Silver Blade Pt. 3

4281 Words
He didn’t do his usual seating chart. Keith linked me, “Are you trying to make the fact that she’s your mate the worst kept secret ever?” I replied, “No one has actually asked if she’s my mate. You do know that, right?” Keith linked me, “You’re ridiculous. I love you but…you are ridiculous.” I shrugged. Once class ended I walked with Odette to the cafeteria. I told her, “I’ll go grab us lunch, what do you want?” She said, “Oh..umm….just a salad.” Immy sat down, “Nope, get her a cheeseburger with fries.” Odette laughed, “Immy…” Immy said, “Your mom’s idea of a diet is dumb! You’ve got killer curves. I bet you're one of those girls who eats things like a cheeseburger and gets bigger boobs and an ass.” My pants were getting smaller and harder to fit in. I asked in a strained voice, “Do you want a cheeseburger, Hathor?” Odette gasped and looked at me. Immy said, “Uhh Keaton, your new girlfriend's name is Katie. Someone get his head examined.” Odette whispered, “Hathor is the goddess of music in Egyptian culture. He hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend.” Immy sighed, “That’s not a good nickname, Keaton. I’ll help you. Don’t worry.” Odette smiled, “I thought it was beautiful.” I kissed her hand, “Do you want a cheeseburger?” She nodded. I walked away. Justin was in line with Isla. She smiled softly at me. I nodded to her. I heard Odette call to them, “Justin! Isla! Sit with us.” I wanted to groan but didn’t. Justin linked me, “We don’t have to…” I replied, “Go ahead.” I got Odette and myself a cheeseburger. I walked back to the table. It was a little tense but not bad. Odette said, “Key, this is my new friend Isla and my friend Justin.” Oh, good. I asked, “When did you meet Justin?” Immy said, “With me.” Odette said, “We ran into each other on Christmas too. Isla is a really talented sketch artist. Did you know that?” That surprised me. I asked, “Isla?” She blushed, “I just dabble.” Odette said, “Nonsense! You are the most talented sketch artist I’ve seen in all the schools I’ve been in. I’ve been in and out of schools all over the country. Your drawings are amazing!” Justin asked, “You saw her sketchbook? I’ve been asking for years.” Isla said, “Oh well…it was kind of an accident, and Katie was so nice…” Katie smiled at her. Isla linked me, “I told her whose sister I was. She didn't care.” I couldn’t hide my pride for my mate. Even if being at the same table as Justin made me want to eat glass. I was an Alpha though. Justin was part of the pack. Everyone relaxed the longer lunch went on. When lunch ended I walked Katie to her next class and begrudgingly went to the counselor's office. My counselor was actually a werewolf. He was in our pack. I sat in his office. He said, “Keaton, good to see you.” I asked, “Any chance you could just say I was here and I not be here?” He smiled, “Sorry, Keaton but no.” I groaned, “You know I wasn’t in a physically abusive relationship, Leon.” Leon frowned, “To be honest, I don’t know that. Your reactions to Lisa lately tell me you are very angry. I feel it’s rightfully so, but it seems to me there’s a lot of resentment and anger in your actions lately. I also know an Alpha would have the most trouble admitting they were in an abusive relationship. You’re obviously strong enough to stop someone from hitting you. From what I’ve observed lately, it’s clear to me you were in an emotionally abusive relationship. Now, I can’t make you talk about that. For this period though, I’m going to sit here and you can say what you want.” I snorted, “My brother is your lead Alpha. I can’t tell you anything.” Leon leaned forward, “In these halls, in this room unless your safety is a concern what you say remains between us. Even if your safety is at risk, that’s all I would tell Alpha Emmett. I would never tell him the specifics of what you say. The same applies to the Former Alpha and Luna, as well as your grandparents.” We stared at each other for several minutes. I sighed, “This is ridiculous. Lisa is possessive and jealous. That’s all that’s going on.” Leon sat back, “I think there’s more going on than that. She has no reason to be possessive of you. She’s not your mate. She even has a new boyfriend. You and Justin don’t act the same around her. Keaton, you always seemed to think and rethink everything you were going to say before you said it around her. You looked at Lisa when you spoke up for her. As if you were afraid you’d made a mistake. You were with Lisa with a very impressionable time in your life. She’s your only dating experience. It’s fair if she’s colored your actions dating wise.” I closed my eyes. I did not want to be here. We sat in silence until the bell rang. Leon smiled, “See you Thursday, Keaton.” I waved. Joy. I heard people talking in the hallway, “What a freak! Lisa is right. Keaton’s finally done with Lisa, and he doesn’t need to be with whatever she is.” I growled and came around the corner. I saw several wide eyes. I growled, “What. Did. You. Do. To. Her?” They looked at the ground. I felt tingles around my waist. I whirled. Odette smiled at me. I looked her up and down. I asked, “Did they hurt you?” Odette laughed but there was something missing in her laugh. It wasn’t carefree. She looked worried. She told me, “I’ve seen and dealt with a million mean girls. Don’t worry about it.” They growled at her. She sighed, “This school is very growl-y.” I glared at the girls. I linked them, “Leave her alone.” They muttered, “Freak.” Odette replied, “Takes one to know one, ladies.” Their eyes went wide. They hadn’t realized she could hear them. I linked them, “DO NOT CALL HER THAT!” Channing was furious. I looked into Odette’s eyes. They were a little red. She’d cried. I linked Immy, “What happened?” Immy replied, “With…?” I groaned asking, “You weren’t with Odette?” Immy answered, “No, but Isla has gym with her.” I asked Odette, “What happened?” Odette shrugged, “Jealousy. Lisa has a posse.” I snorted, “That would be new. She always said she never had friends because of me.” Odette tilted her head, “That doesn’t make sense, Key. People would be her friend because of you. You’re pretty popular around here. Mr. Basketball star. I’ve been filled in, trust me.” I stared at her. She was right. Lisa should’ve been more concerned about having fake friends. At minimum Clara and May should’ve been her friends, but they hated her. Did Lisa have friends? Keith hated her so he was jaded when he agreed with me. I linked Malachi, “Hey Malachi…” Malachi answered, “Oh look…you remember you can link me. For example, you should link a beta when you get punched IN THE FACE. I can’t calm Emmett down if your dad yells about you being punched when I don’t know about it. So, please tell me no one punched you today. While knowing if you did get punched, I appreciate the heads up.” I replied, “No one punched me. I have a question.” Malachi said, “I probably have an answer.” I asked, “Does Lisa have friends?” Malachi answered, “None her age, but some younger girls. All Isla’s age or younger. I’ve seen her with some freshmen in her group lately. Why?” I replied, “She always told me she didn’t have friends because of me.” Malachi answered, “Keaton, people want to be her friend because she’s close to you. Even if they can’t stand her voice. There will always be people who want to be friends with potential or just future Luna’s because of the power they stand to have or do have. Did you really never see Lisa with her friends, Keaton?” I answered, “No.” Malachi asked, “Are you ok?” I replied, “Fine.” I was pissed. I linked Clara, “Have you seen Lisa with her friends?” Clara snorted, “You mean her posse of loyal devoted followers? Yes. They are a small but mighty annoying gaggle.” Channing was growling in my head. Odette tugged on my arm. She asked, “Are you ok? It’s like you’re here but…not…Your eyes were…” I smiled tightly, “I’m fine. I’ll walk you to your next class.” She was in my next class. Which was good for everyone in my history class. Keith linked me, “Whoa…what happened?” I explained. He sat back. He eventually replied, “Tony said she does have friends. Colin nor Carter have never seen her with friends.” I answered, “I’ll bet no one from our family has.” Keith asked, “What brought this thought on?” I answered, “Katie pointed out that I’m popular at school. People should want to be Lisa’s friend because of that.” Keith went to reply several times then eventually nodded. The teacher asked, “Keaton, do you have the answer?” Odette whispered softly, “The war of 1812.” This teacher wasn’t a werewolf so she didn’t hear Odette. I answered, “The war of 1812.” The teacher looked annoyed, “Correct.” I smiled at Odette. Keith linked, “Aww….your mate is smart and she pays attention. I’m assuming she will be in all our study groups.” I replied, “That goes without saying.” After school ended I took Odette to my car. When we got to her apartment she asked, “Do you want to take a walk with me?” I smiled, “Always.” We walked hand in hand down to this path with a bench. We sat on it and she turned and threw her legs in my lap. She asked, “So, what’s your favorite color?” I laughed, “Yellow. What’s yours?” She smiled, “Green.” I asked, “How many places have you lived?” Odette immediately answered, “Fifty-seven towns. States would be forty. Tennessee has always been my favorite though. I’ve lived here three times now.” I was stunned, “That’s…a lot.” Odette shrugged, “It’s my life.” I asked, “What is your mom like?” Odette sighed, “She’s pretty. She’s…a lot to deal with. She seems pretty angry a lot of the time. She seems happy with this guy though. I like him. He wasn’t a creeper like a lot of them.” Fury lit through me. I asked, “Did they touch you?” She shrugged, “Some of them.” She shivered a little bit. I was going to kill them. I asked, “Who were they?” She put her head on my shoulder. She whispered, “You care.” I pulled back and tilted her chin up. I said, “I care a whole lot. Anyone who has ever hurt you is my enemy.” She smiled softly, “That’s a strong word. A little dramatic. Enemies. You’re silly.” She had no idea. She tried to look away but I kept a hold of her chin gently. She sighed, “There were some that actually scared me. When I say my mom has a lot of boyfriends I’m talking about hundreds here.” I asked, “Who?” She tilted her head, “Calton Benitol scared me the worst. That was my mom’s first boyfriend after my brother left. My brother never left me alone with any of the boyfriends before that. My brother was intimidated back then. He was massive. Then there was Andrew Lochard.” She shivered. I knew that name. She added, “They were the worst.” I asked, “Did they hurt you?” She shook her head, “Not badly. Not in the way you mean. I ran away. I was with my ex-boyfriend when Andrew happened. He said he took care of it, but that I shouldn’t tease people.” I growled, “He blamed you?!” She sighed, “I was always blamed. My mom said it was my fault too.” HER MOTHER BLAMED HER?! Channing was furious. I was beyond reason. I linked Clara, “Get me everything on Carlton Benitol and Andrew Lochard.” Clara responded, “Umm…ok. I mean I know the one name.” So did I. She added, “But a lot of people will have those names. Do we have anything to narrow that search down?” I asked Odette, “Did you stay in those places with them long?” Odette said, “My mom stayed with Carlton for seven months. It was the first time I had an apartment to myself. My brother usually lived with me, but when his dad got custody we left. My mom refused to have me in the house with her and Carlton after the…incident.” She snorted, “It’s not fair, but I hate the whole state of Virginia for that. I missed my brother, and I didn’t see my mom for six months. I didn’t see her often before but that was ok because I had my brother.” I linked Clara, “Carlton lives in Virginia.” Clara said, “On that.” I asked, “What about Andrew?” She sighed, “Well, Wyoming is a beautiful place, and I had several places I loved to go there. I can’t say I hate it there like I hate Virginia. I just avoided him. He showed up to my apartment one night. He said I owed him because he paid for it. I still can’t believe I didn’t break my leg getting away from him. I went out a window and dropped down to the ground and called Luke. He was useless.” I asked, “Luke is your ex.” She laughed, “Maybe we should set up Lisa and Luke.” She sobered, “No, actually….no one deserves someone like him.” I told her, “He’ll never hurt you, again. I promise.” She smiled at me. She said, “I learned how to defend myself from this girl. She was so badass. We became really good friends. I miss her.” I frowned, “Did he hit you?” Odette nodded. I growled and pulled her into my lip. She whispered, “Key?” I pulled her close to me and inhaled deeply along her neckline. I let her scent calm me down. Eventually I pulled back and Odette asked, “Are you ok? It was a long time ago. Well, Andrew wasn’t so long, but it feels like a while now.” I told her, “I will never be ok with people hurting you.” She flushed. I decided to change the subject before I shifted and ran to Wyoming, “Is the ice skating date ok? I can change it.” She gasped, “What? Why would you change it? I’m so excited!” I asked, “Really?” I studied her. She was serious. She nodded, “I think it will be a lot of fun. You just can’t let me fall on my ass an embarrassing amount of times.” I laughed, “I won’t let you fall.” Odette asked, “Why would you want to change it? Oh gosh…Do you hate ice skating?” I smiled, “I like ice skating. Lisa might have killed me with the black of an ice skate if I took her there. She liked…fancy dates.” Odette shrugged, “I’m not really fancy. I haven’t even been to a school dance.” I said, “I will not believe for one second that no one asked you to a dance.” She giggled, “I got asked. I was just always working. I couldn’t take time off.” I told her, “Well I can guarantee for court warming and prom this year you’ll have it off.” Odette laughed, “You don’t think you’ll be tired of me by prom?” I said, “I could never be tired of you. I’m going to ask you in some big way too. It will be cheesy. You’ll blush.” Odette giggled, “You don’t have to do that.” I told her, “I want to.” Odette looked at my watch. She said, “I have to get back. Immy’s coming over to walk to work together. Then she’s raiding my closet for a date outfit.” I asked, “Immy has a date?!” Odette playfully slapped my shoulder, “No, silly our date.” I smiled and kissed her lightly. We walked back hand in hand to her apartment. Once we got inside she led me to the couch. We made out until Immy burst into the apartment Odette had left the door unlocked. Immy said, “Oh my…umm….sorry…but you did know I was coming. This is really on you two.” I laughed, “I’ll drive you guys to the bookshop.” Immy said, “Nope, we are walking and talking. We couldn’t possibly talk about you in the way we girls need to talk about boys if you were present.” I laughed, “Of course not.” I kissed Odette, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She blushed and nodded. I called Clara once I got in my truck. She said, “Well, is it the Andrew Lochard we know about?” I growled, “Yes.” Clara said, “Well, based on that tone. You’re in luck. Since I’m special and have access to the hood’s database…I know your cousin would like to kill the warlock named Andrew Lochard. He’s putting together a mission for it. He wants to act fast.” I said, “Thanks Clara. I’ll see you later.” She asked, “Aren’t you coming home?” I told her, “No, I’m going to the shroud.” Clara whispered, “Keaton…” I growled, “He’s f*****g dead, Clara.” I hung up the phone. I drove the shroud in record time. I parked outside my cousin, Joe’s office. I saw my second Cousin Jasper and his son Killion outside. Killion was Joe’s lieutenant. My cousin Jasper raised an eyebrow at me. Killion said, “Wow, you look…angry Keaton.” I asked, “Is Joe free?” Killion said, “For about a half hour.” I nodded and walked inside. I knocked before I went into Joe’s office. He yelled, “Come in.” I walked in and he sat back in his chair. He said, “This is a surprise. Hello, cousin.” I said, “Hi Joe.” I sat down. He asked, “To what do I owe the pleasure? Since you look angry I’m guessing you want to fight someone. Why didn’t you ask Emmett?” I told him, “Because I want to kill someone. I want to go out as my moniker for you.” Joe asked, “You want to go out as the silver blade? To kill who?” I growled, “Andrew Lochard.” Joe folded his hands. He said, “How do you know Andrew Lochard? He doesn’t live here.” I told him, “Emmett took a trip to Wyoming. I did a threat assessment for him.” Joe raised an eyebrow, “Andrew did not go for Emmett.” I said, “No, he didn’t. You still want him dead and so do I.” Joe said, “I do want him dead. You’re one of the best even if you don’t go out much. I’m just curious, does this have anything to do with a certain new girl I heard about? I swear the text said she came from New Mexico not Wyoming.” I asked, “Does the whole family have nothing better to do than talk about who I date?” Joe laughed, “We have family group texts. What else would they be for if not to know the ins and outs of everything. You not answering does answer me. What did Andrew do to your new girl?” I growled, “He tried to rape her. I didn’t get all the details. I know she went out the window in her apartment and ran away. As I know Andrew, I’m sure he hit her. I’m going to return the favor.” Joe asked, “Can you get this done alone or do you need me to send someone to keep your anger in check?” I told him, “I have a date tomorrow night. I’m not going to miss it.” Joe nodded, “Alright. Get to the airport. The jet is fueled and ready.” I asked, “Who were you going to send?” Joe said, “Thurston.” Thurston was good. He was Tate and Kylie’s son, Ted Miller’s nephew. Joe handed me a file. I texted Odette that I might not be able to pick her up, but someone would for school if I couldn’t. I called my dad. He answered, “Hey Keaton. Are you coming home anytime soon?” I flashed into my Uncle Heath’s house. I answered, “No, I’m going out on a moniker mission.” My dad said, “We usually have more notice than….” I interrupted, “I volunteered for this one. I’ll be home probably early this morning.” My dad said, “Alright….Is anyone going with you?” I said, “Nope, just me.” My dad groaned, “Ok. I’ll tell your mom.” I laughed, “ Best of luck with that, old man.” My dad snorted, “Thanks. I’ll see you when you get home.” I told him, “I don’t know what time…” My dad cut me off, “When you kids go out like this I always wait up. That’s not going to stop. I’ll see you when you get home, son. Stay safe.” I hung up and went to the closet in my room here. I grabbed my gear. I put on the pants that had three gold lines at the thigh, knees and calf. I pulled on my coat. It had a red lining with gold embellishments. I pulled the buckles tight across my chest and attached the belt. I threw my blade on my back. Last I grabbed my mask. When I turned around my Uncle Heath was standing there leaning against the doorframe. He said, “Your mom called me.” I said, “So, dad already told her.” Uncle Heath laughed, “He did. What’s going on, Keaton? Joe wouldn’t send you out without more notice.” I told him, “Like I told my dad, I volunteered.” Uncle Heath nodded, “Yes, but since you turned fourteen you only went when Joe assigned you to go. You even didn’t want to go too often because your girlfriend’s shrill crying that she would do when you left. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want to hear that either. My ears are still ringing from last night.” I shrugged, “Well, we broke up. I’ve kept up my skills. I’ll be fine.” Uncle Heath smiled, “It’s good to see you being the man I always knew was in the shadow of that girl. You’re standing tall. I’ve missed seeing that in you. I like this new girl.” I told him, “I do too.” Uncle Heath said, “I hear you’re going ice skating.” I nodded, “She’s really excited.” Uncle Heath smiled, “Good.” He slapped my shoulder, “Stay safe, Keaton.” I nodded, “I will.” I flashed out of the house. I got to the airport and got on the private jet. We instantly took off. I flipped open the file. Andrew Lochard was a dead man. No one was going to hurt Odette and live. It felt good being back in my silver blade outfit. I felt more confident in myself than I had in a long time. I looked down to study the file. Lexi is PISSED! Frank is on Team Arrows! Odette is giving Keaton his confidence back. What do you think Immy will come up as a nickname for Keaton to use for Odette? Keaton has a moniker :) The Silver Blade is about to be unleashed. Join my F B group The Ribbon Novels to discuss all these things and see pictures of what everything looks like.
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