True Feelings Pt.1

4850 Words
Keaton drove to Odette’s. When I got there Ken was clearly waiting for me. I asked, “Can I help you?” Ken said, “I don’t know. I’m trying to keep an eye on your girlfriend, but she disappeared for a while. Maybe ask where she went.” I laughed, “I won’t lie and tell you that’s high up on my lists of asks.” Ken rolled his eyes, “Fine. She came back with bags from a s*x shop so…..It had lots of condoms in them. Try not to use them all tonight.” I left him in my dust. The elevator would’ve taken too long. I took the stairs three at a time. I knocked already salivating. Channing growled, “Break the door down.” I told him, “We can’t do that.” Channing snarked, “Grandpa owns the building. Yes, we could.” Odette told me to come in. My brain stopped working the second I saw her. She looked sexy with swords. She was sexy Deadpool. Ok, I need to skip driving lessons. We should just have weaponry lessons because…this was hot. Channing snorted, “One driving lesson. She still can’t drive.” He had a point. We had other priorities. We started making out. I was gone the second she sucked on my tongue. I pushed her up against the wall. I heard her panicking, screaming my name. I pulled back. What was going on? She slammed her lips back on mine. I groaned, “Odette…” I ripped her Deadpool outfit open. I pulled her n****e into my mouth. She tasted heavenly. She began singing her song, and I lost all semblance of control. We didn’t manage to leave the living room. I didn’t remember getting to her bed, but I felt my head on the pillow. I woke up to Channing’s angry voice, “Get up!” I startled awake. Odette was beside me. It looked like she’d been crying. What happened? I linked Channing, “What’s wrong?” He was growling. He said, “Something is wrong with mate. Protect her!” I asked, “From what?” Channing growled, “I don’t know…it’s like something is pulling her from us. Wake her up!” s**t! I began to talk to her. After several moments she opened her eyes and Channing calmed down. My need for her snapped when she said my name. I noticed she’d bought condoms from Eric’s company. I wondered how she stumbled on them. Keith linked me, “So, school….that’s a thing. I realize you don’t know this because you are not here.” I replied, “We aren’t going to make it. I don’t know what’s going on, but we can’t stop. I can’t stop. I need her.” Keith linked, “Alrighty then. We will handle it.” After a few hours he replied, “Handled. Immy is getting Katie’s homework. Clara has yours. Don’t forget you’re picking up Allison and Arden.” I did remember that. When we finished we went to check on Tatum who was perfectly fine. I asked Channing, “What is this dog? It’s not a dog, is it?” Channing answered, “It doesn't seem to be a normal dog, but it’s not a person shifter type thing if that’s what you mean. I can communicate with Tatum. I’m not sure what’s going on, but so far I’m going with highly intelligent dog that is here to protect our mate.” That was weird. I took Tatum outside. Ken winked at me as I walked by. I asked, “Did you take Tatum out?” Ken frowned, “No, you would’ve heard me. I would’ve linked you if I did.” I sighed, “Alright.” I took Tatum outside towards the woods. Once we were alone I asked, “Ok, are you a dog?” Tatum tilted her head. She yipped. I sighed asking, “Are you here to protect Odette?” The dog jumped and excitedly yipped. I asked, “Are you just a dog? My wolf doesn’t think you’re a person. Are you?” Tatum shook her head. I asked, “So, you have no human half?” She shook her head again. I narrowed my eyes, surmising, “But you’re not a normal dog.” Tatum happily yipped. Ok, I could live with that. I told her, “Interesting. Let’s get back.” Tatum went to the bathroom and we got back into the apartment. I got her a cold piece of pizza which she happily started to eat. Odette was in the shower. Channing replied, “Who can resist such a tempting situation?” Not me. I didn’t even want to. She gave me head then didn’t want me to return the favor because we would be late. I was stunned. That had literally never happened to me. Plus, she really seemed to enjoy giving me head. I could smell her arousal. I couldn’t figure out why she was prioritizing picking up my siblings over her orgasm. Channing was purring in my head. We were in love with her for so many reasons, but she kept making us fall for her even more. When we reached pack lands Benji linked me, “Oh HOT DAMN! Look at her! WOWZA! I would ask for condoms too. You get you some Keaton Daniels! I am so proud of you right now. I’m fanning my face. I actually have never been prouder of you. You jumped so far from your past girlfriend. This one looks nice. Your mom is going to be so pissed she’s not here. My dad just popped beside me so….yeah. The pack link is on fire.” I checked the pack link. He was right. My dad linked me, “Your girlfriend is at the pack house?!” I answered, “The school. Not the house. We are just picking up Allison and Arden, like you asked.” My dad growled, “Keaton Frank Daniels. Why don’t you like me? Your mother is going to flip out.” My Uncle Cameron linked me, “She’s a knockout, Keaton.” I answered, “Thanks.” He continued, “Are you bringing her to the main house? Regan said she’d put out some snacks Sally made.” I answered, “No, we are going back to her place.” He sighed. Aunt Regan linked me, “If you leave before I run over there and see her….I’ll get you Keaton Daniels.” I snorted, “Mom might get you for seeing her.” Aunt Regan retorted, “No, she won’t.” I saw my Aunt next to my Uncle not two minutes later. I teased her, “Happy now?” Aunt Regan said, “I would be happy if I got an introduction.” I told her, “Later.” She huffed at me. Allison linked me, “She’s here? Katie is here?” I answered, “You wanted to meet her.” She squealed so loud in our link I nearly winced. Both my siblings ran out to the car. Arden was practically radiating his smugness. I linked him, “What is that smug look?” Arden answered, “Everyone will be jealous. They understand Keith has met her because you go to school together. I get to meet her because Allison wanted to.” I snorted and we took off. Allison linked me, “Could I paint a mural in her apartment? Please.” I told her, “You can ask.” Allison was thrilled Odette let her pick the color for the living room. Arden said, “With Allison loving her so much the whole family will. You know that, right?” I answered, “You’re too smart for your own good, kid.” Arden replied, “I like her too. I also don’t believe her name is Katie. She wanted to tell us whatever it was. It starts with an O. That much I know.” He really was too smart. Arden and Allison were too excited to contain their speed getting everything done. I didn’t actually mind. I was hoping Odette would ask. Sadly, she didn’t. Odette agreed they could paint murals. With that she definitely cemented their love for her. I took Tatum out for a walk again. I asked, “Do you know what Odette is?” The dog happily yipped. I asked, “Can you tell me?” Tatum looked at me like I was insane. Channing linked me, “I’m to remind you, dogs can’t talk.” I retorted, “She could tell you.” Channing said, “She trusts us, but she thinks Odette’s family should be the ones to tell her.” Great. Now I had to convince a dog that was clearly more like a supernatural non shifting dog to tell me what my mate was. Great. Just great. I asked, “Are you something that everyone that is like Odette gets? Like, they all get dogs?” Tatum huffed. Channing told me, “Not everyone gets one, and the animal depends on the person.” That didn't help me at all. What supernatural’s got a pet protector? I asked, “Shouldn’t you be like…a pitbull? Or a Mastiff? Something intimidating.” Tatum yipped at me. What? I wouldn’t mind if Odette’s supernatural protector was a giant intimidating dog. When we got back I saw Allison and Arden were done. I wasn’t surprised they looked great. Ken linked me, “Kincade is being sent to get them. Your dad thought you might want to stay longer. By the way, your mom is SALTY that she wasn’t there today and so many people saw Katie in person.” Great. My dad linked me, “I need to talk to you tonight.” I answered, “Alright.” My dad added, “The roller skating rink is ready. We can meet there and view the inside.” That was perfect. I could show Odette after school tomorrow. Kincade showed up. He linked me after she introduced herself, “Od…Katie is an odd name, Keaton.” I shrugged. He linked, “You do know that tells me her name isn’t Katie, right?” I again noncommittal shrugged. Kincade sighed, “And now I know that you know her name isn’t Katie. What IS IT with the Daniels boys and their complicated mate situations?” I asked, “What do you mean?” Kincade just shook his head. When they left I was trying to get Odette in the mood by talking about our sexy time last night. It surprised me she pushed that aside. She clearly didn’t want to talk about it. I nearly snorted when she told me her family was in the mob. Channing linked, “Um her dad’s side could be.” Crap. I clarified. Nope. It was her mom’s side. I thought about it, to human’s that structure could make sense. So, her family was in charge of something like mine. She tried to give me an out again. I sighed, wanting to punch her brother that left her and her mom. I wasn’t leaving. She was mine. I wanted their contact information. We could help each other out. If they stopped answering her emails I’d find them, and they would be meeting the Silver Blade. She was clearly happy they were talking to her. I convinced myself to leave. I met my dad at the roller rink. I pulled in and found him waiting against his SUV. I jumped out and greeted, “Hey old man.” He snorted, “Don’t hey old me. Do you have ANY idea how annoyed your mom is?” I shrugged, “You asked me to pick up Allison and Arden. I did.” My dad laughed, “With your girlfriend. That your Uncle Cameron, Uncle Ollie, and Aunt Regan saw. You grandma met her at the bookstore apparently. Your mom wants to meet Katie.” I asked, “Don’t you?” My dad answered, “Of course.” We walked inside. I smiled, “This looks great.” My dad said, “I agree. Allison and Arden’s school already has skate nights set up. We are booked up for a while. It was a great business idea.” I didn’t really care about that. I wanted Odette to have this. We walked around and made sure everything looked good. I told him, “Keith, May, Katie, and I will be here after school. We can report any issues.” My dad nodded, “That’s not a problem.” He handed me the keys. I hugged him and whispered, “Thanks for getting this done so fast.” He seemed surprised but hugged me back. He told me, “I’ll do anything for you and your siblings.” I knew that. We drove back home. I got out and walked inside. I found my mom waiting. She had a steely glare and her arms were crossed. My dad snorted. My Aunt Regan was smirking. Uncle Ollie linked me, “Run, kid.” I retorted, “How is it you saw my girlfriend, but didn’t link me about it.” Uncle Ollie smirked, “Kid, I was waiting. I knew you’d bring her to pick them up. Allison told me she had already told you she wanted to meet Katie. She’s a looker, your woman.” I growled at him. He raised an eyebrow. My mom asked, “So, when will Katie come over to meet us?” I frowned, “I don’t know.” My mom frowned, “But….you brought her to the pack grounds.” I said, “She didn’t go inside anywhere. Or meet anyone. People just stared at her, which she definitely noticed.” My grandpa laughed. I smiled, greeting, “Hey Grandpa Frank.” My Great Uncle Jordan offered, “She is pretty.” I asked, “How did you see her?” Uncle Jordan smiled, “I had a meeting. I saw her as you were leaving.” My mom pouted, “Oh come on! Why does everyone get to see her in person but me and Chase?!” I said, “Not everyone. Grandpa hasn’t met or seen her either.” Grandpa said, “That’s true. It’s always me. I’m always in the group that doesn’t get introductions. I’m just not sticking my head up my ass about this one. No siree. Frank is just sitting back drinking his whiskey….laughing…at each and every one of you.” I asked, “What?” Grandpa winked at me. He continued, “In fact, Keaton my boy…have a glass of whiskey on me.” He handed me a glass. I said, “Ok….” He said, “You are giving me my justice. My Karma…I have been waiting. I have been oh so good.” I told him, “You know, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” My mom huffed, “None of that was my fault! I told you things, Frank! We had our own secrets from Chase. I told you when he didn’t.” Grandpa said, “I already knew at that point.” My mom threw her hands up, “That still wasn’t my fault! UGH! Ridiculous. This whole thing is ridiculous.” Someone knocked on the door. My dad opened it as Aunt Susie and Uncle Sebastian came in. Aunt Susie squealed, “I heard a rumor….” I snorted. She continued, “That my nephew brought a beautiful girl to the pack. I also heard a certain someone, who I loathe, is very upset about it. It made my whole day.” I asked, “Who’s mad?” Everyone looked at me funny. I asked, “What?” Uncle Ollie said, “Uhh Lisa. Lisa is mad.” I frowned, “The girl with the high pitched voice that I saved from a rogue attack. Why would she be mad?” Keith zipped into the room with May. Everyone looked at me like I had two heads. I asked again, “What?” Keith said, “Uhh that’s just an interesting way to describe Lisa.” I asked, “How would you describe her then?” Emmett came into the room and said, “I’d personally call her a pain in my ass. YOU might call her your ex-girlfriend.” I shrugged, “Meh.” My mom shrieked, “MEH?! Did he just say meh?!” I said, “She’s kind of annoying. I’m not sure why I hung around her so much.” Channing linked, “Uhhh Keaton….” He began playing memories of me and Lisa together. Wow. We hung out more than I thought we did. Damn. She was a b***h. Why did I put up with that? Now Channing was stunned. Keith asked, “Is s*x with Katie that good, little brother? You forgot Lisa….altogether? I mean I’m here for that.” May elbowed him in the guts. He asked, “What? I am. He’s acting like he didn’t date her for five years.” I shrugged, “Channing reminding me of some stuff. She’s a b***h. I have no idea why we dated so long. Literally everything he reminded me of was a reason to break up. Oh well. I’ve moved on now.” Emmett said, “Ok, I need to meet this girl. What the HELL just happened?” I asked annoyedly for what felt like the millionth time, “What?” Alexandria said, “Keaton, you’ve gotten in multiple fights with family over Lisa. You spent a lot of time with her, but you’re acting like you don’t remember that. Or that she’s your ex.” I said, “I remember us hanging out. We had some good times. I know she’s my ex. She’s still a b***h. I don’t remember fighting with you guys over her. Why would I? She’s not my mate. Thank the goddess. I think she hates me.” My mom shrieked, “You don’t remember?! CHASE DANIELS!” My dad asked, “Son, did you hit your head?” I said, “No.” Channing took over, “He didn’t. It does feel odd. This instinct to protect Lisa is gone. Keaton sees her how he did before I came to him. Before and right after he saved her. He didn’t really care either way about her other than he has Alpha blood. That’s how he feels now. It’s as if….the past means nothing.” He let me take back over. He was right. I didn’t much care for Lisa. Alexandria frowned. Grandpa said, “Well, damn. If I knew we just had to get him a new girlfriend I’d have had Haley set him up with a fairy.” My mom snorted, “You did try to have Haley set him up with a fairy.” Grandpa replied slyly, “Which you can all apologize for interfering with. We could’ve had normal Keaton back years ago. It’s not like I was breaking him and Lisa up. They were broken up at the time. I pointed Haley in his direction.” I laughed, “I thought you stayed out of relationships.” Grandpa smiled, “I merely told Haley she should be on the lookout for a nice girl for you. Who could’ve predicted she’d find a fairy and have a date set up? Fairies. What can you do? Nothing. That’s what Frank can do.” I snorted. Keith said, “Ok, let’s just…go to sleep to ponder this very strange turn of events.” He kissed May and inclined his head to the stairs. I flashed up with him. He asked, “What the hell happened last night? Did someone hit your reset button?” I snorted, “No. I had s*x with sexy Deadpool. Then we just couldn’t get enough of each other today and didn’t manage to make it to school. That reminds me, I need to talk to Clara.” Keith looked at me like I was crazy. Whatever. I linked Clara, “Where are you?” Clara snorted, “Hearing interesting stories. That’s where Clara is. Are you ok?” I replied, “Fine. Can you look into supernatural’s that get a….supernatural pet?” Clara replied, “Umm…your mate who doesn’t know she’s a supernatural has a supernatural pet?!” I answered, “Yup. Said pet won’t tell Channing what Katie is.” Clara replied, “Goodie. Sounds fun. I’ll look into that.” I told her, “Thanks.” She replied, “Sure. Are we not talking about this one hundred eighty degree you’ve done reverting to thirteen year old Keaton on Lisa?” I asked, “Why is everyone being weird about that?” Clara snorted, “Because I’ve been wondering what the hell happened to the Keaton who found her annoying. She constantly tried to be around us. You included her because you’re you, but you didn’t spend much time with her. Then she’s attacked by rogues, and you significantly changed your tune about her. Then we had Lisa’s mouthpiece after you ate that lunch with her that she prepared to thank you for saving her.” I sighed, “I mean it was a nice gesture, but she’s just not my cup of tea.” Clara shrieked, “WHAT?!” I rubbed my head, “That hurt.” Keith asked me, “Did you really just tell Clara that Lisa isn't your cup of tea?” I asked, “Why is everyone playing telephone about this?” Keith said, “Because it’s weird. I’m not mad about it. It’s like Katie gave you part of your brain or personality back. I’m personally on board with whatever juju Katie’s v****a holds. Or maybe it’s just getting your Alpha swag we never knew you didn’t have because of that bitch.” I didn’t know why I listened to Lisa about anything honestly. I told him, “She’s pretty mean. Our whole relationship was odd, there were good times though. There were just more bad times. She needs help.” Keith snorted, “I mean….yes. I can’t believe we are having this conversation without you ripping me a new one.” Emmett walked in. Keith said, “Later.” He zipped out. Emmett studied me. I commented, “Am I everyone’s science project tonight?” Emmett casually asked, “Did you know that when you started dating Lisa and every so often mom has Haley check for charms, and Katie Cambridge check for spells? On you, around your things, and your room.” Preston popped in. I jumped, “Dude!” He said, “No charms. I’m sensing fantastic s*x. Keaton got his Alpha mojo. You all need to calm down. Even if the new girl had wiped his mind of Lisa; would that be a bad thing? I think we should have Isabella bake her a cake.” Isabella yelled, “I ALREADY AM! I WAS ASKING HER FAVORITE FLAVOR!” Preston snorted, “Immy just whispered to her that she has a blank slate. Your girlfriend, I believe that is what we are calling her…” He looked at Emmett who nodded. Preston snorted, “Right. Your girlfriend hasn’t had much cake before. Immy made her have her first slice when they met. When do we meet this girlfriend?” I asked, “Do you have to say girlfriend with that tone?” Preston smiled, “I really do. My disbelief that is what we call her is on display. Tell me about this woman. Other than she has a magical who-ha. I already heard that. My mom told your mom and I quote ‘who the f**k cares if he gives no shits about Lishriekra.’ My mom doesn’t consider this problem. She’s quite happy. It reinforces her thoughts that Lishriekra did something to you. Which your mom asks what that could be because it wasn’t a spell or charm. It’s been a whole tangent. My mom sees no problem with your girlfriends s****l powers of bringing out your Alpha blood. She even got my dad to agree and remind your dad that Alpha swagger is a thing.” I said, “Any chance everyone will stop talking about my s*x life?” Preston shrugged, “It’s normal in my family. You know I’ve seen most everyone in my family have s*x. Except Alexander and the younger ones but to be fair, he just started. Your abrupt strange about face on Lishriekra is strange but not unwelcome.” I snorted, “Is that what Aunt Haley calls her?” Preston said, “Yes and no. She has many nicknames for her, but that’s one of them. Now that you are back to you about her I see no harm in telling you that particular one. He’s fine Emmett. Back to telling me about this woman.” I said, “She’s smart, pretty, funny, has a brother I’m going to find and punch in the face for her abandonment issues. I’m siccing our moms at her mom once she makes her appearance. She has an ex-boyfriend I’m going to rip apart into tiny little pieces. We might keep your family's condom company in business. She has a really good voice, and she’s very sweet. She let Arden and Allison paint murals on her walls, and she knows how to fight rogues. She knows nothing about supernatural stuff. She’s intrigued by it, but her mom and I’ll just bet ex-boyfriend called her a nerd and a freak for liking it. So, she tries to pretend she’s not super into it. She’s drawn to it though.” Preston said, “How fun. Oh look, Corbin’s here.” Corbin stepped out of the shadows. He observed me. He said, “No spells.” I growled, “EMMETT! Katie didn’t do anything to me!” Corbin raised an eyebrow. Emmett said, “I didn’t say it was her. I just didn’t know if….” I growled, “Everyone wants to know why they can’t meet her. Well, this BULLSHIT! So, I don’t like Lisa anymore. She’s a b***h. Everyone thinks so. Even Aunt Haley who is nice to most people even when they are complete assholes to her thinks so. There’s your sign everyone. She hasn’t even met her. You all HATE Lisa. I do remember hearing about how horrible she is and was. Now, everyone’s trying to make Katie out to be a bad person. She’s not! I just don’t like Lisa. Everyone get OUT of my f*****g room.” Emmett frowned but Alexandria came in. She grabbed his arm, and they clearly linked each other. He growled but left. He could growl all he wanted to. This was ridiculous. Corbin said, “I didn’t mean any offense, Keaton.” I said, “I’m not taking offense with you, Corbin. Just my family calling all over realms after getting the exact result THEY ALL WANTED FOR YEARS! Jesus Christ I might get whiplash from their mood swings.” Corbin said, “I don’t think they meant it that way, but I do know you’ve been battling their dislike for your ex-girlfriend with them for years so; I get it.” He portaled away. Preston said, “I think they like Katie.” I snorted, “They have a funny way of showing it. Talking about how they want to meet her, then accusing her of something left and right. I swear to god, P, they look for reasons to dislike who I’m with.” Preston said, “You’ve only ever been with Lisa before Katie. No one had to look for a reason to dislike her either. She handed them up on a silver platter. I think they were just worried you seemed to not have memories of you and Lisa.” I shrugged, “Channing remembers which means I do. I remember the fun times we had. I remember thinking we didn’t have anything in common. I can recall the mean stuff she did just not why I put up with it. It’s a relationship that should’ve been over a long time ago.” Preston said, “Agreed. Try not to be too pissed at them.” Before I could say anything Immy flashed in. She studied me then squealed. I asked, “What?” Immy said, “Your aura is so pure and shiny like it used to be. It’s like Katie cleansed your Aura. She reset your palette! This is so exciting.” I asked, “My aura was dirty?” Immy sighed, “It was always your aura, but there was always a tinge of sadness and it just grew. Now, it’s shiny and bright. Just like new.” I told her, “Spread that around would you? My girlfriend is not a bad person.” Immy gasped, “Someone thinks Katie is bad? But…but her aura is so pure! I told everyone that! Who said she’s bad? That’s so mean….”
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