A Royal Pt. 3

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The rest of the day was perfect. Emmett linked me, “Let’s go for a run, little brother. We need to talk.” I groaned, “Fine.” I dropped Odette off and met up with him. We shifted. I knew we were searching for Jag a little bit, but for the most part we were having fun with our wolf form. We ran the whole territory. Emmett shifted back and I followed suit. He said, “She’s good for you.” I smiled, “I know.” He said, “I’ve never seen you happier.” I smiled, “I don’t think I have been. I feel like I can breathe again with her.” Emmett snorted, “You f****d her when we all were around.” I shrugged, “You all have done that.” Emmett nodded, “Yes, WE have. You never did.” I replied, “I was with the wrong girl.” Emmett laughed, “No joke. Was she sad you left her?” I scoffed, “She was calling her ‘mob brothers’ so she was fine.” Emmett laughed, “Well, should you talk to them…ask them about her clairvoyance.” I asked, “Are you worried about Alexandria?” Emmett snorted, “I live my life worried about my Jellybean.” I smiled, “Yeah, I get it.” Emmett shoved me, “Do you?” I nodded. He was waiting for me to say Odette was my mate. The words just wouldn't come. I didn’t know why at this point. I told him, “I’ll try to figure out what they are. I’m sure Alexandria and Keith are safe. If…if you need me Emmett…I’m available as a wolf and the Silver Blade. I will protect our family.” He smiled, “I know.” He hugged me, “I love you little brother.” I smiled, “Good. I love you too.” He said, “I’ve heard about your promposal plans. Alexandria wants to watch.” I shrugged, “She can. You can for all I care.” Emmett winked, “I’ll pass that around.” I snorted, “You guys have better things to do.” Emmett said, “I love seeing you with Odette.” I asked, “Why?” Emmett said, “Because you’re you with her. It’s nice to see. I missed you, little brother. We all did. You withdrew from us more and more throughout these last few years. I knew you were still in there because I was watching you eliminate people who were threats to our family. Not everyone knows that though.” I sighed, “You’re going to say I should talk to dad.” Emmett said, “He’d like that.” I admitted, “It’s hard.” Emmett asked, “Why?” I said, “He’s such a strong Alpha. For a long time, I thought he was disappointed to have a son like me.” Emmett clutched his chest, “Keaton, no. He would never….he loves you.” I said, “Loving me and being disappointed in me are different things, Emmett.” Emmett’s eyes filled with tears. He said, “I hate that vapid she b***h. Dad loves you. He’s not disappointed in you. You really need to talk to him.” I said, “That is the advice I’m getting lately.” We sat in silence for a while. I told him, “I want to get back to Odette.” He nodded, “Sure, just….think about having a heart to heart with the old man.” I nodded. I would. When I walked into Odette’s apartments Ken was there. He said, “She took Tatum for a walk. They aren’t back yet.” I turned right back around but met her at the door. She liked going to the pond we were at the other night. I actually liked it there too. When we walked into her apartment I froze. There was Channing in wolf form displayed on her wall. Channing was a lost cause. He was gone purring. Odette told me Ken gave her the picture. I linked Ken, “You gave her a picture of Channing.” He replied, “I just thought your wolf might want something of himself in her apartment since you haven’t been able to shift into him for her. She doesn’t know you and Channing are the same, but she did know she’d met him.” Channing was now a lost cause. He was going to be purring forever. I told him, ‘Thank you, Ken.” He laughed, “Any time, kid.” It was a really good picture. I Channing come forward to have a moment with her. We lost ourselves in each other until we fell asleep. When I woke up, her side of the bed was cold. I ran around the apartment. Tatum was gone too, but not her leash. What the hell happened. I linked Emmett, “Get to Odette’s NOW!” I called her phone, but she didn’t answer. I heard it buzz. No. NO! Channing snarled in my head. I flashed downstairs. I asked, “Ken, where is she?” He said, “I just got here, Keaton. What’s going on?” My dad, grandpa, Emmett, Kreed, and Malachi walked in. Keith and Clara walked in with the rest of Famer clan. Emmett asked, “Keaton?” I growled, “She’s gone. Her phone is upstairs too. He got her somehow! I was too relaxed. I should’ve….” Emmett said, “I don’t know that…” I growled at him. He raised an eyebrow. I said, “We have to get out there.” I threw several articles of her clothes at them for her scent. I said, “I’ll f*****g kill him. I’ll rip him apart piece by piece.” Emmett asked, “Because….” It was time to come clean. They would be behind me to find my mate. Then her voice floated to us. Emmett sighed, “Of course.” I didn’t care. All that mattered was her. She was here. She felt bad, but that wasn’t what I wanted. It felt like all the air had finally come back. She was here, and she was ok. Clara took her upstairs. She linked me, “Your promposal is today and if you bail…everyone who worked really hard will be pissed off.” She had a point. She threw me concealer. Which made all my male relatives who previously were unaware now suspicious. Even Ken raised an eyebrow at me. Clara saved me with her hickies comment. Odette’s heart rate picked up though. Emmett asked, “Don’t you even say…” My phone rang. I picked up, “Hello.” The florist answered, “Mr. Daniels, I am so sorry but we cannot fulfill your order. Our shop flooded and….” I frowned, “It’s fine.” I told Emmett, “I need to deal with this.” He snorted, “Uh ok.” I flashed out. I called Eric. He answered, “Keaton?” I sighed, “I know this is a big ask, and I can pay you…” Eric snorted, “You’re my godson. You don’t pay me for shit.” He really never made me pay for things. I told him, “I have this plan to ask my girlfriend to prom…the flowers just fell through. I know you have several shops and…” He told me, “They will send over whatever you need. I’ll have Wesley pop Buttercup in with everything.” She ran all the flower shops for them. I sighed, “Thanks.” Eric laughed, “So, prom? You know, why don’t you guys use my hotel in your territory. I’ll reserve the penthouse for you.” I said, “Oh, I couldn’t. I was just going to take her back to her place.” Eric snorted, “Nonsense. I remember my prom. I won’t even check the surveillance to get a peek at your girlfriend. It will be on me. Just do me one favor in return.” I snorted, “Fair enough.” Eric said, “Talk to your dad about a limo. Use his company.” I said, “I was just going to drive.” Eric said, “Keaton, listen to me now and believe me later; get a limo. Ask your dad.” I said, “Alright. I’ll do that.” Eric said, “I’ll have the penthouse ready for your group on prom night. I hope you have fun. Damn…prom was a good night.” I laughed, “I plan to have fun.” He snorted, “I’ll just bet you do.” I laughed and hung up the phone. Buttercup popped in with Wesley and Preston. He snapped the football field just how I wanted. He waited until everyone was in class before he snapped the hallways full of petals. He said, “I can’t wait to meet her.” I snorted, “Your dad handed over her hotel penthouse for me to f**k her basically.” Wesley laughed, “I took Buttercup out for a hell of a prom night.” Buttercup blushed, “That’s true. The Conners boys do proms to remember. I think this promposal is super sweet.” Preston said, “So does our dad. My mom even heard about it. She squeals about how cute it is. We can’t wait to meet her.” I winked, “Soon.” Preston smirked, “Good.” They popped away. I linked Keith, “Can you get Odette out here?” He replied, “All over that little brother.” My dad linked me, “She’ll say yes.” I asked, “How could you possibly know I was nervous?” He replied, “I can see you.” I shook my head, “Of course you’re here.” He laughed, “I have watched rehearsals for weeks. It was only fair to see it all play out.” He had a point. I could see her on my tablet Clara set up. She looked shocked, but quickly it morphed into a smile. Lisa linked me, “Seriously? This is so cheesy.” I snarled, “Leave.” She sighed, “Keaton, this is ridiculous. She’s going to humiliate you. Stop this now and take me to prom.” I told her, “She could reject me in front of the whole school and turn me down for prom. I still wouldn’t take you.” Lisa growled, “Don’t cry to me when she turns you down.” Channing snarled, “Mate will agree to come with us. I hoped he was right. Hopefully…was this a bad idea. Emmett linked me, “What the hell just happened? Your face totally fell?” I asked, “Is anyone not here?” Emmett said, “Do you actually want an answer?” I sighed, “Is this too cheesy? I can call it off.” Emmett snarled, “Don’t you dare. She’s loving every second of this. She’s never had anyone show they care this much about her. Don’t take it away from her because of Lisa's echo.” I admitted, “You’re right.” Emmett snorted, “I know I’m right.” I rolled my eyes. She finally arrived in front of me. Channing purred when she agreed to go to the dance. She liked the whole plan. I felt something in me settle. Kreed linked, “Dude, kiss her.” I replied, “I got it, thanks.” Kreed laughed as everyone chanted. I laid the mother of all kisses on her. Malachi linked, “How very…claiming that kiss felt. It’s odd since you know…you haven’t announced you’ve found your mate but…that felt like a claiming kiss. That’s what Malachi thinks.” I didn’t answer him. I looked around when Odette mentioned my family. They were all here. I assured her that her eyes were fine. I was stunned when Odette led me to a janitor’s closet. I should’ve planned for an orgasm for her. To my astonishment, she didn’t want one. She wanted to give one. She confounded me. I linked everyone in class, “Don’t you dare make her feel uncomfortable.” Keith linked, “Damn. You got some.” I rolled my eyes, “She went…you know what? Let’s not talk about this.” Keith linked, “You’re my twin. If you need to talk; I’m here.” I sighed, “She just….gave me pleasure and expected nothing in return. It’s supposed to be about her.” Keith replied, “There’s no score in a healthy relationship. It’s not always about one person or the other. If it is, that’s not a good thing.” Maybe he had a point. After school, I dropped Odette off at work. I drove home and found my dad. He ended a call and I walked into his office. I sat down, “Hey, old man.” He smiled, “Hey, son.” I asked, “Do you think…you could spare a limo for prom?” He smiled, “Maybe I had one held back for you guys. I was beginning to think you weren’t going to ask.” I shrugged, “I was going to drive my truck but…the limo would be nice.” He smiled, “Well, it’s yours.” I stood, “Thanks.” I got to the door, then turned around, “Are you ashamed of me, dad?” I’d never seen my dad look more stunned. He asked, “What? Keaton, I have never been ashamed of you.” I said, “I’m not like Emmett, Keith, Colin, Carter, or even Arden. They’ve always been strong assertive alpha’s. I’m not. I haven’t been for years. Then I’m having all these issues. I let myself fall into an abusive relationship and…” I was cut off by my dad pulling me in for a hug. I could hear his tears when he said, “You are my pup. I find I dislike that she wolf more and more. I have never been ashamed of you. EVER.” He pulled back and tilted my head up to look into his eyes. He said, “Ever, Keaton. You’re my son. I’m disappointed in myself, but not you. You were a child. I should’ve protected you.” I shook my head. He emphasized, “No, you’re my son. I thought you just needed to get her out of your system. I didn’t see all the signs in front of me. I failed you.” I snorted, “No, you didn’t. You’re the best dad.” My dad frowned, “The best dads don’t let their sons think they are ashamed of them.” I told him honestly, “It’s not you. You’ve never shown that. I just thought…All my issues would disappoint you.” My dad said, “Never. I may be the parent who warns you that you’re going towards a cliff, but I’ll let you fall off. I’ll just make sure there’s an inflatable mat for you to land on. I’d never let you be hurt if I could stop it. I’d take all your pain, every single bit of it if I could. I’d never let any of you kids suffer if I could help it. I’m damn proud of you, Keaton. It takes someone very strong to end an abusive relationship. It’s hard to leave those. You’re isolated and alone. Even when you aren’t with them your thoughts become invasive. You beat all those things. You stopped the cycle. I’m damn proud of you. I’m proud of you for getting help. I’m proud you told us. None of those things are easy. I’m beyond proud of the man you have become.” I hugged him again. We held onto each other for a while. Matt came in, “Chase, I…” He stopped. I pulled back, “I was just going. I’ll see you later, old man.” He choked out, “Of course, Keaton.” I flashed out of the house feeling better. My dad wasn’t ashamed of me. I knew he loved me. I never doubted that, but I was worried he wasn’t happy I was his son. When I got to Odette’s, I saw one of her brothers talking to her. Something about him looked familiar. I closed my eyes trying to place where I could know his features from. I was going to introduce myself, but then I realized Odette might not want that. It was her choice. I didn’t recognize him per say, but something about him. It was nagging me. I didn’t recognize any of the names she told me for her brothers. Damn. I was hoping I could reach out to them. I linked Clara, “I have names: Caspian and Trit.” Clara linked, “I have literally not run across those names. Googling.” I snorted. I knew she’d be all over it. Over the next few days, she’d found a few Caspian’s. She told me, “Ok we have our likely suspects. Caspian Sargasso, Caspian Calio, which I think is likely since the last name on your mark is C, then we have Caspian.” I asked, “What’s his name?” She shrugged, “I can’t get a full name. He funds a lawyer around here named Lux Vennox.” I said, “Email Lux Vennox. That’s odd, I’ve never heard of anyone named Lux except Alpha Lux Bartlett. I always thought his name was unique.” Clara nodded, “I will vaguely email Lux Vennox and the other Caspian’s.” I nodded, “We can deal with it after graduation, Clara.” She snorted, “I will find my answers. I’ll harass them in their emails.” I laughed, “After graduation.” She groaned, “Fine. After graduation. I’m sending them initial emails that are vague though.” I nodded my agreement. Larisa came to town. Bryce was on her the second she showed up. I didn’t even get to wave to her. Everyone looked at me. I shrugged, “I don’t know if Odette can tell people’s mates. She might just be intuitive and thinking of supernatural’s she’s met.” Clara said, “That’s true. The past wouldn't tell her who belonged with who.” We were leaning towards whatever Odette was possibly being a clairvoyant. I mean in my mind she was clairvoyant. That was clear from the other night. It just hadn’t happened again. I went to Odette’s place. I heard her setting up me meeting her brothers. This mystery was finally going to be solved. Her brother actually seemed interested in meeting me. From his comments, I was certain he knew I was a supernatural. Maybe between all of us, we could figure out how best to explain everything to her. When we woke up the morning of prom, I saw the hope on her face when Immy woke up saying her friend was here. My heart hurt because she thought I meant her friends. Odette covered his disappointment pretty well. I assured her everything was ok. I knew she was sad though, and I hated that. Immy kicked me out. I went downstairs and found Bryce and Keith waiting. Bryce huffed. Immy won’t let me stay. I snorted, “I practically live in that apartment and I was kicked out.” Ken snorted, “Practically? Keaton, you live here.” I smirked and flipped him off. He shook his head. We went home and just played video games. Eventually, we showered and got ready. Immy had conjured all our ties. I was trying to put mine on when my mom flashed in. She fixed it and smiled, “I tried to teach all you boys how to do that, but…” I laughed, “We know you can do it.” She told me, “You look very handsome.” I smiled, “Thanks, mom. Do you think you could set a place out for Odette at Keith and my graduation lunch?” My mom smiled, “Of course I can.” I hugged her and whispered, “I love you, mom.” She hugged me tightly, “I love you, too. Have so much fun tonight and be safe.” I smiled, “Sure.” My dad was out by the Limo. He hugged me and Keith. He said, “You boys are so grown up.” I smiled, “Thanks, old man.” He shook his head and we got in. When we got there, I was determined to get back upstairs. Odette was stunning. Keith linked me, “There are open apartments here, right?” I snorted, “You know there are.” Keith said, “I mean…who needs prom?” I replied, “Eric gave us his penthouse for the night.” Keith wiggled his eyebrows. Emmett came in. I linked Ken, “Oh come on!” Ken linked, “Prom is a rite of passage.” Emmett linked us, “You take your mates to prom.” We growled at him but made it to the limo. Emmett linked me, “Just say the words that she’s your mate to me officially, little brother.” I replied, “Will you be at the restaurant?” Emmett snorted, “No, but all the parents are going.” I knew that already. I could feel my parents' eyes on us every time the door to the kitchen opened, I just didn’t care. I know some teenagers would be pissed at their parents, but I really didn’t care. I kept a hand on Odette all night. I couldn’t take my eyes or hands off her. The dance was fun too. Odette and Immy were up to something. It hit me; Odette knew Immy’s secret boyfriend. She was helping her see him. Channing snorted, “Seriously? How did you not figure that out? I knew that a while ago.” I replied, “Thanks for the heads up then, buddy.” I’d only told Keith about Eric’s offer so the whole group was stunned when we pulled up to his hotel. His staff nodded to me. Several looked at Odette with a question in their eyes. I’m sure they thought she looked familiar too. One guy rubbed his head trying to figure it out. I couldn’t wait one more second to be with her. Her dress needed to be in a pile on the floor. It was the perfect prom night. Emmett linked, “You and Keith need to get back so we can head to that Alpha meeting.” I asked, “You want me there?” Emmett snorted, “Colton and I both want you there. You’re going to be Alpha’s soon. You need to be there.” I sighed and told Odette that I’d see her soon. I could probably run back tonight then go back tomorrow. Or have Immy pop me in and out. I dropped her off and went home. Emmett grabbed my hand and Annie popped us there. We looked around, there were a lot of new faces. New faces that wanted to meet Alexander. I linked Emmett, “There are a lot of angry faces in his direction. I think a lot of people like the techy Luna…and in a wanted her as their Luna way.” Emmett replied, “I noticed that.” I saw Eric and walked over, “Thanks for the…” He laughed, “You never have to thank me. I’m glad you had fun.” I smiled, “I really did. My girlfriend did too. Having big experiences is new for her.” Eric frowned, “That’s too bad.” A fight broke out with his family and the supernatural council. I moved aside so he could go. Lux Bartlett ended up beside me. He looked tense. I asked, “You ok?” He watched Alexander walk away. He said, “I like his Luna. She’s a good person.” He sniffed the air. I asked, “You ok?” He nodded, then smirked, “I’m meeting your girlfriend here soon.” I asked, “Huh?” He smirked, “She emailed for a meeting back in January. My secretary didn’t get to it until now. It’s some school project thing.” No, it wasn’t. I shrugged, “Well, be sure not to tell my mom.” He laughed, “I can’t wait to meet this girl. I feel like I should brag she reached out and wanted to meet with me.” I wondered why she did that. I’d have to ask her. I linked Immy, “Hey, do you think you could pop me home to see Odette?” She replied, “Uhh, no. Sorry. Angela says this is how things need to go.” Huh? Angela? Why? I texted Odette. I got more agitated as the meeting went on. Emmett grabbed me, “What’s going on?” I said, “I can’t get a hold of Odette. Immy won’t pop me home….We need to get back.” Emmett frowned, “Why wouldn’t she pop you back?” I replied, “Angela said things need to go this way.” Emmett said, “Well, we will back soon.” I met more new people. This group was a little leery of people, but I knew how to deal with people like that. Emmett linked me, “I’m proud of you, little brother.” I felt like I could finally see what everyone was talking about. I was walking tall. Channing was unsettled. I wished my bond with Odette felt like it had in the beginning. It was so strong then. Now, I could just feel her in my chest. We were popped home when the meetings ended. I told Emmett, “We all need to be weary of the supernatural council. They want the techy Luna.” Emmett snorted, “Unless she wants them to have her, they are s**t out of luck.” Allison whispered, “Keaton….” I looked up. Kreed and Ken were there. Channing snarled. I asked, “Where is she?” Emmett frowned, “Keaton….” Allison whispered, “She came to surprise you, I guess. I don’t know. We were attacked by rogues.” Emmett snarled, “WHAT?!” Kreed said, “Allison was surrounded and uhh Odette can shoot a gun.” My heart dropped, “And you didn’t call me?! Did she see them shift back?” Allison cried, “I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault.” My dad went to her and held her in his arms. I said, “It’s not your fault. We’ll explain it to her. We’ll call in the bishop siblings and….” Ken winced, “She’s not here.” I snarled, “Where the f**k did she go?!” Kreed said, “The muffin Luna went after her. They are friends.” It hit me. She could punch like Melanie because Melanie trained her. I yelled, “MOTHER FUCKER! Her friend that was in love with Alexander is Melanie f*****g McAlister! You’re shitting me.” Kreed winced, “Uhh, no.” I asked, “Did Melanie take her to her apartment? I can explain….” Allison cried, “They found her car….” I yelled, “She drove?!” Ken said, “She wanted to get her license to surprise you.” I asked, “Did she crash? Is she in the hospital? Someone get Haley. NOW!” Allison whispered, “She was forced off the road. They took her, and no one could pop and get her. They hit a wall. .” Channing snarled and forced a shift. We took off running for Black Mountain. Alexander had to be able to find Melanie. Emmett linked me, “Keaton, wait!” My dad linked, “Son…” I snarled back at them both. Odette was in trouble. My mate was hurt. She was kidnapped. I charged into their house. I demanded to know where Odette was. Nathan growled at me. What the hell was his problem? My dad linked, “That’s really how you’re going to tell the family she’s yours? We knew but as far as official announcements go that sucked.” I didn’t reply to him. Emmett explained the situation. Channing linked me, “I will be on a WARPATH until mate is back.” I told him, “I agree buddy.” I guess Emmett was linked more of an explanation or I just didn’t hear the full one. Poor Odette thought she was a murderer. I asked Sierra how they knew her. She confirmed they were her friends. I was stunned that Odette sand in the Rebels sometimes, but I shouldn’t be. Nathan kept giving me attitude. Something prickled at the base of my spine as I looked into his eyes. Something was there, but I couldn’t grasp it. When he said she was his daughter, I felt glass break in my head. Isaac whispered, “Son of b***h! That’s it! That’s why she looks so damn familiar.” It was. I linked Keith, “Did that feel like glass breaking in your head?” He nodded. I snarled, “Magic.” He agreed. The Conners were in shock. Channing linked, “You might want Eric to stay in shock. He’s given us s*x advice….about his sister.” If this was such a serious situation; I’d have laughed. That was a little funny.
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