Headaches Pt. 1

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Odette was holding her breath waiting for Keaton to react. Sassy was not scared about his reaction at all. She was happily humming now that he was here. I relaxed completely when he wasn’t upset about Luke’s letter. Tatum bumped my leg. I looked down and smiled at her. She was a really good puppy. Keaton thought Luke was lying about causing his accident, but I knew Luke. He’d done it. He was doing another one of his sick twisted punishments. Keaton was confident Luke didn’t mean to scare him or think he could. Did they actually know each other? Was Keaton mob adjacent? Sassy huffed. Something was prickling in my brain. My head was actually starting to hurt. I shook those thoughts away. Keaton and I went to bed, and I fell asleep easily. I woke up in a fog. I groaned, “Oh come on.” Through the fog I saw the black and green wolf. I called, “Come here girl!” She slowly came up to me, limping. She barely made it before she collapsed. Poor thing. I heard a yip. I frowned, “Tatum?” The wolf beside me huffed as if she was annoyed. Tatum came over. I smiled, “Aren’t you a good dog?” I stroked her fur. I told her, “You know, you’re the most well behaved puppy of all time. Almost as if….” I trailed off and screamed as a piercing pain hit my head. I heard someone tsk. I looked up and groaned, “Valdoma. Can you leave my dreams alone?” She laughed, “I am enjoying checking on you. I find it fascinating how you’re working to break all my work. I’d stop if I were you. Only someone more powerful than me could stop your headaches. We wouldn’t want you to go crazy and collapse into a coma, would we?” I asked, “What?” She smiled, “Just stop trying to think about things so hard, child. You’ve never tried to fight what I’ve done so hard before. What a unique wolf that is.” The wolf let out a growl. It sounded weak, but very angry. Valdoma snickered, “You are no threat to me, pup.” I looked between them. I didn’t know why, but I was certain the wolf beside me hated this woman. Valdoma snickered, “It’s nothing personal, pup. It was a job, and interesting information to have. If you’re comparing the other wolf I hurt was much worse.” The wolf bared her teeth and roared. My eyes went wide. I put a hand on her. Tatum began to bark ferociously. I told her, “You do not bark like a dog your size.” My head began to hurt. Valdoma said, “Child, unless you want to go crazy stop having such thoughts. I am powerful. There is one…possibly two around who could help you. I doubt very much you’ll run into a white wolf though. The other, well she has no reason to be in this area to help you. I’ve thought about dream walking to her, but it’s harder. She’s powerful you see. Her brother is…unable to help you. He’s detained. That was not my plan for him. Men. I never should’ve trusted them with my lineage. I could get him out, but the problem lies in that I like being bad. I like doing bad things, and I’m good at it. They pay me, so I help them. Not unlike your mother. They don’t have the same goals though.” I asked, “What are you talking about?” She waved her hand, “That’s not for you to figure out. It’s just nice talking through this with someone. To explain myself.” I snorted “You’re not doing a great job. I don’t know what you did to this wolf but leave her alone.” She rolled her eyes and looked at my dog. She laughed, “I did not think she would get you. You try to counter me.” Tatum barked at her. I frowned, “Leave my dog alone, lady.” She ignored me. She told Tatum, “I’m not going to stop you from helping, but I am invested. I find this situation fascinating. The other pup I hurt, broke free from it all. All my magic. I was sick for quite some time as the magic failed. It was not fun. I’ve had dizzy spells with your charge trying to break through. She doesn’t have what the other girl does though. My great granddaughter and then you know the whole white wolf thing. I can’t wait until everyone finds out it’s her. Honestly, the fact people don’t know is sad. I knew from the very moment I separated them. I got a flash of the wolf I’d locked away. It was all so interesting.” My head began to pound. It was like she thought a girl was a wolf. Like a werewolf. A white werewolf was rare in the books. Pain split my head and I screamed. Valdoma laughed. Tatum growled. The wolf beside me weakly growled. Valdoma asked me, “I’m curious what do you equate the things going on around you to? I know you’ve contacted your brothers on your mother’s side.” I started to cry, “Please, don’t tell her. I like talking to them.” Valdoma laughed, “Tell her? Child, she pays me for services rendered. Not to keep her up to date on the happens going on. That is her folly. She and I are not confidants or friends. She is a client, and what she pays me for has nothing to do with you going around her magic or mine.” My mom didn’t have magic. Valdoma continued, “Anyway, I’m curious what you think your brothers do. Magic is not an exact science.” I interrupted, “Doesn’t exist. It would be cool if it did.” The headache stopped after I said that. Valdoma smirked, “Yes, my magic is powerful. Do not interrupt me again. Anyway, what do you think your brothers do?” I told her, “Well, it’s kind of a joke with us at this point, but I think they are in the mob.” Valdoma blinked several times then burst out laughing. I frowned, “What? They could be. You don’t know all the things they’ve done. They are totally fine with murder. My brother has a throne. I’m pretty sure he’s a mob boss.” The wolf growled at her again. This time, I was pretty sure it was because she was laughing at me. Valdoma waved her hands in front of her face cackling. She gathered herself, “I needed that laugh. How utterly fascinating and what human thoughts to have, child. As I said, magic isn’t an exact science. I could not predict what your mind would concoct for the situations you encounter to relate to. Though your mother certainly never predicted your family would be who caused you to think such things. She was so certain they would never find you. It’s her talent after all.” I rolled my eyes, “Yes, hiding things. So people say. It makes no sense, but people say it a lot.” Valdoma smiled, “I’m sure when you called out to your brother her ability had never upset him more. It’s hard for males of his stature to feel useless; they are not used to it. I nearly fell over when you did that. You’re lucky your mother’s magic doesn’t call out to her like mine when you try to go around it. Lucky for you, her fairy is keeping her quite busy. Though that is his assigned task.” I told her, “You’re crazy, lady. My mom doesn’t have magic. She tends to keep her boyfriend’s busy, not the other way around. Also, Jarchi is with my mom and not gay. What is with people and being stuck in simple minded ways where they call gay people fairies. It’s insulting. Grow up.” To my surprise, Valdoma belly laughed again. She said, “Oh, I need to dream walk to you more. This is so fascinating. Of course, you are right. Jarchi is not gay. It is so fascinating to see my magic in action. I like you.” The wolf snarled again. Valdoma’s eyes narrowed, “Stop that, pup.” I put my hand protectively on the wolf. I said, “Haven’t you done enough? You two clearly have something going on. Leave the poor animal alone. I could find you and get your charged with animal cruelty. It’s a very serious crime.” Valdoma laughed again. I yelled, “STOP LAUGHING AT ME!” Valdoma simply replied, “No. I find this quite funny. Should you manage to break my magic you’ll think on these conversations and laugh. Well, maybe one day. Time might be needed. The white wolf girl is pissed off. That one holds the anger of a thousand hellhounds. To be fair, she has every right to be angry. So will you. It’s just impressive for someone who is in the light to be so angry. She shoves it all down all the time. She’s going to snap spectacularly eventually. Hopefully. It will be against someone dark, but it will be hilarious. She’s pretty funny.” I asked, “Shouldn’t you be worried it will be you.” Valdoma smiled, “Perhaps. My destiny is intertwined with my great-granddaughter. We will see who emerges. She shouldn’t have met those she has. If everyone had followed my plans, she would not be able to even battle me. She definitely wasn’t supposed to meet the white wolf. That doesn't work in my favor, but the wolf is currently untrained and new together. My great-granddaughter meeting those others that are powerful wasn’t supposed to happen either. Definitely not her meeting her wick. Ugh! It’s so frustrating. She was learning on her own, and that was impressive enough. Now, she’s with those who can help her grow and understand. I had everything laid out so carefully. She can’t find her brother though. So, I have that going for me. It’s been very difficult to keep him secret with that annoying hacking little white wolf. She believes he’s alive which is annoying enough. Hope is a dangerous thing. My great-granddaughter was to have no hope. She has so much now. Never leave your plans to others, Odette. It goes to shit.” I told her, “You’re really awful, you know that?” Valdoma smiled, “I do, but I own it. Always own who you are. The theory was you could’ve gone either way. Did you know that? Of course, you didn’t. What am I saying? They are wrong though. The more time I spent with you, the more I know you were meant for good. I think you are something quite special. More special than they thought. I just bet your brothers know. Can you tell me if you’ve done anything…strange lately?” I snorted, “I’m not telling you anything.” Valdoma smiled, “Good thought. I could offer you a deal though.” I told her, “I don’t want your deals.” She smirked evilly, “What if I could help that wolf beside you?” I frowned, “How?” I looked down at the wolf. I wanted to help her. It hurt me to see her so weak. Valdoma said, “I could make her less weak. Not as strong as she should be, but she could be in less pain. You saw she could barely walk. She can’t stand now or she’d attack me, even in a dream. It’s a shame. An alpha wolf is meant to be strong.” I whispered, “An alpha wolf?” Valdoma smiled, “Black wolves are Alpha’s.” I asked, “What’s the green in her fur?” Valdoma smiled, “You’ll have to answer more of my questions to get any in return.” I began to pet the wolf. She looked up at me helplessly. I had to help her. I told Valdoma, “What do you want to know? You clearly know about the gold wispy thing in that cell. That has to be what you and my brother meant about calling him.” I screamed as the pain in my head magnified. Valdoma clapped, “Fascinating. You don’t even know who she is, and you’re willing to be in pain for the wolf. Stop thinking such things, foolish girl. Just tell me about any situation.” I wasn’t going to give up the blue shimmering thing I did with Keaton yet. I said, “I have something in my head that hisses and sings. It has emotions. It sings around my boyfriend…Well, there was a giant dog once. Just the once though.” Valdoma’s eyes sparkled, “A song? It sings a song? Oh, my dear. That’s how you’re doing it. It’s him. I just thought you loved the boy. Love is usually my spells downfall. Of course, it’s the true love of soul mates interfering. I should’ve known that. I didn’t realize you’d surfaced. I need to pay more attention to you it seems. We will speak again.” I yelled, “WAIT! You said you’d help the wolf!” She smiled, “And I will. Next time you see her, she won’t be as weak. That will be the sign of faith between us.” I frowned, “But she’s really weak.” Valdoma said, “Of course she is. She’s been dosed with wolfsbane, silver, and sedatives for years.” I asked, “Wolfsbane? Like my books? That actually works on wolves.” Valdoma chuckled, “Child, do not think on such things.” She waved her hand and was gone. I looked at the wolf beside me. I said, “If she doesn’t help you, I’ll find a way to get her. I already have my rabies wolf. I could look for that white wolf. I think it scares her. I don’t know why, but I think her great-granddaughter and white wolf scare her. In the books I used to read white wolves were special. Maybe that’s true in whatever fantasy land that lady lives in. Maybe I could find a white wolf and scare her into helping you. I don’t have to believe the white wolf is special in order to scare her. Then maybe she’d set you free. My boyfriend lives on a lot of land. Maybe he could find some place to help you, and let you run like you’re meant to be.” I shook myself, “God, I’m cuckoo for coco puffs. You’re in my dream. You’re not real.” My headache went away. I said, “Anyway, even if she helped you in my dreams it would make me happy. I hate to see you this way.” Tatum came over and licked the wolf. The wolf huffed and I’d swear they had a conversion. Tatum smugly wagged her tail. I had no idea what that was about. I told them, “I’m glad you get along. Even if you seem to be annoyed and taunting each other.” The wolf huffed. Tatum yipped and tapped the wolf on the nose with her paw. I scooped her up, “Tatum that isn’t nice. The wolf doesn’t feel good.” I told the wolf, “Sorry, she’s just a puppy.” A voice called, “Is she? Or is she a protector of our kind?” Our kind. I jumped up asking cautiously, “Who was that?” A man appeared before me. He smiled, “Be careful, little one. You are special and they don’t see it. Our race is one with two watching. A god and a goddess. I didn’t realize my counterpart made you into something quite special. Too bad for her, I was tipped off. I’ll be watching you, my child. She’s off protecting her bad children, but I am here now. That doesn't mean things won’t be hard, but you’re doing so well. I am proud of you.” For some reason Sassy was so excited and screaming a different song in my head. I asked, “Do you know why my head started hurting?” The man answered, “Because your mind is working around some powerful things.” I shrugged, “It never hurt before.” The man nodded, “Yes, well you were missing several pieces to have the strength to try and break down some….walls for lack of a better word in your mind. There are things in motion, Odette. I can’t alter more than I already have, but I do have something for you to hang onto. When everything is revealed, well you won’t believe what you’re told at first, someone you trust is going to come back to you. Listen to that person. Then remember what your brother told you.” I pointed out, “My brother says a lot of things.” The man laughed, “I suppose he does. It’s cheating to give you a bigger hint, but you have been cheated so much it probably will balance out. Your brother mentioned something to you about the man you saw killed by that….wolf. He said if he’d gotten to the water and wanted to be home, he could be. Remember that when all hell breaks loose. If you can find water, my child, you can go home.” What the ever loving hell? My head began to pound. I whispered, “You’re not real. You’re a figment of my imagination.” The man looked genuinely sad and disturbed. He was suddenly beside me. He cupped my face. He said, “You were never meant to suffer like this, my child.” I asked, “Are you my dad?” He laughed, “No, not biologically. One day, we will talk again when you know more. I am looking out for you now. Keep on your path. You will not see your mother for some time. I’m helping keep her….otherwise occupied. Not that it’s hard to do. She’s addicted to the feeling of being happy. It’s the closest she’s felt to a fraction of the happiness she had with Noxus. This is making her miss him. She’s staying away, which is her boyfriend's goal in a way. She’s chasing that feeling and trying to convince herself not to go to her song. This is the most she’s missed him because she knows the happiness she feels now is nothing compared to what they had and she threw away.” I told him, “I don’t understand a lot of what you're saying, but Noxus deserves better than my mother.” The man looked sad, “Yes, they had a lot of love for a long time. I thought their love would keep her light, but dark can be enticing with its power. It swayed her with her anger. That’s not the point of this conversation though. Go back to your song. Continue to fight. Remember, I am proud of you. Hope is never lost to you if you can get to water and wish to go home.” He faded away. I told Tatum, “I’ve lost my mind.” Tatum huffed but my attention as drawn away from her when the wolf whined. Tatum licked my face. They both seemed sad, I just didn’t know why. I rubbed my head. I muttered, “Least helpful sleep of all time.” Suddenly I was thrown away from them into the water. I groaned and swam down. When I hit land I ran into Caspian’s place. Then I remembered people might be able to see me. I found some rooms. I knew it was Trit’s. I recognized his clothes. I found a hoodie and threw it on. I pulled the hood up and tucked my hair. I walked into the main room and stayed in the back. Caspian was on his throne looking annoyed. Someone said, “We can’t sit back any longer! We have to find the girl!” I paled. Me? I chided myself. Don’t be silly, Odette, there are other girls in the world. Trit hissed. Several people backed up. Was Trit scary to them? He was a teddy bear. Noxus spoke, “The girl, as you so callously keep calling her, is my sons sister. She is my stepdaughter. We are trying to find her, but if you hadn’t just watched my song leave here without telling me after the crimes she committed, maybe we wouldn’t be in this position. We are trying to find Odette.” The man turned red in the face, sputtering, “She’s my daughter! She may have done wrong, but I love her. I wanted her to be happy again.” Caspian hissed, “And Odette is your granddaughter!” My jaw dropped. My grandpa hissed back, “And I want her found! Do you even understand what’s going to happen if they get her? We will all die!” Caspian asked, “Do you think I can’t take care of my people?” Several people shrank back. I had never heard Caspian use such a tone. It was dark and angry. Sassy was conflicted in my head. My grandpa said, “Of course you can, but you are allowing this girl too much leeway. DEMAND she tell you where she is.” Trit snorted, “You’ve lost touch with reality, old man.” My eyes went wide. He must not like grandpa. My grandpa whirled, “Do not speak to me that way, boy.” A triton appeared at my grandpa’s throat. I looked startled realizing it was Noxus holding it to his throat. Noxus warned, “If you ever talk to my son like that again, I’ll kill you.” Umm, wow. Holy family dramatics batman. My grandpa gulped and nodded. Trit looked away angrily. Caspian spoke the anger clear in his voice, “Not that I owe you an explanation grandpa, but Odette cannot tell us where she is. Blame your daughter, I know I do.” My grandpa frowned, “She’s your mother.” Caspian said, “I do not recognize her as such anymore. I don’t know what evil spirit has inhabited her body, but the mother that raised me that showed me how to love and treat my song is not who she is now. The mother who taught me to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, to protect my family at all costs, and to treat everyone I rule with respect is long gone. The Merrick’s plan to kill Odette, and she’s going to hand her over. Like a lamb to slaughter. That is not my mother.” My grandpa said, “Morgana cannot know that!” Caspian yelled, “BUT SHE SHOULD! They’ve been lying double crossing manipulative assholes for DECADES! They were kicked out of here for a reason. If Morgana doesn’t know that they plan to double cross her and kill us all then she’s delusional. They will NEVER leave me or my brothers alive.” What?! My grandpa said, “Then reach out to the Merrick’s yourself. We can reach a compromise. We can’t take the girl away from them completely, but we can make sure she doesn’t die. She can have a comfortable life. She doesn't know about our world. Compromise is how we all survive.” Horror gripped me. I felt someone put a hand on me. I turned and stared into Beatrice's eyes. She put her finger to her lips to signify to stay quiet. As if I wasn’t doing that already. At least she wasn’t yelling I was here. Tears filled my eyes. Would Caspian agree? Would he throw me away like everyone else did? Would I lose Key? Sassy was angrily and sorrowfully singing her song. I couldn’t lose him. Caspian couldn’t agree. Could he? Caspian spoke, “Compromise is how your daughter survives. I just no longer care if she does or not. I will make this very clear to you, grandpa. Odette will never go to the Merrick’s in any capacity. If she ends up here with them, well then nothing in mother’s magic can keep me from her. I will get her and bring her home. She will NEVER be in their domain. She is my sister, and she ranks above you here. You would do well to remember that. I understand the inclination to save your child. I would want to save my children as well.” Caspian had kids?! I had nieces and or nephews? How could I give him s**t for not telling me about them without letting him know I heard this conversation? Caspian continued, “I WILL find Odette somehow. When I do, she is done suffering for your daughter’s decisions. She did not have the life she should’ve. She has been left alone to fend for herself. She doesn't understand what or who she is. She deserves to be happy, and we all know there isn’t a single happy soul in the Merrick’s house.” My grandpa said, “Obviously we wouldn’t let them turn her bad or take her soul.” That was such a nice way of saying they won’t let them kill me. My grandpa continued, “I’m just saying, we have to save Morgana. This is my fault. She’s angry with me.” A voice said, “No, she is angry with me and she has every right to be.” I saw a woman come and stand by my grandpa. She took his hands, “Alon, this is not your fault. I came from a clan where women were treated badly, and I treated Morgana the same as I was. It was wrong. I understand she cannot accept my apology. I should’ve broken the cycle, but I was scared of being beaten because I fell for some elaborate trap. You know the decades of therapy I went through to believe everything wasn’t a test. Morgana is angry with me, and that doesn't lie with you. It lies with me. You know Odette nor Lux deserve what lot they have been given with Morgana. The Merrick’s should pay because without them, she couldn’t have strayed so far. You taught her better. Noxus loved her so much she would've come back. They corrupted her, and she made choices. Lux is safe with his father as far as we know. That’s from a child’s recollection though. We need to find him and check on him too. I know he’s an adult, but he needs to be checked on.” Clan? There were mob clans?! She took a deep breath, “I have cried every day when I heard Morgana was doing to Odette what I did when we first met. I didn’t know it was wrong. I thought that it was right. I thought I was helping her, but Morgana knows the truth. I was raised to believe how she’s treating Odette was right. She was not. She knows how evil what she's doing is. She’s completely detached herself from her own child. I would hold Morgana when she cried. I would console her, but she’s taken it farther and not even offered that. She’s let the Merrick’s and their rhetoric into her soul. She has treated her own daughter as if she is an object. You know this isn’t right, Alon. I know you love her; I love her too. If I could give my life for Morgana, I would. We can work to save them both, but Odette is totally innocent. She is your granddaughter. You’re trying to keep her as the girl in your head because you feel like you failed Morgana. Odette doesn’t deserve that, Alon.”
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