Silver Blade Pt. 2

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Lisa had two arrows sticking out of her ass. Channing laughed in wolf form, boisterously. Lisa screamed, “SHUT UP CHANNING! I WANT TO TALK TO KEATON! NOW!” Channing snarled at her. I shifted back. I asked, “What?” She yelled, “Put some damn pants on!” I frowned. Nudity was normal to us. Not a lot of the pack had seen me without pants because Lisa didn’t want them to see me. She said I was small and that was embarrassing for an Alpha wolf. I heard several people whispering. Keith threw me some shorts. I put them on. Lisa hissed, “You need to go tell the hood they owe me. One of their people shot me!” I said, “Their people are mine too, Lisa.” She cried, “I have arrows in my ass! Someone needs to pay.” My mother flashed up in her BA gear. Not everyone in the pack knew BA was my mother. Lisa was one of those people who had no idea it was my mom behind the mask. My mother said, “Don’t disrespect our people, Lisa Kipner. Next time, I’ll go for the kill.” Lisa’s mom asked, “Were two arrows necessary?” My grandpa coughed, “Yes.” My mom answered, “I only shot one.” She flashed away. Oh s**t. I linked, “Allison Haley Daniels!” She replied, “Keaton Frank Daniels.” I told her, “You don’t shoot arrows at pack members.” Allison retorted, “Mom shot first.” I barely managed not to laugh. My dad sighed. Our pack doctor came out with a gunnery and put her on it. Lisa linked me, “You’ll pay for this.” I replied, “Threatening an Alpha is not really the thing you want to do right now.” Keith looked between us both. Emmett sighed. He followed them into the hospital. I went back into the house. My dad grabbed my shoulder before I made it to the stairs. He asked, “Can we talk, Keaton?” I nodded, “Sure.” I wanted to talk to him anyway. I linked Clara, “Did you get the information on the roller rink?” She replied, “Of course I did.” She walked into the house and handed me the folder. She winked and left. I opened it. It would be easy enough to buy. I looked up when my dad handed me a whiskey. He said, “I know you.” I laughed, “I’d hope so, old man.” He gave me a look. He told me, “You can tell me anything. You know that.” I nodded. I decided to change the subject. I told him, “I want to buy the old roller skate rink and restore it. Would you be my backer?” My dad stared at me. He sat back in his chair and stared at his drink. He said, “Of course I will. I’ll have someone purchase it tomorrow and get contractors going.” I smiled, “Thanks dad.” My dad said, “Answer one question in return.” I told him, “Maybe.” My dad laughed then asked, “Why do you want to buy it?” I decided to tell him, “Because Katie never got to roller skating. She moved around a lot and her mom is never around. She got a job the second she was old enough to pay for things around her apartment and food. She didn’t get to have fun and be a kid. I have the money so I want to buy it and take her roller skating.” My dad asked, “Why would she need to pay for things around her apartment? She’s only sixteen.” I tried to keep the anger out of my voice, “She had to pay for utilities in her apartment. I don’t know why. Her mom didn’t cover them while she was off with her boyfriends. Wait, how do you know how old she is?” My dad shrugged, “I pulled her application from the book shop. Plus, she is Immy’s friend. Matt is aware of how old she is.” I asked, “Why would you do that?” My dad raised an eyebrow at me. He said, “I’m not the only one who did that, just so you know. When do we get to meet her?” I said, “We just started….talking?” Channing huffed, “That’s offensive. She’s our mate.” My dad laughed, “You reek of her son. I’d say you’re more than talking.” I said, “Well, I haven’t asked her to my girlfriend yet. Our first date is Wednesday so…I’m dating her.” My dad snorted, “Ok, Keaton. Have it your way.” I told him, “No idea what that means, old man.” Allison flashed by us. My dad yelled, “Allison Haley Daniels!” She yelled, “Mom shot first! Plus Lisa sucks! You’re just jealous we shot her and you didn’t get to! No one saw me! TJ said he’d have killed her if she did half the things I tell him she does to Keaton to any of his siblings. The fairies think it was more than fair!” I busted up laughing. My dad groaned, “Punishing her is a useless task. She makes such good points. Her mother did shoot Lisa first. Lisa didn’t know it was her. Only we do.” Emmett stormed into the house. Alexandria must still be with Isla. My dad asked, “How did it go?” Emmett glared at him, “Lisa demanded an apology from the Axe himself.” I bit my lip. Our oldest cousin Joe had taken over the shroud. His moniker was the Axe. Emmett asked, “Care to guess what he said?” I offered, “Eat s**t?” They both looked at me. I shrugged, “What? He probably did say that.” Emmett said, “More or less. Now she demands I go to war against our own damn family. I hate being her alpha. I do. She’s going to give me heart palpitations.” I snorted, “This is ridiculous.” I stormed out of the house. Emmett yelled, “Where are you going? Where is he going?” My dad replied, “Let’s just roll with this.” I flashed to the hospital. I didn’t have to ask where she was. I could hear her. Channing was just below the surface. I heard her telling some harassed medical worker she would be the Luna one day and they’d all pay. Channing roared. The hospital quieted. I stalked into her room and slammed the door so hard the painting fell off. I looked at her parents, “Get out. NOW!” Her dad frowned but didn’t leave. Her mom did. I glared at him. He didn’t look overly happy but he said, “She’s my pup.” I told him, “And she’s not dying yet, but she’s certainly trending in that direction.” Lisa started, “Keaton…” I yelled, “SHUT THE ACTUAL f**k UP!” She started crying. I yelled, “ENOUGH!” a bit of an Alpha command came out which shouldn’t have been possible without the ceremony, but she stopped talking and crying. I told her, “Listen to me very carefully. You will never be the Luna of this pack. We are not mates, and I won’t take you as a chosen mate. Stop threatening the pack with that, but particularly my family. Do not threaten my siblings with me. I am running out of good will for you here, Lisa. You don’t get to make demands of Emmett. You were attacked by hood members because of the disrespect you showed to me in public. If you don’t want that to happen, well then be smarter. That’s the bottom line to it all. You don’t demand for us to go to war with our family. It’s not happening. You know our family is in the shroud. I will never physically fight a single member of my family for you. Ever. I, for one, given all the s**t we’ve gone through am stunned at how bold you’re being. You’re normally much better at keeping secrets, aren’t you?” She paled. Her dad stepped forward with a clear question in his eyes. She linked me, “Thanks for that.” I answered out loud, “You should’ve asked him to leave if you didn’t want him to hear us. You’re just lucky I’m not a partial Hackura. You’d be dead if I were. So stop. Stop demanding things, and being a giant pain in everyone’s ass. You made your bed, so lie in it. For god’s sake, do it quietly. This is all your doing, and your fault. We all need a mental break from your constant shenanigans. So cut the shit.” She whispered, “Can’t you understand this is hard for me?” I answered, “Honestly? Not really. I think you stopped liking me when we turned fourteen. If you ever liked me in the first place. Honestly, I’m not sure you ever did. You didn’t talk to me when I was gone. You’ve only ever acted into me when you’re jealous of another girl. That’s not love, Lisa. I was gone, and you moved on. Which is fine, but now you’re acting like my family owes you something they doesn’t. Stop it. I don’t owe you anything. We are done. Just stop.” I turned and left. My family were all gathered in the lobby looking at me as if I’d grown another head. I took off running out of the hospital. I ended up at the opposite border of our house. My cousin Tyler Daniels came running up in wolf form. He shifted back. I smiled at him. He was the lead warrior. He was my oldest cousin, but he didn’t want to be the Alpha. He wanted to be a lead warrior. So my cousin, Colton, was the Alpha. He was really good at it too. Tyler sat down by me. He nudged my arm, “You’re just causing all sorts of drama today.” I snorted, “I was minding my own business.” Tyler snorted, “So, the new girl….” When he trailed off I asked, “The new girl what?” Tyler wiggled his eyebrow, “I hear she’s pretty. Does she by chance smell like cinnamon rolls? Or did you eat a whole bakery of them?” I rolled my eyes, “She smells like cinnamon rolls. Immy signed me up to give her driving lessons.” Tyler threw back his head laughing. I asked, “What?” He kept laughing. I shoved him, “Shut up!” Tyler said, “Oh god…Little cousin. You know Ken is my friend, right? I know he found you two dry humping in your truck. Your truck you let her drive.” I said, “We were making out, not dry humping.” Tyler continued, “Your parents and Emmett came back talking about how you declared you were going to date this girl…a girl you’d met once.” I shrugged. Tyler laughed, “We see you, little cousin. You only confirmed it for everyone by going all Alpha wolf on your psycho ex.” I defended myself, “Everyone has wanted that to happen for forever.” Tyler said, “And you meet this girl and bam…it happens.” I frowned, “In case no one noticed, Lisa and I haven’t been on good terms since my birthday.” Tyler laughed, “Oh, we noticed. We also notice grandpa watching the situation like a hawk. His wolf is constantly on the surface when she is around. Like he’s ready to shift and attack her to protect his grandpup.” I told him, “I can protect myself.” Tyler told me, “But you know Keaton, you don’t have to. We all love you. We’ll fight for you any time, any place.” I said, “I know man. Same goes.” Tyler said, “I can’t wait to miss the new girl. She’s making you stand tall again. I already like her. Ken said she’s pretty. He also said she’s lonely, and that her mother is a piece of work.” I snorted, “She’s got a loser brother too.” Tyler sighed, “Poor girl, but now she has you.” We sat there a little while longer before I got up to go home. I ran back in wolf form. Emmett and Alexandria were in the foyer when I got back. I cleared my throat, “Hey Emmett.” He smiled, “Yeah, little bro?” I internally cringed before asking, “Can you close the ice skating rink down Wednesday night?” Alexandria smiled and buried her head into Emmett’s chest. Emmett said, “I can. Why?” I sighed, “You already know why…Right?” He smiled, “Humor me.” I groaned, “I have a date.” Emmet raised an eyebrow, “And you’re going ice skating? You…Keaton Daniels are planning an ice skating date.” Alexandria hit him. He asked, “What? That’s the most teenage date my brother has ever planned. I was beginning to think you didn’t know how teenagers did dates. You’re always going to five star restaurants, renting limos, buying expensive jewelry. Going to the ballet and the symphony. Trips taking..…Now you’re going to the ice skating rink. What’s next? The movies?” I said, “Maybe. I like movies.” Emmett snorted, “You used to.” I said, “I like movies. Keith and I watch them all the time. Lisa didn’t like the movie theater. She said they were dirty.” Alexandria asked, “Does Katie like ice skating?” I said, “She’s never been. She seemed excited about it.” Now I was second guessing. This was a bad idea. Lisa would probably skin me alive if I’d planned a date like this for her. I grabbed the back of my neck, “It’s a bad idea, isn’t it? I should…I should plan a nice dinner somewhere and…” My mom said, “it’s a lovely idea, Keaton.” She shot Emmett a look. He held his hands up, “I think it’s great. I can’t wait to meet the girl who likes normal dates, and is allowed to drive my little brother's truck.” He linked me, “That you made out with in your truck.” I sighed. Ken and I were going to have a chat. My mom told me, “When you’re with someone who sees you Keaton, it doesn't matter if you’re lying on a blanket watching the stars, hiding out from prying eyes in a fairy charmed house, or at a fancy dinner. It matters who you are with. When you’re ready, I can’t wait to meet this girl. Immy speaks very highly of her. The pack was all talking about how pretty she was today.” I withheld a growl. I asked softly, “You think the ice skating rink will be ok?” My mom touched my cheek. She said, “It’s more than ok, Keaton. You have an amazing heart, and I bet this girl will see that. Those that don’t…well, they deserve an arrow to the ass.” I laughed, “Mom…” She said, “I’ve wanted to do that for years. God, it felt good.” She kissed the top of my head, “I love you, Keaton.” She darted away. Emmett said, “Speaking of making out in your truck.” I sighed, “Why is everyone so stuck on that detail?” Alexandria said, “Because you’ve never done it.” I snorted, “You two get caught making out everywhere.” Emmett said, “We do. You do not though. You’ve had a girlfriend since you were thirteen, and not once has anyone talked about you two kissing.” I shrugged, “I like Katie.” Channing chimed in, “She’s ours Keaton.” I replied, “I know that, but they don’t.” Channing replied, “Lightning has asked me like six times. They know.” I retorted, “They think they know.” Emmett said, “So….tell me about her.” I snorted, “From what I hear, there was a background check done on her that the family all looked at.” Emmett said, “A background check that was surprisingly sparse, and it’s not like I ordered one. She works for a business we own.” I said, “Well, she’s sixteen. It’s not like she has…” I was about to say much work history, but she did. It hit me. Katie wasn’t her real name. Which meant she probably didn't go by Katie everywhere. God, was her mom having her change names in every town they went to? That sounded exhausting. Was her mom running from someone? I asked, “Where else has Katie worked?” Emmett narrowed his eyes, “Nowhere. This is her first job.” I sighed. Emmett asked, “Or is it?” I said, “No, it’s not.” Emmett said, “With as young as she is, they might have paid her under the table.” He didn’t believe that, and I didn’t correct him. I said, “Well, thanks for shutting down the rink. I’m going to bed.” Emmett said, “You know…” I interrupted, “I can tell you anything. I know, Emmett.” He nodded. Channing asked, “Why aren’t we telling them? I linked back, “I’ve been having miserable arguments with them about Lisa for five years. Odette is ours. We thought Lisa was ours, and they hated her. What if they don’t like Odette? I’d lose my family because I’ll pick her.” Channing pointed out, “Keith likes her. Immy likes her. Everyone will like her.” I was still scared. Allison was waiting in my room. I said, “Hey little rascal.” She said, “I’m not even sorry.” I laughed, “I don’t need you to be.” Allison whispered, “I want to meet Katie.” I said, “I’ll talk to her about it, ok? It will be our secret.” Allison squealed, “I’m SUCH a good secret keeper.” I laughed, “I know.” She sped out of my room. I fell on my bed. I tossed and turned. Channing grumbled, “We are going to have to start staying at Odette’s place.” Sure, let me just jump to that stage. That won’t freak her out. I ended up getting up and shifting for a run. I ended up outside her apartment. Like a stalker. Her curtains moved and she peaked out. She couldn’t see me, but she was looking for something. She looked tired. She shook her head and closed the curtains. I did a patrol of the area before heading back home. I slowly slipped inside. The light flipped on. My dad, Emmett and my grandpa were there. My dad asked, “Where did you go, son?” I told him, “For a run. I couldn’t sleep.” My grandpa coughed, “Karma.” My dad rolled his eyes. Emmett said, “I’ll go with you next time.” I frowned, “Is there some threat I don’t know about? It was just a run.” Emmett admitted, “There’s always a threat against our family, Keaton. We’ve gotten several against you since your birthday. After what happened with the werebengals and Emma….” His throat tightened up. My dad put a hand on his back. I sped over and gave him a hug. I couldn’t imagine what he went through. If something happened to Keith and I wasn’t able to get to him; If I had to watch Keith in pain, I’d be a wreck. I told him, “I’ll bring you next time, big brother. I didn’t know.” Emmett hugged me tighter. I pulled away and said, “Even though, I can take care of myself.” Emmett retorted, “I know you can.” My dad said, “At least tell me if you’re going out. Once the threat is clear then go about your late night runs. I guess.” My grandpa was chuckling again. I looked at Emmett with a clear question in my eye. He shrugged. I asked, “What’s with you two?” Grandpa answered, “Just a little karmic justice for your grandpa with your dad. Nothing you need to worry about. Hopefully one day soon, I’ll tell you all about the story.” I asked, “When?” My dad said, “That depends on you.” Emmett huffed, “I have to wait for the story because of Keaton?” My grandpa said, “Yup. I had to suffer. I got kicked out of the house for being a meddling prick. God, I was an ass, but I was worried. Nope…I was just an ass. Let’s hope your mom doesn't have to kick your dad out.” I gaped, “Grandma Nadine kicked you out of the house?” My grandpa nodded, “I deserved it. Now, let’s all go to bed. That’s a story for another day.” My mind was reeling. I couldn’t imagine Grandma Nadine kicking grandpa out. What happened? Channing told me, “Ratchet won’t tell me either.” I wonder what I had to do to get the story. I managed to get an hour of sleep before I got up to go pick up Odette. I parked in the garage for her building and went upstairs. I knocked on the door. I berated myself, “She could be sleeping. I should’ve texted her. I’m early.” I heard heels on the floor. She was running to the door. She opened the door, and all I saw were legs. She had on a maroon skirt with a tight cream and blue striped off the shoulder shirt. I growled, “Odette.” I looked into her blue eyes and slammed my mouth on hers. She moaned into my mouth. I moved us backwards into the apartment. I kicked the door shut my foot. She jumped up and warped her legs around me. I turned and backed her into the door. I ran my hands up her side. I was almost to her boob when her phone rang. I groaned, “Come on.” Odette laughed and tapped me on the chest to let her down. Channing grumbled, “If that’s someone we know…..let’s make them run laps. Will we ever get to touch mates breasts? GOD! It’s like a conspiracy.” I actually agreed with him. Odette went over to her phone. She answered, “Good morning Lee.” I growled. She turned to me with wide innocent eyes. Lee said, “Uhh who was that?” Odette was flustered, “Umm…it’s…” I answered, “Me.” Lee laughed, “So you don’t need a ride to school then. Immy forgot to charge her phone last night. She was going to have Bryce swing by and get you.” I answered, “I’ve got her, Lee.” Odette was staring at me open mouthed. Lee said, “Cool. See ya.” Odette hung up. She asked, “How did you hear him?” s**t. I told her, “I have excellent hearing.” Odette laughed, “No joke.” She studied me. It seemed like she almost asked something. Then she ran and got her backpack. I sighed. School was now my nemesis. I took her hand and led her to my truck. I helped her inside then we left. Ken was at the door of the complex. He linked me, “How interesting to see you again, Keaton.” I linked, “Good morning blabbermouth. Expect to see me often. She’s going to be my girlfriend.” Ken replied, “Girlfriend? Is that what you kids say these days?” I rolled my eyes, and didn’t reply. When we got to school I walked Odette inside. I had my arm around here. Several people from the pack gawked at us. A few threw glares her way. I snarled at them. Odette laughed, “Chill there Fenrir.” My head snapped to her. I asked, “Fenrir?” Odette laughed, “Yup. Don’t look so surprised. I know Norse history. You sound like you could be the god of the wolves when you growl at people like that, Key. I can handle the stares.” She touched my nose, “Don’t you worry about me.” If only the werewolves had a god. We’d be in a better place than with our goddess. I pointed out, “Fenrir isn’t exactly the most popular Norse god to know about.” Odette shrugged, “I used to have a thing for wolves.” I pinned her against her locker. Channing growled in my head, “Mine!” I asked tightly, “What wolves?” Odette laughed, “Just wolves…like werewolves in the books. I loved supernatural books.” She gasped and slapped a hand over her mouth. Channing purred, “Mate is so cute.” I told her, “That’s hot.” Her eyes were wide. She whispered, “Do you like….supernatural stuff?” I admitted, “More than you could imagine.” She asked, “Really what’s your favorite series? I liked Eva Chase’s series.” I’d have to look that one up. I shrugged, “I don’t have a favorite, but I’ll check out Eva Chase.” I dropped her off at her first period with a kiss. The pack line was buzzing. Lisa linked me, “You d**k! You’re kissing her in school? You just met her! You never kissed me in school.” I replied, “You didn’t like PDA with me, Lisa. You never wanted me to kiss you in school. You berated me for an hour the one time I tried.” I went to my first period. Keith was waiting. He asked me, “So, you’re just not giving me rides this year.” I snorted, “You and May get alone time. Pretend not to be excited I’m not your third wheel.” Keith rolled his eyes, “You’re my twin. You’ll never be a third wheel. On a total separate note, that’s not really your shade of lipstick, little brother.” I wiped my lips off. I was pleasantly surprised to see Odette in my English class. Keith said, “Well, look at that. Aren’t you an overachiever, Katie? What will you do next year for class?” She smiled, “Oh, I’m hoping to take a few college classes.” I kissed the top of her head and sat next to her. The teacher came in. I recognized him from the pack. He always did a seating chart. I linked him, “Mr. Peters if you made a seating chart. I want to be next to Katie Karlton.” He glanced up startled. He simply nodded. I was thinking over a nickname for Odette. Given the fact she liked Norse gods and goddess I could go with something like that.
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