Revelations Pt. 4

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Annie hugged me, “It’s so nice to see someone encourage Keaton to follow his instincts.” Umm, ok? I told him to go check on something. They guys came back and looked a little frustrated. Immy said, “No! There will be no frustrated looks at Odette’s first birthday party. To the wall!” I laughed, “What wall?” They meant a rock wall. They started climbing. Keaton jumped over. I panicked, “Umm…aren’t you supposed to use harnesses?” Keaton smirked, “We’ll be fine.” He climbed to the top. Keith yelled, “Look out.” I screamed when they jumped down, but they landed just fine. I blinked several times. That was not normal or human. Immy grabbed me, “Our turn.” I looked at her like she was crazy. I found myself walking over the wall. I took a deep breath and began to climb. Immy practically flashed to the top. Annie yelled, “Catch me, Kreed!” She fell back. I gripped my rock tighter, but Kreed caught her. He kissed her possessively. The men in this town were just next level. One by one the girls fell back. Bryce and Tony Junior caught Immy. Keaton winked at me, “I’ll catch you, my Song.” Adlee said, “Aww. How cute are they? It’s so cute. I love it.” Malachi laughed, “You love love.” She smiled, “So I do.” I grumbled, “Only crazy people jump off a wall several feet in the air. Oh well, I guess I’m crazy.” I screamed and let go. I closed my eyes. I felt myself slam into Keaton. He smirked, “See? I caught you.” I laughed, “Good thing, or I’d be pretty pissed.” He laughed and took off running with me in his arms. He jumped into the foam ball pit. I laughed and threw one at his head. He smirked and slammed his lips on mine. He pulled back, “I love you, Odette.” I bit my lip, “I love you too.” I got out and ran over to the tunnel area. I laughed at the look on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him. Everyone laughed. I wound through all the tunnels and hid. I thought it was a pretty good spot, but he found me within a minute. He growled, “You ran away from me.” I smirked, “You made me fall off a wall.” He nipped my neck. I whimpered, “Key.” He told me, “You’ll have to be quiet.” I gasped. I whispered, “You can’t be serious. Your whole family is..her…e….shit.” His thumb was playing with my n****e. I threw my arms over my mouth. He chuckled and moved it. He growled, “Mine.” He lowered his lips onto mine. He shifted his weight on top of me. I felt his fingers at the top of my yoga pants. I whispered, “Are you really doing this?” He winked, “You bet your voluptuous ass. My girl needs her first birthday orgasm of the day. I planned to have you for breakfast, but other people had their plans.” I flushed. I gasped when his fingers reached my underwear. He whispered, “Quiet.” He began to nip at my neck. He plunged his fingers inside me. I gripped his forearm. I moaned quietly, “Key.” His mouth moved to my lips. He sped up his finger then pressed his thumb on my clit. I came all over his fingers. His fingers eased out of my pants. He put his fingers in his mouth, “Mmm. Delicious.” I blushed, “You’re so bad.” Keaton kissed me. I sat up in his lap and threaded my hands in his hair. Immy yelled, “It’s time for cake!” I flushed and pulled back. Keaton smiled and led me to the slide that would get us out of the tunnel mazes. I went down with him in between his legs. We laughed coming out the other end. He took my hand and led me over to where everyone was waiting with the cake. I teared up seeing that they got me presents and cake. Keaton wrapped his arms around me. They all sang me happy birthday. Keaton wiped my tears then kissed me softly. He told me, “Make a wish and blow out the candles, my song.” I had more than I could ever wish for. I closed my eyes and wished I could meet my brothers and see Melanie again. I couldn’t believe I had enough breath to blow out all the candles. Keaton was good for my stamina. More people came in. Keaton shot Immy a glance. She shrugged. I recognized JJ and Jules. One girl came running up to me. She said, “Hi, I’m Keaton's cousin Jasmine. This is my older brother, Joe. You know JJ. That’s my brother Jordan and my sister Jessie.” I laughed, “That’s a lots of J names.” Everyone laughed as if it was an inside joke. Immy handed me a present, “This is from me. I can’t wait for you to open it.” I laughed, “You guys didn’t need to get me anything.” I opened it. She’d gotten me several books. I smiled, “A book about fairies and werewolves. I love it. Thanks!” I hugged her. Everyone had gotten me something. It was overwhelming. They didn’t know me that well, but they all got something. Keaton seemed nervous as he handed mine. I teased, “Did you work with the animals of the forest to make my gift? I don’t know how you top a bookshelf you carved.” He rubbed the back of his head, “I actually…made this too.” I snorted, “Do you have any shortcomings? I haven’t any yet. You said you couldn’t sing, but you can. I don’t think I could’ve dreamed you being better.” Adlee whispered, “Aww….Malachi…” He laughed, “Yeah, I know.” I blushed and opened his present. I opened it and gasped. I looked up, “You made this?” It was a musical note with a wolf on a necklace. He nodded, “Yeah, I solder a little bit and…” I laughed and kissed his cheek, “Of course you do. It’s beautiful. I love it.” I turned around so he could put it on me. I touched it and turned back around. I told him, “It’s perfect, Key. Thank you.” I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. He pulled me in closer. Someone yelled, “Get a room.” He growled. He threw me over his shoulder. Several people gasped. A few made catcalling sounds. I was stunned, “KEY!” He laughed and took me back to an office. I flushed, “You did not just do that in front of your family.” He wiggled his eyebrows, “It was their idea. I can’t wait a second longer.” His hand squeezed my butt. I moaned, “Keaton…” He growled, “That’s right, say my name.” I teased, “Quietly.” He growled and pinned my arms above my head. He whispered against my neck, “Soundproof office. Scream my name if you want, my song.” I moaned loudly, “Thank god.” He chuckled, “You’ve been very naughty. I told you to stay in the truck.” I smirked, “But it’s my birthday.” His lips covered mine. His kisses became feather-like and tender. He Slowly took my sports bra off. I teased, “So, you do know how to take them off instead of ripping them.” He ignored me and sucked my tit into his mouth. I laid my head back on the wall and closed my eyes enjoying the sensations. He peeled me out of my yoga pants. He bit my butt. I gasped then he lightly smacked me on the butt. He kissed my knuckles. I glanced down expecting to see some swelling, but my hand looked fine. Keaton kissed the inside of my knee and tapped on my legs indicating to spread them. I did as he said. He chuckled against my lower lips. I whispered, “Key…” His tongue darted out. I thread my fingers into his hair. I gripped at the wall with my other hand. He entered a finger inside me. I bucked my hips against him. He set a fast pace. I gasped, “Keaton….” I pulled at his hair and screamed his name. He didn’t stop. He kept going until my legs were quivering. I nearly collapsed but he picked me up. He did the movie move and knocked everything off the desk. He laid me down on the desk. He dropped his shorts and pulled me to the edge. I wrapped my legs around his neck. He grunted and plunged into me. I reached back trying to find something to hang onto. He slammed into me making me feel like I was coming apart at the seams. I couldn't get enough of him. This wasn’t normal, but I didn’t care. He took me over and over all over someone’s office. On the desk, against the desk, on the floor, against the door, the wall, and I rode him on the chairs. When we fell apart I told him, “We are going to have to pay to deep clean this office.” Keaton laughed, “I can afford to replace the office stuff.” I snorted, “The carpet, Key. We need to deep clean the carpet. If you’re replacing everything else, I’ll pay for that.” He smirked, “Absolutely not, birthday girl.” I smiled, “I love you so much, Key.” He rolled back on top of me and kissed me. He said, “I love you so much, Odette. You’re mine forever.” I teased, “Did you just propose?” He smirked, “No, when I propose you’ll know.” I asked, “You want to marry me?” He asked, “Wasn’t that obvious?” I guess he had said it before. I gently stroked his face with my fingers. I said, “I never saw you coming. My life was pretty lonely until you showed up claiming I was using your locker.” He snorted. I teased, “It’s pretty sad you got so confused in a school you’ve been at for four years. My locker isn’t close to yours.” Keaton smirked and pulled me up. He grabbed his clothes and I shimmied back into mine. He smacked my butt as we walked back out. I looked at him and smiled. We joined everyone else who looked dumbfounded at him. He didn’t really notice or care because he was wrapped around me. We played around the rest of the day. They had lunch and dinner catered. Keaton drove me back to my place. He told me, “I’ll be back. I have to go do something with Emmett really quick.” I kissed him, “My mob brothers wanted me to call them anyway.” He laughed, “Sure.” He laughed but…I was certain they were…something extra. I ran up to my apartment and logged onto my computer. Caspian was online. I called him. He answered. I smiled at everyone. Cython sighed, “s*x hair…again..mannnnn!” I quickly threw my hair into a ponytail. I teased, “Better? I was actually at a gym. My friends and song boy rented out this place with a rock climbing wall, gymnastics equipment and tunnels.” Cython snorted, “Let’s stick to that’s why her hair looked that way.” Caspian cleared his throat, “Happy Birthday, Odette.” I said, “Yeah, it’s been a great birthday. It had a very strange start. I have the world’s most vivid imagination.” All my brothers leaned in. Caspian asked, “Do you?” I nodded, “Oh yeah. I saw people I know. This crazy girl, my song boy’s ex, she was younger talking about Kings, Princess, and Harpies. Plots against my boyfriend’s family because of someone in another family. There was a super cute couple. She was unconscious. He made a beautiful speech. Then he was sedated. I wanted to comfort him. We looked like we could be related. Oh, and then I found out horrible talking to harpies b***h fed my song boy her blood and tears. Like a psycho.” Their eyes widened. I yelled, “Oh! Not just her blood either. Someone else's. She was whispering awful things in some field. I don’t know how she did that because she was whispering against paper. She gave him this awful report full of lies. She hurt his feelings. She picked a bad day to stalk me. I kicked her ass. I might need mob tips on how to get away with murder. I’m ready to get some cement and encase her feet in it. I could get behind it. I need these getting away with murder lessons because she’s gotta go. She’s like a weird voodoo evil person. That’s really what I’ve got.” They stared at me. I asked, “What? She’s horrible!” Caspian said, “Oh, we believe you. I thought she needed to die the first time you mentioned her. So, you saw…scenes from the past.” I snorted, “Sure. I have an active imagination and clearly heard some stories and my mind crafted them. I saw this guy who told me not to tell people I did this. Well, he said I could tell you.” Caspian’s eyes narrowed, “And his name was..?” I shrugged, “I don’t think he said. Oh! I saw myself as….I want to say a mermaid…” They hissed. I laughed, “I hissed at myself too. So, I guess it’s not a mermaid.” Caspian said, “No, it’s not.” Well then. I pursed my lips, “Her hair is longer. She gave me this green seashell crown. You’d love it.” Caspian smiled, “I’m sure I would.” He held up a crown. I gasped, “That’s it! How did…” Caspian said, “I had it made for you when I found out you existed.” How the fudge sticks did I know that? He said, “Happy Birthday, little sister.” I smiled, “Thanks.” Noxus came into frame. He said, “Happy birthday beautiful girl!” He held up several presents. I laughed, “What did you do?” He said, “Oh, I did not do it alone. When we find you, you have so many presents to open.” He picked up the computer and showed me the room. It was literally full of presents. I gasped, “You guys! What did you do?” They all rubbed the back of their heads. Caspian said, “We missed a lot of birthdays.” I laughed, “Well, this one had been for the record books.” Trit said, “What a pretty necklace.” I smiled, “It’s from my song boy. He made it. He’s kind of a jack of all trades. I spent the day with most of his siblings, and a family he’s close with siblings and their significant others. I had cake, it was amazing.” Caspian smiled, “I’m glad. You deserve the best.” I heard a knock on my door. I said, “I’ve got to go.” Caspian nodded, “Of course, I’ll find you soon little sister.” I smiled, “I hope so. It was part of my birthday wish to see you guys in person.” I was closing my laptop when I heard Cython say, “She’s already seeing the past, we need to train her…” I closed the laptop and shrugged. Weird. I opened my door and smiled, “Hi, Ken.” He smiled, “Happy Birthday.” He handed me a small box. I said, “You shouldn’t have.” He moved aside. I gasped, “KEN!” He laughed, “These are from Jarchi and your mom.” I snorted, “They are from him. I doubt she remembers my birthday. She’s gotten wrong every move we made. I think she actually thinks it’s the seventeenth.” Ken frowned, “Well…” I assured him, “It’s fine. I don’t really even know her that well, and I don’t like her.” He nodded, “That present is from me. I’ll bring Jarchi’s presents inside.” I smiled, “Thanks.” I opened his present. It was a picture of black wolf. I stared at it. I said, “I think I met this wolf in the woods. No, that’s crazy right.” He laughed, “No, there are a lot of wolves out there. I’m a bit of an amateur photographer.” I looked up, “You took this picture?” Ken nodded. I smiled and looked for a hammer and nail to put it up with. I opened a drawer it couldn’t possibly be in. I’d never seen it there before, but there it was. I stared at it. Did that appear because I wanted it? I rubbed my head. That was crazy. I put the picture up in the main room. I smiled, “He looks good there, doesn’t he? Like he’s guarding the place.” Ken smiled, “He does guard the place.” I nodded. Jarchi’s presents were a spring wardrobe. He was very into fashion. Or his daughters were. Tatum came over. I said, “Hey girl, we should probably go for a walk.” Ken said, “I took her out a few times, but she’d probably love a walk.” I told him, “If Keaton beats me back just tell him I’ll be back soon.” Ken nodded. I grabbed Tatum’s leash and took off. I found myself stopping to get Rolfe some food. He’d always be my rabies wolf, but he did need a name. I was sure I’d heard him today. I shook myself. That was silly. I made my way to our spot. I called, “Rolfe! I left you some food.” He came out. He looked sad. I frowned, “Are you ok, Rolfe?” He huffed and sat down. I walked over to him. Tatum sat beside him. I asked, “What’s wrong, boy?” He looked at me sorrowfully. I sighed, “Wolves are pack creatures. You probably miss your pack. Well, my building manager says there are wolves around here. Maybe you could join their pack. I’ve seen a bunch of black wolves around here. I bet they’d like you.” He whined as if he didn’t agree. I said, “Hey, I’ll be here for you. I know I’m not around much, but I could come out here some mornings. We could run together. You’d be much faster, but I could bring Tatum. We could be a little pack of three.” He perked up. I smiled, “I’ll do that. I’ll bring Tatum here for morning runs. We can all run. Ok?” He nodded. I said, “Then eat your food, Rolfe.” He huffed but went over and ate his food. I told him, “I need to get back, but I have another friend out here I need you to keep an eye out for.” He titled his head. I said, “His name is Jag. He’s human like me, so don’t growl or bite him if you see him. He’s staying off the radar so I don’t get to see him often. I’m not even sure I’m a good friend to him. I’ve never had friends really. I didn’t have any for a long time, then they were ripped away from me. Now, I have more. The point is just look out for him if you see him. Ok?” The wolf nodded very seriously and looked grateful. I rubbed between his ears. I said, “You’re not scary. Maybe you just have some disorder that has your eyes red. Maybe you don’t actually have rabies.” He huffed as if offended. I said, “Hey, I said you might not have rabies. That’s pretty good.” He rolled his eyes. I picked up Tatum’s leash and left. I called, “Think about finding those black wolves. I bet they’d let you into their pack.” He hung his head. I said, “They’d be crazy not to. You’re great.” I walked away feeling a bit like I’d lost it, but I think I helped him. At least I hope I did. When I got back, I met Keaton at the door. He smiled, “Hey, I was coming to find you guys.” I said, “Here we are.” He asked, “Where do you guys go walking?” I shrugged, “Around. I like that pond…Which is odd since I saw someone die there, but you know? I’m embracing my weirdness.” He snorted, “It’s not weird. I think we changed the memory of that place the other night.” I started to change the memory when I did that weird thing where you started shimmering blue and froze then I spit up blue sparkly water for hours breathing underwater like a fish. Sassy huffed in my head. Jesus. It’s a comparison woman! You don’t like being called a mermaid… She hissed again. I groaned. No mermaids or fish comparisons. Duly noted. I put Tatum’s food out for her. Keaton was frozen in front of my new wolf picture. I laughed, “Don’t freak out. I didn’t go track the beautiful wolf down to get his picture. Ken gave that to me for my birthday. I know it’s crazy, but I swear I met that wolf. I don’t know why, but he’s so distinctive to me.” His eyes were black again. He said, “My little mate.” I smiled, “You’re going Aussie on me again.” He smirked, “I love you.” I told him, “I love you too. This was easily my best birthday.” His lips descended on mine. We were all over each other all over again. When he fell asleep I forced myself to stay awake. I just wanted to sleep; not whatever weirdness was waiting in my dreams. I gently traced my fingers over Keaton outlining his body. Man, he was like photoshop perfect. I whispered, “I’ll never let her hurt you again, Key. You were never a disgrace, and your family loves you. I love you.” I would totally encase her feet in cement for him. I got up early and grabbed Tatum. We went to our spot. Rolfe came out and we ran. I kept up pretty well. What shocked me was that Tatum could keep pace with Rolfe. I panted, “Are you some sort of mutant puppy? Jesus.” I collapsed on the field. I snorted, “I should’ve taken Mel’s cardio more seriously.” Rolfe’s head snapped to mine. I said, “I need to get back. Come on Tatum. I’ll see you later, Rolfe.” I jogged back with Tatum. I walked in and found Chase, Emmett, Ken, Kreed, several other guys that looked like Ken, Kevin, Malachi, and Clara. I asked, “Where’s the fire?” Keaton was in the center of the group that parted like the sea. He slammed into me. He sighed, “You were gone when I woke up.” I smiled, “I have a new running resolution. My friend had a very serious cardio routine. I found out I should’ve been more diligent with it. Tatum could apparently run forever and never get tired. What are you guys all doing here?” Emmett laughed. Keaton glared at him. Chase said, “I’m glad you’re alright.” I asked, “Why wouldn’t I be?” Keith said, “Well, your ex is a crazy person who did just try to abduct you on vacation.” I gasped, “Oh my god, Key…I’m so sorry. I should’ve left a note. I didn’t take my phone and…” He said, “It’s fine.” I grabbed his hand, “No, it’s not. I should’ve left a note or something. I’m just very used to being on my own. I’m sorry.” He kissed my cheek. He said, “You’re ok. That’s what matters.” I blushed, “I’m so sorry I pulled everyone away from their morning.” They all shrugged as if it was no big deal. Clara looped her arm with mine. She said, “Well, I would like a shower before school.” I laughed, “I can get you clothes too. I was just sent a whole new wardrobe by my mom’s boyfriend.” Clara clapped, “Woohoo!” She threw concealer at Keaton. I frowned, “What’s that for?” Keaton sighed, “I’ve been putting concealer on…” Emmett asked, “On what?” My eyes widened. They didn’t know about his tattoo. Clara said, “Hickes. He keeps getting hickies. Come on love birds.” Emmett and Chase looked like they didn’t buy Clara’s lie at all. Their gaze narrowed on me. I flushed and practically ran upstairs. I asked Keaton, “You didn’t tell your family about your tattoo?” Keaton winced, “Keith knows but I was thinking graduation would be a better time to tell them.” I asked, “Why?” He shrugged. I dropped it. While I was in the shower Immy showed up. She went through my new wardrobe and picked out outfits for me and May. I picked mine up and snorted, “Immy it’s just school.” She said, “You will put it on!” I laughed. It was a cute green mid thigh dress with drawstrings on each side. I put it on. It was skintight. I grabbed the thigh high black boots she’d paired it with. I walked ok after flipping my air around. Bryce was waiting for us. He groaned, “Why Immy?” Immy giggled, “Isn’t it perfect? You should see her prom dress.” Bryce groaned, “Oh, god. What is it? What did you do?” Immy said, “It’s STUNNING! Let’s go. We’ll be late!” I asked, “Where’s Key?” Bryce shrugged, “School.” I frowned. Did I really upset him by not leaving a note? I should’ve considered how he’d feel. Sassy was sadly humming in my head. Everyone was whispering when we walked in. Several leers were thrown my way. I didn’t see Keaton. I was at my locker when someone caged me into my locker, but it wasn’t Key. I turned. It was another senior. I asked, “Can I help you? You’re in my way.” He smiled, “You’re always attached to Daniels, but not today. Did you finally break up?” I said, “No.” I shut my locker and stared at him, “Please, move. I’d like to go to class.” He said, “How about a kiss first.” I countered, “How about a knee to the balls?” A growl cut him off. Before I could blink, Keith had him pinned against the locker. He said, “Don’t you ever talk to her again. Get out of my eyesight.” I’d never heard Keith that angry. Keith glared murderously after the kid who literally ran away. I commented, “I think he peed his pants.” He growled, “He’s lucky I didn’t break his face. Lisa f****d my brother up, and I don’t want to set him back with some asshole coming onto you.” I asked, “Where is your brother?” He smiled, “Around. Class is outside today.” I nodded, “Ok, where are we going?” He answered, “The football field.” The second we got to the front of the school it was like a flower shop exploded. I gasped. People burst into a flash dance. I looked at Keith who smiled. Clara led me through everyone dancing. I was following a path of flowers to the football field. I laughed asking, “What is this?” I glanced at the tree line and saw a fuming Lisa. I flipped her off behind Clara’s back. If looks could kill I’d be six feet under. Well, so would she if we were being honest. I didn’t know if my mind made up half the stuff that happened when I saw her, but if even a fraction of it was true. She was terrible. Obviously, the report she gave to Keaton wasn't true. She probably didn't whisper onto paper and make all those thoughts run through his head, but she definitely wrote that s*x report. No wonder Keaton was so nervous. I saw one page, a page riddled with inaccuracies, and it was just horrible. Even IF it WERE true. It was terrible, but I could safely say; it was all a bold faced lie. She did that to him. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past her to feed him blood. I wonder if it made him sick or something.
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