Sassy Song Pt.3

2078 Words
I walked back out and was stunned by what Allison was drawing. She’d made the bottom of the wall. The ocean used the pale yellow as sand and was drawing footprints, starfish, and shells on the wall. I asked, “How fast do you guys paint? Wow…I mean, wow. You guys are so talented.” Allison giggled, “You like it? You seem like an ocean girl.” I told her, “I honestly love both of the murals you guys did. This is amazing. It makes it feel more like home.” Keaton came back with Tatum. He went to check out both walls. He said, “You guys did a great job.” I wholeheartedly agreed again. Someone knocked. I opened the door and found Kenneth. He said, “Little Daniels. After you eat, Kincade is coming to pick you up.” Allison groaned, “But we are having fun.” Kenneth smiled, “It looks great in here.” She beamed, “Thanks Ken!” We all ate pizza together. As soon as we finished, someone knocked. Keaton opened it and nodded at someone. I was guessing it was Kincade. He came in and looked very amused when he spotted me. He said, “Let’s go, little Daniels.” Arden sighed, “I’m not little.” Keaton tousled his hair. He slapped at his hand. I told both of them, “Thank you so much for all you guys did. I love the murals, and I had a great time. Maybe we can hang out again.” Allison squealed, “Yes! Please Keaton! She said it was ok. She even said she wants to. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLUHHHLEAAASSEE!” I laughed. Keaton held his hand up in mock surrender. He said, “You know I can’t say no to you.” I snickered. Kincade walked over and held his hand out, “Kincade Farmer.” I smiled, “Od..Katie…Katie Carlton.” WHAT WAS THAT? He tilted his head and said, “Alright then. Keaton’s mom is going to be green with jealousy that I met you before her. His dad will pout.” I managed to keep a straight face. Chase wasn’t going to be upset at all. He’d met me already. When they left. I asked Keaton, “So…last night.” Keaton wiggled his eyebrow, “You should be Deadpool more often. That was amazing.” I bit my lip. Ok then. I said, “So……I have something to tell you.” Keaton asked, “About last night? Did you not like what we did?” I sighed, “Not about last night…” I wanted to forget that weird, drugged night. I was going to because that was other worldly. Things that did not exist. My mind was overactive. My mom always told me that. I continued, “So, I might have stumbled on some family on my mom’s side. I was…I am looking for my brother….and I found…people who seem to think they are also my half brothers.” Keaton’s jaw dropped. I quickly said, “I’m pretty sure they are in the mob. They keep saying they aren’t, but we’ve been emailing….I just wanted you to know.” My throat closed up and I whispered, “I understand if that makes it too dangerous to be around me and…” I let out a sob I didn’t mean to. Keaton’s arms encircled me. He whispered, “You keep trying to justify me leaving you, and it’s not going to happen.” I snorted, “That’s what my possible other brothers say. Everyone leaves me.” Keaton said, “Well, if they stop answering you; I want their emails. I’ll ream their asses. I’m not going to abandon you, Odette. It’s you and me. I can’t and won’t leave you. I promise.” I whispered, “I hope that’s true.” I actually wished we were older so we could have more days like this. That we didn’t have to go to school with Lisa’s petty self. Keaton told me, “I need to go take care of some things. I’ll pick you up for school tomorrow. I have a surprise for you after.” I teased, “You spoil me.” Keaton told me with complete sincerity, “I’ll give you everything I can, Odette.” Tears filled my eyes. I said, “You are too nice.” Especially for me. I was a weirdo who was definitely not normal. After he left I ended up back in my other room. I saw all my other half brothers had emailed me. I was about to respond when I saw another email I didn’t recognize. My song hissed. This ought to be good. Odette, I want to start out by saying, I am close with your mother. I also want to apologize for my son. I know he hurt you. We are getting him into anger management and therapy. If you would unblock him, you’d see his sincere apology. I promise you that. I myself am greatly disappointed. Luke was going to bring you here the weekend after your birthday, and I was looking forward to meeting the girl who put a smile on his face. I do want you to know, we would welcome you with open arms here anytime. I know your mother is off traveling, and you must be lonely. I could even send Luke away for a weekend. I’ll send a car for you and fly you out here. The family would all love to meet you. Luke has had nothing but wonderful things to say about you. Your mother told us you knew about your betrothal. I’m sure that is quite strange for you. It’s not the way of the times these days, but I promise Luke will give you a good life. Our family often does things like this. Your marriage to Luke may not start out with love, but it could grow. I have given several people here your email so they can explain their own love story. I just want you to see there are many people who still have arranged marriages. Sometimes, your parents know best. When you’re young, you think you know everything. I know I did. Consider unblocking Luke. The offer for a trip here will always be extended to you. Think on it, Darwin Was that entire family off their rocker?! Not with the times. NOT WITH THE TIMES?! Oh, let me just accept your most gracious offer to stay for the weekend AND NEVER LEAVE! Because you want to kill me. I started to type a reply. Then deleted it. I forwarded it to Caspian. Caspian, You should do something about this crazy other family. They are OFF the reservation. Not with the times. NOT WITH THE TIMES?! UNBLOCK LUKE?! MARRY HIM?! COME FOR THE WEEKEND, EXCEPT HE MEANS COME TO STAY UNTIL YOU POP OUT A KID THEN DIE! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE AND YES I AM SHOUTING!!!!!!!!!! The accidental tripper killer is going to INTENTIONALLY kill them. Oh god, that sounded terrible. I don’t mean that…yes I…GOD! Ok bye. Odette I went to bed pissed off. I tossed and turned unable to sleep. I got up and picked an outfit. It was a short red skirt with a black turtleneck. I picked thigh high stockings and some boots. I curled my hair and did my make up. SS started singing. Good. I needed to breathe in Keaton. Man, I had become so creepy. I opened the door before he knocked. He looked surprised when I jumped in his arms. He hugged me back. He told me, “I’m running a little late. Are you ok?” I snorted, “Yeah. Let’s get to school.” The day was going smoothly. Almost too smooth. SS seemed on edge. I went to the bathroom right before lunch. Several people thundered into the bathroom as I was washing my hands. I saw Lisa’s enraged face. She hissed, “WHAT did you do?!” I frowned, “Huh?” SS was hissing away. Lisa pushed me back into the counter. She told me, “You don’t get to come in here and mess up everything! You stupid b***h! You have NO idea what you are dealing with. Back off!” I snorted, “I was just washing my hands. You’re the one who came in here making threats.” I started recording on my phone. She told me, “You think I don’t know where you live? Keaton can’t always be around.” I asked, “Are you threatening me, Lisa Kipner?” She snorted, “Katie, I could kill you and no one could find your body.” I told her, “I sincerely doubt that. Maybe you have someone do it. That sounds more like your style.” Lisa sneered, “That’s right. Stay away from Keaton. He’s mine!” She went to slap me, and I let her. She smiled as if she won something. I said, “Well, now I know why Keaton said your punch didn’t hurt him. That was a very sad slap.” I pushed past her and walked out of the school directly to the police station. A lady at the front said, “Hello, how can I help you?” I said, “I would like to take out two restraining orders?” The clerk asked, “TWO?!” I nodded, “Yup.” I showed her everything from Luke I had. Then the video with Lisa. She sighed, “Well, the girl I can help you with. Unfortunately, this ex, there’s nothing we can do. He doesn’t live in this state.” I asked, “So, he can show up with no consequences?” She told me, “If he shows up, you can call 9-1-1. We can keep him away from you.” That was ridiculous, but I went ahead and took out the restraining order on Lisa. I went back to school as it was ending. Keaton was next to his truck. Keith was trying to calm him down. I asked, “Key, are you ok?” He whirled around and ran to me. He pulled me against him. He whispered, “I was worried. You didn’t answer your phone.” I sighed, “It’s in my locker. I need to get my stuff.” He asked, “Where did you go?” I told him, “Let’s talk about that later.” He nodded. Keith smiled at me. May asked, “Are you ok, Katie?” I nodded. I got my stuff out of my locker. Keith and May were waiting at Keaton’s truck. I asked, “What’s going on?” Keaton kissed my forehead, “A surprise for my song.” He drove us to the parking lot we had our driving lesson in. I asked, “Is everyone subject to my bad driving?” Keaton laughed, “No, we are going in.” I asked, “Into an empty building?” We walked inside and I gasped. Someone has renovated the whole place. It didn’t look shut down at all. I asked, “Who…? I thought you said…” Keaton told me, “I bought it for you. My dad helped me. What do you say, Katie? Do you want to skate with us?” I wiped furiously at my tears. I nodded, “Yes.” I jumped in his arms and whispered, “I love you, Key.” Oh, s**t. I did not mean to say that out loud. NOTE: I almost held this update. I strongly considered it after a false narrative was circulated. Honeslty, this week the words weren't there for me so I was editing. Then as I did a final read of Book 1 Vol 2 the words came back to me along with the joy and fun of writing. I added tidbits even multiple paragraphs. Then the chapter just came out. If there are more errors than usual, I'm sorry. My editing side is totally done for at the moment. I'm also REALLY excited about this chapter. So, this udpate is for my fans. I thank you for your compassion and understanding. Please remember on the other side of this screen is a person. A real life person with feelings. Please be kind to each other, it costs you nothing. Discuss all the things learned in the comments.
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