Silver Blade Pt. 1

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Keaton eyed Katie in the parking lot. I growled the second I saw her outfit. Her shapely figure was on full display. Channing growled, “If you don’t kiss mate….I will whine in your head. Constantly.” I rolled my eyes, “I’ll kiss her just…give me a minute. Damn Channing!” Channing huffed, “You take her in your arms and you kiss her. This is not complicated. Humans…you all make things so hard.” I rolled my eyes at him. Bryce pulled up. Keith linked me, “Ohh she changed her outfit. May linked me that means she does in fact like you too. I would question how a wardrobe change means she likes you but….women. What can you do?” I linked, “Of course she likes me. We are mates.” Keith winked at me. He replied, “I’m really happy for you little brother. The whole family would be.” I cut him off, “No…” Keith sighed. I could tell he understood though. I couldn’t stop myself when Bryce touched her. God, this was going to be a long year of being unable to mark my mate. Channing protested, “She recognizes us as her mate though.” I told him, “She’s sixteen. Channing grumbled, “She’s ours.” There we agreed. I felt a magnetic pull to her. I couldn’t stop myself from hugging her. Channing linked, “KISS HER!” I linked back, “I’m working on it.” Channing grumbled, “You’re slow.” I linked, “You’re very grouchy.” He retorted, “Kiss her, and I’ll be happy.” Jesus. He needed to find some chill. I sniffed her neck. I felt my canines extend, but I didn’t let them touch her. She jumped back from me. Channing whimpered and my canines went back to normal. She started talking about my girlfriend. Channing snarled. Damn it Lisa! I relaxed when I realized she didn’t think it was Lisa. I quickly explained. She wanted a New Year’s kiss. She’d be my New Year’s kiss for the rest of our lives. I couldn’t handle her talking about leaving. I’d have to tell my parents who she was to me. I couldn’t be without her. Her mother wasn’t even protecting her. I’d give her money if that’s what it took. She could have every dime I had, but I’d keep Katie with me. I couldn’t help but laugh when she told me her mom’s boyfriend bought her a car that she couldn’t drive. That was nice of him. It pissed me off that her mom couldn’t be bothered to at least get her lessons. I helped her into my truck. She looked stunning. I’d never let anyone drive my truck. Not even Lisa. She even begged. She cried once, and I still refused. Not my truck. Katie though…It just felt right. I jumped in the truck and looked over. My breath caught. She quickly adjusted her skirt. I forced myself and Channing to remain calm. We were giving a driving lesson damn it. I managed to make myself get through the lesson with a raging hard on. I’d never wanted someone so badly in my entire life. I focused on driving. Katie did pretty well. She couldn’t park worth a damn, but that was fine. I was stunned when she said I looked my dad. How could she know that? Apparently, our family talk had been in view of her class. I linked, “Channing, where were you with that information?” He snorted, “I can’t tell when her eyes are on us, Keaton. I can smell her, but she was inside. The windows weren’t open. What do you want from me?! You don’t give me what I want so…I don’t feel super generous right now.” I wanted to laugh. He was wound up. He growled, “Kiss her and I’ll be nicer.” I told him, “Patience, little wolf.” He grumbled, “I’m not little.” That’s true. We were a large Alpha wolf. We talked about what this parking lot used to be. I linked Clara, “Can you order a meat lover's pizza to Katie’s apartment. Immy knows her address.” Clara replied, “Of course.” When Katie talked about not being able to roller skate as a child I was angry. I needed to fix this. How could her mother have her paying utilities and for groceries? Had my mate been cold at night in the winter? Sweating in the summer? Hungry? Fury filled me. Clara linked, “Pizza ordered.” I told her, “Great. Can you research who owns the property the old roller skate building is on?” Clara linked, “Um, sure. Are you going to buy it?” I replied, “Yes.” Clara snickered, “Does Katie like roller skating?” I told her, “She’s never been.” She didn’t say anything after that. I couldn’t take her roller skating, but I could take her to the ice skating rink. Emmett owned it. I linked Immy, “What days is Katie free?” Immy linked, “Work wise, she’s not working on Wednesday.” Perfect. We made a date. I drove back to her apartment. I’d worked here with Keith a few summers ago. It was a nice building, and Ken managed it well. I’d completely forgotten about the snacks. I was taken aback to learn Katie had a brother. Where the hell was he? Why was he letting her be treated this way? I would never let anyone treat Emma or Allison the way she was being treated. No matter how old I was. Channing snarled loudly in my head when Katie told us she didn’t know where her brother was. He abandoned his little sister? Prick! I parked next to her red mustang. My head snapped to hers when she started humming. I was pulled to her, and the song seemed to intensify the mate pull I was feeling. Channing and I were entranced by the song and her voice. I couldn't stop myself from picturing her naked beneath me. What the hell was that song? I closed my eyes trying to stay in control of my desires. I was pretty close to ripping both our clothes off in this car and ravishing her. When she touched my arm I couldn’t resist pulling her into my lap. Kissing her was heaven. I felt a tugging on my link. I told Channing, “If you let anyone get through right now, I’ll find a way to annoy you.” Channing snorted. No one got through though. I was starting to explore her body with my hands when someone knocked on the window. I huffed in annoyance. I could smell it was Ken. I didn’t bother to look at him when I rolled down the window for Katie’s sake. I could’ve heard him without it. I could’ve linked him. He relayed Emmett’s message. I told Emmett earlier I wouldn’t be home until closer to dinner. I linked Emmett, “I’ll be home after dinner.” Emmett linked, “Lisa’s shrill voice is going to have me or Alexandria committing murder if she stays here much longer. Or mom. Mom is probably going to win the race to committing murder.” I replied, “I’m sure you’ll handle it. I have dinner plans, big brother.” Emmett sighed, “You know….if this doesn’t tell you how much I love you little brother…nothing will.” I couldn't focus on him. I was focused on the song she’d been humming. Katie’s voice was hypnotic. I wanted to hear it again. We barely made it out of the car without clothes intact. I’m pretty sure I would’ve scared her if I ripped them off her. The second we were back in her apartment I had to pull her back into my arms. Her sweet moan was calling to me. I whispered her name and she shot away from me. The look of hurt on her face made me wince. What did I do? She ran to her room. I heard her talking to herself. I’d said the wrong name? I linked, “Channing? I swear…I said Katie.” He replied, “You did.” Ok, so how did I say the wrong name? I listened to her pep talk. So, she was hearing the song around me. I didn’t know what supernatural heard a song with their mate. She thought she was being hormonal. Oh god. How could her mother do this? She thought she was going crazy. My poor mate. Katie wasn’t her real name. Channing pouted, “I want to say her real name.” So did I, but we could wait. When she came out we talked. She tried whispering but I could hear her. She wanted to tell me her real name, but I couldn’t tell anyone. I would never tell anyone her secrets. Ever. She just didn’t understand that because her mother had never told her about mates. Or whatever the hell she was. I went to get the pizza. Ken wiggled his eyebrows at me. He linked, “Is she…?” I replied, “Don’t worry about it.” He laughed. Katie and I ate our pizza, and talked about my family. Her face held a wistful look when I talked about my siblings. It made me mad at her brother all over again. I’d find him. Somehow. I didn’t care what he was, he shouldn’t have left her alone. I was kissing Katie again when Emmett linked me, “Little brother, I cannot and I will not deal with this girl anymore. Get back home. Now.” I replied, “Your timing is shit.” Emmett growled in response. Lisa must be grating on his nerves. Channing sighed, “Lightening in pleading with me. She insulted them a lot. Mom had to leave the house.” Then it was past time I stepped up and handled this. It was my fault. I told her I’d see her later. She whispered her name. Channing purred, “Odette.” It was a beautiful and unique name. It suited her. I was struggling to leave her. Emmett linked me, “Keaton, I know you're at one of grandpa’s apartments. I’ll send someone to come get you if you aren’t here in ten minutes.” I replied, “I’m coming.” God. I chuckled at Odette talking to herself and the song in her head as I left. I made it to the lobby. I saw Ken. I said, “Take good care of her, Ken. I’ll see you in the morning.” He nodded in response. I went down the garage and gunned it home. The extra stop to see Ken had me pulling in the driveway at my home right at Emmett’s deadline. I jumped out of the truck. I heard an argument. My mom was on the phone, “They hid ALL the damn bows and arrows from me Haley. ALL OF THEM! OHHH!” My dad cautioned, “You can’t kill her.” Haley asked, “Who? What the f**k is going on? Do I need to pop over there and kick some ass?” Uncle Heath said, “Lex, calm down.” My mom shrieked, “SHE HIT MY SON! Now, she’s in MY HOME insulting our ENTIRE family! She’s such a b***h! I didn’t say I’d kill her. I just want to shoot her IN THE ASS because she’s a pain in mine! She has been since she showed up! Now she’s assaulting our son IN PUBLIC! She can’t even be smart enough to keep it behind closed doors. Has she been doing s**t like this and we didn’t know?! IS SHE ABUSING OUR SON CHASE?! OUR f*****g SON! Then you hide my bows! It’s only fair I SHOOT HER IN THE DAMN ASS!” I heard, “Thank you Haley.” My dad yelled, “HALEY!” Uncle Heath groaned. Haley must have conjured mom a bow and arrow. Haley asked, “What? It sounds like someone could use a damn arrow to the ass. From what little I heard…it did seem really f*****g fair. You know I like to be fair.” My dad yelled, “Dad! Stop her!” My grandpa retorted, “Hey, Frank is team arrow to the heart. She’s a horrid child. Some people just have to go, son” My dad growled, “DAD! Stop her!” My grandpa laughed, “Oh….your wife just blew past me, Chase. What was I to do? She’s so very fast. I am but a mere werewolf with my speed. I could not catch her” I snickered. My dad yelled, “You didn’t even try!” I heard my grandpa take a drink of something. Probably whiskey. He replied, “Well, if I did she might throw me over her shoulder and carry me around. That would be embarrassing. It happened enough when you two met. I don’t need a repeat. I’ve done my damndest to make sure it doesn't happen again. It’s been on my New Year's resolutions for years now. I can’t go breaking those. Go try to catch her yourself, son. Or let her do what she wants. I think that particular plan works out best for you, but that’s just me; and I’ve been married longer than you have. What do I know? Probably a thing or two. That’s what Frank knows.” I snorted and went into the house. I heard Lisa the second I entered the house. She was sobbing that something wasn’t fair. I sighed. I used my speed to enter Emmett’s office. They all whipped their heads to me. Emmett took a whiff of the air and looked at me with an eyebrow raised. Lisa shrieked, “HOW COULD YOU?!” She went to slap me but I caught her hand and squeezed. She shrieked in pain. I glared at her, “Don’t ever put hands on me again. Are we clear?” She gulped. Keith clapped. Emmett groaned, “Keith. That’s not helpful.” I let go of Lisa’s arm. She rubbed it. She told me, “You need to talk to your brother.” Channing growled. I told her, “The only thing that needs to happen is you not telling me what to do.” Everyone was looking at me in shock. Lisa threw her hands in the air, “What is the matter with you? You reek of that b***h!” I snarled at her. I told her, “Do not EVER call her that again. The only b***h here is you!” Lisa cried, “She turned you against me.” I snorted, “Oh, don’t blame her. You did a great job of that all on your own. You made me a joke. You toyed with my emotions. You got off on my pain. You lied to me. She had nothing to do with any of that. She’s actually nice to me. It’s refreshing.” Lisa snarled, “I can smell her all over you. We all can! You just met her. She’s a w***e!” Keith muttered, “Fuck.” I had her pinned against the wall. Channing took over, “NEVER SPEAK ABOUT HER!” Her wolf coward and submitted to mine. I turned to my brother who looked at me in shock. My dad was in the room with wide eyes. My grandpa raised his glass of whiskey to me. I asked Emmett, “Why are we here?” Lisa was sobbing behind me. I couldn’t be bothered to care after what she said about Odette. My mate was not a b***h. Emmett slowly answered, “It’s about the incident in school.” I growled, “For god’s sake! I didn’t do anything! She put this s**t out there in front of humans. I was minding my own goddamn business!” Lisa cried, “You were looking at her! It’s like she put a spell on you.” I whirled around and snarled, “You hit me because I looked at her?! Newsflash Lisa. WE. ARE. OVER! Would you like me to take bulletin board out about that?” Lisa cried, “You’re kissing other people and…” I snarled, “You’ve been f*****g other people. You even did that WHILE WE WERE TOGETHER! What the f**k does it matter if I kiss someone else?!” Alexandria said, “Maybe you should take a run, Keaton.” Lisa cried, “No, please Keaton. Talk to your brother. His punishment isn’t fair.” I snorted, “Talk to someone who cares. I stand by my brother and his decisions. Always.” She had disrespected Odette. She was lucky I didn’t rip her head off. She cried and reached for me. I backed away. She sobbed, “But Keaton….you didn’t even hear what punishment he gave me.” I asked, “Did you lose your wolf hearing? I told you, I don’t care what he decided. He’s the lead Alpha. What he says goes. If I ever disagree with him, you will never know about it. We keep that in the family which you aren’t and will never be. Are we done here?” Lisa’s sister Isla said, “God, please let us be done.” Lisa cried, “Shut up, Isla! He’s breaking my heart!” I snorted. Isla jumped up, “NO YOU SHUT UP! You broke his heart a long time ago! You use everyone around you! You’re such a b***h! You don’t even like Justin! You went after him when you found out I liked him. Then you kept saying you and Keaton were mates. Justin and I were growing closer. Then you just….LIED! Again. It’s like all you can do now. It’s all you’ve ever done. Anytime Justin starts talking to me you’re done with Keaton and you cry to Justin again. I told you I thought he might be my mate, and you still don’t care! I HATE YOU LISA!” Isla ran from the room crying. The whole room had gone silent. Lisa's dad asked, “Lisa, is that true?” Lisa snorted, “Take her side. You always do.” Her mother stood, “That’s not true, Lisa. We are always on your side. Your dad logged a dispute with Alexandria for you over your punishments. You know we love you.” Lisa rolled her eyes. Emmett said, “Alpha EJ Conners has offered to let you and your family stay in their pack for a while. I’m beginning to think that’s for the best.” Lisa’s mom sighed, “A break might be…” Lisa shrieked, “NO! I won’t go! I’m eighteen! You can’t make me. I belong here. I’m meant to be Lu…” Alexandria growled, “Finish that sentence. I DARE you.” Lisa went deadly silent. Emmett sighed, “I can make you, Lisa. Let’s be clear about that. Honestly, I don’t think EJ’s pack is far enough. You’re not reacting to this well. You’re lashing out at everyone. It’s not healthy or productive. I got a list of therapists from Princess Luna Haley Conners. I want you and your parents to pick one you are comfortable with. We will cover the costs, but Lisa you’ve got to talk to someone. What you’re doing is destructive. You nearly exposed yourself in front of humans. If not for Justin, you might have shifted. You struck one of the Alpha’s of this pack in front of humans, other supernatural’s, and your own pack. I know you think I’m being harsh, but honestly I’m being lenient because I remember being a teenager. Take my kindness and learn from it. For all our sakes.” Alexandria kissed Emmett. She said, “I’ll go talk to Isla.” I stopped her. I said, “I’ll go. I can relate the pain she feels best.” Alexandria nodded, “If you need me…” I told her, “I’ll link you.” Lisa cried, “Don’t leave, Keaton.” I turned, “You want me to go. I’m close to ripping your head off.” I walked out of the room as she cried. Man, that was getting annoying. Does she do anything but cry? Channing answered, “No.” My dad stood in my path. He asked, “Keaton, is there anything you want to tell me?” I frowned, “Umm….Lisa’s crying is getting really annoying?” My grandpa laughed. My dad sighed and moved aside. I was about to close the door when I heard my grandpa say, “Karma, Chase my boy. I’ve been waiting for this one to catch up to you. Like father, like son.” I closed the door. I had no idea what he was talking about. I shifted into Channing and followed Isla’s scent. I didn’t need to once I got close enough I could hear her crying. I shifted back and grabbed some shorts. I’d watched Isla grow up. I hated that she was broken-hearted. I sat down by her. She put her head into her hands and sobbed harder. I rubbed her back. She asked, “How….can….I…do…this….?” I said, “Shhh, Isla. It’s going to be alright.” She told me, “Every time he swears he’s done…she cries….her tears always have everyone backing down. No one cares about my tears! She’s my older sister. Why is she doing this to me?” I asked, “Does Justin know what you think? About being his mate?” She shook her head. She said, “Before she turned eighteen, Lisa would always borrow my things to hang out with him. I didn’t think anything of it. The family didn’t tell me she was cheating on you with him all these years. When I found out, I asked when it started. My brother told me…when he did I realized it was the night I told her I thought he was my mate.” She sobbed again. I closed my eyes. I’d been so wrapped up in my own pain, I didn’t see Isla’s. Form Isla’s standpoint, her sister borrowing her clothes wasn’t a big deal. If it had been to make Justin suspect she was his mate, that was a sick plot on Lisa's part to take her own sister's mate. I internally groaned. I needed to talk to Justin. I asked Isla, “So, Justin has no clue you think you're his?” She shook her head, “No, Lisa was always around if we hung out. I think he’s confused. Because we did start hanging out behind her back. He always asked if I was borrowing her clothes. I….she….she tricked him and now….How do I even deal with my mate being my sister’s boyfriend? The whole pack will laugh at me!” I sighed, “Hey, we all have things we’d be embarrassed if the pack found out. It’s understandable if you were sharing clothes that he got confused. Everyone knows I’ve been tangled up in your sister. Your sister has done some things…I’ve been so ashamed of myself for a long time.” Isla snorted, “You’re the future Alpha. What could she possibly do other than cheat on you? I do get that it hurts…but my sister is f*****g the guy I really believe is my mate. She wore my clothes so my scent would confuse him. My own sister.” I winced, “If he does turn out to be your mate, and she did that…it’s beyond f****d up.” Isla nodded. She was humiliated. I looked around. I didn’t see anyone. I dropped my voice, “I don’t go on many missions for my cousin Joe, because your sister told me I’m weak and I’d die. Your sister has also been giving me reports on how bad I am in bed since we first had s*x. It’s why I do so much more cardio than anyone else you’ve seen around here. I’ve been trying to please her and it never works. I’ve felt like the worst Alpha, boyfriend, and man for two years. Alpha’s are supposed to be good in bed. I’ve honestly been glad she didn’t give details to the pack so everyone isn’t talk about how bad I am.” Isla’s jaw dropped. She asked, “She did….what? But….but she got drunk with me and told me how amazing you were in bed! She…god she’s such a vindictive liar! I hate her, Keaton! I do!” I couldn’t really blame her. I didn’t know if Lisa borrowing her clothes was really about Justin. She still knew her sister thought Justin was her mate. It seemed incredibly cruel. I told her, “I’ll see what I can do.” Isla wiped her tears. She asked, “What can you do?” I tapped her forehead, “Don’t worry about it, little Isla.” I gave her a side hug. She told me, “I hope the new girl makes you happy. She’s very pretty.” Isla and Odette were in the same grade. Isla sighed, “I’d like to be her friend, but I know Lisa already hates her. Katie probably wouldn’t like me because of her. Lisa ruins everything for me.” I told her, “I bet Katie would like you. Immy likes you. They are friends.” Isla shrugged. I told her, “Talk to Katie tomorrow. She’s really nice.” Isla laughed, “For the look of rage of Lisa’s face when she got a whiff of you, I’d be that girl’s best friend…lackey…whatever she wanted.” I snorted, “Stick with friend.” I linked Justin, “Meet me near the border with the Conners in five minutes. Come Alone.” Justin replied nervously, “Are you going to beat me up?” I retorted, “I didn’t beat you up when I found you f*****g my girlfriend. Why would I start now?” He didn’t answer. I told Isla, “It will be ok.” She whispered, “I don’t know how.” I told her, “I’m going to help. I swear.” Isla cried, “I’m sorry I wished you were her mate. You deserve better…I just wanted her to leave Justin alone.” I sighed. I told her, “It’s not your fault. Do you want Alexandria to come talk to you?” She nodded, “I don’t want to hear from my mom how Lisa and I are sisters and we will get over this. I don’t want to get over it. She hurts my feelings all the time. It’s like she hates me.” I said, “I don’t think she hates you. As far as getting over it maybe one day. After therapy. Individually and together. If Keith did that to me…or any of my siblings I would be incredibly hurt. I can get your brother out here if you’d like.” She told me, “After I talk to Alexandria I’ll talk to him.” I linked Alexandria, “Isla wanted to talk to you then her brother.” She linked, “I’ll let him know. I’m on the way.” I asked Isla, “Will you be ok while you wait for Alexandria?” She nodded. I shifted and took off for the border. Justin was waiting. I shifted back and grabbed some shorts. I glared at him. I told him, “I hate you.” He said, “I don’t really like you either.” I snorted, “Does Isla smell good to you?” He looked confused, “Lisa always tells me Isla borrows her clothes. Sisters do that kind of thing.” I told him, “Isla says it’s the other way around. Since Lisa is a pathological liar, I’m going with believing Isla. You’re hurting her, Justin. Stop.” Justin frowned, “I’d never hurt Isla!” I asked, “So, you didn’t tell her you were done with Lisa and started hanging out with her to then flaunt it to the pack you and Lisa were together?” Justin looked away. He whispered, “That wasn’t supposed to hurt Isla. Our families constantly talked about us being mates. She smells so good….but so does Isla. You know how it is with Lisa’s tears. I can’t take it.” I asked, “What about Isla’s tears?” Justin’s hand went to his chest. He growled, “She’s never cried!” I said, “She’s sobbing right now. You know Lisa’s not your mate, but Isla could be. I’d shape up before you get rejected, but that’s just me.” I turned around to leave. Justin whispered, “Could…could you command me?” I whirled around, “What?” Justin said, “It’s her tears. I just can’t do anything but give her what she wants. She’s got me doing things, Keaton…things I don’t want to do. Just command me to stay away from her. Please!” I gaped at him. I said, “I’m not the Alpha yet. I can’t command you. I can ask Emmett. Or you can. He might not believe it coming from me.” Justin said, “Your whole family hates me.” Before I could respond a shriek that could only come from Lisa sounded throughout our territory. I groaned. Justin and I both shifted and ran back to the pack grounds.
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