Was That Hard to Say Pt. 2

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Keaton Daniels, I work with witches, obviously. Katie sees other things in the letter. That’s between her and me. Since you’re the only person she’d possibly show this to I’m having a witch spell my words to you. You were told once and I’m telling you again, back off. You are messing with things your wolf-like brain cannot comprehend. If you have my uncle, release him. You have a mate. Wait for her like the good dog you’re supposed to be. Leave Katie be. Or I’ll keep coming for you. I easily arranged your accident. Katie may have made sure those rogues didn’t beat you within an inch of your life, somehow. That’s not the point. I easily got to you. Keep pushing me, dog, and you’ll die. She is MINE! Find your own mate. I heard you have a childhood sweetheart. Katie has ways about her that are drawing you in. Don’t hurt the girl you actually love for a stupid girl who is a pawn. You do not feel for her as you think. It’s just what we are, nothing more. Katie is so stupid she doesn’t know which way is up. Even though she is a pawn, she is my pawn to do what I like with. Do NOT touch her. I am watching for your response, wolf. Make the smart choice. Go back to your childhood sweetheart. Leave what is mine alone. Or you will meet me. Luke Merrick Channing snarled in my head. Oh, he was going to wish he’d never talked to me. I had no idea what his note said to Odette, but I just bet it was full of gaslighting manipulations. I told Odette, “My song, his actions are not your fault. Don’t let him make you think this is your fault. That’s what he wants. You do not control his actions. Do you hear me? You are not responsible for the things he chooses to do.” I looked her in the eyes as I wiped her tears away. She asked, “Really? You’re not going to leave me?” I snorted, “Never. Hellhounds themselves couldn’t keep me away from you. Some ex threatening me doesn’t mean anything. He could be lying.” She asked, “What do you mean?” I felt like a fairy. I was evading. Her ex had caused my accident. I believed that, but it didn’t mean it was true. I told her, “He could've heard about my accident and thought to take credit. He wants to scare you.” She frowned, “Doesn’t he want to scare you?” I snorted, “I doubt very much he would believe he could scare me.” He knew who and what I was. He just wanted to threaten me so I would see her as not worth it. His advantage was that I didn't know him. Now, I had a name. I’d figure out what he was, and more importantly where he was. I was the Silver Blade, and he’d made an egregious error with this note. I planned to make him pay for that. I rocked Odette until she fell asleep. I got out my phone and called Clara. She answered, “Keaton, are you bringing not Katie to the party?” I snorted, “You’re drunk.” She retorted, “Tipsy.” I told her, “I need to know what you can find out about Luke Merrick.” Clara stepped away from the party. She was all business when she asked, “Why?” I said, “Because he threatened me and claimed to be behind my accident.” She growled, “Who the f**k is he?!” I said, “All I know is he’s Katie’s abusive ex.” Clara snorted, “Great. Can we set him up with Lisa? Maybe she’d leave. They could make each other miserable instead of you and not Katie.” I rolled my eyes, “Just call her Katie.” Clara snorted, “Her name isn’t Katie.” I didn’t reply. She told me, “I’ll find this asshole who think he can threaten my alpha. Car accidents and rogues. Who the hell does this creep think he is? Threaten my Alpha. I think not!” She scoffed and hung up. I got up and went to Katie’s desk. They had someone watching. I didn’t know if this would work, but I was going to have some things said here. I pulled out a pen and wrote Piece of s**t, I’m an Alpha. Did you think a threatening note would do anything more than piss me off? You must not know much about wolves or my family. So let me tell you, you are a dead man. That is a promise. Our family does not take threats to each other lightly. I could have the weight of an entire alliance breathing down your neck if I chose to. Instead, I want you to know I am coming for you. I WILL find you. It might not be today, tomorrow, or next week. I am a patient man. I am dichotomy as an Alpha because I’m not just an Alpha. I have another side to me, and that is where my patience comes from. One other thing about me is I can hold a grudge. You have no idea how many threat assessments I have done over the years. Or how many people I put as a moderate threat so I could take them out myself. I am a master of being the shadows out of the spotlight. I have killed well over a hundred people who were a threat to my family. I didn’t even use others to do it. I did it myself. I didn’t use a car either. If you’re the man you think you are, come for me. I DARE you. I dare you to face me head on. I’ll kick your ass before I let my wolf tear you to pieces. As for Odette, because I think we both know that’s her name, you stay away. If you touch one hair on her head I will use the skills I have learned being the Hackura realm as often as I have on you. I will torture you for years. I might anyway. You hurt her, and that is not acceptable. To do this to one of your own is reprehensible. To call her a pawn is unacceptable. Your threat is dismissed as nothing because I can handle pricks. I think there are few people lower than a man who puts hands on their significant other. Odette is not a possession. She is a person, and you’ve attempted to dehumanize her to me, her, and yourself. In fact, I don’t think you see her as a person. Which infuriates me. Ask someone what an Alpha will do to protect someone. You won’t like the answer. Your letter directly activated that Alpha blood to protect in me. Good job. You’re clearly not the brains of this operation. As for my “childhood sweetheart” I wouldn’t go back for anything. We are through. Forever. Sleep well, Luke Merrick. Because one day you will find me when you open your eyes. You shouldn’t have given me your name. I won’t stop until I find you. If you’re half as smart as you think you are, you’re hiding. Eventually, you’ll peek your head out of whatever hole you’re hiding in, and I’ll have you. Do yourself a favor, leave Odette alone. It will cost you your life if you don’t. You may see her as yours, but we both know she’s not. She may not know about supernatural’s, but I’ve asked questions about you. You’re definitely not hers. Your attitude about her also tells me that. So, leave what’s not yours alone. Have a pleasant day, yours are numbered Future Alpha Keaton Daniels I felt a little better after I wrote it out. Channing linked, “You know someone in our family may see this, and you admitted you lied about threats and killed them.” That was actually a secret. Even from Lisa. I couldn’t tell her in case I did get hurt. A few times I was in a hell of a fight, but I couldn’t tell her. She’d say she told me so. I was weak and I got hurt. That didn’t mean the need to protect my family didn’t flow through my blood. I couldn’t help it sometimes when I dove into people and realized the threats they posed to my family. I had to act. Sometimes it wasn’t even a conscious thought. I just acted. Looking back now, I wasn’t sure why I let Lisa make me think I was weak. I’d killed plenty of people. Some as the Silver Blade and some as myself in mask. The resistance was even credited for some of the people I killed because I drew their circle and wore the mask. I actually wondered if Melanie Conners knew. Channing snorted, “She definitely knows.” I guess I might find out one day. I was certain Joe or my Uncle Heath knew I’d killed some of those people. They never said anything though. I was positive my dad, Emmett, and my mom didn’t know. Keith definitely didn’t. I told Channing, “They won’t find the note…probably.” Channing snorted. I left the apartment through Odette’s guest room. I went to the spot that other guy had been killed. I didn’t sense anyone around. I left the note where the one was left for me. It was out of the way. I took a charm to keep humans from seeing it out of my pocket. Having Aunt Haley in my life was helpful. She always had things like this for us. I put it on the note and walked away. I didn’t know why, but I was positive Luke would get my response from whoever was watching Odette around here. I made it back to Odette’s without her knowing I got up. I spent the rest of the weekend with her. I meant to make it home to talk to Emmett about the note, but I didn’t get the chance. Odette needed me and that was my priority. On Monday when we left school Lisa was by my truck. I groaned, “What?” She was crying. Naturally. She touched my shirt that was slick with her snot. I heard a hiss before my shirt was ripped off from behind. Lisa turned red when Odette threw my shirt at her. She said, “Wiping your snot on people is weird. I’ll buy you some Kleenex. It’s unsanitary and weird to rub your tears and snot on people.” Keith said, “Actually, you’re right. That is weird.” Lisa paled. Odette asked, “Does she do this a lot? Because…it’s a miracle none of you get sick all the time. It’s so unsanitary not to mention gross.” May asked, “Why are you here, Lisa?” She cried and reached for me again. Odette caught her hand and hissed at her. Lisa screamed an unintelligible scream. I winced because it hurt my ears. Her and Odette engaged in some sort of stare off. Keith linked me, “What the f**k is happening?” I answered, “I have no idea.” Lisa backed up and said, “I need to speak to Keaton.” Odette said, “So, speak.” Lisa whispered, “Alone.” Odette snorted, “No.” Lisa snarked, “I wasn’t talking to you, and it’s private UNIQUE business.” She meant pack business. I sighed. Keith said, “Well, I’m here. I’ll talk it over with you.” I saw Odette looking at his neck. She tilted her head and smiled. Lisa told him, “I only want to talk to Keaton.” Odette huffed, “Of course you do. I want world peace.” Lisa frowned, “Huh?” Odette grabbed me and kissed me. It quickly turned heated. When she pulled back she whispered, “Let’s go back to my place.” I smirked, “Gladly.” Lisa shrieked, “KEATON!” I turned to find she was now full on sobbing. Odette sighed, “Oh come on.” Lisa asked, “How can you hurt me this way?” I asked, “What way?” Lisa wiped her tears, “You flaunt your relationship with her right in my face. She doesn’t know you like I do. We’ve known each other most of our lives. You can't even be honest with her about yourself.” I snarled, “ENOUGH!” Odette slammed the door on my truck as she got in. Lisa smirked. I whispered, “You b***h!” She retorted, “Enjoy that fight, Keaton. She’s not right for you.” Keith grimaced as I got into my truck. Odette didn’t say anything most of the way back to her place. Eventually she asked, “Can we go practice driving?” I said, “Of course.” I turned the opposite direction. I took her to the same parking lot. She didn’t say anything while I coached her. She just nodded. When she parked she smiled to herself. I asked, “Are you ok?” She looked confused, “Huh? Well, yeah. I just think we have the most toxic exes of all time.” I snorted, “We kind of do.” Odette said, “I know she was trying to manipulate me. I heard what you said to her, and what she said back. I saw her smirk before that. I know we can’t possibly know everything about each other yet. You grew up with her. Even though it pisses me off she knows things I don't, that's not your fault.” I asked, “You’re not mad?” Odette bit her lip and looked out the window. She whispered, “Not at you.” I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. I asked, “Then what or who are you mad at?” Odette turned to face me. She said, “I don’t know. When she said you knew each your whole lives….I just….it made me so mad.” I frowned. Now, I was lost. I asked, “I’m sorry, Odette but I don’t understand.” Keith linked me, “You guys ok? Ken said you’re not at her place.” I replied, “She wanted a driving lesson. She’s not mad at me. She seems to be upset that we didn't grow up together.” Keith replied, “Umm, ok.” I snorted, “At least it’s not just me who is confused.” Keith said, “I can ask May.” After a minute he told me, “May thinks she just wants a normal childhood, and she could’ve had that here since she’s been accepted with us.” I guess that made as much sense as anything else. Odette wiped a tear away. Channing whimpered in my head. I wiped her tears away as they fell. I whispered, “My song…” She cried, “I just…it’s silly.” I said, “Maybe but how about you tell me anyway.” She laughed a little. She pulled back, “I don’t know it’s just when she said that everything in me felt we should’ve known each other our whole lives. I guess it’s just because I was born in the area. Maybe we would’ve crossed paths. That’s got to be it, right?” I had no idea, but I did know she had supernatural senses. Maybe whatever she is would’ve been drawn to me if she stayed in the area. I went to say something when my phone rang. I was going to silence it when Emmett linked me, “Don’t ignore your phone. It’s Uncle Heath. He has something important to talk to you about.” I replied, “What?” Emmett said, “I have no clue. He just texted me to be sure you answered the phone.” I groaned, “Fine.” I told Odette, “Just give me a second, ok?” She nodded and wiped her tears. I answered, “Uncle Heath, I’m giving a driving lesson. What’s going on?” Uncle Heath said, “You need to get to my house. Right now.” I asked, “Are you ok?” He answered, “I am fine.” He hung up. Odette snorted, “He didn’t really sound fine. He sounded mad.” She was right. He did. I didn’t want to leave Odette this sad though. I asked, “Do you have spring break plans?” She snorted, “No.” I told her, “How about I plan a getaway? We’ll talk about our childhoods and tell each other what you want to know about us growing up.” She smiled, “I’d like that, but a normal getaway.” I laughed, “What does that mean?” Odette got out of my truck. I opened the passenger side and helped her up before I got on my side. That reminded me I hadn’t thanked Emmett for getting me this truck. Odette took a deep breath then rushed an explanation, “I’m not Lisa. I don’t want you to kill yourself doing something you think I would like based on her taste. I want you to plan a spring break that’s something YOU think is romantic. Not what Lisa would expect. Honestly, our ideas seem to match more than mine to hers. Because she’s kind of the literal worst. I don’t want you to take me to some five star hotel for a week. Unless that’s what you want to do. So, I’ll spend spring break with you on a getaway if you actually plan something you think is romantic. Your first date and even the roller skating rink was perfect. I loved them. I just don’t want you to stress out like you did about Valentine’s Day.” She bit her lip as if afraid she’d said too much. I smiled, “So if I plan a cabin trip getaway…?” She smiled, “My brother took me to a cabin when I was little once. His dad owned it. It was so well stocked with food. He said we could pretend it was a feast. We played like we were the King’s children. I’d never seen so much food in my entire life. I couldn’t believe his dad wouldn’t get mad, but my brother insisted he wouldn’t. I once ate a whole box of macaroni while he was at his dad’s house. My mom was so mad at me. I didn’t get to leave my room until my brother came back. I still don’t even know why my mom was home that time. Normally, she wasn’t. I’m sorry that was a long winded way to say, if you pick a cabin I’d love it.” I slammed my lips on hers. I pulled her back into my lap on the driver's side. I was startled when she unzipped my pants. I whispered, “Odette.” She smiled, “I know it has to be fast. You have someone to meet, but I think we can make that happen.” I growled, “Odette.” She teased, “You’re already so hard, Key.” I growled, “I’m always hard around you.” She whispered in my ear, “What a coincidence, I’m always wet around you.” I reached under her skirt and snapped her underwear off. I threw it over in the passenger seat. I told her, “You could go commando like I do.” She snorted, “In a flowy skirt? Are you crazy? Or do you want everyone to see my ass?” I growled, “MINE!” I slid into her using my hands on her hips to slide her all the way down. Her eyes fluttered closed as she moaned. She began to ride me, then began to sing that song. I looked at her as her lips started to glow blue. s**t….I was trying to focus on that but the song was driving me crazy. I also didn’t want her to see her lips glowing. I could not explain that to her because I honest to god had no clue what was happening. I couldn’t not kiss her though. I felt something pass between us. I had no idea what it was, but I knew it drove us both crazy. My phone was buzzing in my pocket, but I didn’t care. I growled against her mouth. She whispered, “That growl…does things to me.” I thrust up into her, “I can feel that my song.” She smirked. I claimed her lips again and started to play with her clit. We came together. She put her head into my neck as our breathing calmed down. She giggled, “I guess that wasn’t quick. You’re probably in trouble.” I looked at the clock. s**t! It had been over an hour. She shrugged, “I guess we can’t do quick yet. Oh well, I guess we can work on it.” I snorted, “Minx.” She smiled and we drove off. I dropped her off at her place and then gunned it to the shroud. I drove through and to my Uncle’s house. He was waiting on the porch. I flashed over to him. He said, “You and I seem to have a different definition of the words right now.” I winced, “I uhh got carried away with my girlfriend.” Uncle Heath snorted and jerked his head inside. I walked in and saw what was on the table. It was a copy of my note to Luke. He said, “Who the f**k is Luke Merrick? And why the actual f**k didn’t I hear about this from your parents? Also, Odette is a lovely name and that just has so many questions in and of itself.” I winced, “I haven’t told my parents about it.” My uncle stared at me. I said, “Ok, through of events, my girlfriend…” Uncle Heath said, “Cut the s**t with that or I’ll call your dad. Say who she really is right here and now.” I stared at him. He simply stared back. I looked around the house. I didn’t smell anyone else here. Uncle Heath told me, “No one is here but me. I won’t tell anyone until you're ready, but we are having this conversation. Who is Odette to you?” I looked away for several minutes. I then realized there was this small piece of me that was quite happy, but it was like it was distant. That was weird. I asked, “Channing?” Channing was purring and unhelpful. Then it hit me. It was my bond with Odette. I could feel her feelings a little bit. Was it a distance thing? Was it the glowing lips thing? It had to be. I’d never felt her feelings before. I liked it. I couldn’t wait until I sank my teeth into her neck claiming her as mine. My Uncle cleared his throat. I turned back to him and inclined his head towards my pants. I realized I’d gotten hard as a rock thinking about marking her. I shifted in my seat. I opened my mouth several times. I felt like the answer he wanted was getting caught in my throat. I cleared my throat and tried again. Eventually I gritted out, “She’s my mate.” My Uncle sighed, “Oh thank god. Seriously, kid. Was that so hard? Did it hurt to say? Jesus Christ.” I snorted, “It was actually a little hard to say. I just don’t know why.” My Uncle frowned. I asked, “You won’t tell my parents though, right?” My Uncle stared at me before saying, “Of course not. They know though. You do understand that, right? Everyone knows. Literally everyone.” I snorted, “They think they know.” My Uncle started laughing, “Oh my god. You’re your father’s spitting image. Now, let’s discuss this letter to Luke Merrick.” He slapped down a picture of the guy. I snorted, “He looks evil.” My Uncle nodded, “I actually agree. He does.” I looked at the copy of his license. I stood, “This says he’s twenty-five years old. I’m pretty sure Katie doesn’t think he’s that old.” My Uncle said, “We know ages lie on licenses. People are also quite capable of lying. He’s a supernatural. His age won’t matter to him, but it would to her human sensibilities they want her to have.” I snarled, “We don’t lie to other supernatural’s about our age to bed them.” My Uncle responded, “We are not bad people who keep one of our own out in the cold. You threatened him.” I said, “Well, yes. Technically speaking, I don’t know if he got it.” My Uncle put down a picture of a hooded figure taking the note. I asked, “How did you get all this?” Uncle Heath frowned, “It was left for me at my drop box with a note. I thought I was being followed, but I shook that off. I circled the area and when I came back it was sitting there waiting for me.” He held it out to me. I shrugged and read it.
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