Revelations Pt. 2

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He sat me down in front of the couch. I spotted blood on his neck. I gasped, “Did I draw blood? Oh my god…I’m so sorry…” He spun me around, yanking off my shorts and underwear. He bent me over the couch. I shivered with anticipation, “Are you ok, Key? Did I…” He growled and spanked me. I felt his fingers slide down my stomach trailing downwards. My head rolled to the slide when he circled his fingers around my clit. I was soaking wet. He trailed the same fingers slick with my juices up my body. He began to circle my n****e. He gripped my hips with other hand and slid into me. He growled, “You might want to hang on.” To what? The couch? How was that going to help? I did as he said anyway. He pulled back and slammed into me. I moaned. He was now gripping both my hips and pulling me back as he thrusted. He pulled lightly on my hair. I begged, “Harder. Pull it harder.” He applied the perfect amount of pressure. I screamed, “KEATON!” He was insatiable for hours. When we finally fell apart I mumbled, “Please dear god, just let me sleep.” Keaton asked, “What?” But then I was out. I woke up and looked around. I jumped out of bed and did a victory lap with my hands in the air. I got on my knees, “I’m not really religious, but whatever god or deity out there let me sleep through the night without having any sort of family bomb dropped on me; thank you.” I turned and snuggled back into Key’s embrace. My eyes widened. When did he get a tattoo? He had a small music note with and OSC by it. He’d even put a crown over the O. Tears filled my eyes. He got a tattoo for me? I wondered why he put a crown above my initial. I couldn’t stop myself from touching it. It was small, but I loved it. Keaton started purring. I snickered. Weren’t tattoos supposed to be covered and sensitive right after you got them? Did he get this while he was getting his friend's wife back? How did I not notice it before? Keaton’s eyes opened, “Good morning.” I replied, “Good morning mr sneaky.” Keaton titled his head, “Huh?” I laughed, “You got a tattoo. I can’t believe I didn’t notice. A music note and an OSC. That’s sweet. A little crazy since we haven’t been together that long, but I’m oddly ok with it. Maybe I’ll get a note with a K on my hip.” Keaton seemed to be trying to think of what to say. I asked, “Why did you get a crown put above my initial? And what does S and C stand for?” Keaton was literally blinking a mile a minute. Someone banged on my door. I laughed, “To be continued.” I opened the door and found May, Immy, Keith, and Bryce on the other side. May held up a bag. She said, “Keaton forgot some things.” She threw it at him, “You’re welcome. I’ve saved the day. Oh, look at your tattoo! Isn’t it the sweetest, Katie?” I agreed, “It is. We were just talking about it.” May smiled, “I think it’s so cute.” I laughed, “I was asking him what it stood for.” Oh crap. He put an O there. They don’t think it’s for me. They would think it should be a K but May thought it was cute. I blurted out, “My name is actually Odette so….that’s why it’s an O.” They all stared at me. Keith snorted, “Thank god. Can we stop calling her not Katie then?” I asked, “Not Katie?” Keith said, “You’ve started to say Odette so many times we figured out Katie wasn’t your real name. OdKatie is a weird name.” I whispered, “If you could still call me Katie around other people at school….” Immy quickly replied, “Of course.” May said, “Well that makes so much sense now. It’s Odette’s Song Call. I knew the S was for song. I don’t get why he added call, but men. What can you do? Like Keith said, I figured your name started with O.” Odette’s song call. That was cute. Sassy was happily humming in my head. I asked, “So why the crown?” May giggled, “You’re his queen of course.” I teased Keaton, “You explained the tattoo to them so well. Why were you so nervous to tell me? I can’t believe I didn’t notice it until today.” Because it wasn’t there. I rubbed my temples as my head began to pound. Of course, it was there. I just didn’t notice. He would’ve had it covered, but I never saw it covered. His skin was never red or irritated. Am I this unobservant? Immy said, “It’s really pretty. Let’s just keep some concealer on hand since we don't’ want certain exes to see it.” I snorted, “She’d probably show up again.” Keith snorted, “I don’t think so. Emmett was unhappy with her visit here.” I asked, “Can Emmett get her an unlimited supply of tissues for her purse so she stops trying to use Key as her personal handkerchief?” Ok, I was bitter. Really bitter. Everyone just stared at me. What? She did. It was annoying. I’ve brought it multiple times. Everyone came in. Immy asked me a bunch of odd questions. She asked, “Were you ever in gymnastics?” I smiled, “When I was four I was. My brother bought my leotard and paid for it. When he wasn’t with me, he paid the neighbor lady to take me. I actually think he was using his allowance from his dad to have her watch me when he wasn’t there.” Immy frowned, “Your mom didn’t watch you?” I said, “Until the custody trial for my brother, I didn’t see my mom regularly. She would stop by sometimes and stalk to the fridge before my brother’s dad got custody. I don’t know how I could remember being a baby, but I’m pretty sure my brother or some nurse watched me. I don’t remember seeing my mom until I was five. I’m pretty sure I only knew she was my mom because of the pictures around the apartment.” May frowned, “Of her and your brother?” I snorted, “Oh, no. There were no pictures of them anywhere. She was always alone or with a boyfriend. They were pictures from her travels. Lux mentioned she was our mom. I was shocked when she came home and stayed. I actually introduced myself to her. I guess I really can’t blame my brother for wanting to live with his dad. I would too. Thinking back, he was spending so much time and money raising me. I don’t know how he did it. I’m pretty sure his dad is rich, but for all the things he must have sacrificed….” Maybe it’s why he left and never came back. He resented me. The thought hurt. Keaton took my hands, “I would do anything for my siblings, and I would never blame them for our parents actions. I can help you find your brother when you’re ready.” I snorted, “You look like you want to punch him.” Keaton kissed the top of my head and muttered, “I just might.” I winced, ”Please, don’t. I don’t even know if it’s safe to find him.” Immy jumped back in, “This is a depressing topic back to my questions. You’ve had gymnastics lessons. Have you ever been rock climbing?” I laughed, “I can’t say that I have. Basically, if your questions revolve around doing fun things, I can tell you; I did not do them.” Immy sighed, “You don’t even have a favorite cake.” I said, “Hey! I loved that cake we had the first time we met.” She clapped, “YES! You do like cake. What about cookies? Or cupcakes?” I said, “I liked the milkshake I got with Key. I’ve never had a cookie or a cupcake.” Immy yelled, “IT’S A TRAVESTY! Hold on.” She walked outside and came back ten minutes later. I asked, “Did you rob a bakery store?” She had cookies, fudge, cupcakes, pies, and a smattering of other things. She snorted, “No, May’s mom is the best gourmet chef around. She also bakes. May’s older siblings, who are twins, Kalen and Kylie, were baking up a storm today. They gave me samples.” I said, “I thought May was an only child.” May laughed, “Oh no. I have six siblings.” I asked, “Are you the youngest?” May laughed, “No, Tray and Gwen are younger than me.” I asked, “Are they twins?” May shook her head, “Nope the only twins are Kalen and Kylie. Some might say a bit of magic came into play with their conception.” I wondered if they used IVF or something. What magic could cause twins? The whole group was smirking though. Maybe there was a tradition of having s*x outside in the area or something. I loved everything Immy had brought up. I said, “May, your family can’t cook all the time or I’ll waddle to my death.” May laughed, “Kalen’s cake balls are TO DIE for.” I agreed. Those cake ball things he made were chocolate deliciousness. Immy slapped my ass, “I think I just saw your ass get bigger and Keaton’s shorts get smaller. What an interesting phenomenon.” I blushed. Keaton turned smirked and pulled me onto his lap. I didn’t know if Immy was right about my ass, but she was definitely right about Keaton’s shorts. They stayed for a few hours just hanging out and asking random questions. I wondered if this was what I had been missing out on moving from place to place. All I had after all those years was Luke, and we never had this much fun. I didn’t want anything to change about my life now. I loved having friends. I wondered if I should contact Roxie. I don’t know how I would, but maybe I could google her name. Her dad seemed important. I could try that. She deserved to know I was ok. That I’d made friends. We were never close, but she was trying to help me those last few days I was there. She saved me from being unconscious in a forest, and from Luke. I definitely owed her a google search to see if I could find a way to contact her. When they left Keaton was all over me again. We didn’t go to sleep. Over the next two weeks, I told Keaton to bring some of his stuff over. He practically lived with me now anyway. Sassy was really happy about it. I didn’t like being away from him. I felt super clingy right now. The day before my birthday I had off work, but I was still going to the square where I worked. I had an eye doctor appointment. I’d finally gotten around to making it. I walked in and sat down. Several people were eyeing me with interest. I signed in at the front desk. She asked, “Insurance?” I said, “Oh, I don’t have any but they said if I could pay out of pocket that was fine.” The woman nodded, “You’ll have to pay upfront…” She trailed off when her phone rang. She said, “I’ll be right back.” She left and came back, “As it turns out, we are giving free eye exams today. Dr. Umphries will see you soon. Probably both of them.” Did I need two of them? I did tell them I was seeing weird things when I called. I nodded, “Thank you.” I didn’t even have time to sit down before I was called back. They had me look into a machine and look at a hot air balloon. Then they took me to a room and had me read off a picture of random letters. I covered up one eye at a time and read the lowest line. The girl put a few things in a computer then left saying, “The doctors will be in shortly.” Two minutes later two men walked in. I said, “Wow, I’ve heard doctors' offices take forever. You are quite efficient.” The first guy laughed, “Oh, taking long at doctors’ offices is for boring people we are not boring. Hello, I’m Oscar.” I asked, “Dr. Umphries?” He smiled, “Yes, Dr. Oscar Umphries. You may call me Oscar. This is my son, Silas. He’s also an optometrist.” Silas smiled, “It’s nice to meet you, Not Katie.” I snorted, “You know Key.” It wasn’t a question. Both men grinned broadly. Oscar answered, “I’ve known him since he was born.” I frowned, “You look like you're maybe twenty-five.” He laughed, “I like you. I am much older than twenty-five.” He definitely didn’t look old enough to have a son who was a doctor. Oscar asked, “So, what brings you in?” I sighed, “I keep seeing things.” Silas smiled, “How intriguing! What things?” I shrugged, “I think people are faster than the speed of light, which isn’t possible. The reason I called was because I keep seeing people’s eyes flicker black.” Oscar tried to cover his laugh with a cough. I frowned. He said, “I see. Well, we will dilate your eyes and check everything out.” He was very easy to talk to. He quickly ran through his tests. I asked him, “Why did you become an optometrist?” Oscar moved his chair over and had me lean forward onto something. He said, “Don’t blink.” He sat back and moved around explaining, “I became an optometrist because I think eyes are the gateway to people. I find eyes fascinating, and I do not like to be bored. I used to live out on my own before I met my Jenna and she birthed our children. I observed people from afar, never really engaging with them. I always found people and their eyes interesting. Some people’s faces never give anything away, but the eyes are so expressive.” He tilted my head back and dropped in eye drops that stung. I wiped my eyes with the Kleenex Silas gave me. He told me, “It will take a few minutes. The light became unbearable. I winced, “Can you turn that off?” Silas frowned, “Of course.” I could barely keep my eyes open. Oscar gently examined my eyes. I whispered, “Something’s wrong, right? I should be able to open my eyes.” Oscar said, “You just seem to be extremely sensitive to dilation. Your vision and eyes are perfect.” He started to speak in another language. My eyes fluttered closed. I woke up feeling sick. I was so dizzy. I looked around. I didn’t know how I got back to my apartment. My phone was buzzing. I answered, “Hello.” Caspian asked, “Odette? What’s wrong?” I groaned, “I got my stupid eyes checked out and now I’m dying.” Caspian asked, “Your eyes? What’s wrong with your eyes?” I groaned, “Evidently nothing. That doesn’t explain why I keep seeing things that don’t happen. People’s eyes don’t flicker black.” Caspian asked, “What people?” I asked, “That’s your question?” I looked at the screen and cried, “I’m sorry. I can’t look at that right now. My eyes hurt so much.” Caspian assured me, “It’s alright, Odette. You can just talk. What do you feel like right now?” I said, “Like I may throw up. I don’t even know how I got home. I just remember falling asleep in the eye doctor's office. He was a very charismatic man. He speaks some beautiful language I’ve never heard.” Caspian snorted, “I see. Whose eyes flicker black?” I snorted, “No, one…except everyone. Who cares? My head couldn’t hurt worse than it does now. Everyone around here’s eyes flicker. My song boy got a tattoo.” Caspian laughed, “Oh yeah? Where is this tattoo?” I said, “On his neck. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before the other night. It has a note, an O, S, and C. I guess it stands for Odette’s Song Call.” Caspian sighed, “It doesn’t.” I asked, “How would you know that?” Caspian laughed, “It’s obviously for Odette Sargasso. That is our last name. The C we can figure out.” I frowned, “It’s call. I don’t have a last name. Or a middle name.” Caspian sounded angry, “You do have a last name. You are a Sargasso, Odette. Should you meet more people like Luke, you tell them the Sargasso’s will come against them for you. Most would walk away from you to avoid that.” I laughed, “Because you’re the mob boss kingpin now? No…the Don or something.” Caspian snorted, “Let’s go back to boss.” I smiled, “So you admit it. AH HA!” Caspian laughed, “You seem better now.” I said, “I feel a little better. That was weird.” Caspian replied, “Hmm.” I told him, “I think my friends are planning my first birthday party.” Caspian asked, “It’s your birthday?” I smiled, “Tomorrow is.” Caspian told me, “I’ll have to get you seventeen presents to make up for the birthday’s I missed. Happy early birthday. We would all sing to you if you can call us tomorrow.” I smiled, “I’m sure I can. You don’t owe me anything. Lux always got me a present, but he was never there on my actual birthday. My birthday just doesn’t mean much to me.” Caspian said, “Your birthday is a day to celebrate. We are all very happy to have you in our lives. I hope your song boy makes it very special for you.” I teased, “Or he will deal with you.” Caspian nodded, “Yes.” I snorted, “So simply put. Just yes.” Caspian said, “Anyone who upset you will deal with me. I cannot say they will care for it.” I gulped, “Are you….going after Luke?” Caspian said, “I will. He’s going to mess up or I will find you. One of those things will happen. When they do, the Merrick’s will rue the day they thought they could cross me and get away with it.” I asked, “What about grandpa and mom?” Caspian said, “Mom has also crossed me for the last time. This is not forgivable. What she’s done to you is irredeemable. What she did to your brother was awful, but he had his father to step up for him.” I interrupted, “I think back on all he was doing for me a lot now. He was spending all his money on me to take care of me. I’m certain I only knew mom was my mom because her pictures were in the apartment. Lux paid someone to watch me if he wasn’t there. I think I saw her restock the fridge a few times and leave before Lux’s dad took her to court for custody.” Caspian’s jaw flexed, “Like I said, it’s not something that can be forgiven. Grandpa is currently all talk. He acts on something, and he’ll add to the list of family crossing me.” I told him, “I may not know all about your mob business, but I would never intentionally cross you.” Caspian laughed, “That I know. You are…very special. Serenity told me about what you did with the water. You truly are more powerful than anyone knows. Somehow, I’ll find you.” I teased, “Or I’ll find you. You and Serenity said if I got to a body of water and wanted to get to you; I could.” He smiled, “I believe that you could.” I heard the key in my door. I said, “My song boy is here.” Caspian said, “Do tell him your eyes are sensitive, and that there’s nothing wrong with them. He should do better at convincing you of that..” I snorted, “No joke, they are sensitive. I didn’t tell him about my appointment.” We hung up. Keaton ran in. He asked, “What happened?” I sighed, “Umm I must have fallen asleep in Oscar…I mean Dr. Umphries office. I should pay for the cab or however they got me back here.” Keaton snorted, “It’s more than taken care of. Don’t worry about it.” An eye doctor/ cab driver. The guy did say he didn’t like to be bored. Keaton asked, “Why did you get your eyes checked out?” I shrugged, “I keep seeing people’s eyes flicker black. That’s not possible, but he said my eyes are fine. Maybe I should get a cat scan of my brain.” Keaton flinched, “There’s nothing wrong with you.” I snorted, “My brother said my eyes are sensitive.” Keaton asked, “Did the mob brother have any other helpful tidbits?” I snorted, “I have a last name. I guess. It’s their last name, but I don’t want to talk about it. There’s too much light in here. It hurts.” Sassy sadly hummed her song as if she was in pain too. Keaton pulled all the blinds. He even took bobby pins on the cracks in the curtains to make sure no light came through. He pulled me into his chest and put a blanket over my head. He kissed my forehead, “You just sleep.” I snorted, “It’s like having a hangover for getting my eyes checked out. I feel like that is something only I could do.” Keaton said, “I’ll take care of you in either situation.” I asked, “What do you want to do tomorrow?” He laughed, “It’s your birthday.” I hit his chest, “I knew you guys knew.” Keaton said, “I should know, you’re mine. Thankfully Immy told me.” I sighed, “We don’t need to do anything.” Keaton said, “Your birthday is definitely something I was to celebrate.” I asked, “So what are we doing?” Keaton told me, “It’s a surprise.” I sighed, “Hopefully my eyes are better.” Keaton kissed me, “I’m sure they will be fine.” He sounded a little worried. I fell asleep. I woke up in the water, but it wasn’t the ocean. It was like some wading pool. I heard Sassy’s song. I turned and saw myself, but somehow different. She had long blonde hair past her butt. She had a seashell bra on and even had a tail flapping around. I yelled, “A mermaid!” She hissed at me. I frowned, “You look like a mermaid.” She hissed again. I sighed, “Ok, what are you then?” She hummed her song as she sat on a random grass area. She put her hand out and beckoned to me. Ok then. My mind had manifested Sassy I guess. She was still very testy about being called a mermaid. She sure looked like one though. I swam over to her. She touched my face and smiled. I started to glow. She smiled and a green seashell crown appeared in her hands. She placed it on my head then kissed it. I was thrown back into the water. I was falling through the water. I screamed as I began to fall through what I could only describe as dimensions. I landed on a bed. I looked around, “What the hell?” I stood up. I’d never been in this place. I grabbed a picture on the nightstand and gasped. This was Keaton’s family. He was younger in this picture, but it was still him. I walked downstairs. I saw his mom. I stammered, “Umm…I…didn’t mean to…” She walked right through me. What? I followed her. She found Keaton’s dad. She kissed him. She started to cry. Chase whispered, “Sweetheart, it will be alright.” She whispered, “Something is wrong with him, Chase. Ever since he went to that thank you for saving me lunch, he’s been off. He never liked her before, now he’s always around her.” Chase sighed, “He’s fourteen. I seriously doubt that girl is his mate.” His mom snorted, “She better not be. That girl has been a problem since she arrived. I told you she was trying to get her hooks into Keaton. Now, she has.” Chase assured her, “He’ll see her for who she is.” His mom cried, “He’s changing, Chase. She’s crushing his confidence.” Chase frowned, “You don’t know that.” She sobbed, “I do. Noah did it to me, and I’m watching her start doing it to him. He’s pulling away from us, and I don’t know what to do. I clung to Noah harder when people tried to get me away from him. I don’t know how to help him. I’m helplessly watching history repeat itself. I’m his mother. I’m supposed to protect him” She broke down crying. The scene changed and I was standing next to Lisa. UGH! She was also younger. She pulled out some rock and dropped it. I rolled my eyes, “You would have a collection of rocks.” Lisa hit several spots on her vanity. A box popped open at the bottom. She pulled out an old school flip phone. She made a call, “Everything’s on track now. I had to slip not only my tears, but my blood into his food. I even used our great grandma’s. I just don’t have enough Harpy blood for an Alpha. Even a young one. I’ll need a supply from our nest to keep dosing him. He’s under my lure for now. At least he’s cute. Tell my adopted older sister, her rogue attack plan worked perfectly. She’ll have to keep them on tap if things spiral. I’ll have to keep reminding him of my trauma. His Alpha blood will demand he comfort me. Our spells and blood will ensure that I keep him. Soon the Harpy’s will rule an allied pack of the Conners. On the inside, I’ll dismantle them.” What? This was about the Conners? Melanie’s Xander? Those Conners? I flinched. He was someone else's; she'd be so crushed. Lisa snorted, “I’ll take that princess b***h down myself. I can’t wait to see the look on King Aiden and Alpha Eric’s face when I take light itself from this world. They won’t even see me coming. Alpha Eric and King Aiden will pay for the slaughtering of our people.” She paused, “Yes, I know it’s planned because there’s a grudge against Cassandra Conners from her time as a Luna. I’m just saying your first plan where you tried for the princess didn’t work. You put her in a coma, but her brother saved her. Have you ever gotten the prisoner from Yellow Hills pack to talk yet?” Kings? Princesses? This woman was more delusional than I was. There were no Kings in the United States nor were there princesses. I rolled my eyes, “Who refers to strong males as Alpha’s? Well, I guess a lot of people say Alpha male. I’ll give her that one, but someone has GOT to help this girl with her delusions.” She laughed, “So, no. You’ve had that prisoner since well before I was born. Alpha Chase had just taken over his pack when you faked that warrior's death. He’s given you nothing all this time. Now, I have one in my lure. I’m the one taking the plan to fruition. You’ve always looked down on me for my blood, but I’m going to give our people the glory. Not you, me. I’m only fourteen years old, and I’ve made more progress here than you EVER have.” She paused, “Oh, please. If his mate shows up, I’ll already be Keaton’s chosen mate. I’ll already be Luna. My first act as Luna will be to plan accidents for Keith Daniels and Alexandria Daniels. I hate them so much.”
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