Stronger With Me Pt. 3

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Emmett shifted back. I followed suit. Annie snapped us clothes. Emmett said, “We have a lot of information on the ring now. We have names of those in charge.” Emma snorted, “Finn is next level about one of the ring leaders being a turned partial fairy.” I snorted, “You’re joking.” Emma shook her head. Damn. I did not see that one coming after the way Haley was treated. They turned people against people like themselves. That was a whole other level of not lying yourself. I asked, “Where’s Melanie?” Emmett laughed, “She got popped out by her mate. The purple haired woman was portaled out by the crown prince right after her.” Eric came over. He said, “Thank you all for coming.” Emmett shook his hand, “There’s nowhere else we’d rather be, Eric.” He smiled and gave Emmett a hug. He started to walk away. I flashed over to him. I said, “Thank you.” Eric asked, “For what?” I answered, “I don’t think I’d be here with the group if not for you. I’ve missed a lot of moments, not big ones like this, still big moments. Plus, things are going really well with the….other thing.” Eric winked, “Your girlfriend?” I smiled, “Yeah, her.” Eric told me, “I’m glad. You deserve the best, Keaton. You’re a good man with a good heart. You’ve grown up into a young man I am very proud to know. I’m glad you were here. This is where you belong, Keaton. With us, with your family, standing for what’s right.” I gave him a hug. I flashed back over to my group. Emmett was meeting with several Alpha’s before we were popped back. We popped back into pure chaos. Kreed asked, “What’s going on?” I saw Herford, one of the warriors assigned to Odette. I asked, “Is Katie here?” He paled, “Umm….” I growled, “Where is she?” Herford gulped, “She…Immy went to see her. They went shopping for prom dresses.” I smiled. Good. I was going to ask her. Herford wrung his hands, “Well, they found dresses. Lisa accosted them.” Alexandria growled, “WHAT?!” Herford said, “Everyone was gone so she used her freedom.” I snorted, “To go to the mall? Of course.” Channing was furious she’d gone after Odette. Herford shrugged, “Well, Lisa left pretty quickly. The girls….” Malachi growled, “Where is my sister?” Matt growled, “Where is my daughter?” Herford winced, “They gave us the slip.” I grabbed him by the collar, “What do you mean? You know someone is after her! She doesn’t know about the supernatural and you LOST her! What are you doing here?! You should be out looking for her!” Herford said, “I came back to see if they came here. Everyone else is out looking for her.” I snarled, “She has NO IDEA about the supernatural so you can’t even use the excuse Immy popped her away! You were outsmarted by two JUNIORS IN HIGH SCHOOL who acted like they were humans!” I punched him in the face. I was on him the second he fell. Channing was furious. Emmett pulled me off of him. He said, “This isn’t helping! We will find her.” I snarled, “Unless Luke has them!” The Millers snarled. Annie said, “Immy is here.” She had just got off the phone. Immy popped over, “Next time, I get to go.” I asked, “Where is Katie?” Immy said, “Her place.” Herford wiped his lip, “No, she’s not.” Immy frowned, “I…well….I don’t know where she is then.” I punched Herford who went down again. I yelled, “And we can’t have them pop to her because she has no idea that anyone can do that. HOW COULD YOU LOSE HER!” I shifted and ran. I was trying to pick up her scent. Emmett and Keith were soon beside me. Malachi linked, “Try the pond.” I took off there. She wasn’t here. I shifted back, “Malachi, why would she be here?” He said, “I don’t know. I just think…this pond is very clear. Just like the puddle Thelx left through.” It clicked, “She said that guy was trying to get to the pond. He was trying to leave and go somewhere else.” Malachi replied, “That’s what I think.” Annie popped in with my dad. She handed me my phone. It was ringing. It was Ken. Relief hit me like a freight train. She was ok. I barely wanted him. I was on the way. Keith linked, “She was so excited you were back that we all heard her shriek.” I didn’t even bother to answer him. I took off running for all I was worth. When I reached her apartment I shifted behind cover and ran inside. Ken threw me some shorts. I barely glanced at him. I put the shorts on and flashed up to Odette’s. I pulled her against me, and Channing took over. She teased him. Oh boy. She was in for it now. I tossed her onto the bed. I grabbed the paddle that she bought and spanked her. She squealed. Channing growled, “Don’t lose your protection detail.” She smirked, “They should watch better. It wasn’t even that hard.” I spanked her again. She giggled. I growled and spanked her again. I took over. I growled, “Don’t lose them.” She smiled, “Are you going to go all Australian again? Because I gotta say it…it’s hot.” I growled and flipped her over. I ripped her pants off. She gasped, “Hey! I liked those.” I buried my face between her thighs and began to edge her close to an orgasm. She begged, “Please, Key…let me come. Please.” I growled, “Don’t lose your protection.” She whimpered but didn’t give in. She was stubborn. I chuckled, “Aren’t you just a stubborn thing.” She smirked, “I am. How long can you hold out? You seem to be pretty hard.” I was painfully so. I growled and grabbed the handcuffs. I cuffed her hands and linked Benji, “I need another favor.” Benji laughed, “Oh thank god. I was so bored after all the excitement of the battle. What do you have for me, quite possibly the most interesting, Daniels?” I snorted, “I need you to conjure a vibrator to me.” Benji laughed, “Oh my god. I want this story later. You have become such fun lately. Maybe I should’ve set Lisa on fire years ago. Who would’ve missed her in the long run? I dare say, not many.” I quickly put Odette’s blindfold on. Just in the nick of time because Benji conjured me a bullet vibrator. I turned it on. I said, “Let’s see how you hold up now.” I started kissing and nipping her neck. I turned on the bullet and placed it against her clit. She moaned, “Keaton….” I growled, “That’s right baby, say my name. Beg me.” She moaned, “Key…” I kissed her neck, “Yes, my song.” I turned off the vibrator when she was close. She groaned in frustration. I ripped her shirt and bra off. She snorted, “You’re going to my mom’s boyfriend a fortune if you keep ripping my clothes.” I assured her, “I can afford it.” I licked her tit before sucking into my mouth. I slid the vibrator inside her. I had to stop within seconds. She was on the brink. She begged, “Keaton, please. Please…I need to come.” I nipped her ear, “Are you going to lose your protection again?” She groaned, “I didn’t lose them for me.” I frowned, “Why did you lose them?” She bucked, “For Immy, ok?” I frowned, “Why?” She whimpered, “I...need you…please!” I yanked my pants off and slid into her. She moaned. I kissed her once I was all the way in. I pulled back, “You feel better every time.” I only thrust a few times before she screamed, “KEATON! OH MY GOD YES!” I flipped her onto all fours and slammed into her from behind. I thrust into her over and over as she screamed my name. I was going to have to take her outside for a romp in the forest. Something inside me desperately wanted to take her outside. Channing encouraged me, “Do it. It’s our wolf side.” I groaned and came inside her. I uncuffed her hand but kept her blindfolded. I grabbed a blanket and threw it over her. Odette asked, “What’s going on?” I smiled, “Trust me, my song.” The perfect idea came to me. The pond. I was going to take her there and make her scream my name. I hope Luke could hear it wherever he was. Odette squealed when the water hit her body. She began to vibrate though as if she was coming alive. She began to hum her song. Channing linked, “You’re going to drown us both.” I snorted, “No, I won’t.” I took her out where I could still stand. I slid back into her. She wrapped her legs around me. I bit her ear, “You’re going to scream my name so loud, my song.” She moaned, “Key…” I growled, “Louder, Odette.” I thrust into her roughly. She gripped my back and threw her head back. She yelled “Yes, harder!” She began to scratch me which turned me on even more. I had no idea how we were standing or keeping this pace, but we were both frenzied. If, however her other half got places through water meant they could hear something on the other side; Luke absolutely heard us. Odette came and suddenly the water started to shimmer. I raised an eyebrow. She collapsed on me. I linked Clara, “Hey, are you up?” She snorted, “Who could sleep? You guys are like the ultimate tease. I can hear the s*x noises, but I’m not watching porn. My horny ass has settled for my hands since I wore out my warrior. My mate better have excellent stamina.” I snorted, “I’m sure your vibrator does.” Clara replied, “B.o.b. Never lets me down.” I asked, “Bob?” She replied, “Battery operated boyfriend. What can I do for you?” I told her, “The pond is now shimmering. Katie did something.” Clara laughed, “I’ll grab Malachi. We will come check it out with Tony Jr. Give Odette’s hooha a break.” I replied, “She’s passed out, so fine.” I closed out our link. I found a shirt of mine I’d placed around here. I put it on her and grabbed some shorts. I wrapped her in the blanket and ran back to her place. I put her in bed. I grabbed a washrag and rinsed it out. I quickly washed her off then myself. I threw it in the washer then slid into bed with her. When I woke up, she wasn’t there. I jumped up, “Odette?” Channing told me, “She’s in here.” I found her in my shirt, humming to herself, and cooking. She flipped a pancake. I slid behind her, “What’s this?” She giggled, “Chocolate pancakes.” I wiped the batter off her face then put my finger in my mouth. I moaned, “Delicious.” She turned off the stove and put the last pancake on the plate with all of them. She bit my ear. I smirked when she jumped into my arms. She said, “We should practice a quickie.” I snorted, “I don’t want to have a quickie.” She pouted, “But we should eat the pancakes while they are hot.” I picked one up off the plate and ate it. I smirked, “It’s good.” She giggled. I kissed her and slid my tongue in mouth. I set her on the counter. She surprised me by jumping off. I asked, “What are you…?” I trailed off when she licked my length. I closed my eyes and licked my lips. Her hot wet mouth had me moaning her name. She cupped my balls as she swirled her tongue. I threaded my fingers into her hair. I gently pushed her a little further. She moaned in response. I watched in fascination as she started playing with her clit. I didn’t think it was possible for me to grow harder than I was, but her actions made it happen. He moans while she sucked me off were my undoing. I yelled, “ODETTE!” She pulled her mouth off me with a pop. I picked her up and slid into her. She teased, “You just have such a good recovery time.” I growled, “You had no idea.” I gripped her ass and thrust in and out of her. I liked the pancake batter off her collar. I grunted, “My messy cook.” She moaned, “Ok, right there…Oh…god…” I sped up my thrusts feeling her quivering around me. I nipped her neck harder than I normally did but not hard enough to mark her. She screamed, “KEATON!” I roared my release. We were both breathing hard. She laughed, “We are the worst at quickies.” I smirked, “Ask me if I care.” She slapped my chest, “Oh, I know you don’t.” We ate the rest of the pancakes, which we had to heat up in the microwave. Odette seemed to think that made them lose their flavor, but I disagreed. I thought they were great. She was a good cook. She frowned, “My brother always says off the stove the best.” The brother that abandoned her. Yeah, he could jump off a cliff. I told her, “Well, he clearly never had one of your microwaved off the stove ones. They are delicious.” I tapped her nose. We spent the rest of the weekend that way. Eventually, I ran home to grab some clothes. I packed a bag and turned around. I raised an eyebrow, “Immy? Can I help you?” She crossed her arms, “Did you know not Katie’s birthday is May first?” I blinked several times. I whispered, “It’s almost her birthday? But…I thought it was mid may.” Immy shook her head, “No, and you’re forgiven.” I asked, “For what?” Immy smiled, “I thought you knew and didn’t tell me.” I smiled, “So, I’m forgiving for not…doing anything? She smiled, “Exactly. We need to plan something great! I have pulled Annie into planning. Not Katie hasn’t celebrated her birthday. Her brother never even got to see her so she didn’t have him. I figure we can keep it small, which I just want to state is hard for me. I want to throw her a big bash, but I realize we need to ease her into it. Don’t worry. I’ll handle the details. I just can’t decide where to have it. I thought about the roller skating rink, ice skating rink, movie theater, or the Yellow Hills gym with all the gymnastics equipment that Adlee owns. You know the trampolines, rock climbing wall and…” I smiled, “Rent that out. Use my card.” Immy squealed, “Yes! Ok, I’ll tell Annie. We will plan every single detail. It will be the most perfect first birthday party! Not first like she’s one but…like first birthday party for a teenager whose mom makes me want to pop to her and punch her on the regular. The only thing that stops me is the fact that her mom would be clued into her making new friends and try to take her away.” I growled. Immy sighed, “Then you all would keep me out of another fight. Which would be a mistake because I’d ROAST her!” I asked, “Who are you inviting?” Immy said, “Well, all my siblings and their mates. Your siblings and their mates. Justin and Isla are her friends. Unless you mind….” I shook my head, “No, I think Justin and I are cool.” Immy nodded, “And then maybe a few other girls in our class. Like I said, small.” I agreed, “Sure, sounds good. Thank you for telling me and putting it together. I would've felt like a giant ass if I missed her birthday.” Immy smiled, “Enter me. Birthday ninja. What are you going to get her?” I shrugged, “What do you give to the girl who gave you everything?” Immy laughed. I told her, “I’ll get her something great. I don’t have much time to figure it out though. I’ve got to get back to her.” And figure out what to get her for her birthday on such a short turn around. Something told me these last few days before May were going to fly by. OHHH the water shimmers now. They can escape in any type of water...the plot thickens LOL We are so very close to answers. Lock in your final guesses! What is Odette? The next chapter will reveal the answer! So this is your last chance! The next chapter has her birthday, promposal, prom, and catching up to where we left in book 7. That's obviously a lot of information for a chapter. Lots of meat to the next one so hang in there! I'm having a bit of craziness with real life, so bare with me if I don't get a chapter up next week. Know that I am doing my best becuase I am SO EXCITED to stop keeping secrets and for us to discuss ALL the things. But obviously that's a lot of meat in a chapter so....hang in there. Answers are coming!!! Hopefully next week and we can all go OHHH or shout I KNEW IT LOL. It's getting exciting :)
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