A Royal Pt. 2

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My dad growled, “Sure we will. We can’t ASK her because she has some block up and it could push her into shock or something. Who knows? CAMERON! You tell my niece to tell her ex-boyfriend I will TEAR HIM TO PIECES if he doesn’t figure this out. I barely refrained when he cheated on her. I’m at my limit. I need to be able to talk to Odette about what she’s seeing!” I pointed out, “Eric might know. She’s talking about some grudge against Cassandra Conners. She can’t know who that is.” My grandpa snorted, “Yeah, that doesn't really narrow down our suspects.” My dad yelled, “DAD!” My grandpa asked, “What? Your wife HATED that woman. She broke her back once. It was a thing of beauty.” My dad yelled, “Excuse me?!” Grandpa chuckled, “I happened to be out for a run and saw them thrown down. Well, the Black Arrow gave it to Cassandra good. I even waited until Cassandra healed and managed to get back home. I’m such a good person. The finest whiskey has got to be ready for me in the afterlife.” Odette mumbled, “Shroud…Lexi…Eric…someone help him. He’s so sad. She has to wake up.” My dad gasped. Keith said, “Ok, she’s seeing something. She doesn’t know what the shroud is.” Odette laughed, “Dylan is funny. What does SGAP stand for?” Keith said, “Can we ask questions back?” Clara tried, “What do you see, Odette?” She answered, “A woman with auburn hair. They sedated Eric. Her brother is here…” She trailed off and couldn’t speak anymore. Keith said, “This is officially trippy.” I asked, “What is she talking about? No one ever sedated Eric.” My dad sighed, “They did. Haley was unconscious. Your mom was a wreck. There was a fight, and Haley took a spell meant for your mom. Haley took it.” Of course, she did. I asked, “Why didn’t we know that? Why would Odette see that?” Clara said, “I’ll look more into clairvoyance. “ Matt said, “Malachi and I are looking.” My dad answered my question, “You were two when it happened, Keaton. She woke up. Aiden did something.” Odette spoke again, “Red and black are not good colors to flow….surely they know that.” My dad gasped. Clara said, “Haley glowed red and black?” My dad answered, “Yes, there was security feed we watched. There was no sound, but she glowed red and black. Holy s**t she’s seeing the past.” I asked, “But why? Why is she seeing Haley and Eric?” My dad said, “I have no idea.” She murmured, “Who cares if someone is gay? Beta….do people really call men Beta’s?” We all held our breath. She whispered, “What girl?” Now we were confused. She yelled, “HEY! That conversation wasn’t over! What the hell?! Did his mate move on? Is she waiting for him?” Clara said, “What the ever loving f**k?!” Matt said, “I have no idea. I thought she meant me, but there was no female mate waiting for me. Your dad is my fated mate.” She whispered, “Key? Stop crying!” I frowned. She screamed, “I’LL KILL HER! I will EMBRACE my mob side.” My grandpa snorted, “I think she’s seeing Lisa.” Keith snorted, “You think?” I looked at Clara who shrugged. Odette screamed, “STOP SAYING THAT TO HIM!” Keith said, “If she wakes up and just goes after Lisa….let’s just let her. I’m just saying. She sounds angry enough, she could kill her. All our lives would be better. I’m just is all.” I snorted. Odette quieted and stopped glowing. Clara whispered, “Wow.” I asked, “Why would she see us? Why wouldn’t she see her brothers? Or her past? Why would she see OUR past?” My dad said, “Safe to say we don’t have those answers.” Emmett said, “What we do know is Joe and I are putting people on Alexandria and Keith.” Keith retorted, “Keith is just fine.” Emmett snarled, “And maybe someone has a hit out on you.” Keith snorted, “Just ask the techy Luna. She’d know.” He was right. I said, “I’d know.” Everyone looked at me. I said, “What? I would. I do our threat assessments.” Emmett snapped, “I don’t care. Guards on you both for the foreseeable future. SOMEONE get me the answer to what Odette is. Malachi, where is Giz?” I growled, “It’s a stupid name.” Emmett agreed, “It is.” Malachi said, “He’ll be here later.” Emmett smiled, “Great. I’m punching him in the face.” Malachi laughed, “Colton will be pissed. You wouldn’t let him punch Giz in the face at the time.” Emmett said, “Yeah, well being the lead Alpha comes with perks. I’ll tell Colton he can punch him after me.” I said, “Well, everyone remembers Odette’s party later. Let’s get some sleep.” Emmett grumbled, “Who could sleep?” Malachi snickered, “Not the Beta blood. I’ll tell you that. We need answers.” I hung up the phone. Clara said, “You could ask her about her dreams? She’d have to think they were dreams right?” I sighed, “I don’t know.” I didn’t want to push her away. I was marked. I couldn’t lose her. I said, “For now, we give her the best birthday she’s never gotten.” Clara asked, “What’s nagging you?” I said, “Why would she see the Conners? Me and my family, ok. This stuff with Cassandra and seeing Haley and Eric….It’s odd.” Clara sighed, “Yeah, a little.” She left and I pulled Odette into me. Emmett was right. I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about everything Odette said. My mom was crying. Someone wanted to kill my twin and sister in law. Haley got hurt. Who was the mate? What prisoner? These questions swirled in my mind. Did I miss a threat to my family? I wouldn't let anything happen to them. I got up and wrote Odette a note. I’d get her breakfast for her birthday. Just not from a restaurant. I ran to the shroud. I knocked on my Uncle Health’s door. He opened it. He smiled, “I thought you might come by. Your aunt made extra breakfast. I flashed in and hugged Aunt Allie. She said, “I’ll put them in to go containers so you can eat with your Odette.” I smiled, “Thank you.” She walked out. Uncle Health asked, “So…” I snorted, “So….” I pulled down my shirt and showed him my mark. He dropped his cell phone. He said, “I’m sorry. You’re MARKED?! I missed that memo.” I said, “I’ve been putting concealer on it.” Uncle Heath’s jaw dropped, “WHAT?!” I said, “That’s not really the…do you see the crown?” He laughed, “Your mate is royalty. Ok, kid. We gotta tell your dad.” I said, “I mean…he commented on the makeup so….he probably knows.” Uncle Heath asked, “He didn’t even go this far down this rabbit hole you are when he was younger. His was crazy, but somehow you’ve doubled down on his crazy.” I said, “I don’t know what that means.” My Uncle ran his hands through his hair. He said, “Keaton….” I said, “She had a crown. A green seashell crown on her head. I just…again….I don’t know why I told you. I didn’t come here to talk about that.” Uncle Heath said, “Of course not. Why would you talk to me about being marked by your mate that you’ve told like three people she’s your mate? That’s crazy talk right there.” I ignored that jab, “Did I miss a threat against my family? Did I mess up?” My Uncle’s expression changed on a dime. He said, “No, or we would’ve caught someone coming for Alexandria and Keith.” I asked, “What if Melanie did?” Uncle Heath said, “We could ask her. I’m sure she’d tell us. Or if she lied we’d know. Watching that girl try to lie is hilarious. I heard she thinks she’s getting better at it. I hope she doesn't because that would be the end of the world.” I asked, “Huh?” My Uncle said, “She amassed a loyal following and army. She runs the resistance. If ANYONE had asked her that, and I gather Cayden did. He knew she was lying about being in the resistance. He couldn’t prove it, and she picked at her sleeve any time he asked. If she could lie we’d all be f****d. If you ask her a direct question, if she tries to lie she looks away and picks at her sleeve. If we lost that, we’d be in a s**t ton of trouble with that girl. You didn’t mess up.” I sighed in relief. He said, “You need to tell your parents she marked you. This could affect the pack.” I frowned, “How?” Uncle Heath said, “Our family will go to war for you, Keaton.” I snorted, “War? For what?” He raised an eyebrow, “You don’t know what their customs are. We don’t know what she is. They might not care you didn’t tell her to, and she didn’t know what she was doing.” I frowned, interrupting, “Her brothers love her. I can tell, and she loves them.” My uncle nodded, “Maybe they do, and maybe it won’t be a problem. It could though. I’ll get ready quietly on this end if it is.” I hugged him, “Thanks.” He said, “You need to talk to your dad.” I shrugged noncommittedly. He muttered, “I hate that Lisa kid.” I snorted, “So does everyone.” Aunt Allie came in with to go containers. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I said, “Thanks, Aunt Allie.” She smiled, “I love you.” I smiled, “I love you too.” She said, “I want to meet your Odette. All my kids do. Your eyes sparkle again. I like her. We all do.” I snorted, “None of you ever said anything about Lisa like my family.” Aunt Allie frowned, “Lexi didn’t say anything either.” I sighed, “I know. I was thinking my graduation lunch….I’d bring her and she could meet everyone.” Aunt Allie laughed, “Better than nothing.” Uncle Heath said, “Seriously. Joe and I are looking into Clairvoyance. We will find something.” I hugged him, “Thanks, for….everything.” He laughed, “Anytime, kid.” I teased, “I’m actually an adult.” He shook his head and I flashed out with the food. When I got back I linked Immy, “Are you TRYING to kill me with her clothes?” Immy just giggled in reply. We did not get to the start off with the bang I wanted. I linked Bryce, “You cockblocking mother fucker.” He replied, “She out evaded me. I’m not even upset. I’m impressed. I didn’t see it coming.” Bryce linked me, “I think that’s the first time you’ve said Mine about her out loud. Or the first time in a while. Look at you, coming out of your shell. Your worst kept secret of all time is about to get even worse. Which is impressive because literally everyone knows.” I gave him a measured look. When Odette mentioned someone she knew that Bryce could like, we were intrigued. When she said Larisa White I nearly lost it. Bryce asked, “What’s so funny? Who is that?” I replied, “Larisa White is the name one of my cousins took.” Bryce replied, “I know all your cousins.” I smirked, “But my parents don’t get along with my mom’s side of the family. Even some of my dad’s. My Great Uncle Brady and his string had more kids. They travel and don’t live in the shroud. When Larisa found out why, she traveled without them. She was pretty mad she didn’t get a typical experience because they couldn’t stop being petty.” Bryce said, “So….ask your cousin so come on by and see me.” I smiled, “Ok.” Bryce was content. I linked my mom, “Hey, mom. You have Larisa’s number, right?” My mom answered, “Of course.” I asked, “Could you ask her to come meet Bryce? Odette thinks they would just be such a match.” My mom asked, “Do you think she knows how to tell mates?” I replied, “I think these strange times and we don’t know what she can do.” My mom told me, “I’ll tell her. She was wanting to come by anyway. She’ll probably just bump up her trip.” Great. I linked Bryce, “Handled.” I swear he stood two feet taller. Odette looked so sad when she mentioned her friends. I was going to tear Luke and her mother to pieces. Channing agreed, “I’ll shift and tear her mother to pieces. We can share Luke.” I retorted, “We can share BOTH.” Channing huffed but seemingly agreed. She talked about leaving and Channing took over. Bryce linked, “Channing…” He snarled, “MINE!” He groaned. Emmett linked me, “Bryce seems to think you’re upset. Lightening says Channing is just growling when he links him.” I replied, “Odette is talking about her mom making her leave.” Emmett sarcastically replied, “And that would be so sad having you be long distance with you girlfriend.” I growled at him. He said, “Obviously…other things could be said and we wouldn’t let her leave.” I decided not to answer that. I wanted nothing more than to take Odette back into her bedroom and claim her. Bryce linked me, “I really did promise Immy I’d get you guys there on time.” s**t! I couldn’t make him break a promise. It was hard to leave, but we finally managed. Only because I was carrying her. She needed to be in my arms. I pulled up to the gym. Immy linked me, “What did you drive like the wind? Stall! It’s almost perfect, and I wanted you to see if there were any changes needed.” I did exactly as she asked and walked inside. I snorted, “Wow, Immy….You went all out.” She snorted, “Ok Mr. Promposal of the century.” I smirked, “Touché. She’ll love it.” I heard a shriek. I knew that shriek. I ran out, “Odette!” Immy said, “I’ll charm the f**k out of her if she tries to ruin this party! No one messes with my parties. How DARE she!” I was just out of the door when Emmett linked me, “Stay back, little brother.” I growled, “You cannot be serious!” Emmett linked, “We are right here, and your girlfriend’s got a hell of a hook. Reminds me of the scary techy Luna’s.” I rolled my eyes. I paced listening to their standoff. I felt a fierce pride for my mate. Emmett linked me, “All her hard work? Of tearing you down? Is she for real?” I snorted, “Who cares?” I snorted when I heard the crunch of Lisa’s nose being broken. Malachi linked me, “I love your mate.” I snorted in reply. He yelled, “AH HA! No denial. I’m taking that as confirmation to confirm something I already knew.” I kept pacing. Tony Jr. linked me, “She’s my hero, and I love her.” I growled at him. He chuckled in response. I was intrigued and grateful her friend taught her how to fight. Channing linked, “Mate is powerful.” I retorted, “Mate is royal, apparently.” Channing said, “That should tell you that we are capable and worthy. Who mates royalty to a no one?” He had a point. Whatever Odette’s god or goddess was agreed for her to be mated to me. For all the things the goddesses have f****d up…Other than originally mating Lisa and Kreed…the mating pairs were spot on. Maybe I was a good Alpha. Alexandria linked, “A knockout punch. I LOVE this girl.” My mom linked me, “Alexandria filmed it. I love this girl, Keaton. I LOVE her.” I replied, “I’m glad.” My mom sighed in our link. My dad linked, “It was a good clean punch.” I snorted, “It was. Is the whole family on this chat?” My dad linked, “Alexandria might have put it in the family chat.” Oh good. The whole family was going to go off. Adlee was loving everything about this. She was the nicest girl. Malachi had gone to see her dad. He put the fear of god in him. Then I showed up as the Silver Blade. I’d be disappointed if her dad still tried to contact her. I’d have to look into that. He needed to leave her alone. Her parents were chosen mates. He loved her brother, but he was not happy to have a girl. Until she was mated to Malachi. The rest of her family was fine. Her brother tried to make up for their dad a lot. He was a good guy. Emmet linked, “Incoming.” I sarcastically replied, “Gee, thanks. I couldn’t hear you guys or anything.” Emmett snickered, “Testy.” I growled, “I had plans for our morning that didn’t happen. You did see her outfit that Immy conjured her, right?” Emmett just laughed. I nearly took Odette outside, but Emmett told us to go inside. I growled at him. He replied, “It’s so strange. Never seen you making out with someone let alone dry humping against your car.” I snorted, “I’ve seen you in the throes of passion with your mate. You’d live.” Emmett replied laughing. We were the Hackura, but sometimes you’d run past stuff. Or in this case, they’d be on the couch unable to help themselves. I’d never understood that until I met Odette. Odette’s happiness was written all over her face when we went inside. I couldn't help but be excited by her response. Her eyes were bright and happy. Tears filled them, but I knew they were happy tears. Channing grumbled, “I don’t like tears.” Well, I wasn’t a fan, but she wasn’t upset. When Immy made introductions a howl rang out when Clara was introduced. Odette actually seemed concerned. Clara was fidgeting. I frowned. Emmett and Malachi went to check it out with Keith. My instincts screamed to go with them, but I wasn’t…I didn’t do that. I always stayed behind. Odette encouraged me to go though. I stared at her in surprise. Her eyes were sincere. She had no doubt I could handle whatever wolf was out there. Even if she didn’t know what I did or who I was. She had confidence in me. That had me moving. Kreed ran outside with me. He said, “Damn, she’s good for you.” I snorted, “Ok.” We shifted and searched the area. We met up with Emmett and Malachi. Malachi was annoyed. I asked, “What’s wrong?” Malachi snorted, “Some not rogue we can’t find is upset my sister is f*****g some dude…and you want to know what’s wrong?” I frowned, “You think that howl was Jag?” Malachi said, “Thinking is for Alpha’s. I KNOW that was Jag. I just don’t know why he was butt hurt about my sister having a fuckboy. God, I can’t believe I said that.” Emmett smiled at me. Keith flashed in. He clapped me on the back, “The Katie magical vajayjay juju continues. You’re out here with us.” Everyone smiled at me. I snorted, “Of course I am.” Kreed snickered, “Odette told him to come.” Emmett smiled, “I like her.” It settled a piece of me hearing him say that. Emmett growled, “I can’t believe we can’t find one lone wolf.” I frowned, “So you think he’s a lone wolf instead of a rogue? He attacked Justin, Isla, and Odette.” Malachi said, “But he stopped when she told him to. Almost like he was compelled to attack her before. Now, he’s trying to help keep her safe.” I frowned, “What do you mean?” Keith sighed, “He was there at your accident. She told him to run from us. We tried to follow him, but he’s fast. He lost those I sent after him. He has no scent, it’s not like I can be mad at them.” I growled. Kreed said, “He can’t feel the same way about you.” I asked, “What the hell does that mean?” Malachi said, “He fought with her. You were unconscious, he could’ve hurt you. Instead, he helped her. It’s like she’s his new leader or friend.” She was royal. Keith and I shared a look. Malachi asked, “Ok, what was that?” Keith said, “Nothing.” I repeated, “Nothing.” Emmett snorted, “Oh, goodie. More secrets. My siblings keep so many secrets. Do you know what I tell myself at night?” I snorted, “No.” Emmett said, “That my siblings keep secrets but they aren’t holding the secrets the techy Luna holds. Poor Tristan McAlister. He has my sympathies.” I frowned, “Not Jason?” Emmett snorted, “It’s an oldest sibling thing. I laughed. We went back to the party a little agitated because we didn’t find what we were looking for. We set that aside and had a great time. Odette actually ran from me. Emmett wiggled his eyebrows. I was off in a flash. I couldn’t stop myself. I needed to taste her. Keith linked me, “Uhh super hearing here….” I snorted, “I’ve heard you do this a lot.” Keith said, “Uh yeah, me. No one has heard you.” Whatever. When we had cake everyone was giving me looks. Some were impressed, some were shocked. Annie winked at me. Emmett linked me, “You…just…” He stopped talking. I replied, “Was that the end of the sentence?” He just stared at me until Alexandria elbowed him. Odette was moved by the whole thing. I wondered if anyone ever sang her happy birthday. Channing growled in my head. He didn’t like that anymore than I did. I told him, “We will give her everything. Mom will love her when they meet. She says she does, and mom has never lied to us. Mom would be that mother figure for her. Just like Matt and Ted are dad’s for Adlee. She will fit into our family.” Channing agreed. Maybe if I could manifest it like Beta Dylan could. I wanted it all to work out. I wanted to have my family and my mate. My Hood cousins walked in. Emmett linked, “Don’t be mad at Immy. Jules wanted to come, and I told Joe he could come and bring everyone.” I linked, “I don’t want to overwhelm her.” Emmett pointed out, “She doesn't look overwhelmed. She looks happy.” I glanced at Odette. He was right. Jasmine of course was too excited to be contained. Where Joe was stoic Jasmine was bubbly and relatable just like Aunt Allie. I was nervous when we got to the presents portion. Odette was visibly moved by each present. Alexandria linked me, “She’s adorable, Keaton.” Annie linked me, “Keaton, she’s just…I love everything about you and her. She’s sweet and somehow innocent. You stand tall with her..I just…” She fanned her face as Kreed nuzzled her. I nervously gave her my present. She teased me. Emmett linked, “I love this girl. Woodland creatures. That’s funny.” Everyone was smiling at me. Jasmine actually wiped a few tears away. She loved her gift; I was beyond relieved. I couldn't help but kiss her. I was teased get a room. Adlee had a soundproof office. I picked Odette up and threw her over my shoulder. I knew everyone was stunned. Kreed of course recovered first to make cat calls with JJ. Keith linked, “Did you just…” l linked Channing, “Block everyone out. It’s time we spent her birthday how we wanted.” I took her over and over. I was going to have to replace things in here. I linked Clara, “Expense everything from my accounts to replace Adlee’s things. Odette wants the floor deep cleaned too.” Clara linked, “uhh ok…Is this the type of thing I can expect from my alpha now that you have your mate. Because I was told to expect that, but you were always so reserved with Lisa. I was not prepared.” I told her, “You should prepare to be in their shoes.” She replied laughing, “I’ve never been more glad to need to prepare for something. It’s damn good to see you like this.” I couldn't agree more. Keith linked, “Did you just…” l linked Channing, “Block everyone out. It’s time we spent her birthday how we wanted.” I took her over and over. I was going to have to replace things in here. I linked Clara, “Expense everything from my accounts to replace Adlee’s things. Odette wants the floor deep cleaned too.” Clara linked, “uhh ok…Is this the type of thing I can expect from my alpha now that you have your mate. Because I was told to expect that, but you were always so reserved with Lisa. I was not prepared.” I told her, “You should prepare to be in their shoes.” She replied laughing, “I’ve never been more glad to need to prepare for something. It’s damn good to see you like this.” I couldn't agree more. Odette and I teased each other. I was certain she thought I was teasing about marriage, but she was mine. She marked me, and when she understood everything; I was marking her. We were forever. When we joined everyone else they stared at us. I linked my family, “Stop staring.” Emmett linked, “You just…” I retorted, “I’m aware of what I just did. You do it a lot.” Emmett gaped at me. Malachi hit him across the chest. JJ muttered, “That’s nothing. There was lighthouse f*****g people. LIGHTHOUSE.” I glared at him. He winked at me.
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