A Royal Pt. 1

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Keaton made his way back to Odette’s apartment. When I walked in I saw a guy at the front desk who looked nervous to see me; I went on alert. I asked, “Where’s Ken?” He shuffled, “It’s his night off.” I linked my grandpa, “You’ve hired a twitchy human to be here when Ken is not. He’s odd.” My grandpa snorted, “I don’t exactly do the hiring, Keaton.” Fair enough. I took the stairs and caught a scent that had me pulsating with fury. I linked Emmett, “When did Lisa get off house arrest? I thought Alexandria doubled down.” Emmett groaned, “Don’t tell me Lisa followed you.” I walked out onto Odette’s floor as Lisa was about to slap Odette. Channing snarled, “I’ll kill her!” I flashed over and grabbed her hand. I linked Emmett while I yelled at Lisa, “She almost hit Odette!” Emmett was worried, “You can’t kill her with humans on duty. Ken is here.” I growled, “Then you better get someone here to get her the second she gets outside.” I linked Lisa, “Clearly house arrest is too good for you. If you don’t leave I’ll make sure Alexandria puts you in the damn cells. If you ever raise your hand to my girlfriend again, you will LOSE that hand.” Lisa linked, “Keaton Frank Daniels, I can’t believe you would ever say that to me.” I snarled at her. She flinched black. She wasn’t going to leave though. Emmett linked, “I’m coming up.” Then Odette started humming what could only be described as a fight song. What was shocking was Lisa’s heart rate picked up. She was terrified. She linked me, “She will never understand you like I do.” I replied, “Thank god.” She ran away. Emmett linked me, “Malachi has questions. He also recorded the humming. He wants to know if he memorizes it if he can make Lisa run away all the time. Ken is having a chat with the human at the front desk.” I snarled, “He should be fired. The staff knows Odette has a restraining order against Lisa.” Emmett laughed, “They know Katie Karlton does. They don’t know her real name. The warriors got Lisa out. I want to know where Odette learned that song.” He was not alone in that. We talked about it. Malachi linked, “She COULD ask her brothers. COULD?! No, no. Ask the brother. Just hang out until she calls him and YOU ask him. We have GOT to talk to these people. One, they hold the secret of making Lisa tuck tail and run. I need that secret more than I need my next breath. Two, maybe if we could talk to them; we could get a solid plan for introducing Odette to the supernatural side of life. Three, we could tell them Luke has got to go.” I snorted, “I’m sure they know that.” Malachi linked, “They might not know his name. Or that he has people hanging around her.” That was true. I think the problem was they didn’t know where she was. I was worried what they would do if they found out. Would they take her from me? Channing growled, “No one can take mate from us.” I agreed. If they cared about Odette, they wouldn’t. I was really hoping they did because she needed her family. I couldn't imagine life without my siblings. I knew she wanted that even if she was scared. We talked about prom. She had no idea the plans I had. She was teasing me about good at things. It still boggled my mind that she never had a bad word about my hobbies or myself. Even now as I sang. Lisa told me Lady howled in her head and that it hurt her ears when I sang. Odette did not seem to agree. Channing grumbled, “Mate can sing. She’s also in choir. She probably knows a thing or two.” Her heartbeat also told me she wasn’t lying. She did think I could sing. I danced with her as we sang. I couldn’t remember a moment of teenage years that was more carefree than this moment with her. I didn’t know how to play the guitar, but her arousal at thinking of me with guitar had me making plans. I linked Clara, “I’m going to need you to get in touch with the techy Luna's Beta female. I want to see if she’d teach me to play guitar.” Clara snorted, “I’m sure she has a spot for me on her schedule in like two months.” I laughed, “I don’t care. I want to see if she will.” Clara told me, “The techy Luna is on everyone’s list. I’ll see what I can do.” Someone else could teach me if she couldn't’. Alpha Lux Bartlett played guitar. Maybe he had some time. She started nipping at my neck. Channing yipped, “Mate can mark us.” I replied, “Mate doesn’t know anything about marking…shiiiitttttt.” She was so close to our marking spot I couldn’t help but hold her tighter. I felt a little precum drip out of me. My neck felt like a live wire. She bit down hard, but I wanted more. I held her close, fighting Channing for control. Everything felt right with her in my arms. Then I felt her teeth sink into my marking spot. Her teeth definitely weren’t in human shape right now, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. It was as if a piece of my soul snapped into place. I came in my pants. Channing purred contentedly in my head. Channing took over, “Mark, mate back!” I yelled, “We can’t! She doesn’t know….” Channing growled, “She marked us!” I said, “Are you a child? She doesn’t know what that means.” Channing growled, “Fine. I want time with mate then.” I sighed, “Go ahead.” I needed to process. I was marked. My mate, who didn’t know about supernatural’s, marked me. I let Channing drive everything with her. We didn’t need her focusing on the blood on our neck. I took over for the last little bit, deciding to get out of my head about it, and enjoy the fact that I was marked. When we went to bed Odette was begging to just sleep. Did she think I was going to keep her up? I watched her, making sure she was definitely asleep. I took out my phone and called my brother. Keith answered, “Yeah, little bro.” I snorted, “Are you alone?” Keith answered, “I’m with May in my treehouse. What’s up?” I sighed, “Odette marked me.” Silence greeted me on the other end. I said, “Yeah, that’s…yeah. What the f**k am I going to do?” Keith laughed, “What does it look like?” I sighed, “I haven’t looked. One second.” I ran in and looked in the mirror. I said, “Well, there are no teeth marks, there are initials and a…holy s**t. Holy s**t!” May asked, “What?” Keith asked, “Keaton? Are you ok?” I said, “A CROWN! There’s a crown above her initials. Oh jesus f*****g christ! A CROWN?! Does that mean what I think it means?!” Tony Jr. said, “If you think it means your mate is royal, then I’d with yes.” Clara said, “I agree.” I growled, “KEITH!” Keith said, “I told them to come. We need Beta’s.” Clara asked, “What are the initials.” I answered, “OSC.” Clara groaned, “Well, that doesn’t help AT ALL. I’ll have to get you concealer for your mark unless of course we are telling people about that mark.” I sighed, “No. I can’t mark her back which Channing is in a MOOD about. Now, I’ve got a royal mate who doesn’t know she’s supernatural LET ALONE ROYAL….I don’t think we need to advertise we have an unknown royal supernatural in the area.” Keith sighed, “Emmett could….” I growled, “No.” I touched my mark and shivered. I said, “There’s a music note too.” May said, “She does call you Key, and she sings.” Clara sighed, “Ok, I know we’ve never met a siren….but could she be a siren? They have clans from what I’ve found. I’m sure they have royalty.” I didn’t even know who to ask. I said, “Maybe she is. Have you found any clan names?” Clara snorted, “No.” Damn I asked, “Well her last name has to be C. She said she doesn’t have a middle name, but my mark suggests otherwise.” Keith laughed, “Sound a little smugger about that mark, little brother.” I smiled, “I really can’t. I’m a little worried she doesn’t know what she did…but some part of her has to right?” Clara asked, “If there are no teeth marks…she didn’t use human teeth.” I snorted, “Definitely not. She used six teeth on top and bottom, but it didn’t hurt. Not even for a second. Not how pets describe a vampire bite. Even if it’s pleasurable they say it stings. She wolves say when we mark them it stings for a second. It didn’t hurt at all. I swear she sang her song into my bloodstream too.” Clara said, “I just have so many questions and no answers.” Tony Jr. said, “To answer your question, whatever part of her that is supernatural does have to know. Another side of her took over or it would’ve been human teeth. A part of her does know and wants you Keaton.” I couldn't help but smile about that. I sighed, “I don't know how to explain this to her.” May said, “Clara and I will find some concealer for you. We will be over tomorrow. Maybe we can get to you before she sees it.” Keith snorted, “He’s basically going to live with her now. Channing won’t stand for not being near her. He’s marked and she’s not. He’ll only half calm down.” Channing told me, “He’s right. I feel calmer about Odette marking us, but we can’t be away from mate.” I didn’t want to be away from her. I pointed out, “I’m here a lot as it is anyway. I don’t think anyone will be suspicious if we move in at this point.” Keith snorted, “Emmett, Dad, Mom, Malachi, Matt, and Isaac. Hell, GRANDPA will know. This is the worst kept secret already. NOW you’re marked and you think you can keep that a secret. I just don’t know about you sometimes, little brother. You worry me.” Several people snorted. I rolled my eyes. Keith grumbled, “What? It is LITERALLY the worst kept secret of all time. I’ll declare that from the mountain tops. No secret was EVER clearer than the fact that Odette is Keaton’s. It’s been clear for oh so very long. Everyone just wants him to admit it.” I cut him off, “I’ll see you guys in the morning.” Keith said, “Ok, marked man.” I smiled and hung up the phone. I pulled Odette into my arms. She marked me. My mate marked me, and eased a tension I didn’t even realize I had in my very soul. I felt sparks on my neck. My mark felt so sensitive. I nearly came from her touching it alone. She was touching my mark. CRAP! She knew. I linked Keith, “Odette saw my mark. I have nothing. I’m frozen. I don’t know what to say. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! She has questions I cannot answer. Like well, I didn't get a tattoo. There’s a crown because you're probably a princess. Don’t panic. She’ll think I’m insane.” Channing agreed, “Yeah, let’s not say any of those words. Those are bad words. Mate won’t understand.” Keith linked, “We are outside.” Thank god. I linked him, “I literally cannot think of a time I was happier to see you.” Keith smirked at me as Katie opened the door. May saved the day. I linked her, “When did you come up with that?” May winked, “Me and Clara brainstormed last night. We knew we might need a cover. I wanted to have one ready to go.” I linked her, “Bless you.” She smiled, “Some of us don’t just go out to kill people for the Hood. I go into the field.” I had avoided the field she was in. I just killed people, in the background. She was talented. Immy gave me the concealer. She linked, “If Lisa sees that she may screech so loud we all lose our hearing. I’m not here for that. Then your mom will shoot someone because that’s how she found out her son was marked. By screeching. That’s so not how your family should be looped in.” She had a point. I did not want to deal with Lisa, and she’d lose her mind. I replied, “But if my mom shot someone with her arrows, it would be Lisa.” Immy smirked, “As much as I would enjoy her dying…your mom deserves to hear it from you. Not at a decibel that might kill all the dogs in the area.” I snickered. Keith linked me, “Odette is right. Lisa is always wiping snot on you. She’s mentioned it before….it’s weird.” I shrugged, “It’s just what she does.” Keith frowned but let it go. Immy got to the conversation on birthday things. I linked Keith, “When I find her brother, I’m kicking his f*****g ass.” Keith frowned, “It does sound like he cared about her.” I growled, “He abandoned her and left her alone. Can you even think about doing that to Allison? I know Emma’s older but her either.” Keith tilted his head, “No, I would’ve done all those things for Allison. I’d give her everything, and I’d never walk away. Maybe her mom changes her name so he can’t find her.” He might be right, but I didn't care. I could feel how much it hurt Odette. Her emotions were swimming into me as she recounted her story due to our new bond. Immy linked me, “I’m going to have Kalen and Kylie get me everything in their store they can spare. It’s so sad she’s never really had sweets.” It was. I linked Kalen, “I’m sure Immy linked you.” Kalen replied, “About your girrrllllffrrriiieennddd. Yeah she did.” I asked, “Did you have to say it that way?” Kalen replied, “Yes, I did. I’m pretty sure she’s your mate/string.” She was, but I wasn't going to tell him that. I told him, “Thanks for getting everything for her to try.” Kalen replied, “Uh huh. I threw in some of my cake balls too.” They were the best. I replied, “Thank you.” Kalen replied, “You’re welcome, worst secret keeping Daniels.” I sighed, “I can keep a secret.” Kalen laughed, “Not this one.” I didn’t bother replying. I linked Channing, “I am an excellent secret keeper.” Channing replied, “Not about mate. We are possessive.” I snorted, “You keep trying to take over. You’re the bad secret keeper.” Channing huffed, “Well, if people would stop trying to take mate….I could’ve kept a secret.” He grumbled in my mind. I linked, “But she marked us.” He perked right back up, “She did. Mate claimed us. Mate loves us.” He was really happy. We all winked at each other when it was mentioned Kalen and Kylie being the only twins. They were the result of an Aunt Haley Uncle Eric magic pup boom. I heard Kincade telling the story once in the gym. One group of their twins were the result from the pack boom too. I guess there was some visiting Alpha that came to a picnic. He was from Nevada and he had some fairy blood. Aunt Haley felt like she had to talk to him, and he used that to flirt. She didn’t realize he was flirting and to this day is adamant he wasn’t flirting. Uncle Eric was late because of a meeting. Dylan Frost was front and center, goading him the second he arrived. Regaling him with the fact that Aunt Haley had been talking to this guy for hours. Uncle Eric was around for minutes before he punched the guy in the face and took off with Aunt Haley. Then Yellow Hills had a pack boom. The second everyone left, I was on Odette. Channing was purring content that we were marked. The itch to mark her was so high. I settled her for claiming her over and over. I started to plan with the pack about Odette’s promposal. I had the dance caption choreographing a dance to Run Away With Me by Carly Rae Jepson. Clara asked, “Maybe a song they already have a dance to.” I shook my head, “No, it HAS to be that one. It’s the song that was playing during her first driving lessons.” Clara smiled, “Alrighty then.” I made flower orders all over the territory. I slowly began moving my things to Odette’s. I was walking out with a small bag when my dad stopped me. He asked, “So, are you officially moving out?” I frowned, “Of course not.” My dad snorted, “Uh huh. Any reason you’ve started wearing makeup on your neck?” I said, “Huh? What are you talking about, old man? Talking crazy, that's what you’re doing.” My dad shook his head, “Sure. You know the Alpha’s live on the pack lands.” I replied, “Odette’s apartment is on pack lands, dad.” My dad sighed, “So you’re going to move there.” I shook my head, “No, it’s just….she doesn’t know yet.” He nodded, “Malachi tried to hum that song to Lisa. She rolled her eyes at him. Definitely wasn’t scared. He’s sad.” I laughed and he let me go. I began spending time at the house to make Odette’s birthday present. I was soldering a necklace for her. I had just finished when I heard a throat clear. My mom smiled, “You’re soldering?” I nodded, “For Odette’s birthday.” She came over, “That’s beautiful, Keaton.” I smiled, “Thanks. I hope she likes it.” My mom said, “I’m sure she’ll love it. Is there a reason you’re taking your clothes over there.” I teased, “So I have things to wear.” She snorted, “You are your father’s son. I get it.” I asked, “Can you tell dad?” She laughed, “He should get it too.” I asked, “Why?” She smiled, “It’s almost graduation. I’ll sit you kids down and tell you then. Should you want to know the whole story sooner, well…Bring your girlfriend over.” I laughed and gave her a hug. I linked Clara, “How’s everything coming for the promposal?” Clara replied, “I watched all the rehearsal’s. It’s going well.” I replied, “Thanks! I want everything to be perfect. I know she’s seen a lot of them at all the schools she’s been at. I want her to know how important she is to me.” Clara replied, “I’m sure she will love it. Good thing she’s not shy. Jade Lyons would die.” I laughed, “I know she’ll love it. I would never do it if she was shy like Jade. I’d do it privately. The whole school just needs to know….she’s off limits.” Channing growled, “OURS! I’ve seen how some of the guys eye her.” Clara snorted, “I’d steer you away from it if she wouldn’t like it. You can just say you want all the guys to know she’s off limits.” I winked, “I want all the guys to know she’s off limits.” Clara smiled, “Don't you feel better?” I smirked, “Maybe.” She was fidgeting. I asked, “Are you ok?” She sighed, “Shara is still on edge.” I frowned, “What’s going on?” She shrugged, “I don’t know. We will figure it out.” I laughed, “Maybe work off some stress with your warrior buddy.” Clara sighed, “He’s been off lately. I don’t know, maybe it’s me. We still hang out, just not as much.” I shrugged, “You’ll figure it out.” She smiled, “I always do. Do you know what secret Immy is keeping?” I shook my head, “I don’t.” Clara snapped her fingers, “Damn. I was hoping she told someone.” She did. Haley. Whatever it was, Haley was on the case. Benji walked over to us with a smile on his face. I asked, “What’s with you?” He said, “My dad and Silas met someone interesting.” I asked, “Ok, who?” Benji smirked, “Your Odkatie.” I frowned, “How did they meet her?” Benji smirked, “She made an appointment to get her eyes checked.” Clara pointed out, “Humans do get their eyes checked once a year. I’m sure it’s just the annual exam.” Benji shrugged, “My dad had to grant her the peace of the earth….” I snarled, “What?! WHY?!” Emmett flashed over. He asked, “What the hell?” Malachi ran over, “I can actually answer this one.” Benji waved his hand, “Nonsense. My dad had to pop her home too.” I gasped, “WHAT? She’s probably in the fetal position going insane! Why would he do that?! There’s magic on her to not be able to think about supernatural’s. She’s getting headaches!” Benji said, “Holy overreaction wolf man. She was passed out. Her eyes are apparently very sensitive. They dilated them to make sure everything was ok.” I growled, “You’re half wolf! You have a wolf. Wolf man…ugh. I’ll go see her.” Benji snorted, “Shocker. I’m stunned you’re going to see her. Oh, wait. No, I’m not.” Emmett watched me worriedly as I flashed away. I didn’t know she had an appointment. I would’ve taken her. I ran past Ken who was waiting. He yelled, “Keaton!” I ignored him. I ran up to Odette’s place. I hurriedly opened her door. I heard someone on the phone telling her to let me know there’s nothing wrong with her eyes. That I should convince her of that. HUH?! Channing growled, “We didn’t know! I know there’s nothing wrong with her.” I frowned, “It was just a checkup…Right?” Channing sighed. When she admitted she went to the doctor because she kept seeing things like people’s eyes turning black. Channing whimpered in our head. I felt terrible. How was I supposed to explain that? It wasn’t going to stop, but it wasn’t because her eyes were messed up. She was just around a lot of wolves. I wondered if her brother had anything else that could help me. She was too sensitive to light. I quickly pulled all the curtains. I pulled bobby pins from my on the go kit Uncle Heath always had us carry. I was immensely grateful in this moment for his stickler tendencies of being prepared. I made the room as dark as possible. She finally admitted her birthday was tomorrow. She fell asleep. I linked Oscar, “What the HELL happened? You treat supernatural’s sometimes.” Oscar replied, “We used the drop we use on werewolves. You know werewolves can be sensitive to light, but hers was an extreme reaction. I didn’t know what she was. I should’ve called Cousin Aiden. He might have been able to tell me. I’m sorry, Keaton. I’ve never had a supernatural being with such an aversion to dilation. I did want to do a thorough check up. I know that supernatural’s tend not to have issues, but sometimes partials with human blood do.” I sighed, “It’s not your fault. We don’t know what she is.” When the clock struck midnight I woke up to a hiss. I held Odette closer. I whispered, “My song?” She began to glow. I linked Keith, “UHHH Odette is GLOWING!” Keith replied, “If that’s your way of saying you knocked up your mate that mom hasn’t officially met yet then…I can’t help you with breaking that news.” I said, “I’m not a fairy! I can't see a pregnant glow. She’s LITERALLY glowing.” Keith replied, “Then maybe whatever she is, seventeen is an important birthday. That’s just off the top of my head.” I gasped as a seashell crown appeared on her head. I took a picture and sent it to Clara and Keith. Clara conference called me. She said, “UHHHH ok. Maybe she’s a mermaid.” I replied, “She hisses when I call her a mermaid.” Clara said, “Ok, I’m firmly in Siren camp.” I said, “She doesn't kill anyone with her songs.” Clara said, “Well, we don’t only shift on a full moon.” Keith said, “Blah, blah, blah, A CROWN APPEARED ON HER AND SHE IS GLOWING!” I watched Odette, “The crown disappeared.” Clara growled, “I should’ve had you bring it to me. No, I should’ve been popped in. DAMN! Missed opportunities.” She whispered, “Lexi and Chase Daniels? What happened to Key?” I asked, “What the s**t?” Clara said, “Ok, I’m getting popped in for this.” Keith snorted, “Uhh me and May too.” Immy, Bryce, Tony Jr, Clara, and May appeared in the room. Odette whispered, “Don’t cry, Key’s mom.” I snarled, “What the f**k?!” I called my dad. He answered, “Keaton, is everything ok?” I asked, “Where’s mom?” He answered, “Beside me asleep.” I frowned, “Is she crying?” My dad snorted, “No. She’s sleeping. Son, what’s wrong?” Odette mumbled, “Grudge against Cassandra Conners….what princess?...What prisoner?” My dad asked, “Keaton, what the f**k is going on?!” Odette mumbled, “Delusional wannabe murderer….Keith and Alexandria are fine.” My jaw dropped. Clara said, “Ok, I might be wrong on my guess. She might be clairvoyant.” My dad snarled, “WHAT THE f**k IS GOING ON?!” I answered, “I don’t know. Odette’s glowing…she had a crown that’s now gone, but she’s mumbling about things she sees. She was talking about mom crying.” Emmett growled, “What is she talking about Alexandria and Keith being murdered?!” Alexandria whispered, “I’m fine.” Emmett snarled, “And if she has sight?!” Clara said, “She’s not a fairy. We know that. I think she’s talking about the past. She said wannabe murderer.” I heard Malachi said, “I’m looking, Emmett. Clara linked me her password. I’m into her research files. I’m looking up clairvoyance. She had it bookmarked.” I looked at her. She said, “I told you; I went down a rabbit hole.” Matt said, “I’m looking to. We will figure this out.”
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