True Feeling Pt. 3

2824 Words
I flashed and put my arms around her. I said, “Mom, I’m ok.” My mom hugged me back. She said, “Now. I don’t know what she’s done but it’s something.” Emmett said, “Mom….” She said, “Oh I mean you too. Why do you care if she has somewhere to go? Hmm? Banish her!” Emmett started to say something. My mom snorted, “Oh, I know you won’t. Me and Frank. We are the ones with level heads about this girl. No one want her around Keaton, but she can’t just get kicked out.” My dad said, “Sweetheart she has…” My mom waved her hand, “Family. Whatever. She looks nothing like them. Her siblings don’t even like her. They’ve tried to bond with her, and she used them until it stopped suiting her. The girl cheated on our son with the young man her sister confided she believed was her mate. She’s evil and vindictive. They’d be better off if she was kicked out. Her siblings would probably throw a party when her dark cloud of doom was gone. I’m putting you all on notice. I’m looking into that girl. She’s done something to you all, and I WILL find what it is. Keaton’s actions prove that. Your actions prove she did. When the day comes that I figure it out, you either stand with me; or I will handle it on my own. Excuse me.” She stormed out. My dad headed out after her, but she flashed away. He growled and shifted into Bolt. My grandpa said, “We don’t shift inside, son.” Bolt growled at my grandpa and took off after my mom. I linked him, “She’ll go to Haley. Or be popped away.” My dad replied, “I know.” I winced, “I’m sorry.” My dad told me, “It’s not your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for.” I didn’t know what to say back. Emmett and Malachi were staring at me. I asked, “What?” Emmett said, “Say the words I want you to, little brother. Come on. Please.” Channing linked, “He’s not going to bring her here and explain about supernatural’s.” I replied, “Will he like her though? Can we have our mate and our family? Or will we lose everyone because we picked Odette?” Channing huffed. I opened my mouth when the pack link went crazy, “ROGUES!” I jumped up with my brothers. We ran out the front door. I shifted when I hit the door. I ran to the border. Lisa was on the ground screaming. Her arm had been bit. I engaged the two rogues left. Several tried to run away, but Emmett had them. I shifted back. Lisa yelled, “Keaton, please….I’m hurt.” I asked, “Do I look like a doctor?” I linked the pack doctor, “We have an injured woman at the border where the rogue attack was.” Justin and Isla showed up. Neither made a move towards Lisa. Kreed, Carry and Kincade’s oldest son and likely to be our lead warrior when he challenged his dad for it, bent down to pick her up. She slapped him and screamed, “I don’t want you! I want Keaton.” He looked like he was in pain. I studied him closely. What was wrong with him? Finally, he said, “I, Kreed Farmer, warrior of Yellow Hills, reject you Lisa Kipner as my mate.” My eyes widened. Justin put Isla behind him, probably anticipating Kreed punching him. Lisa gasped and clutched her chest. She said, “Finally. I, Lisa Kipner, accept your rejection.” Lisa went on all fours. She screamed, “STOP!” Lady took over and shifted. She looked at Kreed as tears fell down from the wolves eyes. She nuzzled him. He sighed, “I’m sorry, Lady. I tried for you. I really did. Torque likes you, but I can’t do this with her anymore. She’s toxic and I deserve better.” Lady whimpered but nodded. She howled in despair and took off running. Kreed winced and rubbed his chest. I said, “Kreed….I am so sorry.” Kreed sighed, “I have seen what the mate bond truly is. She and I did not have it. She threw Justin in my face. She didn’t want me, and she said that. Lady asked me to give her time. That she’d talk to Lisa. Lady and Torque bonded, but Lisa and I didn’t. To be fair, I’ve always loved someone else.” Justin said, “Kreed, I had no idea. I am so sorry.” Kreed told him, “I know. It’s not your fault. It’s hers. I should’ve told you.” Isla told him, “You deserve so much better.” Emmett said, “Let’s go get some of the good whiskey, Kreed.” Kreed laughed, “I’m really fine, Emmett. She wasn’t who I wanted to be my mate anyway.” Malachi snorted, “I’d imagine not.” Kreed and Annie Miller had dated on and off. Annie was always drawn to him. Clara told me that Annie knew he was something to her. She just didn’t know what. I was stunned they weren’t mates. Maybe they were meant to be chosen mates. Annie popped to Malachi. She said, “Hey big brother, what did you need?” Kreed growled, “MINE!” Annie turned and looked at him shocked. He was on her scenting her the next second. She burst into tears. She asked, “But…how?” Kreed said, “We are second chance mates, Annie girl. It’s why we can’t ever stay away from each other.” Annie cried, “But Lisa….” Oh s**t. She knew. Kreed said, “I did what you and Lady asked. I gave her a chance. I set myself free, and now I wish I had done it so much sooner. Staying away from you has been torture.” Annie cried and held him tightly. Malachi said, “I’m such a good big brother. No mating in front of me.” Annie laughed and turned to squeeze his hand. Malachi ruffled her hair. Kreed growled lowly. Malachi snorted, “Help a guy out and he growls. Be good to my little sister. She’s been in love with you most of her life. She cried for a week when she was taught fairies knew their mates their entire lives. I’ve watched her try not to be in love with you. It sucked. Be good to her.” Kreed said, “Always.” Annie popped them away. I said, “I can’t believe he was mated to Lisa. Like I literally cannot believe that.” Justin whispered, “I can’t imagine the hell she was putting him and his wolf through. Being with me, screaming about being with you…..” I winced. Malachi didn’t say anything. He must have known. I offered, “Mom is going to go off the deep end.” Malachi snorted, “Going to? She’s already off it.” I heard a shriek of excitement. Malachi laughed, “Grandma knows Annie and Kreed are mates.” I heard another excited yell. Malachi laughed, “Dad knows too.” I said, “I’d guess both of them know now, but the excited yell will be Ted.” I flashed over to them. Ted and Isabella were jumping around in a circle holding each other. Ted cried, “Matt get over her! We will never see her trying not to be broken-hearted over not being his again.” Matt wiped a few tears. He said, “I told her they could be chosen mates. She’s…this killed me. Seeing her so upset.” Matt kissed Ted on the head. Isaac and Malachi came over. Immy came outside. She asked, “What happened?” Clara stumbled out of the house. She asked, “Is it true?” I nodded. She squealed and picked Immy up. Tony Jr. ran out next with Bryce. Immy squealed excitedly then asked, “Why am I squealing?” I told her, “Your older sister is mated.” Immy stopped squealing then frowned. She asked, “Is she happy? She loves Kreed so much and he loves her.” I told her, “It’s Kreed so she’s happy.” Tony asked, “Finally. I’ve told her to just be his chosen mate.” I offered, “Second chance fated mates.” Bryce smiled, “Good. Wait…who was his first chance? I know Annie hadn’t found hers. Not that she was looking.” I said, “That’s really up to Kreed to talk about.” Malachi snorted, “He deserved better. Annie should’ve been his mate the whole time.” Immy gasped, “NO! That god awful b***h was not his mate?” Clara had frozen. I winced. Malachi said, “Beta blood, Keaton.” I sighed, “Well, it’s all sorted now.” Clara sighed, “Selene really is a b***h. I am a little scared to see who I’m fated to.” I said, “He’ll be amazing. I feel it.” Clara shot me a smile.” Isabella ordered, “To the kitchen people! We have happy cakes to bake.” She ran inside. I laughed. Carry Farmer ran over to us. She looked at Malachi, “You tell me that b***h wasn’t my son's mate!” Kincade ran up behind her. He said, “Carry….” Carry snarled, “The pack link is on fire saying Annie and Kreed are mates, and that they found out after he rejected LISA f*****g KIPNER! DO NOT TELL ME THAT IS TRUE! I will CURSE Selene for the rest of my life for giving my son to that GOD AWFUL b***h INSTEAD OF ANNIE FIRST!” I linked Emmett, “Carry Farmer is on a warpath.” Emmett sighed, “I’ll just get the gym ready.” Kincade said, “It’s all sorted now, Carry.” She growled, “Do you know he cried many times because he felt he wasn’t being fair to Annie. He loved her, and he couldn’t stay away from her. He tried. He felt like he was a bad person for not being able to. That he should be stronger because it would hurt her when he found his mate. THEN HIS MATE IS THAT b***h?! She was hurting him and Torque. She threw her relationship in his face! She was running around saying she was getting engaged to Keaton. OH! I WILL GET HER!” I winced, “That wasn’t true.” Carry snorted, “I know that. I knew that before Kincade met Katie Karlton and told me you were in love with her. You’ve been done with her, and even when you were dating her you were never marrying her. Your mom probably would’ve killed her. LIKE I MIGHT!” Kincade dragged her away. Malachi snorted, “Eventful night.” I sighed, “You can say that again.” I walked back inside and found I had a voicemail from Odette. I listened to it. She said, “Hey Key, you’re probably busy…I just…miss you.” She hung up. I linked Emmett and my dad, “I’m going to Katie’s.” Both grunted. Everyone was having s*x apparently. I walked up to Odette’s apartment. She opened the door before I knocked. I smiled, “You missed me. I missed you too.” She threw her arms and legs around me. I linked Channing, “Do you smell…blood?” Before he could answer, Odette was kissing me, passionately. When we pulled apart, I whispered, “Restraining order?” Odette sighed, “She’s crazy.” I growled, “Let her hit you again, and I’ll spank you.” Odette asked, “How do you know I let her?” I growled, “Because I do. Don’t let her do it again.” I turned her around and spanked her. She gasped. I threw her over my shoulder then went into her bedroom. We lost ourselves in each other. School was drama free without Lisa. She was somewhat hiding in the pack. Everyone was excited Annie and Kreed were marked and mated. I felt bad for Lady, but Kreed and Annie were really meant for each other. Courtwarming finally rolled around. Immy had taken Odette shopping with May for it. They were getting ready at Odette’s apartment. I showered and put on my black shirt and slacks with my green tie I’d left out. My mom was waiting downstairs with Odette’s corsage. She told me, “You guys better take a ton of pictures. I was hoping I’d meet Katie today.” I hugged her, promising, “I’ll take pictures.” My mom huffed. I walked outside and found Lisa by my truck. I told her, “I’m going to start hiding my truck.” Lisa whispered, “I missed you.” I snorted, “That’s funny. I’ve enjoyed not having your drama in my life.” Lisa frowned, “We can be together now.” I laughed, “You think I’d be with after what you did to Kreed? He’s going to be the lead warrior one day.” Lisa cried, “He rejected me. Not the other way around.” I told her, “You rejected him with your actions. It was more important for you to hurt Isla than be with your fated mate. Your anger and bitterness is stronger than I ever imagined to fight the mate bond. You’re insane.” Lisa sighed, “No one understands my pain.” I shrugged, “You caused it yourself.” Lisa looked down, “It hurts Lady seeing them together.” I snorted, “I bet Lady blames you for that. It sucks for her that she's stuck with you, but Aunt Haley could fix that.” Lisa looked up shocked, “You can’t tell her to take my wolf! I’m going to be your Luna.” I sighed, “Wow, you’re delusional. You’ll never be my Luna, and I think Lady deserves better than you. I think you know Haley would take your wolf and give her to a better human half. That’s probably why you don’t want to meet her.” Keith and Bryce came outside. Bryce groaned, “Take a hike. We have dates to go see. Shoo!” Lisa whispered, “Keaton, don’t go with her please. I’ve suffered enough.” I snorted, “My girlfriend has nothing to do with you.” I flashed by her and got in my truck before she could touch me. Bryce popped Keith in the truck. Bryce sighed, “I can’t believe she wants anyone to feel sorry for her.” Lisa yelled, “I DESERVE BETTER THAN A LEAD WARRIOR'S WIFE!” I rolled down the window, “Kreed has alpha blood.” Lisa startled then asked, “What?” I snorted, “On both sides of his family The Henderson’s and Farmer’s have Alpha blood. You should’ve taken him as the gift the goddess intended, but I’m glad you didn’t. Annie has always loved him, and she’s like family.” Bryce rolled down the window, “Stay away from Kreed and my sister. They’ve been in love forever. Even you know that.” Lisa tried a different tactic, “Like me and Keaton. Why doesn’t everyone understand if they understand their love?” I snorted, “Because their love was actually love and not abuse. Go away.” I threw the truck in reverse and headed to Odette’s. I couldn’t help but smile. I said, “I can’t wait to see her. It’s been too long.” Bryce snorted, “You saw her last night.” I told him, “Immy insisted they have a sleepover. I wanted a sleepover.” Bryce snorted, “Then they wouldn’t have gotten ready on time.” I winked, “Nope.” Keith snorted, ‘Let’s go. I miss May too.” I smiled, turning the truck onto Odette’s street. I was going to make this a night to remember. Author Note: Whew boy. Haters doubling down. I'll say this, kindness is free. I know it's the internet but let's try to be better. Happy Thanksgiving!!! THE CHAPTER!!!!!! Is Lexi Right? Is something wrong with all the Daniels? Poor Kreed having to watch all of Lisa's antics while trying to stay away from Annie who he truly loves. His poor wolf and poor Lady. Poor Annie having to try and stay away from the man she's loved her whole life. Trying to give him a chance with his fated mate while having a broken heart. Yes, Annie and Kreed have an outline (I have no chill. Ever.) Discuss! My group will be talking on F B The Ribbon Novels
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