Sassy Song Pt.1

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Odette quickly shaved her legs. The song was practically shouting happily in my head. I asked aloud, “Could you hum?” The song sang louder. Sassy Song. I could call her SS for short. It seemed like she was staying. That seemed to amuse the song. Alrighty then SS you are duly nicknamed. I got out of the shower and put lotion everywhere. I threw some light makeup on. Gosh, I’m so nervous. I went to my drawers praying Jarchi got me some cute underthings. What a weird hope to have. I pulled open two drawers before I found a see through matching green set. There was even a robe. It had pretty white and purple flowers on the bra and the bottoms were a thong. I asked, “What do you think, SS?” Happiness flooded me and my hand grabbed onto the garments. SS was on board. I put everything on then debated on whether or not to wear heels. No, save that for later. Keaton still wasn’t back with Tatum. I bit my lip. What could I do? The apartment looked a little cold. I really needed to paint or something like Jarchi suggested. I squealed, “Candles!” I looked all over and quickly found a plethora of candles. I wondered if Jarchi had a candle fetish. I shrugged that aside and grabbed the lighter and began to place them all around. When I was done I looked around and nodded. I was pretty proud of what I’d pulled off quickly. It also helped with my nerves. I heard the steps in the hallway. He was coming. SS started screeching. I hissed “Chill SS, go back to shouting, jeez.” Now SS felt smug. Ugh. When he called my name I hugged myself. This was actually happening. He didn’t even notice my outfit. I wasn’t really upset about it because all I could think about was being with him. I was a little worried he was going for the ten orgasms thing, but I convinced him to move along. When he got the condom, I wanted to put it on. Luke always had me do that. I was stunned Keaton bought the wrong condom size. Didn’t his dad teach him about sizes? I guess, to be fair, Aunt Nova was the one who gave me the in depth s*x talk. I had run to her after my health class that day. She sat down and told me all about everything I needed to know. I was pretty sure she had a lot of fun explaining it. She was a little mischievous. I really missed her. Keaton didn’t fit in the largest one. This should give me pause. He was big. Like big, big. Was this going to hurt? SS was now being sassy again. I internally rolled my eyes, “Calm down SS. It’s still happening. Don’t you shriek in pain if it hurts though. I’ll have no sympathy for you.” SS went back to being happy. Strange Sassy Song in my head. I was going to have to get on birth control. I clearly knew more about sizes than Keaton did, so I’d do a store run for us later. When he entered me SS was screaming the song so loud, I couldn’t help but hum along. It seemed to do things to Keaton. He turned into a wild animal. Actually, we both kind of did. He definitely didn’t have the stamina of regular high school students either. I was pretty sure he could pass some adults. My song kept turning my head to the side. I felt like I was entering heaving when his lips were on the spot between my neck and shoulder. I guess that’s my spot. I ached to have him bite me. Did I really want a hickey there? Calm down SS. SS was not having that. I swear she was taunting Keaton with that side of my neck. He seemed to want whatever it was me and SS wanted. I just didn’t know what it was. Keaton required zero recovery time. We were just going round after round. We should be tired. That’s a thing, but we weren’t. We couldn't get enough. This was so not normal, but I found I didn’t care. It felt right, like I was home. Every time I sang that song Keaton practically attacked me. SS seemed frustrated she wasn’t getting the result she wanted from the song and turning my neck. I tried to talk to SS, “What do you want him to do? I can ask him.” SS hummed. Well, ok then. SS can’t talk. I get emotions and brief takeovers. Shouting songs and hissing, but no words. That was somewhat difficult, but we’d figure this out. Since SS had taken up permanent residence in my mind. It was hard to keep my hands off Keaton. We ran out of condoms, and he’d had a lot. I guess he knew his s****l appetite was crazy. He even crammed himself into the ones that were way too small. Thank god they didn’t break. Eventually, Keaton left to go see his family. I wanted him to stay. He left and I squealed as I slid down the door. I told Tatum, “He’s so dreamy!” Tatum happily barked. I grabbed her leash to take her with me. I told her, “We owe someone and I don’t even know if this will work.” I went to a restaurant and ordered to go. I ordered two steaks with mashed potatoes and fries. My mother would die if she ever found out. I went to the woods where Luke’s uncle attacked me. I was stunned the blood was gone. It looked as if someone cleaned up. I walked to where the wolf had been. Tatum happily padded along beside me. I put one container of food down and called, “I don’t know if you’re still around, but thank you. Gosh, you committed murder and I’m bringing you food. I’m…I’m sorry you have rabies, but you really do seem to be helping me. That’s nice of you. Luke’s uncle, the guy you killed, he seemed like a bad guy. I think you were just protecting me. You’re just a wolf, and you don’t understand. So…if you’re around I hope you get this. I’m sure the authorities are looking for you. I hope you’re ok. I don’t want you to be in pain. So…this is weird. I’m going to go.” I turned to leave and the wolf appeared. I gasped. Tatum didn’t freak out which was weird. She gave a small bark and the wolf chuffed in response. He walked over to the food and ate it. He looked at me. I sighed, “I should call animal control, but I won’t. You helped me, and you seem…sane right now. God, I should do the humane thing. This is mean but….it feels right. Don’t bite me.” I walked over and petted the wolf. I scratched between his ears. He simply watched me. I told him, “Stay safe and sane….if you can help it. Ok?” The wolf nodded as if it understood me. I snorted, “Maybe I’m losing it.” I slowly backed away with Tatum and went on about my errands. I left my apartment heading towards the grocery store then did a double take. I was outside a s*x shop. They had to have condoms. Maybe they had a sexy outfit. I decided to go in. Tatum happily came in after me. She was almost prancing with delight. No, that’s weird Odette. The puppy is just happy. I went over to the condom aisle. There were a lot of them but one caught my eye. Aunt Nova had mentioned if I was super lucky I’d need this brand. It was called Alpha. I grabbed the large size. I heard a chuckle and turned around. A guy with red contacts was behind me. He told me, “You need these.” He leaned over and grabbed a different package. I took it. He’d grabbed the extra extra large. I asked, “How do you know?” He winked, “I’ve seen you with the guy you’ve been walking around with at the gym. Showers and all. This is the size you need.” I blushed, “Oh, gosh. This is awkward.” He asked, “Is it?” I sighed then admitted, “No, but it should be. I don’t know you but you feel like a friend.” He did. He felt like someone I could trust. He tilted his head, “Yes, isn’t that interesting.” I shrugged, “I guess.” I put my hand out, “I’m Katie.” He shook my hand, “Jag.” I said, “That’s a nice name. Do you play baseball?” Jag asked, “Huh?” I said, “I’ve known some baseball players, they were red contacts like you do.” Jag laughed, “Good to know. It’s a witch thing.” I told him, “Halloween was a while ago. Are you getting ready for next year? Were you a vampire or something?” He howled with laughter. He said, “You’re funny.” Ok. He changed the subject, “Do you know the Conners family?” I shook my head, “I know of them, but not personally.” Jag frowned, “They look similar to you. Though, I guess that makes sense you don’t know them or you’d know about these condoms. Eric Conners owns the company that makes the Alpha brand.” I shrugged again feeling a strange sense of longing in myself. I asked, “Are you from around here?” Jag answered, “No, but I plan to stick around. My home life….wasn’t great.” I touched his hand and squeezed “Neither is mine, but this place has changed everything.” Jag smiled “Same. What’s your story?” I shrugged, “To sum me up would be to say people abandon me. I’ve got some possible family that seems really nice. I want to trust them, but they are possibly dangerous. I’ve got a new boyfriend. Not like the last one that hit me.” Jag growled. I laughed, “You’ll fit in great around here. They growl…a lot. My mom is absent a lot, and she’s verbally abusive. What about you?” Why was I telling him this? It really felt like Jag was meant to be my best friend. Jag sighed, “Oh, well I’m from the wrong side of the sheets. My stepmom hates me for it. She has a position of power, and she’s using it to do bad things. My dad feels bad about me so he just lets her do whatever he wants. He has no idea what she’s doing, honestly. She thinks my dad cheating on her gives her free reign. To be fair, it has. Nothing she does gets punished. My older brother, I should probably reach out to him. My stepmom sent me here. Forced me actually. You won’t understand but she used….she literally forced me with a command to be here.” He looked away. Forced with a command? Was his mom a queen? Jag shook himself, “I think she meant for me to die.” I gasped. That was awful. Jag continued, “Either way if I lived or died didn’t matter to her.” I asked, “But what about your mom?” Jag laughed, “Oh, my stepmom had her killed. It was written off as an accidental death, but my stepmom told me the truth. My dad didn’t believe me. He thought I was in shock and lashing out. Anyway, the command can drive people crazy. You literally can’t shake it, but then…someone helped me. Broke the command. I’m certain my family thinks I’m dead, and I don’t want to correct them. I’d rather stick around here.” I told him “That’s horrible. I’m so sorry. Will I see you in school?” Jag smiled, “Nah, I’m nineteen.” I told him “Well, I’m going to grab one more thing. We could go get dinner if you like. As friends. Everyone…well ok everyone but this one b***h was super nice to me here when I showed up.” Jag said, “I did eat a little bit ago, but I’m always hungry. I prefer picnics though. I’m not trying to be seen around.” I slapped my head. I said, “Right. You don’t want your stepmom to know. I could grab us some burgers and meet you somewhere.” Jag said, “Sure, here some….” he started to take out his wallet. I told him, “Nope. This time is on me, just think about what you want on your burger.” I grabbed several more boxes of condoms then I walked off to the costume section. Jag snorted. I squealed a little when I found a mermaid costume. SS hissed in my head though. I frowned. I picked up the costume then SS took over and made me drop it, hissing. Ok then. No mermaids. Whatever. I squealed when I found two outfits I loved that SS didn’t hiss about. Sexy Deadpool and the replica of Padma’s star war outfit. I loved both movies. I got them both and made my purchases. I walked outside. Jag was waiting in the alley. Ok, that was weird. SS wasn’t hissing and Tatum liked him too. So, it must not be that weird. Jag asked, “Do you have a phone?” I nodded, “Yeah…” He handed me his and said, “Put your number in.” I did as he instructed then he texted me his order. He texted me a place to meet. I left him and went to get us food. I was happy no one commented on Tatum coming in places with me. I followed Jag’s directions. Without them, there was no way I’d have found this place. It was a secluded area, but there was a picnic table. I sat down and handed him the food. I told him, “This is a beautiful area.” He nodded, “Yeah, I really like it.” I asked, “Are you close with your brother?” Jag sighed, “Yes and no. I haven’t told him how awful his mom really is. She’s his mom, you know? My younger sister is the light of my life. She’s nothing like her mom. Sweet as can be. She’s probably missing me. I feel bad about that. What about you? Any siblings?” I told him, “I have a half brother for sure, but I haven’t seen him in a while. I’ve been trying to find him which led to a catastrophe of epic proportions…or it was great. I can’t tell.” Jag asked, “What on earth does that mean?” I blurted out, “My family might be the mob.” I clapped a hand over my mouth. Jag snorted, “Ok, now you have to explain.” I groaned, “So, I was trying to find my half brother. I found someone else I’m apparently related to and he told….my other half brothers.” Jag asked, “Mom or dad’s side.” I told him, “I don’t know who my dad is. Supposedly I have like a lot of other brothers. We email…and talk over the phone sometimes. My oldest brother, though, he’s denying he’s a mob boss. I’m pretty sure he is though. He offers people protection, and things like that.” Jag said, “In your shoes, I do suppose that’s a logical conclusion.” I asked, “What would you think?” Jag smirked, “I appear to know about things you don’t.” I frowned. What the hell did that mean? We ate our burgers quietly. I said, “It’s pretty cold out. Do you have a place to stay?” Jag smiled, “The colder weather doesn’t bother me, not unlike you.” I sighed, “That didn’t answer the question.” Jag teased, “I have somewhere to stay, little worry wart.” I stuck my tongue out at him and we both laughed. I told him, “Text me if you need anything.” He told me, “You do the same. I’ll be around.” I teased, “Still pretending you're a vampire from your Halloween costume.” He snorted, “I do NOT want to be a vampire.” I shrugged, “Baseball player then.” Jag admitted, “That’s better so let’s go with that.” I winked at him and left with Tatum. I looked at her once we got into my apartment. I said, “You really are the best behaved puppy.” I leaned down and hugged her. I went and played with her ball for a while. I got her food out when Keaton called. We teased each other a little bit. I decided I was going to dress up as sexy Deadpool to prove I was sexy not adorable. When we got off the phone Tatum had eaten her food and was sleeping on her pillow bed I bought her. I went into my bathroom and pulled my hair up into a slick ponytail. I pulled on my sexy Deadpool outfits. It was spandex with cutouts from my neck to my belly button. It cut off at the top of my thigh. I put the belt on and put on the fake swords. I did a cat eyeliner with a smoky eye look and red lipstick. I popped my lips together and nodded, “Perfect.” I found some thigh high black boots. I snorted, “Jarchi has really great taste. It’s also very broad. Oh my god stop talking out loud to yourself, Odette.” I put them on and waited. Something must be keeping Keaton. I went over to my computer and logged into my computer. I clicked on Noxxus' next email. Odette, I am not upset with you in the slightest. Your mother, very much so. She betrayed me in more ways than I can count. What she’s done to you will always be the worst. If you want to come to us in person, we can arrange that. If you want to keep it….let’s call it in your dreams…simply wish it so. I know you don’t understand the other place you went to. If you go again, it is imperative you remain silent. Do not say a single word or make any noises. Please. It’s very important. If you do, tell us immediately. We will come protect you. When we meet, I’ll be happy to be your stepdad. My offer to help you find your biological father stands as well. Keep near your song boy. You can be mad at him but be near him. It’s hard to explain, and we can do that better in person. It’s not weird you needed his shirt, it’s natural. I really do wish you would let us speak in person. There are things that cannot be explained over email and on the phone. There are face to face conversations, and we have many to have with you. I’m quite certain your mom is a drain on her boyfriends. She seems to have tapped into that side of herself which is quite sad. You are NOT an embarrassment. She is saying these things to keep you isolated and vulnerable. It’s a game, and I’m sorry you got caught in it. You are rare and special. Probably more so than she knows because she’s been ignoring you. I do not think your mother knows the Merrick’s plan to kill you. I think very little of her at this moment, but I do know she wouldn’t let that happen. I’m sure in her mind, you’ll live a life with anything you desire. The Merrick’s are rich, and after a lifetime of being deprived she thinks that’s what you want. It’s why she’s having you live the way you do. She wants you to be so sad and depressed you accept whatever sliver they offer you. Even a loveless, abusive marriage. We are still trying to find your brother, but it’s not our focus. As you said, he’s protected. You are the one that needs us most. We can help you find him though. Your mother is the reason we can’t find you, or you’d be home by now. Well, I won’t deny your mother not mentioning our sons to you makes sense to me it also hurts. Our boys are great men, but her plans wouldn’t work if you found us. So, it’s a move I understand, just one that cuts me deep as well. Do NOT marry Luke. Don’t be alone with him, ever. If he gets close to you, get to water any body of it; and wish for us. For Caspian. I know that sounds weird, just do it. Please. I do wish all these circumstances would stop lining up for you to believe we are the mob. I do understand why you think that though. We aren’t something you can understand with the terms you have. Your brothers do enjoy the running mob joke. Caspian pretends it annoys him, and to a degree it does but he smiles. He’s a serious one, but you make him smile. So, no matter what my boys say….Keep your joke going. They like it. They like you. I will not let you be fodder in this war. We will come for you if they bring you in before you are ready to tell us where you are. They are counting on us not knowing, but we do. They have lost their advantage. I also think they don’t see you clearly at all. You are kind and sweet. Connecting with us, is enforcing pieces in you that they didn’t want to form. I know that doesn’t make sense, but one day it will. DO NOT FOLLOW THAT DIET! I suspected but it’s repulsive she’s doing this to you. Yet another unforgivable thing. Meat is important to…us. She’s messing with your body chemistry. We NEED protein, a lot of protein, sugars, and fats. Dairy is also important for us. Please, please, I know there’s nothing wrong with that diet for others. Just people with your body chemistry it’s wrong. It’s…hurting you. Please do not follow that at all. Listen to your friend. You are so strong, Odette. I’m honestly quite proud of the things you are doing. It must be quite hard to be you right now. You have many things you don’t understand going on. Things you are probably trying to convince yourself are wrong. Trust your gut and your song, Odette. The mind isn’t always right. Trust your instincts. Do you know the name of Luke’s someone else? It could be important. I wish you luck with the law of your land. Do keep me up to date on how that goes. You were not born to breed. We all do die eventually, but that is not your purpose in life. You will have a long full life, Odette. The Merrick’s are not good people, and they couldn’t find their head from their ass if they tried. Luke would not slit your throat. It’s not his specialty as you called it. Just protect yourself. We are safe, it’s you we fear for. Trust us Odette. Please. They are watching us because we are watching them. We are stronger than they are, I promise you that. It’s why they want you. Trust your gut. My last question for you, do you have a pet? I was about to reply when SS started singing. I squealed and got up to unlock the door. I grabbed my fake swords and stood like I was ready to attack. Keaton knocked. I called, “Enter if you dare.” I heard a chuckle. He opened the door then dropped an overnight bag. He growled. SS started happily singing again. Keaton asked, “Odette…” I interrupted, “I’m Deadpool.” He eyed my sword. I could see him springing to attention. Really? It was a fake sword. He was clearly into swords though. He started to come towards me. I giggled and ran from him. He was on me faster than I could blink. I gasped, “How are you the basketball star? You should be the track star. Seriously. I’m usually faster than most people.” He ran his hands up my outfit. SS was content and happy in my head. Keaton nibbled my ear, “You’re so sexy and mine.” His lips touched mine. He slid his tongue into my mouth and everything went to hell. SS started hissing with a vengeance. I tried to pull back, but instead started sucking on his tongue. He froze. Literally. He wasn’t even blinking. I tried to back away, but nothing was happening. I started to cry. Blue lines that looked like shimmering water were appearing on Keaton’s skin. There were lines going from his neck to his lips. What was happening. SS was still making me suck on his tongue. I was starting to feel sick. Suddenly I flew backwards from him. I gasped, “Key….” He was still frozen. I screamed “No….god. What did I do? Key please….” The blue lines were still there. I grabbed his hand, nothing happened. I cried, “SS help me!” Her song sounded garbled. I felt like I was going to throw up at any moment. I hugged Keaton, “I’m so sorry, Key. I….don’t….ok…this is not happening. I fell asleep. I’m dreaming. I’m hallucinating. That’s it. Ok…hallucinating. People don’t shimmer blue lines because you suck on their tongue. God, I’m going to be sick.” I ran to my phone. I pulled up my email and called the first person I thought of Caspian. He answered, “I would very much like you to stop hanging up on me.” I sobbed, “I did something…I don’t….I must have hurt him. He’s not moving. He’s glowing blue, I feel like I’m going to be sick. Why isn’t he moving? He’s standing up. He’s ok…right? This isn’t happening. Am I on drugs? Caspian…I don’t…”
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