Cinnamon Rolls Pt. 3

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I said, “Back to Thanksgiving.” May looked at Keith with a warning in her eyes. Keith said, “Maybe we talk about that later, Keaton.” I growled, “Someone tell me before I link Immy and ask her. Or Lee.” May sighed, “Her ex attacked her.” I snarled, “WHAT?!” Keith grabbed me. He said, “She’s fine. She’s here. Let’s go to the cafeteria. That’s where she is. You can see her and calm down.” I muttered, “I hope her ex shows up here. I’ll turn him into minced meat. I don’t give a s**t what he is. He’s dead. He hurt her.” Keith said, “Me too actually. No one hurts my siblings mates and gets away with it.” We all walked to the cafeteria. More students were here now. That made sense, we had thirty minutes before classes started. I spotted Katie the second I walked in. She smiled slightly at me. Immy turned and practically gloated. Channing was purring. I heard a low growl before I was punched in the face. It was a weak punch. It knocked me out of my staring contest with Katie. I growled and turned to a red faced Lisa. I asked her, “Are you insane?!” She yelled, “YOU CHEATED ON ME!” Oh hell no. I said, “No, I didn't, we aren't together.” She hissed, “You kissed someone else!” I said, “Currently your actual boyfriend is holding you back from trying to hit me again. We broke up, Lisa.” Lisa hissed, “We are not over.” I snorted, “We are beyond over.” Justin and Lisa looked at me in shock. Everyone in our pack gasped. I told her, “Walk away, Lisa. We are over. Done. This back and forth we do is never happening again.” Lisa started to sob. Everyone from our pack groaned. She said, “Keaton…please.” Her tears didn’t even move me at all this time. All I could think about was Katie. I didn’t want her to think I was a cheater. I wasn’t. I growled, “Please what?” Lisa cried, “You can’t be done. We can’t be done.” I snorted, “I can and I am. There is no we, and there never will be again.” I heard several people gasp again. Lisa looked at me. She wiped her tears, and went to touch my arm. I backed away from her. I looked for Katie, but she wasn’t anywhere to be found. I growled, “Go away, Lisa.” Immy was still in her seat. I linked her, “Where is Katie?” Immy looked across from her then frowned. She quickly texted Katie from her phone. She waited several minutes for an answer. I wasn’t waiting. I let Channing come forward. Her scent was outside the main office, but I could tell she wasn’t there. I went back by her locker, but again she was gone. Immy linked me, “She’s in our first period.” I didn’t bother asking where that was because I was smelling her scent so strongly outside the classroom I was currently at the door of. I opened the door. Katie looked up, surprised. She looked like she had been crying. My heart felt like it was being ripped out my chest. Why did she cry? Before I could say anything a voice came over the intercom, “Keaton Daniels and Lisa Kipner to the front office. Keaton Daniels and Lisa Kipner to the front office.” Katie offered me a soft smile. I turned to leave. Katie whispered, “Are you ok, Key?” I turned around, “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” She stood up and gently touched my face. I barely stopped myself from moaning at her touch. She whispered, “Sorry. I always feel sparks when I touch you. It must be very statically charged here. Your eye might bruise from where she hit you.” I laughed, “I barely felt it. It’s not going to bruise, trust me.” I leaned forward and inhaled her scent. I whispered, “I’ll see you later.” She looked up into my eyes. She whispered, “Ok.” I squeezed her hand and left the classroom. Immy was outside the classroom. She didn’t say anything, but she was beaming. She made a heart with her fingers. I rolled my eyes at her and made tracks to the front office. Keith was waiting outside. I asked, “Did you get called in too?” Keith said, “Yeah….so Mom and Dad are on the way.” I asked, “Why?” Keith sighed, “We go to school with humans, Keaton.” I asked, “So?” We walked into the office. Lisa glared at me. I asked, “What is your problem?” The principal’s assistant ushered me into an office before she could reply. We waited ten minutes before our parents arrived. With Emmett and Alexandria. Oh s**t. I immediately stated, “I didn’t do anything.” The principal came into the office with Lisa and her parents. He sat behind his desk. He said, “This school has a zero tolerance on violence and bullying. It was reported to the administration that an altercation took place in the cafeteria this morning. There were videos and multiple witness statements.” Oh s**t. The principal said, “Lisa, you are being given in school suspension, and you will be attending anger management classes.” Lisa yelled, “That’s not fair!” The principal said, “Be glad you are not expelled. Do not ever strike a student in this school again.” My mom said, “I’m sorry. We just got a call that there was a situation with our son, and we needed to come. Are you saying Lisa hit Keaton?” The principal said, “She punched him in the face and screamed at him about cheating on her. In front of a cafeteria full of students. After it was initially reported, we called in several students to confirm. Everyone had the same story which doesn’t often happen, but they all said the same thing. Several had a video. Miss Kipner, report to in school suspension. Get out of my office.” Emmett sent her a withering look as she left. Alexandria was no better. Her parents looked mortified. They got up and left quickly. The principal turned to me. He sat back in his chair. He said, “It’s my understanding you and Miss Kipner were in a relationship.” I said, “Key word there is were. We broke up.” The principal nodded, “I want you to speak with your counselor twice a week.” I asked, “What? Why?” The principal said, “Because I’m worried you were in a physically abusive relationship. Talking to someone can’t hurt. I can’t make you do that at home, but my assistant looked up your schedule. You have a free period. That period is now filled with your counselor on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please know this office is open to you at any time. If you do not feel safe with Miss Kipner on the premises we can expel her.” I told him, “That’s not necessary.” Lisa didn’t scare me. I was going to tell Emmett when I got home she hit me. I sighed, “Alright.” He gave me my new schedule, and a pass to class. My dad said, “I’d like to speak to my son outside before we leave.” God. The principal nodded, “Of course.” Keith linked me, “You’re in trouble.” I linked back, “I didn’t do anything!” I was literally minding my own business. We all walked outside in silence. The second we were far enough away no one could hear us. My mom exploded, “That AWFUL horrendous b***h! She hit our son, Chase. OUR SON! She punched him!” My dad growled, “I know sweetheart.” Emmett growled, “What the f**k Keaton?!” I said, “I was going to tell you when I got home.” Emmett said, “You link me or text me when that s**t happens. Especially when it’s around f*****g humans!” Keith linked, “I think Katie told the office, Keaton.” I was not bringing her into this. Emmett asked, “How the f**k did Lisa get the drop on you? You just spent half the year training.” Alexandria touched Emmett’s arm. I told him, “I wasn’t paying attention to her.” Emmett snorted, “Clearly.” My dad spoke, “Emmett.” Emmett said, “No, no Emmett’s with that tone. She never should’ve been able to land a hit on him.” I understood the real problem here. I told him, “Emmett. It didn’t even hurt. I barely felt it. There’s nothing for Channing to heal. I’m ok.” Emmett huffed, “Fine.” He gave me a hug. He linked, “If you let anyone land a hit on you the rest of the school year I’ll have you running so many laps it won’t even be funny.” I laughed, “Alright.” My dad asked, “How did she manage to hit you?” Keith snorted. My mom asked, “What?” I sighed, “I was…looking at the new girl.” Alexandria started laughing. My dad asked, “To clarify, you got punched in the face because you were checking out the new girl?” Emmett muttered, “I hope she’s pretty.” I answered, “She’s stunning.” Keith joined, “She is pretty. She’s just his type. Actually, she’ll be a lot of people’s types.” I growled at him in our link. My mom asked, “Do you like her Keaton?” I decided to go with being honest, “I do. I’m going to date her.” All their eyebrows raised. Keith linked me, “Subtle, little bro.” My mom again asked a question, “Is that Immy’s new friend?” I nodded. My dad asked, “Anything else you want to share, Keaton?” I said, “No.” All of them frowned. Emmett said, “Well, I need you in my office right after school.” I winced, “I’m pretty sure I’ll be busy. Immy promised Katie that I’d give her driving lessons. I can’t make Immy break a promise.” My dad raised an eyebrow. Keith linked, “That was smooth. Possibly too smooth for the old man and our brother.” I didn’t break eye contact with Emmett. He said, “Fine. After dinner.” Channing pouted in my head. I wanted to spend time with Katie. I could still convince her to have dinner with me. I nodded. My mom hugged me then walked to their car. My dad said, “I’m going to have to convince her not to put on her BA mask and shoot Lisa full of arrows. Not even for the first time. I’m going to have to call your uncle this time.” I said, “Hey, I was minding my own business.” Alexandria chuckled, “Ogling the new girl.” I blushed. Emmett’s eyebrows raised again. I said, “Well, Keith and I have a class to get to that we are insanely late for. See you guys at home.” Emmett yelled, “Don’t get in fights around humans!” I yelled back, “Wasn’t a fight.” Emmett snorted. Keith said, “I mean. It was.” I glared at him. Keith linked me, “They suspect.” I told him, “Suspecting is not knowing.” Keith groaned, “This is going to be the worst kept secret of all time.” I shrugged. We had gotten to class in time for the bell to ring. I barely handed the teacher our pass. We left and went to the next one. The pack link was buzzing. Not that Lisa hit me or that she was currently in ISS. No, they were buzzing with the fact that I was single. I looked at Keith who was trying not to laugh. I sighed, “Can’t they talk about you and May?” Keith said, “Evidently not.” May was in our next class. Keith kissed her in the hall and only a finally went out through the pack link. They were back to me being single. I caught a whiff of Katie’s scent and looked around. I spotted her with Immy. I started to walk towards her when a girl stood in my path. She was human. She blushed, “Umm Hi Keaton.” I said, “Hi.” She said, “So I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime.” Oh f**k me. I said, “Umm….” She quickly added, “As friends. It’s a big group thing.” I reiterated, “As friends. Sure.” She smiled, “You could even bring your friends.” I nodded, “Sure.” I looked again for Katie. She was further down the hallway. She walked into a classroom. Immy linked me asking, “Did you turn that girl down?” I linked, “It’s a friend's thing. Not a date. It’s a group of people.” Immy replied, “I think Katie heard you. I couldn’t hear your answer, but she was really upset then smiled before we walked into class.” Alright. So she had good hearing. That ruled out some things. Though I already knew she wasn’t a fairy of any kind. I’d been around enough of them. Hood was already out since I’d know that too. I was pretty sure she wasn’t a Hackura. I hadn’t been around many demons. Keith snapped me out of my inner dialog. He said, “We’ve got to get to class. You’re just staring at a classroom door.” I walked with him to our next class. Channing was restless because we didn’t see Katie the rest of the day. I linked Keith, “This is the longest day of all time.” I linked Immy, “Where am I meeting you for driving lessons?” Immy replied, “Where do you think? The abandoned parking lot where the old skating rink is. You’re slipping Keaton.” I rolled my eyes. The second the bell rang I was out of my seat and to my truck. Keith linked, “No, no, don’t worry. May and I will get a ride home.” I linked, “I’m sorry…I just need to see her.” Keith snorted, “Not to state the obvious, but she’s here somewhere.” She was with Immy. Immy was always out of school the second it ended. I linked Bryce, “Can you give Keith and May a ride home?” Bryce answered, “Of course.” I linked Keith, “Bryce is going to give you guys a ride.” Keith might have replied but I blocked him out. I stopped at a convenience store my brother Emmett owned. I jumped out and grabbed a ton of snacks. Channing asked, “What are we doing?” I told him, “I don’t know what snacks she likes. So we are getting a ton of them. Then we will learn what she likes.” The pack member at the counter was clearly confused, but rang up all my items and charged them to my account here. I quickly left and jumped in my truck. I got to the old parking lot and waited to see my mate again. This whole her not knowing who she was to me deal was going to suck. I needed to figure out what she was, and figure out how to break this all to her. I just needed to ease into this because I can’t lose her. I won’t lose her. Channing agreed with me. My heart began to pick up as Immy and Katie walked into the parking lot. I groaned, “i***t! I should’ve given them a ride.” I quickly jumped out of my truck and smiled broadly at Katie. She was truly stunning and mine. Oh Lisa, Lisa....Frank and the Daniels have their eye on you. Lexi is mad. Why does Odette/Katie call Keaton, Key? Do you think she'll tell him her real name? Did she tell the front office about the fight? All the questions :) Join my F B group the Ribbon Novels if you want to discuss with us, and stay in the know about things.
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