True Feelings Pt.2

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She ran out of the room yelling, “DADDY MATT!” Preston laughed, “Oh, now you’ve done it.” I shrugged, “They shouldn’t have been jerks about Katie.” Preston observed, “How very defensive you are of her. I find that intriguing, my friend. Even when you defended Lisa it was at her behest because she asked you to. They didn’t even say Katie did anything, but you are mad.” I countered, “They implied it. They wanted me to be done with Lisa. I have been for a while.” Preston nodded, “Well, I’m with my mom. I see no problems here. We need to hang out soon.” I nodded, “Definitely.” He popped away. I smelled my mom before she knocked. I told her, “Come in, mom.” She came in. She said, “No one thinks Katie did anything wrong, Keaton.” I snorted, “Don’t you?” My mom said, “No, we just think that she doesn’t know what she is. Or what she can do. I wondered if maybe she is somewhat of an empath. Your past with Lisa caused you pain, and I was worried she could take it. Or something. Not that she would mean to. You clearly mean a lot to her, and not that it’s a bad thing. I’m a little worried about her.” I told her, “She was fine when I left, and just because that was your motive doesn’t make it everyone else’s.” My mom sighed, “Emmett thought someone cast a spell on you on your way home. He doesn’t suspect Katie of anything nefarious. No one does.” I asked, “Why can’t everyone just be happy? You wanted me over Lisa, and I am.” My mom bit her lip, “You're my child, and I’ll always worry about you. If someone casts a charm or spell on you, we want to help you. Your past with Lisa may be painful, but our past teaches us things. I had a lot of baggage because of my past when I met your dad; but it taught me a lot about myself. I learned that ignoring your instincts is never a good thing. I trusted someone I shouldn’t have. My instincts told me not to. Screamed at me, but I just wanted to believe in the pretty words. Sometimes trust but verify is a good policy. I stood on my own. Without Heath, without the shroud, without your dad. That was good for me to do. I opened a business here when I was ready to come home at Haley’s urging to follow my passion. To have something that was just for me.” She flashed over and hugged me. She said, “I think Katie is good for you. I’m not upset you don’t think of Lisa as more than she is. She’s spent far too much time up here.” She tapped my head. She gritted her teeth, “That girl took up permanent residence in there, and seemed to override your senses. I had so many things checked out, and it was never anything supernatural. This though….this tells me it was. I won’t stop looking. Haley is going to help me. If I find out Lisa did one damn thing to you, then she is in for a world of hurt.” I told her, “I think it’s more my fault. I don’t recall liking anything about her. We have nothing in common apart from being members of the same pack. She had moments where she was funny, but overall, our personalities don’t go together.” My mom agreed, “No, they don’t. I’ve said that for a while. I honestly thought she was your Noah.” I heard a growl in the hallway. My mom said, “In the sense that he was a very abusive and manipulative person, but he twisted me up. He isolated me from your uncle and neither of us realized it. Hell, he isolated me from the whole shroud. I’ve seen that same cycle with you and her. I just know there’s nothing anyone could’ve said to me that wouldn’t have had me defending my relationship with Noah. Ted hated him. Susanna despised him. He drove Sally and me apart. We were close until that day. It wasn’t her fault. She felt like I stayed away because of her. Because Noah made her feel that way. When in reality it had nothing to do with her. I thought they deserved a chance, and with me there….I also didn’t want to see it. To see them together and me not having my string.” My dad growled again. My mom rolled her eyes at the door. She said, “I hadn’t even met you! Do you want to go there? I have trump cards, Chase.” Now I heard several snorts. My mom winked at me. I linked her, “You love Sophia.” My mom smirked, “I do now. I wasn’t totally fair in that situation at the time to her. She was selfish, yes. Your dad made choices though. She wasn’t solely to blame for what happened, and we are friends now. Emmett and Alexandria being mates really had us talking. She’s a good person who got a raw deal in life. She handled it how she did, which I don't agree with. We are different people though. She took it on the chin when her mistakes were realized and she got up. She’s with Teke and I think that’s who she should’ve been with the whole time. They make a lot of sense. She stood on her own before they met though. She’s a badass, and she belongs in our girl gang. It doesn’t mean I can’t tease your dad about it. It leads to sexy fun times.” I gagged, “Mom!” She snorted, “Keaton, you keep spending the night at your girlfriend’s place. ALL the wolves, not just the ones you are related to, are talking about how you smell like her. I know you know about sexy fun times. You linked me asking about condoms.” I pointed out, “Which you know how to use.” I winked at her. My dad burst into the room. He growled, “Sweetheart….” My mom laughed. I linked, “Run, mom.” She smiled wickedly at me. She said, “I do like this girl.” She kissed my forehead and flashed out of the room. My dad growled and followed her. I yelled, “PREDICTABLE OLD MAN!” I heard grandpa howling with laughter. I woke up before everyone else and left. I really didn’t want to talk about everything. I just wanted to see Odette. I groaned. Lisa was waiting at my truck. I said, “Get off my truck. I’m leaving.” She sighed, “We need to talk. I think this has gone on long enough.” I told her, “There we agree.” She smiled triumphantly, “Good. I want the whole line of new Coach bags and several diamonds to make up for this. I think an engagement ring too.” I couldn’t help it, I started laughing. She frowned. I said, “God, you’re delusional. We aren’t getting engaged. I’m not buying you a damn thing. I meant you and me. We went on long enough. I can’t think of a single thing I like about you.” She shrieked, “How can you say that?” I heard a growl as she reached for me. Apparently my dad, uncles, and grandpa had gone for a run. Ratchet was snarling at her. She sighed, “We will talk at school.” I told her, “Just stay away from me. You’re clearly losing your mind thinking I’d buy you an engagement ring.” I heard astonished chuffs from my family's wolves. Ted flashed up and got in between us. He said, “I’m sorry….ENGAGED?!” I told him, “To make this situation up to her, she wants a bunch of expensive s**t including an engagement ring. You all thought I hit my head, but I think you need to be concerned about her. Now, I’m going to be late picking up my girlfriend.” Lisa wasn’t moving from my driver’s side so I flashed to the passenger side. I saw Clara laughing her ass off about it. Engaged. Lisa was off her rocker. Channing agreed, “That was weird.” I asked, “Did Lady say anything?” Channing said, “Lady was asleep. She’s been really depressed about something lately. She just won’t talk about it.” Naturally. I drove to Odette’s apartment. Ken was in the lobby when I walked through. Kincade was beside him. He stated, “Tell me the pack link is wrong.” I asked, “About?” Ken offered, “Tyler woke me up yelling asking if I’d seen you yet. His dad’s blocked out his link, but the pack link is saying your ex wants you to propose.” I nodded, “Yup.” Kincade groaned, “f**k! I have to go.” I asked, “Why?” He was already gone. I looked at Ken. Ken smiled, “Kincade has always guarded your mom with my brother Kevin. My guess is your mom will lose it when she finds out. If she hasn’t already.” I told him, “Don’t say anything around Katie.” Ken agreed, “That goes without saying.” I went upstairs. I was now officially late. Everyone sucked. I linked Keith, “Are you and May up for a double date after school?” Keith answered, “At the roller skating rink? Heck yes we are.” I snorted. Of course, he knew it was ready. Lisa tried to talk to me several times at school. I didn't even stop. Clara looked at me. I groaned, “What?” Clara said, “You always stop to listen to her. Always.” I shrugged, “I don’t want to.” I heard a shriek that had Channing whining. Clara rubbed her ears. She linked the pack, “GOOD LORD! REALLY LISA?! What are you? A banshee? Shut up!” Several people snickered. I linked her, “Banshee?” Clara sighed, “So, I looked up things trying to solve your mystery. I’ve decided Lisa could be a banshee with that shriek.” I laughed, “Anything on Katie?” Clara shook her head, “No, not yet.” I sighed. I was looking forward to lunch. I walked in but Odette wasn’t there. We sat down. I got her lunch, but she never came. I asked Immy, “Where is she?” Immy frowned, “I don’t know. She was here earlier.” I got up. I let Channing come forward, but she wasn’t in school. I called her phone, but it went to voicemail. I frowned. I barely focused in class. What happened? Did her family find her and take her away? Why wouldn’t she answer her phone? After school no one had seen her. I was pacing. I growled, “Channing is going to shift and find her.” Keith said, “Just go by her place. Maybe she just went home.” I growled, “Why isn’t she answering her phone then?” Suddenly her scent reached me before she spoke. Everything was right again. She said her phone was in her locker. I stared at her. No, it wasn’t. I would’ve heard it buzzing or ringing when I called it. Keith linked me, “Oh that’s good.” I sighed, “She’s getting in touch with family. She doesn’t realize they are supernatural. They might have told her to lie.” Keith inclined his head. Now that I knew she was ok I was getting excited about the roller skating rink. I saw Lisa seething as we left the parking lot. She really needed to stop. This was ridiculous. When I brought Katie in her reaction was everything I had wanted. I could see the surprise on her face. She actually looked like she might cry which I did not like at all. Then she said she loved me. Keith linked, “We will just be….over there.” I kissed her hard. She melted against me. When I pulled back to touch her face gently. I told her, “I love you too, my song.” She blushed, “I know it’s like so soon to say that.” I kissed her gently then whispered, “I don’t care. I love you.” She smiled and kissed me again. Eventually Keith cleared his throat. I pulled back. He looked pale but also deeply amused. I linked him, “What’s up?” Keith said, “Let’s just have our date.” May was trying not to laugh. It must not be too serious. I felt a tug on my link. I opened it for a second. Lisa shrieked, “THAT b***h…” Channing snarled and shut her out. I was furious but shoved it aside. I was going to focus on Odette. I walked behind the counter and got her skates. She was beaming with happiness. I couldn’t help but smile at her. I helped her put them on. May had started playing music. I helped Katie onto the rink. She took to it really well. She giggled when we brought the limbo stick out. We were all surprised she won. She winked at me. I growled and pulled her off the rink and took her to an office in the back. She asked, “What…?” I kissed her. I pulled her against me and rocked into her. She groaned, “I didn’t bring condoms with me, Key.” I bit her neck and slid down her body. I loved that she wore skirts a lot. I ripped her underwear off and got to work. She was screaming my name quickly. I made her come three times before she collapsed. I chuckled as I caught her helping her stand. Her legs were shaking. She breathlessly said, “See? Ten times….is insane. You’d kill me.” I snorted, “Nope.” She kissed me again. I led her back to where May and Keith were waiting with food. We ate. The second we finished Emmett linked me, “I need you at home.” I winced, “If this is about last night I’m sorry…I…” Emmett told me, “It’s not. I wish it was. God, I wish it was, but it’s not.” I told him, “If it’s about Lisa being insane and saying I’m proposing to her…I’m not.” Emmett snorted, “It’s also not about that.” Damn. What happened? Katie sighed, “I have to get work.” I told her, “We will drop you off.” I made out with her in front of the store until Immy came out. She squealed, “Katie, you are my idol! I can’t believe you did that. It’s SO awesome. Awesome is the word.” I asked, “What happened?” Immy snickered. Odette said, “I’m not sure.” Immy squealed, “You have to love her. She literally has no idea because she has no idea about stuff. It’s a small community, Katie Karlton. Word gets out when interesting things happen.” Odette flushed, “Oh…that was fast.” Immy snickers again. Before I could ask, Immy said, “Shoo! I need all the glorious details.” She pushed me away. I snorted, “Fine then.” I got in my truck and drove off. I asked, “So, what happened?” May started laughing. Keith said, “So, Katie filed a restraining order. That’s why she wasn’t in school.” I asked, “Against who? OH f**k! What happened?” Lisa this was about Lisa. Channing snarled. Keith said, “I don’t know. I was with you.” I threw my truck in park and flashed inside. This scene was all too familiar. Lisa’s family and mine were waiting. I snarled at her, “WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Lisa shrieked, “ME?! I…” I snarled, “WHAT DID YOU DO?! Restraining orders don’t just get granted!” Lisa sneered, “Little miss tattletale didn’t tell you?” I had her by the throat in seconds. I told her, “Say another word, I dare you.” Channing was ready to take over and rip her to pieces. She was turning blue. Lisa’s mom yelled, “You’re killing her!” I replied, “So?” Emmett linked me, “Let her go.” I dropped her. She gasped for air. I told her, “I’ll ask you one more time, what did you do?” She rubbed her throat and looked at me. Her eyes started welling up. I snarled, “Save your tears for someone who gives a s**t. WHAT DID YOU DO?!” She stood and pushed me. Or tried. I didn’t budge. She said, “I told her the truth! We are meant to be together, and she filed a restraining order.” I snorted, “No, the police station wouldn’t process a restraining order for that. Also, I’m not meant to be with you.” Lisa moved towards me. My mom flashed in front of her. She told her, “Don’t touch my son, or you WILL regret it.” Emmett said, “Lisa, I have the video evidence of what got Katie the restraining order. So, would you care to try again?” Keith linked, “That’s why she didn’t answer the phone.” I replied, “I got that.” Lisa snorted, “She recorded me? That could be faked.” Emmett said, “You’re in the video and you make your voice so distinctive even though we know it’s fake. I can see you and the three girls behind you in the video. Which is why they are here.” Lisa said, “It’s her word against ours.” I asked, “Are you dense? It’s your word against video evidence. Even if it was just your word, I’d believe Katie.” Lisa sneered, “But my Alpha wouldn’t.” Emmett said, “Oh, yes he would. You physically assaulted her. You threatened to have her killed.” Channing snarled and took over. I let him. Lisa screamed as I went at her. My dad, Emmett, Malachi, and Tyler tackled me. Channing snarled, “I’LL f*****g KILL HER!” Emmett yelled, “GET HER OUT OF HERE!” I heard my grandpa say, “I’m old. I can’t get up so fast anymore. Might take me a while.” My dad yelled, “DAD!” My grandpa simply swirled his whiskey. He said, “Survival of the fittest is still a thing in our world. She has no survival instincts since she hasn’t left. I think she should suffer for her choices. Actions have consequences.” Lisa’s parents shoved her out the door. Emmett said, “Channing. Give Keaton control.” Channing snarled, “If you don’t think he’s on board with killing her you are wrong. He’d kill her too. She HIT HER! SHE SAID SHE WOULD KILL HER!” Emmett said, “And she’s going to be punished.” Channing snarled, “Maybe everyone else got hit in the head because she should die for that!” Emmett responded, “Katie isn’t a pack member, Channing.” Channing growled, “So?” Emmett sighed, “Do you have a reason you could give me to give that order?” I told Channing, “He wants us to say she’s our mate.” Channing answered, “I know.” Lisa ran back in. She said, “He won’t hurt me.” Channing snarled, “Yes, I will!” Lisa called, “Keaton! Help me please!” Nope. Not one chance in hell. Keith said, “Oh, just let Channing go.” Channing chuffed in agreement. Emmett ordered, “Lisa, get out of this room.” She left again. Emmett said, “Channing, let Keaton come back.” Channing huffed. He told me, “I’ll kill her if she steps in mate’s direction again.” I told him, “I’m right there with you.” Channing gave me back control. Everyone eased back. My grandpa sighed, “Delaying the inevitable people. That never works out well. I’m just saying.” My dad asked, “Are you going to help?” My grandpa said, “Did you not see me helping? I was being so helpful. No one took my advice. Per usual.” Emmett said, “Lisa will be taking a month out of school.” I snarled, “She should be expelled.” Emmett told me, “I’m the one holding her out.” I told him, “Then hold her out all year!” Emmett replied, “I might. This s**t is ridiculous. She claims your girlfriend started it which I do not believe.” Malachi said, “I got the feeds from the school. Katie goes into the bathroom alone. They followed her.” Emmett rubbed his face. He said, “God, I hate that girl. Where are we on a transfer, Malachi?” Malachi snorted, “No one wants her. Not even her old pack.” I snorted, “Of course they don’t. She’s a freaking rogue magnet, and she’s lost her freaking mind!” Emmett nodded, “On that note, can we talk about how attached Channing is to this girl. That’s twice you’ve lost control to him.” I told him, “I let Channing have control. I didn’t lose it.” Grandpa snorted. Emmett stared at me, “Because….” I said, “I had every right. She keeps confronting me. She’s been emotionally abusive. She won’t leave me alone, and now she’s done enough a restraining order was granted. She physically ASSAULTED my girlfriend.” Emmett pinched his nose. He said, “If Katie was a member of this pack I would have more I could do here, Keaton. Give me something.” I snorted, “She threatened someone and has a restraining order against her. There’s plenty you could do.” Emmett pointedly looked at me, “But I could do more with official information.” Everyone looked at me. It was on the tip of my tongue to admit it. That Odette was my mate. Lisa slammed back into the office. She said, “I’m filing a complaint. Keaton assaulted me. I want his restitution to be that we have lunch together for the rest of the school year.” I told her, “Over my dead body.” Emmett said, “No. Will you get out and stay out? Stop making this worse.” My mom flashed in front of her. She said, “You know I’m in the Hood. I could have you killed easier than I take my next breath. I have HAD IT with you! Talking about my son proposing to you. Telling the pack, it was about to happen. ASSAULTING SOMEONE WHO THINKS THEY ARE HUMAN! Do you have a brain? You know how humans handle things, and yet you’re parading around acting as if you have a power you do not have. Stay away from my son. Stay away from his girlfriend. I don’t know what you’ve done to my family, but I know it’s something. I’m f*****g watching you b***h. GET OUT!” Lisa’s eyes widened. She looked at me, “Keaton….” I growled at her. Malachi said, “Lisa, just go.” She cried, “Everyone is so unfair here.” I snarled, “So leave. You don’t like it here? You think there are places that will be fair? Go there. Leave us alone.” She frowned, “I belong here.” I snorted, “I hope your mate lives in Antarctica. Can you send her there for a month, Emmett?” Emmett smirked. Lisa ran to the door and paused. She said, “You will come back to me, Keaton. She’s not worth this.” I replied, “She’s worth everything. I will never come back to you.” Lisa snorted, “We’ll see.” She left. My mom slammed the door. She hissed, “Unbelievable.” She seemed to forget we were all here. She took out her phone. Aunt Haley had charmed her phone so we couldn’t hear who she called until she said, “Don’t you hi me in that I’m having a great night and just had s*x tone. Because I live in the shroud where that GOD AWFUL b***h DOESN’T LIVE! Someone NEEDS to kill her or I will.” She paused then said, “No, I’ve been talked out of killing her one too many times. My patience for this is rapidly ending. She’s done something to my family. Keaton’s back to normal but everyone else is testing MY DAMN PATIENCE ABOUT HER! It’s always about her. She’s done something and I swear TO GOD I’ll find out what it is. When I do I WILL NEVER STOP SAYING I TOLD YOU SO!” My mom snorted then said, “Yeah, well I bet her dying would fix it…..You calm down. I’m perfectly fine. It’s everyone else!” She stopped. She had to be talking to my Uncle Heath. She snarked, “Haley agreed Keaton being back to normal wasn’t a problem. She didn’t say that Lishriekra didn’t do something to him. She just said it wasn’t a charm or a spell. That left options. She’s looking into it WITH me. Which means she thinks I’m right. There is something going on with that girl, and I WILL find it. You can help me or not. Her life expectancy would be longer if you did.” She hung up and screamed.
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