Revelations Pt. 1

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Odette was stunned by Keaton’s actions. His authoritative, don’t mess with me tone was getting me all kinds of hot and bothered. Sassy was practically smug and seemed to be anticipating something. I really wished she could talk. This whole sending me feelings with no words was so confusing. I nearly smacked myself in the face. Great. Awesome. Now I want the song in my head to talk to me. Man, I need to get myself under control. My head started to hurt a little bit, but then all thoughts flew out of my head when Keaton spanked me. If losing my protection detail got this man in this mood, I will never let them follow me again. He was animalistic, and I was too. He might end up having to buy me a new wardrobe, but he probably owned a mall somewhere so it was ok. Even if he didn’t, someone in his family definitely did. This was totally happening. I was going to lose them again and again. Without hesitation. Immy could help me. We lost them pretty easily. Would they be prepared now? Immy had to have experience in ditching these guys. Her family seemed super protective of her. I don’t know how long we were messing around. My brain actually short circuited from all the denial he was doing. I held out pretty long. I know that at least. I’m definitely impressed by myself. He even took me outside. The water felt angry with me for some reason, but Sassy was practically shouting her song arrogantly triumphant. It was like the water wanted to fight me which pissed me off. I just wanted everything to feel amazing…then it just stopped. It stopped fighting me. It stopped feeling angry. I could feel every particle changing and becoming peaceful. I felt at one with the water. I couldn’t keep my eyes open a second longer. I landed on a hard chair. What the hell? Did Keaton drop me? Why would he do that? I forced my eyes open. I looked around realizing I had no clue where I was. I looked down and gasped. I was naked. Then a shirt appeared. It was as if someone was putting it on me. I rubbed my face. It was Keaton’s shirt. How did Keaton’s shirt get on me here? Where was here even? I heard someone coming. I gasped and ran into a room that turned out to be a closet. Great. If this was a slasher movie, I was so dying. An older woman who looked just like my mother walked in. Well, if my mother had taken the appearance of pure evil she would be this lady’s twin. She really did look like her though. She was on the phone. She said, “Darwin, I don’t know what you want from me. Morgana hasn’t reached out through our set up channels. You know how she is. You tried to change her game, and she is punishing you. I’m sure she set the wolf and Odette up to piss Luke off.” Wolf? Did my mom sick the rabies wolves on Keaton’s area because of me?! Surely she wouldn’t infect a pack of wolves with rabies…right? The woman continued, “I told you that you shouldn’t mess with her plan. Your son is the one to blame. He’s such a loose cannon. The girl isn’t on vacation anymore. She’s back in Nashville, but now the wolves are so aware of you it’s insane. You have messed up so spectacularly it’s actually impressive.” The wolves? What on earth? My head began to pound. I rubbed my head. The woman snorted, “All your inept son had to do was woo a girl who never knew love after her brother was ripped away from her. She even thinks he just walked away. It was so ridiculously easy, and he messed it up being an errant spoiled child. Which is your fault. He’s this way because you’ve coddled him so. He’ll never be what my grandsons are because he has no vision or control.” She was quiet for a minute. Why couldn’t I hear Darwin? I had great hearing. She laughed evilly, “Oh no, I think even with Odette your son couldn’t accomplish anything. Call me again, and I’ll encourage my daughter to find another option for her daughter. I’m beginning to think you all were a bad choice. I will use whoever I have to rule. I’ve been using my own daughter since I got into her life. Do you think you are an exception? Shape up, Darwin. Or you will walk away with nothing. Wait to hear from Morgana. One more slip up from your people, and the deal is off. I’ll find another partner for Odette. One who isn’t such a colossal screw up.” I bit my lip so I wouldn’t gasp. She laughed again, “Oh, you ludicrous man. I survived rejecting my song. I got in contact with my daughter. I taught her how to manipulate everyone around her. I formed the ideas in her head that no one should question her. I even made sure my song’s second chance continued the teachings she was taught when she moved clans.” Clans? Mob groups had clans? Man, I needed to read more. The woman paused then snorted, “You cannot think that it was a coincidence that my song’s second chance drove Morgana right into my arms. She thinks she’s the puppet master, but I am Darwin. If I decide you and your son are superfluous then you are. Leave the girl alone. Don’t mess this up more than you have. You all act like such children. Yelling at her about teaching her lessons. She’s somehow smarter than the lot of you and she knows nothing!” Well, that was harsh. I might switch schools a lot, but I was a good student. I knew things. I was violently pulled from the closest into the ocean. I sighed and looked at the sky. I yelled, “Can I EVER just sleep?” I heard a chuckle. I yelled, “WHO IS THAT?” No answer came. I grumbled, “I am losing my ever loving mind.” I dove under a wave and swam down like I always did. I went through the door and hit land. People stared at me as I walked by. I flipped them off. I was beyond pissed. I stormed into the throne room. Serenity was there on the seashell chair. She stood, “Everyone out.” Everyone looked at me and left quickly. I sighed. Where was Sassy? The second I thought it, she was sadly and somewhat angrily humming in my head. Great. Now, my apparent grandmother had upset her. Just like my grandpa. Just perfect. I wanted to go back in time a few years to a me who wished for grandparents on grandparents day at school. I’d tell myself not to. Mine sucked. Once the room cleared Serenity frowned, “Odette, what’s wrong?” I yelled, “My grandparents suck! That’s what’s wrong. I can’t ever just sleep. Why can’t I just sleep? Luke’s still stalking me and now hiring people to breathe over me. My song boy will probably never take me on vacation again. I finally got into the ocean for the first time and Luke RUINED it! I actually have someone who cares about me in my life, which just upsets everyone apple carts! Apparently, I’m supposed to be so love starved I fall for any sweet words.” I picked up a picture of my grandpa with my grandma. Why was this in here? I threw it and the frame smashed it. I yelled, “It’s infuriating that it would’ve worked. I was…I was so desperate for human connection I fell hook line and sinker for all Luke’s pretty words. He gave me everything I craved until one day it became something else. He became controlling. Yelling at me for being late when I didn’t know he was coming. I would always run home, but I had no one to turn to. I stopped liking him well before my sixteenth birthday. Did I end our relationship? Nope. I just let him keep being awful to me. They are right. I’m clueless and stupid.” Serenity grabbed me. She said, “People who want to diminish you or cut you down will call you names. You give them their power when you believe those words. You are not stupid or clueless. You may be in the dark about things, but that’s not your fault. You’re trying, I can literally see you trying. You have your brothers, and you have all of us. Their songs. You are stronger than they could ever know. You already have Sassy, that’s what Caspian says you call your song.” I nodded. I whispered, “Sometimes she’s weaker around other people. She’s really sad now.” I wiped a tear away. I hated her being sad. Serenity asked, “What did Alon do now?” I snorted, “I don’t know. Nothing I guess. I don’t like him.” Serenity laughed, “I would not if I was you either. I don’t trust him myself.” I sighed, “I think…no I know I saw my grandma. Who else would call themselves my mother’s mom. Or look just like her older evil twin.” Serenity’s eyebrows raised, “You saw Lilly?” I asked, “Lilly? Her name is Lilly? Which parent did she piss off? She so does not belong in our family with that name.” Serenity laughed, “Her full name is Lilosa. She goes by Lilly.” I sighed, “Fine. I guess her name fits then.” It was annoying. I liked it better when she was just Lilly. Serenity asked, “Where was she?” I shrugged, “Some super expensive fancy place. I didn’t see much. I was in a closet. Because my instincts are to be the blonde who dies first in the slasher movie.” Serenity laughed but pulled up photos on her phone. She began to scroll through them. On the tenth picture I pointed, “That’s the room. How do you have that?” Serenity turned her phone around and gasped. She asked, “Are you sure?” I nodded. She pulled up another picture. She asked, “Not this one?” I looked. I shrugged, “That looks like Luke’s dad's place. Same drab decor, but no. It wasn’t them. She’s apparently mad at them.” Serenity asked, “Why?” I snorted, “Because they aren’t better at being stealthy murderers. At least my murderers anyway. She said that if they didn’t stop making mistakes she’d give me to someone else. Well, the jokes on her. Luke will take that as a challenge. He’ll up his crazy. He’ll do it.” Serenity sighed, “People tend to make mistakes when they think they hold all the power.” I snorted, “She definitely thinks she does. She basically took credit for turning my mom into who she is. I’m pretty sure Lily..” I spat her name out like it was dirt, “Made her run from Noxus.” Serenity sighed, “Morgana made her choices.” I nodded, “I agree. I just think it might matter to Noxus that she might not have done it if not for the puppet master.” Serenity sighed, “Maybe.” I frowned, “Wouldn't it matter to you with Caspian?” Serenity smiled, “Cas would never do what his mom did. She has designs to rule…” I snorted, “Like mother like daughter, I guess. Oh s**t! Am I going to power hungry and crazy? Can my dad’s DNA cancel that out? Because I will be seriously pissed if it can’t.” Serenity laughed, “I don’t think you do have the capacity.” I asked, “Huh? Capacity to do what?” Serenity said, “Have the capacity in you to go dark.” I snorted, “Well, that’s something. Can water….be mad at you?” Serenity became serious quickly, “What water were you in that felt angry?” I shrugged, “A pond. It’s never felt angry before. I’ve been in it a few times…Doing weird stuff…this time wasn’t weird though. I don’t think.” Serenity asked, “What were you doing?” I answered blushing, “Having sex.” I heard a gag. I turned around. Cython was standing behind me. He gagged, “No, I didn’t hear that. No…no…no…” The man beside him hit him, “She’s a s****l being. She’s met her song. She can have all the s*x she wants. Wherever she wants.” I snorted, “We probably could’ve been arrested if we were caught. Not that anything would’ve happen because my boyfriend’s family owns the town. I just accept I can get away with these things now. God, my life is insane.” Cython shook his head, “I can’t…talk to her about sex.” The man kissed him and said, “Then I will. Go, so we can have girl talk. I’ll spare you the gory details later.” I flushed, “I’m not giving gory details!” The man wiggled his eyebrow, “Enter Harish.” He shooed Cython away then skipped over to us. He said, “So, you were having s*x. Continue.” Serenity said, “In a pond, that felt angry to her.” Harish’s eyes widened. He said, “I’ll get Cython.” I cringed, “Please, don’t.” They shot each other a strange look. I quickly added, “Do you have to get him if the water suddenly stopped feeling angry? I could actually feel the water turn into this peaceful calm place. As if…” Harish whispered, “As if…” I sighed, “It’s crazy.” Harish smiled, “I’m mated to Cython.” He didn’t continue. I asked, “Was that the end of that sentence? I don’t understand what that means.” Harish laughed, “You cute thing you. I live in crazy every day. Hit me with whatever you think is crazy. I’m sure it’s not.” I frowned, “Cython doesn’t seem crazy.” Harish laughed, “He’s the best kind of crazy and I adore him. Now what happened with the water.” I sighed, “It was as if I could feel every particle…maybe even…control it.” My head burst in pain. I went to my knees clutching my head. Serenity grabbed my face, “Think about your song boy.” I smiled. Keaton. The pain immediately went away. Sassy was annoyed. I’d basically given her a face in my mind, and I could just picture her lips pursing with a sour face. I guess the headaches annoyed her too. Harish was staring at me. I stood, “I’m ok.” He snorted, “Yes, you are. Serenity…” Serenity replied, “I know.” I asked, “Know what?” Harish snorted, “That we need…to have a serious family meeting.” I frowned, “How? I never know when I’m coming here, and lately I just get paraded around to my horrible grandparents.” Harish raised an eyebrow asking, “Did she say…grandparents? With as s? As in Alon and..” I interrupted, “Lilly. Yeah.” Harish’s jaw dropped, “So not his current wife.” I said, “Nope.” Harish whistled, “Oh that’s bad.” Serenity snorted, “You want bad. This is where she saw her.” She flipped her phone around. Harish said, “Ok, so Cython will now be his bad crazy, but it’s justified and understandable.” I frowned, “Why?” Harish asked, “Can you come around more often? Because since you have entered our life….I get so much sex.” Serenity snorted, “You were having so much s*x before she came into our lives.” Harish smiled, “But she’s unlocked this need he has to be in control because he can’t be with her. I love it.” I covered my ears. I did not hear that. I was pulled away from them. Serenity yelled, “If you need us you get to water. Any water and wish for any of us. Do you understand?” I snorted, “Understand? No. I don’t understand any of this.” I woke up in bed with Keaton. I sighed. Caspian and now Serenity had told me if I got to water I could get to them. I scoffed. Do I understand? I think I’m some sort of mutant. Maybe that’s it. My mom had me genetically altered by science. So, I can do weird things. It was literally crazy, but it didn’t make my head hurt. Which had me pausing. My head didn’t hurt, so it was wrong. Ok, so I just needed to think about times where my head hurt. That had to mean I was close to figuring it out. Right? I got up and went into the kitchen. Tatum followed me. I quickly took her outside and brought her back in. I told her, “I’m losing it. I’m trying to track down thoughts that gave me a headache to figure out something my own mind doesn’t want me to figure out. Is it my own mind though? Do I have the answer and I had like shock therapy to forget? Was I programmed? I wouldn’t remember that, right? It doesn’t feel right though. There has to be a reason I get a headache when I’m onto something. I have to stop thinking about it. I can’t tell my brothers where I am. I literally couldn’t. That’s just odd.” My head started to hurt. I groaned and started opening cabinets. I found everything to make chocolate pancakes. I stared at the mix. I looked at Tatum, “Lilly said Lux was ripped away from me. That means he didn’t just leave me, right? Ripped away implies he didn’t have a choice. That sounds like my mom honestly. She’s apparently punishing Darwin by not talking to him. She’s ignored my older brothers since Lux was born, maybe even before. It clearly wouldn’t bother her not to talk to Lux after his dad got custody.” Tatum nodded. I sighed, “I swear you understand me. I’ll give myself a ten percent margin that Lux didn’t actually abandon me.” Tatum huffed. I laughed, “Don’t give me that look. If he did walk away and never looked back it would hurt worse with false hope. We will keep our hope at ten percent. Ok?” I swear she rolled her eyes. I began to cook and hum. Sassy was back to her happy self. Which made me happy. grandparents were getting a tongue lashing my style if they upset her again. She didn’t deserve it. WE didn’t deserve it. I had nothing to do with their politics and games. They had no right to use me as a pawn for being born. I didn’t have a choice in that. They needed to get over their plans because I wasn’t playing anymore. I liked where my life was going for once, and they weren’t going to take that from me. My mood drastically improved while I cooked chocolate pancakes. When Keaton joined me I was instantly ready for sexy time. He had that effect on me, and I clearly had that effect on him. He literally never needed recovery time. He was always ready to go. That had to be painful to walk around so ready all the time. How did he get anything done? We did eventually eat the pancakes. They weren’t as good as Lux’s. I wondered what his secret ingredient was. Maybe one day he’d tell me. I had to hold onto hope that I’d find him. I’d found a random relative of ours with his name. How many of those could there be? Would Caspian set up more to see if I’d contact them? I would. That’s really smart, and Caspian is smart. DRAT! Keaton and I couldn’t get enough of each other the rest of the weekend. Eventually, he needed to go get clothes. I pouted which nearly had him staying, but he did need clothes for school. When he left I called Immy. She answered, “You’ve surfaced from you s*x claiming dungeon.” I snorted, “Claiming?” Immy stammered, “Uhhh…well….” I snorted, “It works, I guess. I was calling to say, we’ve got to ditch those guys guarding us more often.” Immy started cackling. She yelled, “I LOVE YOU!” I snorted, “Come on, you have to know how.” Immy said, “Of course I do…we can’t use my normal methods. Which means we will have to get creative. We’ll have to time our next one to perfection. There’s going to be a big meeting Keaton goes to. We’ll do it when he’s supposed to come back.” I laughed, “Sounds good to me.” She said, “I need to go have a come to Jesus with someone. I’ll chat later.” I laughed and hung up the phone. I walked into my second room and pulled up my computer. I had so many emails. I sighed scanning through them. I was happy to see none were from my grandpa. I’m guessing that means no one would give him my email. Before I could click and reply a video call popped up. I accepted the call. Trit sighed in relief, “Thank god! Where have you been?” I replied, “All over the place really. What’s wrong?” Trit snorted, “We’ve all been worried.” I frowned, “Why?” Trit sighed, “Grandpa. Dad said the conversation between you two didn’t go well.” I shrugged, “Yeah, I’m stunned him and grandma didn’t work out.” Trit winced, “Serenity said you heard Lily talking.” I asked, “You don’t call her grandma?” Trit laughed, “We never met her. She’s nothing to me.” I asked, “So, is it the worst kept secret of all time that she wasn’t dead? Grandpa seemed to think everyone believed that.” Trit snorted, “He might be in denial. Caspian had suspicions, but he was filled in….then he filled us in. We honestly thought that was case before anyone.” I rolled my eyes, “So, you’ve known he was a liar your whole life.” Trit sighed, “He was a good grandpa to us.” I grumbled, “Except that he’s a liar.” Trit winced, “Attina says you shouldn’t trust him.” I asked, “Who is Attina?” Trit smiled, “My song person.” I nodded, “Seems to be the consensus. That I shouldn’t trust him. I don’t. I think he’s a jerk, and he’s more upset I overheard him so I won’t trust him.” Trit made a face. Someone knocked on my door. I told him, “I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you later.” Trit nodded and signed off. I locked my computer and answered my door. I groaned, “I’ve got to start looking through the keyhole before I open the door.” Lisa hissed, “How DARE you!” I frowned, “How dare I….what?” Lisa stepped closer to me, “Act like you know anything! You’re a naive silly little girl…” I interrupted, “You’re only a year and change older than I am but ok…” Lisa hissed, “DON’T interrupt me! You’re such a slut and a b***h!” I laughed, “I’m not cheating on my boyfriend. He’s the only one I’m sleeping with so….you’re wrong. Am I b***h? Well, gosh I can be, but currently the one with that title would be you.” She raised her hand. A growl erupted and in a flash her hand was caught. Keaton demanded, “GET OUT OF HERE! Don’t come near her ever again!” Lisa cried, “Keaton…” Sassy hissed and suddenly I had Lisa’s hand that was about to wipe her snort on Keaton again. I told her, “Get some tissues for your purse, and stop treating my boyfriend like he is your personal handkerchief. It’s gross and unsanitary.” She glared at me. I wanted her to go away. It hit me. I knew how to make her go away. I began to hum my tune Caspian told me about again. Fear flashed on her face and she ran away. Keaton snorted, “Can you teach me that song? It’s handy and she appears to be afraid of it.” I shrugged, “Sure, it’s pretty easy.” Keaton asked, “Where did you learn it?” I smiled, “My brother.” Keaton considered that, “You should ask him why.” I frowned, “Why? It’s probably some mob thing.” Keaton laughed, “I’m curious what he’d say.” I nodded, “I could ask.” If I remembered. We walked back inside. Keaton said, “I hear you bought a dress.” I blushed, “Immy said we could go together if you didn’t…..” He growled, “Mine!” I laughed, “Are you asking me?” Keaton smiled, “Odette, I’m going to ask you to prom in a very over the top way.” I laughed, “Are you going to post it note my car? I’ve seen that done a lot.” Keaton smirked, “Nope.” I asked, “Pepperoni pizza that spells prom?” Keaton laughed, “Not that either.” I clapped, “Ping pong balls in my locker.” Keaton asked, “Jesus, why would anyone do that? I feel like that would annoy the potential prom date so much.” I snorted, “It worked when I saw it. She was a ping pong champion.” Keaton laughed, “Well, I’m not doing anything to your locker or your car. It would have to be my truck. I drive you to school.” I blushed. He had a point. I asked, “Prom cookie?” Keaton snorted, “What is a prom cookie?” I gasped, “The giant cookie with prom written on it! Ohhh one of the schools I went to, her boyfriend filled her room with balloons and serenaded her.” Keaton smirked, “I can’t sing.” I gasped teasing, “I’m sorry. There’s something you can’t do? Well, I just never. I have to reconsider our entire relationship.” He yanked me into a kiss. I pulled back, “You make a compelling argument. Hmmm, you not being able to sing is no big deal. Seriously, sing a tune for me. I bet you’re not bad. I just bet you’re being humble.” Keaton laughed, “I assure you, I’m not.” I turned on some music on my phone. I started singing a song I’d found is guaranteed to get every single student signing. Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. Keaton had joined me by the second line. We danced around my apartment singing at the top of our lungs. Which he found amusing. I said, “I’m disappointed. You did not make any dogs start howling and carrying on with you. You can carry a tune, Key.” Keaton snorted, “I really can’t.” I disagreed, “Yes, you can. I was expecting something horrible. You’ve got that deep sexy voice thing going on. Sing a country song.” He laughed, “If you want.” I smiled, “You with a guitar and that voice…..” I was getting turned on thinking about it. Keaton growled and yanked me against him. I tapped his nose, “That growl.” He did it again. I pushed him into the wall. I could feel him smirking against my lips. I slowly trailed my lips along his jaw. I nibbled on his neck slowly. I listened to his breathing change. I felt his desire against my hip. I giggled, “My man likes his neck being nibbled.” I bit a little harder. He groaned, “Odette.” Sassy seemed to be calculating something. I got to the spot where his neck meets his shoulder. I nipped him harder. His hands gripped my hips pulling me into him. Sassy took control. I bit down hard. She happily screamed her song. I felt something wet on my lips, but I could feel Sassy urging me to ignore it. I hummed the song I always did when I saw Keaton. His actions snapped me out of the feeling. I looked at him. His eyes were pitched black. Man, I needed that eye doctor appointment. He pinned me against the wall and ripped my shirt off. I snorted, “I hope you own a mall.” He growled, “Emmett does.” Ok then. He growled, “f*****g mine!” He attacked the same spot on my neck. I could see why he liked it. I felt like every nip I was nearly leaving my body. He growled and threw me over his shoulder.
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