Weird Dreams Pt. 2

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Keaton wanted me to hang around school after his practice. I could do that. After the last class, I decided to walk around the school. There was still tension in the air. Keaton’s practice was almost over when the hissing started. Great. I was walking by the outdoor sporting area when water poured on me. I screamed in surprise. I was pushed from behind. I stumbled into a space as I heard the door locked. I yelled, “What the hell?!” Lisa cackled, “Keaton won’t even look for you. He’ll be busy with me.” I told her, “Lisa, this is ridiculous!” I yanked on the door, “Let me out!” Lisa said, “Mmmmm, No. I’m good. I think spending the weekend in there will be a good lesson for you. If it comes down to you and me; Keaton will choose me every time. It’s best you learn that now. You two were moving way too fast anyway. You looked desperate.” I screamed, “Are you kidding me? You’ve lost your mind! You can’t do that!” I’d left my phone in my locker so at least it didn’t get ruined with the water. It would’ve been helpful to have right now. Keaton would look for me, right? Lisa was wrong. He wouldn’t forget about me. I was supposed to be waiting for him. I heard one girl worriedly say, “Lisa, she could freeze in there. It’s cold and she’s soaking wet.” Lisa snorted, “Hopefully she does. You guys run along. I have a meeting to get to.” A meeting? Was she for real? Wait…. Why aren’t I cold? I should be shivering. Although, I’m not usually cold when other people are. This is so NOT the time to think about my weird body temperature. I looked around. There was a small window. I could probably fit through. I heard snarling. What the hell? I pushed boxes over to the window. I looked out. Lisa was running away. Isla screamed. Justin was on the ground. What happened? I saw wolves circling Isla. Their eyes were red. Oh god. Did they have rabies? I looked around and saw some lacrosse equipment laying around. I grabbed a crosse. Lacrosse was big at one of the schools I went to my freshman year. I wasn’t bad at it either. I ran back and hit the window full force. It shattered. I climbed through. I knew I’d probably get a cut or two, but Isla and Justin needed me. Isla screamed in pain. I was relieved the rabies wolf didn’t bite her, but the s***h she took from its paw looked awful. I screamed, “AHHH!!!! Get away from her!” Isla looked over and screamed, “KATIE, NO!” I hit the wolf that scratched her in the mouth. Its blood got on my shirt. I hit one to get it away from Justin as well. I was tackled from behind. Isla screamed, “KATIE!” I put the stick in the wolf’s mouth as it tried to bite me. I looked it in its beaty red eyes. I shouted, “GO AWAY!” The wolf startled back. It titled its head. I grabbed my stick and hit another one coming for Isla. The other one that attacked me remained at my back. Like it was following me as if I was its owner. I hissed, “I told you to go away!” I looked it in the eye again. I added, “Or fight your friends. I guess.” Isla and I stared in astonishment as the wolf jumped on the one, I was fighting and ripped its throat out. Blood sprayed us both. What the hell? Someone yelled, “I’ve called the police!” I snorted, asking, “Did you call animal control? We need animal control.” No reply came. The wolf I’d told to help me fought all the other wolves. Several ran off to get away from him. The one weird wolf just looked at me as if it were a lost puppy once the others left. I yelled, “Go!” I swear to god, this wolf sighed and took off. I turned to Isla, “That was weird right? Oh god!” She had a huge gash on her thigh. I asked, “Justin, are you with me?” He didn’t answer. I could see his chest rising and falling though. We needed Keaton. I yelled at the top of my lungs, “SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US!” No one came. I started crying. I yelled, “ANYONE!” Isla told me, “They can’t hear you. We didn’t even hear anyone sneak up on us.” I frowned, “Of course they can hear me. I’m yelling.” Isla was getting pale. I told her, “You just keep talking to me. Ok? Don’t fall asleep, whatever you do, no sleeping. Got it?” She nodded slowly. Someone finally ran up. They said, “The police are here.” I snorted, “So you’re brave enough to come now? I was screaming for help!” The guy frowned, “If you were, it was very quiet. I didn’t hear you yelling, and I have excellent hearing.” I snorted, “Obviously you do not.” Isla grabbed the guy’s hand. They locked eyes. He said, “Oh, right. I must just not have heard you.” I gaped at him. The guy said, “Keaton and Keith are here. I should get them.” I snorted, “I’ll get them.” A paramedic came running up. He checked Justin. They were going to be ok. They had to be. My hands were shaking. I ran inside. I needed Keaton. I needed him to hold me and tell me it was going to be ok. Something was seriously wrong with me. I was somehow the doctor Doolittle of wolves with rabies. That one acted like I was in control of it. Why? I headed towards the gym. The song was playing in my head. At least that and his scent was like my map to him. I opened the doors and saw him wrapped around Lisa. Hissing sounded in my head. The song was now sorrowful and sad. It felt like I’d been stabbed. I should’ve stayed outside and let the wolf with rabies get me. Keaton was now concerned about me. I knew he had good hearing like me. He should’ve heard me. He didn’t come for me. Why did I think he would? This was my life. I was always last. No one cared about me. Not the fake brothers I created in my head, not my real brother, not my mother, and not Keaton. I had the song in my head. That’s who I had to rely on. Lisa looked like she won some prize. b***h. If she got any closer to me, I’d have laid her out. She ran away leaving her sister and ex-boyfriend unconscious then didn’t come back with help. Police officers came into the gym. They eyed me as if I was a murder suspect. I looked at my clothes. Ok, maybe I looked like a murder suspect. I could fit in with my mob family right now. I wanted to wince. I’d ruined the clothes Jarchi bought me. The hissing was at an all time high when Lisa spoke. I snapped at her. She was so annoying. Attention seeking b***h. She left her sister to die or get rabies and die. There was really no way around that. She was an awful horrific b***h. The officer asked me questions. I figured he didn’t know the name of the lacrosse stick, so I just told him I beat off the wolf with it. I couldn’t tell him I turned one of those wolves into my puppet. That was weird, and I obviously misunderstood. My emotions were heightened, and…. Nope. I couldn't talk my mind around this one. Somehow, that wolf was mine to command. I looked in his eyes and he did what I asked him to do. That was weird. Lisa was denying everything. I wanted to gloat over the fact that Keaton wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at me with pleading eyes filled with concern. Then I saw her arms still wrapped around him. I was furious all over again. Mostly at myself for not seeing exactly how this would play out. May stepped in while Keaton and I argued. It felt like I’d been stabbed in the chest. My heart was bleeding, and no one noticed. Keaton wanted to come with me. As if. At the same time, I felt like if he didn’t come, I wouldn’t be able to function. I left and he followed me. That was new. He followed…Maybe he wasn’t like everyone else…No Odette. No more hope. You live a lonely life and that’s that. I was supposed to be meeting Keaton, and instead he was with her. It felt like my heart shattered thinking about the embrace I found them in. We just needed space. I needed space. We were going warp speed ahead in this relationship. He was going to destroy me if I let this continue. He was arguing with me. He looked like I was ripping his heart out when he’d already done that to me. Why was he being like this? I screamed for help, and he didn’t come. He was too busy with Lisa. He had to hear me. He chose her. I told Keaton I’d see him Monday and left my heart behind me in the hallway as I walked out. The police officer was speaking to me. I stared at him, uncomprehending. Didn’t he understand that my heart was back in that hallway? Someone put their hand on me. May was talking to the police officer. Now, the paramedic was speaking to me. I blinked several times. The song was sadly humming her tune. It fit perfectly with my mood. The paramedic said, “Miss Karlton, can you tell me if you’re injured?” I frowned admitting, “I’m sure I got cut by some glass. I crawled out of a broken window after I was locked in.” He frowned and checked me over. He said, “I don’t see any cuts.” That was impossible. I mean…I guess my clothes could’ve protected me. I was sure I cut my arm though. I looked at it only to discover he was right. May quickly said, “Your shirt is ripped, the glass must have just got the sleeve.” She was obviously right since I had no cuts. The police officer cleared his throat. The paramedic said, “She’s in shock, but she’s not physically injured.” I said, “You need to call animal control. Something was wrong with those wolves. Their eyes were red. I think they have rabies. It’s lucky the two students didn’t get bitten, but you can’t have those wolves running around here unchecked.” May snorted. I’m not sure what was funny about that. I was serious. Immy ran up with both her dads. They studied me too. I was the freak show today, I guess. Immy slammed into me. She said, “Oh thank god you’re alright.” The cop looked at her dad, Matt and said, “She says she fought them off with a lacrosse stick…. wolves with…rabies.” I frowned, “You don’t have to say it like you don’t believe me. Their eyes were red. Something is wrong with them. I didn’t think you’d know it was called a crosse, so I called it a lacrosse stick. Ok? I hit them with it and then one of them turned on the others. Three of them are dead over there, and tests need to be run on them. Then you’ll know they have rabies or something…. but it’s definitely something.” Matt asked, “One of them turned on the others?” I nodded, “Yeah, then the rest ran off.” Matt frowned. The police officer said, “So, that’s why they ran. One turned on it.” I frowned, “I hit several of them before that happened.” I also made it happen…. somehow. I was pretty sure of that anyway. Hopefully, Isla didn’t tell them that. The police officer asked me, “What aren’t you saying?” I snorted, “That Lisa is a psycho who locked me in a supply closet; hoping I would freeze to death. She’s a hair breath away from being a murderer. I’m pretty sure locking me in the closet hoping I froze to death makes her an attempted murderer. I just want to go home.” I started crying. Immy’s dad said, “I’ll take her and Immy to her place. She’s traumatized.” The police officer said, “I understand, but we need to know what happened.” Matt spoke, “She’s a minor, and unaccompanied.” The police officer countered, “We could call her parents.” I didn’t want to deal with my mother. Immy said, “Well, Daddy Ted said she’s done talking. So, she’s done. Right, Daddy Matt?” Matt said, “Right, Immy.” The cop looked at Matt then practically bared his neck to him. What the hell? He said, “Of course. Go on, Miss Karlton.” Immy and May guided me to the car. Ted spoke, “If you give me your mom’s number, I’ll call her.” I shrugged, “I’ll text her boyfriend. I don’t have her number, and she’d just be annoyed. It’s best to leave her on her trip. If she has to come home because of me she might kill me.” Ted frowned. Immy said, “We’ve got her, dad.” Ted sighed, “As a parent, I’d want to know.” I laughed humorlessly, “My mom would just be mad at me and probably make us move again. That’s what she does when I embarrass her.” Immy shrieked, “No, she can’t leave! Daddy Ted please don’t call her mom!” Ted sighed, “Apparently, I can’t. She doesn’t have the number.” The further we got away from the school, from Keaton; the more despondent I became. I missed him. This was beyond pathetic. Kenneth came out to the car. He picked me up. I whispered, “I’m ok.” He said, “You do not look ok, Miss Karlton.” He asked, “Where is Keaton?” I started sobbing, “Probably with Lisa.” Everyone was startled. May said, “He’s not.” I asked, “How would you know that?” May said, “Uhh, Keith told me…He texted me.” I felt a little better. I asked, “Does Keith know how Isla is? That wolf clawed up her leg. Do you think it will scar?” May said, “Oh, she’s ok. Justin’s ok too. Keaton’s dad knows a really good plastic surgeon. He works at the hospital he owns. I don’t think Isla will have a scar.” I whispered, “That’s good.” They were ok. I fell asleep before I reached the door. It hurt too much to be awake. I was in a field when I woke up. I sighed, “Great. Am I going back to the ocean?” Wolves came running up. One wolf I was immediately drawn to. I said, “You’re pretty. I’ve never seen a wolf with green highlights. Well, of course I haven’t. This isn’t real, but you’re pretty. The wolf was black with green stripes on the tips of her ears, and in a diamond around her head. She had two light strips on her sides too. Another wolf whined at me. I laughed, “Are you jealous I’m not petting you? I met some red eyed wolves today.” They both snarled. The big black one licked my face. I snorted, “Ok, maybe my dreams want me to get a dog so I’m not alone anymore.” The black and green wolf started convulsing. I screamed, “What’s wrong?” The black wolf was licking her face. She looked at me and the pain in her eyes made me cry harder. I asked, “How do I help you?” She slowly faded from view. I yelled, “Where did you go? Come back!” Four more black wolves were joining the black wolf. I whispered, “Wait, I know you….” They were in the field before with that red haired woman. Hissing sounded and I was flung backwards. They chased me, but I was gone into the abyss. I frowned, “What is going on?” I heard a chuckle. A seriously evil chuckle. I turned around and came face to face with an older woman. She had gray hair and vacant eyes. I screamed. She looked like a villain in a Disney movie. She smiled, “Don’t be scared, child. You are interesting, aren’t you? You just keep trying to get around my magic. You and those inside you.” I frowned, “There’s no one inside me but me.” She tisked, “I do not agree with keeping you in the dark on such things. You were always to know. It’s why your little visits to those places and trying to get around my magic will remain between us, my dear.” Seriously…. Is she a Disney villain? Like my own personal one? I said, “Well, magic isn’t real, and neither is this.” She laughed, “Oh, it is. You’ll soon learn. Maybe. I look forward to seeing which future unfolds for you. When you were first brought to me; I went to see a seer afterwards about you.” I snorted, “A seer?” Her eyes flashed with danger, “Don’t interrupt me again child, or I’ll take your voice. That would be quite comical.” Ok…Whatever. I didn’t say anything. Silence enveloped us. She smiled, “Better. You have two paths, and I am quite curious which you end up on. We see each other again either way. You won’t like me, but that’s ok.” I raised my hand. She snorted, “Speak, child.” Well, she said she would take my voice! Raising my hand seemed the way to go here. I asked, “What’s your name?” She smirked, “Valdoma.” I shrugged, “I don’t know you.” She threw something on the floor then turned into a doctor I did know. I screamed and ran away. She was the one who dosed me in that place. She laughed, “I’ll let you go for now, child. When we meet again remember I do find you interesting.” I did not care what that woman found interesting. She smirked at me as I cried in pain while dosing me with those drugs. She enjoyed my pain. Her interests were not something I wanted to know about. I woke up screaming. Immy grabbed me, “Katie, Katie, it was just a dream. Did you dream about the wolves?” Obviously, that's what I was going to say I was dreaming about. I nodded. She rubbed my shoulders, “That was frightening, I’m sure.” I looked at my phone. I said, “Immy you need to go home. It’s late.” She frowned, “I don’t want to leave you.” I told her, “I’m used to being alone.” Immy hit my shoulder with hers, “Well, you’re not alone anymore. I’m here. You’re stuck with me. I’ve decided we are friends for life.” She smiled broadly. She handed me an alcoholic drink and a slice of pizza. I snorted. Several drinks later, my mind was loose, and I was depressed. I missed Keaton. Immy fell asleep. I stumbled into my computer room. I opened the laptop and signed into the email I had signed out of. Time to see if the mob family is still contacting me. It’s possible they lost interest in finding me. Everyone loses interest in me eventually. I’m just not that interesting. Though, in this instance that could work for me. I did NOT need the mob to find me interesting. They could find me boring. I would be a little sad since they said we were family, but overall it was probably for the best. I took another drink and set it down. I snorted, “Over two hundred emails. That’s a bit excessive. Oh look, the mob boss sent me a lot of emails. There’s Lux Vennox, and…NOXUS?!” I clicked on that one first. Odette, I heard you think I’d be upset with you. I assure you; I am not. In fact, when I heard about you, I had lovely thoughts of what could’ve been. For all intents and purposes, I should’ve been your stepfather. In another life, maybe even your father. Then you wouldn’t be you though, and that would be sad. My sons are worried about you. Please let us help you, Odette. Let me protect you as I would’ve if you’d been raised with us. I hear you’ve met a boy who makes your head sing, hypothetically. He’s probably not good enough for my little girl, but a higher power thinks he is. I can understand the lonely life you have likely had. More than most really. Your mother used to be different. I imagine she acts how her stepmother did to her with you. Unfortunately, she probably went even more extreme with you after swearing she’d never be like that. I fear that is truly the case. Your mother…. things happen Odette. Hard things. Your mother and my time is officially over. You were the nail in that coffin, but not for the reasons you think. It’s not that you exist, Odette. It’s the things she’s trying to do to you. There are things you do not understand. Things that cannot be explained or believed in an email. I can explain that I cannot hold onto the love we once had for each other when she is treating and innocent child the way she is. Your mother very well knows if she’d come home to me with you; I’d have protected you both. You would’ve been raised as my daughter. I want to tell you something I know your mother has never told you. You are special and rare, Odette. Your mother was the first female born in her family line in generations. No one expected a girl in the family for quite some time. You are more surprising than you think. Definitely more than you having a brother you know about. My sons are overjoyed that they have a sister. While they are simultaneously very worried for you. Also, they are very angry they haven’t gotten to know you for sixteen years. Myself, I also mourn the years that were stolen from us. I would’ve been there the first time you crawled, for those first steps, your first words, I would’ve crushed any boy or girl who hurt your feelings. I would’ve shown you such love along with your biological father. Knowing your mother as I do, I can tell you something about him, Odette. He has no idea you exist. Your mother wouldn’t have told him. If you’d been a boy, she would’ve told him I’m sure that doesn’t make sense to you. We do worry for your brother, Lux. We also want to find him, but he’s being protected according to what you told Lux V; whereas you’re vulnerable and alone. Stay near the boy who makes your head sing. You can come see us again that way. I am sorry that you have been so alone. It was not what I would’ve wished for in your life. I’m sure you wonder why we aren’t in your mother’s life anymore. I can’t imagine what she said about her family, but she did some very bad things. We’ve held out hope she would come home regretting her actions; however, it’s clear that will never be the case. It saddens me deeply. For my son's sake. I was hoping I was wrong because I do know your mother quite well. She’s never regretted a thing she’s done. She’s quite calculating. I’m sure you know that. We are not the mob, which you seem to believe. I hope you let that notion go. It seems to make you scared of us. Please, let us help you. We wish you no harm, I swear that to you. I’m sure Morgana has made you leery of trusting anyone. She would’ve made sure you had nothing and no one so you never realized how special and rare you are. She has her agenda, and I promise you it’s not for your benefit. Please know, I will always love your mother. She makes my head sing a song too, but the song has dimmed. She had ideas that I could not support. That my sons could not support. It would’ve led us into war. Not a mob war, but a different type of war. Her stepmother jaded her quite a bit. I tried to bring out that lighter side of her. We were happy for so very long. Then her stepmother and father returned. It was our downfall. Her stepmother was remorseful for how she treated her, but Morgana didn’t want to hear it. She doesn’t grant second chances as I’m sure you know. I hope I’m wrong about the fact that I believe your mother has neglected and mistreated you. Can you tell me about your diet? I’m sure that sounds like an off the wall question, but I have a reason. I swear. I know somewhere in your mother is the woman who I fell in love with. The woman with whom I had six beautiful boys with. I just fear no one will see her again. I cannot forgive this. Not abandoning you and trying to force you to be in an abusive relationship. Luke will not give up, Odette. Their family won’t want to give you up. As I said, you are rare and special. No matter what Luke comes to you and says, don’t fall for the pretty words. They will be lies. Trust that song in your head. It will not lead you wrong. Your mom stopped listening to hers. Yes, she has a song in her head too. Luke will have a harder time coming to you. Caspian is having him watched and not subtly. I’m sure Luke will find a way to slip them, but it will take him more time. Don’t worry, they won’t assume it has anything to do with you. We have had tensions with them for years. It is rumored that Luke intends to take a bride and take over from his father within his family. Now, I fear it’s not a rumor and that bride is you. I can’t let you live the life he wants for you. Don’t ever let him near your neck, Odette. We can and will kill him if he takes you. I just don’t want it to get to that point. Let us come to you before then. Let us be the family we should’ve been all along. Noxus I had to read the email several times. Tears filled my eyes. He wanted to be there for me, and I wasn’t even his biological daughter. He must have really loved my mom once upon a time. If this is what the song in your head could lead you to…. Did I want to try with Keaton? This was pointless to speculate. Keaton didn’t want to try with me. Wait…. That wasn’t true. My head was foggy. I was going to have to read this email again when I was sober. I cried reading it through several times. See them again? Did they have the same dream I did? Was that really them? I couldn’t just not say anything. Noxus, I read this. I’m not totally with it right now, and you said so much I need to have a clearer head to respond. I just wanted you to know, I don’t know if you’re full of crap or telling the truth; however, I would be lying if I said your words didn’t touch me. I’ve always wanted a father. Lux’s was so good to him. He made me wish for my own. Odette P.S. If my mom made your head sing, I should probably stay away from the boy who makes mine sing. I can’t be hurt anymore. You can’t be hurt when you’re alone. That’s my safe place.
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