There's Something Pt. 3

1298 Words
I said, “Well, this is good, right? She’s helping them. She's on your side. That’s all good.” Immy sighed, “It’s really good. Who knows? Maybe it will be resolved by prom.” I said, “Well, if it’s not you’ll be my date.” Immy laughed, “No, it’s ok. I’ll third wheel it with our crew. I wouldn’t want to take you from Keaton.” I smiled, “We’d love to have you with us. Why don’t you go see Sean? Tell him you got your dress. You can sneak out to see him like you did at Courtwarming.” Immy smiled, “Yes, I can.” I said, “Or maybe Haley will solve the issues by prom.” Immy sighed, “She’d have to take it to her brother, and Sean and his siblings don’t know if they are ready for that step. They are scared.” I frowned, “Why? What’s her brother going to do? Take the law into his hands and go all Hatfield and McCoy on them?” Immy frowned, “Haley says no.” I laughed, “Then Haley is probably right, and everyone else is being weird.” Immy whispered, “I hope so.” Immy said, “So, what do you want for your birthday? It’s at the end of May, and I need time to get you the perfect present.” I snored, “My birthday is May 1st.” Immy gasped, “What? Your application had it at the end of May. Your birthday is in two weeks?” I said, “Must have been a typo. Don’t worry about it. My brother always got me a present when he saw me. My mom made sure he was with his dad on my actual birthday. It’s just another day to me. Nothing special.” Immy frowned, “But it’s your birthday.” I snorted, “It’s still just another day. No need to make a big deal about it. Now, go see Sean.” She sighed but nodded. I wandered around and ended up buying a hamburger for my rabies wolf. I went to where I always saw him and left it. I yelled, “I hope you’re doing ok, rabies wolf!” Someone cleared their throat. I screamed and whirled around. I put a hand on my chest yelling, “JAG!” He laughed, “It’s not my fault you’re unobservant.” I said, “I am very observant.” Jag smiled, “So I see.” He sat down by me. I said, “We probably shouldn’t stay.” Jag said, “I’m sure the wolf isn’t going to come by for a bit. We are fine.” I retorted, “You don’t know my rabies wolf. He could be around.” Jag growled then shook himself. He said, “Maybe you should call him something else.” I shrugged, “It’s what I call him. What else would I say?” Jag said, “Maybe Rolfe.” I snorted, “Rolfe the wolf? It does start with an R.” I thought about it, “Fine, I’ll call him Rolfe.” Jag sighed, “Thank you.” I laughed, “Why would you thank me? I haven’t seen you around lately.” Jag said, “I just….appreciate you naming the wolf.” I shrugged, “You named him. Where have you been?” Jag smiled, “You’re a hard lady to get a hold of lately. You’ve got extra people on you. I like the steps your boyfriend is taking to protect you.” I smiled, “Well, maybe if you’d like to come out of the shadows; I’ll introduce you.” Jag smiled sadly, “Maybe one day that will be possible. For now, though, I’ll stay in the shadows.” I asked, “Is that Haley lady helping you like she is Sean and his siblings?” Jag laughed, “I’m not like them. I’d need her husband to help me. Actually, having her on my side would sway everyone to mine. I’m just not in the same situation Sean is. I’m happy for him though. They’ve lived in the shadows so long it’s scary for them to think of being otherwise. Then there’s their own family to consider. If they come out into the light with their rival family their family also knows where they are.” I said, “They could change their name. I’d know.” Jag smiled, “Something to consider.” I nudged his shoulder, “Maybe even for yourself.” He smiled, “Maybe someday. You should get back. I’m sure your boyfriend is losing it after you and Immy ditched the guys he had on you at the mall.” I snorted, “He’s not here right now so….” Jag smirked, “He’s back and he’s looking for you. The guys that were following you and Immy are in big trouble.” I frowned, “No, he would’ve called me….” I dug in my purse for my phone. I winced, “It’s dead.” Jag smiled, “I’m sure he’ll be laid back by the time you get back.” I shoved him playfully, “See you later, Jag.” I yelled, “BYE ROLFE! Enjoy the burger!” I took off running. I made it back to my apartment in record time. Ken sighed in relief. He asked, “Where did you go?” I said, “On a walk.” Ken took out his phone, “She’s here.” I asked, “Who is that?” Keaton growled, “I’m on the way.” Ken put his phone up. I smiled, “Key’s back?” Ken snorted, “Yeah, yeah he is.” I squealed, “YAY!” I ran up the stairs. I walked into my apartment and found my prom dress hanging up. I grabbed it and put it in the closet. I said, “Immy, you just have your ways. I’d forgotten about the dress.” Which was insane. It cost a lot of money. The door slammed open. I smiled, “You got a key….” I was cut off by his lips aggressively on mine. I moaned, “Keaton.” He growled, “Where the hell were you?” I couldn't even answer because his lips were against mine. When he stepped back I asked, “Is everything ok? I mean your friend's wife and…” Keaton growled, “She’s fine. I thought…god I thought he got you.” He pulled me against him. I whispered, “My phone died and Immy and I just needed a minute…” He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed. He spanked my butt. He said, “You’re in trouble now, mate.” I snorted, “Are you Australian now? Those accents are hot.” He spanked me again. I giggled, “Ohhh now Channing is mad. Is Channing Australian? G’day mate.” Keaton growled and threw me onto the bed. He said, “You’re in for it now!” I smiled, “Bring it on, Channing.” I winked at him as he jumped on me. Ohhhh what are Keaton and Channing going to do. Haley knows about Immy and Sean. She's even met him. Who do we think will flip out when they find that out? I feel like there is a long list. Who is on yours? Do we think she went without Blade? Or did Blade meet him too? Is Haley going to go on a rant about dress codes? Do we feel bad for the guys were guarding Odette? Do we think Keaton was nice? Or is he his father's son? Evidence points to that ;)
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