. I really needed to go see an optometrist. Keaton definitely had a dominance kink. What surprised me is I loved it quite a bit, and I had a little streak of it myself. It was a strange night of self discovery in a very orgasmic delicious way. I also decided lingerie was somewhat pointless. Keaton had some inhuman strength ability to rip it apart. Definitely not spending money on that. Keaton and I spent the whole weekend with each other, mostly inside each other. At some point, we’d have to turn into normal high school students. When he left, he said he was coming back. My body clearly needed rest, but Tatum needed a walk. I took her out and grabbed some leftovers. I went to where my rabies wolf was and left the plate. When I was leaving Jag stepped out. I smiled, “Hi Jag! How was your Valentine’s Day?” Jag shrugged, “Uneventful.” I frowned, “Oh, well. Thanks for the help with the starter kit.” I blushed. He smiled, “You are more than welcome. What are you doing out here?” I sighed, “I’m leaving my rabies wolf some food.” He growled softly then said, “Maybe you should give the wolf a new nickname.” I shrugged, “I could think about it.” He laughed, “Do that.” I gave him a quick hug and went back home with Tatum. She went right in and fell asleep. I took a bath and started the laundry. I put new sheets on the bed too. That was a necessity. I fell asleep before Keaton got back, but I woke up with him. He explained his brother was leaving him in charge, and we wouldn’t be able to hang out as much until he came back. I was disappointed, but I understood. I was proud of him. I knew he was doing a good job. People at school talked about it. They really seemed to be up in each other’s business a lot, but I liked knowing Keaton was doing so well. I’d emailed my brothers more. Tatum and I were bonding quite a bit. We’d started running together. Ken snickered every time he saw me lifting weights in the gym. I had no idea what his deal was. May had told me Lisa was causing Keaton and Keith problems. Sassy had hissed the rest of the day. For once, I wished Lisa was in school. I’d get even. Whew. I really was talking to my brothers a lot. I wanted to get even with people. Calm down Odette. One day I was humming myself when Sassy took over and grabbed the keys to my car. I dropped them and frowned. An overwhelming sense of Keaton being in danger overtook me. I had to take several deep breaths. I whispered, “Keaton is fine….Keaton is fine.” Sassy was taking over my hand to grab my car keys every few seconds. I dropped them every time. I decided I’d go talk to Ken. I went downstairs and put the keys in my pocket. I told Sassy, “We aren't a good enough driver to go cruising around town looking for our boyfriend. Unless you can drive.” She was still worried. The sense that Keaton was in danger was getting stronger. Ken looked up when he saw me. He asked, “Katie, is anything wrong?” I asked, “Is Keaton ok? I just….something is wrong.” Ken frowned. After a moment, he looked at his phone. Which was odd. His screen was dark. He said, “Keaton’s fine. Just out for a drive.” I asked, “How do you know?” He said, “I got a text.” I said, “No, you didn't, your phone didn’t even light up. Is he ok? Do…Would you tell me if he was hurt?” Ken said, “Katie, I promise you he’s fine.” I nodded and acted like I was going upstairs. Ken must not have checked. I needed to know. Instead of going upstairs, I took the stairs down. I sighed, “I don’t know where he was driving. Sassy…do you?” I felt her confidence. She seemed to think she could find him. I unlocked my car and got in. It still smelled new. I asked myself, “Am I really doing this?” Sassy took over to start the car. I gulped. I pulled out really carefully. Ken ran outside and yelled, “KATIE!” I gunned it, driving away. Ok, where was I going? Sassy was singing her song and guiding us. I drove carefully until we got onto a back road. I’d nearly run into a few mailboxes but avoided them. I whispered, “Ok, so we only almost hit a few things…that’s not bad.” I used the voice to command button on the steering wheel. I said, “Call Key.” The voice replied, “Calling Key.” Ok I could get behind this voice to command deal. Keaton answered. The feeling of him being in danger was so high my panic finally overtook me. He was concerned I was driving. Who cared about me? It was him. He was in trouble. I knew it. I came over a hill and saw his truck. I sighed in relief he was fine. Then I saw the SUV barreling towards him. They weren’t slowing head. I screamed. Sassy hissed in my head. The SUV didn’t stop. They just swerved, corrected, and drove off. I screamed my heart in my stomach as Keaton’s truck rolled. It rolled four times before it came to a stop. I slammed on my brakes and threw the car into park. I screamed, “KEATON!” I ran all the way to his truck. Why did it have to stop rolling on the hood? Tears filled my eyes. I yelled, “KEATON! PLEASE ANSWER ME! Why didn’t I listen to Sassy sooner? Oh god. Keaton, please answer!” I reached the driver's side. He was hanging upside down. I climbed in the back of the window that had shattered. I put my finger on his pulse point. I sighed in relief. I said, “I’ll get you out of here, Key.” It was then I heard a growl. I groaned, “Not now!” I looked around the truck. Keaton played golf. That was good. I grabbed the driver club. I crawled out to see I was surrounded by red eye wolves.. I raised the club in the air. I said, “Not today. He needs help, and you’re in my way. I don’t know if you understand me, but I’m so angry I could spit nails. Just tuck tail and leave.” One charged me, and I clubbed him in the head. He went down. I felt a little bad, but I didn’t want rabies. A loud growl stopped everyone. I looked over the ridge and couldn’t help but smile. My rabies wolf was here. I said, “You’re in trouble now! We are a good team, my rabies wolf and me.” Several of the rabies wolves snorted. They seemed amused. My rabies wolf and I quickly knocked out the wolves. I wondered why he wasn’t killing them. Maybe they were his friends. They just kept appearing. Started several in the eyes yelling, “GOD! I WISH YOU ALL WOULD JUST GO TO SLEEP!” They fell to the ground. They actually appeared to be asleep. I groaned, “Why didn’t I try that sooner?” I ran to the truck, “Key?” I looked up as I heard more howls. My rabies wolf whined. I turned. He had blood all over him. He must have killed some of the rabies wolves when I wasn’t watching. I said, “Get out of here! Don’t let them hurt you.” I broke the truck's driver side window and pulled on the seatbelt. I caught Keaton as he fell. I snorted, “Man, people weren’t talking out their ass. Adrenaline is no joke. I just ripped a seatbelt apart.” My rabies wolf snorted. I dragged Keaton to my car. Halfway I decided to use my adrenaline rush. I Threw him over my shoulder. It wasn’t graceful, but I got him to my car. My rabies wolf watched me. The howls were getting closer. I whispered, “Run!” He sighed but took off as more wolves came into view. I frowned. They must have been in the trees the whole time. I had a strong urge to go towards the big black wolf. He felt like a friend who would help me. I screamed in frustration at myself, “Wolves are not your friends. The black wolf isn’t going to help you. Get Keaton help! Be normal!” I buckled Keaton in. I got into the driver's side and took off. I used the voice command, “Take me to the hospital!” I told Keaton, “Just hang on. You keep breathing. Oh god…your shoulder….” It was clearly out of socket. I nearly threw up. The voice to command said, “I found six hospitals. Which one do you want to go to?” I screamed, “I DON’T KNOW! The best one!” The voice said, “I’m sorry I do not understand. Which hospital do you want to go to?” I yelled, “THE BIGGEST ONE!” The voice said, “Calculating.” I snorted, “You do that.” I made it to the main road but hit the stop sign. I yelled, “Sorry!” The GPS said, “Turn right.” I hissed, “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY THAT SOONER?!” I cut a hard right. Horns blared. I yelled, “SORRY!” The GPS said, “Recalculating.” I yelled, “What? Why? I turned right! What do you want from me?! I did what you asked. Don’t recalculate. There should be nothing to recalculate!” I saw the lights in my rearview mirror before I heard the police siren. I waved out my window to acknowledge them, but I didn't stop. I put my foot down on the gas when I came up to a red light and blared on my horn as I went though. I yelled, “I am so sorry!” I heard people cursing at me. I screamed and went over a curb. I heard the bottom of the car scrape when I came off of it and winced. The GPS said, “In a quarter mile, turn left.” I asked, “Where was that before with your turn right with no warning? Huh? Are you TRYING to make me a worse driver? I don’t need help with that. Gosh, this is the first time I’ve driven on the road like this. Maybe if I wasn’t speeding…I’d be better than this. This is not good.” I went over the curb again at the turn. I whispered, “I guess we need more lessons, Key. I am not a good driver. So, you have to wake up because I’m terrorizing the village. My first solo experience and I’m in a cop chase. Come on, open those eyes for me.” Nothing changed. He didn’t respond. Tears filled my eyes. I looked up and screamed. I went over a curb and hit an inflatable for a business. I pulled back onto the road and hit a yield sign. The GPS said, “Recalculating.” I wanted to throw that thing. I said, “You didn't even tell me to turn! What is there to recalculate you PIECE OF s**t?! I dislike you so much right now!” I almost hit a car. I slammed on my breaks, but quickly hit the gas. There were several cop cars behind me now. They got on their bullhorn, “PULL OVER!” I yelled, “I’m sorry!” My GPS gave more instructions. This car did have some juice. The cops were a safe distance behind me. I pulled over every single curb to get to the emergency room. The GPS announced, “You have arrived.” I snorted, “NO s**t! Least helpful GPS ever!” I wanted to throw the thing. I put the car in park and unlocked the doors. I was out and pulled Keaton out of the passenger side. I yelled, “I need some help!” No one came. I dragged him towards the door.. Several cops yelled, “GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!” I turned. Several guns were pointed at me. Normally, I’d cry and later I might. I screamed, “I have to get him inside. Help me!” They just yelled, “Get down on the ground! NOW!” I snorted, “When I get him help, I will. You’re supposed to help people! He’s hurt! Help him!” They just kept their guns trained on me moving one step closer as I got to the door. The nurse at the desk saw me and called for a gurney. I said, “Please help him! You have to help him!” She asked, “What happened? People flew from behind the doors with a bed. I said, “It was a car accident. Someone hit him and just took off. You can fix him, right? He’s going to be ok?” One cop snorted, “Yeah, you probably hit his car.” I yelled, “No! I was behind him. It was a black SUV. I just knew I had to be there. I don’t know why. It’s…I just had to be there on that road! It was a feeling.” The second Keaton was taken from me, I was tackled to the ground. I screamed in surprise as my face was shoved into the ground. I felt something crack in my jaw when they shoved my face into the ground. The nurse commanded, “HEY! NOT IN MY ER! She’s not resisting you.” A knee was pressed roughly into my back. I cried out in pain. They read me rights as they arrested me.
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