Was That Hard to Say Pt. 1

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Keaton drove to Odette’s apartment. When I got there I was surprised Ken wasn’t in the lobby. I linked him, “Ken, where are you?” He answered, “Inside Katie’s place. We need to talk.” Ok, nothing good followed that. I flashed up the stairs as fast I could. As soon as I saw Ken I asked, “Where is she?” He replied, “In the shower. Look, I’m not sure what you were told. I’m guessing not much since your grandpa couldn’t have been home very long before you came here.” I growled, “I don’t like where this is going. What happened? Did they scare her by putting her in jail? What am I saying? Of course, they did. Those assholes will be hearing from our family lawyers. I’m sure Isaac is already on that though.” Ken winced, “That’s… probably, yes. The problem is….” He stopped when Odette ran out of her room and straight into her arm. Her face had a bruise. I linked Ken, “THEY HIT HER?!” Ken winced. I linked my grandpa, “You didn’t mention they HURT my girlfriend.” My grandpa said, “I am taking care of that with Isaac.” I growled, “THEY HURT HER!” My grandpa said, “And they will pay for that.” Yes, they would. Odette went into shock. I stepped into the hallway and called my grandpa. He answered, “Keaton.” I growled, “THEY POINTED THEIR f*****g GUNS AT HER! SHE’S IN SHOCK! THEY HURT HER! I WANT THEIR f*****g BADGES! ARE THEY WOLVES? IF THEY ARE I’LL HAVE THEIR GODDAMN HEADS!” Isaac said, “Wow, this is worse than Chase.” I growled, “WHAT DOES MY DAD HAVE TO DO WITH THIS?! She is saying some f*****g cop molested her! GRABBY HANDS MCGEE! Would that be the warlock?” My grandpa said, “Keaton, we are handling this.” I growled, “As their heads still reside on top of their neck…I DO NOT THINK YOU ARE!” Tyler spoke, “Keaton, if she’s in shock let’s get her a doctor. Rya can come check her out. That would be good. Right?” I said, “You were next on my call list, Tyler.” My grandpa said, “We’ll be right there. Let’s all just take deep breaths.” I snorted, “You take deep breaths. I’m fine.” Grandpa sarcastically said, “Sure you are, Keaton.” Whatever. If this was Grandma Nadine he’d already have hearts in his hand. They popped in. Immy ran into Odette’s apartment. Keith linked me, “She’s ok.” I growled, “If it was May…” He growled, “Point taken.” I was surprised Tyler didn’t come too. Rya said, “Let’s go see my patient. Aunt Lexi is going to spit nails about the fact that I met her first.” I winced. She wasn’t wrong. Rya took her into her room. I could hear them talking. I began to pace. Isaac said, “Good lord, the ability to be the worst secret keepers of all time runs in your family, Frank.” I growled, “Unless you want to explain that. Please stop talking.” Isaac laughed but didn’t say anything else. I asked, “Is Officer Grabby Hand McGee the warlock Jinson McGee?” My grandpa sighed, “It is, yes.” I snarled, “BADGE! I want his goddamn badge then I’m going to take his f*****g HEAD OFF!” As the silver blade. I was going to gut him for what he’d done. Isaac said, “We will easily get his badge for this, Keaton. Don’t worry. I’ve already started the paperwork.” I growled, “f**k the paperwork. Immy go fairy hijinks on his ass. I want him to feel me breathing down his f*****g NECK!” Immy smiled, “Gladly. I have just the way to start my hijinks.” I heard Odette start to cry. I ran into her room. I instantly took her into my arms. I asked, “Rya, what happened?” Rya said, “Well…” She trailed off when Odette went to sleep. She continued, “I can actually answer you since I minored in psychology. Physically she’s got some bruising. I think the toll was more mental. She was worried about you. She saw you in a wreck. She drove, which by all accounts is not her strong suite.” My grandpa snorted, “No, it’s really not. You need to work on that with her more often, Keaton. She hit…a lot of stuff.” Isaac said, “My favorite thing is the business inflatable. That was easy to get the charge dropped. It was Emmett’s automotive shop. He pulled up the security feed. It was quite comical. It was almost like watching a video game.” I rolled my eyes. Rya said, “Exactly. She had guns pointed in her face from what Tyler said when he linked me. Then the police did not well treat her. In her mind, she didn’t do anything to deserve that treatment. To be fair she’s right. She signaled to the officers acknowledging them. She wasn’t trying to lead them on a chase, but they still didn’t follow protocol. They should’ve contacted CPS and a child advocate for her. They tried to intimidate her, and clearly whatever supernatural she is, she needed you. She calmed down once you held her. That probably doesn’t make sense to her. I need to consult with a friend of mine. I spent a lot of time with covens in college, and I’m fairly certain…there’s some kind of magical shield around her mind.” I growled, “WHAT?!” Rya said, “I’m not a witch so I can’t for certain. I’m just….from what I’ve heard about this girl, and now meeting her….She deliberately ignores the signs of the supernatural in front of her. Humans jump to supernatural explanations because they want to believe it’s real. She’s running from those explanations when part of her longs to embrace them. Grandpa called Officer McGee a warlock in front of her. She didn’t ask what he meant. Literally anyone else would. It’s like she’s rejecting anything supernatural more than a human would. Which is odd since she is a supernatural and everything in her should want to believe that. It seems to me a spell or several are involved.” I asked, “Can it be undone?” Rya said, “Of course it can. The question is how it can be. The mind is a delicate thing. You don’t want to overwhelm her. I’m not even sure my friends could properly answer this without meeting her.” Immy said, “They could come into the bookshop. She’d think they were customers.” I looked at Rya. She said, “That could work. I’ll talk to them. I could be wrong, Keaton. I just don’t think I am. I’ve been considering it as a possibility for a while now. I was just waiting to meet her before confirming it. I’ve seen people with a spell on them before. She acts like they did. Again, I could be wrong. I’m not able to sense magic on her like they would be able to.” I said, “Let’s try it. There’s no harm in seeing if that’s the case. We could at least come up with a plan. When I break things to her, we can let her know. She can decide what to do, but at least she would have options.” I just had no idea when I’d break it to her. What if magic made her break up with me because she thought I was lying or crazy. What if the magic makes her run away from me? Channing whimpered at the thought. Immy popped Rya out with Grandpa Frank and Isaac. Keith said, “Keaton….” I said, “I can’t tell her. I didn’t even know how to tell her about me. Like oh hey so…I turn into a giant wolf. Those rabies wolves you keep seeing. Yeah, those are people and we kill them, they are rogues, and they don’t have rabies. They just keep showing up. So, to sum up, I turn into the big bad wolf.” May said, “I probably wouldn’t explain it…that way.” I snorted, “Now, I can’t even start the subject because she’s probably hard wired to run from me screaming because they don’t want her to be around the supernatural.” Keith said, “Look at how well that’s working out for them.” He actually had a point. I said, “It was working. I bet that’s part of why she’s moved so much. Supernatural groups grow interested in her, and they make her vanish after that. What if they try to take her from me?” Channing growled. Keith said, “They aren’t going to take her from you. We will hunt her down. The Conners would help us. Immy can pop to her with us. We won’t let her get taken. Joe would come down with the full force of the Hood. Emmett and our allies would come for their heads. We might need to shield her from everything until we learn more about the magic that’s probably blocking her mind; but we were already doing that. We just didn’t understand why she wasn’t really grasping everything. Now, we do.” Thank god Rya spent time with a coven or we’d have no idea. Keith and May left. I snuggled into Odette. I told her, “I’ll keep you safe. They won’t take you from me. I’ll kill them if they do. You’re mine.” Channing purred. Tatum jumped up on the bed with us. She looked pissed off. I snorted, “You and I are both pissed about this. I’ll get that officer. He will pay for what he did to her.” Tatum nodded. I sighed, “Seriously, what are you?” I swear to god that dog smirked at me before turning in several circles to lay down on the bed. I sighed, “I’ve got to ask Clara how that research is going.” Odette began to hum a different song. I liked it, but it wasn’t like our song. Channing snickered, “Our song.” I asked, “What else would you call it? She hums that one song and I can’t help myself. I have be balls deep inside her.” Channing snorted, “I like that song.” So, did I. That was the point. Odette looked so peaceful humming her new song. I held her close and let it lull me to sleep. I woke up to Odette screaming. I instantly comforted her. I could tell she was more settled than she had been last night, but she wasn’t quite there. She was worried I’d be more hurt. I wished I could explain that as a werewolf it was quite hard to hurt me. Not impossible but complicated. Keith linked, “Your truck is downstairs at Katie’s place. Might I suggest a driving lesson today. Grandpa said he’ll take over her lessons if you don't, and then mom will be even more upset that he got to spend more time with her.” I snorted, “Fine.” Keith added, “Oscar charmed her car back to normal so it’s also there. He was deeply amused by the scratches and different colored paints. He said she did a number on the bottom of her car running over curbs.” I snorted, “Great. Can you get some cones set up behind the old mall.” Keith said, “I’ll get someone to do that, yes. Just be prepared for her to hit every single one. I watched the surveillance videos. She’s…bad at driving.” I replied, “I’ll work with her on it.” Keith laughed. I watched as Tatum licked Odette’s face. The bruising was practically gone. I linked Clara, “My mate’s pet can heal her.” Clara snorted, “You’re joking.” I replied, “Nope. Her bruising is basically gone because her dog licked it.” Clara sighed in relief, “Well, I’m passing that around the family. If your mate is injured we need that dog. The fairies can conjure it to us. I like this. I think the dog is a familiar.” I asked Tatum quietly, “Are you a familiar?” Tatum growled at me then promptly turned around and away from me. I linked Clara, “I’m pretty sure the dog is not a familiar and I made it mad by asking.” Clara snorted, “You asked the dog?!” I replied, “Well, she responds. Why wouldn’t I talk to the dog?” Clara replied, “Alright. I’ll get back to my research then.” I told her, “Thank you, Clara. I really appreciate it.” Clara snorted, “I’m your Beta, Keaton. You’re my best friend. I’ll always help you.” I took Odette out for a driving lesson. I could tell she was nervous for about a half hour before she settled down. It was a good idea to get her out driving today so she wasn’t scared later. Odette really did get better. She hit a few cones, but it wasn’t that bad. I ended up having to go home since Emmett went back to the summit. When I got home Lisa jumped out at me. I snarled at her, “Go the f**k away.” She cried, “I heard you were hurt! I’ve tried to tell you so many times you’re just not…” I cut her off, “Not what? How was I supposed to avoid a car that I couldn’t see?” Lisa sighed, “Keaton, Alpha’s have great reflexes. Yours are just a little slower. It’s ok. I won’t tell anyone.” I snorted, “f**k off, bitch.” She gasped and tried to grab me. I took off my jacket as she clung to it and went inside. No Alpha could’ve avoided that accident. Channing replied, “No, they couldn’t. We were paying attention too. We were only out there because she has been driving us crazy.” He was right. Isaac came by the office. He said, “There is an investigation into Odette’s arrest. Several of those officers are suspended pending the results of the investigation. The warlocks in the area are not fighting us because Dustin Bishop is on our side. They don’t want to offend him. We will get his badge; it just might take some time. Immy is pulling her pranks.” I nodded, “Good. I will make him eat that damn badge when all is said and done.” Isaac stood, “Ok. I think we should change your last name. Worst Secret Keeper Daniels.” I asked, “What does that mean?” Isaac just shook his head laughing as he left. The day Emmett came back was a welcomed day. I told him, “Lisa is terrible. I don’t even understand how you deal with the headache that is Lisa as her Alpha. I want to leave and change my name.” Emmett laughed, “I ask myself that often.” I went upstairs and found Keith pacing. I said, “Don’t we need to set stuff up in the shroud?” He smiled, “Yeah we do, I was just waiting for you. I’m nervous. I know this will be special to May. Her mom never did the string portion with her string because he just took her out of there.” I snorted, “Her first string was a crazy person. Of course, he didn’t do the actual string portion. Are you taking her out to do it privately?” Keith said, “She always told me she’d want to have that moment with her family. So, everyone is staying.” We ran to the shroud. When we got there the string ceremony was all set up. It was family only. Keith was having Immy change decorations so much I was pretty sure she was about to throttle him. Eventually May’s older brothers came to the rescue. Zach said, “Keith, my sister has loved you since before she knew what the word meant. The decorations are fine.” His brother, Wylder added, “Perfect. The word you are looking for Zach is perfect. If you don’t say perfect he’ll keep changing it and our little fire fairy might set the whole place on fire.” Immy grumbled, “I could start a spark. I can’t set the whole place on fire, but that trash can could be set on fire. With a few decorations” I laughed. Keith winced, “Sorry, Immy. I just want everything to be how May wants it.” Immy said, “Then mission accomplished. I stole her diary. This is what she wanted.” I laughed, “You shouldn’t steal diaries.” Immy sighed, “I used a charm to get me to the correct page. Just an FYI for everyone Keith being her string/mate was on the page. So, all her dreams are accomplished. I’m going to go now before he changes his mind and makes me contemplate going full fairy hijinks on him. I just keep telling myself that wouldn’t be fair because he’s nervous because May will officially be his mate tonight.” Before anyone could say anything she popped away. I asked, “Where did she go?” Keith shrugged, “Probably home. I know I was annoying her.” I asked Wylder, “Does May have any idea what’s going on?” Wylder said, “Not yet. Mom’s going to tell her before they come in.” Joe walked in. He smiled and came over to us. Keith said, “Thanks for doing this for us, Joe.” Joe told him, “Your family not to mention I am also your leader as a hood member. Are we doing this for you tonight too, Keaton?” I said, “Uhh, no. I’m good.” Joe snorted, “I’ll just bet you are.” I didn’t comment. Joe finally asked, “So, how’s your girlfriend? When I heard what happened with your accident and found out you were fine; I had someone going to get her out. Your grandpa just beat my guy there.” I smiled, “Thank you, Joe.” He smiled at me. He said, “I’m starting to think we need to keep a closer eye on this girl.” I said, “She’s fine.” Joe laughed, “She’s certainly interesting. When will I meet her?” I laughed, “I think if anyone else meets her before mom we are all in a world of trouble.” Joe snorted, “Just you. I would be fine.” I playfully shoved him. My Uncle Heath walked up and everyone left us alone. I asked, “What was that?” My Uncle asked, “Is there anything you want to tell me?” I frowned, “Uhh, about what specifically?” My Uncle laughed, “Are you really pulling that s**t on me? Being the former leader of the shroud, I know things.” I snorted, “Well, you and Eric should get along well.” My Uncle laughed, “We do. I always liked him. Once your mom and his mate started hanging out, we became fast friends. That’s not the point though. You can tell me anything, Keaton. If you don’t want whatever you say to go any further than me, it won’t.” I shrugged, “Ok.” My Uncle pressed, “I’ve never said s**t about you and Lisa. Believe me, I wanted to. Your mom doesn’t say anything because her friends didn’t like her and Noah together because he didn’t treat her right. I never saw that. I had blinders because he was my friend. I don’t have those blinders about anyone any of you date. I just saw how you dug your heels in when people said things about Lisa. So, I never did. Being afraid they won’t like your girlfriend is fair in my opinion. Not to your mom because she didn’t say anything. There is a point where you just have to bite the bullet though.” I winced. He was right, my mom hadn’t said anything. I asked, “It doesn’t go farther than us?” My Uncle promised, “Not until you’re ready. I assume Keith already knows.” I snorted, “Emmett isn’t even pretending he doesn’t know.” My Uncle smirked, “Emmett isn’t pretending he doesn’t know what?” I said, “My girlfriend is…” I was interrupted by the door bursting open. My Uncle sighed. His former Lieutenant said, “Uh, I was….leaving. That’s what I was doing.” I snorted, “It’s fine. You can talk to Uncle Heath, Isaiah.” He rubbed the back of his head. I walked out to go find my cousins. I found Keith instead. He was alone. I sighed watching him pacing again. I told him, “For the love of god man, stop pacing.” Channing snorted. Keith turned to me. I said, “May has loved you forever. You have loved her forever pretending you didn’t because you didn’t want to ruin your friendship. She’s going to love this. Now, get your ass back into your string ceremony and got get your mate string.” Keith snorted, “My mate string?” I shrugged, “I’m sure Beta Dylan could come up with a combined name for you. I’m actually stunned he hasn’t.” Keith actually laughed and calmed down. We walked back into the space together. Where everyone in our family and May’s were waiting. I squeezed Keith’s shoulder and walked over to where everyone stood for string ceremonies. Derrick came over to Keith. Keith looked nervous. Derrick laughed, “I’ve known you since you came into this world, Keith Daniels. You treat my baby as she deserves, and she’s always loved you. I’m glad you’re doing this. You’ve given me ideas too. Sally cried when she found out you wanted to do the whole string ceremony. I never realized how much it bothered her that she didn’t get to do this.” Then he linked Keith who smirked. I linked my brother, “What did he say?” Keith answered, “That I even gave dad the idea to do this. Wolves don’t have a ceremony like this so it didn’t occur to dad mom would want it. Particularly after he found out about the disaster that was her string ceremony.” We’d heard the story. I personally wish everyone had let Aunt Haley at Noah. It would’ve been funny, and he would’ve deserved it. Plus, he wouldn’t have been around to harass my mom. Keith started to get antsy. I asked, “Is May coming?” I heard Sally explaining to May what was going on. He replied, “Yes, her mom just told her what this was.” I snorted, “I heard, Keith.” He cut me a look, and I smirked. May flashed into the room. She was already crying. Joe chuckled, “Wolves and their sense of smell. It takes the surprise away. She already knew it was Keith in here waiting.” Keith walked over to her and growled, “MINE!” May touched his face whispering, “Mate.” He whispered, “You have no idea how hard it was to walk over here, and not run.” May kissed him. Joe said, “Well, as you have figured out, this is your string ceremony. Keith believes you would like everyone to witness your joining together as strings before marking each other the wolf way.” May wiped her tears after she pulled away from Keith’s kiss. She asked, “Really?” Keith nodded. She laughed, “Thank you. I love this.” Joe smiled, “Yes, my cousin is oh so romantic, and he’s been nervous all day. If you two would come over here.” He had a bowl with two strings already out.” I noticed Sally had a box of tissues. Even my mom had a wistful look on her face. My Uncle looked at my mom with a pained expression before he felt my gaze. He quickly schooled his face. I was sure he’d given the same look to Sally. He had nothing to feel bad about. What happened wasn’t his fault. My mom never blamed him. The only person to blame was long since dead. He was lucky he was because Emmett, Keith, and I had creative things we’d have done to him. Don’t even get me started on Emma. My sister is not someone to piss off. Keith and May flashed over to Joe. he gave them both the strings. He said, “What the war goddess has strung together never be torn apart. intertwine your strings as this symbol.” Both began to braid their strings around each other. The wood pan flute began to play as they wound their strings together. Keith spun her into him and they swayed to the music until it stopped. They handed their combined strings to Joe. He held them over an open flame to fuse them together. He handed it to them. He said, “What the goddess chose, and you fused is now one. Congratulations, cousin.” He winked at May, “Congratulations.” It was a simple but meaningful ceremony. I walked over to my brother and May. I hugged them both, “Congratulations.” Keith linked me and asked, “Will you do this with Katie?” I shrugged. Maybe one day when I could explain the significance. I told him, “I’m going to duck out.” He smirked, “Same.” I laughed out loud then linked, “Good luck with that.” He winked at me. I was sure he had a plan to mark his mate and ditch the party. They’d join later. Channing snorted, “No, they won’t.” I asked, “What do you mean? It’s her birthday.” Channing retorted, “If we got to mark mate would we be hanging out at a party or claiming her all night.” I didn’t even have to think before I answered, “Claiming her.” Channing replied, “There you go.” He was pretty smart. I left and drove Odette’s. Channing was getting anxious. I asked, “What’s wrong?” He growled, “I don’t know. Get to mate!” I parked and took off for her apartment. I knocked on her door probably too hard. I could hear her talking to her brother. He wanted her to show me some letter. He even talked about skinning me. So, he knew I was a werewolf. Couldn’t he just tell her what she was so I didn’t have to? I mean…he was probably older than me. He could do me this favor. Channing growled, “Focus on this letter.” I was. Odette was crying about something being her fault, begging me not to leave her. Channing snorted, “As if.” He wasn’t wrong. She gave me the letter. I glanced down surprised to see my name.
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