Brotherly Bonding Pt. 3

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Emmett said, “I will command someone if I don’t get an answer to my original question.” Lisa said, “He threatened me! You can’t let that go.” Emmett said, “Oh, I can’t? Not two minutes ago, I couldn’t ask about this issue. Now I can’t let it go. Oh, dear sweet baby Jesus give me strength. ANSWER ME!” Malachi offered, “I would answer him.” I knew he was right. Lisa went to talk. I told her, “You’ve done enough.” She looked at me surprised. I told Emmett, “Keith overheard an argument we were having.” Emmett growled, “An argument intended to separate the bond we have as brothers?” I answered, “No.” Not this time. My dad growled, “I know you, Keaton. He might not have heard it this time. Has she done that before?” I sighed, “I mean…. she was my girlfriend. She complained about people. That’s not abnormal.” My dad didn’t like my answer. Malachi said, “Ok, so that’s something we can get into later. What did she say that has Keith ready to banish her?” Keith growled, “I’m not ready. I’m going to do it the literal SECOND I have the ability to do so.” I tried to diffuse the situation by teasing him, “Poor Tony Jr. will have to do so much paperwork if you do that.” Keith snorted, “I don’t give a damn and neither will he.” Tony Jr. yelled, “I might have already done it like two years ago anticipating that exact move coming one day.” Lisa shrieked, “YOU ASS!” Malachi growled at her. Then yelled, “Not helping Junior!” Tony yelled back, “I’m helping my alpha. I’ll do what I gotta do. It’s the best move for everyone really. She’s the worst.” Malachi groaned, “Whatever. Someone break it down for me. Tell us what happened before our Alpha loses his s**t. I’d say you have about two minutes.” Keith linked me, “I won’t say anything.” I looked back at him surprised. He shrugged, “This is your show. Lisa is a b***h, and I don’t think you should listen to her. Emmett won’t be upset or think less of you.” I replied, “I listened to her. He could very well be upset about that.” Keith countered, “She was your only experience until now. I’m guessing Katie told you whatever Lisa said was bullshit.” I nodded. Emmett growled, “Keaton….out loud.” I sighed, “Well….” Lisa said, “It’s between us.” I snorted, “We shouted about it outside. That kind of makes it no longer between us.” Lisa sneered, “We is a strong word. You shouted.” I snarled, “You ambushed me. Again!” Lisa sniffled, “I needed to see you the other night, and you didn’t come! I know Isla sent Justin to get you, and you didn’t come.” I shrugged, “You’re not my problem or responsibility, Lisa.” Emmett’s voice was laced with annoyance, “Yes, she’s mine. So, someone EXPLAIN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!” Malachi said, “Why don’t we take this inside?” Emmett was clearly linking him. Finally, Emmett growled, “FINE! The SECOND we get into my office…someone talks. Or I will lose my shit.” That was fair enough. Dread crept over me. Why had I lashed out at her outside? I saw a few people had gathered. Leon was one of them. Well, looks like he was going to want to talk to me. Our group went into Emmett’s office. My mom and Alexandria looked on worriedly before Emmett slammed the door shut. He walked behind his desk and sat down. He took a deep breath and said, “Now, someone, and keep in mind I don’t care who, talk.” Lisa crossed her arms and looked out the window. Keith was stone faced. He would stay quiet and even let Emmett be upset with him for me. I didn’t want that. I spoke, “Keith heard Lisa and I getting into me being over her. We shouted about a few things she’s done in our relationship. Stone and Keith didn’t appreciate it.” Keith snorted. Emmett asked, “Ok, since my brother and a future Alpha of this pack is saying he’s going to banish a pack member I’m going to need some more details.” Lisa snorted, “He won’t banish me. Keaton won’t let him.” Keith snarled, “Keaton would.” Lisa rolled her eyes at him. I snarled at her, “Don’t disrespect my brother, Lisa.” All of them looked at me like I was crazy. What? Malachi said, “We can separate you and have this conversation.” Lisa grabbed my arm. Her hand was slick with tears. Did she just produce tears directly to her hands? Jesus. Lisa whispered, “I want to stay with Keaton. Our private relationship is not up for discussion.” I ripped my hand away from her as Emmett stood and growled at her. She cowered back from him and bared her neck in submission. Emmett growled, “I have already said why we are discussing this. If you wanted it to stay between you and my brother; you should’ve kept doing what you've been doing since you were a child. You’ve gotten sloppy. I must say, I enjoy that. I have never liked you. It’s incredibly hard being your Alpha. I have never liked how you treated my brother, and if I EVER find proof you tried to turn us against each other you will hope Keith is of age to banish you. Are we clear?” Lisa nodded. Emmett sat back down then said, “Now, Keaton, what about your relationship with your ex-girlfriend had Stone telling Lightening he was going to tear her limb from limb.” Lisa flung herself into my arms. She begged, “Please don’t let him kill me.” I pried her hands off me. I said, “I already stopped him. He’s not going to shift in here.” Keith muttered, “I could.” I rolled my eyes at him. I turned to Emmett, “It’s…embarrassing.” Emmett frowned, “Why?” Keith said, “For her. It’s embarrassing for her to exposed as the liar she is. It’s why she didn’t want you to talk to us. It’s why she chose something you find embarrassing. You know when I’m lying to Keaton. We’ve always been able to tell. Everything she said out there, was a bold faced lie.” I sighed, “Well, I figured that out for sure…. last night.” Keith growled at Lisa who whimpered. Emmett rubbed his head, “Ok, I have it in me to ask nicely one more time.” I stopped him, “Lisa used to give me reports. It’s what I burned after grandpa found them.” Emmett asked, “Reports? What reports? As her boyfriend?” I said, “Well, kind of.” Malachi said, “Keaton, look at me.” I did and he sat down on top of Emmett's desk in front of me. Malachi asked, “When did the reports start?” I sighed, “When I was sixteen.” My dad and Emmett started growling. Malachi held up a hand then asked, “What were they about?” I winced, “Sex.” Emmett’s chair hit the floor. Lisa hissed, “Keaton shut up!” Emmett growled, “YOU SHUT UP!” She cringed into herself. Malachi asked, “So, Lisa has been giving you reports on your s*x life. I’m guessing these were not overly positive reports based on this reaction.” I snorted, “No, I’m never good enough. Which is embarrassing for an Alpha. She said she would write the reports for what I could fix since I couldn’t change certain things.” Now Keith growled. Malachi asked, “Umm ok. Please know I cringe asking this question because I think I know what you’re going to say. Which is going to piss off a lot of the alpha blood in this room and the Beta blood. What things couldn't you change?” I winced, “Do we have to talk about that?” Malachi responded, “Yes.” I sighed, “Well, I did so much cardio to increase my stamina trying to please her. My…girlfriend got me thinking that everything she said was wrong. She thought I was trying to kill her.” Malachi asked, “Huh?” Emmett growled, “That ten times s**t Ken told Tyler about…. You meant that? She said that to you? That wasn’t just trying to impress your new girlfriend?! You thought her coming ten times before you came once was normal?! That you didn’t have enough stamina to please her if she didn’t come ten goddamn times before you did?! Is that what we are saying?” I nodded, “That’s what Lisa said, yes. If she passed out that counted against me.” My dad snarled, “Counted against you?! What the f**k are you talking about? She’s keeping a literal score in the bedroom?!” Lisa quietly said, “I was helping him.” Keith snarled, “You lied your ass off to him to keep him.” Malachi said, “So far from what I’m hearing that’s true. Lisa you've gotten drunk and talked about how good Keaton is in bed to other packs. Did you think I wouldn’t hear about that?” I gaped, “What? You did? I’m…. you said I was good? To other people? You said I was terrible!” Lisa didn’t say anything. I asked, “Do you know what you’ve held over my head and mocked me for isn’t true either? Were you just lying to me about that too? Or do you really not know?” Emmett asked, “What now?” Lisa sneered, “So your new girlfriend lied to you. I’m not wrong.” I snorted, “So the condom sizes are wrong? I couldn’t fit in most of them. Even the extra large ones.” Lisa gaped at me, “You used condoms?!” Keith snorted, “Of course he did. His girlfriend doesn’t know she’s a supernatural!” Lisa countered, “That’s human sizing. Of course, they are different.” That deflated me. She was right. Emmett and my dad growled in anger. Malachi put a hand on Emmett. Malachi said, “So, if I’m putting the pieces here together correctly, and god help me I think I am Lisa, you told Keaton he was small for an Alpha. That’s why he never shifts back around people. Right?” Emmett snarled. My dad’s hands were clenched tight. His eyes were shut he was probably arguing with his wolf, Bolt. Lisa didn’t answer. Eventually I did, “She said it was shameful and that I would embarrass you guys. That everyone would talk, and I would be a laughing stalk along with our family.” Lisa hissed, “Stop making it sound so bad!” My dad’s wolf won the battle between them. He snarled, “SHOW ME YOUR WOLF! NOW!” Instantly Lady came forward. I felt bad. Lady was nice. She whimpered. I put a hand on her shoulder. I said, “Bolt, Lady didn’t do anything.” Bolt snarled, “Why didn’t you tell anyone how your human was treating my pup?!” Lady told him, “She’s my first human. I don’t have any experience outside of Lisa’s. I like Keaton and Channing. I told her to stop being so mean to them. She’d have moments where everything was nice and sweet. It wasn’t all bad. Lisa blocks me out a lot. I don’t know everything that’s happened. Channing, I’m sorry.” Channing came forward, “It’s not your fault, Lady. I’ve never blamed you. I like you.” Lady let Lisa come back. Channing growled at her. She rolled her eyes at him. Emmett was taking deep breaths. He said, “To recap, Lisa, you manipulated and emotionally abused my younger brother. You gave him reports about how bad he was at s*x, made him believe it was to help him. You got him to start pulling away from us and told him he embarrassed our family because OF THE SIZE OF HIS d**k?! Which I have seen by the way. You’re not small little brother. That’s bullshit. Did I get that right?” Lisa told him, “It sounds bad when you say it like that.” Malachi asked, “What way can you say it that doesn’t sound bad? Did you give him a report every so often? That’s bad but…what frequency are we talking about here?” I answered, “Every damn time.” Malachi’s jaw dropped. Lisa snorted, “It’s not like we were doing much lately.” Isaac snorted and sarcastically spat, “I wonder why. Jesus Christ.” I asked, “Can I go? I’m supposed to go see Katie.” Lisa said, “We are sorting this out.” I frowned, “What? Now you want to talk about this?” Channing took over, “Did you intentionally pick a fight with us? You wanted to keep us from Katie. So, you picked this fight. Emmett wasn’t wrong. You were better at hiding this. All the sudden you’re sloppy when it involves me being around Katie.” Lisa sighed, “Sure, I’m the villain.” Keith said, “I’m so glad you admit it. You are. I bet Channing is right.” Emmett said, “Everyone get out of my office except Keaton and Dad. Lisa, expect to hear from Alexandria. We do not allow abuse of any kind in this pack. You’ll be punished. I will not be handing out this sentence either. I will have Alexandria loosely explain to an ally of ours in California. That way we can impartially decide how to deal with this. I’ll be having a conversation with Justin as well. As you’re eighteen if Justin or Keaton need therapy you will be responsible for paying for it. Get out of my office before I give into the impulse to do exactly what Keith wants to do.” She fled the office quickly. Everyone filed out slowly. I linked Channing, “Do you really think she was trying to keep us from Odette?” Channing replied, “Without a doubt. I talked to Lady before Lisa blocked her out again. Lady has missing gaps of time. Lisa blocks her away a lot.” That was odd. Why would she do that? My dad said, “Keaton, that’s not normal. You know that, right? The way Lisa treated you is reprehensible. Also, she’s wrong. You’re not the first supernatural to date someone unaware of the supernatural world. I can give you the name of over a dozen men in this pack who use condoms. Eric owns a company that manufactures them. You are not small, and you have never embarrassed this family. Nothing is wrong with you. Nothing. She’s a vicious unhappy little girl, and she tore you down to feel better about herself. I…I am so sorry I didn’t see this. You pulled away when you were sixteen and…. I just thought it was teenager stuff.” I interrupted, “It’s not your fault dad. I didn’t want you to know.” Emmett said, “And that s**t ends, little brother.” I looked up at him. Emmett continued, “We all have our secrets, and that is fine. Not this. Not things like thinking I don’t think you’re good enough. That I would think you embarrass our family. Or thinking badly of your body. If you think you know my thoughts on something I have not told you; do me a favor and talk to me. My thoughts might surprise you. I’ve never been embarrassed to have you as my little brother. Not once. I’ll talk to Malachi. You and I need to do something, Keaton. Therapy, team building, I don’t know but something. We have to be able to talk to each other in order to run this pack effectively when you graduate. I know she got her hooks into you when you were young, but I am your brother. You can always talk to me. The other day was the first time we’ve had a brotherly moment like that in so long.” I frowned, “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Emmett.” Emmett shook his head, “You didn’t hurt me, Keaton. I feel like I’ve failed a pack member and my brother. I should’ve seen what she was doing. I’m the Alpha and your brother. I walk a fine line as her Alpha, but I am also your brother. I love you, and I wouldn't change a damn thing about you. Are we clear?” I nodded. He flashed over and hugged me. My dad hugged me next. I pulled back, “I really do need to get going…I told Katie I’d come over.” Emmett nodded, “Go. We’ll talk more later.” I flashed out of the house. I sighed when I got into my truck. Deconstructing an entire way of thinking would be hard, but I didn’t want to hurt my family. I backed out of the drive and headed towards Odette’s. I was excited to figure out what was waiting for me there. The Daniels men know some secrets. Is Channing right? Is Lisa letting things out in the hopes of keeping Odette and Keaton apart? Will Keith banish Lisa when he graduates? Is Tatum really a dog? What's happening? ;)
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