The Song Pt. 2

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I didn’t wake up until I heard pounding on my door. I pulled the sheet over me. Did Mr. Vennox and Beatrice find me? Terror gripped me until I heard, “Katie, open up! Kenneth said you were sad yesterday! We are here to cheer you up!” I sighed in relief. It was Immy. I checked my phone. I’d slept an entire day away. I yelled, “Give me a second!” I got up and cleaned my face off and brushed my teeth. I threw on some sweatpants and a tank top. I ran to the door and opened it. Immy stood there with a girl and guy. The guy's jaw dropped. He said, “Wow, Immy. You weren’t kidding. She’s gorgeous.” Immy laughed, “I can’t lie silly. Katie, this is my best friend Lee and this is my good friend May. You two had to meet because May likes Keith and you like Keaton.” May and I gasped at the same time. I blushed, “I don’t even know Keaton!” Lee snorted, “You’re already together in Immy’s mind. It’s best to just jump on the train, Katie.” May muttered, “Keith and….” Immy cut her off, “I noticed you snuck away on New Year Eve, May. Where did you go?” May flushed. Immy clapped her hands then pointed her index finger at May. She said, “AH HA! You went to see Keith. Which means he invited you. It also means you're sneakier and smarter than Lisa. Which we knew, but you proved it. Bravo to you. We are celebrating.” She produced Several vodka bottles from her bag. I laughed. Immy said, “Let’s go inside before Kenneth snitches.” I laughed, “He’s not even in the hallway.” Immy pushed us inside. She said, “He could come check. I snagged these from the party to celebrate with you, Katie.” I smiled. She was sweet. I told her, “I’ve never drank before.” Immy squealed, “YES! We get to see her drunk for the first time! Don’t worry. We’ve got your back, Katie.” I smiled. Immy went to the kitchen. She got everything out and then began to mix drinks. I asked, “How do you know how to do that?” Immy smiled, “My oldest brother’s ma…I mean wife is a bartender. She teaches me things. Adlee is SO COOL.” I smiled. She handed me a drink. It tasted good. I sipped it walking to the couch. Once everyone had their drinks. Immy announced, “May is first. Tell us about Keith.” I bit my lip. May sighed, “We….He’s my boyfriend.” Immy squealed, “FINALLY! Jesus. Did you ring in the New Year with a bang?” She winked. I laughed. May flushed and whispered, “Maybe.” Lee said, “Oh come on!” May laughed, “I’ll say the rumors are true.” Immy squealed. I asked, “What rumors?” May blushed. Lee answered, “The rumors about him being a generous lover.” May laughed and hit him in the arm. I sipped my drink more. Immy asked, “So Katie, tell us about you?” I finished my drink. Immy said, “Hold on.” She grabbed my drink and gave me another. I chugged it. Lee said, “Whoa….” I asked, “What about me?” Immy looked worried. She asked, “Where did you live before here?” I laughed, “I’ve lived a lot of places. I’m from Tennessee though. Before I came back, I lived in New Mexico.” Wow. I needed to stop talking. I felt loose and light. Immy asked, “What about your friends?” I shrugged, “I tend not to make friend. My mom didn’t like my last ones. It’s why we moved from Tennessee. I was kind of making friends in New Mexico. I mean they invited me over for Thanksgiving. That’s friends right? They wanted to tell me something, but my ex popped up like the bad habit he is.” Lee interrupted, “Like he literally popped up?” I snorted, “No, he walked. People don’t pop.” Immy snickered. I continued, “Anyway, he brought several of his friends and they attacked me. He was mad about how I spoke to him the last time we talked or something. He’s insane.” They exchanged looks. I snorted, “I swear to you guys that wolves scared them off. Then my friend showed up. I tried to tell her to get out of there. It was so weird. The wolves acted like they couldn’t cross some line. My ex and his friends just stood there. Ten on one, man. I was so good though. My friend who taught me to fight would be so proud. I wish I could tell her. Why doesn’t anyone memorize numbers anymore? It’s just in my phone she gave me. I didn’t look at the numbers. Now, I won’t get to talk to her until I’m eighteen because my phone took the phone. Over something so silly. Could’ve just memorized the number but noooooo. I couldn’t possibly do that. I can’t blame myself for not remembering my brother's number. I was five when he vanished.” Immy interjected, “You have a brother?” I hiccupped, “Yup. He raised me. Looking back I realize that wasn’t fair to him. He was a kid too. He probably resents me, and that’s why he didn’t ever look back. I’d leave our mom too if I could. I still look for him though. That’s something of a disaster. Now, I’m creating problems. Maybe I’m just havoc. I wreak havoc into people’s lives, and that’s why my mom wants me to be a solitary creature. You guys should save yourselves.” Lee and May were quiet. Immy snorted, “f**k that bullshit.” I gaped at her. She pointed a finger at me. She said, “You listen here, we are friends. I’ll get you to memorize my number. You’re stuck with me. I’ve decided. Now, let’s go back to the wolves.” Lee coughed. Immy asked, “What? She brought it up. Ohh she needs another drink.” I giggled, “I do. They are so good.” May bit her lip. I said, “I like you, May. You’re pretty.” She laughed, “Thanks. I like you too. I feel at ease around you.” I chuckled, “Like family. Well, not that I would really know. I’ve seen families around each other though.” May and Lee exchanged looks. Immy came skipping back with a drink. She sat down dramatically. She sat forward with her hands on her face and elbows on her knees. She said, “Ok, so the wolves.” I snorted, “I probably imagined them, but Luke and his friends looked like they were going to pee their pants when they started howling. I probably should’ve been concerned they were going to eat me, but that thought actually didn’t cross my mind. I thought ‘I’m saved.’” I chuckled and added, “How crazy is that? Anyway, I woke up in the hospital. My could’ve been friend’s dad brought me there. I’m sure my mom’s boyfriend paid the bill. She was so embarrassed. I embarrassed her. She kept telling me I shouldn’t have made my ex mad. She was so insulting to my could’ve been friends family.” I wiped a tear away, “After all they did to help me. She was so rude to them. They probably hate me now. I had my friend’s email address at my place, but we left without going back. My mom drove us straight out of there. I never really got to thank her dad. I barely thanked her when she snuck into my room.” May asked, “Have you met people like her before?” I snorted, “Oh gosh. She asked that too. I’ve been in a lot of high schools. There are always those model pretty girls with their boyfriends who are seriously into weightlifting that stick together. Like you guys.” I pointed to them. They were all model pretty and Lee looked like he spent most of his time in the gym. I sighed dreamily, “Her and her boyfriend were the sweetest. I want someone to love me like that. He doted on her, but she could hold her own. He backed her up sometimes, but let her handle things on her own. The man wouldn’t throw a dodgeball at her. I swear he growled at one guy who did. That guy had a black eye later, but I must have imagined that because the next day that guy was fine…but…nooooo….I can’t have that. My mom wants me with the abusive ex. In her head we are practically married. The woman doesn’t know what year it is or something.” Immy snorted, “Not on my watch! Hell to the no. There will be no abusive ex’s. I’ll sic Malachi, Clara, Annie, Tony Jr, Judy, AND Bryce on him. OHHH and Keaton. Let’s sic Keaton on him. He’s looking so muscular lately. Not being around Lisa is the best thing for him! He’s no longer hunched over. He stands tall. It’s a good look.” I smiled softly. I started to hum to myself. I realized everyone was silent. I looked up. Immy squealed, “SING FOR US! OH MY GOD HER HUMMING IS AMAZING!” I laughed, “It’s just humming.” Immy disagreed, “It was an angel’s chorus. Are you enrolled in choir? If you’re not we will be fixing that IMMEDIATELY!” May laughed, “Immy….” She shrugged, “What? If you can’t use the fact that your family owns most of the things around here every once in a while for noble causes like getting Katie into choir….What good is it?” I snorted, “I’m in choir.” Immy said, “Good. Go on. Sing for us.” I chuckled and sang Warrior by Avril Lavigne. They all gaped at me when I was done. They looked somewhat entranced. I sighed nostalgically. I missed singing with The Rebels. Immy clapped, “You are so good. Like get you a record deal good.'' I gasped, “You guys have to help me! My mom’s boyfriend sent me all these outfits for Christmas, and I don’t know what to wear for the first day of school. I’m so out of practice at getting presents.” May and Immy jumped up and ran into my room. Lee groaned, “Now you’ve done it, Katie. I hope you like being dressed up because…they will make you put on every single outfit now.” I laughed and went into my room. They did in fact make me try on every single outfit. Several were deemed too serious for the first day of school. Cute date outfits for the dates I’d be having with Keaton apparently. According to Immy anyway. We settled on skinny jeans, with a green tank top and black shirt over it with a green and black scarf. When they were leaving Immy said, “Oh, your first driving lesson with Keaton is after school.” I laughed, “Oh yeah?” Immy smirked, “Definitely. I promise.” May and Lee gasped. I snickered and shut the door. I really liked them. I opened my laptop and checked my email. I gasped. I had several from Mr. Vennox. Crap. I shut the laptop as if it burned me. I stood and paced in front of the laptop. I went to look at his email several times before I convinced myself to walk away. I needed to get through the first day of school. I was overly anxious about it. I didn’t know why. I’d gone through a million first days before. Immy had asked me when I wanted to get three. I replied I’d be going pretty early. She thought I was a nerd. I loved how she said it affectionately. In reality, I was going because I couldn’t sleep. I just felt like something big was going to happen. Which was crazy. It was just another first day. I managed to get four hours of sleep before I got into the shower. I almost went with a different outfit several times. I forced myself to put on what Immy and May picked out. Kenneth was up front when I went downstairs. He laughed, “You’re leaving early. The school bus won’t be at its spot for hours.” I shrugged, “I can walk.” Kenneth interjected, “Nonsense. My brother Keith is outside. He can take you.” Before I could say anything else I was swept outside and shoved into an SUV. Kenneth said, “Keith, Katie, Katie, Keith.” He shut the door without saying anything else. I turned to the man beside me. I said, “I am so sorry. I can walk to school….” Keith laughed, “Nonsense. I used to take Emma Daniels to school every day.” I snorted, “Were you her guard dog?” Keith laughed loudly. Eventually when he stopped he told me, “Something like that, yeah. My brother Kincade does security for the Daniels. So do I actually.” I asked, “So it’s a family business.” Keith smiled, “I guess you could say that.” I offered, “You and Kenneth look alike.” Keith howled with laughter again. He admitted, “I can’t believe after all those years of insisting we call him Ken in professional settings he uses Kenneth. It makes my mom quite happy though.” I smiled, “Ken suits him.” Keith studied me when he parked the car. He said, “There’s something very familiar about you.” I sighed, “I get that a lot around here.” Keith laughed, “Don’t be a stranger, Katie Karlton.” I got out of the SUV. Kenneth must have told him my full name. I shrugged it off and went inside the school. I was surprised there was someone in the office. She smiled at me, “Oh, our new student. I always get here early just in case. One new student my first year beat me here, and madder than a wet hen with myself. My southern sensibilities won’t let it happen again.” I smiled, asking, “Are you from Louisiana?” She grinned, “Born and raised in the bayou.” I smiled, “I lived in West Monroe for a while.” She squealed, “Heavens to Betsy! I’m from Bastrop!” I smiled, “I’ve been there. It’s very pretty.” She smiled, “I’m Riley Montague. My husband, Marshall and I live in the town over from here. The man gets so worked up about me being in this school district instead of ours, but this was where the opening was when I came here after we met in London. I love this area, and the school. If you need anything, come see me. You hear?” I nodded, “Thank you Mrs. Montague.” She laughed, “Just call me Riley. Here’s your schedule. Your locker is down this hall to the left. Locker one hundred and five. I can take you.” I shook my head, “No, that’s ok. I’ll get the lay of the land this way.” She smiled again, and I went on my way. I began to smell chocolate chip pancakes. My mouth actually watered. Tears filled my eyes. Lux used to make me chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. I've refused to eat them ever since. I quickly wiped my tears. This was silly. I sighed when the smell got stronger. Great. Someone was going to walk by me with chocolate chip pancakes. Perfect. Keep it together, Odette. Do not cry on your first day. I heard someone yell Keaton’s name. He was here? I heard shoes squeak around the corner. I gazed up into the most stunning hazel eyes. There was even a fleck of gold in them. Someone began to sing a song. I was entranced by his eyes and the melody of the voice. It sounded like my own voice to be honest. I touched my lips to make sure I didn’t just burst into song like I was in a Disney movie over a mouthwateringly hot guy. I was getting lost in the song. There weren’t even words. It was the most beautiful Oh’s and ah’s I’d ever heard. The desire to sing was about to overtake me. Keaton’s eyes briefly flashed black. Gosh, there goes my active imagination again. He said mine. The song continued in my mind until the guy beside Keaton said something. I realized that it was Keith that had spoken. I looked at the locker in confusion. It was one hundred and five. The combination opened it. Do we have to share a locker? Surely Riley wouldn’t make a mistake like that. I quickly explained. Keaton seemed confused. Every time I looked at Keaton the song began. He walked closer and the song grew louder. I was forcing myself not to sing. I was crushed to realize he thought he just didn’t know me. He didn’t know I was a transfer student. He introduced himself. I decided to call him Key. It fit with his name, and I heard a song when I looked at him. The song just happened to be in the most beautiful key I’d ever heard. I almost told him my real name. Everything in me wanted to hear him say Odette. When we touched the song started with gusto, and it felt like a pleasant electricity lit through me. I quickly apologized. The static in the air was going to be my downfall. I wanted to touch him again already. He wanted my schedule. My brain wasn’t working. What schedule? I felt like my schedule should be to follow him around and hear the song. He wanted to show me around. I laughed. Immy might have a heart attack if I didn’t let her give me a tour. Plus, if he gave it to me I’d never learn where anything was. Keith tried to correct me on Keaton’s name. I couldn’t tell them why I was calling him Key. Hearing a song in your head was weird. They would think I was crazy. I might be crazy. What was wrong with me? I was just inspired by Keaton. That’s it. I wrote songs sometimes. He was….my muse. That was it. My phone buzzed. Immy: I’m here so early. Did you sleep in? Me: No, I’ll be right there. I’m inside. I excused myself. The song turned sad. Well, it could get in line. I wanted to run back to him. I decided to tease him about our driving lessons. That was going to be a joke. How could I learn from him when I couldn’t think around him? I wanted to know what his lips on mine felt like. I realized I hadn’t actually met Keith. Who seemed totally fine with me ignoring him. He was giving me a friendly smile. It held like he knew a secret. Maybe he did. I couldn’t stop myself from looking Keaton up and down. Immy was right. He was built. He was….beautiful. The song was going in my head again. When I reached Keaton’s eyes his were on mine. I was going to die of mortification. He knew I was checking him out! I practically sprinted away. The song quieted, but it didn’t stop. Was this going to happen all the time? Did I need to write this song to get it out of my head? I walked up to the front. Immy was standing with two older men. They were both smiling at her. These must be her dads. A sadness tugged at my heart. I’d never have that. Both looked at her with such love. My mom had never held a fraction of warmth like that for me. I smiled. Immy deserved that. Her dads were both giving me a look. Matt actually voiced that I looked familiar. Gosh, what was it with people around here? Why did I look familiar? It wasn’t like they saw me as a child. I wasn’t allowed around much, and we didn’t live in this town. They couldn’t know me. Immy and I talked about our morning. I almost squealed and I swear something in my head sang again hearing we had classes with Keaton tomorrow. I internally groaned, “Calm yourself voice.” Oh god. I’m talking to something in my head that sings. No. Stop that right now. I focused on Immy. She took me by a classroom. She said, “This is our homeroom.” I laughed, “I thought you wanted a cookie.” She smiled, “Oh, I deserve my cookie. Let’s go back to you calling Keaton, Key.” I laughed, “He’s my Key.” He was. She giggled, “That’s just so….adorable! Like a key?” She held up a keychain. I shook my head, “Like a song.” Immy squealed, “He’s your song?! That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard because you like to sing.” I let her think that. It was a better explanation than I heard a song in my head. My feet stopped walking. Mr. Vennox and Beatrice had talked about a song. Could…no. I shut that down. That was crazy. I talk to them about this. They would lock me up, and I could not go back to that place. I shivered thinking about being tied down on that bed. Immy touched my shoulder. She asked, “Are you ok?” I shook myself, “Just something unpleasant I remembered. Let’s get some juice. I need to take my medicine.” Immy asked, “Oh yeah. What’s that for?” I told her, “A blood disorder.” She scrunched up her face. I grabbed a juice and took my pill. Immy and I had just sat down when the song started again. I put my head in my hands when I smelled chocolate chip pancakes. My eyes darted over and once again the song rang out as Keaton and I stared at each other. Suddenly the voice stopped singing. It started hissing. It was angrier than I’d ever heard it. A fist hit Keaton. Rage poured into my veins. The hissing intensified. I looked away trying to get the hissing out of my head. When I turned back, the girl said something about him kissing someone. Tears filled my eyes. He had a new girlfriend. Not the crazy ex, but a new girl. Of course he did. I grabbed my bag and ran from the lunchroom as the hissing came back. Tears were falling from my eyes. I went to the front office. Riley looked up then frowned. She asked, “Katie, what’s wrong?” I wiped my eyes, “A girl named Lisa just assaulted Keaton Daniels in the cafeteria.” Her jaw dropped. She said, “Thank you for bringing this to the office. I’ll call his dad.” A man walked out of the principal's office. He said, “Send the student resource officer to make sure the fight broke up. Bring back other students. We do not condone violence in this school Ms. Karlton. I’m sorry that was your first impression of us.” I nodded and left. I ran to the bathroom and began to sing the song. It really was beautiful. I whispered, “I hope that’s what you wanted. Please stop. Don’t hiss…Don’t sing…just don’t. I need to be normal. You don’t understand how awful that place was. Please….don’t hiss at least.” I looked at my reflection. I sighed, “Maybe you should go back. You hear hissing in your head and you talk to it.” More tears spilled out. I walked to my homeroom and sat down. Immy texted asking where I was so I told her. I hoped Keaton was ok. I should’ve helped him. I could’ve taken Lisa. I smelled Keaton coming. The song began. At least it wasn’t hissing. Why did he come here? Was it to see me? He filled the doorway of my classroom. The intercom interrupted our staring contest. He was going to leave. I was desperate for him to stay so I spoke. He seemed to have forgotten he was punched in the face. Did she give him a concussion? My concern seemed to amuse him. I felt the electricity between us when I touched his face. He pulled me into him. I swear he smelled my hair. I smiled. I sat down in my seat. There was definitely something wrong with me. I’m smiling because a hot guy smelled me. He smelled me…Find this weird Odette. Come on….Nope. No part of me was weirded out I’d been smelled. I needed a therapist. As soon as possible. Immy came into class. She asked, “Are you ok?” I shrugged. She touched my shoulder. She didn’t shock me. She comforted me, “It will be fine.” Will it? Something in my head sang and hissed. It also made weird whistling noises around that lawyer. I could hear things I shouldn’t be able to, and Keaton had a new girlfriend who wasn’t me. I shook myself that shouldn’t be on the list. I don’t know him, but the thought of him with someone else made my heart clinch. I looked outside when class started. The teacher cleared her throat. She said, “Class, we have a student.” She looked at me, “Please introduce yourself.” I hated this part. I stood, “I’m Katie Karlton.” I sat back down. The teacher looked startled when I didn’t do the whole spiel about where I came from, but let it go. I sat back down. They were covering material my old school did in the first semester. The song started again. God, stop! I looked out the window and saw Keaton. I studied the group he was with. They were clearly his parents but they honestly looked like they weren’t old enough to have children that were seniors. Neither did Roxie’s dad though. There was a beautiful girl next to a man who also had to Keaton’s brother. His brother looked furious. Whatever Keaton told them had them all looking at each other in surprise. I wanted to look away but something lightly hissed in my head at the thought. So, like a creeper I watched them. They all turned somewhat suspicious about something in their conversation. Keaton and Keith eventually turned back to walk into the school. I watched his parents and the man who was clearly his older brother. Both women were calming down the men. His dad had been calm in front of him. Now he looked like if there was someone in front of him he didn’t like a little bit he’d rip their head off. His wife, Keaton’s mom, was running her hands up and down his arms. How did she get back to him so fast? She’d walked away. She was upset, but she was suddenly right back next to her husband. I shook myself and looked at his brother. The woman with him was holding him tightly twirling her fingers in his hair. I could literally see him calming down. He looked into her eyes with so much love I had to look away. I wanted that, with Keaton. Wait…WHAT?! What was wrong with me?! Now I’m thinking I want Keaton….to love me? I just met him. Stop it. Stop this. The bell rang and I shot up out of my chair. This place was making me go crazy. I ran to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I whispered, “Get it together.” Other people filled the bathroom. One girl smiled at me. The others looked suspicious. I sighed and walked out. Immy was waiting. She didn’t say anything which was new. We made it to our next class before anyone else. Immy said, “So….this morning has been very dramatic.” I snorted and started laughing. She joined me. She said, “Lisa was suspended. Well, in school suspension. That’s….so interesting.” I frowned, “Why? That’s what should happen. She assaulted someone.” Immy laughed, “Oh Emmett will handle things at home. That’s what usually happens.” I asked, “Is Emmett her dad?” Immy smiled, “No, he’s Keaton’s older brother.” I was confused, “Then how could he have anything to do with Lisa?” Immy said, “He’s…..her landlord and her family's boss.” Well, that didn’t seem fair to take it out on them, but she hit Keaton so screw her. Ok, that’s it. It’s official I’ve lost the farm.
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