Uncovering the Past Pt. 2

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Delmar stalled, “What?” She looked up and replied, “I decided my name is Nyx, not girl. You will fall, Darwin. One is coming that will help my brother. We will reunite and you will burn beneath us. Play your games, for they are limited.” I shivered. She was so certain. She was just a child. She sneered at him, “My brother and I will restore our clan, and yours will cease to exist. Then I will make sure to wipe you from any history book. You will be nothing.” Instead of being angry Darwin laughed, “What an imagination you have! She’s funny.” The man with him had paled though. Darwin left. The man asked, “Nyx are you a prophetess?” She responded, “Like my mother before me and daughters after me. I see what is revealed by the gods themselves. One is coming. This clan will perish beneath her influence. The king who rules all the seas has been born. His time to reign is coming. I will have my revenge with my twin. He will save me once she comes.” She looked right at me and smiled. I screamed. She knew I was here, but this had already happened. The man with her looked wildly around the room before running from it. She laughed humorlessly. She said, “I do not know your name, princess. I do know you are here. I need you to tell my brother about me. This starts a domino effect. From one princess to another, please help me. You must know the Merrick’s are not people you want to be with. Your brother is the king who rules the seas. I do not know which clan that is, or much about you. I sense you are new to this way of life; so, I know more about you than you do because of our prophecies. You are destined for greatness. You are my salvation after a life of imprisonment. Help me avenge my family, reunite me and my brother. Not unlike I felt Darwin has purposes for you, he has them for me. I was a child. I deserved to be with my brother.” She was right. She said, “Enjoy your visions of the past. I’m sure it’s odd. I must admit, I’m jealous. See you soon, princess.” She winked then I was gone. I saw Caspian. He was drinking. Serenity whispered, “Cas….” My mother was brought before him. She smiled at him. Noxus was behind her. He had been crying. He asked, “Why, mom?” She frowned, “Caspian, you are meant for more than….” He threw the bottle, “Don’t give me this s**t! You betrayed ME! You went against ME! You made me look weak to every clan in the sea. I was meant for more. How could you?” My mom looked stunned, “Don’t you raise your voice to me, I’m your mother.” He frowned, “Today you’re a traitor to the crown.” She blinked clearly, not expecting that. She turned, “Noxus, talk to our son ab…” He interrupted, “You went against us all, Morgana. You are lucky Caspian was able to stop you. Why the HELL would you even try to join the Merrick’s in the takeover of that clan! They were our friends.” She frowned, “I didn’t help them take….” Caspian yelled, “ENOUGH! I’m done with your manipulations and lies. You told them that we would have men supporting them. If I hadn’t called them back in time the light clans would’ve come against us!” Mom retorted, “They would’ve lost. If we stood with the Merrick’s….” Caspian laughed, “I will be put out to sea forever before I join with the likes of them. I’d pick any other dark clan before them. They are greedy succubus’s. You are lucky Prince Delmar survived. They would’ve killed him.” She shrugged, “That is regretful, but that is less competition….” Caspian yelled, “I will forget you said that. I will have my own sons one day, and I hope no one in the seas wishes for their deaths because it’s less competition for someone else. I have no desire to rule all the seas.” Mom tried, “Don’t you see that’s why you’re perfect to rule over all?” Noxus spoke, “You know the prophecy, Morgana. Our prophetess came out of the clan that was destroyed.” Mom rolled her eyes, “It’s been centuries. No princess is coming with a brother that will rule the seas. It should be Cas!” Caspian hissed, “You mean you. You want power. What happened to you?” She seemed to realize they were all against her. She began to cry, “I can’t be here with that woman! You let her come back, and I just can’t. After the way she treated me. I thought everyone would protect me, so I had to protect myself. If you ruled the seas I could live anywhere and still have all of you in my life.” Caspian said, “I ASKED you what you wanted me to do. You said it would be fine if she was here. You knew I’d let her in when you said that. You raised me. You know I loathe the game of testing my reaction. You tested me and I took you at your word as an adult. If you didn’t want her here, that’s all you had to say. Instead, you acted like a petulant child. We will deal with this. Be glad our men had nothing to do with Prince Delmar’s parents death and his clan’s absorption into the Merrick’s.” Mom went to speak and he cut her off, “You misunderstand that prophecy anyway. The one who rules over the seas is the only king, yes. But that’s because the other clan houses act as Faerie’s government does. They are princes of their clan, and the one who rules is king.” She frowned, “Yes, but it should still be you.” Caspian rolled his eyes, “I have no sister.” She looked at Noxus and smiled, “Yet.” Caspian snorted, “If you convince dad to forgive you, you let me know.” Noxus looked away. He grabbed my mom and took her away. Caspian broke down into tears. Serenity held him. He cried, “What do I do? I haven’t even been ruling for very long. No one will trust me.” Serenity assured him, “That’s not true. You stopped it. Prince Delmar is safe. One day, he will reunite his clan.” Caspian snorted, “Darwin won’t let it happen.” Serenity said, “Then we subtly help Delmar. It’s meant to be his clan. He has a destiny. His clan brought the prophetess of our generations.” Caspian snorted, “They wiped them out. It’s always the girls that carry it on.” I fell away from them. I screamed when a wolf jumped at me claws out. It went straight through me. I turned to see Melanie fighting. She killed the wolves that shifted back and kept moving. She was wearing a vest, but she was bleeding. Eventually, she killed those that had come. She turned and put out her hands, “Come on down.” Two young children jumped down. They squealed, “You’re amazing Melanie!” She snorted, “Thanks. Let’s get you home.” I followed them as she dropped them off. The mom was sobbing and hugging her. The man said nothing, but he sneered at her. Melanie left without saying anything. She went into a house and showered. I gasped, “You peeping tom!” There was a man watching her through the wall. She reached out and hit the slit he was looking through then squirted soap into his eyes. He screamed and fell down. Melanie took the quickest shower ever and grabbed her things. I gasped when I saw her back. She’d been whipped. Who whipped people?! Supernatural’s couldn’t do that to each other. Could they? That was barbaric! Not Melanie. Wait, why was I here? I was learning about sirens….Now Melanie? Who knew? I followed her to a coffee shop where Addison was waiting for her. She walked over, “Sorry I’m late there was….situation with some pups.” Addison laughed, “I’m sure you handled it.” A blonde in the corner laughed, “You should’ve seen how possessive he was of me. The Alpha Enforcer indeed.” Melanie’s whole face fell. I frowned, “What’s wrong?” The blonde was gorgeous. She took a bite of a brownie then continued. She said, “Let me tell you I screamed Alpha Alexander all night long and into the morning. Those Conners boys stamina. Whew!” I gasped. WHAT?! Melanie looked down. Addison frowned. Melanie drank her coffee while the girl went on and on. My heart broke for Melanie who looked near tears. The blonde looked at her phone then turned back to see Melanie. She looked conflicted but stood anyway. She walked over and tapped Melanie on the shoulder. She said, “I have a message for you.” Melanie didn’t reply. She told her, “Give up your ideas. He’s not yours. You’re not even worth the dirt underneath his nails. You disgust him.” Melanie ripped her hand off her shoulder and punched her in the face. The blonde screamed, “MY NOSE!” Melanie ran out. Addison stood and put money on the table. She glared at the girl, “You aren’t the first to come down here with the stories of how good he is in bed, and I’m sure you won’t be the last. What kind of person says that to a fifteen year old? You’re the one who is disgusting. Get out of this territory.” The blonde gasped, “You can’t…” Addison turned, “Alpha’s daughter.” That shut the girl up as Addison stormed out. Poor Melanie. I left the coffee shop. I looked around, I didn’t recognize where I was. I heard a growl, “HOW CAN YOU FIND NOTHING?!” I turned and found Lux pinning a man against a door. His dad and brother were trying to calm him down. Alpha Theo cautiously said, “Lux…” Lux snarled, “I’ve been paying him FOR TWO YEARS! She’s a seven year old girl for god’s sake! She needs me and you are in my way.” Me? This was about me? The man stammered, “I’m still trying. I had a bead on them in Virginia, but your mom must have known I was coming. I missed them by a week. Lux growled, “Is she eating? Is she going to school? Has one of the BASTARDS touched her? I kill you if they have. You can quit, leave the damn state, and change you damn name. If one of those rat bastards TOUCHES my baby sister because you are incompetent and can’t find ONE LITTLE GIRL I’ll gut you.” He threw him through the wall and snarled at him. His brother said, “Lux, come on. Let’s go outside.” He pushed Lux outside. Alpha Theo stayed though. He stared at the man. The man stood, “Your son is unprofessional.” Alpha Theo said, “He’s emotional. He is an angry alpha male. Not to mention he’s paid you for the past two years and all travel expenses to find Odette. You didn’t even tell him you thought you’d found him. Or me. I could’ve gotten out there before you did. You knew they were there before they left. You have other cases, and that is fine. I could’ve gotten there. I could’ve served Morgana with supernatural papers and made sure she didn’t slither away with my son's sister again. Think with your head for five seconds. You did manage to find her, so I will convince my son not to fire you. I’ll hire another as well for some competition. Do not let Odette slip your fingers again. Are we clear?” The man gulped, “Yes, Alpha Theo.” He smiled, “Good.” He stood and left. Man, I liked him. Next I saw Delmar. Back to sirens I guess. He was a teenager now. He stood in his room at his window rubbing his chest. His adoptive brother walked in. He said, “Our siblings and parents are downstairs waiting to celebrate your birthday.” Delmar kept looking out the window, “Do you ever feel like you’re missing something, brother?” He asked, “Like what?” Delmar shrugged, “I feel as if a piece of me is missing. Not my song, but something else.” The man frowned, “I thought you’d mastered balancing the light and dark in you.” Delmar laughed, “I have, but that’s not what I meant.” I said, “Aww, he senses his twin is missing. DANG IT! I don’t want to feel sorry for him. Is he at least my age? Be my age. Ok, he looks older….be in your twenties. That’s all I’m asking because if you’re a forty year old pervert then I’ll stop feeling sorry for you too.” I thought about it then said, “Ok, that’s not possible you were born while Caspian was ruling and he’s in his fifties. He could’ve totally taken over in his thirties. Come on Delmar….be in your twenties. For my sanity.” I snorted, “I’m saying this like he can answer me.” Delmar shook himself, “I’m being silly. Let’s go celebrate.” The other man grabbed his arm. He said, “We are taught not to ignore those feelings. I will help you look into this. I don’t want you feeling this way. It could be because you are meant to be king. The loss of your clan is felt within you.” I groaned, “UGH! That’s a good theory, but you’re wrong!” Delmar’s eyes showed relief, “You’re right.” I made a face at them, “No he’s not.” The man said, “Would it help to know our father has a plan of how to get your clan back?” Delmar’s eyes shot up. He asked, “He does?” The man nodded, “Yes, Lily showed up. In a big shocker, Morgana has had other children. She had a daughter.” Delmar asked, “How old?” His brother laughed, “Don’t panic. She’s just four years younger than you.” I sighed in relief, “Twenty-one. Not a creepy fifty year old. I’ll take it.” Delmar asked, “How does that help me?” The man smirked, “Come now, you can think of that.” Delmar snorted, “Caspian would come for her. He already feels guilty where I am concerned. If I could make his sister my chosen song and give her a happy life here then he would help me overthrow the Merrick’s. They cannot beat him in open battle particularly if they are aligned with us.” His brother gave him a high five, “Yup. She’s a looker too. Lily thinks she’s arranging her marriage to me. As if I would marry my own cousin. She’s perfect for you though.” Delmar said, “She’s perfect for my cause. Maybe one day we could love each other as songs do.” I sighed, “You’re a middle road kinda person aren’t you? I want to yell that I was rooting for you, but I understand your logic. DAMN IT! Don’t feel sorry for him Odette…..Shit! I already did.” They left the room. I sighed in relief, “Am I done?” Now, I was in a dark room. I heard moaning. I walked over to the bed and gasped, “Valdoma.” A woman came in, “Mistress. It’s been days….” Valdoma snorted, “A goddess wolf knocked me on my ass and I suffered all the pain both humans and wolves suffered apart. Being suppressed from the McAlister girl was painful for the wolf. That was not something I expected to be honest. I thought she wouldn’t even be conscious, but she felt pain. So much pain. I’ll get better.” I groaned, “Sadly, she does.” The woman sighed, “Alright. I’ll keep running things. Your soup is on the table.” I watched Valdoma try to drink the soup. She spilled it on herself and gave up. I snorted, “Magical consequences. You, I do not feel sorry for.” I was thrown back from her. I woke up and found Keaton’s eyes on me. He sighed in relief, “You talk when you see the past.” I laughed, “I’m sure that’s odd.” He said, “It was concerning when you called someone a wannabe murderer of Alexandria and Keith.” I said, “Lisa was going to arrange your family's death.” He growled. He turned his head and I smiled, “You have a tiny little wolf on your neck now. It’s so cute!” I studied it, the wolf had green fur. I gasped, “It’s Tatum!” Keaton laughed, “Yes, it is. My mark looks good on you. We need to move it or I’ll never leave. My mom insists I have to walk across the graduation stage.” I gasped, “Let’s get ready.” We got up and ran into the bathroom. I had Keaton’s name with a note around it and Channing was below it. He came up behind me and kissed my neck. I told him, “I love it.” He murmured I do too.” Haley popped in. He laughed. She snapped us both ready. She smiled, “Your mom said I had to.” Keaton laughed, “I’m sure she did.” He kissed me, “I’ll see you there.” Haley said, “You can come with us if you want. We were already planning to go.” I said, “That would be great.” Keaton kissed me, “See you there, my song.” He sped away. Haley said, “That’s so damn cute.” I laughed, “I really like it.” She grabbed me and popped back to their house. I squealed, “Caspian, you’re still here! We need to talk. Delmar has a sister, his twin. She’s in captivity in the Merrick’s home. Has been her whole life. She’s a prophetess. A bit creepy she was like eight but she knew I was there and talked to me as if it was happening. So weird. Someone betrayed Delmar’s family from the start. Also, seriously relieved that he’s not a creepy fifty year old dude. Twenty-one is doable. I kind of get him. A guy who's willing to do whatever he has to do for his goals no matter the cost, but he has morals. So, you know….villain of the story, but villain with a moral compass. Oh my god, he’s the bad boy. He must be a heartthrob in his clan.” Several people snickered. Cython said, “You should probably not tell your song boy you think he’s a heartthrob. Nice mark.” I winked, “Thank you.” Caspian asked, “A twin?” I nodded, “Yup.” He sighed, “I have calls to make while you’re at your song boy’s graduation.” Haley said, “There's a lake outside should you need to get home.” He smiled at her, “Thank you princess.” Melanie was in the corner. I frowned, “What’s wrong?” She looked up, “Huh…nothing…I’m fine…totally fine….” Eric said, “She’s been weird since Elise’s models got here. They are shooting for the online storefront today.” Melanie grumbled, “I haven’t been weird….I’ve been running and dancing….and…cooking…and not punching people in the face…that’s not weird…I do that all the time…” One of the Conners boys mumbled, “She didn’t make her muffins. I blame Alexander.” Muffins? I frowned. Eric asked, “Why would you punch anyone in the face?” A group of models walked out together. I recognized one’s laugh. Alexander popped beside Melanie, “Lovebug?” She turned away from the woman who turned to face her. She paled. I marched over and punched her in the face, “YOU b***h!” Trit said, “Nice right hook, little sister!” My dad asked, “What’s going on?” I said, “This b***h rubbed the fact that she had s*x with Alexander in Melanie’s face! She went all the way down to Nashville to tell her that she wasn’t worth the dirt beneath his fingernails and that he didn’t want her! You said he was disgusted with her! You lying b***h!” I went to hit her again but my hand was grabbed by a golden eyed Alexander. He asked very quietly, “Lovebug?” Melanie picked at her sleeve. I said, “She’s not even the only one. A lot of them went to see her.” He growled, “That’s why you were surprised when I said I hadn’t been with anyone?” They lied to her? Why? The girl said, “I’m sorry. It was an acting job. I was struggling paycheck to paycheck and the bonus of saying something to her face was too much money to turn down.” Haley said, “And you thought lying about my son, the Duke of the Hackura and Faerie, not to mention the Alpha Enforcer of the strongest pack in the world was a good idea?” She gulped, “I…” She turned to Melanie, “I’m sorry.” Melanie snorted, “No, you’re not.” She blinked. I snorted and started laughing. The blonde said, “I really am.” Melanie said, “You’re not. You’re sorry I’m here. There’s a difference in being actually sorry for what you said to me. It was a job. You’re an actress and a model. All you probably were. It’s totally an agency too.” I asked, “Is she a werewolf?” My dad answered, “No, she’s an Angel.” I snorted, “What kind? The evil kind? Angels are supposed to be good!” Melanie answered, “I mean technically speaking the devil is a fallen angel.” I shrieked, “The devil is real?” Melanie nodded, “Yes. There are good and bad of every supernatural. The Angel’s perpetuated the literal angelic they are the good person on your shoulder to the humans. They are like every other supernatural though. Good and bad. They aren’t there to make a human or anyone else make good choices. She was the only angel that said that to me. Most were she wolves.” I felt the anger radiating off Alexander. I linked Keaton, “Does this work from this far?” He answered, “Yes, my song. We are mated and marked.” Ok. I asked, “What does golden eyed Melanie’s Xander mean?” Keaton asked, “What happened?” I sighed, “In the past there was this bitchy blonde taunting Melanie about having her Xander in bed and how he didn’t want Melanie and was disgusted by her. When I came over here she was here. I punched her and told them about it. Now, I’d swear I can feel and taste his anger.” Keaton replied, “Holy s**t….We are coming.” I replied, “Don’t do that….You’re graduating.” Keaton snorted, “In an hour. We will be back.” I heard a pop. Keaton gently grabbed my arm and I was no longer between Alexander and the bitchy angel. Harish handed me a lollipop. I stared at him questioningly. He smiled, “Cython told me about the drama that occurred without me. So, here I am. You get a lollipop for being so interesting. I love you so much. I want to see him explode someone’s head.” EJ sighed, “Alexander…” Alexander growled in response. The Angel b***h flinched. He snarled, “I wondered why…you know? I thought it wasn't enough. So, Jason wrote her letter. That’s scary, but to keep her away or from at least coming around me. I thought it was odd, but my mate was traumatized. I f*****g knew there was more to it! Lying BITCHES like you kept her from me!” Someone said, “Ladybug….do something.” I looked over and saw Melanie put headphones in and start playing music. I linked Keaton, “What did they want her to do?” Keaton replied, “Calm him down.” I nearly started laughing. I replied, “More than likely she’s tracking down all the other women on her phone from the agency this girl is contracted from.” Keaton smirked, “Probably.” Eric spoke, “Son, we do have a graduation to get to.” He growled, “Take her to the Hackura realm.” I asked, “Is that where all the bad guys go?” Alexander snorted, “It’s where my collection of people who hurt my mate is.” I asked, “Is the creepy peeping tom there too?” Several eyes cut to me. I shrugged, “I saw her in the past. She saved some kids, she called pups, creeping on her shower peeping tom happened, and then the bitchy angel.” Alexander growled, “Lovebug….” She was tapping her foot. Sierra said, “She didn’t hear any of that. She’s lost in her hacking and music.” Alexander growled, “What is Odette talking about then?” Sierra sighed, “Ajax.” I gasped, “Her uncle?! That’s disgusting. Is there a creepy member in every family? She’s got a perverted uncle, and I have cousins intent on inbreeding.” Several people snickered. Sierra sighed, “Apparently he’s not actually her uncle. I mean he was one by marriage, we thought. Stephanie wasn’t her aunt though.” I shrugged, “Hopefully, her uncle isn’t a creep.” A man spoke, “I like to think I’m not.” I turned and saw a man standing with Melanie’s dad. He had a bunch of bags. He was looking at Melanie who hadn’t noticed him. Alexander told me, “We are looking for Ajax.” I nodded, “Well, if I figure this out, seeing the past thing…and I get a bead on him; I’ll let you know.” He smiled, “Thank you. I will find him though.” I turned back and realized the bitchy Angel was missing. A pretty blonde came down, “Where did the models go? Why do they look terrified?” She looked from Alexander, Eric, Haley, Melanie, and EJ. She asked, “What happened?” Someone must have linked her because she gasped. She asked Sierra, “Did any of them lie about Alexander?” She shook her head. Alexander growled, “I want a list.” Sierra snored, “I’m sure Melanie is getting it. You’ll just have to convince her to share it. She had such plans. The one chick who said you had a picture of her on your computer should watch out. That’s gonna goooodddd.” Alexander growled.

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