There's Something Pt. 1

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Odette walked onto the plane. The rich just lived different lives than the rest of us mere mortals. I thought we’d fly coach or something. Keaton went all out with a private plane that was apparently his family's private plane. Did Caspian have a plane? I’d have to ask him. It even had a bedroom that we used. He was still on his role playing Channing kick. He was so dominant when he role played. It was hot. When we pulled up to the mansion we were staying at I couldn’t stop staring. It was his family's place. I was out of my league with this guy. So far out of my league. I had an apartment when I was then that probably should’ve been a condemned building. It had a cockroach problem, and my room would’ve fit in the closet twice over of the master bedroom. I looked at Keaton. I loved him so much. Did I belong in his life though? The thought of not being in it hurt. I shoved all those doubts aside when I realized we were on the beach. I’d always wanted to go into the ocean. My mom smacked the stuffing out of me when I asked when we lived in coastal cities. She made sure I knew never to go in the ocean. She left article after article about people dying in shark attacks, currents pulling people out. People get swept away into the tide and are found hypothermic. I didn’t go to the ocean with her, but I knew I’d be safe with Keaton. Why didn’t it surprise me that Keaton's family had more than one vacation house. Jesus. Who they hell were these people? Was there royalty in the US? I was going to have to google it. They were friends with the Conners. Melanie always said they had serious money. Obviously, their friends did too. I decided to push those thoughts aside and enjoy our vacation. I was having so much fun. Everything in me felt it was coming alive being here. The smell of the ocean was making me feel more invigorated. Keaton teased me by calling me a mermaid. Sassy hissed so loud in my head; it came out. Whoa. What was her deal with mermaid stuff? First the costume, now the joke. She wasn’t happy, but eventually she went back to happily singing her song she usually sang when Keaton was around. It really seemed to bother her that Keaton was teasing. I had to give her a mental pep talk, “He didn’t mean it, Sassy. He was just teasing.” She finally relented and went back to being happy. When I got out of the water, I was exhausted. I still felt better than I had in years. When I woke up in a fog, I groaned. I yelled, “Valdoma, I don’t want to be here. Ok?” She laughed, “Ahhh, but don’t you want to see the wolf?” I asked, “Where is she?” Tatum showed up. I asked, “How are you here? Immy is looking after you.” She yipped and sat down beside me. The black and green wolf walked over to me. I hugged her, “You look so much better.” She nuzzled my face. Valdoma ruined the moment, “Just like I said.” I agreed, “You did.” Valdoma smiled, “Now, I would like to ask a question.” I sighed, “Ok.” She asked, “The boy that makes your head sing…” I cut her off, “Nope, he’s off limits. He’s also not a boy.” She laughed, “Ok, have you made anyone do anything strange?” I said, “Yes. People just listen to me sometimes.” She laughed how marvelous.” She started to ask another question then sighed annoyed, “It seems the one you were promised to is inpatient.” I asked, “What?” Valdoma said, “Try to resist if you can. I enjoy talking to you, and I don’t think you’ll be as forthcoming in their clutches. If we see each other again, and you are still happy I will be impressed by you.” I snorted, “Well, how lovely. You’ll be impressed with me. Now, I can sleep at night.” She winked, “Best of luck to you, Odette. I hope you can resist. We are just getting started.” I yelled, “I don’t want to start anything!” She disappeared into a puff of smoke. The wolf disappeared. Tatum started growling. I asked, “What’s wrong?” Luke hissed, “How do you have her?” I groaned, “OH come on! I don’t want to dream about you.” Luke stepped forward, “I’m tired of waiting for you.” I clapped, “Perfect. Stop stalking me and move on.” Luke hissed, “You’re mine.” I snorted, “I’m not.” Luke hissed, “Why? Do you think that dog is yours?” I frowned, “This is my dog. I adopted her.” Luke said, “Not her, but she’s going first.” Tatum barked. I held her to me, “You can’t have her.” Luke hissed, “Neither can you.” I snorted, “I adopted her so someone disagrees.” Luke yelled, ‘I wasn’t even talking about her anyway.” I said, “Shows how good of a stalker you are. I only have one dog. Man, my subconscious is weird.” Luke said, “God, you’re so dumb it’s painful.” I gritted my teeth, “Charming as usual.” Luke sneered, “I don’t care about your feelings. I care about someone else’s. This timeline doesn’t work for me anymore. Someone I love had to make a sacrifice, and she needs her payoff. Another child will make her happy. We have to have a child first.” I snorted, “You have got to be kidding me. I’m sixteen. I’m not ready to have a child. If you’re having a baby with someone else, rock on with your bad self, Luke. Leave me alone.” Luke yelled, “You STUPID girl! I killed my own son for you, and you’re still so ungrateful!” My mouth went dry. I whispered, “What?” He’d seemed so innocent and sincere with Delana when he said he didn’t know. Luke snorted, “The pregnancy was hidden from me. I couldn’t get attached when I found out. I went to my father, and he handled it from there. I knew he would. Our child must be my firstborn. You’re going to come to me. We are going to have our child, then I’ll fix everything with the woman that means everything to me. She just needs another child to love, and everything will be fine.” I asked, “What on earth are you smoking? And you should share it by the way. You’re so beyond disgusting and sick. I can’t believe I’m imagining this conversation.” I wasn’t so sure I was. I think he was actually here. Luke snorted, “Come to me, Odette. You can’t resist. You’re a weak, pathetic, piece of s**t who means nothing.” I punched him in the face. It definitely felt like he was real. I sneered, “Take that subconscious. Go f**k yourself.” Luke hissed, “I AM REAL! YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT! You broke my nose.” I shrugged, “If you were real, I’d break your actual nose.” Was he real? Was I going insane? He began to hum a song. It was beyond creepy. He sang, “What a fool you are for coming to the ocean. Now you’re mine.” How did he know I was at the ocean? I snorted, “Of course. My mom’s subliminal messaging at work.” Luke smirked, “You have no idea the people who want to get rid of little old you. Someone fell right into my lap. You make enemies wherever you go. Come to me to get away from them. Your dog belongs with another. He’ll break your heart.” I rolled my eyes, “My dog is a girl, and I adopted her as a puppy. She can’t have other owners. Who is the dumb one now?” Luke hissed, “Still you.” His whole face contorted as he sang his creepy song. My body started moving towards him. I pulled back. I internally asked, “Sassy?” Nothing. I gritted my teeth, “Sassy I need you!” I faintly felt her. She was helping me resist. Luke yelled, “COME TO ME!” I Screamed, “f**k OFF! I DON’T WANT TO! LEAVE ME ALONE!” I was moving, but not at the pace he wanted me to. Keaton’s voice reached me. I begged him to help me. Luke snorted, “As if the dog could help you.” I yelled, “I’m not talking to my dog. She could eat you though.” I was positive she could. She could take down a wolf. Luke would be no problem. Tatum’s head butted my skin which helped. I looked down, “Thanks, Tatum.” Luke yelled, “I’ll kill you wretched thing.” Sassy came back to full power to hiss at him. I said, “Touch my dog, and I’ll end you. You’re disgusting!” I was ripped out of my dream when I felt Keaton lips on mine. Luke yelled, “NO!” Whatever. My feet were wet. I didn’t understand what we were doing outside. My mom might have actually had a point about staying away from the ocean. Or she’d gotten so into my head it was insane. Keaton was on the phone. I’d interrupted his phone call. I felt awful. I was instantly tired and sleeping. I woke up in the ocean. I swam hoping I was going to my brothers and not Luke’s. I sighed in relief when I came through the other side and saw Caspian’s city. I walked through and found him in the throne room with our family. My grandpa was here. He reminded me a lot of my mother. All those ways I could never speak up against her, I felt I could with him. He acted like I meant nothing to him because he didn’t know me. I felt like I knew him because I grew up with a different version of him, my mother. I said, “Oh, look, gang’s all here.” My grandpa turned, “Odette, I’d like to….” I held up my hand, “I don’t know how long I'm staying and I have questions.” Caspian smiled, “What questions?” I asked, “Are you having me followed? Can Luke appear in my dreams? Can he make me sleepwalk?” Caspian stood, “Followed? Luke is in your dreams? You were sleepwalking? Where?” I said, “Yes followed.” Cython interrupted, “If we knew where you were we’d bring you home, not have you followed.” I sighed. Caspian pressed, “Your dreams?” I cried, “I don’t know if it was real. He killed his child. He’s so disgusting. If he would kill an innocent child. HIS child, what would he do to me? I mean they plan on killing me, but I’m getting the sense it’s not going to be in a quick or nice way. He’s going to torment me. Isn’t he?” Caspian said, “No he won’t. He won’t touch one hair on your head.” My grandpa said, “He won’t.” I snorted, “Because you’re going to shave it off when you hand me over to him? I’m not talking to you.” He looked as if I slapped him. Noxus winked at me. My grandpa whispered, “I wouldn’t hurt you.” I retorted, “Oh, no you’d just hand me over to them to hurt. Yeah, I got it. I heard what you had to say.” My grandpa said, “How did he know she was by the ocean? That’s the only reason he would appear to her.” I frowned, “What does being near the ocean have to do with it? Mom always made sure I stayed out of it…Was…Was she actually helping me?” My grandpa winced. He whispered, “No, she wasn’t.” Caspian said, “She was keeping you from me. If Luke comes back make sure the song in your head helps you. Don’t sing it out loud but hum this song.” I sighed, “Again with the humming.” Someone laughed. The song Caspian was singing was beautiful but angry. If you could hum a fight song, it would be that tune.” I said, “Thanks.. I…” I was pulled backwards. I groaned, “Not now.” My grandpa yelled, “Come back.” Oh, well wasn’t he just a walking contradiction. Now he likes me or something. I woke up and reached for Keaton. He was gone. I heard voices downstairs. I grabbed his shirt and ran down. The guy Keaton was talking to was clearly family. He spotted me first. Keaton introduced me by my real name. I was surprised, but I wasn’t upset. It felt right for these people to know my name. Just like I wished the rest of his family knew my real name. I couldn’t deny I was happy some of his family knew my real name. Maybe they would circulate it, and then Keaton’s dad would call me by my name the next time I saw him. I liked Keaton’s cousin and his wife were really nice. They of course had a house down the road. At this point if they said they owned the whole town, I would not be surprised. Jules was really nice. I felt like we had this comfort level, as if we were already friends. We weren’t carded either, they just served us. I felt a little bad they could get in trouble, but it felt very adult. Jules and I made our way to the bathroom. She told me, “I like you with Keaton.” I teased, “I’ve been told he stands taller.” Jules agreed, “You do. Lisa has had her claws stuck in him for so long. Now, it’s coming out just how much…the family is reeling. JJ destroyed everything in our house when he found out some of the lies she’d been telling.” I asked, “What lies?” Jules said, “I don’t fully know. I just know there’s some serious s**t going on. The family already likes you. JJ thinks Keaton is just conditioned by Lisa about the family.” I asked, “What do you mean? Everyone I’ve met is so nice.” Jules said, “They are the nicest family. Lisa just twisted his mind. Poisoned by her tears and lies.” I gasped. Her tears. It was her. That weird thing that happened with Keaton. The glowing blue thing I did then he just froze. He even had memories of things that didn’t happen. My head began to pound. I clutched my head. Jules yelled, “Odette!” I went to my knees. She said, “I’ll get Keaton.” I stood, “No, I’m ok.” I shoved all thoughts of Lisa from my mind for a later day. There was something there though. Sassy lightly hissed in my head. She agreed. I just knew it. We would have to take care of Lisa. What if she’d poisoned Keaton? Made him weak. I’d seen that in crime shows. Nothing to kill him or anything. That made my head stop hurting for some reason. I said, “My brother thinks she’ll be terrified when I hum this.” Jules threw her head back, “Oh my god…if she gets scared over that song; I’ll jump for joy. A song. That makes it so much better. I need this filmed. I’ll just be hanging around you for the foreseeable future.” I laughed, “I could be ok with that. I like you.” She hooked her arms with mine and agreed, “I like you too.” We joined the guys again. I swore I saw someone flash away at the speed of light from the table. My head briefly panged before I gave that thought up. People didn’t flash away. That was just in comics. Jules wanted to go paddle boarding. I was so excited to get into the ocean. They just got up and left. Oh gosh. I threw some cash I’d brought with me on the table, but it wasn’t enough. I should not have been surprised that someone in Keaton’s family owned the place. It made me feel better. Of course, they’d just put it on their tab. They had tabs everywhere. They had to be some kind of something related to someone. Google was going to have to come through for me on this. Paddle boarding was fun, but we didn’t get in the ocean. We did when we got back to the house though. I felt at home. Sassy was singing a beautiful tune. I’d never felt more at home than I had in the ocean. It was crazy, but I felt I could tell Caspian was far away somewhere in the water too. Actually, I’d swear all my brothers were in the ocean which is crazy. It’s just how I felt. I loved it. I loved feeling like I could feel them. It wasn’t possible, but at least it felt nice. The rest of the trip flew by. I really liked JJ and Jules. They were a lot of fun. We traveled all over the place. The ferry ride was so exciting. I’d gotten Keaton riled up somehow. I wasn’t sure how, but I wanted to repeat it. The thrill of getting caught did make it all really exciting. I was going to send Immy a thank you card for packing my suitcase. I thought she was crazy at first, but now I could see her ways. She definitely was officially in charge of my wardrobe. I was exhausted from the day. I had more energy than ever, but it’s like my body wasn’t used to it. I went up to take a nap. I woke up in fog, “Come on! Don’t we have a limit on this dream?” Valdoma laughed, “I can come as often as I want. I see you are sun kissed and happy. You resisted. Fascinating.” I said, “My dreams are getting weirder. My abusive ex is showing up and singing creepy songs. Like so very creepy.” Valdoma smiled, “Does it not entice you at all? A beautiful call to be bad?” I snorted, “What? No, it’s just creepy. I was moving against my will. In no way was it enticing.” Her eyes lit up, “That’s so interesting.” She evaluated me then the creepy song started again. She groaned, “AH! They are messing with my research. How irritating.” I said, “And creepy.” She smiled, “But not enticing.” I snorted, “Definitely not.” Luke appeared and she disappeared into a puff of smoke that he didn’t notice. I said, “My, my, my, you are unobservant.” He said, “I have no idea what you are talking about. You got into the ocean you STUPID girl! Now, even my father agrees with me. It’s time for you to come home. We can’t have them finding you, and now they will be looking. Do you live to make my life more difficult?” I snorted, “You caught me. I just LIVE to annoy you. I think of you on my everyday choices. Stop stalking me if you’re annoyed I got in the ocean.” He grabbed me yelling, “YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!” I pushed him away, “I went for a swim. I didn’t do anything wrong! You’re insane. Literally. Get help. Not that I think you should be anywhere but a padded cell in solitary unable to hurt anyone again, but I’m sure you don’t think that.” He said, “You’ll regret these words soon enough.” He began to hum again. I closed my eyes and mentally hummed the song Caspian told me to. Sassy’s hissing got louder and louder. Eventually Luke stopped staring at me astonished. He hissed, “I had a backup plan this time, you’re going to pay for everything. Delana has pulled away from me, and it’s all your fault.” I snorted, “Sure, I haven’t met her but it’s my fault. God, you’re such a classic abuser and narcissist. Accept your own faults in situations.” If you like Delana so much, leave me alone. Be the man she deserves. Actually, let her go. You suck.” I opened my eyes when I heard a crash. I screamed as Keaton jumped out the window. Jules grabbed me. I got out of her grasp and ran to the window to see Keaton running ridiculously fast. He was chasing someone. I sighed in relief knowing he was ok. I snorted, “Did he just make a three story jump and land it? What is he? A superhero? Did he do a superhero landing?” Jules smiled, “You should call him that when they come back inside. There was a burglar. We heard them up here.” I paled. Luke’s guy was actually here? That wasn’t good. Jules added, “The guys used to make that jump all the time. Drove Lexi and Allie nuts. They know where to jump to make multiple jumps down.” I sighed in relief, “That makes sense. No one could land a three story jump.” Except that Keaton had. Jules was lying. There was nothing to land on outside that window but grass. I gasped and rubbed my head. Jules asked, “Are you ok?” I assured her, “I’m fine. I shoved Keaton’s insane jump that defied logic, gravity, and serious injury laws. We went downstairs and waited. After a while Keaton ran in. He grabbed me asking, “Are you ok? Did he hurt you?” I asked, “Are the police coming?” Keaton said, “My Uncle was here to see JJ. He’s handling it.” Of course, he was. It’s official there were mob ties everywhere. My brother, the Daniels…everyone. Did I care? Not in the slightest. There really was something wrong with me. I whispered, “It was Luke’s friend.” Keaton asked, “How do you know that?” I said, “I think my subconscious knows because obviously Luke doesn’t actually invade my dreams, but I swear he did.” Jules, JJ, and Keaton all exchanged looks. I said, “It’s not actually possible. Don’t worry guys. I’m probably just being paranoid. I’m sure that guy isn’t even friends with Luke. Just someone in this town who didn’t know that he was breaking into the people’s house who own the town. Poor guy was probably a bored teenager who thought the house was empty.” I didn’t really believe that but it could be true. They all looked at each other, and I knew they didn’t believe that. I rubbed my arms. Jules asked, “Are you ok?” I shivered, “He was just standing above me…If you guys didn’t hear him.” Keaton cut in, “We did.” I said, “And that song is so creepy.” Jules said, “It really is.” They heard it too? What the hell is Luke doing? I melted in Keaton. JJ said, “Let’s get on the plane.” I asked, “We are leaving?” Keaton said, “We need to get back, and figure out what that guy was doing.” I asked, “Well, don’t we have to wait for the jet to get back?” JJ answered, “My dad took our plane.” Of course, they had a plane. I nodded. I went to go pack. I went back into the room. My hands were shaking. Keaton wrapped his arms around me. He whispered, “I will keep you safe.” I started to cry, “If it weren’t for you….” Keaton said, “You would’ve woken up, and fought him off.” I wiped my tears. He was right, I could fight back now. I kissed his cheek, “Thank you.” He kissed me, “Anytime.” We were out in record time. I grabbed Keaton’s thigh in the car. I said, “I really had fun. I like that house of yours.” Keaton smiled, “We will come back once we have your ex situation under control.” I snorted and muttered, “Maybe my brother will whack him for me.” Keaton laughed, “I’m sure he would. Your ex is going to have to worry about me getting to him first. I’m not a nice man.” That should scare me, but it made me happy. I said, “You are a nice man.” Keaton snorted, “Not everyone would say that.” I teased, “Lisa doesn’t count.” Keaton snorted, “I don’t care what she says anymore.” I squeezed his hand, “Good because she’s bat crap crazy. I’d really avoid her because she seems to think you’re her personal tissue.” Keaton laughed, “Yeah, she kind of does.” We reached the airstrip. We got out and JJ and Jules pulled up behind us. We quickly boarded the plane. I sat down and closed my eyes when we took off. I opened them when someone sat in front of me. Jules handed me a drink. She said, “It will take the edge off.” I smiled and took a sip. I laughed, “What is this?” Jules smiled, “A gin and tonic.” I downed it. I grimaced, “Thanks.” I wiped my mouth off. Keaton grabbed me and took me back to the bedroom. JJ yelled, “Don’t be too loud.” Keaton snorted, “She needs rest.” I pouted. He whispered, “My song, you need sleep. You haven’t been sleeping well.” I sighed, “Fine, but you have to stay with me.” Keaton whispered, “There’s no place I’d rather be.” I fell asleep. I ended up in the water. I groaned, “Can’t I ever just sleep? Is that too much to ask for.” I swam down. Thankfully, I was near Caspian’s house. I walked through the crowds. I decided to look around. I usually went to the same place. I wanted to look around. The rooms were all beautiful. I stumbled into one that was calling to me. I found a picture on the nightstand. It was my mom and Noxus. It was their wedding. They looked so happy. The next one was them holding one of my brothers. Picture by picture I saw the love they had. How could my mom walk away from them? From this? This was all I had ever wanted. A loving family. She had it all, and she threw it away. I found several pictures of my mother with grandpa Alon. They looked happy too. Someone cleared their throat. I whirled around. My grandpa stood there. Sassy sadly hummed her song. It might not be fair, but all the anger I felt for my mother I could direct at him. They seemed so similar. I said, “I’ll just go find….anyone else to talk to.” My grandpa pointed at the picture and said, “That was the day she met Noxus. She was so happy to share all her love with him. She was such a happy child. I thought I could protect her from becoming her mother.” I frowned, “My grandma? What happened to her?” Grandpa Alon sat down on the bed across from me. He said, “You grandma rejected me. I told everyone she died, but it wasn’t true. She rejected me and chose the dark side.” I snorted; he really was just like my mother. I rolled my eyes, “So now we are in Star Wars?” My grandpa snorted, “Sure. I can’t believe she’s done this to you. We should be able to speak freely, but we can’t.” I frowned, “What does that mean?” He sighed, “I can’t explain right now, but maybe one day. I still believe your grandma got in contact with your mom.” I snorted, “Is her name Valdoma? I see her a lot.” My grandpa laughed, “Do you? No, that’s not her name. Valdoma is quite famous though. Don’t talk to her.” I asked, “Why would I do what you say? I should probably do the opposite.” Not that I wanted to talk to Valdoma, but she did keep her word. She seemed like a really bad person, but she didn’t want to hand me over to Luke and his family.
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