Uncovering the Past Pt. 1

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Odette crept through the area beside the house. I’m sure I looked ridiculous trying to channel my best ninja sticking to the shadow impression. People shot me glances, but I was pretty sure the recent discovery of my last name had them looking away. I was the former Alpha’s daughter. My older brother seemed to be on some important hooptie do for werewolves, and my nephew was the current alpha. Or were all of them? Keaton was about to become an Alpha. I had more nephews. So, did they all take over? I needed a supernatural tutor. That’s what I needed. I began to jog. Thankfully, with my speed it wasn’t that long back to the place I always met Jag. I called, “Rolfe! I mean…Jag! You are the same person, right? I mean I have Tatum with me now. She’s my wolf…it’s been a whole thing. Look Rolfe, I’m really sorry I called you a rabies wolf, ok? I’m certain it’s some sort of magic now, but you know it wasn’t exactly like I would know that. Thinking I was human has to give me a little pass on that, right? You’ve been protecting me this whole time. I don’t know why you didn’t just have me introduce you to Keaton, but now my dad’s a Conners. You were right. I do look like them. So, there’s a reason for that. Nathan Conners is my dad. I can actually help you now. Sean is all settled with Immy. It got….ok it was super tense, but the princess, my sister in law, she’s seriously awesome, handled it.” Nothing happened. I called, “Come on, Jag! Let me help you. My older brother is on some sort of…I don’t know. He’s important though to werewolves. I can tell. My nephew runs the pack, my mate is about to help run his. I can help you. I know I can. For everything you’ve done for me I really want to help you. You don’t deserve to be out here by yourself. You’re a good guy who should be in the pack with me. You are my friend. Just…” I heard a rustling. I smiled, “Jag?” Tatum growled, “That doesn’t smell like Jag.” I frowned, “Jag doesn’t have a smell.” Tatum growled, “Exactly.” Sassy started to hiss when an old man emerged. I studied him, “You were at the dance.” He smiled evilly, “You were not supposed to be this observant. Nor were you supposed to meet your father. Meeting your song was unexpected as well. It makes all that boys actions make sense though. Of course, he didn’t take to Luke’s threats, he’s fighting for his song.” I gritted my teeth, “Key is not a boy.” The man smiled, “To me he is.” I asked, “And you are?” He sneered, “Luke is my grandson.” I sighed, “Oh, good. Another Merrick. Can I just say…? I do not like any of you. Why do you all look so creepy?” He ignored my question and asked, “Where is my son?” I asked, “Darwin? I don’t know.” He hissed, “Eugene.” I frowned, “I don’t know him.” He rolled his eyes, “He was following you here, but he stopped returning our calls. We can’t get a hold of him. We assume your song has him imprisoned.” I said, “The guy who tried to get me to suck his d**k over a picture of me naked?” Luke’s grandpa’s jaw dropped. He hissed, “He wouldn’t!” I shrugged, “He did.” He asked, “Where is he?” I winced, “He kind of….got eaten….by a wolf. I guess it was a werewolf if we want to be technical.” He asked, “Which one?” I asked, “How would I know?! I can’t tell them apart. I didn’t even know they existed. I thought it was just a wolf that let me get away because it liked me and it already had its dinner!” Unlike Melanie, I was a good liar. I’d never out Rolfe/Jag to him. He glared at me, “You are coming with me.” I snorted, “Hard pass.” He stalked closer to me saying, “I wasn’t asking.” I shrugged, “I’m still not going with you to die. That’s a no.” He frowned, “Who said you would die?” I said, “Luke.” He shook his head, “That ridiculous boy.” I hissed, “Man child. There we agree.” He reached for my arm. I punched him in the face. Sassy hissed in my head. I smirked at him. His head snapped back hissing. He looked possessed and evil. A snarl reached our ears. I turned as Rolfe launched himself at the man. I gasped, “ROLFE!” Then other evil looking sirens emerged. I screamed, “NO!” One threw a trident at Rolfe. It hit him on the leg. He whined in pain but remained standing. The man who threw the trident fell to the ground dead as a shot rang out. I turned and saw Melanie standing there with a gun in her hand. She’d followed me. Thank god. I heard more howls and people running. Ok, I guess I did not slip away at all. Tatum sorted, “Not even kind of.” I retorted, “Well, thanks for the heads up.” I asked, “What do we do?” Tatum replied, “Shift. I’ll rip out some throats.” Fine by me. I shifted into Tatum. They all hissed. One yelled, “She has her wolf?!” Obviously. Were they all obtuse? A trident flew through the air and impaled one of the dark sirens. Luke’s grandpa yelled, “WHAT?” I knocked him back away from Rolfe and took up a protective stance. He pushed me away. My dad’s wolf snarled at him, but he was focused on Caspian. He looked between us both. He yelled, “How did this get so out of hand?” Caspian smiled, “Because of your greed. Odette was never yours to take, Horace.” Horace sneered, “We will attack while you are here.” Caspian replied, “You will not get the chance. I’ve been preparing since I found out about her.” Horace hissed, “How did you? We were so careful.” Caspian laughed, “Were you? She’s been looking for Lux. She stumbled across Lux Vennox. Then she met her song. She’s song walked to us.” He hissed, “Impossible! She’s not trained.” Rude. I nuzzled Rolfe. I tried to link him, “Are you ok?” He didn’t answer so I was pretty sure it didn’t work. Melanie linked me, “He’s ok.” I asked, “Can you talk to him? He’s not answering me.” Melanie replied, “I can link any wolf.” That was cool. My dad linked me, “Stay behind me. We haven’t trained on fighting in wolf form.” They trained? I guess that made sense. I was really behind not knowing….anything. I was really disappointed. I heard a growl from the opposite direction. Sassy sang and Tatum purred, “Mate.” So, I guess someone told him there was a fight. There were a lot of Merrick’s here. I linked my dad, “Were they waiting to take me when I was alone?” He answered, “It certainly looked like it. Jackson has a prisoner already. We will get answers.” I sheepishly replied, “I’m sorry. I just wanted to help my friend.” He told me, “We will always help you. You just have to ask.” That was weird. Tatum replied, “They are good Alpha’s in a good pack. Plus, they are our family.” I heard Keaton yell he wanted in. In where? Then I realized there was some sort of dome around us. When did that happen? I watched in astonishment as Channing fought. I whispered, “Wow…” Sassy sang smugly. Tatum purred, “Mate is fierce.” Since he literally ripped Horace to pieces…that was a word. I was pretty sure former kings were pretty hard to take down. Noxus was taking on a group of five sirens with ease. He was a former king. My mate could just rip people to shreds. Warmth filled me because he’d done it for me. He was protecting me. I was grinning like a crazy person. He loved me. Tatum snorted, “You knew that.” I replied, “There are levels. He loves me enough to rip someone to shreds. That’s a lot.” Tatum replied, “Mate.” Sassy seemed to sing at her. Tatum huffed. I snorted. I was pretty sure there was some debate about calling him a song or mate. Alexander and Haley showed up and things got explosive. Literally people’s heads exploded. Why was that not their first line of defense? I shifted back. I was naked for a second before clothes appeared on me. They were cute. Tatum linked, “Haley.” I smiled at her, “Thank you, Haley.” She winked, “Any time.” Jag had shifted back too. They’d hurt him because of me. This was all my fault. Haley could heal, because of course she could. I linked Melanie, “Is there nothing she can’t do?” Melanie replied, “Lie. Fairies can’t lie.” Interesting. That’s it? That tracked. Keaton was angry. I tried to get to Jag, but Keaton just tightened his hold on me. He was growling at Jag. We argued over Jag’s actions. Sure, he attacked me that once, but it was….weird. Maybe it was magic. That was a thing in my life now. Caspian winked at me as he helped me explain everything. Thank god he was here. I didn’t know what he was talking about, but it helped. I appealed to Eric. He was the one everyone looked to for werewolf things. He had to help Jag. Haley linked me, “Don’t worry. Eric will initiate Jag for you. They’ll do anything for you. You’ve already got them wrapped around your finger.” I didn’t know about that, but Eric did let Jag join the pack. They already knew his name. Keaton was losing it for some reason. I linked Melanie, “What's his deal?” She shrugged, “Alpha’s are testy when their mates are in danger….it’s a whole…their blood kind of thing….plus your mate is technically Hood royalty too.” I linked, “Excuse me?” Melanie replied, “Well, his cousin is the leader…” The Axe was his cousin?! That’s what Jag said the leader’s name was. Melanie continued, “And since they lead they really could call themselves kings and queens….well he’d be a Duke.” I was TOTALLY right. His mom was the female robin hood lady! Jag said the two I met were the former leaders. MAN! Not having a spelled mind kicked ass. I was running away with theories. Jag and Eric were having a conversation about his mom. I could tell it meant a lot to him. Eric even knew her. Did he know everyone? Was he the male Melanie? I caught a look pass over one of the man’s faces that had come with Eric. I bet that’s who Jag’s mom dated. I wondered who he was. I was excited for Jag. They knew his mom and were already fighting over who got to train him. Maybe Melanie would train me. I linked Melanie, “Why wouldn’t he want his scent and eyes fixed?” Melanie pursed her lips, “I can’t….be….sure….but…well….it could be….there’s…well…..” I snorted, “It’s fine. I’ll figure it out eventually.” She sighed in relief. I managed to hug him. Keaton growled. What was wrong with him? I get to thank Jag for saving me. Melanie linked, “You were running with his wolf?” I nodded. She smiled, “Impressive!” Her Xander linked me, “Boy are you in for it.” I asked, “In for what?” Her Xander laughed, “Running with an unmated male wolf instead of Channing? You’re in for it.” I retorted, “I didn’t know Channing was Keaton in wolf form.” Her Xander just smirked at me. The funny wolf broke the tension. I really liked that Dylan guy. Tatum snorted, “Woren….I kind of like it.” I could work with an abbreviation for wolf/siren. Apparently Melanie spotted me leaving. That wasn’t surprising. What surprised me was that the entire room saw it. Damn. I thought I was better than that. Based on the look on her Xander’s face, he did in fact notice she left. He just thought it was to research. To be fair, it was a lot. She’d sneak off, and we’d find her buried in some files, a book, or her laptop. I linked Melanie, “Do I really have the ability to have a weapon on me that no one can see?” Melanie replied, “Yes, sirens have that ability along with the Hackura. I know of one other supernatural race that does though too. There could be more….I haven’t really done research on all the groups I know…I observe things…they share some….not everything in this realm is right. A lot is lore started by supernatural groups being petty about one another. Mermaids influenced the Siren lore in this realm. Faerie has the most accurate texts. Probably the Hackura realm too. It would be in Latin though…I mean I speak Latin, but…that’s not the point.” I smiled, “I really missed you.” She smiled, “Missed you too.” Lux linked me, “No running off without me again, kid.” I told him, “It’s kind of a habit.” He frowned, “Break it. You and me, always.” God, I missed him. I promised, “I’ll try.” He nodded, “I’ll take that.” I told him, “Your song/mate is really pretty.” He smirked, “She is. She’s at the house.” I replied, “She’s about ten feet behind you.” He whirled around and let a low growl loose. She smirked and skipped over to him. She was going to keep him on his toes. That was good. They had a room ready for Jag. I could tell he wanted to go there. I bet he could use a hot shower. I felt an electric buzz as we popped out of whatever that bubble was, then we were back at the Conners house. Man. That was the way to travel. I wished Dylan had been able to convince them to come out here. Then Jag would’ve been here the whole time. How would the school attack have gone then though? That could’ve been a disaster. I still wished that’s what happened to him. Dylan was trying to adopt Jag. That would be so nice. His family seemed like just the dose of fun that he desperately needed. Haley said, “Alright, I’ll pop Jag to his room. Zoe left a hot plate of food for him. He will eat, shower, and return.” She popped away. Several people growled. What? She popped right back. Keaton asked, “My song, why did you leave?” I sighed, “I was just trying to help Jag. I figured out he was my rabies wolf that I was feeding.” He growled, “WHAT?!” My brothers were all rubbing their faces. My siren brothers were trying not to laugh. I said, “Well, it was a reasonable conclusion that he had rabies at the time! I feel bad. He’s probably upset I called him that.” Eric answered, “He definitely didn’t like it.” I winced, “Well, it’s that I’ve been leaving him food in our spot because he has been protecting me and…” Keaton growled, “MINE!” He slammed his lips on mine. What did bringing Jag food have to do with that? Someone cleared their throat and he pulled back growling. I frowned. Eric said, “In the future, tell one of us about the rogues, even though Jag isn’t one. We don’t feed rogues.” I huffed, “Well, I only fed the nice one. I knocked out the other ones.” Several people snickered. Eric smirked, “Be that as it may, no feeding red eyed wolves.” I sighed, “I just helped him because he kept saving me. Eugene, Luke’s uncle, was the guy Jag killed to protect me. Also can we just talk about how weird and deviant the Merrick’s are? I was solicited by my cousin and he was killed by Jag for it.” Keaton growled along with several others. My dad said, “Melanie, I want you to take me to Cassandra.” His dead mate?” Several people agreed. She stammered, “I mean…I guess…that I could do….that…that’s a thing…I could do….I mean….we’d….well…..sure. Tomorrow?” My dad shrugged, “Sooner rather than later.” She picked at her sleeve, “Ok.” Keaton said, “Excuse us. Don’t wait up.” Don’t wait up? What? I squealed as he took off running. We ended up in a beautiful house that appeared to be in a tree. I took a breath, “No wonder I couldn’t outrun you.” He snorted, “You’ll never be able to outrun me.” I frowned, “We should’ve stayed to make sure Jag felt welcomed and….” He growled and crossed the room, “MINE!” I asked, “Why do you keep saying that?” He kissed me roughly and passionately. I melted into him. I pulled back, “Keaton?” He growled, “We can talk all about Jag when my mark is on your neck.” I flushed, “You’re marking me?” Keaton said, “Yes. I had other plans, but instead Immy set up some things here for me.” He led me back to the bedroom. I gasped. There were green flower petals everywhere. There were candles too. I smiled, “It’s perfect.” He closed his eyes, “I’m sure you want to shower. Immy set up stuff in there too. I’ll be waiting out here for you.” I tapped his chest, “You are amazing. I love you, Key.” He kissed me slowly this time then let me go. I skipped into the bathroom. There was a bath waiting. The mood lighting was in here too. There was a note with a little oil ball beside it. Odette, The bath is full of things to make your skin super soft and to calm your energy. This oil ball is one of my mom’s favorites. Alexandria and Scarlett own the company that makes them. They say it’s the best. It’s not magical or anything, she just loves it. Enjoy! Immy P.S. Thanks for standing with Sean and me even though you had no idea what you were doing. You have such a pure aura. I peeked out the door and asked, “Does Immy have the power to see aura’s?” Keaton answered, “She does.” I snorted, “That makes so much sense. I just thought she was super into that kind of thing. Turns out, she actually sees aura’s. Huh.” I closed the door and got out of my clothes. I stepped into the tub. I couldn’t stop my moan. This was great. I dropped the oil ball into the tub. I could feel the tension leaking out of me. Eventually I went under water and resurfaced quickly. I got out of the tub and rubbed my skin. I could see why they liked that oil ball. This was the softest my skin had ever been. My sisters in law really did kick ass. I found a green robe and put it on. I walked back out, finding a naked Keaton. I asked, “Do you want to shower?” He said, “I did. There’s another bathroom here.” He stood and approached me slowly. My breathing quickened. He backed me against the door frame and caged me between his arms. He put his nose in the crook of my neck. He groaned, “You smell so damn good.” I whimpered feeling his teeth graze my skin. He gently began to suck on my neck. I gasped and gripped his hips pulling him closer. He easily untied my robe and trailed his fingertips gently on stomach. I began to ache for him. He gently licked my neck. I whispered, “Key…” His hand covered my breast before his thumb gently ran across my n****e. I wrapped my arms around him trying to pull him closer, but he didn’t budge. He moved his hand down and drew circles on my hips all while continuing to suck on my neck. His fingers finally went lower and across my lower lips, but it was too brief. A tease. I whimpered, “Please….” He asked, “Who do you belong to?” I answered immediately, “You.” His finger slid inside me. I let my head fall back. Tatum purred, “Mate is dominant.” I think that was literally the definition of an Alpha male. He slowly pumped his hand, but I was already trembling. He nipped my neck and I exploded around him. He pulled back and kissed me. He slid his finger out and I jumped on him. He chuckled, “My mate is eager.” I pointed out, “I’ve wanted you to mark me since before I knew what that meant. Please, don’t tease.” He smirked, “You’ll get what you want and need. I’m not going to rush this though.” Of course, he wasn’t. He kissed me then gently tossed me onto the bed before tackling me. I linked, “Tatum…any ideas?” She snorted, “Wrestle.” I told her, “I want him to have s*x with me and mark me. I don’t want a fighting lesson.” She laughed, “So fight for dominance. We are an Alpha too. Roll on top of him, push him to take control.” I liked it. I used my strength to flip us. He raised an eyebrow. I nipped at his mark. I really liked it. I growled, “Mine.” My teeth started itching. I frowned and touched them. I squeaked. They were really long. Keaton smirked, “It’s just Tatum. She wants to mark me too.” I asked, “I do that again?” He nodded, “Yes.” I growled and kissed him. He rolled me underneath him, but I flipped him right back over. We landed on the floor with a thud. He snorted and flipped me again. We were tumbling around on the floor. I could the moment his lust and Alpha side took over. He pinned me and pinned both my hands over my head. I bucked my hips up and he growled, “Naughty mate.” I seductively told him, “You should punish me.” Before I could comprehend anything he flipped me on all four and spanked me. I moaned then felt his hand come back down. He slid the tip of his d**k at my entrance, “Is this what you want?” I moaned, “Yes.” He growled, “You’re so wet.” I told him, “I always am around you.” He gripped my hips and slammed into me. I clawed the floor, tilting my head back. It felt so good. He pounded into me from behind. Occasionally spanking me as he did it. I screamed my orgasm. He yanked me off the ground and I felt his teeth pierce my skin. Sassy sang her song while Tatum purred. I saw a green light behind my eyes. He withdrew his teeth and licked my neck. I turned around and pushed him to the ground. I was possessed. His lips were everything I needed. I rode him like I never had. He groaned, “Jesus Christ, Odette…FUCK!” He roared as he came. Tatum pushed forward and bit his neck. He violently jerked inside me. His eyes flickered black. He picked me up and put me on the bed. I whispered, “Channing.” He smiled softly and slid into me slowly. He peppered my skin with feather light kisses. I came shuddering his name. My eyes were drifting shut. I whispered, “I’m sorry….I don’t know why….I’m so tried all the sudden.” He smirked, “An alpha’s mark does that.” I frowned, “Are you tired then?” He laughed, “Male Alpha’s mark’s do that.” I grumbled, “That’s sexist. So, my books got that right. Supernatural's are pretty sexist.” He laughed, “We are working on it, but this was a goddess thing.” I mumbled, “Selene.” He chuckled, “Very good.” Then my eyes were closed. I saw Sassy again. I smiled, “You’re a siren. Sorry I offended you with other names.” She smiled at me and gestured to the water in front of her. I swam over and suddenly I saw a Young Delmar. He was playing with another boy. The boy asked, “Why are you sad?” He held up a letter, “My birth mom wrote these notes just in case for my birthday. She loved me. My dad wrote notes too. I just….The Merrick’s stole my life and clan, and no one does anything.” The other boy puffed up, “I will be king one day, then one day I will help you get your revenge, brother.” I gasped. This was the boy Lily thought she was marrying me off to that said he wouldn’t marry his cousin. Delmar smiled, “I am glad we are brothers. I love all you guys.” The boy replied, “As we love you, it may not be blood but you are my brother. The Merrick’s will pay. It doesn’t matter what we have to do to make that happen, we will do it. Your family deserves justice.” He nodded. The scene faded. Dang it! Now, I feel bad for the guy who had a better plan to force me into a different life? What kind of bullshit is that? I did though. I understood him to a degree. Lux was my only family and he was ripped away from me. Delmar had pieces of the past that haunted him with what could be. He was meant to be a king. Following had to be hard for him. Now, I was in the Merrick’s clan. There were black doors everywhere. I shivered. I saw Darwin, “How is she?” Huh? I followed them. They opened the door and a little girl that looked like Delmar was there. The man said, “She’s very sad, Darwin.” The little girl had a picture of Delmar. Darwin taunted, “Your twin doesn’t even know you exist. I told your father before I killed him that one of his own clan deceived you. The whole pregnancy they never knew it was twins.” The little girl said, “Nyx.”
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