Weird Dreams Pt. 3

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I sent it and clicked on the most recent email from Caspian. His email subject lines were hilarious. This was not a man used to someone not answering him. He was getting shouty in his subject lines. Odette, Please answer me. I am not accustomed to saying please. I REALLY do not want to scare you, Odette. I AM NOT A MOB BOSS. Please stop saying that. I am not a bad man, I promise. Our mother wanted me to be. She wanted me to plunge us into something we have no business being in. I know if she’s told you about me that she’s said I turned my back on her. It’s not true, little sister. She turned her back on our way of life. She got greedy and wanted to do something that would cost many people their lives. It’s what she’s trying to do with you. That’s what I believe anyway. Saying you’re dating Luke confirms it for me. I’m sure it is hard for you to trust people. I don’t want to imagine the version of our mom you had. I had a very loving woman most of my life. I was an adult when she turned bitter and angry. You are dealing with her anger, and you do not deserve it. You’ve done nothing wrong. You seem very innocent and naive. That’s not a bad thing, but there are certain things you are naive about that make certain things dangerous. I know you think I’m dangerous. I won’t lie to you, little sister. I can be very dangerous. Our mother should be quite terrified of me right now. You though, you should not be. I won’t hurt you. If you end up with Luke, I will come for you. I will come at him with everything I have, and I will win. My fear with that Odette, is that you will suffer before we get to you. More than you have suffered now. This boy that makes your head sing. You need to stick with him, and if you won’t tell me where you are I’ll pray to Achelous that he’s strong. He’d better protect you or he will contend with me. I’m looking for your brother, the one you know of. I’m guessing you won’t tell me more details about him so I could find him faster. If you won’t tell me where you are, at least keep in contact. I’ll earn your trust. I’ll be looking for you. I won’t stop. I’m not going to lie to you and say that I will wait for you to tell me where you are. I won’t. I will look everywhere. It may take me until you tell me where you are to find you because mother is quite skilled at hiding things. It’s a talent of hers, and she has hidden you. She’s a very smart woman, unfortunately. Just know, I’m looking. I know you won’t believe me, but from the moment I heard about you a piece of my heart belongs to you, little sister. I should’ve been there for all these moments that were robbed from us. I’m doing what I can to keep Luke away from you. If he slips by me, I will have failed you again. It’s been suggested I let him slip me to see if he leads me to you. I won’t. If he gets to you again, it will not be because I let him get away. I will do my best to follow him. Luke has an affinity for being in the shadows though. If you end up here though, he will not be able to stop me. I will get to you. I do love you already, little sister. You are quite funny. No one is upset with you. We are worried. Our other brothers would like to email you as well. Can I give them your email address? Please write back to me, Odette. I need to know you are safe. If you feel so led to tell me where you are, I’ll come get you. You’re not going to get whacked either. You’ve watched too many movies. Your Older Brother, Caspian I gasped. He was in that dream too? He really has a seat made of seashells? That’s weird. I guess we are really related. I’m weird and so is he. I took another big drink and stretched my hands in front of me then started to type. Caspian (possible big brother who is not the mob but something mob esque) Honestly, if Kings were still around, I’d say you’re one of those with your seashell throne. It was pretty, but very strange. Your shouty capitals in your subject lines are cracking me up. You do know that’s yelling. Right? How can you not be accustomed to saying please? Hello silver spoon in mouth baby. I’m jealous LOL. Seriously, I’m going with this king theory. Are you a king? Is that why mom thinks arranged marriages are cool? She’s stuck in the wrong century? With the rest of our family. LOL Mom being the literal worst is no surprise to me. She didn’t tell me about you guys. One time she mentioned I wouldn’t be like the “others.” I guess I’m operating under the assumption you and the other five guys are the “others.” Well, my brother Lux too. He’s “others” I’m saying others a lot. Forgive me, I don’t drink much. I can’t imagine mom as loving. Her latest boyfriend is making her the happiest I’ve seen her. She’s talking about having another kid. The guy is pretty cool, and I know him. So, I’d make sure our sibling had their dad in their life. Now that I know about your dad though, I feel awful. If the guy who makes my head sing did what she’s doing…. I don’t know how he’s functioning. My song boy has me in a mess already and he didn’t do anything. I had a fight…. with that guy that makes my head sing. I told him to stay away from me. His ex is a psycho, and I fought these red eyed rabies infected wolves. I’d swear one of them became my puppet though. I looked in his eyes and told him to go away. I guess in his rabies riddled brain that made him my puppet because then I told him to attack the other rabies wolves; and he did. WEIRD. It was SO WEIRD. Everything with the song guy is moving so fast, and he seems to think it’s normal and natural. It feels like it’s normal…. but it’s not. Right? I can’t be devastated about being away from him right now. We’ve been on one date. I need to find some chill. That’s a thing that I need to do. Since I’m leaning into the theory you were the dude on the seashell throne, I could totally see you as a good guy. You struck me as fair but fierce. Like you could be deadly if you wanted to. Like a King mob boss, just saying. No shouty capitals! I am not with Luke. We broke up. I have no reason to get back together with him, nor would I believe anything he said. You have no idea what he did to me. There is no trust between us. I guess if he kidnaps me, and you hear I’m with him; you could call the police. No need for anyone to be killed then you could go to jail. That would be sad. Luke doesn’t live in this state; I’m guessing you're from where he is. If he took me back, there then it’s a federal crime because he would’ve crossed state lines so…. just tell the FBI if I go missing. The guy who makes my head sing is dreamy. My handsome song boy. His muscles have muscles. People say he filled out over the last semester he was away. I saw a picture of him in the trophy case the other day, he was still pretty big. He is bigger now though. It doesn’t matter. I’m taking space from him. Everything is too fast and too much. We need to be normal teenagers who have been on one date. It feels like I’m going to die from space though. Everything hurts. I could email you when I log into this account. I’m signing in and out and not checking it often because…. you’ve totally got an IT guy trying to track me down. I guess mom’s new boyfriend is in IT too if you haven’t managed it yet. Which is something a mob boss would do, just saying. I guess if you find me, you find me. If mom makes us move again…. if I told you where we moved; would you come get me? I’d miss my song boy. That’s again crazy, but maybe you could bring me to see him. I haven’t seen mom since she left though so…. she must be liking this guy. Mom is skilled at hiding things? That’s a strange talent to have. I guess I could email you if Luke shows up. I’m confident my song boy could kick his ass. I don’t know why, but I know he would for me. Space sucks. Why did I ask for space? I don’t want space. THIS IS CRAZY IT WAS ONE DATE UGH! A really good date. He bought me a milkshake. Have you had one? They are SO good. Are you sure you want a crazy little sister like me? OMG, RIGHT?! Luke can be in the shadows. I didn’t even know he was around several times then he just appeared like a snake…. a slithering snake in my grass. That’s what he is. A snake. I hate him. Ohhhhh, I do. He had me locked up. He gave me something that burned. I wanted to die. I’m surprised I didn’t. It hurt so bad. Then he just left me in that awful place with those horrible people. I suppose you could give the other “Brothers” (jury is still out on me believing you all about that) my email. I’ll check it occasionally, I guess. Can’t stay on for too long, you could track me. Probably. Or is that just a phone call? I don’t know. Maybe I do watch too much television. You said movies though. I do watch a lot of both. I’m often alone. What else is there to do? Mom took my books. I still love books though. I just have to read at the library. So…. that seashell throne room mansion place was real? That’s what you're saying. How do I get back there? It was very pretty. Felt like home. That’s weird…. don’t answer that. I swear I’m having the weirdest dreams lately with seashell thrones, a weird witch who is evil and takes on other appearances. I’m pretty sure she could be a Disney villain. As far as getting whacked, I’m fairly certain Luke totally wants to have me whacked. Or beat up. Definitely beat up. I’m kind of kick ass now though so…. My friends taught me. I’m good. I also own a gun. I’m a good shot. Did I tell you that already? Anyway…. keep in touch or don’t. I’ll probably log in and have no emails from you. You’ll go away. Everyone does. Your possible little sister, Odette I was about to go back to my room when my email dinged. Noxus had already answered me. Odette, Take your time answering the rest of my message. We will meet one day, and I will be the stepfather I should’ve been all along. I will help you find your biological father if that’s what you want. As far as holding yourself back from the boy who makes your head sing because of your mother. She and I are the exception. Caspian and our other boys are not young men. We had many happy decades together before everything fell apart. My parents still love each other very much. Your brothers love the people who make their heads sing too. The only person I know of that has gone through what I have is me. Do not let your mother take this from you too. I’m sure she’s filled you with insecurities. I’m sure the string of relationships you’ve seen her have made you jaded on love. Don’t think that’s not part of the reason she’s doing this. They will serve some purpose to her, but one of those purposes is to make you dislike relationships. To make you not want to be in one where there is love because she is “hurt” when they end. I promise you, not one single relationship your mother has been in that you’ve seen has hurt her when it ended. No matter what you’ve seen her act like in the end, she did not care for them. Nor was she upset when it ended. Give the boy that makes your head sing a real chance, Odette. He is your other half. Even knowing how everything went with your mom, I’d do it all over again. I’d fight like hell to keep the Morgana I knew and loved with me. I fought the first time, but our boys are worth everything to me. Trust what your instincts say about this boy. You have probably relied on yourself for a lot. Trust the song in your head. Do not let your mother win. If this boy is unworthy of you, then he can deal with me. If he hurts you, you just email me. One day, when we find you; he and I will talk. I hope to meet him one day soon and see a smile on your face. There’s nothing wrong with being happy no matter what your mother has said. If she’s ever told you security and what a man can do for you is all you need; she’s lying. Your mother and I had a great love once upon a time. She is the one who turned her back on us. She is the one who ran away from our sons and our life together. I know where this path leads her. It is nowhere happy or good. I’ll tell you even after all I’ve been through; should I meet another who made my head sing I would trust in my song. I would give them a chance. I would give myself a chance. It’s ok to let yourself be happy. Noxus Damn. These guys could wax poetic, couldn’t they? It made sense. They knew Luke, and Luke…. when he was being sweet said the nicest things. He could say all the right things. He did have a way with words too. Was our family like stuck in the wrong century? Was that what was going on here? Did Caspian fight for things to be a different way? Is that why mom left them? She tried to make them go to war? She was using me for war? They said they weren’t the mob but…. I think they are. I looked at my phone and saw I had a voicemail from Keaton. Tears filled my eyes. I listened to it. I could hear the tears, fear, and anger in his voice. I guess it could make sense that he couldn’t hear me yelling over Lisa’s shrill sobbing self. Gosh, I didn’t like her. I sipped on my drink more. I went into the kitchen. I laid down on the couch and started watching TV I knew there was no way I could sleep. I was watching a reality show. At least my love life wasn’t this crazy…or filmed. It might actually be this crazy. Oh god. Could I be on a reality show with my life? I was positive Lisa could deliver the drama. That would make it VERY easy for my probable mob boss brother to find me. WAIT! If my brother was a king…. was I a princess? Well, no. Because I’d be the bastard kid. I snickered out loud thinking of being a princess. I felt funny and weak. I shouldn’t drink anymore. I laid my head down and closed my eyes. I was back with the black and green wolf. There weren’t any other wolves around. I sat down. I asked her, “Are you ok?” She whimpered looking at me. I guess not. I started to pet her. I told her, “If I could help you, I would.” We just laid there together. Until I opened my eyes. I heard whispering. May and Immy were here. I sat up, “What time is it?” May said, “Mid afternoon.” I stood and swayed. May caught me. She said, “Odette, you are really pale. You need to eat something.” Food sounded terrible. I shook my head, “I’m just going to go to sleep. You guys have a birthday party to get to. Don’t you?” May said, “We don’t have to go.” I snorted, “Nonsense. You should go.” Immy frowned, “Well….” I insisted, “Go. I’m just going to sleep.” Immy sighed then told me, “We will come back.” I nodded. My song was sad. I was sad. I got into the bathtub. I went under the water. Flashes of the place I’d seen hit my mind. I sat up out of the water with a start. I looked at my phone. I snorted. I needed more sleep. It had been a half hour since the girls left. I was not under water for a half hour. My phone started ringing. The name Key flashed across the screen.
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