Revelations Pt. 6

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She started to leave. I said, “I know Luke. He convinced you that he didn’t have anything to do with your son dying but he did. He told me.” A few tears escaped her. She whispered, “I knew but I didn’t want to. I was already done, but that’s the last straw. When we get out of here, I’ll reject him. I’ll go back home.” I told her, “Caspian said he’d help.” Her hand stalled. Then she busted up laughing again. She asked, “You know Caspian? Of course, you do. You were song walking. Oh, Luke is going to be eviscerated. I love everything about that. My baby boy deserves justice.” She whispered, “He didn’t even have a name.” It was my turn to hold her while she cried. I rocked her thinking of the right words, but none came. Finally, I said, “You get to name him. He’s your baby boy and he always will be.” She wiped her tears, “You’re right. I have to go.” I desperately clung to her, “Wait…why are you here?” She snorted, “Because I am a good actress. They think I’ll bring you back for justice. Little do they know I want justice for my son against them, not you. They want you there, and I never did. They gave me the means to keep something they want from them, and I’m taking it. I’m hitting them where it hurts in many ways. The boy they are talking about….Keaton. He’s your song, isn’t he?” I nodded. Delana snorted, “They are so dumb. I knew they second they were talking about his responses to their notes. They just believed nothing could get in the way of their plans. My how fast the mighty fall. Stay strong. I’m going to meet your friend.” I pleaded, “Please tell her, I can’t wait to see her again. That I missed her.” She nodded and picked up her rock. An hour after she left, the red eyed men came back. It hit me like lightning. Jag. These people knew Jag. I was led through rooms and then chained to a desk. Like an interrogation. A guy said, “My boss has questions.” He threw down a picture of Rolfe. He asked, “Do you know this wolf?” I snorted, “Are you serious? I don’t know. I don’t make a habit of befriending wolves.” He said, “That’s not what I hear. I hear this one follows you around.” I frowned, “That would be news to me.” He sighed, “How about him?” He put down a picture of Jag. I said, “Sorry. If your buddy was supposed to kidnap or stalk me; he’s doing a bad job.” Jag…and Rolfe. Were they the same? He snorted, “That’s not why we want him. He turned on us to protect you, and he shouldn’t have been able to. Damn sirens.” I frowned, “There were no sirens at the school. No one came.” He snorted, “Yeah, there were. You.” I frowned, “I’m not a siren. There were definitely no police sirens going to scare them off either. It was in infuriating no one came to help us while we were screaming for help.” He sat back, “My god, you don’t know.” I asked, “I don’t know what?” He laughed, “Lady, you’re a siren.” I frowned, “We’ve established I’m not a siren. I can’t even make the sound.” Sassy sang softly in my head. It clicked. The ocean things in Caspian’s place…Pain shot through me. I screamed and clutched my head. The guy yelled, “What the f**k?” I took several deep breaths, “I’m fine.” He said, “Ok, I don’t mean a sound. Obviously, you’re not a sound. You’re the creature humans believe to be mythological. You’re a Siren.” I snorted, “I’m not.” He groaned, “Seriously? You saw wolves turn into humans.” I pointed out, “After I shot them.” He growled at me. He gritted his teeth, “You’re a siren that’s how you ensnared Jag!” I told him, “You can rest assured I’m NOT a siren. Want to know how? Other than that’s bat crap crazy!” He asked, “Fine. How in your mind am I wrong?” I glared at him, “If I was a siren, I’d have lured you to me with my song AND EATEN YOU BY NOW YOU ASS! I want KEY! I don’t want to be here anymore.” He sat back and laughed, “You’re pretty funny. Siren’s don’t actually eat people. Humans get parts of supernatural’s wrong. Particularly those that don’t live in their realm. Sirens come here, but not a lot. Few live here.” I told him, “The Sargasso’s are coming for you.” He snorted, “Sure they are. Why would they?” I told him, “My brother’s last name is Sargasso.” He paled and backed up. He asked, “What?” I said, “He told me to tell anyone that if they came for me. So, I’m telling you. The Sargasso’s will come for me and so will Key.” He blinked at me. I asked, “How do you know his last name?” The guy sputtered, “We aren’t exactly sworn enemies but we don’t get along. I know the Siren clan's names. Keaton wouldn’t know them. He knows people who would.” I smirked, “A Cambridge or a Holloran?” He whispered, “You know them?” I shrugged. He didn’t need to know I didn’t. He hissed, “f**k. This is so much worse than getting Jag back for my adopted sister. You’re a Sargasso. This is f****d up. No, we are just ransoming you back to the wolves.” He called someone. He said, “Yeah, I know you’re watching. We are playing the long game. She’s better off near the Daniels boy than in the ocean. The Sargasso’s. How could she be lying? She had no goddamn clue about this. They found her somehow. We can’t let the Sargasso’s come for us. I remember the stories of the clans. Of all the ones NOT to piss off it was them. Her brother is a king.” WHAT?! Actually, that makes sense. He sneered, “Sure, he leaves people with a trident through them after he rips out their guts.” Ok, so he definitely doesn’t use cement shoes. I commented, “It’s disemboweling someone. Just for your reference.” He stared at me. I shrugged, “What? I’m just saying. That’s what the technical term is in this fantasy land you live in. I’m pretty sure my brother is in the mob. So, he probably beats someone with a baseball bat or something.” He laughed, “Come on, she’s funny. I see why the Daniel’s boy likes her.” I flipped him off. He said, “Yeah, well clearly being nice to him was the better route. Like I said. I do like being right.” He was talking about Lisa. I didn’t know how I knew that, but I did. Sassy felt like she was throwing caution at me. I wasn’t going to say her name. That would mean they might change their mind about giving me back to Keaton. He said “Great, so we agree we can’t give her to Siren’s. We can’t have our name getting back to the Sargasso’s. That would ruin our plan we’ve been working on for over thirty years.” I snorted, “You need a new plan developer.” He started laughing again. He asked, “Unless you’ll let me keep her.” Sassy’s hiss came out of my mouth. I clapped my hand over my mouth. He laughed, “I think your little source hasn’t told you the truth about little miss thing here. She’s surfaced. Which isn’t surprising. She’s a Sargasso in danger. Of course, she surfaced. Morons. The whole lot of them.” He paused, “Affirmative. We’ll get money back for her.” He hung up. He led me back to my cell. He asked, “Out of curiosity, how did you get the Daniel’s boy in your lure? He was already under influence.” I said, “I love Key.” He said, “Kid, you’ve got a song out there.” I looked away. He laughed, “Don’t tell me….it’s him.” I said, “I didn’t tell you anything.” He grunted, “Just maybe. You miss Odette have given me something I have wanted for a long time.” I asked, “What’s that?” He smiled, “A reason to put someone in their place. She’s gotten a pretty big ego and she’s awful to deal with. Now, she’s failed in spectacular fashion. She capitalized on my last mistake.” I asked, “What mistake?” He snorted, “Not counting on Haley Conners capacity for love.” Xander’s mom? I remembered her from Melanie’s stories, and she was the woman in that vision I’d had. I asked, “Huh?” He shrugged, “No harm in telling you, but we’ve been trying to infiltrate their pack for a while.” I asked, “Pack?” He ignored me, “First, we went after Frank Daniels' first wife. We killed her easily enough, but Frank spiraled. He didn’t want anything to do with any woman we put in front of him. Then he had Nadine, and he was paranoid about her and his daughter’s safety.” I snorted, “I can’t imagine why. His wife was murdered.” I felt really bad for Frank. He was a nice man. The guy continued, “Anyway, then Chase Daniels found his mate. Lexi Scott. She was supposed to be out alone, but she was on the phone. We were going to kill her an infiltrate someone with Chase. The princess popped in and they took down more of our forces than should’ve been possible. I have a survival instinct so, I stayed back. We almost got Lexi, but the fairy princess dove in front of the spell. I thought I’d be a hero for killing her, but she hung on somehow.” He snorted, “People talk about how weak she is. Still to this day. She’s not. That should’ve killed her. She fought a spell that she shouldn't’ have the strength or will to. She’s light itself and she used all the love she has to stick around. Then her brother figured out how to save her, and he started persecuting us. He’s been on a crusade that put us all in hiding. Not to mention the Hackura figured out why he was on that crusade. We are very hunted.” I didn’t feel bad for him. I admitted, “I hope they get you. Frank is a nice man. You hurt the Daniels. I hope the Conners, Holloran’s, Sargasso’s, and Daniels get you.” Tears of anger flew down my face for Keaton and his family. I asked, “Why? Why did you want infiltrate their pack?” He smirked, “They are allies with the Conners. Cassandra Conners was told by one of our seers that her oldest son would be powerful. That he would make his mark on the world. We gave her our support for her husband to take over his pack in exchange for that information. She was to bring us back to a place of power in the supernatural world alongside them.” I asked, “Let me guess…you’re a harpy?” He smirked, “Partial, yes.” I nodded, rubbing my head. I asked, “So, she backed out?” He laughed, “She was smarter than we thought. She knew we came to her for her father in law. We had a deal with both. We wanted her son all along, but she would never give him up. He could’ve brought us to glory, but she shut us out. We wanted to infiltrate a close ally of theirs. We chose the Daniels.” I snorted, “So Frank Daniels lost his wife because you flipped a coin and played god? That’s what you're saying? You’re disgusting.” He smirked, “Your brother makes similar calls.” I replied with confidence, “My brother is a good man. You’re despicable. You should’ve gone after whoever Cassandra is.” He smirked, “We planned to. She died seventeen years ago, but her line lives on. They will pay.” I said, “In what way? You didn’t get Haley and the Daniels are the ones that have been hurt.” He smiled, “Maybe that information will rip their alliance apart.” I said, “Wow…you’re just not smart. Lexi and Haley are friends. She saved her life. That’s what you said.” He shrugged, “See you around, kid.” I yelled, “WAIT! You said you were going to ransom me back to Key!” He turned, “Not me. I’m leaving but don’t worry; you’ll see him soon.” I sank down onto the cot. Didn’t I just wake up in Keaton’s arms after prom? Tears filled my eyes. I’m an i***t. I was so happy. Everything was perfect. I rushed off to see him when I knew he’d call or come by himself. He never had me where he lived because…I couldn’t finish that thought. It hurt. The tears started to fall. I asked, “Sassy, I don’t think you can answer but….Tatum….the voice in my head….she’s something right? I hurt her, didn’t I?” A voice answered me barely whispering, “It’s not your fault, Odette.” I cried, “Tatum? Tatum I’m so sorry.” She whispered, “I’m tired but you haven’t taken your pills so I’m here.” I cried harder, “I did this to you. I hurt you.” She denied that, “No, you were lied to. This isn’t your fault. We will figure it out together.” I rocked myself. Did I hurt Sassy too? Tatum was trying to talk to me. Sassy was sad. I looked around and screamed, “CASPIAN! I NEED YOU! TRIT! CYTHON! CORDELIUS, CORNELIUS, CADENCE, NOXUS! PLEASE HELP ME! I NEED YOU! I CAN’T….I NEED YOU! STUPID GOLDEN WISP COME ON! HELP ME! I NEED THEM!” It worked when I didn’t try. Suddenly, a huge golden wisp knocked me to my feet. I hit my head on the cot and everything went dark. I woke up in a field. I looked around and cried when I saw the black and green colored wolf, “Tatum! You’re Tatum right?” She answered in my head, “I am.” I heard someone say, “Odette.” I turned and sobbed, “Melanie!” She hugged me, “Shh, I’m here now. Everything is going to be ok. I’m going to bring you home.” I cried, “I miss Key.” She told me, “You’ll see him soon. I promise. I just need to say this really quickly. You called that wolf Tatum and that’s hilarious. Channing and Tatum. Someone has a sense of humor up there. I have a plan and a lot to explain…and first we need to get rid of the magic around you so we can talk without your head hurting.” She turned to the white wolf next to her. My head pounded. She touched the wolf and they were now the same. The wolf touched her head to my stomach. Everything quieted inside me. For the first time in my life, I felt peaceful and calm in my mind. Nothing hurt. I felt strength I never knew I possessed. I felt and heard glass shatter all around me. I heard a scream of pain, but it wasn’t mine. I looked around, but now Melanie stood before me. I whispered, “Werewolves are real.” She nodded. I smiled, “Keaton is one.” Melanie smiled, “He’s an Alpha.” I said, “And you’re a werewolf?” Melanie laughed, “Yeah, I didn’t have Freya when we met. She was kept from me in a different way than your wolf was.” My wolf? I was a wolf too. That made sense. It was Tatum. I frowned, “Your Xander is married.” She laughed, “Yeah, to me.” My jaw dropped. I yelled, “DAMN IT! Why didn’t I ever say your name? Key would’ve known.” Melanie sighed, “I blame some goddess. Definitely Selene.” I laughed, “Selene is a goddess? I thought she was someone you didn’t like.” Melanie smiled, “I don’t like her. I know who your dad is…oh god… I meant to ease into that and well…that's….I didn't even explain you’re a partial werewolf and something else and…” I laughed, “I missed you and your rambling. Apparently I’m a siren. Sadly, I can’t sing and lure people to their death to eat them. Sucks.” Melanie snorted, “I know a few things about Siren’s that I’ve read.” I asked, “Do you know who the Sargasso’s are? I don’t know a Holloran or Cambridge to ask.” She snorted, “I know people with those names and so do you technically. I told you about them. Xander is technically both. His mom’s maiden name is Haley Cambridge Holloran. Anyway, the Sargasso’s…I did read about them. Largest clan in the sea. It makes sense that Tatum has green on her coat because that’s the color of their clan and the Sargasso’s are royalty.” I snorted, “My brother is a king. Of course.” The initials on Keaton’s tattoo. OSC. Odette Sargasso…What was the C? I asked, “You know my dad?” Melanie nodded, “He didn’t know about you. He’s really upset. I feel awful. He’s been out looking for you…us…it’s complicated. He’s looking. He’s torn up.” I wiped my tears, “He wants me? It feels too good to be true, Mel. I have Keaton. I have friends. You’re back. I have my brothers, now my dad wants me. I’m missing Lux though.” Melanie tilted her head, “Lux? Lux Bartlett?” I asked, “So, he’s a real person? Yeah, I’m looking for my brother. He raised me, but his dad took custody of him.” Melanie blinked, “Theo?” I shrugged, “Uhh, I don’t think I ever heard him say his dad’s name but…I think he did say his stepmom’s name was…ugh…” I thought really hard then said, “Anne.” Melanie’s jaw dropped. She said, “Ok, you just….have so many brothers. You poor thing. Good thing you met your mate already.” I asked, “Mate?” Melanie winced, “God, Sierra is supposed to stop when I do these things. Umm supernatural’s have mates. We mark them and get…” I gasped, “A tattoo! OH MY GOD! I did that! He didn’t get a tattoo I bit him. There WAS blood on his neck.” Melanie snorted, “You marked Keaton? Oh that’s….hilarious.” Her wolf snorted. She said, “What? It is? She didn’t even know, but he hasn’t marked her. Poor guy. That has to be so hard for him as an alpha wolf.” Her wolf went to Tatum and touched her head. I whispered, “I don’t deserve her. I’ve been poisoning her.” Melanie said, “None of that. She doesn’t blame you, and you can’t either. The magic around you was intense.” I asked, “How did you break it?” She sighed, “The white wolf is a legend…I’m a goddess. Technically……I just am…yeah…that’s weird.” I snorted, “I’ve read about the white wolf. That makes sense. You’re amazing.” She flushed. She told me, “Freya is restoring your wolf. You’ll be able to shift once we are in a safe place. She assures me it will be painless since you’ve suffered so much. Umm….have you seen some black wolves in a dream?” I nodded, “And a redhead. She teleported.” Melanie smiled, “You’ve seen my mother in law.” I said, “I saw her twice. I’m pretty sure it was in the past. Her husband….I felt this need to comfort him.” I whispered, “We look alike.” She rubbed my shoulders, “I can explain that.” I shook my head, “I want you to explain in person not..wherever this is. What’s the escape plan? Delana said there was one.” Melanie smiled, “I like her.” I admitted, “Me too.” Melanie said, “They are going to call Keaton soon. He’ll be back from the Alpha meeting. They’ll call and ransom you. They will bring in their allies. It WILL get all alpha male. My poor mother in law and your future mother in law will have to try to reign them in. I don’t think it’s going to work because Xander will be pretty mad…at me…well…kind…of…it was a noble cause..…well…we did just talk about me not just running off…but there were extenuating circumstances. He has to understand that. Right? Like…I had to come after you…I just…didn’t pause…and I left my phone…Ok, I could technically still contact him..he has his watch…I’m screwed.” I snickered. She turned to her wolf, “No agreeing to not healing my butt again!” I snorted, “What?” Melanie sighed, “Alpha wolves and their sexy punishment. Keaton will probably spank you too.” I couldn’t deny that the thought excited me. Melanie said, “Right. The plan. I’m going to come in wolf form. Delana will give you a key to your cuffs when there’s a distraction. You run outside and I’ll meet you.” I frowned, “I’ll fight with you.” Melanie shook her head, “No, Freya can electrocute people. I’m going to electrocute the room once you and Delana are out. Just get outside. I’ll be right behind you. I’ll stay in wolf form, but we’ll get you home.” I asked, “Why not just let them pay the ransom.” Melanie snorted, “No one kidnaps my friends and gets away with it. That’s insulting. I’m insulted. So many people are insulted. No…no money for them. Plus, kidnappers aren’t really trustworthy people. They can lie. That’s a thing they can do.” I told her, “I was given a lot of information. This comes back to someone named Cassandra Conners.” Melanie ground, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” I whispered, “They killed Keaton’s grandma because of it. They hurt your mother in law trying to kill Lexi.” Melanie groaned, “Oh that’s just ok…so…we are going to have to…figure out…how to drop that information…, me, Keaton, Caleb, Phil, and….my dad..” I frowned, “Your dad?” She groaned, “Magic. My family isn’t dead. It’s been a constant roller coaster for us. We will have to meet with that small group and figure out how to explain to the group what you learned. We won’t keep it from them. Maybe we just let everyone sit with the information we get….Oh gosh, I’m going to have to avoid…everyone. They will know I know something.” I snorted, “You still can’t lie.” She winced, “I mean…I’m getting better.” I laughed, “I doubt that. It’s endearing.” She grumbled, “It’s annoying.” Freya whined. Melanie said, “It’s showtime, Odette. I’m coming. Stick to the plan and you’ll be home soon. Everything will fall into place. Your mom might die though….ok so might…is the wrong word. Someone will definitely kill her….oh my gosh! Why can’t I stop talking?” I snorted, “Deal. She tried to marry off to some evil dude.” She asked “Who?” Before I could answer her wolf and mine knocked us into a small creek. I woke up with a red eyed person hovering over me. He slapped me, “WAKE UP!” I winced, “I’m up.” Someone said, “You’re not supposed to hurt her! She was already in a car wreck. Jesus, you want that hood/Alpha to kill us.” I asked, “Hood? Wolves have gangs?” They snorted, “It’s a supernatural group. Have you not noticed your boyfriend is insanely fast.” He hauled me to my feet. I grumbled, “Yes, I did notice. I went to the freaking optometrist. Do wolves' eyes flicker black…when they take over?” They nodded. I internally asked, “Tatum?” She answered, “Yes, Odette. I’m with you.” She sounded stronger. I asked, “Is Channing…Keaton’s wolf?” She purred, “Yes.” I chuckled. Melanie was right. That was funny. Tatum said, “I do love that you’ve keyed our mate up. You called him an Aussie.” Oh my god. He wasn’t role playing, that was his wolf. Tatum chuckled. Sassy hummed happily. I was brought into a big room with a table and a big screen. I saw Delana in the back. She shot me a soft smile before putting on a smooth cold look. I looked at the screen. I whispered, “Mr. Miller.” It was Matt and Ted. I was smacked in the face. A tear slipped out. Sassy hissed and Tatum snarled. Matt spoke, “Don’t you dare do that again.” A man told him. “We wish to speak to the young soon to be Alpha Keaton. I’m sure he wants his mate back.”
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