The Song Pt. 3

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Everywhere Immy and I went people looked at me with suspicion and curiosity. I finally asked Immy, “Is it me….or are people staring?” Immy offered, “You are new.” I snorted, “That’s evasive. They are looking at me as if I did something wrong, they don’t like me, or like I’m fascinating.” Immy tried again, “You are really pretty.” I sighed. She wasn’t going to answer me. We walked around the corner. I knew before the song started Keaton was around the corner. I could smell him. Like a weirdo. A super sniffing weirdo. Maybe this is why mom left Tennessee the last time. It made you crazy. I was fine in Nashville though. Keaton needed to cool it on the cologne….maybe not. It smelled so good. Who sells chocolate chip pancake cologne? No one. It’s probably body wash or deodorant. That made more sense. I watched a girl walk up to him and ask him out. My whole face fell. Was this going to be like this all year? Of course it was. His new girlfriend must not go to this school, and everyone saw him and Lisa fighting this morning. This was going to be the longest semester ever. I heard Keaton agree to go only as friends with a big group. Just like that I was happy again. I didn’t have to think about Keaton with that girl. I needed to get out of driving lessons. I felt this way after a brief encounter this morning. My emotions were all over the place. My period must be about to start. That’s what’s going on. Clearly. That must be it. I was irregular, but my mom said it was nothing to be worried about. It was apparently normal to have four periods a year. Whatever. Maybe I was getting one early. That’s all this is. Immy nudged me when the teacher asked me to introduce myself. UGH. It had been an entire day of this. Everyone knew my name by now. Someone in the back coughed, “Snitch!” Huh? I looked back. The girl flipped me off. Suddenly her chair knocked over. Immy loudly said, “Serves her right.” What the heck just happened? Did her desk have a wobbly leg? The girl flushed and picked her desk back up, and sat down saying nothing the rest of class. When school ended Immy practically ran out of the school with me. I asked, “Where are we going?” Immy smiled, “We are to your place.” Ok. I asked, “What about driving lessons?” Immy said, “We’ll get there.” We blew past Kenneth who looked like he wanted to ask me something. Immy sat me down on my bed. She said, “Ok…” She opened her backpack and pulled out a ton of makeup. She quickly did a touch up on mine and then went into my closet. Immy squealed, “This is perfect!” She came back out with a green plaid skirt that would come to my mid-thigh, a black belt and off the shoulder long sleeve top. I gaped, “You want me to wear that?” She said, “Yes, now go change.” I objected, “But…” Immy said, “Nope. Go change.” I sighed. My legs would look great….so would my waist and boobs….He has a girlfriend Odette…I grabbed the clothes. I could look nice. This wasn’t about Keaton. Nope. No. No. I could just look good. Immy clapped when I came out. She fluffed my hair then said, “Perfect! Let’s go.” Kenneth tilted his head when we left. He called, “Imaghen Miller, what are you up to?” Immy yelled, “No time to talk, we don’t want to be late!” Kenneth laughed. We walked over to this place that looked abandoned. I was behind Immy, but I heard a car door shut. I peeked around her. Keaton was wearing the same thing he had been at school. The song started full force when he looked into my eyes. He smiled at me then looked down at me. I blushed. He growled then looked at Immy. A man pulled up into the parking lot, and got out. Keith and May were in his car. He said, “Ok, Immy let’s go.” He smiled at me, “I’m Bryce Miller.” I shook his hand. Keaton growled. Bryce laughed, “What can you do?” I asked, “I’m sorry?” Bryce smiled, “Nothing to be sorry for. Good luck, Katie Karlton.” I frowned, “With what?” Bryce laughed then said, “Immy, car.” She hugged me and whispered, “Have fun.” She ran to the front seat and jumped in. May gave me a thumbs up. Keith winked at his brother. I turned back around. Keaton was right in front of me. He touched my arms. The feelings, I now decided was tingling started. Why was it only with him? He pulled me in for a hug. I nearly jumped into his arms, and wrapped my legs around him. The song was happily humming in my head. His touch made it happier. What the hell? He has a girlfriend, Odette. Girlfriend. I nearly moaned when his nose touched where my neck meets my shoulder. I jumped back. I stuttered, “Umm…your girlfriend probably wouldn’t like this.” Keaton shrugged, “I don’t have a girlfriend. Lisa and I broke up.” I frowned, “But she said you kissed someone else.” Keaton rubbed my cheek with his thumb. He said, “It was a New Year’s Kiss. I am single.” I sighed, “I’ve never had a New Year’s Kiss.” Keaton whispered in my ear, “I’ll kiss you next New Year’s.” I shivered. Then muttered, “If I’m still here.” Keaton growled, “You will be.” I told him, “My mom likes to move around a lot. She’s thinking about having a kid though with her new boyfriend so maybe I’ll get to finish school here.” Keaton confidentially told me, “You will.” I felt lighter knowing he didn’t have a girlfriend. I looked at his truck. It was large. Good thing this parking lot didn’t have anything I could back into. Keaton asked, “So, do you just want to learn how to drive?” I smiled, “My mom’s new boyfriend got me a car. I just don’t know how to drive. I mean in theory I do, but I’ve never actually driven.” Keaton took my hand. He intertwined our fingers. The song was just softly playing in my head. I smiled at our hands. He led me to the truck and opened the driver side door. I winked and jumped in. He’d left it running. I rolled down the window. I asked, “How do I look?” I flipped my hair. He immediately answered, “Stunning.” I blushed and rolled the window up. The scent of chocolate chip pancakes was overwhelming, but it was nice. He was in the passenger side faster than I could blink. Hey eyes went to my legs. He gulped. I looked down. My skirt had ridden up. I blushed and pulled it down. Keaton spoke through gritted teeth, “So, the right is gas, the left is the brake.” I laughed, “I know that Key.” His eyes went to mine. He had a soft smile. I wanted to kiss his lips. My eyes found his again. I gasped when I saw the raw desire staring back at me in his. I cleared my throat and looked out the front windshield. Keaton said, “Why don’t you adjust the mirror and the seat?” I laughed, “You are tall.” Keaton smirked, “This button adjusts the pedals. So you can bring them forward or back.” So I didn’t need to adjust the seat. He was adjusting in his though. I stole a glance over and blushed. He was definitely bigger than Luke. Score one for Immy on this outfit. I adjusted everything he’d instructed me to, then looked over at him. He said, “Ok, put your foot on the brake.” I did as he said. He instructed, “Put the car in drive.” I gulped and did as he said. He said, “Now, gently take your foot off the break and put it on the gas.” I was not gentle enough and we both slammed back into our seats. I screamed and slammed on the break and slammed forward. I whispered, “I am so sorry.” Keaton laughed, “It’s fine. I ran my dad’s car into another SUV we have when he taught me to drive.” I asked, “Why did he teach you so close to other cars?” Keaton winked, “He didn’t. I was going too fast and having fun. Then I panicked. I barely hit the SUV. My mom was worriedly checking us both over. She called her friend Haley. She’s a family friend, but I usually call her my aunt.” I asked, “Is she a doctor or something?” Keaton smiled, “Or something. Let’s try again.” I shook my head, “I could hurt your truck.” Keaton leaned over and held my hand. He said, “It’s metal and parts. The truck is replaceable. The important thing is the people inside the car. That’s what my dad told me, and he’s a smart man.” I smiled, “You look like him, Key.” His eyebrow raised. I blushed. He asked, “How do you know my dad?” I stuttered, “I…umm….well…he…was at school and I saw you guys outside.” Keaton laughed, “Foot on the gas, Katie.” I sighed. We had a few more stops and starts. He was a good and patient teacher though. I drove successfully around the parking lot several times. I parked. He laughed, “We will work on parking in spaces next time. You’re not quite in the lines of this space.” I shrugged. I asked, “What did this place used to be?” Keaton said, “It was a roller skate rink.” I sighed. Keaton asked, “What?” I admitted, “I always wanted to go to one. My elementary school always had school nights at them. No matter which school I was in. I could just never go.” Keaton frowned, “Why not?” I looked down, “I couldn’t afford it. I was by myself. When I was old enough to get a job, I had to pay for utilities in my apartments. Rent was covered but it was up to me to get food and things like that. With school supplies…I just couldn’t go out to things like that. I’d probably fall on my ass anyway.” Keaton looked angry. He turned away and looked out the window. He said, “There’s an ice skating rink here. Have you been?” I shook my head. He asked, “Would you like to go with me?” I teased, “Like a date, Key?” He looked me dead in the eyes, “Yes, Katie on a date.” I nodded yes, unable to say words. The voice seemed smug now. Seriously. How do I make that thing shut up?! Now it had feelings…and I was referring to my own head as an it. UGH. Keaton said, “Great. Immy said you don’t work Wednesday. We can go then if you’re free.” I laughed, “When did you ask Immy about my schedule?” Keaton winked, “I have my ways.” Whatever they were doing it was clearly texting magically. I’d swear his phone was still in his pocket. I said, “A man of mystery. I like it.” He laughed, “Let’s switch. I’ll drive you home.” He got out, and I just slid over into the passenger seat. We drove to my apartment in a comfortable silence. I asked, “What’s with all the snacks?” He smacked his head with his hand. He said, “I got those for you in case you were hungry.” I laughed, “How much do you think I eat?” Keaton blushed, “I just didn’t know what you liked.” I smiled and grabbed the funyuns. I admitted, “My brother used to buy these for me. When I was learning to read, I always called them funyums. He always laughed.” Keaton asked, “Where is your brother?” I looked out the window and whispered, “I don’t know.” I didn’t ask how he knew where I lived. Immy probably told him. He punched in a code for the parking garage. I asked, “Uhh what?” Keaton laughed, “This is my grandpa’s building. I know the codes for all his buildings. Keith and I worked maintenance here a few summers ago. Which spots are yours?” I pointed, “That red mustang is mine.” Keaton smiled, “We can take that out next lesson if you want.” I clapped, “Really?” He laughed, “Yes.” The song was demanding in my head. I just didn’t know what it was demanding. So I tried to hum the melody quietly hoping that would appease it. Keaton pulled into a spot. I kept humming. I looked over realizing Keaton was breathing hard. His hands were clenched. I asked, “Key?” I put my hand on his. His eyes snapped open and he pulled me into his lap. Then his lips were on mine. It was bliss. His hands were on my hips. I put mine in his hair. I was instinctually tugging on it. He growled. I shivered with desire. His growl was doing things to me. I was so past normal. If I’d thought the song was smug before….now it was downright gloating. His hands were moving up to cup my breast. I wanted that more than I could express. My body was aching for his touch. A rapt on the window had me pulling back and screaming. Keaton growled this time it sounded annoyed. He didn’t look away from me. He rolled the window down. He asked, “What Ken?” I was mortified. Kenneth said, “Your brother link…called.” What was a link call? Was that an app? Kenneth continued, “He needs to see you in fifteen minutes.” Keaton said, “I’ll tell him I’ll be home after dinner. I ordered a pizza for Katie and me.” When did he do that? Kenneth raised an eyebrow. He smiled at me then waved. Keaton rolled up his window and I leaned into his shoulder and groaned, “I just need the earth to swallow me whole.” Keaton chuckled, “No, you don’t. You have a beautiful voice, Katie.” I blushed, “Thank you.” He asked, “What’s that song?” I shrugged. I really didn’t know. I looked back at him, and ended up looking at his lips. He whispered, “If you want to get upstairs for the pizza. We need to get out.” I scrambled off him. What was wrong with me? I just met him. He led me over to the elevator. I pushed the button for my floor. I nervously played with my keys before I walked into my place. I put my stuff down. I held out my arms, “So…this is home. For now.” Keaton nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back so I was flush against him. My heart was racing. He kissed my neck. I couldn’t stop my moan. I felt his teeth scrape my neck. The song was pulsing in my head. I needed to push him away, but I pulled him closer. He whispered, “Katie….” It was like a bucket of ice water was poured on me. I pulled back from him. He frowned. I said, “I’ll…be right back.” I ran to the bathroom in my room. I looked at myself in the mirror, “He doesn't know. You can’t be upset.” But I was. I wanted to hear him say my name. My real name. I whispered, “You cannot tell him your real name. You don’t even know him, but it feels like you do….what is that with the song? Stop that….stop with the feelings and hissing, singing, and gloating. It’s just period hormones. That’s all this is. I am not crazy. I’m not upset that he said Katie. He thinks that’s my name. Of course he said Katie. UGH!” I flushed the toilet as if that was why I was in here. I ran the water in the sink, and walked back out. I jumped when I saw Keaton standing in my room. He asked, “Did I do something wrong?” I shook my head, “No.” Keaton continued, “If I’m moving too fast….” I held up my hand, “You did nothing wrong, Key. I just….I can’t really explain it.” Keaton moved to me, “Try. I’ll never hurt you, Katie. Ever.” I asked, “What if when….what if when we are alone you don’t call me Katie?” He asked, “What would I call you then?” I whispered so low there was no way he’d hear, “My name.” Somehow he did hear me. He asked, “Isn’t Katie your name?” I gasped, “Do you have super hearing?” Like me? Was he like me? He smiled, “Something like that.” Something dawned on me. I asked, “Did you hear me….talking to myself in the bathroom?” Keaton bit his lip trying not to smile. Oh god. He had. I needed to stop talking to myself so much. He looked at me, “You don’t have to tell me. We have time.” I twirled my hair with my fingers. I shrugged, “It’s silly. You’d have to call me Katie around everyone else.” Keaton shrugged, “I can keep a secret.” A knock sounded on the door. He went to answer. It was the pizza. He said, “I hope you like meat lovers. I should’ve asked.” I smiled, “I’m not really picky. Meat lovers is just fine.” We ate and he told me about his family. I was jealous of all the siblings he had. They all seemed really close. Eventually he said, “I’ve got to go. Emmett is probably going to be pissed.” I laughed, “He looked mad today. His umm…” Keaton offered, “Wife.” I smiled, “His wife had to calm him down. They look really happy. Like your parents. I swear your mom came out of nowhere for your dad.” Keaton tilted his head, “My dad was upset?” I nodded, “Oh yeah. She was calming him down. I’m pretty sure she was back to being upset the second he calmed down.” Keaton laughed, “Sounds like my family.” He pulled me close. He leaned down slowly. My lips parted. The song gloatingly began again. I internally whispered, “Cool it.” It did not work. He gently licked my lip. His tongue slid into my mouth. If there was an award for best kisser…Keaton would win. Hands down. His hand was sliding up again towards my boob when he growled and pulled back. He looked annoyed. As if he was talking to someone, but no one else was here. He sighed, “I have to go. I’ll see you later, Katie.” It hurt my heart again. I whispered, “Odette.” His head snapped to mine. I told him, “My name is Odette.” He tucked my hair behind my ear, “A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl. He gently nipped my ear and whispered, “My girl. Goodbye Odette.” The song in my head practically started shouting. At least both of us liked him using our real name. My heart was beating so fast hearing him call me his girl. I never had anything like this with Luke. He never made me feel this way. Keaton walked to the door with my hand in his. He didn’t seem to want to leave any more than I wanted him to. He kissed me again. He pulled back, closing his eyes. He said, “Lock the door behind me.” I whispered, “Ok.” He kissed my forehead, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Odette. Would you like a ride to school?” I nodded. He kissed my forehead again, “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I whispered, “Bye Key.” I closed the door behind him and slid down the door. “Well you and me little annoying song….we are in trouble with that boy.” I stood up after several minutes and went back to my computer in the guest room. I sighed and sat down. I needed to see if any other Lux’s emailed me. I really needed to find Lux before Mr. Vennox did. I needed to warn him he might be in danger because I was looking for him. I should probably read Mr. Vennox’s emails too. He did mention the song thing….maybe he knows what that is. Maybe he knows how to stop it. I didn’t have to see him to ask that. Right? He couldn't have anyone lock me up if he couldn’t find me. He was probably mad. I did duck out on them. I took a deep breath and fired up my laptop. Time to face the music. OHH the song :) What do we think about Lux and Vennox? Who are Noxus and Caspian?
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