Making Connections Pt. 1

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Odette was panicking. How the hell could I tell him I loved him? It was true, but if he said thank you after this kiss. I’d die. He didn’t though. He said he loved me too. I couldn’t believe we were in a skating rink. Sassy was happily humming her tune. She was definitely smug. My inner consciousness was such a strange smug little thing. The whole date was a whirlwind and amazing. I couldn’t believe he’d bought and renovated the place just for me. That was definitely some crazy thing that never happened except in the movies. This was such a big gesture. Maybe I was imagining it. What if I was in a coma and imagining all this? Well, I didn’t want to wake up if I was. Eventually, I did have to leave so I could get work. Immy came out yelling. I didn’t realize Lisa would be served the restraining order so fast. I hoped Keaton didn’t get mad at me. Immy pulled me into the store. She squealed, “You filed a restraining order?! What got you the restraining order? Did you bat those beautiful eyes and say please?” I snorted, “No, that doesn’t work.” I took out my phone and showed her the video. She grabbed it from me and tapped buttons. She yelled, “What a b***h!” She got on her phone and yelled, “Malachi! Did you ….well watch it! She’s so far out of bounds it’s insane.” I looked at my phone. She didn’t send the video to anyone that I could see. I guess she could’ve deleted it. Immy came back “OH! I’m getting into her house and putting blue dye into her shampoo. She CANNOT rock blue hair. I myself would crush it. So would you. She can’t pull off blue or green. OHH I’ll turn her hair blue and her body green because she’s a jealous b***h!” I laughed, “Calm down, Immy. It’s ok.” Immy took a deep breath. She asked, “So….what happened the other night? Because Keaton used to be so far up Lisa’s ass he couldn’t tell which way was up. He came back from your sexcapades and the man barely remembered her name.” Oh god. Sassy was somehow singing her song smarmily now. What was up with Sassy? I told Immy, “It’s complicated?” Immy snickered, “It’s s*x and you apparently are very good at it.” I blushed, “Well, he is good at it so…” Someone yelled, “I KNEW IT!” I snorted as a girl from school ran out of the bookshop. Immy said, “You know Lisa is full of it, right? She won’t kill you.” I said, “I don’t think she is. She’s already tried to kill me once. She pretty much said she was hoping I died. Now, she’s actually threatening me. I don’t think she’d do it herself. She’d be present with her friends, but she is absolutely capable.” Immy frowned, “She wouldn’t dare.” I said, “Well, if I die go after her first because she absolutely had something to do with it.” Immy gasped, “Don’t joke about that. That’s terrible! You can’t die.” I told her, “I’m taking steps to protect myself. Don’t worry.” A bell rang in the store. I turned greeting, “Hello….” Immy gasped. I asked her, “Are you ok?” The guys said, “Hi….I’m Sean.” Immy whispered, “Immy…Immy Miller.” They didn’t say anything else. I said, “I’m Katie. Not that anyone asked.” Sean snapped out of his staring contest. He said, “Right. That was rude.” I laughed, “Don’t worry about it. Do you need a book, Sean?” He said, “I could….do you have any books about fairies?” I asked, “Like supernatural books? We have plenty over in the fiction section….that Immy can take you too.” I bumped her. She blinked and looked at me. She said, “Right…..fiction section.” I whispered in her ear, “He likes you. Is that your secret boyfriend?” She shook her head, “No, but he will be.” I teased, “I like the confidence.” I said, “How rude of me. I didn’t say my last name. It’s Karlton. What’s yours?” Sean sighed, “I don’t really like giving out my last name. I’m not affiliated with my family.” I asked, “Why would that matter?” Sean looked at Immy. His eyes were begging her to understand something. He said, “I’m actually hiding from my family. My brother took me and my siblings when I was just two away from our family. We have nothing to do with them, or anything they do.” Good lord. Was his family the mob too? Were they suddenly drawn to me? Like a moth to a flame? Did I just attract those with mob ties? Did Jag have mob ties? God, this conspiracy theory had gotten so far out of hand. Immy whispered, “Please don’t say it….” Sean said, “I have nothing to do with them. I swear an oath to you.” I asked, “An oath? Oh gosh. Are your families like rival rich people? This is a rich person problem, right? Your great great grandparents or something don’t like hers….Are you the Miller’s and whatever Sean’s last name is version of Romeo and Juliet.” Sean sighed, “If she wants to be yes, but with a better ending. Their ending was no fun, and without hijinks.” Immy was uncharacteristically frozen. I said, “Hey, he swore an oath. Like he was from a different century….” She didn’t say anything. I told Sean, “Give us a minute.” He nodded, “Take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere.” I pulled Immy to the back. I asked, “Do you want me to kick him out?” She said, “No…I just don’t want to hear his last name.” I told her, “I’m getting a sincere vibe off him. What’s his aura like?” She loved talking about aura’s. I’d use that to get her mojo back. Immy said dreamily, “Perfect. It’s so shiny and matches with mine. He’s so handsome.” I told her, “Then go talk to him.” She sighed, “His last name…is going to be a problem. No one around here will give him a chance. I can’t believe he’d even come here.” I sighed, “I haven’t met a person around here who was so closed minded. We are not our family. If people judged me based on my mom….I’d have problems. She’s not nice. I think I’m pretty nice, myself. It honestly seems like he came in here specifically to meet you. You seem pretty taken with him. Give the man a chance.” Immy said, “You’re so nice!” I told her, “Go talk to him.” She sighed and we walked out. She lit up when she saw him again. She said, “You’re still here.” He shrugged, “I told you I would be.” She asked, “Is your last name….O’Toole?” She whispered it as if the walls might hear her. Sean sighed, “My birth name is, but I want to change it to my mom’s maiden name. My brother is working on that for me. I don’t agree with them, and I literally never did anything for them. I just want to live my life. I want you.” Ok that was very fast but cute. Sassy wasn’t hissing so this guy had to be ok. I told Immy, “Go hang out in the back. I’ll cover the shift. Get to know him.” Immy asked, “Are you sure? You wouldn’t mind?” I snorted, “Not at all. What are friends for? If not to help their friend have their Romeo and Juliet moment…with a better ending. There will be none of that bullshit with you two, ok? Communication saves the day, people.” Sean smirked, “You better believe it. My girl deserves the best.” I snorted, “You are quite confident, aren’t you?” Sean tilted his head, “You don’t know…” Immy tugged his hand and dragged him to the back as I asked, “Know what? I was here for that whole interaction.” They didn’t answer. I snorted and kept busy sorting books. I closed up and knocked on the door before I walked in. They were making out and their shirts were off. I said, “I’m so sorry.” I closed the door and waited. They came out both not looking even slightly sorry. Immy said, “Thanks for telling me to talk to him.” I teased her, “You definitely looked like you were talking.” Immy smirked along with Sean. She asked me, “Can we keep this between us for right now? I’m not sure how to break it to my family, but slowly seems like a good idea.” Sean sighed, “Sadly, that’s true. My siblings will be happy to meet you though.” I frowned, “The Millers are really nice. I’ll keep the secret, but I think they’d surprise you. Well, ok I haven’t met them all, but the ones I have are nice. I could tell Keaton to punch anyone who was mean to him. I’m sure he’d do it.” I was actually positive he would. Which was odd. I didn’t really condone violence. Whatever. Sean looked nervous but smiled at me. I told Immy, “Text me later, or I’ll call Keaton and tell him everything. I don’t think he is going to hurt you, but I have a text from you later or I’m telling.” Immy laughed, “I’ll text you.” I hugged her. Immy skipped away with Sean. I watched them. They avoided main streets. Jeez. Were the O’Toole’s and Millers really enemies? I shook my head. I ran across the street and ordered a steak dinner. I waited for it to be prepared. I started towards the woods then cursed, “s**t! Tatum!” I ran back to my apartment. I grabbed the leash and collar. I smiled, “Come on girl!” She happily went with me. I walked back through to the place where I’d seen the rabies wolf. Sassy started hissing in my head. I heard Jag talking, “So, it’s like that…huh?” I heard snarling as the answer. I yelled, “JAG!” I took off running with Tatum right beside me. Jag cursed softly, “f**k!” He yelled, “Get out of here, Katie!” I ran over to him as a wolf scratched his back. Blood sprayed on my clothes. Tatum snarled and grabbed one of the wolves by the hind leg and dragged it away. I screamed, “TATUM!” She was just a little dog. A red eyed wolf jumped in front of me. I cried, “No, she’s just a puppy!” I heard a howl of pain, but not a sound like Tatum would make. How could she even drag a wolf away? What was going on? Jag punched the wolf in the head. It went down quickly. I started to run for Tatum but he grabbed me around the waist and carried me away. He said, “I need you to go home.” I cried, “But…Tatum…” He snorted, “Your weird dog is fine. I’m sure she’ll come over here in a second.” I hit his arm, “She’s not weird!” Jag snorted, “Uh huh.” I asked, “Are you ok? It scratched you. You need to get checked out.” He said, “I’m fine. I’ll clean up the area. They aren’t dead, Katie. I need to kill them.” I sighed, “I mean….I have a red eyed wolf friend. I know they have rabies, but my wolf is nice.” Jag snorted, “I wouldn’t call him your wolf around your boyfriend.” I frowned, “Why? It’s my rabies wolf.” Jag growled. I sighed, “You really would fit in around here. I feel like I’m the magnet for people who don’t think people will like them. You and now the other new guy.” Jag asked, “Sean?” I asked, “How do you know Sean?” Jag said, “I’ve seen him around. Poor kid’s been working up the courage to approach your friend for months.” I frowned, “He’s stalking her?” And I just let them go off together.” Jag said, “Dear god, no. He’s not stalking her. He was just instantly drawn to her, but he’s worried she won’t like him.” I snorted, “You know a lot about people and stuff for not being out in the open.” Jag said, “You meet other people in the shadows, my dear.” Tatum yipped and jumped into my arms. I screamed, “TATUM! Oh god. She’s covered in blood. We need to get to the vet and…” Jag said, “I don’t think it’s hers. I don’t think your strange dog….” Tatum growled at him. Jag winked at my dog before continuing, “Liked the red eyed wolves threatening you.” I praised Tatum in a baby voice, “Who needs a big dog? Not me. No, I have the cutest fiercest dog on the planet. Yes, I do.” Tatum licked my face. I winced and wiped the blood away. I told Jag, “I left a steak out for my rabies wolf. Don’t kill him. He’s nice.” Jag growled again then laughed, “I’ll be on the lookout for a nice rabies wolf.” I snorted, “Well, you were talking to those wolves when I got here.” Jag smirked, “Touché, Katie. Touché. I’d take a dip in the pond before you go home.” He was right. We couldn’t walk around covered in blood. Tatum wriggled out of my arms and ran towards the pond. She jumped in like she was a fish. I snorted, “Do you like the water?” She was practically doing synchronized swimming moves. I jumped in and got the blood off me the best I could. I scrubbed Tatum’s fur with my hands. I sighed, “We’ll have to give you a bath at home.” She sighed. I told her, “That was very brave of you to take on a wolf. You’re my little dog with the heart of a lion.” She licked my face again. I sighed, “I’m not even going to try to figure out how a dog of your size killed a wolf, because based on the blood; I’m certain you did.” She yipped proudly. She’d definitely killed the wolf. We got out of the pond. I called, “Jag? You ok?” He grunted, “Yup! All handled. Go on. Go home. I’ll be around.” Good. I should offer to help clean up the wolves bodies, but Jag could move them and call animal control to come get them. I walked Tatum home and went up the back stairwell. I quickly discarded my clothes and put them in the washer. I cleaned off Tatum’s collar then got her in the tub. She was mostly clean already from the pond. Which was strange, but I wasn’t going to dwell on it. My thoughts drifted to Immy and Sean. They definitely seemed to have a love at first sight thing going. It was pretty adorable. I’d seen that enough in the high schools I’d gone to. Where it was just like lightning sometimes. It was usually seniors, but juniors were in that category too. It was what I’d felt with Keaton. I was going to admit that. That’s a thing I could admit now. I called Keaton and left him a message. I just wanted him so bad right now. Once Tatum was clean, I cleaned out the tub. Then I got into the shower myself. I scrubbed myself down pretty good. I got out and discovered I had a text from Immy. That was good. I really hoped Sean was a good person like Jag. Immy: I’m home. Thanks for everything. S is great. My sister IS ENGAGED!!! Me: Code names. I like it, Juliet. I’m glad on all fronts. I’m guessing this is a sister I haven’t met because Clara didn’t seem super serious into anyone and she’s a senior. Immy: LOL you are so funny. Her name is Annie. It’s her childhood love, Kreed. He’s Ken’s nephew. Me: That’s adorable! I’ll have to tell Kenneth I’m happy for him. Then ask which name he prefers I call him. I always call him Kenneth, but you guys all call him Ken. I put my phone down. Immy met a guy and her sister got engaged. Big night for the Millers. Though I suppose they only know half that story. I doubt Immy told them about Sean since she was calling him S in her texts. I walked over to my computer and googled O’Toole’s and Millers. Nothing came up. I snorted, “What were you expecting? Articles? Families like that don’t air their dirty laundry.” I was pulled out of my thoughts by a call on my computer. I answered, “Hello….” Someone laughed, “I saw you were online, little sister. I just wanted to chat.” I asked, “Which brother is this? You sound like Trit.” He laughed again, “Very good. I am Trit.” I said, “Weird things keep happening.” Trit asked, “Oh, yeah? Like what?” I snorted, “I went from one sibling to seven really fast. I have a hissing, singing, sassy song with emotions in my head, I go to an underwater place, apparently I can breathe underwater, my dog is some sort of tiny killer, I’m tripping people and killing them in my dreams. Suddenly A LOT of death is around me. Those rabies wolves are definitely dead now and…” Trit interrupted, “Rabies wolves again? Oh dear, little sister. Caspian will have such fits. Do tell me about the tiny dog killer you own.” I put the laptop on my lap and turned on the video. Tatum was on the floor. Trit asked, “A video call…Holy s**t!” He must have answered. He started laughing, “Oh hello little dog.” I swear to god, Tatum rolled her eyes at him. She gave an annoyed growl. Trit was laughing. He said, “Little sister, why don’t you turn the camera around?” I whispered, “That’s probably a bad idea.” Trit asked, “But what do you want to do?” I thought about it. I wanted him to see me like I could see him when I visited that place. Tatum butted my leg with her head. I looked down. Her eyes looked like she was pleading with me. I sighed and walked over to a corner where he couldn’t see anything in the room. I took a deep breath and sat down. I covered the camera with my finger then sat in front of it. Slowly I moved my finger. Trit smiled on his side. He said, “You are beautiful, Odette.” I blushed, “Thanks.” Trit teased, “I think I have bragging rights. Other than Lux, I’m the first one to see you. We are the youngest ones. We do have to stick together.” I laughed, “My Lux is younger than you.” Trit smiled, “And when we find him, he can be included. We’ll give the older ones such hell. It’s our job, you know?” My song started to sing. I said, “I have to go. My song boy is here.” Trit sighed, “Foiled by true love. I’ll see you again soon.” I smiled, “Ok.” I hung up and ran to the door. I threw it open. Dang. I really needed to get this whole thing under control. Sassy huffed at me in my head. Keaton knew about my restraining order, but he didn’t care. As the week went by, school was surprisingly drama free. Lisa was suspiciously absent. I knew she didn’t move, but I couldn’t deny not having her here was beyond nice. I’d started emailing with all my brothers. I’d talked to Trit a few more times on chat. He was really funny. I was starting to feel like we really were siblings. Like I belonged somewhere. That I had a family like Keaton, and so many others I’d seen. Part of me was really worried if I met them, my mother just might kill me. I’d sent my brothers a picture of my courtwarming dress. I’d just gotten it with Immy. She’d taken a picture of me in it. I instantly had a call incoming from Caspian. I sighed and answered, “Hi Caspian.” He said, “Absolutely not.” I asked, “Huh?” He said “That dress. It needs more material.” I laughed, “Are you really doing that whole big brother routine?” Caspian grounded out, “I am NOT alone, and I am your big brother. It’s not a routine.” I snickered, “Whatcha gonna do about it from your seashell throne mob boss man?” I heard several women laughing. Caspian hissed, “Serenity! It’s not funny.” Serenity replied, “It was pretty funny.” I said, “I’m totally covered in my dress.” Cordelius snorted, “It barely covers your ass, and you’re going to be dancing.” I smiled, “It has long sleeves. My ass has gotten bigger since I stopped trying to follow mom’s diet. I’m just following Noxxus’ advice. I don’t think you can be upset about that.” Cadence yelled, “Don’t blame dad! The sleeves are as long as the dress! Not happening!” I laughed, “I’m not blaming your dad. I repeat…what are you all going to do about the dress?” Cython offered, “When we find you, Odette, you are so in for it.” I laughed, “I’m certain the dance will have passed by then. Your IT guys have NOTHING on mom’s new boyfriend. He’s clearly amazing. I’ll try to recruit him for the family business for you once he and mom break up, big brother.” Trit finally laughed. They still tried to talk me out of my dress. I just loved it too much to listen. It was a long sleeved sequined green dress. It did just barely cover my butt, but like I said my butt had gotten bigger. Normally, it probably would’ve been a longer dress. Immy said it was perfect. I asked her if Sean was coming. She said she was going to sneak away to see him. I was going to cover for her. He’d come by the store a lot. We were all friends now. Well, they were so wrapped up in each other it was adorable. I thought about the chat I had with him. He was funny. I’d cornered him when Immy went to the bathroom, “And what are your intentions with my friend?” He smiled, “Whatever she wants. I’ll give her.” I asked, “Why aren’t you in school? Aren’t you my age?” He said ,”I’m seventeen, so yes I am your age. I’m home schooled. You can’t be off the radar in school. It’s why my name hasn’t legally changed yet. My brother is trying to find a way to magically get things done without being on the radar.” He winked at me. I offered, “Well, when my mom and her boyfriend come back I could ask him for you. He’s apparently some type of IT genius.” Sean laughed, “I look forward to meeting him and your mom.” I winced, “Not her. She’ll make me disappear if she finds out I have friends again.” Sean tapped my nose, “Aww have no fear Katie, I’d just pop back into your life and take you away. Immy would be sad without you, and I can’t have that.” I snorted thinking about that conversation. He was a very charismatic dude. He matched Immy really well, and they had a lot of fun together. I was still sad they couldn’t go to courtwarming together. Immy and May were getting ready in my apartment. Immy came over early then left to go be with Sean. I was pretty sure it was so Ken would see her arrive here. She must be sneaking out. I ran into my guest room when I heard a pop. I searched the whole place, but I couldn’t figure out what the sound was. Immy arrived back, and I realized she went out my window since she ran back in from the guest room. She got back and threw her stuff in my washer and jumped in the shower. I laughed, “Immy, no one is going to do a sniff test with you!” She snorted, “They so would, and then the inquisition would begin.” Weird but ok. May arrived next. She happily played with Tatum. Immy came out in a full face of makeup. What the hell? How did she do that? May smiled teasingly, “Always the first one ready, Immy.” I offered, “She has been here for a while.” May laughed and hopped in the shower. I asked, “How did you…?” Immy waved her hand, “Come on. Let's get you ready.” I whispered, “How was S?” Immy blushed, “He’s so great. I love him, Katie.” Six months ago, Odette would’ve told her that was way too fast. Hell, December Odette would’ve said it was too fast, but this was almost February Odette. I told her, “I’m really happy for you. I think everyone else would be too.” She told me, “I’m really nervous.” I promised, “Well, my lips are sealed until you are ready.” She hugged me and did my makeup. May came out. She said, “Hey Immy, are you ready for the get together on Valentine’s Day at the pac…your parents’ house.” Pac? What the hell?” Immy deflated, “I guess.” I interjected, “Oh, she can’t. She’s helping me. I need her for my surprise for Keaton.” Immy turned to me. Her face was full of hope. May asked, “You’re planning something for Keaton? Does he know? He always goes…insane with plans on Valentine’s Day.” I laughed, “Well, he can plan something after dinner. I want to make us dinner, and Immy is going to help me decorate the apartment and cook.” May laughed, “Immy does love to decorate.” May ran back into my room and called, “I’m putting on my dress.” Immy hugged me the second she was out of sight. She whispered, “I love you.” I hugged her, “I got you, Juliet.” Immy winked, “With a more fun ending.” I laughed and we joined May. I put my dress on. Immy slapped my butt. She said, “May, LOOK at her fabulous ass. Hello, beautiful. Can you make my ass look like yours?” I snorted. May said, “Yeah Katie your boobs and ass just…” I snorted, “Have taken on a life of their own? Yeah, I know. Your asses aren’t anything to turn your nose up at either.” May laughed, “It’s awesome.” Weird is what it was, but I wasn’t complaining. Keaton definitely wasn’t either. We were ready when the boys got there. Bryce stepped in and looked at Immy. He smiled, “You look beautiful. I still can’t believe you turned down like six guys as a date.” I snorted. Immy sighed, “I’m fine on my own. All those guys wanted my luscious ass after the dance. Did you want me to have to deal with their advances all night?” Bryce went from happy go lucky to furious in a second. He yelled, “WHAT?!” May laughed. I asked, “Did you really not know that? I mean…they were talking about it….I guess you aren’t in our classes.” Bryce gritted his teeth, “I’ll kill them. No, no, I’ll have Malachi make their lives HELL. Consider their lives hell! Excuse me. I have to go RUIN several people’s day, and then get my date. Her family lives in this building. Putting unwanted advances on my little sister…Has everyone gone INSANE?! OH! They will RUE the day. RUE PEOPLE!”
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