The Song Pt. 1

4973 Words
Odette put away her presents from Jarchi. There were plenty of outfits for school. I loved them all. I wondered if he had fun picking these out. Every outfit was coordinated. I’d never had a purse, but now I had one for each outfit. They even came with jewelry. I couldn’t help but smile. Once everything was put away, I walked back into the living area. Unwanted tears filled my eyes. I was so lonely. Another Christmas spent alone. I used to pretend I had a big family. Lux and I used to use the stuffed animals his dad got me as guests at dinner. My mom got rid of all those when Lux’s dad got full custody of him. She felt so betrayed by it all. I still didn’t get it. She didn’t care about me or Lux. What did it matter that his dad loved him? I was happy for Lux. I just didn’t understand why he stopped talking to me. I didn’t have any way to contact him, but he could’ve asked mom for my email or something. When I cried and asked my mother what I did wrong, she said her and Lux were fine until I came along. I’d say that’s why she was apathetic about me now, but she was before Lux left. I shook off those memories. I looked outside and squealed when I realized it was snowing. I ran outside and spun around. I decided to take a quick walk. I reached a little park when I heard crying. I frowned and followed the sound. There was a guy sitting on a bench hunched over. I called, “Excuse me? Are you alright?” He looked up. I sighed. It was the guy that had been with Keaton’s awful ex. He wiped his tears. He shrugged. I closed my eyes. Just leave Odette…Just leave. Something had me walking towards him. I sat on the bench, but I didn’t say anything. Eventually he said, “Have you ever wondered what happened to your life?” I snorted, “All the time. What’s your name again?” He whispered, “Justin.” I said, “Well, Justin, sometimes we make tough choices. Sometimes choices are made for us, but life is what it is. You make the best of it. What brings you here on Christmas?” Justin sighed, “Lisa asked me to watch you.” I laughed, “You’re doing a very bad job. I found you. Also your girlfriend’s actually crazy.” I subtly pulled my phone out and pre-dialed 9-1-1. Justin laughed, “You know, she kind of is. Or maybe I am.” I frowned, “So break up with her Justin.” He put his head in his hands. He pulled at his hair. He told me, “I’ve tried. It’s just when she cries…..She’s my best friend. We transferred packs together. Our families are close, we’ve played together since we were babies. Everyone thought we would be mates until Keaton saved her when we were teens.” I frowned, asking, “Saved her from what?” Justin faltered, “Umm….she was almost kidnapped. Keaton saved her.” I felt a slight twinge of sympathy for Lisa. Keaton was her Melanie. Except I had no romantic feelings towards Melanie. It sounded like she had trauma bonded with him, though. It’s like she couldn’t let either guy go, and they were all suffering for it. Justin sighed, “When we first hooked up, she told me she was done with Keaton. That they had broken up. Keaton found us together. It seems she forgot to tell him they broke up. Keith, his twin, was my best friend until that day. He listened to me when I said she’d told me they broke up. It was the second time Keaton found us together that he cut me off. Lisa was my only friend after that. I kept thinking the fact that she would always come back to me meant we were supposed to be together.” I told him, “You’re awfully young to think that. Trust me, I’ve traveled all over this country. There’s a lot out there in this world, Justin. You should try dating. Figure out what you like and don’t. Not everyone can be what you need.” He laughed “You don’t understand. If you meet your other half, you will.” I pointed out, “Well, you appear to be saying Lisa isn’t your other half.” He shook his head, “Nope. She’s not mine or Keaton’s.” I thought it was strange he seemed so certain about that, but decided not to comment. Maybe he realized how awful and hateful she was. I’d met her once so I couldn’t see how he wouldn’t notice. It seemed pretty clear. Justin sighed, “I just can’t quit her. Neither can Keaton. It’s like we are both moths to the flame determined to be burned by it.” That infuriated me for some reason. I gritted my teeth and clenched my hands. I counted to ten in my head. I said, “Look, she’s got you out here, in the snow might I add, practically stalking me. You obviously know that’s wrong since you’re not doing it. It’s Christmas. You should be with your family.” Justin countered, “Shouldn’t you?” I winced, “We aren’t talking about me. Do you have a family?” Justin nodded. I asked, “And where is Lisa?” Justin shrugged then acknowledged, “With her family.” I raised an eyebrow at him letting him realize how ridiculous that was. He immediately defended her, “She needed to be with her family today. They are having a rough patch right now. Things….are getting out of hand. Keaton is acting weird. No…actually he’s acting like she’s not his other half. It’s still weird though.” I pointed out, “But she’s not his other half. So, him acting that way isn’t strange.” I felt oddly possessive about that fact. This conversation was so weird. Justin nodded. Then admitted, “I’m actually jealous. He seems really done this time. He’s said that before though. Once he’s around her more he’ll get pulled back in, like I do.” I asked, “Where is he?” Justin said, “He…needed some space. His family was more than happy to give it to him. They aren’t Lisa fans.” I nudged his shoulder, “It doesn’t sound like you are anymore either. You are just lonely, and she’s your friend. She’s your safety net…that’s honestly not safe. So, let’s say she’s just familiar to you. It doesn’t sound like she treats you right, either.” Justin sighed. I said, “Come on, Justin. Why would she even care about me? I’ve met her once.” Justin looked at me, “You’re pretty. Keaton will like you. Immy likes you. I think you’re beautiful. She’s threatened by you, and wants to know more.” I gaped at him. I shook myself, “That’s incredibly creepy and controlling. That’s not normal. She needs to seek help.” Justin sighed, “I should be mad you said that, but you’re probably right. I would get in so much trouble for this.” I nodded, “Stalking is a serious crime.” Justin laughed, “I didn’t mean with the cops.” I asked, “Then with who?” My mom wouldn’t even care. She might give him a key to my apartment. He smiled at me. Then he seemed startled. He asked, “You actually don’t know, do you?” I frowned, “The cops are the ones who care about stalking. So, no. I do not know.” Justin laughed, “Let’s say the person who would be upset with me is like….the chief of police. Or the mayor.” I asked, “You know the mayor?” He laughed again, “You’re funny.” I wasn’t but ok. I told him, “Get out of here. Go be with your family.” Justin retorted, “You too. Take your own advice.” He seemed like a nice guy, but I wasn’t about to give him personal details about me. He was still in the crazy girl's clutches. The trusting Odette was gone. I’d lost that part of me when I was kidnapped. I smiled at him as we got up. I began to walk away. Justin called, “Hey….I’m sorry if I’m different when I see you in school. I just….don’t…I’m different….” I responded, “With her. You know Justin, we all have people that bring out our best and worst. If she’s your worst, walk away. There’s nothing wrong with admitting you deserve more than she can give you. Particularly when she’s asking you to commit crimes. Even before this whole directive…she doesn’t seem to care about your feelings. Plus, it sounds like she isolated you from all your friends. She pitted you and Keaton against each other. It sounds like she turned all your friends against you so you only have her.” Justin looked down. He looked completely dejected. He muttered, “You’re right, but she’s the only friend I have.” I sighed annoyed with myself as I offered, “I’m new here. I can be your friend.” Justin’s head snapped up. He asked, “Really? People won’t like that.” I snorted, “People suck. I travel a lot, and high school is the same everywhere. There are cliques, and I don’t really fit into them.” Justin frowned, “You do.” I laughed, “People keep saying that lately actually. They seem confused when I disagree.” Justin frowned, “Yeah….” We stood there in silence for a few moments before I said, “See you at school, Justin. Just remember you deserve better.” He smiled lightly, “Thanks Katie.” I nodded and ended up back at the apartment. Kenneth had a strange reaction. His head whipped into the air. He asked me, “Did you have plans today, Katie?” I said, “No, I was just out for a walk. Ran into a….new friend.” I did tell Justin we could be friends. Kenneth raised an eyebrow but nodded. It’s like he knew who I was with. That wasn’t possible though. I shrugged it off and went upstairs. I unlocked my door and stepped inside. I closed the door and locked the dead bolt. I leaned my head against the door. I sighed, “Good job, Odette. A guy admits his psycho on and off girlfriend that he can’t get away from wants him to stalk you….and you’re dumbass told him we could be friends. What were you thinking?!” I wasn’t. I was usually more careful. There were just people like Roxie and her family that I felt comforted around. Justin was like that, and he shouldn’t be. Not as long as he’s with that crazy girl. I did feel a strange need to protect Justin though. Maybe from himself even. Why? I shook myself that didn’t make any sense. I didn’t know Justin really. I didn’t owe him anything. So, why did I have this instinct to try to help him? Why did I even go over to him in the first place? I was losing it. The loneliness was finally getting to me. I pushed away from the door. It was sad speaking with Justin was the most interaction I’d had with anyone today. Great. Now I was encouraging my wannabe stalker because I was lonely. I looked around my apartment. I hissed, “Hope you’re happy, mom. Now I have an ex-boyfriend who is a stalker, and possibly another stalker. I was happily talking to the potential stalker because I’m so lonely. Really, you’re doing a bang up job with this whole motherhood thing. Now, I’m talking out loud to you, and you aren’t even here!” I slapped the counter in the kitchen and put my head down. I was losing it. In the end I spent the rest of the night staring at a tree I’d decorated in a lonely apartment. I woke up on the floor of the living room. Crap! I quickly got ready and rushed downstairs. Kenneth said, “Miss Karlton, are you alright?” I yelled, “I don’t want to be late for work!” He frowned, “Your car….” I breathlessly answered as I pushed open the door, “I don’t know how to drive.” I heard him snicker. I ran all the way to the bookshop. Immy squealed when she saw me. She asked, “Did you have a good Christmas? We had such a good Christmas with some drama. It was so fun.” I laughed, “What was your drama?” This was clearly the right question because she launched into her story, “Well, before Keaton and Keith got home. Tony Jr, and Clara were like watchdogs and I couldn’t figure out why. Then Lisa showed up. They were all over her the second she got in sight of the house. I couldn’t hear them because they were too far away…but they were definitely arguing. Clara was red faced angry.” I remember both the people in this story were her siblings. Immy continued, “Clara is ride or die besties with Keaton. She’s so glad Lisa and Keaton are done. We all hope he’s serious this time, but I have the perfect thing to help him with that.” She winked at me. My heart skipped a beat as I rolled my eyes. Immy waved her hand, “Anyway, I mentioned to Daddy Matt that Lisa was going to get clocked by Clara if she didn’t watch it. Frank sprinted out the door. Everyone was confused. Something happened with Keaton and Lisa that only Frank knows about. That’s Keaton’s grandpa.” I nodded. Immy animated kept talking, “Clara and Tony Jr came back inside, but not Frank. He was still outside, using his hands and everything talking to Lisa. Chase was so confused. Everyone is confused. My siblings just can’t handle being confused. They all have to have their answers. So, I’m sure they will figure it out then I’ll know the whole juicy situation. Anyway, Lisa turned red…I’m pretty sure she was embarrassed and angry. Frank….was pissed off. She left with her tail tucked between her legs. I told Frank he needs to watch out because Lisa isn’t one to handle that well.” I snorted, “What can she do to an adult?” Immy shrugged, “Nothing she’d get away with, but she could do something. I think she will. She’s a serious psycho. Clara is watching her though. I think Frank is too. Girl has a lot of eyes on her now. She doesn’t seem to like it.” I laughed, “I doubt she does.” Immy rolled her eyes, “Her aura is pitch black anyway.” I tilted my head and asked, “Her aura?” Immy smiled, “Yes, you have a beautiful aura.” I smiled. Immy was a sensitive soul. Immy told me, “Keaton and Keith came back for Christmas. Lisa talked to Keaton and Frank was not about that. Now Chase is over at my house a lot asking Daddy Matt if he knows what’s going on.” I asked, “Why would your dad know?” Immy winked, “My dad knows a lot of things. Chase is always asking him things.” That was weird. How did Matt know, but Chase didn’t? I asked, “Are Keaton and Matt close?” Immy said, “Oh yeah. Our families are not blood related but we are family. Keaton’s locked down tight though. He used to laugh a lot, but not since he was thirteen.” I gaped, “He hasn’t laughed for five years?” Immy shrugged, “Not much, honestly.” That was sad. I muttered, “I could make him laugh.” Immy elbowed me and wiggled her eyebrows. I blushed, “I mean….that’s…” Immy took out her phone. She flipped it around. My eyes were stuck on the hazel eyes that seemed to look into my soul. Immy proudly said, “That’s Keaton and his twin Keith.” There were two of them? My eyes reluctantly left Keaton. I could see subtle differences between Keith and Keaton. No wonder Lisa was so crazy over Keaton. He was hot. Immy sang, “SO…..what do you think?” I laughed, “They are good looking, but I’m not focused on boys right now.” Immy smiled, “Enter Immy. I make everyone have fun.” She winked at me, and we got to work. After a few hours, I was putting some books on the shelf when I bumped into someone. I turned. An older man smiled at me. I asked, “Hello, How may I help you?” He said, “I’m just checking on you, my dear. How are you doing here?” I frowned, “Are you related to Immy?” He snorted, “Heavens no.” That didn’t make sense. Immy’s family owned this place. I asked, “Are you sure you’re looking for me?” He leaned down. I heard a hissing in my head. He said, “I am looking for you, Odette.” I gasped and jumped back. How did he know my name? Immy called, “Katie, are you done with….?” She trailed off when she saw us. The man said, “I’ll be going.” He quickly left the shop. Immy asked, “Are you ok, Katie? You look pale.” I clenched my hand into a fist so she wouldn’t notice it was shaking. She asked, “Do you know him?” I shook my head, “No.” So, how did he know me? Immy frowned, “He was whatever you are.” I asked, “Huh?” Immy laughed and skipped away. What I am? I slapped my head. Someone from out of town. That was obviously what Immy meant. I went back out front. Immy asked, “What are you doing for New Years?” I shrugged, “Nothing.” Immy frowned, “That won’t do. Why don’t you come to our house for New Years?” I laughed, “I’ll think about it, but I don’t know where you live.” Immy said, “Easy enough.” She texted me and I went back to my apartment. I had an email waiting. I squealed. There was a Lux that had emailed me back for an appointment. It was three hours from here. The appointment was on New Year's Eve. I quickly looked up bus tickets and purchased one with the money I’d made from the bookstore. I texted Immy I wasn’t sure about New Year’s Eve now. She told me she’d see me at their party or come check on me the next day. The days passed slowly until I boarded the bus. I was excited. What if it was Lux? What if it wasn’t? Would he be excited to see me? Would he be mad if I intruded? What if he was? Could I handle his rejection a second time? These thoughts swirled until it was time for me to get off the bus. The driver gave me an odd look. It was then I noticed my hands were shaking. I sighed and forced myself to walk down the steps off the bus. I walked a few miles to the office building. I entered and found the girl in the front. I told her, “I have an appointment with Lux Vennox.” She asked, “Are you Katie Karlton?” I nodded. She handed me a visitor badge. She told me, “Take the elevators down the hall to the tenth floor. His office is on the right.” I nodded. My mouth was suddenly dry. My body moved on autopilot. I hit the elevator button somewhat detached. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears. The elevator doors opened. I walked down the hall, and walked into the office. The secretary smiled, “Ms. Karlton, go on in. He’s expecting you.” She inclined her head to the door. Could I do this? I sighed and opened the door. The man behind the desk looked up smiling. My heart shattered. I felt like I could feel it breaking. Tears filled my eyes. I whispered, “I’m sorry. I’ve wasted your time.” The man stood, “Nonsense. Do you have legal matters to discuss?” I shook my head, “No….No. I thought…” I couldn’t stop my tears. Mr. Vennox called, “Beatrice, grab some water.” Beatrice entered the room and helped me to a chair. Mr. Vennox asked, “What’s going on Ms. Karlton?” He handed me a tissue. His secretary gave me some water. She looked worried. I cried, “I’m sorry. I just thought….you might be my brother.” That seemed to surprise them. I quickly explained, “I haven’t seen him in years. I don’t know his last name. I just know his dad used to live in Tennessee. So, I looked up the Lux’s in this area. Not all of them respond, but you did…and I just hoped…you were him.” Mr. Vennox looked sad. He said, “I’m very sorry Mr. Karlton. I’m an only child. You look very familiar. Do I know you?” I knew he wasn’t my brother. I knew the second I saw him. I snorted, “No, you don’t know me.” He frowned, “Your brother’s name is Lux?” I nodded. His eyes narrowed, “And you’re….Katie?” I shrugged, “It’s complicated.” He sat forward, “So, your name is not Katie. Lux is a very old family name in my family.” I smiled, “I always liked the name.” He asked, “Where are your parents? How old are you?” I whispered, “I’m sixteen. I don’t know my dad. My mom is traveling with her new boyfriend.” Now Mr. Vennox looked angry. He asked, “Who is your mother?” I looked up at him surprised. I stuttered, “I should….go…I’m sorry I wasted your time. My mother would kill me if she found out I was looking for Lux.” I stood. Mr. Vennox yelled, “Wait! Your brother….What happened to him? Why haven’t you seen him?” I frowned, “His dad filed for custody. Lux left and never came back….” My voice cracked. I cried, “I never got to say goodbye. He was my constant. You know? Then he was just gone.” How could he know, Odette? His secretary asked, “What about your mother?” I snorted, “She doesn’t really even like me. She wants me to stay with my abusive ex-boyfriend. She’s never around. She doesn’t even want me to live with her when she’s not traveling. Which is rare. She’s always jetting off with some new guy. She’s always had her boyfriend’s paying for a separate apartment for me. After Lux left…I pretty much raised myself. She didn’t even come back when I got kidnapped. She only came back because she didn’t like my friends.” He hissed, “You were kidnapped?!” I clapped a hand over my mouth. I gasped, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I said that.” His secretary interjected, “Since you did….who kidnapped you?” I shrugged, “I don’t know. My friend saved me. They were crazy though. They thought they were demons. Can you imagine? Demons?” Both of them exchanged looks. They were angry. Mr. Vennox touched my arm. A noise I could only describe as a whistle came out of both our mouths. Both their heads whipped to me in shock. What was wrong with me? And what was wrong with Mr. Vennox? He made the same sound I did. Mr. Vennox asked, “You’re sixteen?” I nodded. His secretary whispered, “She’s in danger. That’s the only way for that to have happened.” What to have happened? What was going on? I frowned, “I’m fine. I’ve taken up enough of your time. I’m sorry.” Mr. Vennox whispered, “Please, wait. Can…can I ask you another question? Beatrice booked you for an hour. You’re not taking up any time I don’t have.” I sighed, “Ok.” He asked, “What do…you think about supernatural’s?” I asked, “The books? I love them….well…loved. I had a lot of books on supernatural’s. My mom was really mad when she found out. She said no daughter of hers would be into that kind of thing. She threw them at me until one hit me in the head. I passed out. When I woke up they were all gone.” Both of them hissed. I shrank back into my chair. I whispered, “I’m sorry.” Beatrice put her hand on Mr. Vennox. He instantly calmed down. He said, “You have nothing to be sorry for. How old were you when your brother’s dad took him?” I whispered, “Five.” Beatrice gasped. I kept talking, “It seems strange, but I somehow remember Lux feeding me as a child. He’d often ask his dad for money so the both of us could eat. I’d swear he bought my formula too, but that’s crazy. I couldn’t remember that.” Mr. Vennox’s voice was tight, “How old was your brother when his father took him away?” I wiped away tears, “He was sixteen.” Mr. Vennox and Beatrice looked at each other. Eventually he said, “If you could wait here, I’d like to buy you dinner. We could all eat it here in the office. You were my last appointment of the day.” Beatrice touched me on the shoulder as she walked by, but I didn’t whistle. At least I was going back to normal. Mr. Vennox studied me. I nodded my agreement to dinner. They both left. I crept to the door. Somehow I could hear them whispering. Mr. Vennox said, “It’s not possible.” Beatrice said, “Clearly, it is. We need to take her home. They need to see her, and we need to find her brother.” My hand flew to my mouth. Why did I ever trust my instincts? Now I’d put Lux in danger. Mr. Vennox asked, “What the hell is Morgana playing at?! How could she not tell her about us? Can you imagine how angry Caspian will be?” Beatrice laughed, “Caspian? He will pale in comparison to Noxus. Can you imagine your song doing this to you?” Mr. Vennox snorted then I heard them kissing. He whispered, “You would never.” My eyes widened. This was bad. They knew my mom. I was going to get in so much trouble. I had to get out of here. I quietly crept to the other door and noiselessly opened it. I crawled back out the main door. I quickly got to the stairwell. I ran as fast I could down the stairs. I ran all the way to the bus station. I’d already gotten my ticket online. My bus wasn’t supposed to leave for a few hours, but one bus was about to leave. I ran to the driver and asked, “Can I get on this bus?” He shook his head no. I grabbed his arm and looked into his eyes. I whispered, “Please.” He looked entranced. He said, “Sure, pretty lady.” I let go of his arm and ran to find a seat. Several buses pulled out at once. Mr. Vennox and Beatrice ran to the bus station. My heart caught in my throat. They hit the side of the bus beside us. Our driver kept going as the other bus stopped. They ran on. I breathed in relief. I was tense the rest of the way home. Who was Caspian? Who was Noxus? Were they going to find Lux before I did? Tears filled my eyes. What if they told my mom I’d come looking? No, that didn’t sound right. They seemed upset with her. Shame filled me. They were mad at her about me. What was a song? I must have misheard them. That didn’t make any sense. I got back and walked around for hours thinking about what I’d done. I had really messed up this time. By the time I made it back to my apartment it was New Year's Day. I opened the door. A worried Kenneth was standing there. He frowned when he saw me. He asked, “Katie….Are you alright?” I nodded. He stood in front of me. He looked me up and down. He asked, “Did someone hurt you?” I shook my head, whispering, “No.” He frowned but helped me up to my apartment. When I closed the door and locked it I slid down my door and sobbed. Why couldn’t I just find my brother? Why did I feel safe with them? Keep your walls up, Odette. People always hurt you. Stop thinking people will be nice to you. Melanie was an exception. Your own mother doesn’t like you. Your father quite possibly doesn’t want you. Your brother doesn’t like you. He’s made himself impossible to find. If he wanted you to, it would be easier. I pushed myself up off the floor and got into my bed.
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