There's Something Pt. 2

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Grandpa Alon winced, “I failed my only daughter. I wanted to make everything up to her. We had a few bad years. Just a few. My second chance so….I mean my second wife; I didn’t realize she’d been abused. I didn’t realize the cycle that was forming in my home. Noxus realized what was going on. He saved her, not me. I’m her father. I’m supposed to save her. I took Morosa away for therapy. I came back for the wedding day. Morosa stayed away because she knew Morgana wouldn’t want her here. Morosa feels like this is her fault for returning. I just don’t understand. I asked Morgana if it was ok, and she said it was fine. So many years had passed. I was a fool to think we could all just move on.” He ran a hand through his hair, “I’m her dad. It’s my job to protect her.” I shrugged, “I wouldn’t know. I don’t have a dad.” He winced, “You do. You have two. Noxus and one who doesn’t know about you.” I admitted, “That’s the going theory. There’s a chance he does know and doesn’t want me. For a long time, I thought there was something fundamentally unlovable about me. Lux left and never looked back. I was shuffled around, and when someone finally paid attention to me; I let myself fall into an abusive relationship. Just what you and my mother wanted.” Grandpa Alon interrupted, “I don’t. I said things I didn’t mean. I feel like a failure as a father.” I studied him. I almost believed him. I think if I hadn’t started talking to Caspian and my brothers, if I hadn't felt accepted by someone…loved by someone…I’d have fallen for that speech. I stood, “I don’t believe you.” He looked like I’d slapped him. I said, “You still want to save my mom. Maybe you regret that I heard you and your plans, but I don’t believe you. I don’t trust you, and maybe my brothers do because they grew up with you. I tend to believe people these days when they show me who they are. I’ve been naive long enough. I’ll just ask that you let me be happy. I’m not trying to come here and ruin whatever fantasy you have of reunited with your daughter. I’m sorry that grandma rejected you or whatever. You could just say divorced you. Letting people believe she was dead is kind of rude. I just don’t believe that you miraculously changed your view on me. There’s a chance you are genuine, but there’s a very large part of me that believes you want my trust so you can hand me over to Luke. You don’t know me, and you made it clear you don’t want to.” Grandpa Alon stood, “Odette, please….” I asked, “Please, what? Let you explain? Explain how my entire life all people have wanted is to use me for some mob war purpose. Yeah, I got that.” Grandpa Alon disagreed, “Yes and no. I think Morgana plans to use you to get what she wants, then she’d be her happy self again.” I nodded, “Ah, there it is. You want to help her with her plan because of what you believe will happen. You want to hand me over so she gets what she wants, I’m rescued, and everyone lives happily ever after. Except me. Because I don’t live in a fairy tale. I live in the real world where your precious happy daughter has neglected and abused me. She’s allowed me to be locked up and terrified. She doesn’t care that Luke is stalking me, but then again neither do you. You just think you’ll have this happy ever after situation here. Let me tell you, there’s no happy ever after with my mom. She takes and she takes. Maybe she was this happy woman in those pictures once, but she hasn’t been. I probably would’ve died when I was little if my brother didn’t take care of me.” A knock at the door stopped my tirade. Noxus was there. He asked, “What’s going on here?” Grandpa Alon said, “A difference of opinion. She doesn’t trust me.” Noxus laughed, “Then she’s a smart girl.” My jaw dropped. Grandpa turned, “Noxus….” Noxus said, “I of all people know your guilt in the situation with Morgana. It was so long ago, Alon. You have to stop punishing yourself. My sons have had enough betrayal from their mother. Have your thoughts and ideas but keep them to that Alon. You enact a single plan, and you’ll go against me. She’s my daughter.” He pointed at me. He said, “We will find her biological father, then you’ll have us both to contend with.” Grandpa Alon said, “What if she agreed?” I snorted, “She who? Agreed to what?” Grandpa Alon explained, “I think we should discuss an option where you willingly go to Luke.” I snorted, “And there it is.” Sassy was now practically depressed. Noxus hissed, “ALON!” Grandpa said, “Hear me out. We get her inside, and we go in. She won’t even be there an hour. We could save Delana and Odette.” Now I did feel bad. Delana needed to get out of there. Noxus snorted, “We can’t get there in an hour.” Grandpa Alon frowned, “But she could be out shortly.” Noxus yelled, “OUT of the question.” Grandpa Alon argued, “It’s the best way.” Noxus disagreed, “It’s not the best way. You have no guarantee they won’t hurt her. Or that Luke won’t rape her. You’re not handing over my daughter or guilting her into thinking this is the best way.” Noxus turned to me, “Delana is ok. She was raised in this life. She’s a fighter. I’ve met her. She’s her mother’s daughter through and through. Delana would not want you there, I promise you that, Odette. We will get her out, that’s not on you. This is not your fight. You are not a pawn.” I smiled, “Chess? I studied chess. It’s easy to play by yourself and I was a lot.” Noxus said, “Good. Then you’ll understand. You are not a pawn, you’re the queen. No one deserves what would happen to you if you gave yourself up.” Grandpa Alon argued, “Sometimes you do what you have to do for the greater good.” Noxus asked, “She is SIXTEEN years old, Alon! SIXTEEN! Do you want her to be beaten and raped? Do you want her to have to decide what to do if she gets pregnant? Do you want to put her song through that? Even if she wasn’t sixteen the answer would be no. Not my child. Not while there is breath in my lungs. I’m sorry for the pain you are in, Alon. I’m sorry you can’t forgive yourself, but Morgana’s choices aren’t on you.” I snorted, “He’s the one who lied about getting divorced. I think he’s a lot like my mom. She always said she was cunning. He seems just like her.” Noxus frowned, “Divorce?” I snorted, “His first wife is alive.” Noxus snorted, “I can’t believe he told you that.” Grandpa Alon asked, “You knew?” Noxus said, “Of course I did. You know who I used to be here. I knew a lot of things.” I laughed, “Then my mom knows. You got out manipulated by your daughter.” Grandpa Alon looked rather pale. Caspian walked in. He asked, “What’s going on? Dad, you never come in here.” I felt myself being pulled. I said, “Well, I look forward to hearing how it was explained. Email me Caspian.” I was pulled away. I woke up to Keaton gently waking me up. He said, “We are about to land.” I smiled. He asked, “What happened? You seem upset.” I sighed, “Oh ya know, just the usual family subconscious drama. Your grandpa seems great. Of course, my subconscious comes up with a grandpa who is a dick.” Keaton snorted. I asked, “What about your other grandpa?” Keaton told me, “My mom’s dad was murdered when she was a child.” I gasped, “I’m so sorry.” Keaton shrugged, “I never met him. My great uncle Jordan tells me stories though.” I rubbed his back as he led me back to our seats. When we landed Keaton took me to my apartment. Ken was waiting with two of his brothers. Keaton saw me up to my apartment. He kissed me. He said, “I’ll go find out what’s going on.” I hugged him, “Please be safe.” Keaton smiled, “I will be. If you need anything Ken’s brother Kevin will be in the hallway.” I quickly assured him, “That’s not necessary.” Keaton disagreed, “It is.” He gave me a kiss and left. I grumbled, “Luke is trying to ruin my life.” I still couldn’t believe that he’d had a hand in killing his own child. I knew he was convincing. I had fallen for all his words too. Hopefully, Delana's eyes are open now. I knew he was awful, and I still believed him when he said he had nothing to do with it. I needed a distraction. I went into my room with my computer and fired up my laptop. I opened my email and clicked the first one. Odette, We didn’t get to talk when I last saw you. I’m sure you have questions about why I didn’t let everyone know you were visiting. I don’t want you to think I wanted that conversation to hurt you, I don’t. I just don’t want you to be fooled by a false face. Alon is a good man. Unfortunately, he’s guilt ridden and he doesn’t understand that Morgana is lost to us. I grew up with your mom. She was a good person. I’m sure you rolled your eyes there, but she was. She was a happy loving child, but Alon missed the change. He thinks it was his finding happiness after her mother then how their relationship was. He makes it seem like it was a long time. I’m not going to downplay what happened to your mom. I’m also not going to make it out like it was this travesty everyone gives Morgana a pass on. It was three weeks before Noxus came into your mom’s life and realized that old ways were still enforced elsewhere. Three weeks was enough for some trauma. I’m not saying it’s not. I’m saying your mother saw the way everyone treated her and let her get away with whatever she wanted. It became her crux. I think she was over it within a few months. She just saw her dad giving her whatever she wanted. He used to be strict with her. Everyone bowed to whatever she wanted and she loved it. Then she met someone. She told me it changed everything for her. I found that odd, but I saw her slowly change over time. Change is never something overnight, is it? I thought after she had Caspian everything had gone back to normal, but I saw her manipulations still present. Serenity saw her for who she was too. Noxus’ love for her kept her around. I don’t want you to think she didn’t love him and your brothers. She did. I still think she does. She just didn’t like when her age old excuse of why she did something led to consequences. She did NOT like Caspian telling her no, and that she did something wrong. I’m sure after decades of never hearing you were wrong or the word no it was hard to hear it again. Noxus telling her she was wrong….The look on her face. It’s etched into my brain. I think about it a lot these days. She never expected it. Never expected him to say in front of others she was wrong without making an excuse for her. Everyone always excused her actions. This one was just too far out there for anyone to agree. I have theories, but I can’t really share them. Serenity and I think Alon has been in contact with Morgana. I hope I’m wrong. I hope she didn’t tell him her plans or about your or your brother. I can’t rule it out though, and I don’t want you to. As a group, we are good with our words. We are good at drawing people in and captivating them. You met Luke, so I’m sure you know. He’s captivating. We are a bit like magicians distracting you on your left as the trick happens on your right. I’m not saying never have a relationship with Alon. I’m saying be cautious. I’m genuinely sorry if that conversation hurt you. I just wanted you to have one situation where your eyes are open. You might be at an advantage where most aren’t about blind spots with family. I just worry because I know you want one. Maybe Morgana’s walling you off has made you realize family can betray you. I learned the hard way. Gosh, this might not be coming out right. Alon might not betray you. I just don’t want you to jump into trusting him if he apologizes. Let him prove himself. Lux is watching him in case he does know where you are. We’ll follow him and get to you. Be safe Odette, and if you ever need anything you come back to our office. We will protect you and bring you home. Beatrice I sat back. A small part of me wanted to go get on a bus and run to her. The larger part would miss Keaton. I couldn’t just leave him and go where my family was. I needed him, but I needed them. They appeared to be in the middle of some mob war though. The scary part was I didn’t know if they knew who they could trust. If grandpa was on mom’s side then…. I shook myself. Noxus didn’t seem to buy what Alon was selling. Caspian seemed very savvy. Actually, all my brothers seemed annoyed with Alon. I had to trust they knew what they were doing. The question was…What was I going to do? Was I going to run to Beatrice and my brothers? Or was I going to stay and defend myself from Luke with Keaton? Ultimately, it came down to wanting to be with my brothers but not being able to leave Keaton. Plus, I was worried if I showed up where they were and grandpa Alon betrayed them to hand me over they might not get over it. Mom’s actions genuinely seemed to bother them. To me, she was never great. She’s always been neglectful and abusive. To them, she was loving. She was their mother. I couldn't take someone else from them. They gave me everything I’d be longing for, and I could repay them by having another person betray them. I went to bed. When I woke up Keaton was sitting on the foot of my bed. I asked, “Key?” He turned and caged me between his arms. He told me, “I won’t lose you. I won’t let anyone hurt you. You’re mine. You are who I want to wake up to in the morning. I want to see your sweet smile. I want to talk to you about anything and everything. I want to know everything about you. I want to give you your dreams. I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. I want beautiful little blond haired babies running around.” I giggled somewhat shocked. Keaton rubbed my cheek with his thumb. He said, “I want to hear that giggle. I want to see that light in your eyes. I want you, Odette.” I smiled, “I want you too.” Keaton asked, “What’s your full name?” I snorted, “My mom didn’t give me one. I’m just Odette.” Keaton said, “I’m sorry.” I shrugged, “I get a lot of new last names. I just don’t know what mine should be. Maybe one day, I’ll meet my dad and he can tell me.” Keaton whispered, “I’ll help you if you want. My dad has a facility that does DNA testing. Maybe we could find him that way.” I smiled, “Maybe. Let’s get through your senior year though. If my mom comes back and wants to move, we will have to find him.” Keaton asked, “What’s stopping you?” I whispered, “What if he doesn’t want me? It would kill me if both of my parents don't want me. Or if he just wants to use me as a pawn. Everything’s just so confusing right now. I keep getting these headaches. I feel like I'm on the brink of knowing something then it just goes away. Or I lock it away for future thought. Everything is just so confusing right now. Except for you. What I feel for you is scary and all encompassing. You are my reason for staying here. I love you, Key.” He slowly kissed me and clothes slowly were taken off. Everything between us was so tender. It was crazy, but I knew I wanted this for the rest of my life. I might only be sixteen, but Keaton Daniels was it for me. I was head over heels, and that was never going to change. We were going to make through everything that was crazy in our lives because we had each other. We never talked about what happened to the guy who broke into their house. I noticed there were a lot more people around me lately. Sassy never hissed though, so I figured they were ok. School had gotten back to normal. Then April hit. I was with Keaton getting a driving lesson. I was getting really good. He stiffened, “We have to go. Let me drive.” I stuttered, “Umm…ok.” I slid over and he was driving before I had my seatbelt on. I asked, “Keaton, is everything ok?” He said, “Yes.” I frowned, “Don’t lie to me.” Keaton sighed, “There’s a situation. I don’t want to lie so I’ll loosely explain. You remember me talking about Alexander Conners?” I nodded. Oh no. Did something happen to him? Keaton explained, “His wife…knowingly walked into a dangerous situation. We are going to bring her home.” I asked, “Someone is holding her hostage?” He nodded. I tried to put some lightheadedness in the conversation teasing, “I hope it’s not my friend. She’s been in love with him for a while.” Keaton laughed, “It’s definitely not your friend. I’ll keep an eye out though.” I smiled, “You never met my friend.” Keaton commented, “You never told me where you met your friend.” I was about to answer when Ken opened my door. I hadn’t even realized we’d gotten to my place. Ken said, “I’ve got her. Go, Keaton.” Keaton leaned over and kissed me. He said, “Stay safe.” I laughed, “I’m pretty sure you haven’t given me the option. I’ve noticed I seem to have security.” Keaton smiled, “I might have done that.” Sassy was sadly humming her tune. I whispered, “Please be safe, Key.” He smiled, “I’ll be fine.” He looked excited. I got out of his truck and watched him drive away. Ken asked, “Are you alright?” I whispered, “I should be with him.” Ken said, “Maybe in time. He’ll be alright.” I said, “I’m going inside.” I ran upstairs and turned on the TV I looked for anything on the news. The Conners seemed to be a big family. This has to be news, but I couldn’t find anything about it. I waited for news. I waited for Keaton. Then a knock came at my door. I ran and opened it. Immy smiled, “I thought you could use a distraction. We are going shopping.” I asked, “For what?” Immy smiled, “Prom dresses.” I laughed, “Have you been asked? I haven’t.” Immy waved her hands, “Formalities. If Keaton doesn’t ask you then we can go together. He’ll ask though. Come on.” She grabbed my hand and led me downstairs. There was a guy waiting in an SUV. I asked, “So, you didn’t go with Key?” Immy snorted, “Daddy Matt would never let me do anything remotely dangerous. I’m tired of waiting for news so we are shopping.” She held up a card. She said, “Your dress is on Daddy Matt and Daddy Ted.” I said, “I couldn’t possibly do that…” Immy snorted, “It’s the least they can do keeping me on the sidelines. I’m awesome. I work with Haley all the time. I’m great. Trixie and Farrin say so. Even Auntie Drisellena.” I snorted, “Is your aunt a villain in a Disney movie?” We both started laughing. We got to the mall and got out. Immy smiled, “We are getting May’s dress too. She has had her eye on it. She sent me her size and everything. It’s a beautiful yellow dress. Daddy Matt is paying for it too. I’m sure her dad will pay him back, but it will be an inconvenience!” I snorted, “You are diabolical.” She snorted, “This is nothing. This is the tip of the iceberg. I’m starting with this. The pranks they are coming back to…will make them regret leaving me behind.” I gave her a hug because I was pretty sure she needed it. We walked into a dress store where we were instantly asked what we wanted. Immy showed them May’s yellow dress and told them her size. They quickly got it and then told us to look around. I saw one dress that I kept coming back to. Immy snorted, “Try it on.” I told her, “I couldn’t…” She grabbed it. I said, “I can’t afford that dress, or this store.” Immy snorted, “The price is not a factor.” I asked, “Let me guess your dad owns this store.” She laughed, “Oh no. Elise Conners owns this store. I am actually using my dad’s car for everything we do today. So, try this dress on you’re salivating over.” She pushed me into the dressing room. I felt the dress. It was a light teal but the top to the waist looked like a butterfly. It has spaghetti straps, cut outs, and a slit up to the mid-thigh. I put it on and look at myself. I jumped up and down trying to get the zipper on. Finally, I gave up. I yelled, “Immy, I can’t zip it up.” She giggled, “Well, get on out here and I’ll help you.” I walked out. Immy squealed, “Oh my god! LOOK AT YOU! You’re so hot! Even without it zipped. This is it. This is your prom dress.” I laughed, “At least I have it a month early.” Immy said, “Turn around, turn around.” She squealed as she zipped up the dress. I asked, “Won’t this get dress code violated?” Immy snorted, “Please. No one would dare. You’re dating Keaton Daniels. Plus, we’d just have to tell Haley Conners there’s a dress code to violate.” I frowned, “Huh?” Immy smiled, “The dress code violations are about distracting boys. If Haley Conners found that out, she’d have a hay day.” I laughed, “So long as I got to hear her argument.” Immy smiled, “I bet she’d say if the boys couldn’t handle our clothes they should go home. In very colorful language.” She paused. I smiled, “I think I would like her.” Immy smiled, “She’s great. She’s actually helping me.” I asked, “With what?” Immy looked around then said, “Too many ears.” I frowned, “Huh?” I looked around and saw several big guys. I said, “Ok, well we picked my dress. Let’s get yours.” She looked sad, “Ok.” We hit the racks. She was turning down dresses. Finally, I said, “Ok, go to the dressing room, and I’ll bring you a pretty, sparkly, expensive dress for you.” She squealed, “YES! Thank you.” I went through the racks and found a sparkly pink technically one piece dress. It was one shoulder with a big cut out on one side and a mid-thigh slit. I smiled, “It screams Immy.” I took it to the dressing room. She grabbed it and then squealed. She said, “Ok, we should absolutely be each other’s dates. Forget boys! We are so hot!” She came out. I said, “Wow! You look amazing.” She smiled, “Don’t I? Seriously, be my date.” I laughed, “Doesn’t someone else want to be your date?” She sighed, “We can’t….let’s talk later.” I nodded, “Too many ears.” She needed girl time. Once we made our purchases we went to eat. We got ice cream first because Immy said it was necessary. We were having fun when Lisa walked up. She sneered, “Oh, look two rejects. Now you two are a perfect pair.” I said, “You look very much alone today. They do say evil can’t travel in pairs.” Lisa growled, “Go back to where you came from. No one wants you here.” Immy snorted, “You don’t want her here. The rest of us love her.” I told Immy, “I got this. I have it on good authority she’s going to run screaming.” Lisa snorted, “As if…” I began to hum the song Caspian told me to. Lisa gasped and shrank back from me. She began to pale then ran away. Immy said, “Oh my god! You can hum and she runs away?! Do it again. I’m going to memorize that and pass it around the pac….our friend group.” I laughed and taught it to her. Eventually, I could tell she was holding back. I grabbed two hats and wigs. I pulled her into a dressing room right after two girls with the same hair color. I handed them to her. She didn’t ask questions. We switched clothes wordlessly then walked out with our heads down. Immy navigated the back entrance to the mall. Immy said, “Run!” We took off for the woods. I laughed with her as we ran. When we stopped I asked, “What is going on? Why are you so sad?” Immy smiled, “I miss Sean. I haven’t gotten to see him for a few days. I want to be able to go to prom with him, but it’s not possible.” I asked, “Why not? I mean your dad’s seem super awesome. They would probably understand. You said your siblings mom is yours too.” Immy sighed, “Momma Joanie is the best. I think I could tell her, but….Right now only a few people know.” I said, “Moi of course.” Immy laughed, “Yes, you.” I thought over what she said. I said, “Oh my god, Haley is helping you.” Immy blushed, “I didn’t say that.” I clapped, “Yes! She is. What is she doing?” Immy sighed, “It's complicated. I shouldn't have involved her, but she’s…..she means a lot to me. She’s always helped me, and I’ve always looked up to her.” I asked, “Why shouldn’t you have involved her?” Immy sighed, “The thing….that’s…it’s bad blood with her family and Sean’s. She’s helping us and keeping it a secret. It’s going to blow up in her face. I feel awful, but I need Sean. She met him, and he really does just want me. Haley likes him. She’s helping his siblings. They don’t want to involve more people right now. They are afraid.” That was fair.
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