Weird Dreams Pt. 1

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Odette didn’t want to spoil the moment with Keaton. I was fairly certain that was going to happen tomorrow anyway. My insecurities were flying in. I needed to protect myself. Keaton could crush me if he abandoned me. The song was sadly humming. Yeah well, the both of us would be depressed when he left us behind. Keaton thought Lisa would leave me alone. He was wrong, but as long as we were together, I could handle her. Which was probably the least sane thought I was having lately. Great Odette. This is great. You have such crazy thoughts all the time you’ve got a scale of the crazy they belong on. UGH! The song turned happy when Keaton declared he’d never leave. He seemed to think he’d find me if my mom turned up and took me away. I’d fight her. Or I’d run away. All to stay with Keaton. I decided to worry about these things later. None of these feelings were normal. I was rushing in too fast in this relationship. I was too young to feel this way, and I hadn’t even known Keaton very long. My feelings for Luke didn’t hold a candle to Keaton. Tonight, I was going to give into the feelings that felt like I could conquer everything with him by my side. This is totally normal. I am totally fine. I kissed him because if this was it, I wanted to remember how his lips felt on mine. Plus, the mob was probably coming after me. I definitely needed to live every moment to the fullest. They could knock on the door at any second. We finally made it second base. I could feel his length against my inner thigh. He was much bigger than Luke. We were talking and I just wanted to lay my head on his shoulder. His smell enveloped me, and I was just so tired. Just one second. I’d close my eyes for just one second. I heard the sound of waves crashing. I startled awake. I was on my back in the ocean. I looked around, “Hello?” I heard a song. I yelled, “Hey!” The song just grew louder. I decided to swim over towards it. I frowned. There was nothing where the song was coming from. My ankle was pulled from below the water. I screamed then shut my mouth trying not to breathe in the water. Then I realized I wasn’t coughing or drowning. I was being pulled farther and farther down. I sighed, “My dreams are getting weird.” Then I screamed because I was talking out loud under water. I entered through some massive doorway then I was dry land again. I asked, “What the hell?” No one seemed to realize I was there. They were just walking and talking all around me. I walked to someone and asked, “Excuse me…What’s going on?” They walked on without saying anything. I said, “Uh Rude.” I tried someone else, but no one would tell me anything. I looked around this strange town. I gasped when I saw Lux Vennox and Beatrice. I hid behind a large archway then sighed. I chastised myself, “No one can see you, Odette. Just follow them and stop talking to yourself.” I quickly followed them. They went into a mansion. I paused, gasping when I saw my mother in a giant portrait with a handsome man. He had brown hair, with brown eyes and a beard. They were a striking couple. Regal almost. They were dressed in the prettiest clothes I’d ever seen on my mom. They were staring into each other’s eyes with more love than I’d ever seen on my mother’s face. I heard a shoe squeak. I heard a whistle and took off again after Lux Vennox and Beatrice. I got lost after staring at the painting. I ended up following the sound of voices. I ended up on the floor above Lux and Beatrice. They were walking up to a man on a giant chair type thing. It was as if the chair was made of seashells. That was intense. The man on…ok it was a throne. He was sitting on a throne. Like he was from a different century. He looked like the man my mom had been posed with in that picture. He was just younger. Their beards even looked the same. Everyone was quiet. The man on the throne spoke first, “We haven’t been able to find her.” Beatrice sighed, “We haven’t either. We found her bus ticket, but where she came from…. it’s unattainable. There’s something blocking it. Like magic.” I snorted. Was she serious? Magic? Jarchi must be in the technology business. The man from the picture with my mom stepped forward. He said, “It’s not like magic.” Thank you. At least he wasn’t crazy. Beatrice whispered, “Noxus, I’m so sorry about all this news we keep bringing. I can’t imagine your pain. I can’t believe Morgana would do this after leaving the way she did.” I gasped. My mom left that guy? Was she serious? Wait…if that was Noxus then…I looked back at the guy on the throne. I whispered, “He’s Caspian then. That has to be it. Why would a mob boss have a throne made of seashells? That’s weird…. they know that’s weird right? Ugh. Get it together, Odette. This isn’t real. He doesn’t have a throne of seashells. A mob boss would have a darker…. chair. Mahogany probably. Your subconscious thinks he has a throne of seashells for some reason. My brain is so far past normal it’s getting ridiculous.” Six pairs of brown male eyes jerked towards me. I squealed. How did they hear me? Who were the other five guys? One pair of eyes was Caspian. To be fair, the others looked like Caspian. Caspian spoke, “Odette, that has to be you.” Why did it have to be me? Everyone gasped. Oh crap on a cracker. Caspian continued, “Please don’t go. Say something else. Please little sister, talk to us.” I snorted, “He can’t be serious. Is he serious? This is the strangest dream ever. I’m not talking to a mob boss. That’s how you get whacked. I think…. pretty sure. He doesn’t know it’s me. It could be anyone. That’s a thing.” One of the men came and stood beside me. I squeaked, “Can you see me? Everyone outside ignored me. Oh god, was that to lull me into a false sense of security?” Caspian said, “No, Odette. We probably don’t have much time. I need to know where you are.” I rolled my eyes, “I’m not telling the mob boss I probably pissed off where I am. That’s a terrible idea even in a dream. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that movie. It ends badly for me.” Caspian groaned, “I’m not a mob boss, and this is not a dream. You need to tell me where you are so I can protect you.” I countered, “That’s what a mob boss would say. It’s for your protection. I’m pretty sure the mob is big into the protection scene. Can you see me?” The guy beside me answered, “No, but we can hear you.” I sighed, “That’s…weird. My subconscious is so weird. I have GOT to figure out how to be normal. Any chance any of you have advice on that?” Before they could say anything Noxus spoke, “Odette, who is your ex-boyfriend you mentioned in the email? The one your mom wants you to marry.” I snorted, “Luke Merrick.” Caspian hissed, “LUKE MERRICK?!” Noxus yelled, “She said Luke’s name? Odette, stay away from him! Someone tell me she said she would stay away.” Someone whispered, “This is war.” WAR? Oh god. Was Luke in the mob too? Why was this my life? Did I date a mob boss's son? I asked, “Why can’t Noxus hear me, but you guys said you could?” The guy beside me answered, “Because he’s not related to you. How did you know that was his name?” I ignored the last question and asked him, “So…are you, my cousin? Is that why you can hear me?” He snorted, “No, I’m your half-brother.” I snorted, “Sure. This is just great. I’m so lonely…I’m making up long lost brothers in a weird place under the ocean. I guess that would make it the bottom of the ocean. Man, I am tired. So, I’m at the bottom of the ocean where there’s a whole society…on land. Where you walk around just breathing and talking. I need therapy. So much therapy.” Caspian cut in, “No, you don’t. Odette. My dad is right though. Stay away from Luke. DO NOT trust him. Trust me when you find out who he really is…you’re going to be mad. That’s a discussion to have in person though. You don’t want to be anything with him. If you won’t tell me where you are, just know that.” I sighed, “Well, at least my subconscious and I are in line there. I don’t trust Luke. You say the word trust a lot. It’s really lining up for me that you’re a mob boss with a weird chair. Don’t worry though. I’m not going to be with an abusive jerk who keeps trying to teach me lessons I don’t want to learn. OH MY GOD! HE IS TOTALLY IN THE MOB TOO! I’m going to get whacked, aren’t I? You know what? You all better watch out! I have a gun, and I know how to use it. I took to it really well too. Crap! I’m so related to the mob. I got too good at shooting a gun too fast. It’s definitely in my blood.” The man beside me hissed. He said, “That’s why she’s surfaced. Because of Luke and his lessons.” I said, “Uhh I’m pretty sure I’m nowhere near the surface of anything. Something pulled me really far down here. Look, I’m really sorry if I upset you guys. I don’t want to be with Luke or involved in whatever family mob war you’ve got going on with him. I want no part of it. He just shows up. I lost all my friends that I made because of him. He didn’t like them. He’s like looking for a wife several centuries too late who never speaks or is heard. I have opinions, and I mean…he’s just awful. We had to move, and mom came back because he couldn’t get into my apartment. Which he didn’t even try to do! I didn’t even know he was in town. It was all just so ridiculous. I didn’t even know he was in town. He’s stalking me….and…AHHH!” I screamed as I was pulled backwards out of the room. I saw those six guys running after me. One demanded, “Tell us where you are! Let us help you. We will protect you!” I yelled, “I can help and protect myself! I always do. In the end, all I have is me.” I woke up to my alarm. That was weird. I shook myself. I can’t believe I invented what Noxus, and Caspian looked like. Along with five other brothers. My brain is just out here trying to convince me that I had seven brothers. As if. I realized Keaton was still at my place. UGH. His parents were going to hate me. That’s just great. I’ve built this whole future around him in my head, and now his parents are going to convince him to not be around me. I ran into the bathroom. I had to admit Caspian and the others shared some features with me, but I must take more after my dad. I shook myself, “That was not real.” The song inside me sang contentedly. I think she thought it was real, and it made her happy to be around those people. Plus, Keaton was here. I could hear him talking to Keith. It was silly for them to stand outside. I invited him in. I checked my phone. Immy: Breakfast food in the freezer. I can’t believe Keaton stayed over. You have to tell me EVERYTHING in first period. Me: We just fell asleep Immy: I hope not. That’s boring. I snorted. That was so Immy. I jumped in the shower and then grabbed some underwear. I asked Keaton if he needed the shower. When he kissed me, I wrapped my arms around him which let my towel fall. I grabbed it once Keaton commented on it. The song in my head wanted me to join him in the shower. At least, I think it did. Oh, sweet baby jesus. You can just say you want to shower with your…. what even is he? The guy I just started dating. Don’t blame a song, Odette. I walked out and blushed, “Good morning, Keith.” He smiled, “Katie.” I frowned. Why did I want him to know my real name? He asked, “Is something wrong?” I shook my head, “Nope. Are your parents going to be upset that Keaton stayed over?” Keith said, “No, they aren’t even close to being upset. You got Keaton to ice skate. You could commit grand larceny and my mom would still like you.” I snorted and went to the kitchen. I was about to open the freezer when someone knocked on the door. I opened it to see May standing on the other side. She winked at me and came in. She walked over to Keith. I laughed, “You guys remind me of those couples I’ve seen that are the ones you know will make it in the long run.” May blushed. Keith put his arm around her. He asked, “Have you seen a lot of those?” I titled my head replying, “More than you’d think.” Most people said high school love didn’t last, but I’d seen a lot I’d swear they were going to. It wasn’t a normal kind of love. Like Keaton and me. STOP IT! What is wrong with me? We just met. May bumped me, “So, how was the date? I’m guessing it went well since there was a sleepover.” I blushed, “We just fell asleep. Which Immy finds boring.” May and Keith started laughing. Keaton came out with wet hair. My heart skipped a beat. Why was he so handsome? We talked a little more about our date. They were talking about some birthday they had to go to. I looked away. Melanie’s birthday was this weekend. I really missed her, but I had this fear if I went down to Nashville my mom would find out. I couldn’t risk it. I thought about it the whole way to school. The second we entered I heard what sounded like nails on the chalkboard shrieking. We didn’t even make it thirty seconds before his ex appeared in our day. I didn’t even mind the hissing in my head on this one. We agreed about this girl. She was bad news. She was glaring at me with hatred, but she could get in line. I was pretty sure I hated her first. I looked at her schedule and wanted to wince. I had a class with her. Great. That was just great. We made it to my first period. Immy practically shooed Keaton away. She looked at me, “Tell me everything!” I laughed, “We went ice skating. You didn’t tell me he was like a professional skater, Immy.” She squealed, “HE SKATED FOR YOU?!” Everyone in the class seemed to be hanging on for the answer. I shook myself. Not everyone cared about my date with Keaton. I nodded, “Yes. I asked him to show me his skills and he did. He’s really good.” Immy squealed and hit my arm, “Then what?” I shrugged, “We went to his diner where everyone looked at us smiling. We had milkshakes and burgers. Then we back to my place.” Immy giggled, “Yeah, you did. Tell me more.” I laughed, “We umm…. kissed for a bit then I fell asleep.” Then I had the weirdest dream of all time. Immy sighed, “Ok, don’t worry. I can help you get past the make out stage.” I snorted, “You probably should.” Since the mob was definitely looking for me based on the dream. That was not real. Get a grip, Odette. Immy smiled, “Challenge accepted. Consider me in charge of your wardrobe.” I laughed, “Aren’t you already?” Immy patted my head, “It’s good that you accept that. You’re good for Keaton.” I was far too happy to hear her say that. I was dreading my class before lunch because Lisa was in this class with me. Her and her friends pounced the second I sat down. One sneered, “Look, it's the desperate new girl.” I snorted, “Look, it’s the girl who found her voice now that the mean queen bee is back.” Lisa sneered, “At least you know who is queen. It’s alright ladies. Keaton will have his fun, but we all know how this ends.” The song in my head was hissing. I looked forward and ignored her. She chuckled and sat down, “He always comes back to me, Katie. He might even convince you he won’t, but I’ll always come first for Keaton Frank Daniels.” I muttered, “There’s a difference in wanting to come first and being first, Lisa. There’s also a difference in manipulating someone so you’re their only support system. It’s called abuse, and you’re an abuser. Will I be the one to break your cycle with him? I don’t really know, but I know in the end; you lose.” She snarled at me. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the front of class. Addison, Melanie, and Sierra had taught me to never let anyone see you sweat so I showed nothing; however, her words were in my mind on a loop. Would he pick her over me? She was his pattern. His default. Lisa kicked my desk and hissed at me, “You’re just a rebound. The whole school feels sorry for you. End this now, and I’ll make sure everyone forgets all about it.” I rolled my eyes, “Go try being someone else’s fake friend. You played this wrong if that was your goal. You’ve been a b***h from the start. If you want that bit to work you have to be nice at first, Lisa.” She grabbed my arm and squeezed, “Keaton is MINE!” I couldn’t stop this hiss that came out of my mouth. I rotated my arm and yanked down, easily getting out of her grasp. I told her, “He’s a person not a possession. Do you even like him? Or do you like that his family owns the town? There’s a big world out there Lisa, and people like you fail once you graduate. Enjoy this while it lasts. Your reign is coming to an end. You’re not hot s**t outside these walls.” I stalked off. Annoyed. I ran into Keaton and tried to brush the whole thing off. He didn’t even notice when Lisa came into the lunchroom. That meant I was not a rebound. Right? Lisa had the nerve to come over to our table and try to get me kicked out of our group. She threatened Isla. The hissing in my head was never going to stop. Somehow this song was singing and hissing. I was losing it. Lisa should watch out. I needed to do something to help Isla. Lisa was crazy enough to hurt her. What could I do? I mulled over options in my head while going to my class after lunch. I quickly sat down and a girl who had lunch at the same time as me walked in afterwards. She took the desk next to mine. I asked, “It’s Gayle, right?” She smiled, “Yes, it is. I’m impressed you know my name.” I smiled, “I go to a lot of new schools. You speak up in classes. That makes it easy to remember you.” She smiled, “I’m the honors society president.” I told her, “That’s great!” She asked, “Did you hear Lisa in there? She’s always been mean, but she’s never threatened people out loud. Keaton dumping her really made her snap. Now she’s punching people and threatening them.” I nodded. Glad I didn’t have to bring it up. I told her, “I worry for Isla. Lisa radiates crazy, and I’m getting the sense Lisa gets away with everything at home. Isla told me Lisa went after Justin when she found out that she liked him.” Gayle gasped, “What a b***h! You know, I was thinking I should call and ask the cops to do a wellness check on her, but that’s probably crazy.” I encouraged her, “No, you should. If Lisa is brazen enough to threaten her sister in school; what would she do at home?” Gayle said, “You’re right. I really like Isla. I know her sister and her friends bully her. She never says anything. She finally stuck up for herself. Lisa should have to deal with the consequences of her actions. I’m going to call as soon as school ends.” I told her, “I think that’s the right decision.” She nodded at me as the class started. I found Keaton after school ended. He seemed to be in a daze. He was barely paying attention. I bit my lip. The song was worried too. I was going to have the name that thing if I kept referring to whatever was broken in my brain as a song. The song huffed at me. Great. Now I’ve annoyed the song. I began to worry that Lisa was right. That Keaton was regretting jumping into this relationship with me. What if he was trying to break it to me that he was getting back together with her? Pain filled me at the thought. This was insane. It was the best first date…Ok the best date I’d been on BUT it was ONE date. I have got to chill. He was still offering driving lessons. So, he wasn’t completely abandoning me. A small part of my brain whispered, “Yet.” The words rebound were playing on a loop in my mind. I asked Keaton what was wrong, and he just said he had a lot to think about. I wanted to cry. Was he leaving me too? Was this over before it even started? What was I going to do if it was? I was that girl who was going to be devastated by a two second relationship. That was just so pathetic. I was so distracted Keaton got the jump on me. He chased me around my apartment. I was surprised. He was somehow everywhere. I was usually faster than most people, but not him. He was the flash or something. Keaton told me he had to go. I nodded ignoring the lump in my throat. He’s not like everyone else, Odette. He said he might sneak over later, and that gave me hope. I got ready for work and Keaton dropped me off at the bookstore. Immy was talking to two women when I walked in. I smiled and waved. Both women smirked at me as if they had a secret. I waved, “Hi I’m O…Katie.” What was with that? Stop almost telling people your name! One woman raised an eyebrow. Eventually she held out her hand to me, “I’m Isabella Miller, Immy’s grandmother.” The other woman said, “I’m Nadine Daniels.” I smiled, “You’re Key’s grandma.” Immy squealed, “She calls him Key.” Isabella laughed, “So I heard her say. My son is losing his mind over you.” I asked, “Your son?” Immy said, “Daddy Matt. He just thinks you look familiar. He can’t figure out why though.” I shrugged, “People say that a lot around here. I was born in this state, but not far from this area. Maybe an hour or two away. I seriously doubt he saw me when I was little though.” Nadine asked, “You’re from Tennessee?” I nodded, “Yup. I was here for five years before we started moving around.” She smiled softly at me. She asked, “So, how’s my grandson?” I blushed, “He was fine a few minutes ago.” Isabella gloated, “I told you that was his truck, Nadine.” Nadine smiled, “So you did.” She hugged me quickly. I was stunned but hugged her back. She told me, “Thank you. It’s nice to see Keaton being himself again. Well, I’ll get out of your hair.” Nadine and Isabella left. Immy asked, “What’s wrong?” I sighed, “How do you know anything is wrong?” She said, “Your aura is all sad.” I sighed, “Lisa said some stuff about Key. I’ve seen the on and off again couple a lot. I shouldn't be putting my heart on the line. He’s going to crush me.” Immy frowned, “Keaton wouldn’t hurt you. Lisa is just talking out of her ass. She’s threatened by you.” I looked away, “She said I was a rebound. She’s probably right.” That’s what I hated. He wasn’t a rebound to me. He’d somehow become everything, and that was insane enough. I didn’t care about being the laughing stock of some new school. I leave frequently enough it wouldn’t matter. I cared that it hurt that I was probably his rebound. It could be worth it though if I got him away from her. Even if it crushed me. Immy asked, “Hey, are you ok?” I put on my fake smile, “Totally. Immy frowned, “You’re lying. Don’t let Lisa get you down. She’s just jealous. You’re pretty and nice. She is neither of those things.” I frowned, “She’s pretty.” Immy snorted, “Crazy. She’s pretty crazy.” I laughed, “She does have crazy eyes.” Immy slapped my shoulder, “Right?” We worked the rest of the shift and closed up the store. I hurried home because Keaton said he might sneak over. I smiled at Kenneth when I opened the door to the lobby. He said, “Hello Ms. Karlton.” I smiled, “Hi Kenneth.” I went up to my apartment. I made a quick dinner and turned on the TV It got later and later. Keaton didn’t text or call. The doubt started to creep in. Lisa and her friends’ smug faces saying I was a rebound. What if something happened to him? I texted Immy, and she told me there was some family issue. Ok, see? It’s fine. Don’t jump to bad things. I tried not to, but I was convinced Keaton was going to dump me. I cried and took a bath. I tossed in my bed, hoping he would come by. He didn’t. I gave up and got ready for school. I might need to start walking. I shouldn’t count on anyone but me. In the end, that’s what I have. Me. Don’t get caught up in everything, Odette. I found Keaton’s shirt on my floor. I quickly picked it up and smelled it. Like a weirdo. UGH! Stop it. I forced myself to put his shirt in my closet. I almost put it in a baggie to keep his scent locked in. The song started. I wanted to cry in relief. Keaton was here. I opened the door and the small conspiracy part of me that worried something had happened to him let go of all those crazy thoughts. At one point, I thought maybe the mob got him because he’d been seen with me. Which was crazy, they’d just grab me. Probably all the while telling me they weren’t the mob. They were so the mob. Should I tell Keaton my family was likely in the mob? No, that’s…no. I do not know that for sure. I tried to be casual with Keaton about him not coming over. He didn’t appear to like my tone. When we got to school tension was thick. It was like the whole school felt it. Everyone seemed to be on high alert. Except Lisa and her friends which I found odd. That probably meant whatever had everyone on edge, they planned. They were the only ones laughing and having a good time. They were definitely up to something.
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