Was That Hard to Say Pt. 3

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Heath Scott, You are not an easy many to follow. Maybe one day I’ll explain how I did it, but it involves magic. The creepy old guy received Keaton’s message. I can’t get a lock on him, but I am trying. I gotta say, I like the letter your nephew wrote. I already liked Keaton, but now he has my respect. Let’s all keep the girl safe. Her Rabies Wolf P.S. I know you’ll show Keaton, and if he could do me a slight solid getting her to stop calling me a rabies wolf that would be great. My wolf is not a fan of the nickname. I snarled, “RABIES WOLF?! He’s following her?!” My Uncle calmly said, “You knew that.” I sat down. I did. My Uncle said, “Now, I really need a good reason not to bring your family into this note.” I said, “We can keep it between you, me, and Joe. You already knew I did those things I referenced. I’m certain Joe did. Right?” My Uncle stared at me for several moments before he answered, “Yes, we did. I think your dad knows quite a bit. I know Eric does.” I snorted, “Of course he does.” My Uncle asked, “For a while I couldn't figure out why you weren’t telling us. Then it became clear, that horrid Lisa girl. She was always tearing you down and pulling you away from us. You thought we would think you couldn't do it or something. I’m not positive if Emmett knows. I think he does, and I think it’s why he doesn’t understand why you doubt yourself sometimes. Do you even understand how impressive and reckless some of that was?” I sighed, “No, I felt useless and weak even with knowing I did all those things without anyone knowing. Well, at the time I thought no one knew. It does make sense why they don’t understand why I doubted myself when I was capable of that.” My uncle tilted his head. I looked through the information my Uncle got. I growled, “I was right. He’s hiding.” My Uncle frowned, “And unfortunately he’s doing it well.” I asked, “Where do we have him last?” Uncle Heath said, “He was last officially in Maine, but I’ve got some intel he might have been in New Mexico. That was second hand information. I’m having Isaiah see if he can’t figure out more in his spare time.” I asked, “Who said Luke was down there?” Uncle Heath replied, “There’s a pack down there that put out the word they were looking for someone who matched his description. I don’t know why or what pack yet. Isaiah is looking into it.” In his spare time. I nodded. Uncle Heath said, “I think you need to tell your family….” Interrupted, “No!” I was surprised by my vehemence and so was he. He asked, “Keaton, why?” I told him, “I can’t have them not like her. I can’t. I feel like I just got them back, and I will choose her. I can’t have them treat her how they treated Lisa. I’m still working out all the issues Lisa caused with the family. I haven’t even scratched the surface of them. I hurt a lot of people. Luke is claiming to have caused my accident. Emmett has already jumped to the worst case with Odette, and I don’t…I can’t have them blame her or tell me to stay away. She was already blaming herself. I can’t….I can’t do this again.” Uncle Heath softly said, “Emmett didn’t jump to the worst case scenario. He was being a big brother. Your dad and I didn’t get along when we met.” I startled, “You didn’t?” My Uncle laughed, “No, we didn’t. You’re old enough to know the full story. I’ll highlight it for you. Sophia was my second chance string.” I interrupted, “As in Alpha Sophia Thunders that my dad was married to so she could take over her pack? That Sophia?” Uncle Heath nodded. I whistled, “Ok, I could see why you guys didn’t get along at first.” Uncle Emmett snorted, “I didn’t like him because he was with your mom and because he was married to my string. Sophia and I were never anything. Everything worked out exactly how it was supposed to. Your Aunt Allie is my everything, and Teke is Sophia’s. At first, your dad and I only interacted to protect your mom. When we met the other side of your mom and my family….we actually bonded. It was the first time we both admitted we liked the other. I was jealous that your dad was actively trying to end his marriage for Lexi, but Sophia didn’t do the same for me. It wasn’t fair of me really. She didn’t know I knew she was my string. We just really weren’t a match. I don’t know what our goddesses were thinking honestly. My point is, I was always going to see your dad because your mom wanted him in her life. I love your mom, for most of our lives she was the only family I had. You and Emmett can’t say that, but I know Emmett would always fight to be in your life. Even if you had ended up with Lisa as a fated or chosen mate. Your mom was determined that would happen, but I know Emmett and Joe talked about it. Emmett said no matter what it wouldn’t change that you were his brother.” I wiped away tears. I told him, “I love them more than I can express.” He responded, “I know that.” I sighed, “I just want to cement my relationship with her. I’ll tell them at the end of the year. I want her at my Alpha Ceremony. Rya thinks there’s some spell on her to deny the existence of supernatural’s. I don’t want her running from me, and I don’t want to have to fight with them about her.” My Uncle sighed, “Alright. I’m telling your parents there’s a serious threat against you though. I’m not messing around with your safety. I’ll keep Odette out of it. I supposed I’ll just keep calling her not Katie to everyone else.” I snorted, “That nickname is catching on.” My Uncle smiled, “We all call her that now. I’ll just enjoy the moment I get to say I knew before everyone else when her real name comes out.” I snorted, “Great.” I left his house feeling a little light. I went home. I found Emmett in his office. He was hunched over his desk talking to Malachi. Both looked up when I knocked on the open door. Malachi said, “I’ll go.” He left the room quickly. I asked, “What’s up with him?” Emmett said, “He’s looking into a lot of things. The rogues we captured killed themselves somehow, but we know they aren’t rogues. Eric is opening an investigation into it.” I nodded and sat down. Emmett asked, “What can I do for you, little brother?” I told him, “Nothing. I just wanted to say thank you for my new truck.” Emmett said, “The truck? It’s nothing.” I disagreed, “No, it means a lot to me. You knew I saved for that truck. I didn’t let mom and dad pay for it, and I wouldn’t have wanted them to replace it. So, you did. I could’ve done it myself now that I have my own businesses with revenue. I did notice you got the truck I went back and forth with mine on.” Emmett smiled, “I do pay attention.” I flashed over and gave him a hug. I whispered, “I love you, Emmett.” Emmett hugged me back, “I love you too. We have an appointment tomorrow.” I asked, “Doing what?” Emmett smiled, “Trust exercises.” I snorted, “Alright. When?” Emmett responded, “After dinner.” I nodded, “Fair enough.” Emmett said, “You should have plenty of time to spend with not Katie.” I rolled my eyes. I went to find Clara. She was in her room with her computer out. She told me, “Luke Merrick is a college graduate supposedly. It seems fake to me. He’s from Maine also seems fake, but he definitely lived here. He also lived in Wyoming. I can’t find where he currently lives, but I think that’s intentional.” I replied, “It is. He’s hiding.” Clara said, “We’ll get him.” I nodded. We went over everything she had. I stood to leave then said, “Did I ever tell you to look into a bronze weakness?” Clara gaped at me, “Uhh no! What the hell?!” I sighed, “I’ve really got to write this stuff down.” She slapped me playfully on the back of the head. She said, “Why?” I told her about my dream. She glared at me saying, “Next time, link me while you have sexy time. I’ll look into this.” I changed the subject, “You seem wound pretty tight.” Clara sighed, “Ever since the school attack…Shara and I have been feeling odd.” Shara was her wolf. I asked, “Odd how?” She sighed, “Just tense all the time. I can’t figure it out. I’d think it was my mate, but I don’t smell anything strongly. I think I’m just on edge because it’s clear they aren’t rogues.” I nodded, “Emmett said Malachi had nailed down they weren’t.” Clara sighed, “I guess Shara and I just clicked onto that early, and now that they came after you. You’re our Alpha and our best friend.” Channing came forward, “I’m ok, Shara.” Shara came forward and they hugged. Clara and I took back over. She smiled, “You’re family to me and Shara. It’s not just being my Alpha.” I tussled her hair, “I know that. We were raised together.” She rolled her eyes and said, “Enough mushy, now get out. I research to do.” I laughed and left her alone. I went to my room to plan the best spring break for me and Odette. I couldn’t take her to the cabin I took Lisa to, but my family had a cabin on the lake. Maybe that could work out. HEATH KNOWS!!!! Why was it hard for Keaton to say? Will Keith look into Lisa's tears now that Odette pointed out it's weird to rub your snot and tears on people? What was Lisa and Odette's stare down? WHAT IS TATUM?! LOL Happy New Year Everyone!!
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