Sassy Song Pt.2

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Caspian said, “Odette, calm down. He’s fine. You wouldn’t hurt him. Think about hurting him.” I cringed, “I can’t.” Caspian said, “Exactly. Walk me through this. What happened?” I whispered, “We were kissing, then when his tongue entered my mouth SS started hissing…” Caspian interrupted, “I’m sorry…who is SS.” I quickly explained, “My sassy song. I call her SS for short. She wouldn’t let me stop.” Caspian asked, “How long did it take?” I looked around, “It felt like a few seconds…” I trailed off when I spotted the clock. I screamed, “It’s been an hour! Oh my god…I need to call an ambulance. Why do I keep calling you? THINK ODETTE!” Caspian said, “DON’T hang up if you want your song boy to return to normal.” I asked, “Can you help him?” Caspian said, “I can. That's why you called me.” I cried, “I don’t understand.” He consoled me “I know you don’t. I’ll help you. Everything will be ok.” His words actually helped me calm down. I was trying to stop crying. I heard Caspian mutter, “Harpies. Now we have to deal with Harpies? God, what’s next? This is ridiculous.” What was he talking about? Did the mob say harpy instead of b***h? I giggled. That was kind of funny. Caspian quickly said “Odette, can you get to a body of water without being seen.” I told him, “Yes, but I can’t leave my song boy.” Caspian said, “He won’t remember, and he can’t come out of it until you do exactly as I say.” I muttered, “I’m never going to that burger place again. They must have put hallucinogenic drugs in my drink or something.” Caspian said, “Sure, body of water.” I grabbed my keys. I said, “I’ll be back, Tatum.” She barked and grabbed her leash. I sighed, “You can’t come with me.” Caspian sounded amused, “Did you get a dog?” I said, “Yes, she’s a very cute well trained puppy. I’ll send you a picture.” Caspian chuckled, “Please do. Bring the dog with you. She can protect you” What? She was a very small dog. Ugh. Whatever. I put her leash on and grabbed my keys. I locked the door and quickly made my way out the side. I groaned, “I should’ve changed.” I heard another voice ask, “Why is that?” I snorted, “Because I’m running around in a sexy Deadpool outfit! That’s why. Who is that?” Everyone started laughing. Caspian answered, “That is Cornelius.” I snorted, “I’m sorry. Your names that I know of so far as Caspian, Cordelius, and nor Cornelius. Mom is really unimaginative. What are the rest of your names?” Caspian answered, “Cadence, Cython, and Trit.” I snorted, “Trit? Why didn’t he get a C name?” Someone laughed, “Because dad named me. I go Trit, it’s actually Triton.” I asked, “Your dad named you after the mythical creature that are fierce and violent warriors on sea and land? Why?” Caspian said, “Most people assume it’s that my dad likes the little mermaid where you are from. I snorted, “You don’t know where I’m from, and Triton’s are a group of people not a merman.” Trit spoke again, “My, my someone knows their mythology don’t they?” I admitted, “I had a period of time where I really liked all mythology and anything supernatural.” I paused, “Ok, I still like it….all of it. It’s not like you’ll tell mom I’m still an embarrassing nerd.” Several people hissed. Caspian said, “Do not ever call yourself an embarrassment. We all like things involving the supernatural and mythology as well.” Trit asked, “So…do you know where my name actually comes from? You know what Triton’s do, but do you know what they are?” I answered, “Of course I…Oh god.” I fell to my knees at the pond. I continued, “I feel sick.” Tatum was nudging me forward. As if to encourage me. Caspian said “That’s perfectly normal, get to the water’s edge. How did he know I was almost there? I called, “Rabies wolf, just remember I gave you a steak. Don’t eat me.” Caspian groaned “You’re feeding a red eyed wolf?!” I groaned, “Well, he saved me. The least I can do is give it some steak before the rabies infection overtakes him and his brain swells up and he goes totally mad. He didn’t attack me earlier when I gave it to him. He actually seemed fine.” Caspian groaned, “Great. Just f*****g great.” Trist said, “Caspian…she’s at the water.” Caspian turned serious, “Right. Odette, are you at the edge? I managed to crawl there. I whispered, “Yes.” Caspian said, “Set the phone down and get in the water. Trust SS.” I was willing to do whatever weird thing he wanted. I rolled into the water. SS started singing. I looked around the pond, it was strangely clear. The overwhelming need to sing was coming. I couldn’t sing underwater. I fought it. I tried to go up for air, but I couldn’t move. I had to take a breath. Nothing happened. I wasn’t choking on water. I was fine. I was suing the burger place. Yup. That’s what was happening. I hoped Jag was ok. I began to sing my song. Little red and black spots began to come out of my mouth. They looked like bugs the size of a quarter. They’d turn blue then disappear. I didn’t know how long I was down there but the red and black bugs stopped and I swam to the surface. I started crying. I swam over and a hand pulled me out. I looked up and whispered, “Jag.” He nodded. He was holding Tatum’s leash. She happily barked at me. I cried, “I don’t understand.” Jag said, “To be honest, neither do I, kid. Here’s your phone.” I asked, “Did it die?” Jag said, “No, I hung up on them. They might think the phone died.” I asked, “How long was I down there?” Jag answered, “Two hours.” I gasped, “That’s not possible. God, we were so drugged and I’m suing. I’ll give you half of whatever I win since you can’t put your name on the lawsuit.” Jag started laughing. He said, “You are hilarious. Get back to your place. Ok?” I nodded numbly. I began walking. I called Caspian back. He answered, “Odette?” I asked, “What’s happening to me? I was drugged...right? This is a hallucination.” Caspian told me, “I’d rather discuss this in person.” I cringed, “This was not the night I planned.” Cordelius asked “Are you still running around dressed like Deadpool?” I snorted, “A soaking wet Deadpool who spit up red and black bugs that turned blue!” Caspian asked, “Did they shimmer?” I glared at the phone, “That’s your question? Yes, and my song boy’s got lines of blue that shimmer too on his face.” Several people gasped. Caspian told me, “Your song boy’s face will go back to normal.” I ran back to my place with Tatum keeping pace. I managed to avoid Kenneth thank god. I unlocked my door. I wiped my tears away seeing Keaton still frozen. I asked, “What do I do?” Caspian said “Now that you’ve gone to the water and…that happened. Go back in front of him. Sing the song in your head. You’ll have to catch him. He’ll wake up in an hour, but he will unfreeze once you sing to him.” I huffed and set the phone down. I walked over to Keaton and began to sing SS’s song. The blue lines receded, and his face and neck went back to normal. He dropped to his knees as soon as I finished the song. I quickly caught him before he fell. I carried him into my room and ran back to my phone. I sat down on the floor. Tatum climbed into my lap. I whispered, “What did I do to him? I’m a freak!” Caspian angrily said, “No, you’re not. You protected him.” I asked, “From what?” Caspian replied, “Someone who wishes to use him. Possibly control him.” I told him, “I don’t understand.” Caspian answered, “Neither do I. I would if you told me more about your song boy. Right now, I can tell you someone around him doesn't like you.” I snorted, “His ex is awful. It’s not like I can throw that stone though. My ex wants to knock me up and kill me. Now, his ex wants to control him. That’s not surprising. She does seem to shriek at him a lot to do things for her.” Several people laughed. I told Caspian, “I’m…I’ll email or call you later…I need to shower.” Caspian sighed, “Alright. Please do not panic.” I snorted, “I’m on drugs. I’m on a trip that I did not mean to take. That’s all this is.” Several people sighed. Caspian told me, “I love you, little sister. Take care.” I gasped, “Love me? You love me?!” Caspian answered, “Yes, you are family and we all love you.” Now I was crying for a whole other reason. Eventually I said, “I have to go, but I think I love you guys too. Which is crazy. I’ve only talked to three of you.” I hung up before I could say anything else crazy. I peeled my outfit off and got into the shower. My song was quit. I got out and looked in the mirror. I said, “That was not real. It defies all logic. It didn’t happen. I grabbed the shirt Keaton had left me off the floor and got into bed with him. I wasn’t all together surprised when I found myself floating again. I wanted to see my family. Hopefully, I was going there this time. I swam down and found my way to their place. I walked right into the castle. I heard voices shouted and started running. I gasped at the sight before me. People were yelling. One guy seemed to be instigating it all. When I got a clear look at his face, I panicked and SS started hissing. It was Luke’s friend, Linus. We met once. He started to walk up to Caspian. I saw a glint of something in his sleeve. I ran to reach him. Caspian smiled and held out his hand. I yelled, “NO DON’T!” Caspian startled back a step. I desperately wished I could grab Linus' sleeve. Linus let what was in his slide into his hand. Why was he wearing a glove? A bronze dagger was now his hand. Caspian was looking around along with my other brothers. It hit me. Linus was going to hurt Caspian. I screamed, “NO! CASPIAN! LOOK OUT!” I willed myself to grab the weapon from Linus. He tried to hang onto it. It started to burn my hand. I smacked it away as Linus tripped and ended up impaling himself in the neck with the dagger. I screamed bloody murder. Cordelius said, “Odette, it’s ok.” I screamed, “This is NOT ok! He’s dead…and why is my hand burned? I didn’t touch anything hot! How did I do that? How can I sing underwater, freeze my boyfriend, and spit out black and red bugs that turn blue?” I sat down crying. I whispered, “I’m a murderer.” Caspian said, “But you’re dreaming. Can you really be a murderer if you’re dreaming.” I hiccupped, “I guess that’s true.” He yelled, “Everyone out. Several people are going to be answering to me about a lot of things tonight. Like how Linus got in with copper on him.” People began to file out. A stunning woman walked straight up to Caspian though. She threw herself into his arms. He told her, “I’m fine, Serenity.” She asked, “Who did that? Who saved you? Was it Odette? Is she here?” Caspian said, “Yes, it was her. Little sister, this is my song, Serenity.” I said, “Well, you can tell her I said hi.” Caspian told her, “She says hi.” Serenity said, “Thank you, Odette. Caspian would’ve been recovering for days.” I snorted, “Sure. That’s me the unassuming tripping murderer of our mob family. God, that’s not even a good one. Someone has to be the cement shoes one, the baseball bat beating one, and I’m the one who trips you to death. UGH!” Several people laughed. Caspian said, “Odette, please. Tell me where you are. I can explain everything to you.” I just sniffled, wiping my tears. I asked, “What will my song boy think happened?” Caspian snorted, “Umm…that’s well…it depends on…when he wakes up he will….well….” Serenity snorted, “Sweetie, he will wake up quite amorous.” My brothers groaned. Serenity rolled her eyes at them continuing, “He would’ve seen something for the truth that they are possible. It depends on him. He could’ve imagined seeing you two together a lot.” Noxxus entered the room. He looked pale. He ran to Caspian. Caspian said, “I’m fine.” Noxxus hugged him. Then hit him. He said, “What were you thinking?” Caspian said, “That our guards wouldn’t let him through with copper. I have been looking for a reason to kill that twerp for decades.” I gasped, “You knew he was going to hurt you?!” Caspian laughed, “Yes.” I smacked his arm. Several people gasped as he moved. I yelled, “Why would you let him do that? I was so scared when….” I sob bubbled up again. This day was too much. I wanted Lux, but he wasn’t here. I threw myself at Caspian wanting to hug him. Both of us made that weird whistle sound. To my surprise his arms wrapped around me. He held me tightly. He told me, “I didn’t know you would be here, little sister. My job is to protect people.” I buried my face in his neck. I cried, “Who protects you?” Trip joked, “The death tripper.” I snorted. I asked, “How are you hugging me? I thought you couldn’t see me?” Caspian said, “I can’t see you, but I can feel you. I’ve been looking into this. We might be able to see you eventually.” I asked, “Really?” Caspian said, “We will see. Like we said there hasn’t been someone like you hasn’t been around for quite some time. The information is murky.” I told him, “I don’t understand anything anymore.” He hugged me tighter, “I know you don’t. I wish I could explain it all to you, but I’m afraid you wouldn’t believe me. Then you’d stop talking to us here and on email.” I snorted, “I don’t think I can stop coming here. SS seems to do that.” All my brothers chuckled. Caspian said, “But you could stay quiet, and say nothing.” Cordelius disagreed, “Until she heard something she disagreed with. She’d snort and start talking about the mob.” Caspian moved where Linus' body should still be, and it was gone. I asked, “Where did Linus go?” Caspian said, “Back to the ocean.” Umm ok? I didn’t want to let go. Trit asked, “Can we all get hugs?” I pulled back, “I guess so.” I hugged each of them. Trit said, “Ok, that’s so weird. I can’t wait until we can see her.” I felt the pull signaling I was going to leave. I started crying again. I told them, “I’m being pulled out of here.” Trit said, “Should you want to stay, we can come get you.” I huffed, “Well, if I’m not near my song boy I get pale and depressed.” Caspian pinched the bridge of his nose. He said, “Yes, well stick by him for now. You could be here and still see him. Just so you know.” I was yanked away. I woke up with a start. I was surrounded by darkness. What was going on? I felt cold. I heard a song, but I didn’t like how it sounded. SS was hissing. Then tingles on my shoulder caused me to look down. The other song was trying to call me. I knew it was, but Keaton’s voice murmured, “Odette, my song.” I turned towards his voice. I wanted to see him. I opened my eyes again and Keaton hovered over me. I smiled, “Hi Key.” He nuzzled my neck nipping at what was appearing to be my spot that got me all hot and bothered. Then our control just shattered. His hands were everywhere. He almost seemed possessed, but so was I. The condoms I bought thankfully fit him. We used them all. Jesus. It was a good thing that I didn’t have to pay rent. When we finished, I laid my head on Keaton’s chest. I traced circles on his chest. I looked over at the clock then gasped. I said, “We missed school! There’s like thirty minutes left.” Keaton chuckled, “I know. Keith and Clara took care of it. Immy will get your homework.” I grumbled, “Your parents are going to hate me.” Keaton growled, “They better not.” I hugged him and he calmed down. He told me, “I have to pick up my youngest siblings from school today though. Do you want to come?” I smiled, “Sure. Do you think they would want to help me pick out some paint? I want to paint some in here.” Keaton told me, “Both love painting so, they might convince you to let them do a mural or something.” I told him, “Oh we don’t have to paint together…I just wanted to pick up the paint…Oh my god! Tatum.” I ran out in the living area. Tatum happily greeted me. I looked all over for any accidents but found none. What the heck? Keaton said, “I’ll take her outside.” He left. I asked, “What the heck? How did she not have an accident? The poor thing.” I got out her food. I checked my phone. Immy: OMG I WANT ALL THE DETAILS! You’re skipping for sexy time! I AM THE BEST INFLUENCE! Me: I just lost track of time. Sometimes I swear Keaton’s like a wild animal Immy: BAHAHAHAHAHA You are SO funny! I was serious, but ok. I jumped in the shower. Keaton slipped in behind me when he got back. I couldn’t help myself. I sank to my knees and took him into my mouth. God, he really was turning me into a nymphomaniac. He seemed surprised. When he came I jumped out of the shower. He growled, “Odette.” I yelled, “We have to pick up your siblings. We don’t have time for you weird orgasm scorekeeping ten times, Sir.” He snorted. I quickly dressed in yoga pants and his hoodie. He came out and growled. He pulled me against him. He said, “You in my clothes is sexy.” I kissed his cheek, then wriggled away from him. He groaned and got dressed. We went down the garage and got into his truck. His siblings' school wasn’t very far. I asked, “What is this school? What was that house? It’s so pretty!” Keaton answered, “That’s my house.” I gaped, “You know that house is like…a mansion. Jesus. Who are you people?” He laughed. People were staring at us. Keaton said, “My parents have a private elementary school they started. Kids around here go to public school in junior high.” Sure. Why wouldn't’ they have their own school? Two kids ran to Keaton’s car. I could tell they were his siblings, they looked like him. They literally flew into the truck. His sister squealed, “OH MY GOD! SHE IS SO PRETTY, KEATON! You’re so pretty! I’m Allison.” I told her, “O…” Stop almost telling people your name! I continued, “I’m Katie.” His brother said, “I’m Arden.” I smiled, “Katie.” He nodded and then said, “You are pretty.” I blushed, “Thank you.” Keaton cleared his throat. He said, “Katie wanted to know if you guys wanted to come with us. She wants to buy some paint for her apartment.” Allison screamed, “YES! That will be so much fun.” Arden smiled at her and nodded. Something told me the Daniels men were wrapped around this little girl’s finger. Whatever she wanted, she got. We ended up at the hardware store. Allison said, “Grandpa owns this store, so get whatever you want.” I quickly said, “Oh I’m paying.” Keaton instantly said, “No, get whatever you want, my song.” Allison squealed, “That’s so cute! You guys are so cute!” I told Keaton, “I can pay for paint.” He told me, “I know you can. I want to get it for you.” I sighed, “Ok.” We went through the colors. I picked green for my room, red for my spare room. Allison asked, “What about the living room?” I thought about it then asked her, “What would you paint it?” She squealed, “A pale yellow.” I smiled, “Then let’s get that one.” Keaton and Arden had picked out all the supplies. No one even ran us up. We just walked out of the store. Their lives were so strange. We got back to my apartment. I changed into a different t-shirt. I didn’t want paint to get on this one. We moved all my stuff. Which his family did so fast. They even got the painting tape up and the tarps down at lightning speed. I shook myself. I must be tired. They painted so fast it almost made my head spin. I didn’t think we’d get it all done today, but we did. Keaton had opened the windows to air out the smell. We should all be freezing, but no one was. Arden asked, “Could I paint a few things on the wall in your bedroom?” He’d helped me so I instantly agreed, “Of course.” Allison squealed, “Can I do the living room?” I laughed, “Sure. I’ll order us some pizza.” Arden jumped up yelling over his shoulder, “She’s the best, Keaton!” Keaton instantly agreed, “Yes, she is.” I blushed. I used my cell phone to order a pizza using a coupon from my mail. Keaton took Tatum out for a walk. I checked on both kids. I froze when I saw Arden’s mural. I gasped, “That’s amazing. He’d made it a swirling vortex with colors he must have mixed. The wall was blue and purple and he was drawing notes throughout. He asked, “You like it?” I honestly told him, “I love it.”
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