Revelations Pt. 3

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My jaw dropped, “Oh good. You’re a delusional wanna be murderer. That’s good.” Lisa snorted, “I know I can’t kill them myself, but you could. I could lead them to you. Then you kill them. They need to be out of my way. The death of his twin would spiral Keaton. I’d never lose him after that. God, do I have to explain everything to you? Do you even know how hard it is to tank the confidence of an Alpha? To earn his ear? I’m doing all the hard work, and I’m asking very little of you. We’ll have to wait until Keaton marks me, then we will enact the plans for the accidents of the Daniels family.” Fury radiated through me. I went to wrap my arms around her throat and was transported to a different scene. I saw the red haired woman from my dreams in a bed. There was a man next to her. He cried, “Angel, please come back to me. Please. Our children need you. I need you. I can’t believe I’m stooping to this, but Aiden needs you. Yes, I said Aiden. He’s worried. I’m worried about him. ME! I sent Dylan to Faerie to try and cheer him up. He’s not sleeping. He won’t rest until he finds out what’s happening to you. I can feel you fighting in our bond. I need you to come back to us. You’re our glue. You are my rock. That’s probably not fair, but I give no shits about being fair. We need you. You are my everything. I can’t breathe anymore. I’ve killed more people in these last two weeks than I have at one time since you were kidnapped.” Everything in me wanted to comfort him and tell him it would be ok. I felt an instant connection with him. What the hell? His tears ran down onto her cheeks. He cried, “Someone actually told me I was like the old me before you. It hit me like lightning. I don’t want to be that man. I want to be the man I am with you, but I can’t find him if you’re not around. I just need you to keep fighting. Fight your way back to me. Lexi will never forgive herself. She’s in the shroud more than she’s at home. Chase is not sleeping right along with me. We can’t find out what this group did to you. Alexander keeps trying to heal you. I just…I need you Haley Conners. I need you. Please….” Her hand twitched. Conners. He was a Conners. He grabbed it, “That’s it, Angel. Come on! Open your eyes! MARCUS! BJOURN! ETHAN! She moved! Get in here.” Three more men filled the doorway. They began checking her over. Two of the men were clearly her brothers. I studied the man in front of me. We could be related. Jag was right. I looked like him. His eyes looked hopeful but vacant. One man announced, “She’s fighting, Eric.” I saw another man slink into the room. He looked just like Eric. He stuck him in the arm. Eric turned a second too late. He stuttered, “Jackson….” Jackson wiped a tear away, “I had to Eric. You need sleep. I’m sorry, brother.” He caught Eric as he passed out. They brought in another bed and put him on it. The other man said, “I’d have sedated him last week, Jackson. He’ll understand once Haley is awake.” Jackson asked, “Will she be awake soon?” The other man said, “My sister will fight her way back. She’ll do it.” Jackson walked over, “Come back to us, sister in law of mine. He’s unmanageable without you.” Another man walked in, “I MISSED IT! LUCUS! My shining moment! Jackson, how dare you! I had a dart gun ready to go. THIS WAS MY DREAM! I didn’t even get to see him sedated. SOMEONE tell me it’s on tape. I need the video clip for the memo.” I snorted, “He’s funny.” Jackson sighed, “Dylan…” He smiled, “I would’ve taken his ire.” Jackson snorted, “He’ll forgive me.” Dylan smiled, “Ahhh, but he’d expect it from me. You Conners boys just live to take my dreams away.” He walked over to Eric. He sighed, “You’re not even awake and you’re messing with my lifelong goals. Don’t you worry. I am researching furiously looking for an answer. You know not having them annoys my beta brain. If there’s something to find, SGAP, I’ll do it.” SGAP? What did that stand for? They all left. I heard that pop I heard in my apartment around Immy sometimes. I turned and a man was over by the window. He looked at the woman on the bed. He looked like he hadn’t slept. He had bags under his eyes. He had a book in his hand. He looked over at Eric. He sighed, “I see I’m too late to stop them from sedating your wolf, little sister.” He lovingly tucked her hair behind her ears. He said, “From what I’ve discovered, you are in quite a bit of pain. I can’t believe that even in this state, you can hold back your pain from the bonds with your family. Does your goodness know no bounds? If Arion were here, he’d tell you to stop being so selfless. Maybe he can get to you where you are. I hope he tried to talk to you about it. I haven’t been asleep for him to pull me to the beyond to talk to me. If this works, little sister. I will hunt down the harpies responsible. I’ll evade about it too. They are MINE! Not the Hackura’s and not your wolves. I honestly can’t imagine it will work. I can’t figure out what the harpies would want to do with Lexi Daniels. I’m not surprised you dove in front of her to take a spell you didn’t know about. I just don’t know why they would want her.” He spoke in the language Dr. Umphries did. I snorted, “Oh great. Now, my brain is concocting all this information because I heard a different language. I have GOT to get a grip.” I watched in astonishment as the woman began to glow red and black. I said, “Oh, that looks like a bad color to glow. Why am I talking? You can’t hear me but…surely it’s common sense glowing red and black is bad.” I heard yelling in the hallway, “MARCUS! BJOURN! What happened? Someone get help!” Someone yelled, “Harper is down too!” I heard what could only be described as war cries of anger. Howling erupted. The red and black light shot out of her. I watched as the windows shattered. What the f**k? The red haired woman sat up with a gasp. She asked, “Brother?” The man started sobbing, “I have missed you.” A glow enveloped them. When he stood back he didn’t have bags under his eyes. He told her, “For now, we are keeping it between us that….” The woman answered, “Harpies were involved, Aiden.” Aiden seemed stunned, “How did you know?” Haley blushed, “I saw you behead one in Faerie once. So, technically I’ve met one before. Arion was annoyed you didn’t go to sleep so he could pull you to tell you.” Aiden snorted, “At least he was with you.” She turned, “What happened to Eric?” Aiden shrugged, “There was a plot to sedate him. I’m guessing they did it.” She hugged him, “Go see Lucinda. Get some rest.” Aiden told her, “The harpies are mine, Haley. As your King, I’m telling you to leave them out of your explanations for now. I do not ask to avenge things that happen to you often.” Haley nodded, “I understand, Aiden. I love you, brother.” He cried, “I love you so much.” They held each other for several minutes. He popped away. She walked over to Eric and smoothed his hair and trailed her fingers along his jaw, “I’ve never seen you with a beard. You’re always so clean shaven. It’s handsome. We might have to play with this stubble, Thor.” A glow surrounded them. He sat up with a gasp. He grabbed her, “Don’t go. God don’t leave me like that again. The door flew off the hinges. I actually ducked then realized it couldn’t hit me. Several men who looked like her filed in. An older man, who was clearly her dad, walked in, “Princess…” Princess? THIS is who Lisa was talking about? No, he’s her dad. I’d heard lots of dads call their daughters princess. That’s what that was. Lisa was still just off the reservation. The scene changed. I yelled, “Oh come on! Is this the universe's birthday present? Are you trying to tell me I have a very active imagination and could write books? Because I’m getting that message loud and clear. I should write this down. This would be an amazing book. Red and black energy shattering windows and breaking people out of comas. Man, that is good. I’m imaginative in ways I did not know. I’m kind of impressed, but I just want to sleep for once.” I was in front of a man in a dungeon. He snarled, “I’ll get out of here!” Someone yelled “You’ve been saying that for over twenty years. You’re still here.” He yelled, “I’ll get back to my mate.” They snorted, “She moved on.” He growled, “She wouldn’t! I’ll find a way out. When I do my Alpha and I will eviscerate you. I’ll kill you for taking me away from her.” The voice sneered, “You should’ve marked her then. Then she’d know you weren’t dead!” He jumped at the bars then flinched in pain. His arm was burned. He roared, “I WILL KILL YOU ALL ONE DAY!” A bit murderous on his part, but I could understand that given the context. A man in a cell next to him said, “Do not worry, wolf. One day, we will have our revenge.” Wolf? The man sat down, “I have to get back to my mate. You don’t know her. I knew her all my life. She won’t move on. She’d know I’d want her too, but she’d hold on. She was never good at taking care of herself. She was such a giver.” The man asked, “And if she did move on?” He smiled, “I’ll be happy for her. I won’t mess up her life or her happiness if she’s found it. I just need to see her again. She’s always been everything to me.” The man sighed, “Before I was captured, I might have heard about your girl. The beta of your pack made waves….” The guy laughed, “He’s gay. Did he finally come out?” The man answered, “He did. Your alpha stood by him. I believe the woman….” I was thrown back. I yelled, “HEY! That conversation wasn’t over! What the hell?! Did his mate move on? Is she waiting for him?” I was now in front of Keaton. He was sobbing. My heart broke. I knelt beside him. I whispered, “Key? Key, please stop crying. He had papers in his hands. I looked over his shoulder. I began to read. My jaw dropped, “A s*x REPORT?! I’ll KILL her! I will EMBRACE my mob side! I’ll ask Caspian how to kill her and get away with it…THEIR FIRST TIME?! WHAT A b***h?! How many pages is this?!” I tried to grab them from him, but my hands couldn’t grip them. Keaton cried, “I’m a failure.” I wanted to hold him, “Key, no. She’s a bitch.” Keaton whispered, “My family would be ashamed.” What? I watched as the paper seemed to fuse to him. I yelled, “HER TEARS!” I heard whispers all around of his failures. I whirled, “Where are you?! WHERE IS THAT COMING FROM! STOP SAYING THAT TO HIM!” It sounded so creepy. I noticed Lisa was back at some cabin smirking. She was whispering into papers she had. She was doing this. I yelled, “YOU b***h!” Then I was thrown away. I was in front of a man. I frowned, “I’ve seen you before.” He nodded, “You have. When you wake up, do not tell anyone what you saw.” I snorted, “You mean that I have a new career path? Story writer extraordinaire.” He laughed, “Well, yes. You are more powerful than you ever know. Our kind has been waiting for you. You hold pieces to the past. Things show themself to you now that you are seventeen.” I scoffed, “Great. Fine. I won’t tell Lisa how I know she’s a b***h! I’m still decking her.” The man laughed, “You could tell your brother, Caspian. He will be expecting you to say something about this. He suspects.” I asked, “Why?” He didn’t answer. He waved his hand back and I was in the ocean again. I was falling again. Then I landed on my pillow. I sat up with a gasp, “What the ever loving hell was that?!” Keaton wasn’t in bed. There was a note though. I grabbed it. Odette - I’m getting us breakfast. I hope I’m back before you’re up, but I’m coming Happy Birthday, My song I smiled and jumped in the shower. Ok, I didn’t know those other people. I needed to figure out if Lisa actually gave Keaton a report. Maybe my subconscious is projecting. Or I realized something in my sleep that happens to people. I’ve heard people say that. That must be it. Was it though? No. It had to be real. Those things happened. Harpies? Wolves? I screamed as my head throbbed. Sassy hummed softly. That distracted me. I asked, “Hey, where were you that whole time?” I swear she snickered. Whatever. The headache went away. So, I can’t think about those things, but I can think about how my birthday present to myself is going to be punching that wicked b***h. How DARE she do that to Keaton. He was MINE! Sassy firmly agreed with that statement. I heard the door open. I jumped out of the shower. I found an outfit laying out. I snorted, “I didn’t even hear Immy come in.” It was a really cute gray and green workout outfit. Was I working out today? I shrugged and put on the yoga pants and sports bra top. I twirled in the mirror. I looked good. Immy was right, my butt was definitely bigger. My boobs were too. I smiled to myself feeling very confident. I grabbed the workout jacket and threw it on, but I didn't zip it up. I walked out and found Keaton taking containers out and putting food on plates. He had cinnamon rolls, bacon, eggs, waffles, and muffins. I laughed and put my arms around his waist teasing, “Someone is hungry.” He turned around then growled, “Odette…” He pinned me against the wall in a flash. I smiled, “Good morning.” I began to pant as his hand touched my bare stomach and slid up towards my breast. He cupped one and moaned. I whimpered, “Key….” He smirked, “Happy Birthday, Odette.” His lips descended on mine. When someone knocked on the door he growled menacingly. Bryce yelled, “Don’t shoot the messenger! Immy made me give her a promise that wasn’t clear. I can’t make her break it. She said Odette’s, so glad we get to say that now, outfit would get your motor running. We have a schedule.” I laughed, “She could break a promise.” Keaton groaned and ground into me. He caught his breath and yanked the door open. Bryce smiled, “Thank you. Good morning, Od…dear. I see. Why does she do these things?” I shrugged, “She should be a personal shopper.” I skipped over to breakfast and grabbed a cinnamon roll. I ate it quickly. I looked up. Both of them were staring at me. I asked, “What?” Keaton smirked, walked over and his tongue slid across my lips before they were back on mine. Bryce cleared his throat. Keaton pulled back, “You had a little frosting on your lip.” Bryce snorted, “And that is how one gets frosting off someone’s lip.” Keaton growled at him and yanked me against him, “MINE!” Bryce sighed, “Such a testy man you are.” I laughed and kissed his cheek. I said, “Let’s all sit down and eat.” Bryce smiled, “Don’t mind if I do.” Keaton grumbled until I sat in his lap. Bryce sighed, “I gotta get me a girlfriend.” I laughed, “Don’t tell me there’s a shortage of girls who want to be your girlfriend.” He smirked, “I’m picky.” I laughed, “So, you could have a girlfriend.” Bryce winked at me, “Some say I’m a lot to handle. I can be dramatic.” I shrugged, “That won’t matter to the right person. I actually went to school with a girl who would look super cute with you. She’s pretty chill too.” Bryce asked, “And her name is….?” I smirked, “Her name is Larisa White.” Keaton stiffened. Bryce shot him a look. Keaton asked, “And where did you meet her?” I answered, “Texas.” Keaton snorted, “Ok then.” I asked, “Do you know her?” He cagily replied, “Maybe. What does she look like?” I said, “She’s got black hair, brown eyes and….you know her. Does Bryce know her too?” Keaton laughed, “I don’t think he met her, no.” Bryce smiled, “But you could arrange a meeting with this chill girl.” I teased, “You could date an older woman. She graduated last year.” Bryce wiggled his eyebrow, “I’ll let you in on a little secret miss Odette, I always date older women.” He winked. I smiled, “Then I’m good at this.” Keaton snorted, “Quite possibly.” Bryce smiled, “Maybe these here parts could take the crown away from the techy wife of Black Mountain being the hookup person.” I asked, “Techy wife?” Bryce laughed, “There’s a girl who knows a lot of people. She’s got A LOT of friends.” I shrugged, “I wasn’t Larisa’s friend. I wasn’t anyone’s friend except…in one place I lived. My ex didn’t like them, and my mom took me away.” I put my fork down. I missed Melanie, Addison, Paige, Avery, and Sierra. Keaton said, “I’m sure we can find them for you.” I snorted, “I’m going to find them when I turn eighteen. Right now, I’m not rocking the boat. My mom hasn’t called, emailed, or shown back up to make us leave. I don’t want to leave.” Keaton growled and slammed his lips on mine. When I looked at them I wanted to groan. I was seeing things again. His eyes were black. He told me, “You’re not going anywhere.” I tapped his nose, “Which is why I can’t find my friends yet. If my mom found out she’d make us leave.” Keaton pulled me against him. Bryce said, “We have to go, Keaton.” He growled at him. I laughed, “You’re very growly today.” I bit his ear and whispered, “It’s hot.” Bryce sighed, “That’s not helping.” I giggled, “But it’s my birthday.” I bit my lip smiling. Keaton asked, “What’s that smile for, my song?” I admitted, “I’ve always wanted to say that. I’ve heard so many people use the birthday excuse for something. I always wanted to do it.” Keaton kissed me again. Bryce cleared his throat again. Keaton groaned, “FINE!” He stood up and carried me. I squealed, “What are you doing?” I told him, “Carrying you to my truck. Bryce can sit in the back.” I pointed out, “Wouldn’t he drive?” Bryce said, “Nah, I ran here.” I gasped, “You RAN here? Jeez.” He wasn’t even sweaty. That was several miles from where Keaton had driven me that one day. My head started to hurt. Nope. Not today. We drove up to a gym. I laughed, “Yellow Hills Gym. I should’ve guessed that since this is the outfit Immy has me in.” I caught sight of Lisa in the trees. I kissed Keaton on lips. He told me, “I’ll go inside and check on everything. Can you give us ten minutes?” How incredibly perfect. I nodded, “Sure thing.” He teased, ‘Stay here.” I didn’t answer. The second he and Bryce went inside; I got out and ran to where I saw Lisa. I yelled, “Get out here, you b***h!” I heard her behind me. I turned and decked her. She screamed so loud; I was certain the dead heard her. I told her, “Listen here, stop stalking me and Keaton. He’s not your personal tissue and get some help.” I started to walk away. She hissed, “You’ll pay for that.” I whirled, “Don’t worry, I’ll be expecting my report on my technique. I want to know the velocity of my arm and everything.” She paled, “He….he wouldn’t tell you.” My eyes widened. That report was real. I stalked back over and hit her again. She dropped like a sack of potatoes. I hissed, “Stay away from Keaton. If you hurt him EVER again, I’ll get you b***h. I’ll use connections you can’t possibly imagine I have.” She definitely didn’t know my family was in the mob. Caspian would help me kill her. I knew he would. If he wouldn’t, Trit absolutely would help me. Or Cython. He’d think it was funny. Lisa yelled, “Stop hitting me.” I said, “Stop stalking me, and I’ll stop hitting you.” Lisa yelled, “I was making him better and you’re RUINING him and all my hard work.” b***h! I punched her again. She screamed, “You broke my nose.” I said, “I know. My friend taught me how to fight.” I’d broken her nose and her zygomatic bone. She hissed, “Stop ruining everything! Just go back where you belong! Being alone! You are NOTHING! Just a stupid girl without a clue.” I snorted, “At least I’m not a psychotic b***h who bullies people to make them feel bad about themselves. Who seems to think the WORLD is my personal tissue! You need help. Get some.” She went to hit me. I smirked and used a move Melanie taught me. I blocked her shot and slammed my head into hers. She screeched and dropped to the ground unconscious. Someone started to clap. I turned and saw Emmett, Malachi, Emmett’s wife, and the woman who must be Malachi’s wife. Emmett said, “Well, now she’s unconscious.” Malachi’s wife snorted, “At least she’ll shut up now.” Malachi laughed, “Adlee….” She asked, “What? She’s so annoying. Even Alexandria agrees and she likes most people. I’m the pessimist in our group.” Emmett’s wife laughed, “That’s true. I quite like her.” she pointed to me. I blushed, “Uhh, I don’t usually punch people. To be fair, she’s stalking me. Plus, she’s been awful to Key.” Adlee gushed, “Aww, she calls him Key.” I blushed. Emmett winked, “Happy birthday Not Katie.” I snorted “Don’t all the Daniels and Miller’s know it’s Odette?” Emmett laughed, “We do. Happy Birthday Odette.” Adlee smiled, “I hope you enjoy my gym. I used to compete.” I asked, “In…?” Adlee smiled, “Gymnastics. It’s how I met Malachi here. I came for a competition Annie was in.” Alexandria teased, “Then you never left.” Adlee laughed, “This is true.” I smiled, “I should get back before Key realizes I got out of the truck.” Malachi snorted, “He knows.” I winced, “Great…” I trailed off then smiled triumphantly, “But it’s my birthday. I’ve gotten to use that twice today already. This whole celebrating my birthday thing is fun.” Alexandria laughed, “You’re going to fit in so well with our group.” I shrugged, “I don’t know about that. I’ve never really fit anywhere. The one group I did fit with….my mom didn’t like them.” Adlee said, “Well, she sounds like a b***h. So, who cares what she likes?” Alexandria snorted, “Adlee….” Adlee shrugged, “Look, Odette sometimes you just have to go no contact with people. Me? My mom is awesome. She was basically a single mother. She did everything and anything for me. My dad? Deadbeat. He barely showed up, and when he did it was because my mom brow beat him into it. Now that I’m with Malachi the man wants to have a relationship. The answer is no. It’s fine to forgive people for what they did to you, but you don’t have to let them in your life. Toxicity is everywhere. There’s no need to invite someone into your sphere you know is toxic. You better run back to Keaton before he paces a hole in my parking lot.” I laughed, “I’ll do that.” They all called, “Happy Birthday. We’ll see you soon.” I smiled awkwardly, “Thanks.” I took off running back to the truck. Keaton growled and pushed me into the truck. He asked, “What did she do?” I said, “She didn’t land a single hit. I know self-defense. Maybe she’ll stop stalking us.” Keaton growled, “Emmett had it under control.” I smirked, “I’m pretty sure he was in the tree line. I handled it. She hurt you, and I find that unacceptable. Something tells me you can understand that.” Sassy was happily humming in my head. Keaton kissed me hard. Emmett yelled, “Get inside Keaton!” He groaned, “Everyone’s gotta be a cockblocker today. Who’s next? Dad?” I laughed, “We can’t have s*x out in the open like this.” Keaton smirked, “Oh, yes. We could. Come on.” He yanked me by my hand inside. We walked in and everyone yelled, “SURPRISE!” I gasped. There were banners that said Happy Birthday Odette. Everywhere. There was a massive cake with my name on it. Malachi and Adlee walked in with Alexandria and Emmett. They could’ve said they were coming. Adlee said, “Sorry we missed yelling surprise. We had to deal with the trash.” Malachi laughed, “Adlee….” She kissed his cheek. Immy jumped at me, “Happy Birthday! I can't believe I wasn’t the first to know your real name. I’m so offended. You’ll have to make it up to me. Anyway, this is my sister, Annie, and her ma…husband, Kreed. They are childhood sweethearts. You met Malachi before. This is his wife, Adlee. She owns this place. My sister Judy couldn’t make it. She recently got married, and she’s settling into life. She does want to come meet you though. You know Clara, this is her fun time guy.” Clara snorted, “Immy!” Immy shrugged, “He is.” I thought I heard a growl. Oh, no. That sounded like my rabies wolf. No, that was crazy. I couldn’t tell someone’s growl. Rolfe wasn’t here. Emmett and Malachi said, “Excuse us.” They ran outside with Keith. Keaton looked conflicted. I laughed, “I’m not sure what they are doing but go after them. You clearly want to, and I’ll be fine.” He left with Kreed. Immy sighed, “This is my older brother Tony Jr. He’s best friends with Keith, he graduated last year. You already know Bryce.” I smiled, “Right. I picked out his next girlfriend and everything.” Immy laughed, “Did you?” Bryce answered, “Quite possibly.” Immy said, “Emma and Finn couldn’t make it. He’s quite disappointed. He has a literal notebook of questions for you.” I snorted, “Why?” She smiled, “It’s Finn.” Umm, ok?
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