Confusion Pt .3

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Emmett snarled, “I have more questions for the Sargasso sirens clan. Lisa interfered with that! How the HELL did she always know when you were so close to telling me? Did she sense us through her blood? And how the HELL did she not manage to kill herself giving that many people so much blood.” I pointed out, “It wasn’t just hers.” Emmett snorted, “Great. Someone ask the scary techy Luna what a group of harpies is called because they fed us all their blood. Except for mom and grandpa.” He grabbed Alexandria. He whispered, “I’m so sorry I didn’t protect you.” My mom cut in, “There will be NONE of that bullshit Emmett Daniels. We did not know about harpy magic. We can all hardly be held responsible for something we didn’t know about. She probably did it the second she came to the pack. I know when your dad first got it. She brought a drink with them to the meeting and he took it. He thought nothing of taking a cup of fruit punch from a child. She probably did something similar. I don’t even think she handed it to Alexandria. I’m certain she swapped out her drink at the gym or something.” Alexandria gasped, “That little b***h! She did. We have the same water bottle. She was switching out my sports drink with her own concoction.” Emmett snarled. Keith snorted, “I would’ve said something if I’d seen that. She was in the gym. That was a sign of the apocalypse.” I agreed, “You and Stephen had the smallest amount of blood.” Keith tilted his head, “I’m positive what I had wasn’t her blood. Or our twin connection kept it from working so well. Because I never had any other intention towards her than banishing her.” My mom hissed, “Because she wasn’t worried about you. She planned to have you and Alexandria killed. I will gut that girl. Don’t think I didn’t see that look you and Justin gave each other. You know her better than anyone, and you want to track her down. We will do this as a family. Am I understood?” I hesitated. Emmett and my dad growled. I said, “She got into this family because of me.” My dad disagreed, “I allowed her family in this pack, not you. She’d gotten blood in me and Emmett before she got it into you. She was caught on our borders sneaking in all the time. Emmett wouldn’t have cared if she was your girlfriend; warrior status is earned not given. We gave it under the influence of the blood.” I wondered what having a warrior had to do with her plan. Other than she’d rather chew glass than do manual labor. How the HELL was I with her for so long? My dad asked, “How did Odette cleanse you of the blood?” I snorted, “We’d probably have to ask her. I’m sure she freaked out. We kissed. My memory is of things getting very crazy sexually and ripping her Deadpool outfit to pieces. She said that my veins turned blue, and I froze in place. She left and went to the pond, got in, then red and black balls came out of her mouth and turned into blue shimmering ones. It took a while apparently. Caspian walked her through unfreezing me. Then we missed school the next day, as you all know.” Emmett snorted, “His version was better.” My mom shivered, “I’m glad it was better for one of you. If I never see any of you throw up blood again it will be a good day. Ted was beside himself. I just…that was terrible to watch.” My grandpa added, “I second that. I can’t wait to rip that girl to pieces. Always hated her.” Ratchet took over, “I would’ve several times too. Next time, I want to kill someone…I’m doing it. Just so you all know. I’m claiming the old patriarch of the family card. I’ll just go murderous on people and go sorry. I’m old. I do what I want.” Lexi laughed, “I’m with you Ratchet. You and me buddy. We’ll take on the whole family.” My dad snorted and pulled her in for a kiss. Emmett stiffened, “s**t!” I asked, “What’s wrong?” Emmett snorted, “The Conners, Sargasso’s, and Aiden are fighting in our territory.” I asked, “Why would they come to our territory to fight with Haley about the O’Toole’s? Wait, that doesn’t make sense, they wouldn’t.” Emmett growled, “I can’t link any of the Alpha’s there’s a block.” With a growing sense of dread I asked, “Where is Odette?” Emmet growled, “In the fight.” I was gone. I didn’t even hesitate. Emmett yelled, “Keaton!” Not a chance in hell I was waiting for more details. I didn’t know or care who they were fighting. I was going to be there for my mate. I made it to where our men were. I ran into a wall. I snarled and shifted into Channing. We paced the length of the ward. Emmett was next to me. He linked, “What the hell is this?” I growled, “I don’t know.” I linked, “Melanie, come get us in!” She looked over at me and ran over. She grabbed me, my dad, Emmett, and Keith. She yanked us through. The Sargasso’s had tridents fighting with other siren’s with tridents. So, the Merrick’s sent people to get Odette. Or the other guy, but according to Melanie that Prince Delmar guy was not this dumb. Nathan’s wolf was protecting Tatum. She was protecting an injured wolf. What happened? I asked, “Who is down?” Melanie began picking at her sleeve. She said, “Umm well….that’s…I mean…I didn’t actually get introduced to him and…” I growled, “Him?!” Emmet snorted, “Oh good. This day was so boring. Why not throw this in?” My dad asked, “Who is it?” I snarled, “Jag.” Emmett said, “She has a rogue friend.” Melanie corrected, “He’s not a rogue. He has witch magic on him. Freya said that’s what is making his eyes that color.” I didn’t care much. I shifted into Channing and flew into the fight. I jumped over Odette and ripped the old man coming towards her with a trident’s head clean off. I tore the rest of him to pieces and threw them. I threw my head back and roared. Everyone stopped fighting to look at me in horror. I snarled and took down the next person with a trident I didn’t recognize. They wanted to take my mate from me, and it wasn’t happening. I shifted back, “Alexander, where are we at with exploding their damn heads?!” I looked around, “Where the hell is he?!” Melanie said, “Umm he’s back at the house….with his mom.” I growled, “Someone get the head exploder in here. Him or EJ I’m not picky. Either or both will do.” I shifted back into Channing. A few minutes later heads began exploding and the wind knocked the siren’s not clutching their heads into the Sargasso’s who quickly killed them. I shifted back and ran to Odette. She shifted back. Haley snapped clothes on everyone. She didn’t say anything though. I asked Odette, “Are you ok?” She cried, “I’m fine, but they hurt Jag.” I growled. Haley said, “I’ll heal your friend, Odette.” Odette asked, “You can heal him?” Jag groaned, “I’ll be fine. It’s not that bad.” Haley snorted, “You will fine because I’ll heal you.” I yanked Odette to me. She cried, “It’s all my fault.” I glared at those around us. I asked, “What the HELL happened?!” Everyone seemed at a bit of loss. Caspian said, “You killed the former King of the Merrick’s Clan. I have to say I’m impressed. You just ripped him apart. He’s not an easy one to kill. He’s quite slippery. It’s his talent to slither away unscathed. He was trying to take Odette to Luke.” I snarled, “MINE!” Caspian smirked, “I do believe that is firmly established, song boy.” I pulled her tighter to me. She tried to escape when Haley moved back from Jag. I just didn’t let her go. She cried, “Why isn’t he opening his eyes?” Haley assured her, “It takes a second.” His eyes fluttered open. I growled at him. Odette slapped my chest, “Don’t start that!” Jag snorted, “He can’t help it.” Odette turned to Eric, “You can do that thing you did with me and bring him into the pack right?” Eric said, “EJ is the alpha…” She wiped her tears, “But you can do it, right? He’s my friend. He’s saved me a lot.” I snarled, “He attacked you!” Odette said, “But he stopped!” I argued, “Because you made him stop with your siren abilities.” Caspian said, “Yes, and no. It’s long since worn off. She broke a command placed on him to attack. He helped her in that moment because of what she ordered him to do. Everything after that has been of his own accord.” Odette whispered to Eric, “Please. He’s a good guy. He could’ve left, but he didn’t. He stayed to help me. You don’t know why it’s like living life in the shadows, but I do. He deserves to be a part of a good pack. Tatum says you guys all are. So, please. For me?” Eric sighed, “I Alpha Eric Conners welcome you Jag Barlowe in Black Mountain Pack.” How did he know his last name? He stuck his hand out to Jag who took it, “I, Jag Barlowe, lone wolf, accept your invitation into Black Mountain.” I yelled, “We know him?!” Emmett said, “I don’t.” Jag snorted, “I’m surprised any of you do.” I told him, “Eric just knows things.” Then I remembered I didn’t like Jag. Dang it! Why did it feel like we were friends? He smirked at me. Eric said, “I’ve known about you since you were born, but your dad contacted me when you went missing. He wanted you to come home.” Jag snorted, “Like hell he does. My little sister? Sure. My brother? Yup. My dad? Couldn’t give a rat's ass.” Eric didn’t respond. I asked, “Is he right?” Eric said, “His dad is not an ally to any of our packs. I know what I’ve read and heard about the man. I can tell you that he always loved Jag’s mother. He wanted her to be his mate. She turned out to be his best friend’s. He was fine with that until his Beta died. Then he saw his chance to be with her. Jag is the living proof the woman he always wanted was his for time.” Jag growled, “He has a funny way of showing it. His mate MURDERED my mother and he covered it up.” Eric raised an eyebrow, “I investigated her death, but found no proof. If you can prove it I will bring charges against them.” Jag blinked, “You…you will?” Eric nodded, “Yes, one it’s my job. I’m the head of the werewolf council. Two, you are now a member of my son’s pack. As a former Alpha I am still duty bound to protect those that live in the territory. You want justice for your mom. Her, I knew.” Odette gasped. Jag asked, “You….you did?” Eric nodded, “Yes. She was a good person, and a warrior. She came to the training camps we had here in secret. Her dad told the pack she was going to summer camp. She spent six summers here. She was a warrior through and through. The only way she could’ve been killed was by magic or poisoning. Given that Ashton is running around still breathing. I’m wondering if she is actually dead. I’ll have to ask my daughter to look. God damn it!” Haley popped to him. She said, “Angela loves to help.” He growled, “I don’t want her seeing that type of shit.” Jag asked, “Could…could she really still be alive?” Eric said, “I don’t know. I know the woman we trained was a fighter. I don’t want you to think she gave your biological father the idea she was interested in him. She didn’t.” Uh oh. Was this someone Eric had s*x with? Jag growled, “Did you have a relationship with my mom?” Eric answered, “No, I didn’t.” But someone he knew did. Interesting. Eric continued, “She didn’t sleep around if that’s what you’re worried about. She dated sure, stolen kisses but she was one of the she wolves that wanted to wait for her mate. I talked to her on a couple of occasions. She didn’t think she was suited to be an Alpha’s mate. She didn’t like the paperwork and disputes. She liked training schedules and helping with some paperwork. She had the markings of a Beta’s mate. I wasn’t surprised to hear she was one.” He said, “We have pictures from the trainings she attended. There are several she wolves in the pack who would tell you stories about your mom. I’m sure Haley is already talking to Katie about your eyes. We’ll get that fixed along with your scent.” It was true. He still didn’t have a scent. Jag shrugged, looking dejected, “No rush.” Odette shimmied out of my grasp and gave him a hug. Channing growled. Odette looked at me puzzled then said, “Thank you, Jag.” He laughed, “Hey, who else is going to leave burgers for me in the forest? You got up every morning to run with Rolfe.” Excuse me? Channing growled, “She was running with his wolf. We could’ve been running with mate!” Great. Now he was pissed. Jag continued, “You kept coming out here when you didn’t have to. I wasn’t about to let that old piss ant hurt you.” I growled, “Will someone please explain what the hell happened?” Emmett said, “My beta isn’t here so sadly I am missing the serious context clue he would’ve picked up.” Someone sang, “I havveeee commmeeee tooooo savvvvveeeee theeeeee DAAYYYYYYYYY! Again. Really, though you all need to consider what you would do without me? You’d never know a single thing.” Dylan Frost. Lacy Frost laughed, “You’re so bad, Dylan.” He teased her, “You keep thinking sexy thoughts.” Alpha Lyons groaned, “No, please don’t.” Dylan gasped, “You are my bestest friend. Stop trying to cockblock. I must break this down for Alpha Pulverizer. Don’t worry, that’s not your permanent nickname. We’ll see. Only time will time. I must test drive the nicknames. Also, how could you think you weren’t a good Alpha? You ripped that guy to shreds. SHREDS! It was so impressive. What happened to you LSGAP? You just rip people’s heads off now. These youngsters are going to take your title.” Eric snorted, “I’ll rip someone to shreds next time for you, Dylan.” He told Odette, “He will. Because I wind up my toys and say DANCE! He can’t help it. I’ve goaded him now. It’s happening. The things he has done. He’s been splitting his face open for the past twenty-six years terrifying the villagers. He just won’t stop. It is our special fun sized fairy and me. We make him all twitterpated. Sure, his face only started splitting open and terrifying people after she came along, but it was I that was slowly cracking the ice layer around his heart. They say it grew three sizes that day when he saw her. You’re welcome.” Odette started laughing, “You mean his smile?” I sighed, “Dylan, just explain.” I linked Channing, “Why haven’t we punched Jag yet?” Channing huffed, “I don’t know. We don’t want to. His wolf….I think I like him.” Ok. That was a whole bag of weird. Dylan said, “Ahhh, where to start? Let’s see little miss Woren…” I asked, “Who is Woren?” Dylan sighed, “It’s not obvious enough, is it? Is the combination of the words wolf and Siren. I mean your mate. I’ll get you a good name, little love pup Conners Princess.” Caspian snorted. Nathan growled at him. Dylan continued, “She thought she was so stealthy sneaking away. I have so much to teach my young grasshopper. Yes, I said me people. Wolves are keenly observant. Particularly Melashley. She followed you, subtly. I actually missed that she did. She slipped away when they argued about our special fun sized fairy staying in the house instead of following you. King Creepy Ninja assassin commanded her to, so Alexander stayed behind. Did he know Melashley was already following you? I lean towards no. The Sargasso’s and Conners left with little old me hopping around in the background. Lacy, my beautiful stunning mate, came to try to keep me from enjoying this too much. She does not get enough credit for the corralling she does. I pay for such things if you know what I’m saying.” Alpha Lucas groaned, “Why me?” The trident lovers have Hackura abilities to keep a trident on their person without anyone seeing it. Am I the only one upset that wolves did not get this power? The Hackura have weapons on them no one can see. Not just the daggers they hide in their shoes. My powers of observation over the years have taught me that. Once the youngest prince creepy ninja assassin pulled a broadsword out of thin air when Blue Moon was attacked and his youngest was with the….that’s hard to explain. I’ll just say Cu Sith’s were playing together. I noticed the weapon was not on his back, but that’s where he drew it from. Ergo, they can hide weapons on their person, but I cannot shift with pants on! It’s so rude. Not the point. The point is Siren’s can do it, which means you can and I so want to see how that works.” I growled, “DYLAN!” He smiled, “I’m telling the story.” Haley interjected, “Why don’t we get back to the house? People can yell at me some more. This story can be explained, and Jag can get a hot meal and shower. Elise linked me that she set up his room.” She turned to Jag, “We do have a cottage you could stay in, but I think you would do well in the pack house. It’s up to you though.” He looked stunned, “The….the pack house? I was never allowed….” Dang it now I felt sorry for him. Emmett linked me laughing, “You look like you ate a melon.” I growled “I’m conflicted!” Emmett teased, “I see that.” Jag said, “I’d…I’d love to see the pack house.” Odette asked, “Can we get him settled?” I said, “I think we have a lot to discuss.” Jag laughed, “I’ll come back up after I’ve eaten and showered. I probably smell disgusting.” Odette frowned, “You don’t smell at all.” He corrected, “I feel disgusting.” She nodded. Haley grabbed everyone along with Alexander who had Melanie in his arms. I was thinking Dylan was right. He didn’t realize Melanie left. Which was going to infuriate him. Channing snorted, “Or more likely, he did realize she left. He just thought she was going back to her research den of world denomination.” I replied, “That’s definitely it.” I assumed we got through the barrier that didn’t want us to go because of Melanie. It was jarring. Elise smiled, “Welcome to our pack, Jag. Several warriors are already excited because they heard your name and knew your mom. Lead Warrior Tessa has already claimed the rights to evaluate you in the gym. Her and your mom were fast friends for those last few summers when your mom came.” Dylan whispered, “Tessa is the same age as his mom. Doesn’t he just look like her too? He does. Which means the mate knew she was coming out here to train. Why do the good always live in a pack without a fairy lifespan? I knew I should’ve stolen them away. I tried to tell them if we just kept her here, the mate would follow. They blathered about stealing a Beta. As if someone could steal a Beta! We are too smart for that. Your mate’s friend that’s leaving. I must learn all about him. He has the Beta and Alpha blood. I am so intrigued.” I snorted, “Like your children.” He clapped, “Exactly! They are such fun. Don’t mind me Buttercup, I’m getting you an adopted brother!” Buttercup laughed. Lacy said, “He does seem like such a nice young man in need of some love.” Dylan squealed, “IT IS HAPPENING! Jag Frost Barlowe everyone. You heard it here first!” Jag actually snorted. Why did I like him? I was determined to hate him, now I meet him and I can’t bring myself to dislike him? I’d never felt more like a Beta blood in my entire life. I had questions and no damn answers. JAG IS IN THE LIGHT!!! What happened? Does Melanie know what a group of Harpies is called? How much trouble is she in? Prince Delmar is both light and dark. Caspian has lots to tell us and Melanie knows things. Frank is on the righteous war path for his family. Are Keaton and Justin going to hunt with everyone else for Lisa? Or just them?
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