Revelations Pt. 5

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I was pulled out of that by the marching band playing. I asked, “Is that…Run Away With Me by Carly Rae Jepsen?” Just as I said that a girl from my choir class started singing it. Clara laughed, “I guess it played on the radio the first time he gave you a driving lesson.” I honestly hadn’t noticed. All I noticed was the electricity between us. People started handing me roses as we made our way to the field. I blushed, “Is he not the most romantic guy alive?” Several people smiled at me. I was pretty certain I spotted most of the Daniels in the distance. Surely Keaton’s mom wasn’t actually in a tree, but I’d swear she was. I saw his dad, Emmett, and Arden. I definitely spotted Allison in a tree. I gave her a wave. I swear she looked surprised that I noticed her but waved back. The dance team had choreographed a great dance. I had twenty-four roses by the time I made it to mid field. Keaton was standing in the middle of field in a heart made of pedals. In candles behind him he’d spelled out PROM? My jaw dropped. I blinked several times. This was the most involved promposal I’d ever seen, and I’d seen a lot. Clara led me right in front of him. Keaton asked, “Katie Karlton, will you go to prom with me?” I laughed, “Yes. I can’t believe you did all this for me…it’s amazing.” He asked a little nervously, “You like it?” I asked, “Are you serious? I’ve been to a lot of schools, and I’ve never seen a promposal like this.” Keaton whispered, “It’s a little cheesy.” I said, “Cheesy? Key, this is the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen anyone do for someone. I’ve never felt more loved in my entire life.” His whole face lit into a smile. People started chanting, “Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her.” Keaton smirked and laid the mother of all kisses on me. It was possessive and screamed she’s mine. He pulled back, smirking. Over the PA system the principal said, “Alright, back to class everyone.” I asked, “How did you get the school to agree to get everyone in on this?” He laughed, “I have my ways.” I teased, “Right, your family owns the whole town. What was I thinking? You know they were all in the trees watching?” He laughed, “That doesn’t surprise me.” I said, “I’m thinking I might need a second opinion about my eyes being fine because I swear I saw your mom and little sister in the trees. I saw another girl I didn’t know, but she looks like your mom.” Keaton looked around. He said, “That would be Emma, Emmett’s twin, and my older sister. Your eyes don’t need to be checked. My mom loves climbing trees and so does Allison.” I giggled and we walked back inside. Everyone was already back in class. Sassy was feeling lustful. Keaton did do that whole big thing for me. I tugged on his hand and led him to the janitor’s closet. He asked, “What are we doing?” I smirked and yanked him inside. I closed the door and pushed a very amused Keaton against the wall. I kissed him while undoing his jeans. I kissed his tattoo gently since it was covered up. He whispered, “f**k…” He sprang free. I teased, “Commando. It’s almost like you knew that giant romantic gesture would lead to you getting lucky.” He denied that “No, I wasn’t….” I cut his reply off. I’d get him to tease about this stuff one day. He just needed time. I went to my knees. Keaton whispered, “Odette….” I smiled up at him and took him into my mouth. He groaned and hit the wall with his hand. I cupped his balls. He let his head roll back. I quickly brought him to a growling completion. I quickly zipped his pants back up and led him out of the closet. He said, “But you didn’t…” I snorted, “That was me thanking my man for the most amazing romantic gesture of my life.” Keaton smiled, “I’ll do things like that for you. So, you should get used to it.” I laughed, “I don’t know how you top that.” He smiled, “I’ll think of ways to do just that. I have time.” I kissed him and we walked into class. I blushed furiously as they turned to us. No one mentioned it, but several people smirked at Keaton. The teacher didn’t even ask or acknowledge that we’d walked in late. I whispered to Keaton, “I lost my flowers somewhere.” He smirked, “They are at your apartment. Ken took them back.” I laughed, “Ken was here too?” Keaton smiled, “Quite a few people came apparently.” I smiled and held his hand throughout class. I was walking on air the rest of the day. Keaton dropped me off at work afterwards. Those people that came in a few weeks back were back again sitting in the corner. I quietly went about my work. Immy and I walked back to my place. I waved goodbye to her as she got in her dad’s car. I ran in and went to my computer. I pulled up my computer. Trit was online. I called him. He answered immediately, “Hello, little sister.” I smiled, “I was asked to Prom.” He snorted, “I’d imagine so. What’s prom?” I gasped, “You don’t have prom?! It’s a big dance for juniors and seniors at the end of the school year.” Trit said, “Ahh, we don’t call it that.” I smiled, “Anyway, my song boy asked me in the most romantic way.” I told him all about it. Trit smiled, “Seems like your song boy is doing things right.” I heard the door opening. I told him, “I’ll talk to you later, Trit.” He said, “I’ll expect pictures of your Prom dress.” I smiled, “Sure. I don’t think you’ll like it.” He groaned, “Great.” I laughed and hung up. Keaton was in the doorway. I smiled, “Hi.” He asked, “Was that your brother?” I nodded, “One of them.” He sighed, “I don’t recognize him.” I laughed, “He doesn't live here.” At least, I didn’t think he did. Keaton frowned. I said, “Maybe he recognized you.” Keaton shook his head, “No, I wasn’t in frame.” I sighed, “Oh.” He laughed and kissed me. He told me, “If you want them to meet me, I’m more than happy to sit on a call with you.” I asked, “Really? Great! I’ll ask Caspian if we can set up a call for them to meet you.” He smiled, “Caspian? I don’t recognize that name either.” I snorted, “I’m sure he owns businesses and is a mob boss.” Keaton smirked, “I’ll google Caspian the mob boss.” Why hadn’t I googled my own brother? Now, I had his last name too. The next few days passed in a blur. I was working or with Keaton, I was running with Rolfe in the morning. I was worried about Jag because I hadn’t seen him. We’d texted though. I finally found myself sitting at my computer. An email caught my eye. It was from a Lux that I’d emailed. Katie, I would be glad to meet with you for your school project. I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. I know it’s the end of the school year, but if you still need to meet with a CEO for your class we could set something up. Sincerely, Lux Bartlett My hands were shaking. I didn’t know why. It probably wasn’t my brother. It never was. It could lead me to Caspian and my other brothers though. Or it could really be my Lux. I replied. Mr. Bartlett, I would still love to meet with you. It doesn’t have to be during school. That project did pass by, but I’m interested in your field of work. I’d love to set up some time to ask you some questions. I appreciate the reply. If you can’t make time, I understand. Katie Karlton I was about to read a few more emails when I got an instant response. Katie, Please call me Lux. My dad’s name is Mr. Bartlett. I have a meeting coming up that I’ll be out of town for, but my secretary will send you details for a meeting when we get back. I look forward to discussing your questions in person. Lux Bartlett. I was nervous. The date his secretary sent me was close. I couldn’t believe it was already prom weekend. I was meeting this new Lux, then it was Keaton’s graduation. Everything was happening so fast. Time used to go by pretty slowly for me. A call on my computer brought me out of my reverie. I smiled and answered, “Hi Caspian. I have a request.” He laughed, “Do you want me to encase someone in cement? That’s not my usual way of handling things.” I teased, “AH HA! You have a way. I knew it. Let’s put a pin in that. I actually wanted to ask you guys if you could all get together after graduation for a call with my song boy.” Caspian asked, “You want us to meet him?” I nodded, “He wants to meet you too. He was disappointed he didn’t recognize your name or Trit’s. I teased him about thinking he knew everyone.” Caspian laughed, “I doubt very much he would know me. He probably knows people who would recognize my name.” I asked, “Oh? Who do you think he knows?” He answered, “Anyone named Holloran or Cambridge would recognize my name.” I sighed, “I don’t know anyone by those names. Are they last names?” Caspian nodded. He told me, “We would be thrilled to meet your song boy. Name the time and place.” I smiled, “Well, after graduation will be perfect. We are busy there’s prom, and I don’t want him to stress out before his graduation ceremony. His ex really messed him up. We have that in common. I think she could rival Luke. They could destroy the confidence of anyone if they teamed up.” Caspian snorted, “Odette, you may think Luke destroyed your confidence but he didn’t. He tried. He might have made some nicks or dings in your armor, but he didn’t break you. You left him, and that’s impressive.” I snorted, “Only after he locked me up and had me pumped full of drugs.” Caspian gritted his teeth, “He still wasn’t expecting you to leave him, and you did.” I sighed, “I don’t understand that. He had to know that was the end of us. We should’ve ended before then; I was just tired of being lonely.” Caspian said, “That you recognized that you shouldn’t be with him at all is impressive. Many people do not realize they are in abusive relationships until they are looking around wondering how it happened. Many do not find the strength to leave. You did. You refused to give in to him.” I shrugged. He told me, “You are so brave, beautiful, and strong. Never forget that.” I heard my door open. I waved, “Thanks, big brother.” He winked and signed off. I went out and found Keaton. He leaned in and kissed me. Could life get any better? I was pretty sure it couldn’t. Before I knew it, prom was here. Keaton groaned when the knock came on my door. Immy yelled, “Keaton Daniels, go get ready with the guys! It’s girl time. We have a friend for Odette to see!” Keaton yelled, “Getting ready is not complicated or required to start this early. It’s just shower, tux, ready!” I snorted, “A friend?” Had Keaton found Melanie? How could he? I never told him her name, but hope bubbled in my chest. I jumped up out of bed and ran for the door. I ripped the door open. I tried not to show my disappointment. I smiled, “Hi Larisa.” She smiled, “Maxie. Though I heard it’s Odette.” I was surprised she remembered me. I knew who she was because she was the track star of the school. I laughed, “Bryce really tracked you down?” She smiled, “In a way.” Keaton kissed my head. He studied me then told the girls, “Go head into her room. She’ll be there as soon as I say goodbye.” They all walked away. He whispered, “You thought it was the friends you’d mentioned but not named.” I shrugged, “It’s silly. How can you find someone whose name you do not know?” Keaton hugged me, “I’ll try to find them for you whenever you’re ready. I’ve got connections, I’m sure I can do it.” I laughed, “Maybe plan a day trip for my next birthday to track them down.” Keaton’s eyebrows raised. Immy said, “BYE KEATON!” He snorted, “See you later.” I smiled, “You can’t rip my dress off later. I love it.” He growled, “What did you do?” I wiggled my eyebrows, “I look delectable according to Immy.” He growled playfully and pulled me into him and kissed me. He said, “I’ll see you later.” Ken appeared to take Tatum on a walk. Larissa smiled, “I owe you a thanks.” I shrugged, “For what?” She answered, “Bryce.” I laughed, “Are you guys already serious?” She smiled, “I’m going to marry him.” I gasped, “You’re engaged?!” I grabbed her hand. She didn’t have a ring. She laughed, “I will be.” I said, “Well, I guess I’m good at matching people.” Immy sighed, “You took my thing.” I laughed, “Don’t worry, I have no idea on anyone else.” We ended up getting everything ready in the bathroom. May was showering first. The rest of us hung up our dresses. We had a really fun lazy day eating, hanging out, watching movies, and slowly getting ready. There was no rush. I ended up leaving my hair down and curling it like I’d seen the not mermaid version of my self’s hair style. Sassy definitely approved. All of us put on our dresses. Immy squealed, “We are so hot!” I asked her, “Can you take a picture of me?” Immy took my phone and took a few. She announced, “Each one is stunning.” I laughed and looked at them. I picked one and sent it in an email to my brothers. I was getting a call minutes later. I laughed, “I’ll be right back.” I stepped out onto my balcony. I answered, “Hi, Caspian.” He said, “Absolutely not. You look beautiful, but no.” All my brothers grunted in agreement. I laughed, “Then my mob boss brothers better hurry up and find me. My song boy will be here any minute to go to dinner and then to the dance.” Caspian said, “Surely there’s another dress. ANY other dress in the universe. I’ll reimburse you for it.” I laughed, “I like this one.” Noxus interjected, “You do look quite beautiful, but I agree with the boys. It’s too grown up.” I laughed, “You guys are funny.” Immy knocked on the window. I told them, “I’ll be watching all the entrances for you to appear and whisk me away because of my prom dress.” Caspian said, “You joke, but I’m trying.” I laughed, “Goodnight, guys.” Caspian said, “Have fun, Odette. Be safe.” I smiled, “I will. Things are really good right now.” Caspian said, “They always should’ve been. Have a good prom, little sister.” I hung up the phone and walked inside. Immy said, “Come on! We are meeting them downstairs.” I laughed, “They aren’t coming up here?” May laughed, “We want to get to dinner and the dance. None of our dresses would encourage the guys to do that.” When we got downstairs Ken spit out his water. He said, “Immy, I didn’t bring my brothers. I am only one man. I can't get you to the dance when you all look like that. Good lord, I need to link…call Emmett. Too much uhhhh strong bloodlines going to go crazy.” I snorted, “It will ok, Ken.” He shook his head, “You’re…just…..You look beautiful, but no. It will not be ok. Why is it always me here? What did I do in a past life that deserved this?” I laughed, “I’m sure you were fine.” A limo pulled up outside. I squealed, “A LIMO?! We are going in a limo. I’ve never been in a limo.” Even Ken smiled at my excitement. One by one the guys excited the limo. Keaton was the last to exit. He walked in first. His eyes went black and he was in front of me in seconds. He growled, “IMMY!” She told him, “You are quite welcome.” Keaton’s fingers trailed along the cutouts in my dress. He told me, “You look amazing. How tied are you to going to the dance?” I laughed, “Oh, come on. I did my hair, makeup, and got dressed up. Let’s go to dinner.” He growled. Ken sighed. Emmett walked in. He snorted, “Ken, that was not a sufficient warning. You girls look beautiful. Keaton, Keith, you have reservations.” Both growled at him. He growled back. They both grumbled, “Let’s go.” Bryce didn’t move. Emmett said, “You too, Bryce.” He sighed, “Fine.” I smiled, “Thanks, Emmett.” He winked at me and held the door open for us. We all got into the limo. The second the door shut Keaton’s lips were on mine. Eventually the limo stopped. The driver rolled down the divider, “Uhh, we are here.” Immy sighed, “Thank goodness. Awkward party of being made out around sitting alone is exiting the vehicle.” I blushed, “Sorry, Immy!” I’m sure it was hard for her when Sean would’ve come with her if they weren’t still hiding. I got out and squeezed her hand. I looked up and gasped, “What restaurant is this? Like five stars? Oh my gosh!” Keith said, “It’s my dad’s place.” Of course, it was. We were seated quickly. I was certain I spotted all the parents back in the kitchen at a private table occasionally glancing at us. The food was amazing. Keaton and I couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Nothing too crazy, just a hand on a shoulder or thigh. I kept looking at him, and he was already looking at me. I whispered, “I love you, Key.” He smiled, “I love you too, my song.” I smiled and enjoyed our meal. When we left everyone was in a good mood. I didn't pay attention to anyone but Keaton. We arrived at the gym. Sassy shouted her happiness. It was an under the sea theme. I smiled, “I matched the theme so well.” Immy snorted, “Did you not notice the posters?” I shrugged, “I didn't really pay attention.” Keaton led me over to get our photo taken. We did the typical prom pose then he kissed me for one. Everyone in the gym howled. He laughed and pulled me onto the dance floor. I couldn’t keep the grin off my face. I never thought I’d have this. I covered for Immy so she could go see Sean. Keaton definitely knew something was up but didn’t say anything. We danced the night away. This time there was no drama when Immy came back. Keaton led us out to the limo. I thought we would go back to my apartment, but we went to a hotel. I gasped, “What?” Keaton smirked and led us to a private elevator and up to the penthouse. I didn’t even know hotels had penthouses. I was going to look at the view, but Keaton dragged me to the bedroom. He closed the door quickly. He said, “I can’t wait another minute to be inside you.” He unzipped my dress and it slid off. He growled, “You were naked under this all night?!” I laughed, “You did see the dress, didn’t you?” He growled, “Oh, I saw it.” He slowly kissed me and cupped my breast. He lazily made his way to the bed. He made love to me slowly all night. Life just couldn’t get better. I woke up to a kiss on my shoulder. I smiled. Keaton had made breakfast in bed. I sat up, “You’re so perfect.” He laughed, “I have a meeting to get to.” I pouted. He titled up my head, “It won't’ be long. I’ll come see you when I get back.” I nodded, “I know.” He kissed me, “Come on, I’ll drop you off at home.” I nodded, “Ok.” He took me back to my place. I wondered how long his meeting was. I should’ve asked. I looked at Tatum, “You know how I can surprise him?” I’ll go get my driver’s license! Or try. I guess I could fail the test.” I ran downstairs and found Ken. He smiled, “What’s up?” I asked, “Well, I wanted to surprise Key by getting my license. I was hoping you could drive me.” Ken laughed, “Yeah, kid. Let’s go.” He drove my car there. I was nervous when my instructor came over. We got in. Ken waved and held a thumbs up for good luck. The instructor didn’t say much which was nerve wracking. She just marked boxes on her paper. When we got back she said, “You passed by one point, but you still passed.” She handed me my paper. I read it. I got docked for not turning right on red. Well, I was nervous! Ken said, “Let’s go to the license bureau. We can get you right in.” Of course, they could. I’m sure a Daniel’s owned the place. We got right in and out. I couldn’t help but smile at my license. It was my first document with my picture on it. Ken smiled, “Drive us back.” I nodded. I drove him back to my apartment. He said, “Well, I’m off for the day. See you later, kid.” He left. I went upstairs to my apartment. I got a text from an unknown number. It was a picture of Keaton at his house. He was back? I didn’t even read the message. I smiled, “I’ll just surprise him. He’ll be stunned to see me drive up.” I ran downstairs and got in my car. I was extra careful on the drive there. When I got there I heard a scream. It was a child. I looked around the car for a weapon. I said, “Come on gun in the glove box.” I opened it and squealed, “Thank you Jarchi and thank you Melanie for teaching me to shoot.” I ran towards the scream. I panicked, “ALLISON!” She had a bow and arrow fighting off a lot of red eyed wolves. I cannot believe the city hadn’t done anything about all except Rolfe yet. Allison yelled, “It’s…uhh fine. I got this.” I snorted, “Good thing I came to Keaton.” Allison frowned, “Keaton’s not here.” Huh? I fired my gun at the one closest to her. It whined in pain then…pain exploded in my head as the wolf became a human. I screamed, “Oh my god!” Allison yelled, “Please don’t panic.” I just killed a human being that was a wolf. Werewolf. I killed a werewolf. One jumped at Allison and I didn’t hesitate. I began to fire to save her life. I had to protect her. I watched wolf after wolf turn back into a person. Oh god. When she was safe I threw up. I stumbled back to my car, “Oh god. I just committed mass murder. I knew my life was going too well. Who is going to believe they were wolves? I didn't even hesitate. Oh my god. I’ll need Caspian’s lawyer. I’m going to jail. Oh, god. I’m a murderer.” People yelled my name but I gunned my car and took off. So much for being a safe driver. I started to sob. I killed someone. Really pulled the trigger and killed someone. Sassy was cautious in my head but not upset. Almost excited. I whispered, “I had to do it to save Allison. That has to matter right?” Sassy hissed suddenly in my head. I looked in front of me. There was an SUV with guns pointed at me. Oh god. I was going to jail. I screamed and slammed on the breaks. I lost control of the car and ended up in the ditch. My door was ripped off. The guy smiled, “It is the Daniel’s boy girl. They were right. Like taking candy from a baby.” My head hurt, but I started to fight. They growled. I was doing good until I was hit with something hard from behind. When I woke up I was chained to a cot. I started crying. Someone yelled, “Shut up!” I snorted, “Sure, now that you said it that will help. I’ll just stop having a reaction to being kidnapped! ASS!” The guy stood in front of me. I frowned, “You have red eyes. You are one of the rabies wolves!” He growled at me. Sassy hissed in my head. Someone said, “You are not to harm her.” He snorted. I knew that voice. Delana stepped into my view. My eyes widened. She said, “You do not want to upset the Merrick’s. Do you?” He snorted, “Lady, I don’t answer to the Merrick’s. If the Daniel’s boy will pay for her, then we are taking the money.” Delana shrugged. He walked away. She waited until he was further away before she dropped a rock. She sighed, “I’m sorry. They got a traitor in the Daniel’s pack who told them where you were coming.” I snorted, “Lisa. I should’ve known if Keaton was back he’d have called.” I grabbed her hand, “I’m so sorry about your son.” She asked, “How do you know?” I frowned, “Umm…I…well…I…saw you.” Her eyes widened then she threw her head back laughing. She said, “Oh, he has no idea how powerful you are. That’s going to hurt him so much worse. Look, I met a friend of yours. We have a plan. It might take a day.” I frowned, “A friend of mine?” She nodded, “Yes, she’s coming to you some way she can tonight. She said to tell you Manford at Modd comes for their own.” I gasped, “Melanie?” Tears filled my eyes. Melanie was coming for me again. That was her company. I sobbed in relief. She held me in her arms singing softly. I whispered, “Why are you helping me?” Delana said, “We are in an unfortunate situation, Odette. I tried. I gave my song a chance, and he didn’t measure up.” I said, “He came to my dream…I think..” I rubbed my head. She said, “You can’t think about that too hard until you see your friend. She says she can fix that. I don’t know how, but she did say she could.”
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