Stronger With Me Pt. 1

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Keaton ran inside. Jules nodded to me and I quickly pulled Odette into my arms. It was pretty easy to get around her questions. Almost too easy. Luke was coming into her dreams?! Giz and I were going to have a friendly chat. Channing snarled, “You be friendly. I’ll threaten him.” I snorted, “I was being sarcastic. He’s going to piss his pants before our chat ends.” Channing replied, “Good.” Odette left to go pack. I told JJ, “You call your brother or mine and tell him to have Rya’s warlock friend there when we land. He’s invading her dreams! They are supposed to be helping us protect her! They need to do a better job or I’ll let Channing have them. Then I’ll dress in my Silver Blade gear and slaughter the rest of them!” Jules said, “And how is it we are still calling this girl your girlfriend?” I growled, “She is my girlfriend.” JJ snorted, “She’s much more and we all know it. Come on, tell your cousin the truth.” I said, “I need to go make sure she’s ok.” JJ snorted, “Uh huh. I hear you saying girlfriend but I read between the lines. She’s your string. Go on, deny it.” I didn’t say anything and walked off. JJ yelled, “That right there answers the question, cousin.” I didn’t care. All that mattered was Odette. Her hands were shaking which infuriated me. She teased about her brother killing the guy. She had no idea how right she was. Her brother would kill Luke and this guy for her. Supernatural's had our own rules. We protected our own. No matter what that looked like. We were out of the house in ten minutes. Slower than we would’ve liked, but we couldn’t flash around right now. Odette already had to question how I jumped out of the window and landed. JJ handed me a drink on the plane. I grabbed Odette. When she fell asleep, I texted JJ to come back. He and Jules flashed in. I asked Jules, “What did she say? Did she see me jump out the window?” Jules snorted, “Yes, she did. She thinks you’re a superhero. She seemed to want to buy my excuse that you guys always did that growing up.” JJ said, “Because we did.” Jules rolled her eyes, “Human sensibilities. Kind of. No human would’ve accepted as fast as she did.” I thought about it, “It’s probably the spell on her. She doesn’t want to think too hard about it. She’s magically conditioned to let explanations make sense to her.” JJ asked, “What do we do about her dreams?” I snarled, “He’s not a damn warlock that’s more powerful than Rya’s friends. They should be able to protect her from that. If they can’t then I’ll kick their ass and pull in the Bishops. I will not leave her unprotected and vulnerable to that piece of dead s**t!” Jules said, “Ohhh, now we are killing him.” I snorted, “He’s been dead since I found out about him. He’s just digging his grave. Leaving me notes and now this s**t. Luke is not long for this earth.” JJ looked at Jules. She inclined her head. JJ sighed, “Ok, I’ll ask him. Notes?” I nodded, “Yes, notes.” JJ asked, “Are you going to expand on that?” I shook my head, “No, he’s got to have someone in our area. They are following her. I need you to talk to Joe. I want someone on her.” Jules offered, “I could do it. I like her. Plus, she thinks she has this song that will scare Lisa Kipner. I have to see if it works. I mean I’m pretty sure it will.” I asked, “Why?” Jules said, “I need more information. Why, what? Why do I want to see Lisa Kipner scared over a song? Well, because I loathe her. She’s a b***h and she needs to be taken down several pegs. Why do I want to guard Odette? I like her, and I like her for you. Why do I think her song will scare Lisa? Because Odette’s brother told her about it. Unlike her, he seems to know about the supernatural so I’m certain he’s right.” I sighed, “He’s definitely right. Did she give you any clues to what they are?” Jules shook her head, “Sadly, no.” I groaned, “Great. Maybe Clara has narrowed down her list.” JJ said, “We will keep your string safe, cousin.” I looked at Odette. I whispered, “I can’t lose her.” JJ clapped, “AH HA!” I growled, “QUIET!” JJ said, “I’m taking that as confirmation. It was confirmed, Jules. She’s his string. I mean we knew, but that right there…It was confirmed without words. I’m the master of answers.” She laughed and ushered him out of the room. When Odette woke up she talked as if she was talking to her family. I linked Clara, “Add to your search what supernatural can talk to their family when they are sleeping.” Clara snorted, “Yeah, I haven’t found that with any of them. Safe to say the lore isn’t correct about whatever she is.” Fabulous. Her grandpa was on my s**t list when we found them because god damn it I was going to find them. Somehow. After we landed I got her to her apartment. Kincade must have sent all his brothers except himself. He was probably with the prisoner. Ken linked me, “Yes, all my brothers except Kincade are here. Kyler is in the apartment next to hers. We will hear if anything happens. We’ve got this. You go do what you need to.” I replied, “Thank you, Ken.” He smirked, “Anytime, kid. I like her, your mate.” I replied, “She’s…” Ken snorted, “Your girlfriend. I got it. I still like her.” Good. I left and made it back to the pack in record time. I slammed out of my truck. Lisa ran over, “Keaton….I heard you were attacked on vacation! I mean you should know better than to go out on your own. You shouldn’t even be with that girl! I’m sure someone else will find her.” I snarled, “Get the f**k away from me. Katie is fine. The gossip mill got that wrong. I was the one who caught the guy. I’m perfectly capable but thank you for your confidence in me. It’s a good thing I won’t be your alpha when I take over my pack after graduation since you have no faith in me.” She gasped, “What? She’s… fine?!” I growled and Channing took over. He said, “Let Lady out, NOW!” Lady came forward. He asked, “What do you know?” Lady cried, “I…I don’t know. I’ve been so tired lately. I’m….confused. I know she heard that Katie was kidnapped. She’s not upset about it like she should be. She just wants you and Keaton.” Channing softened his tone, “Lady….” She cried, “Kreed and Torque deserve better, but seeing them is hard. I wanted my mate. I did, Channing. Torque is so happy with Annie and….my human ruined everything. Then I think Torque and Annie make sense. I don’t know anymore. I just want to sleep.” Channing let her go. I was furious. I linked Emmett, “Get out here.” Emmett said, “Uhh, ok.” Lisa started to talk. I snarled, “SHUT UP!” Emmett and Alexandria came outside. I snarled, “Get Haley to recommend a therapist for Lady. She’s depressed and Lisa isn’t doing anything to help her wolf.” Lisa gasped, “She’s not depressed!” I snarled, “She just TOLD Channing she’s struggling seeing Kreed and Torque around. She’s sleeping all the time and missing whatever is going on. She doesn’t want to engage. When was the last time you shifted?” Lisa flustered, “That’s none of your business.” Alexandria spoke, “But it is mine. When did you last shift?” Lisa gritted her teeth. Emmett snarled. Lisa admitted, “After Kreed accepted our rejection.” My eyes went wide. I yelled, “HOW DARE YOU!” Alexandria grabbed my arm. She said, “I’ve got this. Storm will talk to Lady. We will get her help if that’s what she needs.” Lisa growled, “You can’t make me!” Alexandria got her in her face. She growled, “First of all, I am your Luna. I CAN make you. Second of all, I’m an Alpha too, something you might want to remember. Third, I shouldn’t have to force you to want to help your wolf. She’s your other half. You had to know she was depressed. You just don’t care. That’s unacceptable. You shape up and fix your wolf, or I will petition Haley to take Lady and give her to someone deserving.” Lisa gasped, “You can’t!” Alexandria’s eyes flashed. Storm came forward, “I can and I will. I am Lady’s Luna too. You’re hurting her, and you don’t care! She deserves better. I am giving you the chance to fix it, but I will NOT have a wolf in this type of pain in my pack.” Lisa looked down, “Ok, I’ll work on this with Lady.” Alexandria snorted, “I’m not going to take your word for it. We’ll get someone who works with wolves. I’ll bring them here at our expense. Get back to your house and stay there. Consider yourself on house arrest until I have someone here who can help with Lady.” Lisa yelled, “That’s not fair!” Alexandria’s voice boomed, “LIFE ISN’T FAIR! I am so SICK of your bullshit! I can’t take this ANYMORE! You’re messing with my mate…” Emmett said, “Jellybean…” Alexandria snarled, “No! She has hurt you and Keaton. She’s hurt this whole family, and I’m tired of it. I consult other Luna’s in our allied packs outside this state when there’s anything to do with her so I don’t have bias. Because I want to be a good and fair leader. Now, I’m done. This is MY decision. House arrest. Take her.” I looked to see Killian Farmer waiting with two other warriors. He said, “Of course, Luna. Are we doing this the easy way or the hard way, Lisa.” She snarled, “You just hate me because of your brother.” Killian said, “I hate what you did to my brother. I’m thrilled you rejected him because now he’s with Annie. I would’ve had to avoid the family on all the holidays because I wouldn't have been able to sit at the same table as you and be civil. My mom has rules about sitting at the table with civility. So, actually happy you are a selfish b***h. Let’s go.” She walked off with them. She linked me, “Please, talk to Alexandria.” I replied, “It’s Luna Alexandria to you. Lady needs help. I can’t believe you haven’t tried to help her.” Lisa’s voice softened, “I thought she was just tired. You hear that rejection can take it out of a wolf.” I replied, “Then why did you do it? Can you think of anyone but yourself?” Lisa retorted, “Come on. Everyone in this pack knows Kreed and I are not a match. It was always Annie for him. Just like it’s always you for me.” I replied, “It’s not me for you, but I’ll give you Annie and Kreed. If you had done it for him, I’d have some sympathy for you. We both know you did it for the reasons you stated the day he accepted. Because he will be a lead warrior and not an Alpha.” I shut off our link. Emmett said, “Jellybean….” I couldn’t help but smile. Emmett was always carrying around jellybeans because Alexandria loved them. I guess he’d been calling her that since before I was born.” Emmett handed her a few jellybeans. She glared at him but took them. She said, “I’m right.” He smiled, “Of course you are. It was hot.” I fake gagged. Alexandria laughed, “Go deal with your prisoner.” I growled, “Gladly. Right after I deal with a warlock.” Emmett sighed. Rya came around the corner with Giz. He had the gall to smile. I grabbed him by the collar, “You protect her better, or I swear to go you’ll have no teeth. I’ll even tell Haley to charm your mouth so you can’t have dentures. She’d do it because she hates warlocks and witches. Don’t test me.” Giz tried to get out of my grip. He said, “How was I supposed to know they could get into each other’s dreams? What am I supposed to do?” I growled, “That’s what warlock’s do. I’d figure it out if I were you because my wolf wants to eat you and I just might let him. If she tells me her ex came into her dream again, I’m coming for you. I’ll knock your teeth out of your head. Do I make myself clear?” He grumbled, “Crystal.” I let him go, “Now, if you’ll excuse me I have a prisoner to eviscerate.” Emmett threw his arm around my shoulder. He said, “Let’s not kill him until we get more information.” Malachi appeared, “Yes, I want to know what they are. He obviously knows.” Clara showed up, “OHH me too!” Immy popped over, “Me too!” Clara and Malachi said, “No.” Immy pouted “But…” Malachi repeated, “No, Immy. You’re not taking part in an interrogation.” Immy frowned, “But I could help! I can read his aura. I can even set him on fire. Not like fire, fire. Just a small little spark to scare him. Come on! Katie is my friend too.” JJ asked, “Katie?” Immy turned, “Yeah, Katie is my friend.” I sent JJ a look. He said, “Uhh ok?” Malachi interjected, “We call her not Katie. We know it’s not her name though.” I shot him a look. He knew her name, I’d told him and Emmett. JJ said, “I repeat, uhh ok? What does not Katie have to do with this? I’m so confused.” I said, “I’ll explain later.” Everyone shot me a look. I shrugged. We walked into the dungeons together. Uncle Heath and my dad were interrogating the guy. He sneered, “Look who finally showed up. Luke has always hated not being able to be himself around her. Having to pretend to be human exhausted him. She’s exhausting he says. I think her level of hotness outweighs the exhaustion, particularly if you consider it’s not her fault she’s in the dark about everything.” I snarled and grabbed him by the neck. I asked, “What is your name?” He smiled, “Do you want to know what we call you?” I snorted, “I don’t give a s**t what you call me.” He answered, “Aww, but I want to tell you. We call you dead wolf walking.” Emmett ripped him from my hands. Keith showed up and yanked his shoulder out of socket. I said, “Please, this guy can’t kill me.” The guy said, “You are so not as advertised. How odd.” My dad growled, “Advertised by whom?” The guy shrugged, “I don’t know. Luke does though. You have some enemies. Not surprising since you are messing with girls that are not yours.” I snarled. Channing yelled in my head, “SHE IS OURS!” I rubbed my head, “I know that!” Channing surged forward. He demanded, “TELL ME YOUR NAME!” The guy retorted, “You first.” My teeth elongated. The guys said, “Woah, woah! I don’t eat me man. I’m Thelx.” I came forward, “What kind of name is that?” Clara asked, “What are you?” Thelx laughed, “Someone you don’t want to piss off, like your friend there.” Clara snarled, “Alpha. Keaton is my alpha.” Thelx snorted, “The way I hear it, he doesn’t act like one.” Bolt surged forward, “Stop talking about my pup like that! He IS an alpha, and he does act like one. Whoever told you otherwise was lying.” Thelx said, “Uhh, ok. You all staying in human form but having your wolves talk is creepy.” He shook himself and faced me, “You’ll never keep her. So, just back off.” Channing growled. I snorted, “Well, since you put it like that…” I trailed off as Thelx smiled. He cannot be serious. He could not think that worked. I got in his face. I grabbed his jaw in my hand and squeezed, “f**k off, Thelx. I don’t do things just because someone threatens me. In fact, it makes me want to double down.” Thelx gaped at me. He said, “You can’t be serious. What’s doubling down? She reeked of you. You’re already banging her. That’s bad enough. Let the poor girl live her short life.” I snarled. Keith asked, “Why would her life be short?” Thelx smirked, “I mean….she’s going to live long enough to give Luke a child.” Shifted and bit him in the side. Bolt pushed me off him before I tear him to pieces his side open. Bolt linked, “Shift back.” I shifted back into myself. Keith threw me shorts. Thelx was screaming his head off. He asked, “What the f**k is wrong with you?” I snarled, “ME?! You’re signing up to take my girlfriend to some guy who want to rape her and kill her; somehow I’m the one with the problem?! You won’t touch her. Do you hear me? I’ll rip you all to pieces. I won’t even shift to do it. I don’t know what you heard about me, but I could kill you with two fingers.” I pushed Emmett off him and held him up by his throat. I squeezed lightly. I said, “I could kill you like this, but that would be too easy. You will NOT take her from me.” The guy grabbed my hand, “Why? I mean…she’s hot but…” I squeezed tighter until he stopped talking. My mom put a hand on my shoulder. She said, “Keaton, let your brothers and your dad get answers.” My Uncle cleared his throat. My mom shot him an annoyed look before adding, “And your Uncle with a few cousins. Clara, Malachi, and Matt are here too. Go see not Katie.” That made me laugh. I dropped Thelx. My mom grabbed my hands, “I promise you; we will keep her safe. Ok?” I nodded. Thelx sputtered, “Damn, she’s enthralled you good.” I kicked him in the face and broke his nose. JJ grabbed me and dragged me out of the dungeons. He practically threw me in my truck. He got in the passenger side. He ordered, “Drive.” I growled, “Fine.” He said, “Ok, why are they calling her not Katie? I thought her name was Odette.” I winced, “Her name is Odette.” JJ waited for a beat then asked, “My question stands. Why are they calling her not Katie?” I sighed, “Because that’s the name she goes by here. Well, she doesn’t go by not Katie but Katie Karlton.” He blinked several times. He asked, “Is she on the run?” I shook my head, “No, her mom’s a bitch.” JJ frowned, “People who do not need to run don’t have fake names.” I pointed out, “We have fake names.” JJ responded, “For missions. We go by our real names everywhere else.” I admitted, “She might be hiding Odette from her dad. She’s definitely hiding her from Supernatural things. Her mom’s awful honestly. She had Odette on this terrible diet.” JJ said, “You don’t have to convince me. Your girlfriend lives in an apartment rented by her mom’s boyfriend. Her mom hasn’t been back since she left.” I asked, “How do you know that?” JJ snorted, “Because Joe knows that.” I didn’t need to ask why. JJ’s phone rang. He answered, “Hey…WHAT?!” I glanced at him sharply. Fairy’s being able to charm our phones was great and awful. He said, “Yeah, I got it.” He hung up. I asked, “What was that?” JJ said, “Pull over.” I growled, “Why?” He pointed, “Just pull over.” I did as he said. I parked. I asked, “What?” JJ said, “Thelx escaped.” I snarled, “WHAT?! HOW?!” JJ said, “Apparently there’s a leak in his cell which created a puddle of water.” I blinked several times. I asked, “And?!” JJ said, “And the second Emmett threw him into the cell and turned his back he dove into the water. Then he was just gone.” I asked, “What the hell type of supernatural can do that?! It was a puddle for god’s sake!” JJ said, “Apparently, it’s a very clear puddle now. Malachi started talking to himself. He and Emmett were checking something out.” I growled, “I need to run.” JJ said, “Well, let’s go.” I wasn’t worried about him keeping up. I took off into the forest and shifted. We ran several miles before I calmed down. I knew I shouldn’t be surprised I ended up at Odette’s. I waved to JJ. He told me, “I’ll bring your truck here.” I called, “Thanks, man.” I nodded to Ken and let myself into Odette’s place. I walked into her bedroom. Tears filled my eyes. I wasn’t going to lose her. She was mine. Luke couldn’t have her. What the hell could go through water like that? Water fairies turn to water, but I didn’t think she was a fairy. I linked my dad, “Did we check nearby bodies of water?” My dad answered, “All our allies did. He didn’t show up. We knew she wasn’t a water fairy though. I’m sorry, Keaton.” I snorted, “What were you supposed to do? Keep him away from puddles? We had no way of knowing. Now we know. We didn’t before. They are bold and arrogant whatever they are. We will capture another one of them.” My dad replied, “Then we will adjust our strategies. Malachi is sending out a memo.” Of course, he was. Channing linked me, “At least we didn’t tell him she was ours.” That’s true. That could’ve been bad. I didn’t need Luke knowing just how far I would go to protect Odette. He could think it was about his threats. That would make him discount me more than he was. Whatever he was, he had to know how wolves felt about their mates. He’d probably double his efforts to get her. I linked Keith, “If Luke had someone in our pack….it can’t be someone in school. Most of the school suspects Odette is my mate. Thelx didn’t know Odette was mine, and neither did Luke. They haven’t even asked if it’s possible. They seem to think I just like her because of some thrall she has. So, who the hell is their source?” Keith replied, “Could it be someone in a different pack?” I asked, “Why? Why would they talk about me?” Keith answered, “You stay out of the shadows with other packs. Maybe someone heard someone wanted information on our pack. Specifically, about you. They thought it would be an easy way to make money.” Maybe that was it, but it felt wrong. I had a thought, but I couldn’t grasp it. When I sat on the edge of the bed, Odette woke up. I loved that smile on her face. That innocent little smile she gave me. I wanted to see it every day for the rest of my life. I wanted to marry her one day. I wanted pups. I wanted it all. She was mine and Luke, he wasn’t going to get a hold of her. I linked Emmett, “That name you got from Luna Melanie. The mole that provided the supernatural council with information. Could they be providing Luke the information on me?” I didn’t know who it was, but Emmett handled it. He replied, “No, it couldn’t be that mole. I wouldn’t have someone like that in our pack. I found them a new pack, and that Alpha is watching them like a hawk. Their communications are monitored, and they are on probation. If they sold information about our pack; I’d know.” I snorted, “So, someone will take a traitor, but not Lisa. What does that say about her?” Emmett laughed, “Nothing good.” I had to agree. Everything faded away, and Odette and I lost ourselves in each other. In the following weeks, Emmett had assigned a group to follow Odette. I made sure they knew if they lost her what I’d do to them. They were terrified of me. Keith said I went overboard. I simply asked what if May needed guards. Then he was on my side. Jules was shadowing her too. It made me less jumpy. Emmett was annoyed. We thought Jag was following Odette, but we couldn't get a whiff of him. Maybe he left, finally. Channing grumbled, “And left our mate alone.” I was all for that. Emmett linked me while I was giving Odette a driving lesson, “Luna Elise just gave birth. Two future Alpha’s.” I replied, “That’s amazing!” I knew Eric would be happy and Aunt Haley. I texted him congratulations. I focused back on Odette’s lesson. She was pretty good. She was going to be able to get her license after a few more lessons. So long as she didn’t have any more high speed chases. Channing purred, “She did that for us.” She did. Emmett linked me, “The scary techy Luna has gone OFF the rails.” I replied, “What does that mean?” Emmett replied, “It means that the scary techy Luna has run off into a trap. That was actually set for the crown prince of the Hackura’s mate. Because the ring has gone INSANE.” I replied, “Prince Hastein hasn’t announced he found his mate.” I didn’t even know. Emmett snorted, “I know. I didn’t know that he had, but that isn’t going to matter to him.” I asked, “Ok, so Luna Melanie is….” Emmett said, “In the clutches of the ring. On purpose. Apparently, she has a plan. Alexander does not care for her plan. Which means the Conners do not care for her plan. Which means, we are going to war.” I looked at Odette. I asked Emmett, “Who is watching Odette?” Emmett replied, “The warriors I assigned are staying behind to watch her. Immy has some assigned to her as well. Jules is being pulled off her because she’s coming with us. The wolf shadows should be enough.” He was right. That wasn’t going to go over well with Immy though. She was perfectly capable of fighting, but I wasn’t going to wade into those waters. I was sure Joanie and my mom would say enough.
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