So Not Normal Pt. 2

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I whispered, “I don’t want to see it again.” Immy understood, “I know but it’s important.” I clicked the photo. Keaton had blood on his chest. My breath left my body. Lisa ran and jumped on him. He quickly and respectfully pushed her back. I saw a hint of a wolf on the ground. I played it again and studied the wolf. It had red eyes. I gasped, “The rabies wolves attacked again? Oh my god? Is Key hurt? He was bleeding! Does he have rabies? I’ll be right there!” May said, “He’s fine. There were some security guys that shot the wolves as they got to Keaton. It wasn’t his blood.” I muttered, “I hope he didn’t swallow any of it.” May laughed, “He didn’t.” Immy said, “So the photo?” I admitted, “She jumped on Key, and he pushed her away.” Immy hissed, “Her aura is pitch black, May. She totally set that up!” I agreed. May said, “We’ll talk later.” I agreed, “Alright.” I winced as I opened my laptop back up. Caspian had sent a new email. I clicked it then snorted. He’d sent a read receipt. Weirdo. I was going to read it when I saw an email from Luke. Oh, this ought to be good. I clicked on it. He’d sent a read receipt too. Odette, I think we have had a misunderstanding. I know you’re upset over losing those friends you had, but they weren’t any good for you. I’m the only one who understands you. I’ve always done what’s best for you. I’ve told you not to entice the men your mother dates. I warned you to stay away. Then that one broke into your place, and I helped you. I told your mom what happened. We talked again over what you shouldn’t have done, and how to avoid such unpleasantries in the future. We are meant to be. You are mine, Odette. I know you think I’m bad because I hit you and locked you up in that place. It’s what was best for you though. I’m sorry I punished you in that way, but you did laugh at me. You know better than that. Let’s get past this. Luke Was he high? How was that an apology? I hit reply as my fury flowed through my veins. Luke, Worst. Apology. EVER! None of that was my fault! We are OVER. I am not yours, and I want you to stop contacting me. I’m blocking your email. I don’t even know how you got this one. Stop stalking me. If those weird guys that keep showing up know you, have them stop too. They are freaking me out. You let me down. You’re still trying to gaslight and manipulate me. I’m done. We are done. Lose my email and do not ever contact me again. Odette I forward the conversation to Caspian. Caspian, I haven’t read your email yet. I just clicked it and saw Luke emailed. This correspondence should help me get a restraining order. He admits he hit me. I’ve got some pretty angry emails from my other accounts too. Stay Safe, Odette I was about to read his email when the song started. Keaton was here? Or maybe it was the large dog. I snorted at myself as the song huffed. Someone knocked on my door. Ok, so it was Keaton. I smiled and closed my laptop. I ran to the door. I was still surprised it was him. What was he doing back here? Keaton said, “Let me explain….” I cut him off by teasingly asking, “Explain what? Why you went skinny dipping without me? I’m offended. I love to swim. I’ve never even gone skinny dipping or done a polar bear plunge. I actually thought the point of skinny dipping was to do that together. At least in the television shows, that’s the point.” Keaton stared at me. His eyes seemed to glaze over a few times. I touched his arm, “Hey, are you ok?” Keaton said, “What? Yeah. I just…. May said you got that picture. I didn’t want you to think that after today I just ran back to her.” I snorted, “Well, I can’t say I cared for the picture. I thought it was odd even before Immy asked if it was a live picture. I am going to call animal control tomorrow. I can’t believe they have so many rabies infected wolves just running around.” Keaton laughed, “No need to call animal control. My brother is all over it.” I shrugged. His family did seem to own the town. His brother must have called animal control. I bumped him, “So about skinny dipping…. I’ve always wanted to do that.” I wiggled my eyebrows at him. Keaton growled, “Odette….” I batted my eyelashes at him and whispered, “Yes, sir.” He slammed the door shut and pinned me against it before I could comprehend, he moved. His lips were demanding on mine. I pulled him closer to me. He growled, “f*****g mine.” The song in my head was screaming its song, it was so happy. I didn’t even care that he’d said it. Luke said it and it upset Keaton said it and I felt like a puzzle piece clicked into place. Keaton’s lips attacked the base of my neck. I gripped around his neck and pulled him close. I moaned. His teeth nipped at it, and I felt like I might combust if he didn’t bite harder. I whimpered, “Please….” Keaton whispered, “Please what?” Before I could answer someone banged on the door. I groaned and untangled myself from Keaton. I opened the door surprised to find Justin. Keaton growled and pushed me behind him. I rolled my eyes, “It’s my door. He came to see me.” Justin winced, “Actually, I came for him. Lisa is….” I sighed, “I thought you gave her up, Justin. Isla deserves better. Don’t play her.” Justin quickly said, “I’m not. I’m dating Isla. It’s just that I was asked to come get Keaton…” I grabbed my door. A fierce possessiveness gripped me. This chick just wouldn’t let it go. She needed to because I’d never wanted to punch someone more in my life. I said, “You tell that psychopath she doesn’t get to summon MY boyfriend anywhere. He’s busy.” I slammed the door in his face. Keaton whispered against my neck, “Boyfriend, huh?” Heat flooded my face. I stammered, “I…. well…. ummm….” Keaton chuckled against my neck causing me to shiver. He said, “I like it. Will you be my girlfriend, Odette?” I whispered, “Yes.” He turned me around slowly and tilted up my chin and kissed me slowly. We left a trail of clothes on the way to my bedroom. We were both in our underwear when I realized one very important thing. I groaned. Keaton asked, “What’s wrong?” I told him, “I don’t have any condoms.” He started to say something several times and stopped. I said, “But I hear there’s an indoor pool here and you're the owner's grandson. Surely you can sneak us in for some skinny dipping.” Keaton growled and pulled me against him. His hand ran along my sides. He whispered huskily, “That could be arranged.” I giggled, “Let’s go!” I grabbed the shirt he’d left for me earlier off the floor and threw it over myself. He snorted and grabbed his shorts. He grabbed my hand and led me to the elevator. When we got to the pool doors they were unlocked. I laughed, “You should tell your grandpa that he should lock these.” Keaton shrugged. He held the door open for me and I walked in. I was going skinny dipping with Keaton. I threw his t-shirt onto the pool chairs and quickly took my underwear off. I felt his hands on my bra clasp. He expertly got it off. I took a deep breath and turned around to face him. He gave me a gentle kiss. When we pulled apart his eyes trailed down my body. He growled and took a step back towards me, but I giggled and ran to the water. I dove in. He was standing there shocked until I surfaced. He muttered, “How are you more tempting in the water? Jesus.” He stripped and dove in. I splashed him when he surfaced. He asked, “Oh, that’s the way it’s going to be?” We were laughing in a splash war for several minutes until he grabbed me and pulled me into his chest. The sparks erupted all over my body. I moaned. Keaton growled. I asked, “Do you feel this every time we touch too, Key?” His eyes were shut tightly. He gritted his teeth, “Yes.” I frowned, asking, “Does it hurt you?” Keaton snorted, “No. It doesn’t. It feels amazing. I’m just trying to resist the urge to take you back upstairs and make you scream my name while I’m inside you. I don’t know that I’ve ever wanted something more.” Why didn’t I buy condoms? Come on, Odette. My n*****s were against his chest. He was taking several deep breaths. This wasn’t going to help us, but I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. I wrapped my legs around him too. He was definitely standing at attention. I’d never felt safer than I had at this moment wrapped in his strong embrace. His hands squeezed my butt. I jerked my hips into him. He groaned, “Odette…” I whispered, “I mean your family owns the town. Can’t you break in somewhere and get condoms? Or something.” He whispered, “Naked? No. Probably not. Clothed, I could do something about that.” I bit his ear. I snorted, “You’re the one who went skinny dipping without me. It gave me all kinds of ideas. This is really your fault. Also, most guys have a condom in their wallet. Just saying.” He growled and pinned me against the wall of the pool. He asked, “And why do you know that?” I snorted, “I’ve been in a lot of high schools. You’d be surprised at the number of times condoms fall onto the cafeteria floor when guys get out their wallets for their student card.” He whispered, “You’re killing me. Everything about you is calling to me.” The tip of him rubbed against my clit. He whispered, “I could easily be buried inside you….” I kissed him. He sat me up on the edge of the pool. His fingers ran along my entrance. He groaned, “God, you’re so wet for me.” I was making sounds I had never made before nor was I proud of. I was panting with what could only be described as need. I opened my eyes and saw a pair of eyes on us in the distance through the window. I screamed and jumped into the pool. I wrapped my arms around my breasts. Keaton was on alert. He asked, “What? What happened?” I whispered, “I saw someone…watching us.” He instantly had me behind him facing the window. He was growling this time he was mad. He was really into this whole growling thing. He told me, “Let’s get you back upstairs. I’ll check it out.” I whispered, “What? No.” Keaton smiled and got me out of the pool. He put his shirt on me and grabbed his shorts. He practically ran up the stairs with me and stopped at my apartment. I asked, “Umm what do you run like a three minute mile. Are you the flash? Am I dating the flash? How are we up here so fast? You carried me like I weighed nothing.” Keaton interrupted, “You do weight nothing. I’ll be back.” I waited in my apartment. I knew he was around the area because the song was softly singing in my head. I jumped in the shower. I groaned, “Why didn’t you just buy condoms, Odette?” I’d always been the one being responsible with me and Luke. He never wanted to wear one. He complained all the time that I made him wear one, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t ready to be a mom because condoms weren’t comfortable. Pregnancy was long and looked more uncomfortable than the amount of time they’d have to wear a condom. I could get on birth control. I never considered it with Luke, but I could now. I turned off the shower and put Keaton’s shirt back on. I tried to stay awake, but I was just so tired. I knew when he was back because I felt his arms around me. I just couldn’t open my eyes. I snuggled into him. My eyes opened when I felt the dip in the bed. Keaton kissed the top of my head, “Go back to sleep. I’ve got to get to the gym. I’m meeting my brother.” I asked, “Did you find anything last night?” His jaw clenched. He gritted out, “We didn’t find anyone.” I hugged him, “Hey, it’s ok. Maybe I was seeing things.” He wrapped his arms around me. He nuzzled my neck, and I grinned like a weirdo. I walked him to the door. We kissed for several minutes before he forced himself to leave. I shut the door and grabbed some workout clothes. I hit the gym which had Ken laughing his ass off for some reason. I then walked around and found a kick boxing gym. I signed up as a member and selected some classes. I decided to take a walk. I was in a forest area surrounded by trees when the hissing started in my head. I went on alert. Someone snorted, “You shouldn’t be able to do that unless you see me.” The man who’d approached me in the bookstore stepped out. I sighed, “Look, just tell Luke we are over. Ok?” The man waved his phone around and said, “So you figured out who I am here for? That’s interesting.” I shrugged, “Not really. I just have the one stalker.” He laughed, “You are funny. That’s a shame. I wonder what Luke will say when I send him the picture, I took of you with that boy.” I gulped, “Distribution of child pornography is a federal crime you weird peeping tom.” He stared at me, “Excuse me?” I clearly was going to have to spell this out for him. I said, “I’m sixteen. You took a picture of me naked without my consent. That’s not legal. Distributing it is a felony.” One of the schools I went to had a whole seminar on this stuff. He said, “I don’t have to tell him if you do me a favor.” I snorted, “You will go to federal prison if you send that picture, and I don’t have to do you a favor.” He began to unbuckle his pants. He stepped toward me, and I kneed him in the balls so hard he dropped his phone. I ran past him when I heard a snarl. I turned back as the wolf from the school attack with red eyes thundered into the area. I gaped. What was it still doing here? It growled viciously at the man. He began to his. He tried to get up. He seemed to be going towards the pond several feet away. He didn’t make it. I couldn’t even scream as the wolf lunged and ripped out the man's throat. He turned to me, whining. As if he was upset, I didn’t tell him good job or thanks. I was frozen in shock. The wolf huffed and dragged the body away. Feeling returned to my legs as soon as he was gone. I began to run. I took out my phone and called Keaton, but he didn’t answer. I knew he was busy with his brother. I called Immy but got her voicemail. I was running hard. Why was that wolf still here? I ducked behind a tree and pulled up the app on my phone for that chat feature with my email. I signed in blessing Jarchi for whatever made this phone so fast at everything. I didn’t even hesitate before I requested it called Caspian. He answered, “Odette?” I was out of breath and hysterical, “That man…. he came…oh god! I need his phone.” I started to run back. Caspian asked, “What man? What’s going on?” I cried, “He took…. he took a picture of me with….my song boy. A compromising one. He wanted me to….” Caspian hissed interrupting me, “Are you kidding me? He tried to solicit you over a picture? WHO?!” How did he know that’s what had happened? I answered as I ran, “I don’t know his name. He was Luke’s uncle.” Caspian asked, “Was? Did you kill him?” Someone muttered, “Welcome to the family business.” I stopped running as I bent down to pick up the phone. I didn’t see the wolf. I turned and ran. I snorted, “The family business is murder? I KNEW you were the mob!” Caspian asked, “You heard that? You know what, not the point. What happened?” I whispered, “That wolf, from the school attack that I told you about…. It showed up and…. Luke’s Uncle is insane. I mean I kicked him in the balls, but he was trying to get to a pound. As a rabid rabies wolf that apparently is my new guard dog circled him.” Caspian asked, “Did he make it to the water? Do you think he drowned?” I snorted, “No. The wolf ripped his throat out. Oh god. I saw a murder. Why didn’t I call the police? Why am I calling you? What’s the matter with me? Why am I not more upset that I just witnessed a murder? I mean he was a bad guy. Clearly…” Caspian said, “Odette, there’s nothing wrong with your reaction. Tell me where you are.” I asked, “Why would it matter if that guy got the pound. Wolves can swim.” Caspian sighed, “If he wished to go to our home…. he could get there that way.” Well, that made no sense whatsoever. I snorted, “I’m in shock. Clearly.” My phone beeped. It was Keaton. I said, “I have to go. My song boy is calling me.” Caspian yelled, “Don’t you dare hang up on….” I hung up. I winced, “Stop pissing off the mob, Odette. Family business.” Keaton answered out of breath, “Hey Katie…” He must be around other people. I clutched the phone in my hand. I deleted the picture of me off the dead guy's phone. I checked it and it was just messages to Luke’s number. They were complaining about Luke’s dad. Letting him know I worked at a bookstore. Nothing about Keaton though. I powered it off and took out the SIM card. I wiped it off with my shirt. I found a trash can and threw the SIM card away. Keaton said, “Katie? Are you ok?” I found another trash can and dropped the phone in. I said, “There was…. a bad guy from the bookstore and…he saw us, Key. He had a picture.” Keaton growled, “WHAT?!” I said, “I…I deleted the picture. I should go to the police. Why haven’t I gone to the police? A red eyed wolf killed him and dragged him away.” Keaton yelled, “Where are you?” I wiped away tears, “I don’t know. I just ran and I’m….by a gas station. I could ask.” Keaton told me, “Don’t move. Don’t go anyway. I’m on the way. Ken might beat me there.” Ken? How could he find me? I found a tree and climbed it. The red eyed wolf clearly didn’t want to hurt me, but one could never be too careful. Ken and Keaton got there at the same time. Sweat was dripping off of Keaton. He looked mouth wateringly good. I shook myself. Keaton yelled, “KATIE!” I was about to climb down when he sniffed the air. What? He then took off in my direction. His adrenaline had to be off the charts because he was under the tree before I could comprehend, he’d moved. He looked up and relief colored his expression. I climbed out of the tree and hugged him. I cried, “I don’t understand.” Ken asked, “Katie, did you call the police?” I shook my head, “No, I’m such a bad person. I called Key then…” I trailed off. I didn’t know how to explain Caspian. Keaton asked me, “My brother is going to handle it. You won’t have to talk to the police. Ok? Just tell me what happened?” I wiped away my tears. I told him, “He came out of nowhere and told me he had that picture. We argued. He…. he was here because he was keeping tabs on me for my stalker ex-boyfriend.” Keaton growled and pulled me against him. I buried my face in his chest not caring that he was sweaty. Seriously? How did sweat make him smell better? That was unfair. I continued, “He said I had to do him a favor to keep him from letting Luke know about us or the picture. He started to….” I cried, “Undo his pants.” Ken whispered, “Oh f**k…” Keaton let loose a terrifying sounding roar of anger. Ok, we had to talk about the growling. It was so animalistic….and so hot. Keaton gripped me tightly to him. I whispered, “I kneed him in the balls and started to run away. Then…. the red eyed wolf from the school came out. He…. he ripped out his throat. It was like it wanted me to say good job or something. He dragged the body away and…I took the guy's phone. I deleted the picture and threw it away. Why did I do that? The police need it….” Keaton interrupted, “My brother will handle it. I promise. How do you know it was the wolf from the school?” I winced, “It’s going to sound crazy.” Ken said, “It won’t.” I snorted, “Hold onto that thought. I…. when I was fighting this one wolf tackled me. Then I told it to go away or help me. It started attacking the other ones. Then it ran off. It was that wolf. I’m certain. This is just so great…. I’ve got some rabies riddled guardian wolf….” Keaton roared in anger again. Ken grabbed his shoulder and yelled, “Keaton!” Keaton's eyes turned black. He growled, “Ken, leave.” Ken actually turned and left. What the heck? Keaton turned back to me growling, “MINE!” He slammed his lips on mine. That was weird…. It was weird. Right? Find this weird Odette. Instead, I melted into him. He pulled back, “That wolf is not your guardian. I am.” I snorted, “Well, you’re not a wolf.” Keaton gritted his teeth. When he opened his eyes, they were back to their normal color. He hugged me tightly. He said, “I’m so glad you’re ok.” He told me, “I’m going to get you back to your place, then go help Emmett. Do you know where this all happened? I nodded, “About five miles that way. There’s a pond in the forest area. I’m sure all the blood will make it hard to miss. The wolf ripped out his throat.” Keaton nodded and led me back to my apartment. He kissed me and asked, “Are you alright?” I nodded, “Yes, but that’s weird right? I saw a man’s throat ripped out. My first reaction was to call you.” Keaton pulled me into him. He whispered, “That’s normal.” It wasn’t, but I was going to let it go. I asked, “Are you coming back?” Keaton told me, “When we’ve figured some things out. I’ll be back, I promise.” I nodded and he left. I showered and changed. I thought about calling Caspian back, but he was probably mad. I owed him an apology. I was the one who called him. He helped me, and I hung up on him. I looked around my apartment. It was lonely. I knew what I needed to do. I went to my computer and pulled up a search engine. I found an animal shelter not far from here. I grabbed a jacket and went downstairs. Ken wasn’t in the lobby. I stepped outside and saw a figure in the tree line. I wasn’t scared though. I knew that face. I wondered if he knew I’d seen him before I called out, “Mr. Daniels?”
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