Activating Pt. 3

1939 Words
I linked Keith, “Why dear god why am I at a human hospital?” Keith linked, “KEATON! Thank god. I’m coming. I’m practically there.” Did he not know where I was? Didn’t Odette call him? Surely she’d call Immy. I asked, “Where is my girlfriend? She was behind me on the road.” The nurse sighed, “Ummm….she’s…not here.” I frowned, “Why? Was she hurt?” The nurse quickly said, “No, no she was fine. Quite insistent we help you, but she was perfectly fine.” I growled, “Then why isn’t she here?” A cop entered the room. He said, “She’s been arrested.” I yelled, “WHAT?! You arrested her?! Why would you do that?” The cop said, “Well, for one she doesn’t have a license or a learners permit and she was driving…badly.” I gritted my teeth, “I’m giving her lessons.” Another cop chuckled. He said, “You might be a very bad instructor.” I told him, “We’ve only had one lesson. She’s a bit touchy on the break.” The cop snorted, “She’s a bit heavy on the gas. She was going fifty over the speed limit, running all the stop signs and traffic lights. She hit several curbs; I’m moderately impressed she didn’t pop a tire. That’s the car and not her though. She hit several things too. Several yield signs are no more.” I growled, “You arrested her.” The cop said, “We did. We had to.” I asked, “Is she in jail right now?” He said, “Yes, we can’t get ahold of her mother. She says she’ll call her lawyer as soon as we get her word on you. She has mentioned several times her brother would come. She just doesn’t have his number. She said she needs her phone to contact him, and she’s not allowed to have her phone. It’s been confiscated. We also can’t find her brother on the record. So, we are pretty sure she’s lying.” I growled, “She’s not lying.” They looked surprised. I said, “Get her out of jail RIGHT NOW!” Channing was snaring in my head. My arm was killing me. The nurse said, “We had to pop your shoulder back into place. It’s going to be sore. Just keep still. Do not upset my patient or I’ll kick you out.” The cop asked, “What happened?” I said, “Someone hit me, and my truck rolled. s**t….how’s my truck?” Emmett stormed into the room with my dad. He said, “It’s totaled. I’ll buy you a new one.” My grandpa was right behind him with Keith and my mom. My mom ran to me. She said, “Oh my baby. I’ll call Haley and…” I said, “I’m fine.” She snorted, “I don’t care. I want him out of here now, Chase.” My dad nodded, “Matt is working on that.” I growled, “I want someone to get Katie OUT of jail.” The cop sighed, “We have more questions.” I snarled, “Until you let her out of jail for getting me here then I have NOTHING to say! All she’s guilty of is trying to help me.” The cop said, “She could’ve called 9-1-1.” I said, “So, you’re punishing her because she panicked?! LET HER OUT! NOW!” The cop snorted, “Maybe get her more lessons and license. We can’t just let her out.” My dad said, “Your grandpa and Isaac are on their way to get her out, Keaton. Calm down.” I glared at the officers who shrank back. The paperwork took forever. Once they were done I said, “I’m going to see Katie.” My dad said, “Your grandpa is processing getting her out. Isaac is getting the charges dropped. Just come home and tell us what happened. She’ll be expecting you to be hurt, and in the hospital. Your grandpa said she’s really worried about you. He said it’s endearing.” I linked my grandpa, “Is she ok?” My grandpa said, “She’s fine. She’s lecturing the cops on how they need to take the rabies wolves more seriously because it’s their fault they were around your accident.” I asked, ‘Did they hurt her?” My grandpa answered, “No, she hurt a few.” I left with my dad and got in his SUV. No sooner had we got inside then a pop sounded next to me. I snorted, “Uncle Eric did come?” Haley said, “Hi Keaton, nice to see you. No, I popped away from him once Lexi gave me the all clear. He’ll probably be all Alpha male about it.” I asked, “Then why are you smiling?” She winked and began to heal me. When she was done she waited until we got back to the house before she popped back to the summit. My mom was snickered. My dad sighed. I offered, “You could’ve told her to pop back.” My dad laughed, “Oh son. I’ve known Haley long enough to know that she’s not going to do a damn thing that’s not fun. She finds winding up Eric to be fun. Before she came around, no one would dream of working the man up like she does.” My mom said, “She’s literally the only person who does it.” My dad shrugged. We walked inside. I linked my grandpa, “How is she?” My grandpa snorted, “Asking how you are. I told her I was certain you’d be by to see her. She’s now panicking because you should stay at the hospital.” I told him, “Tell her I’m fine.” My grandpa snorted, “She’s talking about how unconscious people are not fine. She wants to storm the hospital and give the doctors a piece of her mine.” I couldn’t help but smile. That was very much like her. Emmett asked, “What happened? Keith told us he had to hold the pack back once they got there because Katie was dragging you to her car. Somehow, she knocked out fifteen rogues. I find that impressive if not impossible. I guess she used your golf clubs.” There seemed to be more than that. Emmett said, “Oh, and we found three dead rogues further away.” Keith coughed, “I did.” I snarled, “That Jag rogue is still following her!” Emmett said, “I don’t think he’s a rogue at this point, but yes he does seem to be following her.” I snarled. Emmett asked, “What happened?” I sighed, “Someone hit my truck. That’s all I remember. I was out. I didn’t see the fight. I didn’t even have time to reach out to Keith. I let you down. I’m sorry.” Emmett snorted, “Getting in a hit a run isn’t your fault. Nor did you let me down. I’m not upset. I’ve been impressed with your reports that you’ve sent me. This was an accident, Keaton.” He looked pretty pissed off when he added, “And Malachi will find whoever hit you. They will find out what it means to cross the Daniels family. They will get the book thrown at them.” I smiled, “Thanks.” Isaac walked in and smirked at me. He said, “That’s some girl you’ve got, Keaton. She’s quite worried about you.” I asked, “Did you get the charges dropped?” Isaac snorted, “I’m a lawyer. Of course, I did. We paid the fine I got the charges dropped down to. She was muttering about telling her brother about this, and they’d probably be sorry.” I managed not to laugh. Keith said, “I thought she didn’t know where her half-brother was.” I sighed, “She’s connected with some other members of her mom’s family. If the cops had let her have her phone, we’d know what she is. I guarantee they would’ve come for her.” She also thought they were in the mob. So, she definitely thought those cops would get killed for arresting her. I said, “She probably does think her brother would be pissed they arrested her.” My grandpa came in and laughed, “Oh no, my dear grandson. She’s not mad they arrested her. She’s mad they tried to arrest her before she got you into the hospital. That they didn’t help her get you inside, and she’s mad they wouldn’t tell her how you were doing. Or that they kept telling her she needed to call her mom, and they didn’t believe she didn’t have the number and needed her phone to call her brother. She told them that she’d give them her lawyer's name if they told her how you were. They refused so they were in a standoff. I think they are a bunch of assholes. She was crying and begging for them to tell her if you were ok. She thought her brother would be upset that she was upset about you. I’m certain her brother will be mad they arrested her.” So was I. I snarled, “I’m going to her.” My mom handed me a sling. She said, “You’ll have to wear this.” I said, “I’m fine.” My dad said, “She thinks she’s human, and your grandpa said she knew your shoulder was out of socket.” I threw the sling on. Keith jumped in front of me and gave me a hug. He linked me, “You took ten years off my life, man.” I hugged him back. I said, “I’ll be back tonight. I assume everyone’s going back to the summit.” Emmett said, “Give me a hug.” Emma said, “Me too.” I asked, “Emma? When did you get here?” She snorted, “Such tunnel vision you have about your girlfriend. I’ve been here the whole time.” I gave her a hug, “Thanks for coming.” Emma snorted, “We got word you’d been in an accident and were missing. Keith was trying to get a hold of Katie. He sent people to her apartment and checked out several hospitals. I’m guessing no one has given your girlfriend a tour. She went to the biggest hospital around.” Which was the furthest away. I was really out of it not to notice the name on the hospital when we left. I was tunnel visioned about getting to Odette. I snorted, “How many things did she hit?” My grandpa laughed, “So many. Give her more lessons, Keaton.” Emmett snorted, “He’s been focused on other things. Like getting some.” I growled playfully at him and hugged everyone. They really seemed rattled. May launched herself at me. I heard Lisa yell my name before my grandpa literally threw himself in her path. He linked, “Go.” I didn’t need to be told twice. I needed to see my song. What do we think of Bryce's teasing? How did Odette know how to be there? Is Keaton going to ask about Sassy? Or did he forget? Frank has thoughts. How pissed is Capsian going to be he missed out on Odette because of a technicality?
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